Employment Based Vicarious
Employment Based Vicarious
Employment Based Vicarious
vs. and Avila and their employer Grandeur, The RTC ordered them to jointly and severally pay petitioners the
ORICO DOCTOLERO, ROMEO A VILA, charging the latter with negligence in the following: ₱344,898.73 as actual damages; ₱360,000.00 as lost
GRANDEUR SECURITY AND SERVICES selection and supervision of its employees. income; ₱20,000.00 as school expenses; ₱300,000.00 as moral
CORPORATION, and MAKATI CINEMA They likewise impleaded MCS on the damages; ₱100,000.00 as exemplary damages; ₱75,000.00 as
SQUARE, Respondents. ground that it was negligent in getting attorney's fees; and costs of suit. 13 The trial thereafter continued
DECISION Grandeur's services. In their complaint, with respect to Grandeur and MCS.
JARDELEZA, J.: petitioners prayed that respondents be On April 15, 2005, the RTC rendered a
This is a petition for review ordered, jointly and severally, to pay them decision dismissing the complaint against
on certiorari 1 under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court actual, moral, and exemplary damages, MCS. It, however, held Grandeur solidarily
challenging the Decision2 dated July 25, 2008 and the
attorney's fees and litigation 8 costs. liable with respondents Doctolero and
Resolution3 dated December 5, 2008 of the Court of Appeals (CA)
Respondents Doctolero and Avila failed to Avila. According to the RTC, Grandeur was
in CA-G.R. CV No. 88101.
file an answer despite service of summons unable to prove that it exercised the
The case arose from an altercation between upon them. Thus, they were declared in diligence of a good father of a family in
respondent Orico Doctolero (Doctolero ), a default in an Order dated December 12, the supervision of its employees because it
security guard of respondent Grandeur 1997.9 failed to prove strict implementation of its
Security and Services Corporation For its part, Grandeur asserted that it rules, regulations, guidelines, issuances
(Grandeur) and petitioners John E.R. Reyes exercised the required diligence in the and instructions, and to monitor consistent
(John) and Mervin Joseph Reyes (Mervin) selection and supervision of its employees. compliance by respondents. 14
in the parking area of respondent Makati It likewise averred that the shooting On September 19, 2005, upon Grandeur's
Cinema Square (MCS).4 incident was caused by the unlawful motion for reconsideration, the RTC issued
Grandeur advances a different version, one aggression of petitioners who took an Order modifying its April 15, 2005
based on the Initial Report 6 conducted by advantage of their "martial arts" skills. 10 Decision, to wit:
Investigator Cosme Giron. While Doctolero was on duty at the
On the other hand, MCS contends that it WHEREFORE, premises considered, the
ramp of the exit driveway of MCS's basement parking, John took
cannot be held liable for damages simply Motion for Reconsideration is
over the left lane and insisted entry through the basement
because of its ownership of the premises hereby GRANTED, and the decision dated
parking's exit driveway. Knowing that this is against traffic rules,
where the shooting incident occurred. It 15 April 2005 is hereby modified, as
Doctolero stopped John, prompting the latter to alight from his
argued that the injuries sustained by follows:
vehicle and confront Doctolero. With his wife unable to pacify him,
petitioners were caused by the acts of The Court renders judgment in favor of
John punched and kicked Doctolero, hitting the latter on his left
respondents Doctolero and Avila, for whom plaintiffs finding defendants Orico
face and stomach. Doctolero tried to step back to avoid his
respondent Grandeur should be solely Doctolero and [Romeo] Avila liable for
aggressor but John persisted, causing Doctolero to draw his
responsible. It further argued that the negligence and to pay plaintiffs, the
service firearm and fire a warning shot. John ignored this and
carpark was, at that time, being managed following amounts:
continued his attack.
by Park Asia Philippines and MCS had no 1. [P]344,898. 73 as actual damages;
He caught up with Doctolero and wrestled control over the carpark when the shooting 2. [P]360,000.00 as the reasonable lost
with him to get the firearm. This caused the incident occurred on January 26, 1996. It (sic) or income and P20,000.00 in the form
gun to fire off and hit John's leg. Mervin likewise denied liability for the items lost in or tuition fees, books, and other school
then ran after Doctolero but was shot on petitioners' vehicle. 11 incidental expenses;
the stomach by security guard Avila. 7 3. [P]300,000 as moral damages;
4. [P] 100,000.00 as exemplary damages; clients. In this regard, the RTC cited to seminars which Grandeur attached to its
5. [P]75,000.00 as attorney's fees; Grandeur's standard operational motion for reconsideration can be
6. costs of suit. procedures, as testified to by Ungui, which considered as they are related to the
The Court, however, orders include: (1) daily marking before the testimonial evidence adduced during
the DISMISSAL of the complaint filed security guards are posted; (2) post-to- trial. 20
against defendants Grandeur Security and post station conducted by the branch Finally, the CA rejected petitioners'
Services Corporation and supervisor and vice-supervisor; (3) round argument that MCS should be held liable as
[MCS].1âwphi1 It is likewise ordered the the clock inspection by the company indirect employers of respondents.
Dismissal or both the Counterclaims filed inspector to determine the efficiency and According to the CA, the concept of indirect
by defendants Grandeur Security and fulfilment by the security guards of their employer only relates to the liability for
Services Corp., and [MCS] for the right to respective duties; (4) a monthly area unpaid wages and, as such, finds no
litigate is the price we pay in a civil society. formation conducted by the operation application to this case involving "imputed
SO ORDERED. 15 (Emphasis in the original.) officer; (5) a quarterly area formation negligence" under Article 2180 of the Civil
In reconsidering its Decision, the RTC held conducted by the operation officer; (6) a Code. It held that the lack of employer-
that it re-evaluated the facts and the general formation conducted every six employee relationship between
attending circumstances of the present months by the president, vice-president, respondents Doctolero and Avila and
case and was convinced that Grandeur has operation officer and HRD head; (7) a respondent MCS bars petitioners' claim
sufficiently overcome the presumption of yearly neuro-psychiatric test; (8) a special against MCS for the former's acts. [[21]
negligence. It gave credence to the seminar conducted every two years; (9) re- Petitioners filed a motion for
testimony of Grandeur's witness, Eduardo training course also held every two years; reconsideration which the CA denied in its
Ungui, the head of the Human Resources and (10) monthly briefing or orientation to Resolution dated December 5, 2008.22
Department (HRD) of Grandeur, as regards those security guards who committed Hence, the present petition.
the various procedures in its selection from violations. 17 The RTC likewise gave weight to the The sole issue for the consideration of this
and hiring of security guards. Ungui memorandum/certificates submitted by Grandeur as proof of its
Court is whether Grandeur and MCS may
testified that Grandeur's hiring procedure diligence in the supervision of the actual work performances of its
be held vicariously liable for the damages
included, among others, several rounds of employees. 18
caused by respondents Doctolero and Avila
interview, submission of various clearances Petitioners assailed the RTC Order dated to petitioners John and Mervin Reyes.
from different government agencies, such September 19, 2005 before the CA. We deny the petition.
as the NBI clearance and PNP clearance, The CA dismissed petitioners' appeal and Petitioner contends that MCS should be
undergoing neuro-psychiatric affirmed the RTC's Order. It agreed that held liable for the negligence of
examinations, drug testing and physical Grandeur was able to prove with respondents Avila and Doctolero. According
examinations, attending pre-licensing preponderant evidence that it observed the to petitioners, since the act or omission
training and seminars, securing a security degree of diligence required in both complained of took place in the vicinity of
license, and undergoing on the job training selection and supervision of its security MCS, it is liable for all damages which are
for seven days. 16 guards. 19 the natural and probable consequences of
Furthermore, the RTC held that Grandeur The CA likewise rejected petitioners' the act or omission complained of. They
was able to show that it observed diligence arguments against the additional evidence reasoned that MCS hired the services of
of a good father of the family during the belatedly adduced by Grandeur in support Grandeur, whose employees (the security
existence of the employment when it of its motion for reconsideration before the guards), in turn, committed harmful acts
conducted regular and close supervision of RTC. It ruled that the additional that caused the damages suffered by
its security guards assigned to various memoranda and certificate of attendance petitioners. MCS should thus be declared as
joint tortfeasor with Grandeur and vicarious liability under Article 2180 of the Civil Code cannot apply
Avila, and second, that after hiring
respondent security guards. 23 as against BSP. 31 Similarly, we find no employer-employee
Doctolero and Avila, Grandeur had
We cannot agree. MCS is not liable to relationship between MCS and respondent guards. The guards
exercised due diligence
petitioners. were merely assigned by Grandeur to secure MCS' premises
in supervising them.
As a general rule, one is only responsible pursuant to their Contract of Guard Services. Thus, MCS cannot be
In Metro Manila Transit Corporation v.
for his own act or omission. 24 This general rule is held vicariously liable for damages caused by these guards' acts
Court of Appeals, we held:
laid down in Article 2176 of the Civil Code, which provides: or omissions.
On the matter of selection of
Art. 2176. Whoever by act or omission Neither can it be said that a principal- employees, Campo vs. Camarote, supra,
causes damage to another, there being agency relationship existed between MCS lays down this admonition:
fault or negligence, is obliged to pay for the and Grandeur. Section 8 of the Contract for x x x In order that the owner of a vehicle
damage clone. Such fault or negligence, if Guard Services between them explicitly may be considered as having exercised all
there is no pre-existing contractual relation states: diligence of a good father of a family, he
between the parties, is called a quasi-delict 8. LIABILITY TO GUARDS AND THIRD should not have been satisfied with the
and is governed by the provisions or this PARTIES mere possession of a professional driver's
Chapter. The SECURITY COMPANY is NOT an agent license; he should have carefully
The law, however, provides for exceptions or employees (sic) of the CLIENT and the examined the applicant for
when it makes certain persons liable for the guards to be assigned by the SECURITY employment as to his qualifications,
act or omission of another.1âwphi1 One COMP ANY to the CLIENT are in no sense his experience and record of
exception is an employer who is made employees of the latter as they arc for all service. These steps appellant failed to
vicariously liable for the tort committed by intents and purposes under contract with observe; he has therefore, failed to
his employee under paragraph 5 of Article the SECURITY COMPANY. Accordingly, the exercise all due diligence required of a
2180.25 Here, although the employer is not the actual CLIENT shall not be responsible for any and good father of a family in the choice or
tortfeasor, the law makes him vicariously liable on the basis of the
all claims for personal injury or death that selection of driver.
civil law principle of paterfamilias for failure to exercise due care
arises of or in the course of the Due diligence in the supervision of
and vigilance over the acts of one's subordinates to prevent
performance of guard duties. 32 (Emphasis in the employees, on the other hand, includes the
damage to another.26 original.)
formulation of suitable rules and
It must be stressed, however, that the II regulations for the guidance of employees
above rule is applicable only if there is an On the other hand, paragraph 5 of Article and the issuance of proper instructions
employer-employee relationship. 27 This 218033 of the Civil Code may be applicable to Grandeur, it intended for the protection of the public
employer-employee relationship cannot be presumed but must be being undisputed that respondent guards were its employees.
and persons with whom the employer has
sufficiently proven by the plaintiff.28 The plaintiff must also show When the employee causes damage due to his own negligence
relations through his or its employees and
that the employee was acting within the scope of his assigned task while performing his own duties, there arises the Juris
the imposition of necessary disciplinary
when the tort complained of was committed. It is only then that tantum presumption that the employer is negligent, rebuttable
measures upon employees in case of
the defendant, as employer, may find it necessary to interpose the only by proof of observance of the diligence of a good father of a
breach or as may be warranted to ensure
defense of due diligence in the selection and supervision family. 34 The "diligence of a good father" referred to in the last
the performance of acts indispensable to
of 29 employees. paragraph of Article 2180 means diligence in the selection and
the business of and beneficial to their
In Mamaril v. The Boy Scout of the supervision of employees. 35
employer. To this, we add that actual
Philippines,30 we found that there was no employer-
To rebut the presumption of negligence, implementation and monitoring of
employee relationship between Boy Scout of the Philippines (BSP)
Grandeur must prove two things: first, that consistent compliance with said rules
and the security guards assigned to it by an agency pursuant to a
it had exercised due diligence in should be the constant concern of the
Guard Service Contract. In the absence of such relationship,
the selection of respondents Doctolero and employer, acting through dependable
supervisors who should regularly report on diligence of a good father of a family in 9. The applicant then undergoes a
their supervisory functions. 36 (Emphasis supplied; the selection and hiring of its security probationary period of six months after
citations omitted.)
guards. As testified to by its HRD head which the employee automatically becomes
In the earlier case of Central Taxicab Corp. Ungui, and corroborated by documentary regular upon meeting the company
v. Ex-Meralco Employees Transportation evidence including clearances from various standards. 41
Co.,37 the Court held that there was no hard-and-fast rule on government agencies, certificates, and Unlike in the aforecited MMTC cases, the
the quantum of evidence needed to prove due observance of all
favorable test results in medical and evidence presented by Grandeur consists
the diligence of a good father of a family as would constitute a
psychiatric examinations, Grandeur's not only in the testimony of its HRD head
valid defense to the legal presumption of negligence on the part of
selection and hiring procedure was outlined but also by documentary evidence showing
an employer or master whose employee has, by his negligence,
as follows: respondents Doctolero's and Avila's
caused damage to another. Jurisprudence nevertheless shows that
1. Initial screening; compliance with the above hiring and
testimonial evidence, without more, is insufficient to meet the
2. Submission of personal bio-data; selection process consisting of their
required quantum of proof.38
3. Submission of the following documents respective: (1) private security
In Metro Manila Transit Corporation v. and clearances: (1) NBI Clearance; (2) licenses; 42 (2) NBI Clearances;43 (3) Medical
Court of Appeals, the Court found that PDICE Clearance; (3) Barangay Clearance; Certificates; 44 (4) Police Clearances; 45 (5) Certificate of Live
"[p]etitioner's attempt to prove (4) PNP Clearance; (5) Birth Certificate; (6) Birth46/Certification issued by the Local Civil Registrar
its diligentissimi patris familias in the High School Diploma/Transcript/College appertaining to date of birth; 47 (6) Certificates issued by the
selection and supervision of Diploma; (7) Reserved Officers Training Safety Vocational and Training Center for satisfactory completion
employees through oral evidence must Corps or Citizens Army Training ce1iificate; of the Pre-Licensing Training Course;48 (7) High School
fail as it was unable to buttress the same (8) Court Clearances; and (9) resignation Diplomas;49 (8) SSS Personal Data Records;50 (9) Barangay
with any other evidence, object or or clearance from previous employment; Clearances;51 (10) Court Clearance; 52 (11) Neuro-psychiatric
documentary, which might obviate the 4. Pre-licensing training (15 days or 150 result issued by Goodwill Medical Center, Inc. for Doctolero's pre-
apparent biased nature of the hours) for those without experience or pre- employment screening as Security Guard 53 /Evaluation Report by
testimony."39 There, the supposed training course (56 hours) for applicants Office Chief Surgeon Army, Headquarters, Phil. Army, Fort
clearances, results of seminars and tests with working experience as security guard; Bonifacio Metro-Manila for Avila showing an above-average result
which Leonardo allegedly submitted and 5. Undergo neuro-psychiatric examination, and no psychotic ideations;54 (12) Certification from Varsitarian
complied with were never presented in drug testing and physical examination; Security and Investigation Agency, Inc. that Doctolero has been
court despite the fact that, if true, then 6. Submit and secure a security license employed with said agency; 55 (13) Ce1iificate issued by Cordova
they were obviously in the possession and before being given an application form; High School showing that Doctolero had completed the
control of Metro Manila Transit Corporation 7. Series of Interviews by Grandeur's requirements of the courts of Institution in Citizen Army Training-
(MMTC). Subsequently, in a different case Recruiting Officer, Personnel Clerk, Head of I ; 56 (14) Certification by Grandeur that Doctolero has submitted
also involving MMTC, the Court held that Human Resources Department, Operation the requirements for his application for the post of Security
"in a trial involving the issue of vicarious Department or Security Officer, Senior Guard. 57 Thus, we agree with the RTC and CA's evaluation that
liability, employers must submit concrete Security Officer, Chief Security Officer, Grandeur was able to satisfactorily prove that it had exercised due
proof, including documentary Assistant Vice President for Operations, diligence in the selection of respondents Doctolero and Avila.
evidence." 40 Assistant Vice President for Accounting, Once evidence is introduced showing that
A and recommending approval by the Vice the employer exercised the required
Here, both the R TC and the CA found that President and the President. amount of care in selecting its employees,
Grandeur was able to sufficiently prove, 8. The applicant undergoes on-the-job half of the employer's burden is
through testimonial and documentary training (OJT) for seven days assigned in overcome.58
evidence, that it had exercised the the field or within Grandeur's office; and B
The question of diligent supervision,
however, depends on the circumstances of
employment.1âwphi1 Ordinarily, evidence
demonstrating that the employer has
exercised diligent supervision of its
employee during the performance of the
latter's assigned tasks would be enough to
relieve him of the liability imposed by
Article 2180 in relation to Article 2176 of
the Civil Code 59
Here, Grandeur's HRD head, Ungui,
likewise testified on Grandeur's standard
operational procedures, showing the
means by which Grandeur conducts close
and regular supervision over the security
guards assigned to their various
clients. 60 Grandeur also submitted as evidence certificates of
facts of substance and value, that, if In their Reply,21 petitioners add that while
considered, might affect the result of the Petitioners' Arguments some of the issues raised in the Petition are
case, or where the assessment is clearly factual in nature, this Court must review
shown to be arbitrary. Plaintiffs-appellants Petitioners insist that respondents should the case as the CA gravely erred in its
have not shown this case to fall under the be held liable for Bicomong's negligence appreciation of the evidence and in
exception. under Articles 2176, 2180, and 2185 of the concluding that respondents are not liable.
Finally, they argue that URC should be held caused by the vehicle on the public
liable for allowing "a non-employee to use chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary highways, responsibility therefor can be
for his personal use the vehicle owned" by The resolution of this case must fixed on a definite individual, the registered
it. consider two (2) rules. First, Article owner.'
2180's specification that '[e]mployers
Respondents' Arguments shall be liable for the damages caused x x x x
by their employees ... acting within the
Pleading affirmance, respondents argue in scope of their assigned tasks [.]' Aguilar, Sr. v. Commercial Savings
their Comment22 that the issues raised in Second, the operation of the Bank26 recognized the seeming conflict
the Petition are factual in nature; that the registered-owner rule that registered between Article 2180 and the registered-
collision occurred on a holiday and while owners are liable for death or injuries owner rule and applied the latter.
Bicomong was. using the URC van for a caused by the operation of their
purely personal purpose, it should be. Vehicles. x x x x
sufficient to absolve respondents of liability
as evidently, Bicomong was not performing These rules appear to be in conflict when it Preference for the registered-owner rule
his official duties on that day; that the comes to cases in which the employer is became more pronounced in Del Carmen,
totality of the evidence indicates that it was also the registered owner of a vehicle. Jr. v. Bacoy:27chanrobleslaw
Sayson who was negligent in the operation Article 2180 requires proof of two things:
of Greenstar's bus when the collision first, an employment relationship between x x x x
occurred; that Bicomong was not negligent the driver and the owner; and second, that
in driving the URC van; that petitioners' the driver acted within the scope of his or Filcar Transport Services v.
objection - pertaining to their defense that her assigned tasks. On the other hand, Espinas28 stated that the registered owner
the collision occurred on a holiday, when applying the registered-owner rule only of a vehicle can no longer use the defenses
Bicomong was not considered to be at work requires the plaintiff to prove that the found in Article 2180:
- was belatedly raised; and that in any defendant-employer is the registered
case, under Section 5, Rule 10 of the 1997 owner of the vehicle. chanRoblesvirtualLawlibraryx x x x
Rules,23 their pleadings should be deemed
amended to conform to the evidence The registered-owner rule was articulated Mendoza v. Spouses Gomez29 reiterated
presented at the trial, which includes proof as early as 1957 in Erezo, et al. v. this doctrine.
that the accident occurred on a holiday and Jepte,25cralawred where this court
while Bicomong was not in the performance explained that the registration of motor However, Aguilar, Sr., Del Carmen,
of his official tasks and instead going home vehicles, as required by Section 5(a) of Filcar, and Mendoza should not be taken to
to his family in Quezon province. Republic Act No. 41365 the and mean that Article 2180 of the Civil Code
Our Ruling Transportation and Traffic Code, was should be completely discarded in cases
necessary 'not to make said registration where the registered-owner rule finds
The Court denies the Petition. the operative act by which ownership in application.
vehicles is transferred, ... but to permit the
In Caravan Travel and Tours International, use and operation of the vehicle upon any As acknowledged in Filcar, there is no
Inc. v. Abejar,24 the Court made the public highway[.]' Its 'main aim ... is to categorical statutory pronouncement in the
following relevant pronouncement: identify the owner so that if any accident Land Transportation and Traffic Code
happens, or that any damage or injury is stipulating the liability of a registered
owner. The source of a registered owner's to show that no liability under Article that on the day of the collision -or on
liability is not a distinct statutory provision, 2180 has arisen. February 25, 2003 - URC was the
but remains to be Articles 2176 and 2180 registered owner of the URC van, although
of the Civil Code: This disputable presumption, insofar as the it appears that it was designated for use by
registered owner of the vehicle in relation NURC, as it was officially assigned to the
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary to the actual driver is concerned, latter's Logistics Manager, Florante Soro-
While Republic Act No. 4136 or the Land recognizes that between the owner and the Soro (Soro-Soro); that Bicomong was the
Transportation and Traffic Code does not victim, it is the former that should carry the Operations Manager of NURC and assigned
contain any provision on the liability of costs of moving forward with the evidence. to the First Cavite Industrial Estate; that
registered owners in case of motor vehicle The victim is, in many cases, a hapless there was no work as the day was declared
mishaps, Article 2176, in relation with pedestrian or motorist with hardly any a national holiday; that Bicomong was on
Article 2180, of the Civil Code imposes an means to uncover the employment his way home to his family in Quezon
obligation upon Filcar, as registered owner, relationship of the owner and the driver, or province; that the URC van was not
to answer for the damages caused to any act that the owner may have done in assigned to Bicompng as well, but solely for
Espinas' car. relation to that employment. Soro-Soro's official use; that the company
Thus, it is imperative to apply the service vehicle officially assigned to
registered-owner rule in a manner that The registration of the vehicle, on the other Bicomong was a Toyota Corolla, which he
harmonizes it with Articles 2176 and 2180 hand, is accessible to the public. left at the Cavite plant and instead, he used
of the Civil Code. Rules must be construed the URC van; and that other than the
in a manner that will harmonize them with Here, respondent presented a copy of the Cavite plant, there is no other NURC plant
other rules so as to form a uniform and Certificate of Registration of the van that in the provinces of Quezon, Laguna or
consistent system of jurisprudence. In light hit Reyes. The Certificate attests to Bicol.
of this, the words used in Del Carmen are petitioner's ownership of the van.
particularly notable. There, this court Petitioner itself did not dispute its Applying the above pronouncement in
stated that Article 2180 'should defer to' ownership of the van. Consistent with the the Caravan Travel and Tours case, it must
the registered-owner rule. It never stated rule we have just stated, a presumption be said that when by evidence the
that Article 2180 should be totally that the requirements of Article 2180 have ownership of the van and Bicomong's
abandoned. been satisfied arises. It is now up to employment were proved, the presumption
petitioner to establish that it incurred no of negligence on respondents' part
Therefore, the appropriate approach is liability under Article 2180. This it can do attached, as the registered owner of the
that in cases where both the by presenting proof of any of the van. and as Bicomong's employer. Hie
registered-owner rule and Article following: first, that it had no burden of proof then shifted to respondents
2180 apply, the plaintiff must first employment relationship with to show that no liability under Article 2180
establish that the employer is the Bautista; second, that Bautista acted arose. This may be done by proof of any of
registered owner of the vehicle in outside the scope of his assigned the following:
question. Once the plaintiff tasks; or third, that it exercised the
successfully proves ownership, there diligence of a good father of a family in chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
arises a disputable presumption that the selection and supervision of 1. That they had no employment
the requirements of Article 2180 have Bautista. (Emphasis supplied) relationship with Bicomong; or
been proven. As a consequence, the
burden of proof shifts to the defendant In the present case, it has been established 2. That Bicomong acted outside the scope
of his assigned tasks; or the court on the basis of such evidence given the circumstances and information
which may embody new issues not raised that he had immediately prior to the
3. That they exercised the diligence of a in the pleadings, or serve as a basis for a accident. From the trial court's findings and
good father of a family in the selection and higher award of damages. Although the evidence on record, it would appear that
supervision of Bicomong. pleading may not have been amended to immediately prior to the collision, which
conform to the evidence submitted during took place very early in the morning - or at
In denying liability, respondents claimed in trial, judgment may nonetheless be around 6:50 a.m., Sayson saw that the
their respective answers the defense of rendered, not simply on the basis of the URC van was traveling fast Quezon-bound
absence of negligence on their part. During issues alleged but also on the basis of on the shoulder of the opposite lane about
trial, they presented evidence to the effect issues discussed and the assertions of fact 250 meters away from him; that at this
that on the day of the collision, which was proved in the course of trial. The court may point, Sayson was driving the Greenstar
a declared national non-working holiday, treat the pleading as if it had been bus Manila-bound at 60 kilometers per
Bicomong was not perforating Ms work, but amended to conform to the evidence, hour; that Sayson knew that the URC van
was on his way home to Quezon on a although it had not been actually so was traveling fast as it was creating dust
personal undertaking, that is, to give amended, x x x30 clouds from traversing the shoulder of the
money to his daughter and spend the opposite lane; that Sayson saw the URC
holiday with his family; and that the vehicle Respondents succeeded in overcoming the van get back into its proper lane but
he was driving was not an NURC vehicle, presumption of negligence, having shown directly toward him; that despite being
nor was it assigned to him, but was that when the collision took place, apprised of the foregoing information,
registered to URC and assigned to its Bicomong was not in the performance of Sayson, instead of slowing down,
Logistics Manager, Soro-Soro, Petitioners his work; that he was in possession of a maintained his speed and tried to swerve
object to this, claiming that this defense service vehicle that did not belong to his the Greenstar bus, but found it difficult to
was not alleged in the respondents' employer NURC, but to URC, and which do so at his speed; that the collision or
respective answers. The Court disagrees, vehicle was not officially assigned to him, point of impact occurred right in the middle
The failure to allege these facts in the but to another employee; that his use of of the road;32 and that Sayson absconded
answers does not preclude, respondents the URC van was unauthorized - even if he from the scene immediately after the
from proving them during trial; these facts had used the same vehicle in furtherance collision.
are precisely illustrative of their defense of of a personal undertaking in the past,31 this
absence of negligence. Just the same, does not amount to implied permission; From the foregoing facts, one might think
petitioners' failure to object to the that the accident occurred on a holiday and that from the way he was driving
respondents' presentation of such evidence while Bicomong was on his way home to his immediately before the collision took place,
below is tantamount to a waiver; Section family in Quezon province; and that Bicomong could have fallen asleep or ill at
5, Rule 10 of the 1997 Rules - on Bicomong had no official business the wheel, which led him to gradually steer
amendments to conform to or authorize whatsoever in his hometown in Quezon, or the URC van toward the shoulder of the
presentation of evidence - will have to in Laguna where the collision occurred, his highway; and to get back to the road after
apply, but the failure to amend the area of operations being limited to the realizing his mistake, Bicomong must have
pleadings does not affect the result of the Cavite area. overreacted, thus overcompensating or
trial of these issues. oversteering to the left, or toward the
The failure of a party to amend a pleading On the other hand, the evidence suggests opposite lane and right into Sayson's bus.
to conform to the evidence adduced during that the collision could have been avoided Given the premise of dozing off or falling ill,
trial does not preclude an adjudication by if Sayson exercised care and prudence, this explanation is not far-fetched. The
collision occurred very early in the morning current speed and course, and for this
in Alaminos, Laguna. Sayson himself reason., the inevitable took place: An However, Sayson took no defensive
testified that he found Bicomong driving on experienced driver who is. presented with maneuver whatsoever in spite of the fact
the service road or shoulder of the highway the same facts would have adopted an that he saw Bicomong drive his van in a
250 meters away, which must have been attitude consistent with a desire to precarious manner, as far as 250 meters
unpaved, as it caused dust clouds to rise on preserve life and property; for common away - or at a point in time and space
the heels of the URC van. And these dust carriers, the diligence demanded is of the where Sayson had all the opportunity to
clouds stole Sayson's attention, leading highest degree. prepare and avert a possible collision. The
him to conclude that the van was running The law exacts from common carriers (i.e., collision was certainly foreseen and
at high speed. At any rate, the evidence those persons, corporations, firms, or avoidable but Sayson took no measures to
places the point of impact very near the associations engaged in the business of avoid it. Rather than exhibit concern for the
middle of the road or just within Sayson's carrying or transporting passengers or welfare of his passengers and the driver of
lane. In other words, the collision took goods or both, by land, water, or air, for the oncoming vehicle, who might have
place with Bicomong barely encroaching on compensation, offering their services to the fallen asleep or suddenly fallen ill at the
Sayson's lane. This means that prior to and public) the highest degree of diligence (i.e., wheel, Sayson coldly and uncaringly stood
at the time of collision, Sayson did not take extraordinary diligence) in ensuring the his ground^ closed his eyes, and left
any defensive maneuver to prevent the safety of its passengers. Articles 1733 and everything to fate, without due regard for
accident and minimize the impending 1755 of the Civil Code the consequences. Such a suicidal mindset
damage to life and property, which resulted state:ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary cannot be tolerated, for the grave danger it
in the collision in the middle of the Art. 1733. Common carriers, from the poses to the public and passengers availing
highway, where a vehicle would normally nature of their business and for reasons of of petitioners' services. To add insult to
be traversing. If Sayson took defensive public policy, are bound to observe injury, Sayson hastily fled the scene of the
measures, the point of impact should have extraordinary, diligence in the vigilance collision instead of rendering assistance to
occurred further inside his lane or not at over the goods and for the safety of the the victims - thus exhibiting a selfish, cold-
the front of the bus - but at its side, which passengers transported by them, according blooded attitude and utter lack of concern
should have shown that Sayson either to all the circumstances of each case. motivated by the self-centered desire to
slowed down or swerved to the right to escape liability, inconvenience, and
avoid a collision. Art. 1755. A common carrier is bound to possible detention by the authorities,
carry the passengers safely as far as rather than secure the well-being of the
Despite having seen Bicomong drive the human care arid foresight can provide, victims of his own negligent act.
URC van in a precarious manner while the using the utmost diligence of very cautious x x x The doctrine of last clear chance
same was still a good 250 meters away persons, with a due regard for all the provides that where both parties are
from his bus, Sayson did not take the circumstances. negligent but the negligent act of one is
necessary precautions, as by reducing In this relation, Article 1756 of the Civil appreciably later in point of time than that
speed and adopting a defensive stance to Code provides that '[i]n case of death of or of the other, or where it is impossible to
avert any untoward incident that may occur injuries to passengers, common carriers determine whose fault or negligence
from Bicomong's manner of driving. This is are presumed to have been at fault or to brought about the occurrence of the
precisely his testimony during trial. When have acted negligently, unless they prove incident, the one who had the last clear
the van began to swerve toward his bus, he that they observed extraordinary diligence opportunity to avoid the impending harm
did not reduce speed nor swerve his bus to as prescribed in Articles 1733 and 1755. but failed to do so, is chargeable with the
avoid collision. Instead, he maintained his xxx'33chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary consequences arising therefrom. Stated
differently, the rule is that the antecedent
negligence of a person does not preclude
recovery of damages caused by the
supervening negligence of the latter, who
had the last fair chance to prevent the
impending harm by the exercise of due
diligence, x x x34
G.R. No. 188493, December 13, 2017 transport them from the wharf to the the road was only four (4) meters and 24
VIVIAN B. TORREON AND FELOMINA F. poblacion of Jetafe. A cargo truck entered inches wide, rough, and full of potholes,
ABELLANA, Petitioners, v. GENEROSO the wharf and their fellow passengers Aparra lost control of the truck and they fell
APARRA, JR., FELIX CABALLES, AND boarded it. Abellana, Rodolfo, and his off the wharf.9
CARMELO SIMOLDE, Respondents. daughters chose not to board the already- Consequently, Rodolfo and Monalisa died
DECISION overcrowded truck. Instead, they waited while Johanna and Abellana were injured.10
LEONEN, J.: for a different vehicle to bring them to the On April 3, 1990, Vivian and Abellana filed
Lack of documentary evidence is not fatal poblacion. However, they were informed a criminal complaint for Reckless
to a claim for the deceased's lost earning that only the cargo truck, which was also Imprudence resulting to Double Homicide,
capacity. Testimony from a competent owned and operated by Simolde, would Multiple Serious Physical Injuries and
witness familiar with his salary is a enter the wharf.6 Damage to Property against Aparra and
sufficient basis to determine the Approximately 10 minutes later, the same Caballes,11 docketed as Criminal Case No.
deceased's income before his death. cargo truck returned to the wharf. Again, 6555 before the Regional Trial Court,
This is a Petition for Review on fellow passengers from M/B Island Traders Tagbilaran City, Bohol.12
Certiorari1 under Rule 45 of the 1997 Rules started embarking it. This time, Rodolfo, On January 4, 1991, Vivian and Abellana
of Court, praying that the April 3, 2008 Monalisa, Johanna, and Abellana also filed a separate complaint for damages
Decision2 and the May 28, 2009 boarded it. Abellana was seated in front, against Simolde, Caballes, and
Resolution3 of the Court of Appeals in CA- while Rodolfo and his daughters were with Aparra13 docketed as Civil Case No. 3593
G.R. CV No. 71090 be partially modified. the rest of the passengers at the back of before Branch 3, Regional Trial Court,
Petitioner Vivian B. Torreon (Vivian) prays the truck. Because there were no proper Butuan City.14
that: (1) an award of actual or seats at the back of the truck, the 30 or Simolde, Caballes, and Aparra filed a
compensatory damages for loss of earning more passengers were either standing or Motion to Dismiss and to Suspend
capacity worth P2,079,675.00 be granted; sitting on their bags.7 Proceedings (Motion to Dismiss) in Civil
(2) the award of moral damages be While passengers were getting on the Case No. 3593. They argued that when
increased to P1,000,000.00; (3) the award truck, Simolde called Felix Caballes Abellana instituted Criminal Case No. 6555
of exemplary damages be increased to (Caballes), the official truck driver. before the Regional Trial Court of Bohol,
P1,000,000.00; and (4) the awarded Caballes approached Simolde but left the she failed to make a reservation to file an
attorney's fees and litigation expenses be engine running. While Simolde and independent civil action for damages. Thus,
increased to P100,000.00 and P50,000.00, Caballes were talking, Generoso Aparra, Jr. Abellana was barred from instituting the
respectively.4 (Aparra), Simolde's chief diesel mechanic, civil action.15
On November 1, 1989, Vivian's husband, started driving the truck. Upon seeing the On January 22, 1992, the Regional Trial
Rodolfo Torreon (Rodolfo), and daughters, truck move, Caballes rushed to the truck Court of Butuan City denied the Motion to
Monalisa Torreon (Monalisa) and Johanna and sat beside Aparra. However, instead of Dismiss. However, upon reconsideration,
Ava Torreon (Johanna), arrived with taking control of the vehicle, Caballes the Regional Trial Court dismissed the
Felomina Abellana (Abellana) at the allowed Aparra to drive.8 case, ruling that the civil action was
municipal wharf of Jetafe, Bohol. They Shortly thereafter, Aparra maneuvered the impliedly instituted with Criminal Case No.
came from Cebu City aboard M/B Island truck to the right side of the road to avoid 6555.16
Traders, a motor boat owned and operated hitting a parked bicycle. But as he turned, Abellana and Vivian filed a Petition for
by Carmelo Simolde (Simolde).5 Aparra had to swerve to the left to avoid Certiorari before the Court of Appeals,
After they disembarked from the motor hitting Marcelo Subiano, who was allegedly assailing the dismissal of the case. On June
boat, they looked for a vehicle that would standing on the side of the road. Because 18, 1993, the Court of Appeals reinstated
Civil Case No. 3593 but only with respect documentary [,] [t]his Court does hereby Appeals deleted the award of actual
to Vivian.17 render judgment in favor of the plaintiffs damages for Rodolfo's loss of earning
During the trial for the civil case, SPO2 and against defendants and hereby capacity. According to the Court of
Federico T. Torniado (SPO2 Torniado) ordering the defendants as follows: Appeals, documentary evidence should be
testified that he was the "acting traffic 1. To pay jointly and severally to presented to substantiate a claim for loss
investigator of the PNP" assigned to the plaintiffs the amount of of earning capacity. The dispositive portion
case.18 According to SPO2 Torniado, he had P300,000.00 as actual damages; of the Court of Appeals Decision read:
previously seen the pick-up truck transport 2. To pay jointly and severally to WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the
passengers from the wharf to the plaintiffs the sum of P50,000.00 as decision of the Court a quo in Civil Case No.
poblacion.19 The road, which was four (4) moral damages; and to pay in 3593 is SET ASIDE and another one is
meters wide, could only accommodate one solidum to plaintiffs by way of RENDERED ordering appellants Carmelo T.
(1) vehicle. Other than the truck, there litigation expenses in the sum of Simolde, Felix Caballes and Generoso
were no other vehicles that came in and out P10,000.00; Aparra, Jr., to pay, solidarity, appellee
of the wharf.20 He further testified that on 3. To pay in solidum into plaintiffs Vivian Torreon the amount of Fifty
the day of the accident, he asked to see [Vivian] Torreon and Felomina Thousand (P50,000.00) Pesos as civil
Aparra's license but Aparra only presented Abellana the sum of P25,000.00 and indemnity for the death of Rod[o]lfo
a student driver's permit.21 P10,000.00 by way of Attorney's Torreon; another Fifty Thousand
Abellana testified that Rodolfo was the fees; and (P50,000.00) Pesos as civil indemnity for
General Manager of her businesses in 4. To pay in solidum into plaintiffs the the death of Monalisa Torreon; Twenty-five
Butuan City. As manager, Rodolfo was in sum of P10,000.00 as exemplary Thousand (P25,000.00) Pesos as
charge of three (3) drugstores, an damages. temperate or moderate damages for
apartment, and rice fields. He was earning SO ORDERED.24 pecuniary loss sustained due to the death
a basic salary of P1 0,000.00 and received Simolde, Caballes, and Aparra filed a of Rod[o]lfo Torreon and another Twenty-
a 20% commission on the profit of the Notice of Appeal on November 27, 2000.25 five Thousand (P25,000.00) Pesos as
businesses, thus, earning more or less On April 3, 2008, the Court of Appeals temperate or moderate damages for
P15,000.00. Abellana claimed that she promulgated a Decision26 holding Simolde pecuniary loss sustained due to the death
could not present her accounting books to solidarity liable with Caballes and Aparra. of Monalisa Torreon; Fifty Thousand
the court because she had already disposed According to the Court of Appeals, Caballes (P50,000.00) Pesos as moral damages;
of them.22 and Aparra were clearly negligent in Ten Thousand (P10,000.00) Pesos as
On November 17, 2000, the Regional Trial transporting the passengers. Given that exemplary damages; Ten Thousand . . .
Court ruled that Caballes and Aparra the road was narrow and fall of pot holes, (P10,000.00) Pesos as attorney's fees and
committed acts constituting a quasi- it was apparent that an experienced driver Twenty[-]Five Thousand (P25,000.00)
delict.23 Since these acts were the was needed to safely navigate the vehicle Pesos as litigation expenses, with legal
proximate cause of the deaths of Rodolfo out of the wharf. In allowing Aparra to drive interest at the rate of SIX PERCENT(6%)
and Monalisa and the injuries sustained by the truck despite having only a student per annum starting from the date of the
Abellana and Johanna, Simolde, Caballes, driver's permit, Caballes risked the lives of promulgation of the court a quo's
and Aparra were held liable for damages. the passengers on board the truck. The Decision or from 17 November 2000. A
The dispositive portion of the trial court Court of Appeals also held Simolde TWELVE PERCENT (12%) interest, in lieu of
Decision stated: solidarity liable with his employees for SIX PERCENT (6%), shall be imposed on
Wherefore, on the basis therefore of the failing to exercise due diligence in such amount upon finality of this decision
foregoing evidence, both [testimonial and supervising them.27 However, the Court of until actual payment thereof.
SO ORDERED.28 Hence, this Petition was filed before this wharf."41 He has the capacity to pay the
Vivian and Abellana filed a Motion for Court. increased amounts petitioner Vivian is
Partial Reconsideration,29 asking the Court Petitioner Vivian argues that the Court of praying for. Lastly, the length of the
of Appeals to modify its April 3, 2008 Appeals gravely erred in deleting the litigation, which spanned almost two (2)
Decision by increasing the award of the compensatory damages awarded for decades at the time this petition was filed
damages to the following amounts: Rodolfo's loss of earning capacity. 32 She to this Court, has whittled down the real
posits that Abellana's testimony is enough value of the monetary award.42
(a) Php2,079,675.00, as
to prove Rodolfo's income. As Rodolfo's On the other hand, respondents argue that
compensatory damages for loss or
employer, Abellana had direct and personal the Court of Appeals committed no
impairment of earning capacity
knowledge of the compensation that he reversible error in the assailed Decision.
(lucro cesant); instead of
was receiving prior to his death; thus, she They claim that there is no sufficient proof
is qualified to testify on his to sustain the award of
income.33 Petitioner Vivian cites Philippine damages.43 Respondents also contend that
Airlines, Inc. v. Court of Appeals34 to point the inclusion of Abellana as a petitioner is
(b) Php300,000.00 as actual damages out that the Court of Appeals gravely erred baseless. The Court of Appeals in CA-G.R.
for funeral and burial expenses; or in concluding that Abellana's testimony, SP No. 28859 already ruled that the
in the alternative, a reasonable or without any documentary evidence, did not present case is reinstated only with respect
just amount as temperate suffice to claim damages for lack of earning to Vivian.44
damages. capacity.35 Based on Abellana's testimony, In its February 17, 2010 Resolution, this
Rodolfo had an estimated gross monthly Court required petitioners to file a Reply to
income of P15,000.00 or an annual gross respondents' Comment.45
income of P195,000.00.36 Using the On April 28, 2010, petitioners filed their
(c) Php1,000,000.00 as moral formula laid down in Negros Navigation
Reply and claimed that Abellana's inclusion
damages; instead of Co., Inc. v. Court of Appeals,38 Rodolfo's as a petitioner is "a non-issue."46 Abellana
Php50,000.00. lost earnings would amount to was only joined as a petitioner because she
P2,079,675.00.39 was already a co-petitioner in the lower
Petitioner Vivian cites four (4) reasons why courts. However, as seen "in the prayer of
the damages awarded to her should be the Petition for Review, Felomina Abellana
(d) Php1,000,000.00 as exemplary increased. First, she points to the gravity of is not mentioned as being entitled [to]
damages; instead of the loss she suffered. The difficulties she payment for damages from respondents."47
Php10,000.00. has gone through, following the death of The issues for this Court's resolution are as
her husband and her young daughter, are follows:
immeasurable and deserve a higher First, whether or not actual damages for
compensation. Second, the degree of the loss of earning capacity should be awarded
(e) Php100,000.00 and Php50,000.00
negligence committed by respondents, as to petitioner Vivian B. Torreon; and
as attorney's fees and litigation
affirmed by the Court of Appeals, is gross Second, whether or not the value of the
expenses; instead of
and inexcusable, thereby warranting other awarded damages should be
Php10,000.00 and Php25,000.00,
harsher penalties.40 Third, Simolde has an increased.
undisputable substantial financial capacity Before proceeding with the discussion
In its May 28, 2009 Resolution,31 the Court to pay more. Allegedly, Simolde has a regarding civil damages, this Court will
of Appeals denied the motion. "virtual monopoly of the business at Jetafe briefly discuss Abellana's standing in this
case. Notably, the Court of Appeals already Except as otherwise provided in these was guilty; and (3) the connection of cause
ruled on this matter. However, since Rules, no filing fees shall be required for and effect between such negligence and
respondents raised it in their Comment,48 it actual damages. the damages.52
is best to address this concern. No counterclaim, cross-claim or third-party This Court affirms the finding of the Court
I complaint may be filed by the accused in of Appeals that Caballes and Aparra were
On April 3, 1990, petitioners instituted a the criminal case, but any cause of action grossly negligent in transporting the
criminal case against respondents. which could have been the subject thereof passengers. The Court of Appeals ruled:
However, petitioner Abellana did not may be litigated in a separate civil action. Records bore that after appellant Aparra
reserve her right to file a separate civil The Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. took over the control of the wheel of the
action for damages arising from the 28859 correctly reinstated the present case cargo truck and drove the same, appellant
crime.49 Rule 111, Section 1(a) of the Rules only with regard to Vivian. When Abellana Caballes merely rushed to get on the truck
of Court provides: did not reserve her right to institute a and only sat beside appellant Aparra.
Section 1. Institution of criminal and civil separate civil action, her cause of action for Appellant Caballes, despite the fact that
actions. — (a) When a criminal action is damages was deemed impliedly instituted appellant Aparra possessed only a student
instituted, the civil action for the recovery with the criminal case. Rule 111, Section 3 driver's permit, allowed him to continue
of civil liability arising from the offense of the Rules of Court prohibits offended driving the truck. Moreover, We cannot
charged shall be deemed instituted with parties from recovering damages twice for glean from the records that appellant
the criminal action unless the offended the act being prosecuted in the criminal Caballes cautioned appellant Aparra while
party waives the civil action, reserves the action.50 Thus, Abellana is now barred from the latter was driving the truck. It must be
right to institute it separately or institutes instituting this case. pointed out that the cargo truck had more
the civil action prior to the criminal action. This Court now moves to the discussion than thirty (30) passengers on board at its
The reservation of the right to institute regarding damages. back, who were either just standing or
separately the civil action shall be made II sitting on their bags, with nothing to hold
before the prosecution starts presenting its Article 2176 of the Civil Code provides that on for support, while the truck was moving.
evidence and under circumstances those who commit acts constituting a Furthermore, the road was only four (4)
affording the offended party a reasonable quasi-delict are liable to pay damages: meters wide, rough and with many pot
opportunity to make such reservation. Article 2176. Whoever by act or omission holes. Obviously, these circumstances
When the offended party seeks to enforce causes damage to another, there being warrant that the driver be somebody of
civil liability against the accused by way of fault or negligence, is obliged to pay for the competence and experience in
moral, nominal, temperate, or exemplary damage done. Such fault or negligence, if maneuvering a vehicle under such a
damages without specifying the amount there is no pre-existing contractual relation precarious condition. Therefore, the acts of
thereof in the complaint or information, the between the parties, is called a quasi-delict appellant Aparra in taking the wheel and of
filing fees therefor shall constitute a first and is governed by the provisions of this appellant Caballes in allowing the former to
lien on the judgment awarding such Chapter. take the wheel are plain manifestations of
damages. Vergara v. Court of Appeals51 enumerated negligence.53
Where the amount of damages, other than the elements necessary to establish a Caballes was grossly negligent in allowing
actual, is specified in the complaint or quasi-delict case: Aparra to drive the truck despite being an
information, the corresponding filing fees These requisites are: (1) damages to the inexperienced driver. Aparra's inexperience
shall be paid by the offended party upon plaintiff; (2) negligence, by act or caused the accident that led to the deaths
the filing thereof in court. omission, of which defendant, or some of Rodolfo and Monalisa. It is undisputed
person for whose-acts he must respond, that the deaths of Vivian's husband and
daughter caused damage to her. Clearly, (culpa in vigilando) of its employees. To the employer.55 (Emphasis supplied,
the requisites for a quasi-delict are present avoid liability or a quasi-delict committed citations omitted)
in this case. by his employee, an employer must In an effort to decry liability, Simolde
In addition to Caballes and Aparra, the law overcome the presumption by presenting insists that the passengers boarded the
also holds their employer, Simolde, liable. convincing proof that he exercised the care truck without his knowledge and despite
Article 2180 of the Civil Code provides that and diligence of a good father of a family in his objections. He testified as follows:
an employer is vicariously liable with his the selection and supervision of his
Q: You mentioned that this truck was
employees for any damage they cause employee.
being used by different passengers
while performing their duties. There is no question that petitioner, who is
to load their cargoes to different
Article 2180. The obligation imposed by the owner/operator of M/V Delsan Express,
destinations, and of course when
Article 2176 is demandable not only for is also the employer of Capt. Jusep who at
the passengers would load their
one's own acts or omissions, but also for the time of the incident acted within the
cargoes, they would join in the
those of persons for whom one is scope of his duty. The defense raised by
responsible. petitioner was that it exercised due
.... diligence in the selection of Capt. Jusep
Employers shall be liable for the because the latter is a licensed and
damages caused by their employees competent Master Mariner. It should be A: It depends on the condition at their
and household helpers acting within stressed, however, that the required own risk.
the scope of their assigned tasks, even diligence of a good father of a family
though the former are not engaged in pertains not only to the selection, but
any business or industry. also to the supervision of
.... employees. It is not enough that the Q: Regardless whether at their own
The responsibility treated of in this article employees chosen be competent and risk, you would admit that there
shall cease when the persons herein qualified, inasmuch as the employer is still was also passengers boarding the
mentioned prove that they observed all the required to exercise due diligence in truck at the same time that the
diligence of a good father of a family to supervising its employees. cargoes are being loaded and
prevent damage. (Emphasis supplied) In Fabre, Jr. v. Court of Appeals, it was transported to their respective
Delsan Transport Lines, Inc. v. C & A held that due diligence in supervision destinations?
Construction, Inc.54 explained that when requires the formulation of rules and
an employee's negligence causes injury to regulations for the guidance of
another, a presumption against the employees and the issuance of proper
employer arises. To avoid liability, the instructions as well as actual A: No, only cargoes, that is strictly
employer must prove he exercised due implementation and monitoring of given and instructed to the driver.
diligence in selecting as well as supervising consistent compliance with the rules.
his employees. Corollarily, in Ramos v. Court of Appeals,
Whenever an employee's negligence the Court stressed that once negligence
Q: Now, Mr. Simolde, you said it was
causes damage or injury to another, there on the part of the employees is shown,
at their own risk when the
instantly arises a presumption juris the burden of proving that he observed
passengers boarded the cargo
tantum that the employer failed to the diligence in the selection and
truck when this truck transported
exercise diligentissimi patris familias in the supervision of its employees shifts to
the cargoes to their destinations,
selection (culpa in eligiendo) or supervision
His failure to control the behavior of his
do you mean to say that no passengers, because by the nature
employees makes him liable for the
passengers were on board that of the looks of the truck, how could
consequences of their actions. Thus,
particular vehicle? the passenger board the vehicle,
Simolde is solidarity liable with Caballes
and where can they sit down on the
and Aparra for the payment of the damages
side, there is no bench.
granted by law.
A: You know, you cannot, although The Civil Code holds Simolde liable for the
you try to impose this, but you damages that his actions have
know in the provinces like that, Q: Let us clarify this, Mr. Simolde, you caused.57 Article 2206 specifically applies
especially there are only few earlier admitted that there were when a death occurs as a result of a crime
jeepney for transportation, even occasions, because of the absence or a quasi-delict:
cargo trucks are being boarded by of cargo trucks and passenger Article 2206. The amount of damages
the passengers in spite of the fact vehicles in the area, the passengers for death caused by a crime or quasi-
that the driver says no passengers, would board the cargo truck even delict shall be at least Three thousand
no passengers, you know, those without your knowledge or your pesos, even though there may have been
things are pakikisama, but my consent? mitigating circumstances. In addition:
strict implementation is that the
(1) The defendant shall be liable
truck is only good for services for
for the loss of the earning
the cargoes and the cargo that is
A: Yes, sir. capacity of the deceased, and
being loaded there is already
the indemnity shall be paid to the
included on the freight-on-board
heirs of the latter; such indemnity
the vessel, so that truck is used for
shall in every case be assessed and
servicing cargo.
Q: In other words, there were awarded by the court, unless the
occasions, of course you acquired deceased on account of permanent
knowledge of this, when the truck physical disability not caused by
Q: Based on your observations, you was transporting cargoes, the defendant, had no earning
mentioned that this cargo truck passengers would join in the truck? capacity at the time of his death;
picture of which has been identified
as Exh. "6", was used to transport
cargo, now, in one occasion, how
A: No, only cargoes. I don't know if (2) If the deceased was obliged to
many passengers would ride
when the truck is already out of give support according to the
without your notice, can you make
sight, it depends on the driver.56 provisions of Article 291, the
an estimate?
recipient who is not an heir called
Instead of helping his defense, Simolde's
to the decedent's inheritance by
testimony proves his failure to supervise
the law of testate or intestate
his employees. Simolde should have been
A: I cannot tell you any facts about succession, may demand support
more diligent in ensuring that his
that, because for me, I have not from the person causing the death,
employees acted within the parameters of
received any information that the for a period not exceeding five
their jobs. He should have taken steps to
truck has been boarded with ensure that his instructions were followed.
3. As moral damages for mental anguish, In Pestaño v. Spouses Sumayang,61 this
years, the exact duration to be
— an amount to be fixed by the court. This Court applied Article 2206 of the Civil Code
fixed by the court;
may be recovered even by the illegitimate and awarded compensation for the
descendants and ascendants of the deceased's lost earning capacity in addition
deceased. to the award of civil indemnity. The
(3) The spouse, legitimate and 4. As exemplary damages, when the indemnity for the deceased's lost earning
illegitimate descendants and crime is attended by one or more capacity is meant to compensate the heirs
ascendants of the deceased may aggravating circumstances, — an amount for the income they would have received
demand moral damages for to be fixed in the discretion of the court, had the deceased continued to live.62
mental anguish by reason of the the same to be considered separate from Pleyto v. Lomboy63 provided the formula to
death of the deceased. (Emphasis fines. compute a deceased's earning capacity:
supplied) 5. As attorney's fees and expenses of It is well-settled in jurisprudence that the
litigation, — the actual amount thereof, factors that should be taken into account in
The same rules on damages are applicable (but only when a separate civil action to determining the compensable amount of
whether or not the death occurred as a recover civil liability has been filed or when lost earnings are: (1) the number of years
result of a crime or a quasi-delict. To exemplary damages are awarded) for which the victim would otherwise have
summarize, the heirs are entitled to 6. Interests in the proper cases. lived; and (2) the rate of loss sustained by
recover: 7. It must be emphasized that the the heirs of the deceased. Jurisprudence
1. As indemnity for the death of the indemnities for loss of earning provides that the first factor, i.e., life
victim of the offense — P12,000.00, capacity of the deceased and for moral expectancy, is computed by applying the
without the need of any evidence or proof damages are recoverable separately formula (2/3 x [80 - age at death]) adopted
of damages, and even though there may from and in addition to the fixed sum in the American Expectancy Table of
have been mitigating circumstances of P12,000.00 corresponding to the Mortality or the Actuarial Combined
attending the commission of the offense indemnity for the sole fact of death, Experience Table of Mortality. As to the
[now P50,000.00]. and that these damages may, however, be second factor, it is computed by multiplying
2. As indemnity for loss of earning respectively increased or lessened the life expectancy by the net earnings of
capacity of the deceased — an amount to according to the mitigating or aggravating the deceased, i.e., the total earnings less
be fixed by the court according to the circumstances, except items 1 and 4 expenses necessary in the creation of such
circumstances of the deceased related to above, for obvious reasons.58 (Emphasis earnings or income and less living and
his actual income at the time of death and supplied) other incidental expenses. The net earning
his probable life expectancy, the said Civil or death indemnity is mandatory and is ordinarily computed at fifty percent
indemnity to be assessed and awarded by granted to the heirs of the victim without (50%) of the gross earnings. Thus, the
the court as a matter of duty, unless the need of proof other than the commission of formula used by this Court in computing
deceased had no earning capacity at said the crime.59 Initially fixed by the Civil Code loss of earning capacity is: Net Earning
time on account of permanent disability not at P3,000.00, the amount of the indemnity Capacity = [2/3 x (80 - age at time of
caused by the accused. If the deceased was is currently fixed at P50,000.00.60 death) x (gross annual income -
obliged to give support, under Art. 291, Thus, respondents are liable to pay reasonable and necessary living
Civil Code, the recipient who is not an heir, Rodolfo's heirs P50,000.00. They are liable expenses)].64 (Emphasis supplied,
may demand support from the accused for to pay another P50,000.00 to answer for citations omitted)
not more than five years, the exact the death of Monalisa.
duration to be fixed by the court.
The reason behind the formula for loss of Court of Appeals, documentary evidence basis that it is not proven by documentary
earning capacity was discussed in Villa Rey should be presented to substantiate a claim evidence.
Transit, Inc. v. Court of Appeals:65 for the deceased's lost income.67 Testimonial evidence, if not questioned for
[The award of damages for loss of earning This Court disagrees. credibility, bears the same weight as
capacity is] concerned with the In civil cases, Vivian is only required to documentary evidence. Testimonies given
determination of the losses or damages establish her claim by a preponderance of by the deceased's spouse, parent, or child
sustained by the Private respondents, as evidence. Allowing testimonial evidence to should be given weight because these
dependents and intestate heirs of the prove loss of earning capacity is consistent individuals are presumed to know the
deceased, and that said damages consist, with the nature of civil actions.68 Rule 133, income of their spouse, child, or parent.
not of the full amount of his earnings, but Section 1 of the Rules of Court provides: If the amount of income testified to seemed
of the support they received or would have Section 1. Preponderance of evidence, how incredible or unrealistic, the defense could
received from him had he not died in determined. — In civil cases, the party always raise their objections and discredit
consequence of the negligence of having the burden of proof must establish the witness or, better yet, present evidence
petitioner's agent. In fixing the amount of his case by a preponderance of evidence. that would outweigh the evidence of the
that support, We must reckon with the In determining where the preponderance prosecution.69
"necessary expenses of his own living", or superior weight of evidence on the This Court has previously accepted a
which should be deducted from his issues involved lies, the court may consider competent witness' testimony to determine
earnings. Thus, it has been consistently all the facts and circumstances of the case, the deceased's income. In Pleyto v.
held that earning capacity, as an element the witnesses' manner of testifying, their Lomboy,70 this Court used the testimony of
of damages to one's estate for his death by intelligence, their means and opportunity the deceased's widow as basis to estimate
wrongful act is necessarily his net earning of knowing the facts to which they are his earning capacity:
capacity or his capacity to acquire money, testifying, the nature of the facts to which Petitioners' claim that no substantial proof
"less the necessary expense for his own they testify, the probability or improbability was presented to prove Ricardo Lomboy's
living." Stated otherwise, the amount of their testimony, their interest or want of gross income lacks merit. Failure to present
recoverable is not loss of the entire interest, and also their personal credibility documentary evidence to support a claim
earning, but rather the loss of that portion so far as the same may legitimately appear for loss of earning capacity of the deceased
of the earnings which the beneficiary would upon the trial. The court may also consider need not be fatal to its cause. Testimonial
have received. In other words, only net the number of witnesses, though the evidence suffices to establish a basis for
earnings, not gross earning, are to be preponderance is not necessarily with the which the court can make a fair and
considered that is, the total of the earnings greater number. reasonable estimate of the loss of earning
less expenses necessary in creation of such In determining if this quantum of proof is capacity. Hence, the testimony of
earnings or income and less living and met, this Court is not required to respondent Maria Lomboy, Ricardo's
other incidental expenses.66 (Citations exclusively consider documentary widow, that her husband was earning a
omitted) evidence: monthly income of P8,000 is sufficient to
The formula provided in these cases is Nothing in the Rules of Court requires that establish a basis for an estimate of
presumptive, i.e., it should be applied in only documentary evidence is allowed in damages for loss of earning
the absence of proof in terms of statistics civil cases. All that is required is the capacity.71 (Citation omitted)
and actuarial presented by the plaintiff. satisfaction of the quantum of evidence, In a torts case, this Court also accepted
The Court of Appeals deleted the award of that is, preponderance of evidence. In testimony from co-workers of the deceased
actual damages granted to petitioner for addition, the Civil Code does not prohibit a to establish his income before his death.
Rodolfo's lost earnings. According to the claim for loss of earning capacity on the
The witnesses Mate and Reyes, who were
A: Yes, later, he was the general A: I have my rice fields in Los Angeles.
respectively the manager and auditor of
manager in my business in Butuan
Allied Overseas Trading Company and ....
Padilla Shipping Company, were competent
to testify on matters within their personal Q: What were these business [es]? Q: Did you keep the payroll of
knowledge because of their positions, such Rod[o]lfo Torreon?
as the income and salary of the deceased, A: Three drug stores.
Nicanor A. Padilla (Sec. 30, Rule 130, Rules A: At this time, almost five years, I
of Court). As observed by the Court of Q: Can you identify the drug stores at think I have thrown that away
Appeals, since they were cross-examined that time? already, the records.
by petitioner's counsel, any objections to
their competence and the admissibility of A: Yes[,] sir. Q: From your estimate, how much
their testimonies, were deemed waived. income was he receiving?
The payrolls of the companies and the Q: What are the names?
decedent's income tax returns could, it is A: His basic salary is P10,000.00 a
A: All Farmacia Buena. Farmacia month and he is receiving 20%
true, have constituted the best evidence of
Bue[n]a located in G. Flores Ave., commission on the net profit.
his salaries, but there is no rule
Farmacia Buena located in A.D.
disqualifying competent officers of the
Curato St., and the other one in Q: How about for the other
corporation from testifying on the
Langihan. businesses, did he also receive
compensation of the deceased as an
officer of the same corporation, and in
Q: What happened to these
any event, no timely objection was made
drugstores? A: Sometimes.
to their testimonies.72
If co-workers were deemed competent to A: At that time, I immediately sold my Q: How much do you think was
testify on the compensation that the store in Curato St., a few months Rod[o]lfo Torreon earning at that
deceased was receiving, all the more after the death of Rod[o]lfo time?
should an employer be allowed to testify on Torreon.
the amount she was paying her deceased A: More or less P15,000.00 and I think
employee. Q: Aside from the drug stores, what he was receiving commission from
Abellana testified that at the time of his other business you have at that the salesmen.73
death, deceased Rodolfo was earning time in 1989?
P15,000.00 per month: The simplified formula to compute loss of
A: I have an apartment. earning capacity was given in the ponencia
Q: Prior to the death of Rodolfo of People v. Wahiman:74
Torreon, do you know where he Q: And Rod[o]lfo Torreon was? [2/3 x 80 - age] x [gross annual income -
was working? necessary expenses equivalent to 50% of
A: He was the one supervising. the gross annual income]75
A: He was working under me. The concurring opinion in Wahiman was
Q: Aside from this apartment, what instructive on how to properly apply this
Q: You said he was working under else? formula:
This is a step-by-step guide to compute an Loss of Earning Capacity = wrongdoing.83 Specifically, in cases of
award for loss of earning capacity. P1,919,700.00 quasi-delicts, it is granted if the respondent
(1) Subtract the age of the deceased from Respondents are liable to acted with gross negligence.84
80. pay P1,919,700.00 to compensate for the Kierulf v. Court of Appeals85 summarized
(2) Multiply the answer in (1) by 2, and income Rodolfo's heirs would have received the requirements for exemplary damages
divide it by 3 (these operations, are had he lived. to be awarded:
interchangeable). On the other hand, Vivian failed to prove Exemplary damages are designed to permit
(3) Multiply 50% to the annual gross the actual damages she suffered for the the courts to mould behavior that has
income of the deceased. death of her daughter, Monalisa. Vivian socially deleterious consequences, and its
(4) Multiply the answer in (2) by the merely testified as to the funeral and burial imposition is required by public policy to
answer in (3). This is the loss of earning expenses she incurred without producing suppress the wanton acts of an offender.
capacity to be awarded. any receipt or other evidence to support However, it cannot be recovered as a
When the evidence on record only shows her claim.78 Consequently, she cannot be matter of right. It is based entirely on the
monthly gross income, annual gross entitled to an award of actual damages on discretion of the court. Jurisprudence sets
income is derived from multiplying the account of Monalisa's loss. certain requirements before exemplary
monthly gross income by 12. When the III damages may be awarded, to wit:
daily wage is the only information provided With regard to the award of moral (1) (T)hey may be imposed by way of
during trial, such amount may be multiplied damages, this Court affirms the Court of example or correction only in addition,
by 260, or the number of usual workdays Appeals' ruling to grant it. Article 2206 of among others, to compensatory damages,
in a year, to arrive at annual gross the Civil Code expressly grants moral and cannot be recovered as a matter of
income.76 damages in addition to the award of civil right, their determination depending upon
At the time of his death, Rodolfo was 48 indemnity.79 the amount of compensatory damages that
years old and was earning P15,000.00 In her petition, Vivian maintains that the may be awarded to the claimant;
monthly.77 To determine his annual gross amount of moral damages granted her (2) the claimant must first establish his
income, this Court multiplied his gross should be increased. This Court is not right to moral, temperate, liquidated or
monthly income by 12 to get the result of convinced. Although the Civil Code80 grants compensatory damages; and
P180,000.00. compensation for the mental anguish (3) the wrongful act must be accompanied
Computing for life expectancy, or steps 1 suffered by the heirs for the loss of their by bad faith, and the award would be
and 2, results: loved one, this award is not meant to allowed only if the guilty party acted in a
Life Expectancy = 2/3 x (80 - 48) enrich the petitioner at the expense of the wanton, fraudulent, reckless, oppressive or
Life Expectancy = 2/3 x (32) respondents.81 malevolent manner.86 (Citations omitted)
Life Expectancy = 21.33 years The Court of Appeals correctly granted The Court of Appeals correctly imposed
Applying his life expectancy and annual P50,000.00 as moral damages to the heirs exemplary damages against respondents.
gross income to the general formula, or of Rodolfo. An award of P50,000.00 is also Each respondent clearly acted with gross
step 3: awarded to the heirs of Monalisa. negligence. Aparra drove without a license
Loss of Earning Capacity = Life Expectancy In addition, this Court affirms the award for and jeopardized the life of the cargo truck
x 1/2 annual gross income exemplary damages. Exemplary damages passengers. Caballes not only allowed
Loss of Earning Capacity = 21.33 x are imposed by way of example or to Aparra to drive on a perilous road but he
(P180,000.00/2) correct a wrongful conduct.82 It is imposed also permitted passengers to board the
Loss of Earning Capacity = 21.33 x as a punishment for highly reprehensible cargo truck despite knowing that the
P90,000.00 conduct, meant to deter serious vehicle was not designed to transport
people. Simolde was also grossly negligent The Court of Appeals used as a is made (at which time the
for tolerating his employees' negligent guide Eastern Shipping v. Court of quantification of damages may be
behaviors. Had Simolde been more diligent Appeals,88 which provided: deemed to have been reasonably
in supervising his employees, his driver II. With regard particularly to an ascertained). The actual base for the
would not have allowed passengers to award of interest in the concept of computation of legal interest shall, in
board the truck and his mechanic would not actual and compensatory damages, any case, be on the amount of finally
have attempted to drive a vehicle he was the rate of interest, as well as the adjudged.
not equipped to handle. accrual thereof, is imposed, as follows: 3. When the judgment of the court
Thus, to ensure that such behavior will not 1. When the obligation is breached, and it awarding a sum of money becomes final
be repeated, respondents are directed to consists in the payment of a sum of money, and executory, the rate of legal interest,
pay P10,000.00 as exemplary damage to i.e., a loan or forbearance of money, the whether the case falls under paragraph 1
the heirs of Rodolfo and Monalisa. interest due should be that which may have or paragraph 2, above, shall be 12% per
With respect to the award of litigation been stipulated in writing. Furthermore, annum from such finality until its
expenses and attorney's fees, the Civil the interest due shall itself earn legal satisfaction, this interim period being
Code allows attorney's fees to be awarded interest from the time it is judicially deemed to be by then an equivalent to a
if, as in this case, exemplary damages are demanded. In the absence of stipulation, forbearance of credit.89 (Emphasis
imposed. the rate of interest shall be 12% per annum supplied, citations omitted)
Considering the protracted litigation of this to be computed from default, i.e., from Interest by way of damages, also known as
dispute, an award of P100,000.00 as judicial or extrajudicial demand under and moratory interest, is allowed in actions for
attorney fees and P50,000.00 for litigation subject to the provisions of Article 1169 of breach of contract or tort.90 Since the
expenses are awarded to Vivian. the Civil Code. obligation in this case stems from a quasi-
Finally, there is a need to modify the 2. When a[n] obligation, not delict and not from a loan or forbearance of
interest imposed by the Court of Appeals. constituting a loan or forbearance of money, the interest awarded falls under
In its Decision, the Court of Appeals money, is breached, an interest on the the second paragraph illustrated in Eastern
imposed 6% interest on the award of amount of damages awarded may be Shipping. This is in line with Article 2211 of
damages and a 12% interest on the imposed at the discretion of the court the Civil Code which states that this Court
judgment award: at the rate of 6% per annum. No may impose "interest as a part of the
In addition, We impose the legal interest at interest, however, shall be adjudged damages" in quasi-delict cases.91 Awarding
the rate of SIX PERCENT (6%) per annum on unliquidated claims or damages this interest is discretionary upon the
of the total amount of damages awarded by except when or until the demand can courts.92
this Court in the amount of Two Hundred be established with reasonable This is different from interest on interest
Forty Five Thousand (P245,000.00) Pesos, certainty. Accordingly, where the imposed under Article 221293 of the Civil
starting from the date of the promulgation demand is established with reasonable Code. Interest on interest is mandatory
of the court a quo's Decision or from 17 certainty, the interest shall begin to and is imposed as penalty for the delay in
November 2000 and the rate of TWELVE run from the time the claim is made the payment of a sum of money.94
PERCENT (12%) interest per annum, in lieu judicially or extrajudicially (Art. 1169, Guided by Eastern Shipping, the Court of
of SIX PERCENT (6%), upon finality of the Civil Code) but when such certainty Appeals imposed a 6% interest on the
decision of this Court. This is in line with cannot be so reasonably established at award of damages starting from November
the ruling of the Supreme Court in Eastern the time the demand is made, the 17, 2000, the date of the promulgation of
Shipping Lines, Inc. versus Court of interest shall begin to run only from the Regional Trial Court Decision. However,
Appeals[.]87 the date of the judgment of the court this award is not proper.
Generally, the Civil Code does not allow Section 1. The rate of interest for the loan Consequently, the guidelines laid down
interest upon unliquidated claims or or forbearance of any money, goods or in Eastern Shipping have been amended as
damages to be recovered unless they can credits and the rate allowed in judgments, follows:
be established with reasonable in the absence of an express contract as to I. When an obligation, regardless of its
certainty.95 The rationale for this is such rate of interest, shall be six percent source, i.e., law, contracts, quasi-
because it would be unfair to require the (6%) per annum. contracts, delicts or quasi-delicts is
liable person to pay interest on a sum that Section 2. In view of the above, Subsection breached, the contravenor can be held
is yet to be determined. However, the X305.1 of the Manual of Regulations for liable for damages. The provisions under
courts, in the interest of justice, may Banks and Sections 4305Q.1, 4305S.3 and Title XVIII on "Damages" of the Civil Code
impose interest on unliquidated claims or 4303P.1 of the Manual of Regulations for govern in determining the measure of
damages upon judgment. Non-Bank Financial Institutions are hereby recoverable damages.
In this case, there is no need to impose a amended accordingly. II. With regard particularly to an award of
moratory interest. Actual damages to This Circular shall take effect on 1 July interest in the concept of actual and
compensate for the deceased's lost 2013. compensatory damages, the rate of
earnings are already granted. Payment for Thus, from the foregoing, in the absence of interest, as well as the accrual thereof, is
Rodolfo's lost earning capacity should be an express stipulation as to the rate of imposed, as follows:
enough to cover the actual damages interest that would govern the parties, the 1. When the obligation is breached, and it
suffered by his heirs. rate of legal interest for loans or consists in the payment of a sum of money,
On the other hand, pursuant to Eastern forbearance of any money, goods or credits i.e., a loan or forbearance of money, the
Shipping, the Court of Appeals correctly and the rate allowed in judgments shall no interest due should be that which may have
imposed an interest on the judgment longer be twelve percent (12%) per annum been stipulated in writing. Furthermore,
award. However, the 12% interest should — as reflected in the case of Eastern the interest due shall itself earn legal
be modified. Following Bangko Sentral ng Shipping Lines and Subsection X305.1 of interest from the time it is judicially
Pilipinas- Monetary Board Circular No. 796 the Manual of Regulations for Banks and demanded. In the absence of stipulation,
dated May 16, 2013, the rate of legal Sections 4305Q.I, 4305S.3 and 4303P.1 of the rate of interest shall be 6% per annum
interest is now 6%. Nacar v. Gallery the Manual of Regulations for Non-Bank to be computed from default, i.e., from
Frames96 is instructive: Financial Institutions, before its judicial or extrajudicial demand under and
Recently, however, the Bangko Sentral ng amendment by BSP-MB Circular No. 799 — subject to the provisions of Article 1169 of
Pilipinas Monetary Board (BSP-MB), in its but will now be six percent (6%) per annum the Civil Code.
Resolution No. 796 dated May 16, 2013, effective July 1, 2013. It should be noted, 2. When an obligation, not constituting a
approved the amendment of Section 2 of nonetheless, that the new rate could only loan or forbearance of money, is breached,
Circular No. 905, Series of 1982 and, be applied prospectively and not an interest on the amount of damages
accordingly, issued Circular No. 799, Series retroactively. Consequently, the twelve awarded may be imposed at the discretion
of 2013, effective July 1, 2013, the percent (12%) per annum legal interest of the court at the rate of 6% per annum.
pertinent portion of which reads: shall apply only until June 30, 2013. Come No interest, however, shall be adjudged on
The Monetary Board, in its Resolution No. July 1, 2013 the new rate of six percent unliquidated claims or damages, except
796 dated 16 May 2013, approved the (6%) per annum shall be the prevailing when or until the demand can be
following revisions governing the rate of rate of interest when established with reasonable certainty.
interest in the absence of stipulation in loan applicable. (Citations omitted)
Accordingly, where the demand is
contracts, thereby amending Section 2 of established with reasonable certainty, the
Circular No. 905, Series of 1982: interest shall begin to run from the time the
claim is made judicially or extrajudicially a. P50,000.00 as civil indemnity for
(Art. 1169, Civil Code), but when such the death of Rodolfo Torreon;
certainty cannot be so reasonably b. P50,000.00 as civil indemnity for
established at the time the demand is the death of Monalisa Torreon;
made, the interest shall begin to run only c. P1,919,700.00 as actual damages
from the date the judgment of the court is for Rodolfo Torreon's lost earning
made (at which time the quantification of capacity;
damages may be deemed to have been d. P100,000.00 as moral damages
reasonably ascertained). The actual base composed of P50,000.00 for
for the computation of legal interest shall, Rodolfo Torreon's heirs and
in any case, be on the amount finally P50,000.00 for Monalisa Torreon's
adjudged. heirs;
3. When the judgment of the court e. P10,000.00 as exemplary damages;
awarding a sum of money becomes f. P100,000.00 as attorney fees; and
final and executory, the rate of legal g. P50,000.00 as litigation expenses.
interest, whether the case falls under An interest at the legal rate of six percent
paragraph 1 or paragraph 2, above, (6%) per annum shall also be imposed on
shall be 6% per annum from such the total judgment award computed from
finality until its satisfaction, this the finality of this decision until its actual
interim period being deemed to be by payment.
then an equivalent to a forbearance of SO ORDERED.
credit.98 (Emphasis supplied)
Since the judgment of this Court has not
yet become final and executory, the
interest rate applicable to the judgment
award is 6% and not 12% as imposed by
the Court of Appeals.
The interest on the judgment award
discussed in Eastern Shipping is reckoned
from finality of the judgment until full
payment. It is designed to penalize non-
payment of the judgment award. Thus, if
the liable party immediately pays, no
interest will be imposed.
WHEREFORE, the April 3, 2008 Decision
of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No.
71090 is MODIFIED. Respondents
Carmelo T. Simolde, Felix Caballes, and
Generoso Aparra, Jr., are ORDERED to
pay solidarity petitioner Vivian B. Torreon
the amounts of:
G.R. No. 155990 September 12, (Universal Aquarius Chapter), hereinafter (26) As a consequence of the companion
2007 referred to as Obrero Filipino, sent a Notice blockade on plaintiff Marman's premises,
UNIVERSAL AQUARIUS, INC. and of Strike to Universal. its business operations were paralyzed;
CONCHITA TAN, petitioners, On the same date, Resources informed the (27) Plaintiff Universal's and plaintiff
vs. Regional Office of the Department of Labor Marman's operations continue to be at a
Q.C. HUMAN RESOURCES and Employment that the officers and standstill, causing damages in the form of
MANAGEMENT members of Obrero Pilipino are its unearned sales x x x
CORPORATION, respondent *. employees and not employees of Universal. (31) Defendant Resources represented
DECISION Five days later, or on December 19, 2000, itself to be able to provide temporary
AUSTRIA-MARTINEZ, J.: Capocyon and 36 other union officers and workers who are competent to assist in
Before the Court is a Petition for Review members3 of Obrero Pilipino, picketed, plaintiff Universal's plant operations; it held
on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of barricaded and obstructed the entry and itself out as a manpower firm with a pool of
Court assailing the Decision1 dated August exit of Universal's Antipolo City chemical what can generally be described as law-
23, 2002 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in plant and intercepted Universal's delivery abiding workers, as that is essential in its
CA-G.R. SP No. 65570 and the CA trucks thereby disrupting its business business of job-contracting;
Resolution2 dated October 22, 2002 which operations. Marman's depot, which (32) Defendant Resources instead sent a
denied petitioners' Motion for adjoined Universal's plant, suffered a band of scoundrels who allowed
Reconsideration. similar fate. themselves to be misdirected and
The facts: On December 27, 2000, Universal and Tan misguided by Capocyan, an attorney (?),
Universal Aquarius, Inc. (Universal) is filed a Complaint against the strikers and and "national president" of Obrero Pilipino
engaged in the manufacture and Resources before the Regional Trial Court, (?)
distribution of chemical products in Metro Branch 74, Antipolo City (RTC) for breach x x x5
Manila. It operates a chemical plant in of contract and damages suffered due to On January 3, 2001, Universal forged an
Antipolo City. Conchita Tan (Tan), as a the disruption of their respective business Agreement (To End Labor Dispute)
proprietor under the name and style of operations, docketed as Civil Case No. 00- with Obrero Pilipino.6 Thus, the strike
Marman Trading (Marman), is engaged in 6029.4 The Complaint alleges, in part: which affected the business operations of
the trading, delivery and distribution of (17) On December 19, 2000, at about 2:00 Universal and Marman ended. Universal
chemical products in Metro Manila, with a o'clock in the morning, in gross violation of and Tan then filed a Notice of Dismissal as
depot in Antipolo City adjoining Universal's all applicable laws, rules and regulations, against the strikers.7
chemical plant. defendants Capocyan, et al., willfully, On January 8, 2001, Resources filed a
Q.C. Human Resources Management unlawfully and feloniously picketed, Motion to Dismiss on the grounds that the
Corporation (Resources) is engaged in barricaded and otherwise obstructed entry complaint stated no cause of action against
supplying manpower to various and exit to and from the main gate of it; that, assuming the existence of such
establishments. It supplied Universal with plaintiff Universal's plant; x x x cause of action, the same was lost upon
about seventy-four (74) temporary (23) In a parallel move, and a companion dismissal of the case against the individual
workers to assist Universal in the operation activity to their unlawful obstruction of defendants; and lack of jurisdiction.8
of its chemical plant in Antipolo City. plaintiff Universal's premises, Capocyan, et In an Order dated February 2, 2001, the
On December 13, 2000, Rodolfo Capocyan al., likewise picketed , obstructed and RTC denied the Motion to
(Capocyan), claiming to be the general otherwise barricaded the premises of Dismiss. Resources filed a Motion for
counsel/national president of the labor plaintiff Marman, whose depot adjoined Reconsideration10 but it was denied by the
organization called Obrero Pilipino that of plaintiff Universal; x x x RTC in its Order dated May 11, 2001.11
On July 11, 2001, Resources filed a petition The present petition is anchored on the 2. An obligation on the part of the named
for certiorari and prohibition with the following grounds: defendant to respect or not to violate such
CA.12 On August 23, 2002, the CA rendered The Honorable Court of Appeals seriously right; and
a Decision which set aside the Orders dated erred in dismissing Civil Case No. 00-6829 3. Act or omission on the part of such
February 2, 2001 and May 11, 2001 of the for lack of cause of action. defendant in violation of the right of the
RTC and dismissed the complaint for lack The Honorable Court of Appeals seriously plaintiff or constituting a breach of the
of cause of action.13 The CA held that: erred in holding that the lower court obligation of the defendant to the plaintiff
It was very clear from the allegations in the committed grave abuse of discretion for which the latter may maintain an action
complaint that the claims of plaintiffs tantamount to lack of jurisdiction when he for recovery of damages or other
(private respondents in this case) stemmed denied the motion to dismiss filed by appropriate relief.20
from the strike, which resulted in the respondent Resources.17 It is only upon the occurrence of the last
disruption of their business operations. Universal and Tan aver that the complaint element that a cause of action arises,
From the four corners of the complaint, it stated a cause of action against Resources giving the plaintiff the right to maintain an
was apparent that the right of the plaintiffs that would warrant cognizance by the RTC; action in court for recovery of damages or
to operate their business was violated the allegations of the complaint clearly other appropriate relief.21
when the defendants, Rodolfo Capocyan point out that Universal is suing Resources In Hongkong and Shanghai Banking
and company, staged the strike in the for the latter's failure to supply the former Corporation Limited v. Catalan, this Court
premises of Universal Aquarius and with temporary workers who will help in its held:
Marman, thereby disrupting the plant's business. The elementary test for failure to state a
operations. Q.C. Human Resources On the other hand, Resources contends cause of action is whether the complaint
Management Corporation (the petitioner in that the complaint stated no cause of alleges facts which if true would justify the
this case) was made defendant in the action against it since there is nothing in relief demanded. Stated otherwise, may
complaint only because it was the employer the allegations thereof that it participated the court render a valid judgment upon the
of the strikers. However, subsequent in the acts committed by its employees. facts alleged therein? The inquiry is into the
events erased the cause of action of The petition is partly impressed with merit. sufficiency, not the veracity of the material
plaintiffs, that is, when Universal Aquarius Section 1(g) Rule 1618 of the 1997 Rules of allegations. If the allegations in the
agreed to end the dispute by giving Civil Procedure makes it clear that failure complaint furnish sufficient basis on which
financial assistance to the striking workers to make a sufficient allegation of a cause of it can be maintained, it should not be
and the dismissal of the case against them. action in the complaint warrants the dismissed regardless of the defense that
With this turn of events, the trial court had dismissal thereof. Section 2, Rule 2 of the may be presented by the defendants.23
no more issue to resolve, and the dismissal 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure defines a Verily, it is beside the point whether or not
of the complaint against the strikers cause of action as the act or omission by the allegations in the complaint are true,
necessarily warranted the dismissal of the which a party violates the right of another. for with a motion to dismiss complaint
complaint against Q.C. Human Resources It is the delict or the wrongful act or based on lack of cause of action, the
Management Corporation because plaintiffs omission committed by the defendant in movant only hypothetically admits the
had no more cause of action against it.14 violation of the primary right of the truth of the facts alleged in the complaint;
Universal and Tan filed a Motion for plaintiff.19 Its essential elements are as that is, assuming arguendo that the facts
Reconsideration15 but it was denied by the follows: alleged are true, those allegations are
CA in its Resolution dated October 22, 1. A right in favor of the plaintiff by insufficient for the court to render a valid
2002.16 whatever means and under whatever law it judgment upon the same in accordance
arises or is created; with the prayer of the complaint.24
The complaint does not have to establish or employer incurs no liability when an
allege facts proving the existence of a employee’s conduct, act or omission is
cause of action at the outset; this will have beyond the range of
to be done at the trial on the merits of the employment.29 Unquestionably, when
case.25 To sustain a motion to dismiss for Resources' employees staged a strike, they
lack of cause of action, the complaint must were acting on their own, beyond the range
show that the claim for relief does not of their employment. Thus, Resources
exist, rather than that a claim has been cannot be held liable for damages caused
defectively stated, or is ambiguous, by the strike staged by its employees.
indefinite or uncertain.26 WHEREFORE, the petition is PARTLY
Anent Universal's claim for breach for GRANTED. The Decision dated August 23,
contract and damages, the Court is 2002 and Resolution dated October 22,
convinced that the Complaint sufficiently 2002 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP
states a cause of action against Resources. No. 65570 are REVERSED and SET
The Complaint alleged that Universal had a ASIDE insofar only as the dismissal of the
contract of employment of temporary complaint in Civil Case No. 00-6029 for lack
workers with Resources; and that of cause of action of Universal Aquarius,
Resources violated said contract by Inc. against Q.C. Human Resources
supplying it with unfit, maladjusted Management Corporation is concerned.
individuals who staged a strike and The complaint against the latter
disrupted its business operations. Given is REINSTATED. The Regional Trial Court,
these hypothetically admitted facts, the Branch 74, Antipolo City is DIRECTED to
RTC, in the exercise of its original and continue with the proceedings on the cause
exclusive jurisdiction,27 could have of action of Universal Aquarius, Inc. against
rendered judgment over the dispute. Q.C. Human Resources Management
However, with regard to Tan's claim for Corporation.
damages, the Court finds that she has no The dismissal of the complaint in Civil Case
cause of action against Resources. A No. 00-6029 for lack of cause of action of
thorough reading of the allegations of the Conchita Tan against Q.C. Human
Complaint reveals that Tan's claim for Resources Management Corporation
damages clearly springs from the strike is AFFIRMED.
effected by the employees of Resources. It SO ORDERED.
is settled that an employer's liability for
acts of its employees attaches only when
the tortious conduct of the employee
relates to, or is in the course of, his
employment.28 The question then is
whether, at the time of the damage or
injury, the employee is engaged in the
affairs or concerns of the employer or,
independently, in that of his own. An
G.R. No. 119121 August 14, 1998 Consequently, in view of the foregoing employer liable for torts committed by his
NATIONAL POWER consideration, judgment is hereby employees within the scope of their
CORPORATION, petitioner, rendered ordering PHESCO, Inc. and assigned task, there must exist an
vs. Gavino Ilumba upon receipt hereof: employer-employee relationship. (Martin
COURT OF APPEALS, Fifteenth Division 1. To pay jointly and severally the plaintiffs vs. Court of Appeals, 205 SCRA 591).
and PHESCO thru the Dansalan College the sum of WHEREFORE, we REVERSE the appealed
INCORPORATED, respondents. P954,154.55 representing the actual or decision. In lieu thereof, the Court renders
compensatory damages incurred by the judgment sentencing defendant National
plaintiffs; and Power Corporation to pay plaintiffs the sum
ROMERO, J.: 2. To pay the sum of P50,000.00 of P174,889.20 plus P20,000.00 as
On July 22, 1979, a convoy of four (4) representing Attorney's fees. attorney's fees and costs.
dump trucks owned by the National Power SO ORDERED. SO ORDERED.
Corporation (NPC) left Marawi city bound Dissatisfied, PHESCO appealed to the Court Chagrined by the sudden turnaround, NPC
for Iligan city. Unfortunately, enroute to its of Appeals, which on November 10, 1994 filed a motion for reconsideration of said
destination, one of the trucks with plate no reversed the trial court's judgment. We decision which was, however, denied on
RFT-9-6-673 driven by a certain Gavino quote the pertinent portion of the decision: February 9, 1995. 1 Hence, this petition.
Ilumba figured in a head-on-collision with A "labor only" contractor is considered The principal query to be resolved is, as
a Toyota Tamaraw. The incident resulted in merely as an agent of the employer between NPC and PHESCO, who is the
the death of three (3) persons riding in the (Deferia vs. National Labor Relations employer of Ilumba, driver of the
Toyota Tamaraw, as well as physical Commission, 194 SCRA 525). A finding that dumptruck which figured in the accident
injuries to seventeen other passengers. a contractor is a "labor only" contractor is and which should, therefore, would be
On June 10, 1980, the heirs of the victims equivalent to a finding that there is an liable for damages to the victims.
filed a complaint for damages against employer-employee relationship between Specifically, NPC assigns the sole error
National Power Corporation (NPC) and the owner of the project and the employees that:
PHESCO Incorporated (PHESCO) before the of the "labor only" contractor (Industrial THE COURT OF APPEALS DECISION
then Court of First Instance of Lanao del Timer Corporation vs. National Labor FINDING THAT PETITIONER NPC AS THE
Norte, Marawi City. When defendant Relations Commission, 202 SCRA 465). So, EMPLOYER OF THE DRIVER GAVINO
PHESCO filed its answer to the complaint it even if Phesco hired driver Gavino Ilumba, ILUMBA, AND CONSEQUENTLY
contended that it was not the owner of the as Phesco is admittedly a "labor only" SENTENCING IT TO PAY THE ACTUAL AND
dump truck which collided with the Toyota contractor of Napocor the statute itself COMPENSATORY DAMAGES SUSTAINED BY
Tamaraw but NPC. Moreover, it asserted establishes an employer-employee COMPLAINTS, IS NOT IN ACCORD WITH
that it was merely a contractor of NPC with relationship between the employer THE LAW OR WITH THE APPLICABLE
the main duty of supplying workers and (Napocor) and the employee (driver RULINGS OF THIS HONORABLE COURT. 2
technicians for the latter's projects. On the Ilumba) of the labor only contractor As earlier stated, NPC denies that the
other hand, NPC denied any liability and (Phesco). (Ecal vs. National Labor Relations driver of the dump truck was its employee.
countered that the driver of the dump truck Commission, 195 SCRA 224). It alleges that it did not have the power of
was the employee of PHESCO. Consequently, we hold Phesco not liable for selection and dismissal nor the power of
After trial on the merits, the trial court the tort of driver Gavino Ilumba, as there control over Ilumba. 3 PHESCO,
rendered a decision dated July 25, 1988 was no employment relationship between meanwhile, argues that it merely acted as
absolving NPC of any liability. The Phesco and driver Gavino Ilumba. Under a "recruiter" of the necessary workers for
dispositive portion reads: Article 2180 of the Civil Code, to hold the and in behalf of NPC. 4
Before we decide who is the employer of PHESCO were subject to confirmation by employer) who enters into an agreement
Ilumba, it is evidently necessary to NPC. 8 Then too, it cannot be ignored that with a job contractor, either for the
ascertain the contractual relationship if PHESCO enters into any sub-contract or performance of a specified work or for the
between NPC and PHESCO. Was the lease, again NPC's concurrence is supply of manpower, assumes
relationship one of employer and job needed. 9 Another consideration is that responsibility over the employees of the
(independent) contractor or one of even in the procurement of tools and latter. 15
employer and "labor only" contractor? equipment that will be used by PHESCO, However, NPC maintains that even
Job (independent) contracting is present if NPC's favorable recommendation is still assuming that a "labor only" contract exists
the following conditions are met: (a) the necessary before these tools and between it and PHESCO, its liability will not
contractor carries on an independent equipment can be purchased. 10
Notably, it extend to third persons who are injured
business and undertakes the contract work is NPC that will provide the money or due to the tortious acts of the employee of
on his own account under his own funding that will be used by PHESCO to the "labor-only" contractor. 16 Stated
responsibility according to his own manner undertake the project. 11 Furthermore, it otherwise, its liability shall only be limited
and method, free from the control and must be emphasized that the project being to violations of the Labor Code and not
direction of his employer or principal in all undertaken by PHESCO, i.e., construction quasi-delicts.
matters connected with the performance of of power energy facilities, is related to To bolster its position, NPC cites Section
the work except to the result thereof; and NPC's principal business of power 9(b), Rule VII, Book III of the Omnibus
(b) the contractor has substantial capital or generation. In sum, NPC's control over Rules Implementing the Labor Code which
investments in the form of tools, PHESCO in matters concerning the reads:
equipment, machineries, work premises performance of the latter's work is evident. (b) Labor only contracting as defined
and other materials which are necessary in It is enough that NPC has the right to wield herein is hereby prohibited and the person
the conduct of his business. 5 Absent these such power to be considered as the acting as contractor shall be considered
requisites, what exists is a "labor only" employer. 12 merely as an agent or intermediary of the
contract under which the person acting as Under this factual milieu, there is no doubt employer who shall be responsible to the
contractor is considered merely as an agent that PHESCO was engaged in "labor-only" workers in the same manner and extent as
or intermediary of the principal who is contracting vis-à-vis NPC and as such, it is if the latter were directly employed by him.
responsible to the workers in the same considered merely an agent of the latter. In In other words, NPC posits the theory that
manner and to the same extent as if they labor-only contracting, an employer- its liability is limited only to compliance
had been directly employed by employee relationship between the with the substantive labor provisions on
him. 6 Taking into consideration the above principal employer and the employees of working conditions, rest periods, and
distinction and the provisions of the the "labor-only" contractor is created. wages and shall not extend to liabilities
"Memorandum of Understanding" entered Accordingly, the principal employer is suffered by third parties, viz.:
into by PHESCO and NPC, we are convinced responsible to the employees of the "labor- Consequently, the responsibilities of the
that PHESCO was engaged in "labor only" only" contractor as if such employees had employer contemplated in a "labor only"
contracting. been directly employed by the principal contract, should, consistent with the terms
It must be noted that under the employer. 13 Since PHESCO is only a expressed in the rule, be restricted "to the
Memorandum, NPC had mandate to "labor-only" contractor, the workers it workers." The same can not be expanded
approve the "critical path network and rate supplied to NPC, including the driver of the to cover liabilities for damages to third
of expenditure to be undertaken by ill-fated truck, should be considered as persons resulting from the employees'
PHESCO. 7 Likewise, the manning schedule employees of NPC. 14 After all, it is tortious acts under Article 2180 of the Civil
and pay scale of the workers hired by axiomatic that any person (the principal Code. 17
The reliance is misplaced. It bears work. The chauffeur and the two persons who committed the negligence which gave
stressing that the action was premised on on the truck were the employees of Ora, rise to the action. 22
the recovery of damages as a result of the contractor, but Ora, the contractor, was Finally, NPC, even if it truly believed that it
quasi-delict against both NPC and PHESCO, an employee of Norton & Harrison Co., was not the employer of the driver, could
hence, it is the Civil Code and not the Labor charged with the duty of directing the still have disclaimed any liability had it
Code which is the applicable law in loading and transportation of the lumber. raised the defense of due diligence in the
resolving this case. And it was the negligence in loading the selection or supervision of PHESCO and
To be sure, the pronouncement of this lumber and the use of minors on the truck Ilumba. 23 However, for some reason or
Court in Filamer Christian Institute v. which caused the death of the unfortunate another, NPC did not invoke said defense.
IAC, 18 is most instructive: boy. On the facts and the law, Ora was not Hence, by opting not to present any
The present case does not deal with a labor an independent contractor, but was the evidence that it exercised due diligence in
dispute on conditions of employment servant of the defendant, and for his the supervision of the activities of PHESCO
between an alleged employee and an negligence defendant was responsible. and Ilumba, NPC has foreclosed its right to
alleged employer. It invokes a claim Given the above considerations, it is interpose the same on appeal in conformity
brought by one for damages for injury apparent that Article 2180 of the Civil Code with the rule that points of law, theories,
caused by the patently negligent acts of a and not the Labor Code will determine the issues of facts and arguments not raised in
person, against both doer-employee and liability of NPC in a civil suit for damages the proceedings below cannot be ventilated
his employer. Hence, the reliance on the instituted by an injured person for any for the first time on
implementing rule on labor to disregard the negligent act of the employees of the "labor appeal. 24 Consequently, its liability
primary liability of an employer under only" contractor. This is consistent with the stands.
Article 2180 of the Civil Code is misplaced. ruling that a finding that a contractor was WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the
An implementing rule on labor cannot be a "labor-only" contractor is equivalent to a assailed decision of the Court of Appeals
used by an employer as a shield to avoid finding that an employer-employee dated November 10, 1994 and its
liability under the substantive provisions of relationship existed between the owner accompanying resolution dated February 9,
the Civil Code. (principal contractor) and the "labor-only" 1995 are AFFIRMED without prejudice to
Corollarily from the above doctrine, the contractor, including the latter's the right of NPC to demand from PHESCO
ruling in Cuison v. Norton & Harrison workers. 20 and Ilumba reimbursement of the damages
Co., 19 finds applicability in the instant With respect to the liability of NPC as the it would be adjudged to pay to
case, viz.: direct employer, Article 2180 of the Civil complainants. No costs.
It is well to repeat that under the civil law Code explicitly provides: SO ORDERED.
an employer is only liable for the Employers shall be liable for the damages
negligence of his employees in the caused by their employees and household
discharge of their respective duties. The helpers acting within the scope of their
defense of independent contractor would assigned tasks, even though the former are
be a valid one in the Philippines just as it not engaged in any business or industry.
would be in the United States. Here Ora In this regard, NPC's liability is direct,
was a contractor, but it does not primary and solidary with PHESCO and the
necessarily follow that he was an driver. 21 Of course, NPC, if the judgment
independent contractor. The reason for this for damages is satisfied by it, shall have
distinction is that the employer retained recourse against PHESCO and the driver
the power of directing and controlling the
G.R. No. 115024 February 7, something wrong with her tires; she P180,000.00, including loss of expected
1996 stopped at a lighted place where there earnings.
MA. LOURDES VALENZUELA, petitioner, were people, to verify whether she had a Defendant Richard Li denied that he was
vs. flat tire and to solicit help if needed. Having negligent. He was on his way home,
COURT OF APPEALS, RICHARD LI and been told by the people present that her travelling at 55 kph; considering that it was
ALEXANDER COMMERCIAL, rear right tire was flat and that she cannot raining, visibility was affected and the road
INC., respondents. reach her home in that car's condition, she was wet. Traffic was light. He testified that
x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x- parked along the sidewalk, about 1-1/2 he was driving along the inner portion of
x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x feet away, put on her emergency lights, the right lane of Aurora Blvd. towards the
G.R. No. 117944 February 7, alighted from the car, and went to the rear direction of Araneta Avenue, when he was
1996 to open the trunk. She was standing at the suddenly confronted, in the vicinity of A.
RICHARD LI, petitioner, left side of the rear of her car pointing to Lake Street, San Juan, with a car coming
vs. the tools to a man who will help her fix the from the opposite direction, travelling at 80
COURT OF APPEALS and LOURDES tire when she was suddenly bumped by a kph, with "full bright lights". Temporarily
VALENZUELA, respondents. 1987 Mitsubishi Lancer driven by defendant blinded, he instinctively swerved to the
DECISION Richard Li and registered in the name of right to avoid colliding with the oncoming
KAPUNAN, J.: defendant Alexander Commercial, Inc. vehicle, and bumped plaintiff's car, which
These two petitions for review Because of the impact plaintiff was thrown he did not see because it was midnight blue
on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Revised against the windshield of the car of the in color, with no parking lights or early
Rules of Court stem from an action to defendant, which was destroyed, and then warning device, and the area was poorly
recover damages by petitioner Lourdes fell to the ground. She was pulled out from lighted. He alleged in his defense that the
Valenzuela in the Regional Trial Court of under defendant's car. Plaintiff's left leg left rear portion of plaintiff's car was
Quezon City for injuries sustained by her in was severed up to the middle of her thigh, protruding as it was then "at a standstill
a vehicular accident in the early morning of with only some skin and sucle connected to diagonally" on the outer portion of the right
June 24, 1990. The facts found by the trial the rest of the body. She was brought to lane towards Araneta Avenue (par. 18,
court are succinctly summarized by the the UERM Medical Memorial Center where Answer). He confirmed the testimony of
Court of Appeals below: she was found to have a "traumatic plaintiff's witness that after being bumped
This is an action to recover damages based amputation, leg, left up to distal thigh the car of the plaintiff swerved to the right
on quasi-delict, for serious physical injuries (above knee)". She was confined in the and hit another car parked on the sidewalk.
sustained in a vehicular accident. hospital for twenty (20) days and was Defendants counterclaimed for damages,
Plaintiff's version of the accident is as eventually fitted with an artificial leg. The alleging that plaintiff was reckless or
follows: At around 2:00 in the morning of expenses for the hospital confinement negligent, as she was not a licensed driver.
June 24, 1990, plaintiff Ma. Lourdes (P120,000.00) and the cost of the artificial The police investigator, Pfc. Felic Ramos,
Valenzuela was driving a blue Mitsubishi leg (P27,000.00) were paid by defendants who prepared the vehicular accident report
lancer with Plate No. FFU 542 from her from the car insurance. and the sketch of the three cars involved in
restaurant at Marcos highway to her home In her complaint, plaintiff prayed for moral the accident, testified that the plaintiff's car
at Palanza Street, Araneta Avenue. She damages in the amount of P1 million, was "near the sidewalk"; this witness did
was travelling along Aurora Blvd. with a exemplary damages in the amount of not remember whether the hazard lights of
companion, Cecilia Ramon, heading P100,000.00 and other medical and related plaintiff's car were on, and did not notice if
towards the direction of Manila. Before expenses amounting to a total of there was an early warning device; there
reaching A. Lake Street, she noticed was a street light at the corner of Aurora
Blvd. and F. Roman, about 100 meters (c) P30,000.00, a month for unrealized his beerhouse located at Aurora Boulevard
away. It was not mostly dark, i.e. "things profits in plaintiff's two (2) beauty salons after A. Lake Street, at or about 2:00 a.m.
can be seen" (p. 16, tsn, Oct. 28, 1991). from July, 1990 until the date of this of June 24, 1990 when his attention was
A witness for the plaintiff, Rogelio decision; caught by a beautiful lady (referring to the
Rodriguez, testified that after plaintiff 3. P1,000,000.00, in moral damages; plaintiff) alighting from her car and opening
alighted from her car and opened the trunk 4. P50,000.00, as exemplary damages; the trunk compartment; he noticed the car
compartment, defendant's car came 5. P60,000.00, as reasonable attorney's of Richard Li "approaching very fast ten
approaching very fast ten meters from the fees; and (10) meters away from the scene";
scene; the car was "zigzagging". The rear 6. Costs. defendant's car was zigzagging", although
left side of plaintiff's car was bumped by As a result of the trial court's decision, there were no holes and hazards on the
the front right portion of defendant's car; defendants filed an Omnibus Motion for street, and "bumped the leg of the plaintiff"
as a consequence, the plaintiff's car New Trial and for Reconsideration, citing who was thrown against the windshield of
swerved to the right and hit the parked car testimony in Criminal Case O.C. No. defendant's care, causing its destruction.
on the sidewalk. Plaintiff was thrown to the 804367 (People vs. Richard Li), tending to He came to the rescue of the plaintiff, who
windshield of defendant's car, which was show that the point of impact, as depicted was pulled out from under defendant's car
destroyed, and landed under the car. He by the pieces of glass/debris from the and was able to say "hurting words" to
stated that defendant was under the parties' cars, appeared to be at the center Richard Li because he noticed that the
influence of liquor as he could "smell it very of the right lane of Aurora Blvd. The trial latter was under the influence of liquor,
well" (pp. 43, 79, tsn, June 17, 1991). court denied the motion. Defendants because he "could smell it very well" (p.
After trial, the lower court sustained the forthwith filed an appeal with the 36, et. seq., tsn, June 17, 1991). He knew
plaintiff's submissions and found defendant respondent Court of Appeals. In a Decision that plaintiff owned a beerhouse in Sta.
Richard Li guilty of gross negligence and rendered March 30, 1994, the Court of Mesa in the 1970's, but did not know either
liable for damages under Article 2176 of Appeals found that there was "ample basis plaintiff or defendant Li before the
the Civil Code. The trial court likewise held from the evidence of record for the trial accident.
Alexander Commercial, Inc., Li's employer, court's finding that the plaintiff's car was In agreeing with the trial court that the
jointly and severally liable for damages properly parked at the right, beside the defendant Li was liable for the injuries
pursuant to Article 2180. It ordered the sidewalk when it was bumped by sustained by the plaintiff, the Court of
defendants to jointly and severally pay the defendant's car."1 Dismissing the Appeals, in its decision, however, absolved
following amounts: defendants' argument that the plaintiff's the Li's employer, Alexander Commercial,
1. P41,840.00, as actual damages, car was improperly parked, almost at the Inc. from any liability towards petitioner
representing the miscellaneous expenses center of the road, the respondent court Lourdes Valenzuela and reduced the
of the plaintiff as a result of her severed left noted that evidence which was supposed to amount of moral damages to P500,000.00.
leg; prove that the car was at or near center of Finding justification for exemplary
2. The sums of (a) P37,500.00, for the the right lane was never presented during damages, the respondent court allowed an
unrealized profits because of the stoppage the trial of the case.2 The respondent court award of P50,000.00 for the same, in
of plaintiff's Bistro La Conga restaurant furthermore observed that: addition to costs, attorney's fees and the
three (3) weeks after the accident on June Defendant Li's testimony that he was other damages. The Court of Appeals,
24, 1990; (b) P20,000.00, a month, as driving at a safe speed of 55 km./hour is likewise, dismissed the defendants'
unrealized profits of the plaintiff in her self serving; it was not corroborated. It was counterclaims. 3
Bistro La Conga restaurant, from August, in fact contradicted by eyewitness Consequently, both parties assail the
1990 until the date of this judgment and Rodriguez who stated that he was outside respondent court's decision by filing two
separate petitions before this Court. the owner-operator of an establishment attempt was made to question .his
Richard Li, in G.R. No. 117944, contends located just across the scene of the competence or the accuracy of his
that he should not be held liable for accident. On trial, he testified that he statement that defendant was driving "very
damages because the proximate cause of observed a car being driven at a "very fast" fast". This was the same statement he gave
the accident was Ma. Lourdes Valenzuela's speed, racing towards the general direction to the police investigator after the incident,
own negligence. Alternatively, he argues of Araneta Avenue.6 Rodriguez further as told to a newspaper report (Exh. "P").
that in the event that this Court finds him added that he was standing in front of his We see no compelling basis for
negligent, such negligence ought to be establishment, just ten to twenty feet away disregarding his testimony.
mitigated by the contributory negligence of from the scene of the accident, when he The alleged inconsistencies in Rodriguez'
Valenzuela. saw the car hit Valenzuela, hurtling her testimony are not borne out by an
On the other hand, in G.R. No. 115024, Ma. against the windshield of the defendant's examination of the testimony. Rodriguez
Lourdes Valenzuela assails the respondent Mitsubishi Lancer, from where she testified that the scene of the accident was
court's decision insofar as it absolves eventually fell under the defendant's car. across the street where his beerhouse is
Alexander Commercial, Inc. from liability Spontaneously reacting to the incident, he located about ten to twenty feet away (pp.
as the owner of the car driven by Richard crossed the street, noting that a man 35-36, tsn, June 17, 1991). He did not
Li and insofar as it reduces the amount of reeking with the smell of liquor had state that the accident transpired
the actual and moral damages awarded by alighted from the offending vehicle in order immediately in front of his establishment.
the trial court.4 to survey the incident.7 Equally important, The ownership of the Lambingan se
As the issues are intimately related, both Rodriguez declared that he observed Kambingan is not material; the business is
petitions are hereby consolidated. Valenzuela's car parked parallel and very registered in the name of his mother, but
It is plainly evident that the petition for near the sidewalk,8 contrary to Li's he explained that he owns the
review in G.R. No. 117944 raises no allegation that Valenzuela's car was close establishment (p. 5, tsn, June 20, 1991).
substantial questions of law. What it, in to the center of the right lane. We agree Moreover, the testimony that the
effect, attempts to have this Court review that as between Li's "self-serving" streetlights on his side of Aurora Boulevard
are factual findings of the trial court, as asseverations and the observations of a were on the night the accident transpired
sustained by the Court of Appeals finding witness who did not even know the (p. 8) is not necessarily contradictory to
Richard Li grossly negligent in driving the accident victim personally and who the testimony of Pfc. Ramos that there was
Mitsubishi Lancer provided by his company immediately gave a statement of the a streetlight at the corner of Aurora
in the early morning hours of June 24, incident similar to his testimony to the Boulevard and F. Roman Street (p. 45, tsn,
1990. This we will not do. As a general rule, investigator immediately after the incident, Oct. 20, 1991).
findings of fact of the Court of Appeals are the latter's testimony deserves greater With respect to the weather condition,
binding and conclusive upon us, and this weight. As the court emphasized: Rodriguez testified that there was only a
Court will not normally disturb such factual The issue is one of credibility and from Our drizzle, not a heavy rain and the rain has
findings unless the findings of fact of the own examination of the transcript, We are stopped and he was outside his
said court are palpably unsupported by the not prepared to set aside the trial court's establishment at the time the accident
evidence on record or unless the judgment reliance on the testimony of Rodriguez transpired (pp. 64-65, tsn, June 17, 1991).
itself is based on a misapprehension of negating defendant's assertion that he was This was consistent with plaintiff's
facts.5 driving at a safe speed. While Rodriguez testimony that it was no longer raining
In the first place, Valenzuela's version of drives only a motorcycle, his perception of when she left Bistro La Conga (pp. 10-11,
the incident was fully corroborated by an speed is not necessarily impaired. He was tsn, April 29, 1991). It was defendant Li
uninterested witness, Rogelio Rodriguez, subjected to cross-examination and no who stated that it was raining all the way
in an attempt to explain why he was thoroughfare like Aurora Boulevard, Li Since, according to him, in his narration to
travelling at only 50-55 kph. (p. 11, tsn, would have had ample time to react to the the San Juan Police, he put on his brakes
Oct. 14, 1991). As to the testimony of Pfc. changing conditions of the road if he were when he saw the plaintiff's car in front of
Ramos that it was raining, he arrived at the alert - as every driver should be - to those him, but that it failed as the road was wet
scene only in response to a telephone call conditions. Driving exacts a more than and slippery, this goes to show again, that,
after the accident had transpired (pp. 9-10, usual toll on the senses. Physiological "fight contrary to his claim, he was, indeed,
tsn, Oct. 28, 1991). We find no substantial or flight" 10 mechanisms are at work, running very fast. For, were it otherwise,
inconsistencies in Rodriguez's testimony provided such mechanisms were not dulled he could have easily completely stopped
that would impair the essential integrity of by drugs, alcohol, exhaustion, drowsiness, his car, thereby avoiding the bumping of
his testimony or reflect on his honesty. We etc.11 Li's failure to react in a manner which the plaintiff, notwithstanding that the road
are compelled to affirm the trial court's would have avoided the accident could was wet and slippery. Verily, since, if,
acceptance of the testimony of said therefore have been only due to either or indeed, he was running slow, as he
eyewitness. both of the two factors: 1) that he was claimed, at only about 55 kilometers per
Against the unassailable testimony of driving at a "very fast" speed as testified by hour, then, inspite of the wet and slippery
witness Rodriguez we note that Li's Rodriguez; and 2) that he was under the road, he could have avoided hitting the
testimony was peppered with so many influence of alcohol.12 Either factor working plaintiff by the mere expedient or applying
inconsistencies leading us to conclude that independently would have diminished his his brakes at the proper time and distance.
his version of the accident was merely responsiveness to road conditions, since It could not be true, therefore, as he now
adroitly crafted to provide a version, normally he would have slowed down prior claims during his testimony, which is
obviously self-serving, which would to reaching Valenzuela's car, rather than be contrary to what he told the police
exculpate him from any and all liability in in a situation forcing him to suddenly apply immediately after the accident and is,
the incident. Against Valenzuela's his brakes. As the trial court noted (quoted therefore, more believable, that he did not
corroborated claims, his allegations were with approval by respondent court): actually step on his brakes but simply
neither backed up by other witnesses nor Secondly, as narrated by defendant swerved a little to the right when he saw
by the circumstances proven in the course Richard Li to the San Juan Police the on-coming car with glaring headlights,
of trial. He claimed that he was driving immediately after the incident, he said that from the opposite direction, in order to
merely at a speed of 55 kph. when "out of while driving along Aurora Blvd., out of avoid it.
nowhere he saw a dark maroon lancer right nowhere he saw a dark maroon lancer right For, had this been what he did, he would
in front of him, which was (the) plaintiff's in front of him which was plaintiff's car, not have bumped the car of the plaintiff
car". He alleged that upon seeing this indicating, again, thereby that, indeed, he which was properly parked at the right
sudden "apparition" he put on his brakes to was driving very fast, oblivious of his beside the sidewalk. And, it was not even
no avail as the road was slippery.9 surroundings and the road ahead of him, necessary for him to swerve a little to the
One will have to suspend disbelief in order because if he was not, then he could not right in order to safely avoid a collision with
to give credence to Li's disingenuous and have missed noticing at a still far distance the on-coming car, considering that Aurora
patently self-serving asseverations. The the parked car of the plaintiff at the right Blvd. is a double lane avenue separated at
average motorist alert to road side near the sidewalk which had its the center by a dotted white paint, and
conditions will have no difficulty applying emergency lights on, thereby avoiding there is plenty of space for both cars, since
the brakes to a car traveling at the speed forcefully bumping at the plaintiff who was her car was running at the right lane going
claimed by Li. Given a light rainfall, the then standing at the left rear edge of her towards Manila on the on-coming car was
visibility of the street, and the road car. also on its right lane going to Cubao.13
conditions on a principal metropolitan
Having come to the conclusion that Li was impending danger, is not guilty of be both a threat to her safety and to other
negligent in driving his company-issued negligence if he fails to undertake what motorists. In the instant case, Valenzuela,
Mitsubishi Lancer, the next question for us subsequently and upon reflection may upon reaching that portion of Aurora
to determine is whether or not Valenzuela appear to be a better solution, unless the Boulevard close to A. Lake St., noticed that
was likewise guilty of contributory emergency was brought by his own she had a flat tire. To avoid putting herself
negligence in parking her car alongside negligence.17 and other motorists in danger, she did what
Aurora Boulevard, which entire area Li Applying this principle to a case in which was best under the situation. As narrated
points out, is a no parking zone. the victims in a vehicular accident swerved by respondent court: "She stopped at a
We agree with the respondent court that to the wrong lane to avoid hitting two lighted place where there were people, to
Valenzuela was not guilty of contributory children suddenly darting into the street, verify whether she had a flat tire and to
negligence. we held, in Mc Kee vs. Intermediate solicit help if needed. Having been told by
Contributory negligence is conduct on the Appellate Court,18 that the driver therein, the people present that her rear right tire
part of the injured party, contributing as a Jose Koh, "adopted the best means was flat and that she cannot reach her
legal cause to the harm he has suffered, possible in the given situation" to avoid home she parked along the sidewalk, about
which falls below the standard to which he hitting the children. Using the "emergency 1 1/2 feet away, behind a Toyota Corona
is required to conform for his own rule" the Court concluded that Koh, in spite Car."20 In fact, respondent court noted, Pfc.
protection.14 Based on the foregoing of the fact that he was in the wrong lane Felix Ramos, the investigator on the scene
definition, the standard or act to which, when the collision with an oncoming truck of the accident confirmed that Valenzuela's
according to petitioner Li, Valenzuela ought occurred, was not guilty of negligence.19 car was parked very close to the
to have conformed for her own protection While the emergency rule applies to those sidewalk.21 The sketch which he prepared
was not to park at all at any point of Aurora cases in which reflective thought, or the after the incident showed Valenzuela's car
Boulevard, a no parking zone. We cannot opportunity to adequately weigh a partly straddling the sidewalk, clear and at
agree. threatening situation is absent, the conduct a convenient distance from motorists
Courts have traditionally been compelled to which is required of an individual in such passing the right lane of Aurora Boulevard.
recognize that an actor who is confronted cases is dictated not exclusively by the This fact was itself corroborated by the
with an emergency is not to be held up to suddenness of the event which absolutely testimony of witness Rodriguez.22
the standard of conduct normally applied to negates thoroughful care, but by the over- Under the circumstances described,
an individual who is in no such situation. all nature of the circumstances. A woman Valenzuela did exercise the standard
The law takes stock of impulses of driving a vehicle suddenly crippled by a flat reasonably dictated by the emergency and
humanity when placed in threatening or tire on a rainy night will not be faulted for could not be considered to have
dangerous situations and does not require stopping at a point which is both contributed to the unfortunate
the same standard of thoughtful and convenient for her to do so and which is not circumstances which eventually led to the
reflective care from persons confronted by a hazard to other motorists. She is not amputation of one of her lower extremities.
unusual and oftentimes threatening expected to run the entire boulevard in The emergency which led her to park her
conditions. 15
search for a parking zone or turn on a dark car on a sidewalk in Aurora Boulevard was
Under the "emergency rule" adopted by street or alley where she would likely find not of her own making, and it was evident
this Court in Gan vs. Court of Appeals,16 an no one to help her. It would be hazardous that she had taken all reasonable
individual who suddenly finds himself in a for her not to stop and assess the precautions.
situation of danger and is required to act emergency (simply because the entire Obviously in the case at bench, the only
without much time to consider the best length of Aurora Boulevard is a no-parking negligence ascribable was the negligence
means that may be adopted to avoid the zone) because the hobbling vehicle would of Li on the night of the accident.
"Negligence, as it is commonly understood employer. In denying liability on the part of employer at the time of the infliction of the
is conduct which creates an undue risk of Alexander Commercial, the respondent injury or damage (Filamer Christian
harm to others."23 It is the failure to court held that: Institute vs. Intermediate Appellate Court,
observe that degree of care, precaution, There is no evidence, not even defendant 212 SCRA 637). An employer is expected
and vigilance which the circumstances Li's testimony, that the visit was in to impose upon its employees the
justly demand, whereby such other person connection with official matters. His necessary discipline called for in the
suffers injury.24 We stressed, in Corliss functions as assistant manager sometimes performance of any act "indispensable to
vs. Manila Railroad Company,25 that required him to perform work outside the the business and beneficial to their
negligence is the want of care required by office as he has to visit buyers and employer" (at p. 645).
the circumstances. company clients, but he admitted that on In light of the foregoing, We are unable to
The circumstances established by the the night of the accident he came from BF sustain the trial court's finding that since
evidence adduced in the court below plainly Homes Paranaque he did not have defendant Li was authorized by the
demonstrate that Li was grossly negligent "business from the company" (pp. 25-26, company to use the company car "either
in driving his Mitsubishi Lancer. It bears ten, Sept. 23, 1991). The use of the officially or socially or even bring it home",
emphasis that he was driving at a fast company car was partly required by the he can be considered as using the company
speed at about 2:00 A.M. after a heavy nature of his work, but the privilege of car in the service of his employer or on the
downpour had settled into a drizzle using it for non-official business is a occasion of his functions. Driving the
rendering the street slippery. There is "benefit", apparently referring to the fringe company car was not among his functions
ample testimonial evidence on record to benefits attaching to his position. as assistant manager; using it for non-
show that he was under the influence of Under the civil law, an employer is liable for official purposes would appear to be a
liquor. Under these conditions, his chances the negligence of his employees in the fringe benefit, one of the perks attached to
of effectively dealing with changing discharge of their respective duties, the his position. But to impose liability upon the
conditions on the road were significantly basis of which liability is not respondeat employer under Article 2180 of the Civil
lessened. As Presser and Keaton superior, but the relationship of pater Code, earlier quoted, there must be a
emphasize: familias, which theory bases the liability of showing that the damage was caused by
[U]nder present day traffic conditions, any the master ultimately on his own their employees in the service of the
driver of an automobile must be prepared negligence and not on that of his servant employer or on the occasion of their
for the sudden appearance of obstacles and (Cuison v. Norton and Harrison Co., 55 Phil. functions. There is no evidence that
persons on the highway, and of other 18). Before an employer may be held liable Richard Li was at the time of the accident
vehicles at intersections, such as one who for the negligence of his employee, the act performing any act in furtherance of the
sees a child on the curb may be required to or omission which caused damage must company's business or its interests, or at
anticipate its sudden dash into the street, have occurred while an employee was in least for its benefit. The imposition of
and his failure to act properly when they the actual performance of his assigned solidary liability against defendant
appear may be found to amount to tasks or duties (Francis High School vs. Alexander Commercial Corporation must
negligence.26 Court of Appeals, 194 SCRA 341). In therefore fail.27
Li's obvious unpreparedness to cope with defining an employer's liability for the acts We agree with the respondent court that
the situation confronting him on the night done within the scope of the employee's the relationship in question is not based on
of the accident was clearly of his own assigned tasks, the Supreme Court has the principle of respondeat superior, which
making. held that this includes any act done by an holds the master liable for acts of the
We now come to the question of the liability employee, in furtherance of the interests of servant, but that of pater familias, in which
of Alexander Commercial, Inc. Li's the employer or for the account of the the liability ultimately falls upon the
employer, for his failure to exercise the Ordinarily, evidence demonstrating that during private use after normal office
diligence of a good father of the family in the employer has exercised diligent hours?
the selection and supervision of his supervision of its employee during the Most pharmaceutical companies, for
employees. It is up to this point, however, performance of the latter's assigned tasks instance, which provide cars under the first
that our agreement with the respondent would be enough to relieve him of the plan, require rigorous tests of road
court ends. Utilizing the bonus pater liability imposed by Article 2180 in relation worthiness from their agents prior to
familias standard expressed in Article 2180 to Article 2176 of the Civil Code. The turning over the car (subject of company
of the Civil Code, 28 we are of the opinion employer is not expected to exercise maintenance) to their representatives. In
that Li's employer, Alexander Commercial, supervision over either the employee's other words, like a good father of a family,
Inc. is jointly and solidarily liable for the private activities or during the performance they entrust the company vehicle only after
damage caused by the accident of June 24, of tasks either unsanctioned by the former they are satisfied that the employee to
1990. or unrelated to the employee's tasks. The whom the car has been given full use of the
First, the case of St. Francis High School case at bench presents a situation of a said company car for company or private
vs. Court of Appeals29 upon which different character, involving a practice purposes will not be a threat or menace to
respondent court has placed undue utilized by large companies with either himself, the company or to others. When a
reliance, dealt with the subject of a school their employees of managerial rank or their company gives full use and enjoyment of a
and its teacher's supervision of students representatives. company car to its employee, it in effect
during an extracurricular activity. These It is customary for large companies to guarantees that it is, like every good
cases now fall under the provision on provide certain classes of their employees father, satisfied that its employee will use
special parental authority found in Art. 218 with courtesy vehicles. These company the privilege reasonably and responsively.
of the Family Code which generally cars are either wholly owned and In the ordinary course of business, not all
encompasses all authorized school maintained by the company itself or are company employees are given the privilege
activities, whether inside or outside school subject to various plans through which of using a company-issued car. For large
premises. employees eventually acquire their companies other than those cited in the
Second, the employer's primary liability vehicles after a given period of service, or example of the preceding paragraph, the
under the concept of pater after paying a token amount. Many privilege serves important business
familias embodied by Art 2180 (in relation companies provide liberal "car plans" to purposes either related to the image of
to Art. 2176) of the Civil Code is quasi- enable their managerial or other success an entity intends to present to its
delictual or tortious in character. His employees of rank to purchase cars, which, clients and to the public in general, or - for
liability is relieved on a showing that he given the cost of vehicles these days, they practical and utilitarian reasons - to enable
exercised the diligence of a good father of would not otherwise be able to purchase on its managerial and other employees of rank
the family in the selection and supervision their own. or its sales agents to reach clients
of its employees. Once evidence is Under the first example, the company conveniently. In most cases, providing a
introduced showing that the employer actually owns and maintains the car up to company car serves both purposes. Since
exercised the required amount of care in the point of turnover of ownership to the important business transactions and
selecting its employees, half of the employee; in the second example, the car decisions may occur at all hours in all sorts
employer's burden is overcome. The is really owned and maintained by the of situations and under all kinds of guises,
question of diligent supervision, however, employee himself. In furnishing vehicles to the provision for the unlimited use of a
depends on the circumstances of such employees, are companies totally company car therefore principally serves
employment. absolved of responsibility when an accident the business and goodwill of a company
involving a company-issued car occurs and only incidentally the private purposes
of the individual who actually uses the car, serving. Assuming he really came from his As a result of the accident, Ma. Lourdes
the managerial employee or company sales officemate's place, the same could give rise Valenzuela underwent a traumatic
agent. As such, in providing for a company to speculation that he and his officemate amputation of her left lower extremity at
car for business use and/or for the purpose had just been from a work-related function, the distal left thigh just above the knee.
of furthering the company's image, a or they were together to discuss sales and Because of this, Valenzuela will forever be
company owes a responsibility to the public other work related strategies. deprived of the full ambulatory functions of
to see to it that the managerial or other In fine, Alexander Commercial, inc. has not her left extremity, even with the use of
employees to whom it entrusts virtually demonstrated, to our satisfaction, that it state of the art prosthetic technology. Well
unlimited use of a company issued car are exercised the care and diligence of a good beyond the period of hospitalization (which
able to use the company issue capably and father of the family in entrusting its was paid for by Li), she will be required to
responsibly. company car to Li. No allegations were undergo adjustments in her prosthetic
In the instant case, Li was an Assistant made as to whether or not the company devise due to the shrinkage of the stump
Manager of Alexander Commercial, Inc. In took the steps necessary to determine or from the process of healing.
his testimony before the trial court, he ascertain the driving proficiency and These adjustments entail costs, prosthetic
admitted that his functions as Assistant history of Li, to whom it gave full and replacements and months of physical and
Manager did not require him to unlimited use of a company car.31 Not occupational rehabilitation and therapy.
scrupulously keep normal office hours as having been able to overcome the burden During her lifetime, the prosthetic devise
he was required quite often to perform of demonstrating that it should be absolved will have to be replaced and re-adjusted to
work outside the office, visiting prospective of liability for entrusting its company car to changes in the size of her lower limb
buyers and contacting and meeting with Li, said company, based on the principle effected by the biological changes of
company clients. 30 These meetings, of bonus pater familias, ought to be jointly middle-age, menopause and aging.
clearly, were not strictly confined to routine and severally liable with the former for the Assuming she reaches menopause, for
hours because, as a managerial employee injuries sustained by Ma. Lourdes example, the prosthetic will have to be
tasked with the job of representing his Valenzuela during the accident. adjusted to respond to the changes in bone
company with its clients, meetings with Finally, we find no reason to overturn the resulting from a precipitate decrease in
clients were both social as well as work- amount of damages awarded by the calcium levels observed in the bones of all
related functions. The service car assigned respondent court, except as to the amount post-menopausal women. In other words,
to Li by Alexander Commercial, Inc. of moral damages. In the case of moral the damage done to her would not only be
therefore enabled both Li - as well as the damages, while the said damages are not permanent and lasting, it would also be
corporation - to put up the front of a highly intended to enrich the plaintiff at the permanently changing and adjusting to the
successful entity, increasing the latter's expense of a defendant, the award should physiologic changes which her body
goodwill before its clientele. It also nonetheless be commensurate to the would normally undergo through the
facilitated meeting between Li and its suffering inflicted. In the instant case we years. The replacements, changes, and
clients by providing the former with a are of the opinion that the reduction in adjustments will require corresponding
convenient mode of travel. moral damages from an amount of adjustive physical and occupational
Moreover, Li's claim that he happened to be P1,000,000.00 to P800,000,00 by the therapy. All of these adjustments, it has
on the road on the night of the accident Court of Appeals was not justified been documented, are painful.
because he was coming from a social visit considering the nature of the resulting The foregoing discussion does not even
with an officemate in Paranaque was a bare damage and the predictable sequelae of scratch the surface of the nature of the
allegation which was never corroborated in the injury. resulting damage because it would be
the court below. It was obviously self- highly speculative to estimate the amount
of psychological pain, damage and injury
which goes with the sudden severing of a
vital portion of the human body. A
prosthetic device, however technologically
advanced, will only allow a reasonable
amount of functional restoration of the
motor functions of the lower limb. The
sensory functions are forever lost. The
resultant anxiety, sleeplessness,
psychological injury, mental and physical
pain are inestimable.
As the amount of moral damages are
subject to this Court's discretion, we are of
the opinion that the amount of
P1,000,000.00 granted by the trial court is
in greater accord with the extent and
nature of the injury - physical and
psychological - suffered by Valenzuela as a
result of Li's grossly negligent driving of his
Mitsubishi Lancer in the early morning
hours of the accident.
decision of the Court of Appeals is modified
with the effect of REINSTATING the
judgment of the Regional Trial Court.
G.R. No. 214567 loan proceeds as interim or bridge asserted that she neither applied for an
DRA. MERCEDES OLIVER, Petitioner, financing interest. Together with the additional loan of P4.5 million nor
vs. interest income, the principal amount authorized the withdrawal of P7 million.
PHILIPPINE SAVINGS BANK and LILIA previously withdrawn from Oliver’s bank She also discovered another loan for
CASTRO, Respondents. account would be deposited back to her P1,396,310.45, acquired on January 5,
DECISION account. Meanwhile, Castro would earn a 1999 and allegedly issued in connection
MENDOZA, J.: commission of 10% from the interest. with the P10 million credit line.
This is a petition for review Their arrangement went on smoothly for In Oliver’s passbook, 7 there were no
on certiorari seeking to reverse and set months. Due to the frequency of bank entries from December 17, 1998 to
aside the October 25, 2013 Decision1 and transactions, Oliver even entrusted her December 27, 1998. The transaction
the September 12, 2014 Resolution2 of the passbook to Castro. Because Oliver earned history register, however, showed several
Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV No. substantial profit, she was further transactions on these very same dates
95656, which reversed the July 22, 2010 convinced by Castro to avail of an including the crediting of P4.5 million and
Order3 of the Regional Trial Court, Branch additional credit line in the amount of P10 the debiting of P7 million on December 21,
276, Muntinlupa City (RTC) in Civil Case million. The said credit line was secured by 1998. Oliver then learned that the
No. 99-278, a case for injunction and a real estate mortgage on her house and additional P4.5 million and P1,396,310.45
damages. lot in Ayala Alabang covered by Transfer loans were also secured by the real estate
Petitioner Mercedes Oliver (Oliver) was a Certificate of Title (TCT) No. 137796.5 mortgage,8 dated January 8, 1998,
depositor of respondent Philippine Savings Oliver instructed Castro to pay P2 million covering the same property in Ayala
Bank (PSBank) with account number monthly to PSBank starting on September Alabang. Oliver received two collection
2812-07991-6. dent Lilia 3, 1998 so that her credit line for P10 letters,9 dated May 13, 1999 and June 18,
Castro (Castro) was the Assistant Vice million would be fully paid by January 3, 1999, from PSBank referring to the non-
President of the Acting Branch 1999. payment of unpaid loans, to wit: (1)
Manager of PSBank San Pedro, Laguna. Beginning September 1998, Castro P4,491,250.00 from the additional loan and
Oliver’s Position stopped rendering an accounting for Oliver. (2) P1,396,310.45 from the P10 million
In her Complaint,4 dated October 5, 1999, The latter then demanded the return of her credit line.10 In response, Oliver protested
Oliver alleged that sometime in 1997, she passbook. When Castro showed her the that she neither availed of the said loans
made an initial deposit of P12 million into passbook sometime in late January or early nor authorized the withdrawal of P7 million
her PSBank account. During that time, February 1995, she noticed several from her account.11 She also claimed that
Castro convinced her to loan out her erasures and superimpositions therein. She the P10 million loan from her credit line was
deposit as interim or bridge financing for became very suspicious of the many already paid in full.12
the approved loans of bank borrowers who erasures pertaining to the December 1998 On July 14, 1999, a final demand
were waiting for the actual release of their entries so she requested a copy of her letter13 was sent to Oliver by PSBank,
loan proceeds. transaction history register from PSBank. requiring her to pay the unpaid loans.
Under this arrangement, Castro would first When her transaction history register6 was Oliver, however, still refused to pay.
show the approved loan documents to shown to her, Oliver was surprised to Subsequently, Oliver received a notice of
Oliver. Thereafter, Castro would withdraw discover that the amount of P4,491,250.00 sale14 involving the property in Ayala
the amount needed from Oliver’s account. (estimated at P4.5 million) was entered Alabang, issued by Notary Public Jose
Upon the actual release of the loan by into her account on December 21, 1998. Celestino Torres on September 15, 1999.
PSBank to the borrower, Castro would then While a total of P7 million was withdrawn The said notice informed her of the
charge the rate of 4% a month from the from her account on the same day, Oliver impending extra-judicial foreclosure and
sale of her house and lot to be held on Castro asserted that, on December 21, According to the RTC, PSBank and Castro
October 21, 1999. 1998, upon Oliver’s instruction, a total of should not be held liable for the loan of
As a result, Oliver filed the subject P7 million was withdrawn from the latter’s P4.5 million and the withdrawal of the P7
complaint against PSBank and Castro. account and was then deposited to the million. Castro was able to submit the Debit
Castro’s Position account of one Ben Lim (Lim) on the same Credit Memo24 and the Savings Account
In her Answer,15 Castro admitted that she date. Lim was a businessman who Check Deposit Slip25 to prove that there
and Oliver agreed that the latter would lend borrowed money from Oliver. Castro knew were some previous loan transactions
out money to borrowers at 4% to 5% him because he was also a depositor and between Oliver and Lim. Considering that
interest per month provided that the borrower of PSBank San Pedro Branch.19 neither PSBank nor Castro obtained the P7
former would screen them. She also As to the amount of P1,396,310.45, Castro million, there was no obligation on their
acknowledged having been instructed by explained that it was a separate and part to return the amount.
Oliver to pay the bank P2 million every personal loan obtained by her from Oliver. Moreover, the trial court stated that Oliver
month to settle the P10 million credit line. To secure the payment of such obligation, failed to controvert PSBank’s allegation
Nonetheless, Castro informed Oliver that Castro mortgaged a property located in that she had unpaid loan obligations. Thus,
the payment thereof was subject to the Camella Homes III in Tunasan, Muntinlupa it concluded that PSBank had the right to
availability of funds in her account. She City. foreclose the mortgaged property.
disclosed that she made some alterations Castro admitted that on October 19, 1999, The fallo reads:
and erasures in Oliver’s passbook so as to she was terminated by PSBank because of WHEREFORE, finding lack of merit, the
reconcile the passbook with the computer certain problems regarding client instant case is hereby DISMISSED.
printout of the bank, but denied any accommodation and loss of confidence.20 Accordingly, the Writ of Preliminary
attempt to hide the passbook as she was PSBank’s Position Injunction is hereby LIFTED and SET
able to return it sometime in January 1999. In its defense, PSBank averred that Oliver ASIDE.
Castro also denied the deceit imputed applied for a credit line of P10 million which SO ORDERED.26
against her. She asserted that their was granted by the bank and which Oliver seasonably filed her motion for
arrangement was not "interim or bridge secured by a real estate mortgage. reconsideration.27 She insisted that the P7
financing" inasmuch as the loans were Because Oliver failed to pay the P10 million million was unlawfully withdrawn. She
entirely new and distinct from that granted loan, she obtained another loan in the claimed that what happened in this case
by PSBank. When Oliver’s clients amount of P4.5 million, as evidenced by a was a "cash savings withdrawal" and
multiplied, Castro advised her to apply for promissory note. Days later, she again that there should have been a
a credit line of P10 million. The said credit acquired a separate loan amounting to corresponding withdrawal slip for such
line was first approved in December 1997 P1,396,310.45 as shown by another transaction. Also, if indeed the P7 million
with a term of one year.16 promissory note. Both loans were secured was withdrawn from her account and was
Sometime in August 1998, Castro informed by a real estate mortgage, dated January credited to the account of Lim, the deposit
Oliver about the impending expiration of 8, 1998, and the proceeds thereof were slip for his account should have been
her credit line. Subsequently, Oliver issued as proved by the release presented.
applied for another loan in the amount of tickets,21 dated December 21, 1998 and The RTC Order
P4.5 million as evidenced by a promissory January 5, 1999, respectively.22 On July 22, 2010, the RTC resolved the
note,17 dated December 21, 1998. On The RTC Decision motion and issued an order reversing its
January 5, 1999, another promissory In its March 30, 2010 Decision,23 the RTC earlier decision. According to the RTC,
note18 was executed by Oliver to cover a dismissed the complaint and rendered Oliver’s assertion that the withdrawal was
loan in the amount of P1,396,310.45. judgment in favor of PSBank and Castro. made without her consent prevailed in the
absence of any proof to the contrary. 3. P100,000.00 as attorney’s fees; and ISSUES
The cash savings withdrawal slips should 4. P100,000.00 as exemplary damages I
have been offered in evidence by either Moreover, the Writ of Preliminary WHETHER OR NOT THE COURT OF
PSBank or Castro to settle the issue of Injunction is hereby made permanent. APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED IN RULING
whether the amount of P7 million was SO ORDERED.29 THAT THE PETITIONER FAILED TO
actually withdrawn by Oliver or by her Aggrieved, Castro and PSBank appealed SHOW COMPELLING EVIDENCE TO
authorized representative or agent. before the CA. PROVE THAT FRAUD ATTENDED THE
The RTC also rejected the position of The CA Decision PROCESSING AND RELEASE OF THE
PSBank and Castro that the erasures and On October 25, 2013, the CA granted the LOAN OF P4.5 MILLION AS WELL AS
alterations in Oliver’s passbook were made appeal. It reversed the July 22, 2010 of the THE WITHDRAWAL OF P7 MILLION
simply to reconcile the same with the RTC order and reinstated its March 30, PESOS FROM HER ACCOUNT.
transaction history register of the bank 2010 decision. The appellate court found II
because even after the alleged corrections, no compelling evidence to prove that fraud WHETHER OR NOT THE COURT OF
the said documents still contained different attended the processing and release of the APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED WHEN IT
entries. Although Oliver and Lim had P4.5 million loan as well as the withdrawal RULED THAT THERE WAS NO
previous transactions, none of them of P7 million from Oliver’s account. The CA EVIDENCE TO PROVE THAT THE SUM
pertained to the P7 million purportedly found that Oliver admitted signing the loan OF P7 MILLION WAS DEBITED FROM
transferred on December 21, 1998. documents, the promissory notes and the THE ACCOUNT OF PETITIONER SANS
With regard to PSBank, the RTC stated that release tickets pertaining to the obligations HER AUTHORIZATION.
it failed to exercise utmost diligence in that she had contracted with PSBank. In III
safekeeping Oliver’s deposit. Had it not addition, the CA stated that Oliver also WHETHER OR NOT THE COURT OF
been for the unauthorized, withdrawal failed to establish her assertion that she APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED WHEN IT
which was attributable to the bank and was manipulated and defrauded into RULED THAT THE RESPONDENTS
Castro, the P4.5 million and the signing the said loan documents. TREATED THE PETITIONER’S ACCOUNT
P1,396,310.45 loans would not have The CA also found that PSBank exercised WITH EXTRAORDINARY DILIGENCE.
remained outstanding, considering that the extraordinary diligence in handling Oliver’s IV
improperly withdrawn P7 million was more account, thus, the awards of damages were WHETHER OR NOT THE COURT OF
than sufficient to discharge those deleted. The dispositive portion of the CA APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED WHEN IT
liabilities.28 The dispositive portion of the decision reads: FAILED TO HOLD THAT THE
order reads: WHEREFORE, the Appeal is hereby RESPONDENTS ARE JOINTLY AND
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the GRANTED. The Order dated 22 July 2010 of SEVERALLY LIABLE TO THE
Motion for Reconsideration is hereby the Regional Trial Court of Muntinlupa City, PETITIONER FOR DAMAGES. 31
GRANTED. The Decision dated March 30, Branch 276, is REVERSED and SET ASIDE, In her petition for review,32 Oliver insisted
2010 is hereby reconsidered and set aside. and another one entered REINSTATING the that she had no knowledge of any loan
In lieu thereof, a new one is hereby Decision dated March 30, 2010, in Civil released because she never availed of any
rendered ordering the defendants Lilia Case No. 99-278. new loan from PSBank. Neither the P4.5
Castro and Philippine Savings Bank to SO ORDERED.30 million loan nor the cash withdrawal of P7
jointly and solidarily pay plaintiff Dra. Oliver filed her motion for reconsideration million was reflected in her passbook.
Mercedes Oliver, the sums of but the same was denied in the CA Oliver further argued that the burden of
1. P1,111,850.77 as actual damages; Resolution, dated September 12, 2014. proving that the withdrawal was made with
2. P100,000.00 as moral damages; Hence, this petition. her authority would lie on the part of
PSBank and Castro. The cash savings withdrawn with her authority. She also For months, the agency between Oliver and
withdrawal slip containing the signature of reiterated that Lim should have been Castro benefited both parties. Oliver,
Oliver should have been presented in court. presented as a witness to substantiate their through Castro’s representations, was able
While the respondents claimed that the defense that he actually received the to obtain loans, relend them to borrowers,
amount withdrawn was lent to Lim, the amount of P7 million. and earn interests; while Castro acquired
latter was never called to the witness stand The Court’s Ruling commissions from the transactions. Oliver
as PSBank and Castro opted not to present The petition is impressed with merit. even gave Castro her passbook to facilitate
him in court. Castro, aside from her self- There was an implied agency the transactions.
serving testimony, failed to present any between Oliver and Castro; the Accordingly, the laws on agency apply to
concrete proof to show that Oliver indeed loans were properly acquired their relationship. Article 1881 of the New
lent the withdrawn P7 million cash to Lim. A contract of agency may be inferred from Civil Code provides that the agent must act
Finally, Oliver averred that the erasures all the dealings between Oliver and Castro. within the scope of his authority. He may
and alterations in her passbook undeniably Agency can be express or implied from the do such acts as may be conducive to the
established that Castro manipulated the acts of the principal, from his silence or lack accomplishment of the purpose of the
same to conceal the loan release and the of action, or his failure to repudiate the agency. Thus, as long as the agent acts
cash withdrawal from her account. agency knowing that another person is within the scope of the authority given by
In her Comment,33 Castro countered that acting on his behalf without his principal, the actions of the former shall
the CA had more opportunity and facilities authority.36 The question of whether an bind the latter.
to examine the facts. Hence, there was no agency has been created is ordinarily a Oliver claims that the P4.5 million loan,
reason to depart from the rule that the question which may be established in the released on December 21, 1998, and the
findings of fact of the CA were final and same way as any other fact, either by P1,396,310.45 loan, released on January
conclusive and could not be reviewed on direct or circumstantial evidence. The 5, 1999, were not acquired with her
appeal. She asserted that there was no question is ultimately one of intention.37 consent. Castro and PSBank, on the other
proof that the P7 million was withdrawn In this case, Oliver and Castro had a hand, countered that these loans were
without Oliver’s authority. She added that business agreement wherein Oliver would obtained with Oliver’s full consent. The
Oliver was an astute businesswoman who obtain loans from the bank, through the Court finds that the said loans were
knew her clients and bank deposits and help of Castro as its branch manager; and acquired with Oliver’s authority. The
who was knowledgeable of her bank after acquiring the loan proceeds, Castro promissory notes39 and the release
transactions and was aware of her loaned would lend the acquired amount to tickets for the said loans bore her
amounts from the bank. prospective borrowers who were waiting signatures. She failed to prove that her
In its Comment,34 PSBank asserted that for the actual release of their loan signatures appearing on the loan
the issues and arguments propounded by proceeds. Oliver would gain 4% to 5% documents were forged. Hence, the loan
Oliver had been judiciously passed upon. interest per month from the loan proceeds documents were reliable and these proved
On the stated facts alone, the petition, of her borrowers, while Castro would earn that the loans were processed by Castro
which was akin to a motion for a commission of 10% from the interests. within the scope of her authority. As the
reconsideration, should be denied outright Clearly, an agency was formed because loans were validly obtained, PSBank
for being pro forma. Castro bound herself to render some correctly stated that Oliver had incurred a
In her Reply,35 Oliver faulted PSBank and service in representation or on behalf of debt of P4.5 million and P1,396,310.45, or
Castro for failing to present the cash Oliver, in the furtherance of their business a total of P5,888,149.33.
withdrawal slip which would show her pursuit.38 P7 million was
signature to prove that the money was improperly withdrawn;
agent acted beyond her Q: You are not definite? Your statement that there was a series of dealings from
scope of authority here it is categorical. It’s on page 9 of 17 December 17, 1998 to December 23, 1998.
Although it was proven that Oliver in the Judicial Affidavit, the question is When compared with Oliver’s passbook,
authorized the loans, in the aggregate "What happened after the 4.5 million Pesos the latter showed that the next transaction
amount of P5,888,149.33, there was loan was credited to the Plaintiff’s account" from December 16, 1998 was on December
nothing in the records which proved that And your answer was, "Upon Plaintiff’s 28, 1998. It was also obvious to the naked
she also allowed the withdrawal of P7 instruction Seven (7) million was eye that the December 28, 1998 entry in
million from her bank account. Oliver withdrawn from her account. My question the passbook was altered. As aptly
vehemently denied that she gave any is, this phrase, upon plaintiff’s instruction, observed by the RTC, nowhere in the
authority whatsoever to either Castro or who did the Plaintiff’s (sic) instruct, was it testimony of Castro could be gathered that
PSBank to withdraw the said amount. In you? she made a detailed, plausible and
her judicial affidavit before the RTC, Castro A: I cannot remember, sir because I still acceptable explanation as to why she had
initially claimed that Oliver authorized the have other officers other than me, who to make numerous corrections in the
withdrawal of P7 million from her bank were assisting me during that time, so it entries in the passbook.44 Even after the
account, to wit: could be the instruction even I said upon corrections allegedly done to reconcile the
Q: Do you know when was this 4.5 million the instruction of the plaintiff, but I records, the passbook and the transaction
pesos loan was credited to plaintiff’s cannot remember if I was the one who history register still contained different
deposit account? received the instruction from the entries.
A: Based on the Transaction Ledge of PS plaintiff. It could be other officers of Curiously, though she asserts that Oliver
Bank, the 4.5 million pesos was credit to mine during that time, sir. obtained a loan of P4.5 million and
plaintiff’s deposit account on 21 December Q: May I remind you, this is Seven (7) authorized the withdrawal of P7
21 1998 million Pesos? million,45 Castro could not explain why
Q: What happened after the 4.5 million A: Yes, sir.42 these transactions were not reflected in the
pesos loan was credited to plaintiff’s [Emphasis Supplied] passbook which was in her possession.
account? Verily, Castro, as agent of Oliver and as Bearing in mind that the alleged
A: Upon plaintiff’s instruction, 7 million branch manager of PS Bank, utterly failed unauthorized withdrawal happened on
was withdrawn from her account including to secure the authorization of Oliver to December 21, 1998, while Castro was
her loaned amount to be deposited at Mr. withdraw such substantial amount. As a questionably withholding the passbook, the
Ben Lim’s account at PS Bank, San Pedro standard banking practice intended Court is of the impression that she
Branch.41 precisely to prevent unauthorized and manipulated the entries therein to conceal
[Emphasis Supplied] fraudulent withdrawals, a bank manager the P7 million withdrawal.
During her cross-examination, however, must verify with the client-depositor to Further, Castro claims that Oliver
Castro could no longer remember whether authenticate and confirm that he or she has instructed her to withdraw the P7 million
Oliver gave her the authority to withdraw validly authorized such withdrawal.43 from her bank account and to deposit the
the P7 million from her account. The Castro’s lack of authority to withdraw the same in Lim’s account. Glaringly, Lim was
transcript of stenographic notes reads: P7 million on behalf of Oliver became more not presented as a witness to substantiate
Q: You said here, your statement here, apparent when she altered the passbook to her defense. Even though she testified that
"Upon Plaintiff’s instruction". So, my hide such transaction. It must be the P7 million transfer from Oliver’s
question is, who did the Plaintiff instruct remembered that Oliver entrusted her account to Lim’s was duly documented,
you, was it you? passbook to Castro. In the transaction Castro never presented a single
A: I cannot remember, sir. history register for her account, it was clear
documentary proof of that specific as promptly as possible. This has to be Finally, in Cagungun v. Planters
transaction. done if the account is to reflect at any given Development Bank,52 a case very similar to
The Court is convinced that Castro went time the amount of money the depositor the present one, the depositors therein
beyond the scope of her authority in can dispose of as he sees fit, confident that entrusted their passbook to the bank
withdrawing the P7 million from Oliver’s the bank will deliver it as and to whomever employees for some specific transactions.
bank account. Her flimsy excuse that the he directs. A blunder on the part of the The bank employees went beyond their
said amount was transferred to the account bank, such as the dishonor of a check authority and were able to withdraw from
of a certain Lim deserves scant without good reason, can cause the the depositors’ account without the latter’s
consideration. Hence, Castro must be held depositor not a little embarrassment if not consent. The bank was held liable therein
liable for prejudicing Oliver.46 also financial loss and perhaps even civil for the acts of its employees because it
PSBank failed to and criminal litigation.49 failed to safeguard the accounts of its
exercise the highest Time and again, the Court has emphasized depositors.
degree of diligence that the bank is expected to ensure that the In the case at bench, it must be determined
required of banking depositor’s funds shall only be given to him whether the P7 million was withdrawn from
institutions or his authorized representative. the bank with the authority of Oliver. As
Aside from Castro, PSBank must also be In Producers Bank of the Phil. v. Court of testified to by Castro, every withdrawal
held liable because it failed to exercise Appeals,50 the Court held that the usual from the bank was duly evidenced by a
utmost diligence in the improper banking procedure was that withdrawals of cash withdrawal slip, a copy of which is
withdrawal of the P7 million from Oliver’s savings deposits could only be made by given both to the bank and to its
bank account. persons whose authorized signatures were client.53 Contrary to the position of the CA
In the case of banks, the degree of in the signature cards on file with the bank. and that of the respondents, Oliver cannot
diligence required is more than that of a In the said case, the bank therein allowed be required to produce the cash withdrawal
good father of a family. Considering the an unauthorized person to withdraw from slip for the said transaction because,
fiduciary nature of their relationship with its depositor’s savings account, thus, it precisely, she consistently denied
their depositors, banks are duty bound to failed to exercise the required diligence of giving authority to withdraw such
treat the accounts of their clients with the banks and must be held liable. amount from her account.
highest degree of care. The point is that as With respect to withdrawal slips, the Court Necessarily, the party that must have
a business affected with public interest and declared in Philippine National Bank v. access to such crucial document would
because of the nature of its functions, the Pike51 that "[o]rdinarily, banks allow either be PSBank or Castro. They must
bank is under obligation to treat the withdrawal by someone who is not the present the said cash withdrawal slip, duly
accounts of its depositors with meticulous account holder so long as the account signed by Oliver, to prove that the
care, always having in mind the fiduciary holder authorizes his representative to withdrawal of P7 million was indeed
nature of their relationship.47 withdraw and receive from his account by sanctioned. Unfortunately, both PSBank
In Simex International v. Court of signing on the space provided particularly and Castro failed to present the cash
Appeals,48 the Court held that the for such transactions, usually found at the withdrawal slip.
depositor expected the bank to treat his back of withdrawal slips." There, the bank During the trial, the counsel of PSBank
account with the utmost fidelity, whether violated its fiduciary duty because it conceded that the cash withdrawal slip for
such account consisted only of a few allowed a withdrawal by a representative the P7 million transaction could not be
hundred pesos or of millions. The bank even though the authorization portion of located, to quote:
must record every single transaction the withdrawal slip was not signed by the ATTY DEJARESCO: Your Honor, excuse me
accurately, down to the last centavo, and depositor. just a comment for the record we asked for
two (2) years, Your Honor to subpoena this ATTY. DEJARESCO: preponderance of evidence. Once the
from the bank, the bank never produce Q: Can you show poof of the withdrawal plaintiff establishes his case, the burden of
(sic) the withdrawal slip two (2) years (sic), slip? evidence shifts to the defendant, who, in
Your Honor, this case was delayed by the A: The withdrawal slip. turn, bears the burden to establish his
previous Court for two (2) years. Your Q: I’m asking you do you have proof? defense.56
Honor, no withdrawal slip was produced by A: None, sir. Here, Oliver alleged that she did not
the bank, Your Honor. I would just like to Q: You cannot produce in Court in authorize the withdrawal of P7 million from
place it on record. support of your Judicial Affidavit? her account. To establish her allegation,
COURT: Were there subpoenas issued by A: None. Oliver presented the following: (1) the
the bank, was there an order? Q: And you cannot produce that in Court? transaction history register which showed
ATTY. DEJARESCO: Yes Your Honor, I think A: As far as the withdrawal slip as for the withdrawal of P7 million from her
the good counsel was the counsel at that myself, none.55 account on December 21, 1998; (2) the
time would you able to confirm that it took [Emphasis Supplied] passbook which contained alterations to
us two (2) years to subpoena and From the foregoing, there was a clear conceal the withdrawal on December 21,
subpoena (sic) this withdrawal slip because showing of PSBank’s failure to exercise the 1998 while in the possession of Castro; and
there must be an authority to withdraw, degree of diligence that it ought to have (3) testimonial evidence that she did not
and it there is a signature of the plaintiff, exercised in dealing with its clients. It could allow the withdrawal of the said
we will admit that. not prove that the withdrawal of P7 million amount.57 The Court is of the view that
ATTY. CORPUZ: I remember having was duly authorized by Oliver. As a banking Oliver had sufficiently discharged her
manifested that the withdrawal slip institution, PSBank was expected to ensure burden in proving that P7 million was
cannot be located. that such substantial amount should only withdrawn from her account without her
ATTY. DEJARESCO: Let’s put that on be transacted with the consent and authorization. Hence, the burden was
record, Your Honor. authority of Oliver. PSBank, however, shifted to the respondents to refute the
ATTY. CORPUS: (sic) I remember having reneged on its fiduciary duty by allowing an allegation of Oliver.
made that manifestation, Your Honor. encroachment upon its depositor’s account As discussed above, both Castro and
COURT: That’s the reason why no without the latter’s permission. Hence, PSBank failed to establish the burden of
document was produced in Court by the PS PSBank must be held liable for such their defense. They failed to present proof
Bank? improper transaction. that Oliver authorized the said transaction.
ATTY. CORPUS: (sic) With respect to the PSBank and Castro They could have presented either the cash
withdrawal slip only, Your Honor on failed to discharge their withdrawal slip for the P7 million on
December 21. burden and must be held December 21, 1999 or Lim’s testimony to
ATTY. DEJARESCO: Of that Seven (7) solidarily liable prove the transfer of funds to the latter’s
million from the account. The party who alleges a fact has the burden account, but they did neither. Without an
COURT: Make that on record. of proving it. Section 1, Rule 131 of the iota of proof to substantiate the validity of
ATTY. CORPUS: Yes, Your Honor.54 Rules of Court defines "burden of proof" as the said transaction, the respondents
[Emphasis Supplied] "the duty of a party to present evidence on unlawfully deprived Oliver of her funds.
Castro, as agent of Oliver, could not the facts in issue necessary to establish his Indeed, the bank should be solidarily liable
produce either the said withdrawal slip claim or defense by the amount of evidence with its employee for the damages
allegedly authorizing the withdrawal of the required by law." In civil cases, the burden committed to its depositor.58 Under Article
P7 million, her testimony is quoted as of proof rests upon the plaintiff, who is 2180 of the Civil Code, employers shall be
follows: required to establish his case by a held primarily and solidarily liable for
damages caused by their employees acting and Castro still owing her P1,111,850.77, persons. A decreased amount of
within the scope of their assigned tasks. which must be suitably paid in the form of P50,000.00 attorney's fees should be
Castro, as acting branch manager of actual damages. sufficient.
PSBank ,was able to facilitate the The award of moral damages must also be WHEREFORE, the petition
questionable transaction as she was also upheld. Specifically, in culpa contractual or is GRANTED. The October 25, 2013
entrusted with Oliver’s passbook. In other breach of contract, like in the present case, Decision and the September 12, 2014
words, Castro was the representative of moral damages are recoverable only if the Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-
PSBank, and, at the same time, the agent defendant has acted fraudulently or in bad G.R. CV No. 95656 are REVERSED and
of Oliver, earning commissions from their faith, or is found guilty of gross negligence SET ASIDE. The July 22, 2010 Order of the
transactions. Oddly, PSBank, either amounting to bad faith, or in wanton Regional Trial Court, Branch 276,
consciously or through sheer negligence, disregard of his contractual obligations. Muntinlupa City in Civil Case No. 99-278 is
allowed the double dealings of its employee Verily, the breach must be wanton, hereby REINSTATED with
with its client. Such carelessness and lack reckless, malicious, or in bad faith, the MODIFICATION that the award of
of protection of the depositors from its own oppressive or abusive.59 exemplary damages and attorney's fees be
employees led to the unlawful withdrawal Here, Castro and PSBank were utterly decreased to P50,000.00 each.
of the P7 million from Oliver’s account. reckless in allowing the withdrawal of a All awards shall earn interests at the rate
Although Castro was eventually terminated huge amount from Oliver's account without of six percent (6%) per annum from the
by PSBank because of certain problems her consent.1âwphi1 The bank's finality of this decision.
regarding client accommodation and loss of negligence is a result of lack of due care SO ORDERED.
confidence, the damage to Oliver had and caution required of managers and
already been done. Thus, both Castro and employees of a firm engaged in a business
PSBank must be held solidarily liable. so sensitive and demanding.60 Hence, the
Award of damages; award of Pl00,000.00 as moral damages is
invalid foreclosure warranted.
To recapitulate, the loans of Oliver from The award of exemplary damages is also
PSBank which were secured by real estate proper due to the failure of Castro and
mortages amounted to P5,888,149.33. PSBank to prevent the unauthorized
Finding PSBank and Castro solidarily liable withdrawal from Oliver's account. The law
to Oliver in the amount of P7 million allows the grant of exemplary damages to
because it was improperly withdrawn from set an example for public good.61 The
her bank account, the Court agrees with Court, however, finds that the amount of
the RTC that had it not been for the said exemplary damages must be decreased to
unauthorized withdrawal, Oliver’s debts P50,000.00.
amounting to P5,888,149.33 would have Finally; the Court agrees with the RTC that
been satisfied. Castro and PSBank should be held solidarily
Consequently, PSBank’s foreclosure of the liable for attorney's fees. Article 2208 of
real estate mortgage covering the two (2) the Civil Code is clear that attorney's fees
loans in the total amount of P5,888,149.33 may be recovered when exemplary
was improper. With PSBank being found damages are awarded or when the plaintiff,
liable to Oliver for P7 million, after through the defendant's act or omission,
offsetting her loans would have PSBank has been compelled to litigate with thirds
G.R. No. L-11154 March 21, 1916 a motorcycle, was going toward the and the would be exposed to infection, for
E. MERRITT, plaintiff-appellant, western part of Calle Padre Faura, passing which reason it was of the most serious
vs. along the west side thereof at a speed of nature.
GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ten to twelve miles an hour, upon crossing At another examination six days before the
ISLANDS, defendant-appellant. Taft Avenue and when he was ten feet from day of the trial, Dr. Saleeby noticed that
Crossfield and O'Brien for plaintiff. the southwestern intersection of said the plaintiff's leg showed a contraction of
Attorney-General Avanceña for defendant.. streets, the General Hospital ambulance, an inch and a half and a curvature that
TRENT, J.: upon reaching said avenue, instead of made his leg very weak and painful at the
This is an appeal by both parties from a turning toward the south, after passing the point of the fracture. Examination of his
judgment of the Court of First Instance of center thereof, so that it would be on the head revealed a notable readjustment of
the city of Manila in favor of the plaintiff for left side of said avenue, as is prescribed by the functions of the brain and nerves. The
the sum of P14,741, together with the the ordinance and the Motor Vehicle Act, patient apparently was slightly deaf, had a
costs of the cause. turned suddenly and unexpectedly and light weakness in his eyes and in his mental
Counsel for the plaintiff insist that the trial long before reaching the center of the condition. This latter weakness was always
court erred (1) "in limiting the general street, into the right side of Taft Avenue, noticed when the plaintiff had to do any
damages which the plaintiff suffered to without having sounded any whistle or difficult mental labor, especially when he
P5,000, instead of P25,000 as claimed in horn, by which movement it struck the attempted to use his money for
the complaint," and (2) "in limiting the time plaintiff, who was already six feet from the mathematical calculations.
when plaintiff was entirely disabled to two southwestern point or from the post place According to the various merchants who
months and twenty-one days and fixing the there. testified as witnesses, the plaintiff's mental
damage accordingly in the sum of P2,666, By reason of the resulting collision, the and physical condition prior to the accident
instead of P6,000 as claimed by plaintiff in plaintiff was so severely injured that, was excellent, and that after having
his complaint." according to Dr. Saleeby, who examined received the injuries that have been
The Attorney-General on behalf of the him on the very same day that he was discussed, his physical condition had
defendant urges that the trial court erred: taken to the General Hospital, he was undergone a noticeable depreciation, for he
(a) in finding that the collision between the suffering from a depression in the left had lost the agility, energy, and ability that
plaintiff's motorcycle and the ambulance of parietal region, a would in the same place he had constantly displayed before the
the General Hospital was due to the and in the back part of his head, while accident as one of the best constructors of
negligence of the chauffeur; (b) in holding blood issued from his nose and he was wooden buildings and he could not now
that the Government of the Philippine entirely unconscious. earn even a half of the income that he had
Islands is liable for the damages sustained The marks revealed that he had one or secured for his work because he had lost
by the plaintiff as a result of the collision, more fractures of the skull and that the 50 per cent of his efficiency. As a
even if it be true that the collision was due grey matter and brain was had suffered contractor, he could no longer, as he had
to the negligence of the chauffeur; and (c) material injury. At ten o'clock of the night before done, climb up ladders and
in rendering judgment against the in question, which was the time set for scaffoldings to reach the highest parts of
defendant for the sum of P14,741. performing the operation, his pulse was so the building.
The trial court's findings of fact, which are weak and so irregular that, in his opinion, As a consequence of the loss the plaintiff
fully supported by the record, are as there was little hope that he would live. His suffered in the efficiency of his work as a
follows: right leg was broken in such a way that the contractor, he had to dissolved the
It is a fact not disputed by counsel for the fracture extended to the outer skin in such partnership he had formed with the
defendant that when the plaintiff, riding on manner that it might be regarded as double engineer. Wilson, because he was
incapacitated from making mathematical at once arises whether the Government is authorized and directed to appear at the
calculations on account of the condition of legally-liable for the damages resulting trial on the behalf of the Government of
his leg and of his mental faculties, and he therefrom. said Islands, to defendant said Government
had to give up a contract he had for the Act No. 2457, effective February 3, 1915, at the same.
construction of the Uy Chaco building." reads: SEC. 2. This Act shall take effect on its
We may say at the outset that we are in full An Act authorizing E. Merritt to bring suit passage.
accord with the trial court to the effect that against the Government of the Philippine Enacted, February 3, 1915.
the collision between the plaintiff's Islands and authorizing the Attorney- Did the defendant, in enacting the above
motorcycle and the ambulance of the General of said Islands to appear in said quoted Act, simply waive its immunity from
General Hospital was due solely to the suit. suit or did it also concede its liability to the
negligence of the chauffeur. Whereas a claim has been filed against the plaintiff? If only the former, then it cannot
The two items which constitute a part of Government of the Philippine Islands by be held that the Act created any new cause
the P14,741 and which are drawn in Mr. E. Merritt, of Manila, for damages of action in favor of the plaintiff or
question by the plaintiff are (a) P5,000, the resulting from a collision between his extended the defendant's liability to any
award awarded for permanent injuries, and motorcycle and the ambulance of the case not previously recognized.
(b) the P2,666, the amount allowed for the General Hospital on March twenty-fifth, All admit that the Insular Government (the
loss of wages during the time the plaintiff nineteen hundred and thirteen; defendant) cannot be sued by an individual
was incapacitated from pursuing his Whereas it is not known who is responsible without its consent. It is also admitted that
occupation. We find nothing in the record for the accident nor is it possible to the instant case is one against the
which would justify us in increasing the determine the amount of damages, if any, Government. As the consent of the
amount of the first. As to the second, the to which the claimant is entitled; and Government to be sued by the plaintiff was
record shows, and the trial court so found, Whereas the Director of Public Works and entirely voluntary on its part, it is our duty
that the plaintiff's services as a contractor the Attorney-General recommended that to look carefully into the terms of the
were worth P1,000 per month. The court, an Act be passed by the Legislature consent, and render judgment accordingly.
however, limited the time to two months authorizing Mr. E. Merritt to bring suit in The plaintiff was authorized to bring this
and twenty-one days, which the plaintiff the courts against the Government, in action against the Government "in order to
was actually confined in the hospital. In order that said questions may be decided: fix the responsibility for the collision
this we think there was error, because it Now, therefore, between his motorcycle and the ambulance
was clearly established that the plaintiff By authority of the United States, be it of the General Hospital and to determine
was wholly incapacitated for a period of six enacted by the Philippine Legislature, that: the amount of the damages, if any, to
months. The mere fact that he remained in SECTION 1. E. Merritt is hereby authorized which Mr. E. Merritt is entitled on account
the hospital only two months and twenty- to bring suit in the Court of First Instance of said collision, . . . ." These were the two
one days while the remainder of the six of the city of Manila against the questions submitted to the court for
months was spent in his home, would not Government of the Philippine Islands in determination. The Act was passed "in
prevent recovery for the whole time. We, order to fix the responsibility for the order that said questions may be decided."
therefore, find that the amount of damages collision between his motorcycle and the We have "decided" that the accident was
sustained by the plaintiff, without any fault ambulance of the General Hospital, and to due solely to the negligence of the
on his part, is P18,075. determine the amount of the damages, if chauffeur, who was at the time an
As the negligence which caused the any, to which Mr. E. Merritt is entitled on employee of the defendant, and we have
collision is a tort committed by an agent or account of said collision, and the Attorney- also fixed the amount of damages
employee of the Government, the inquiry General of the Philippine Islands is hereby sustained by the plaintiff as a result of the
collision. Does the Act authorize us to hold the state's liability for the negligent acts of the mill property of said George
that the Government is legally liable for its officers or agents, the court said: Apfelbacher, the fish hatchery of the State
that amount? If not, we must look No claim arises against any government is of Wisconsin on the Bark River, and the mill
elsewhere for such authority, if it exists. favor of an individual, by reason of the property of Evan Humphrey at the lower
The Government of the Philippine Islands misfeasance, laches, or unauthorized end of Nagawicka Lake, and relative to the
having been "modeled after the Federal exercise of powers by its officers or agents. use of the waters of said Bark River and
and State Governments in the United (Citing Gibbons vs. U. S., 8 Wall., 269; Nagawicka Lake, all in the county of
States," we may look to the decisions of the Clodfelter vs. State, 86 N. C., 51, 53; 41 Waukesha, Wisconsin.
high courts of that country for aid in Am. Rep., 440; Chapman vs. State, 104 In determining the scope of this act, the
determining the purpose and scope of Act Cal., 690; 43 Am. St. Rep., 158; Green vs. court said:
No. 2457. State, 73 Cal., 29; Bourn vs. Hart, 93 Cal., Plaintiff claims that by the enactment of
In the United States the rule that the state 321; 27 Am. St. Rep., 203; Story on this law the legislature admitted liability on
is not liable for the torts committed by its Agency, sec. 319.) the part of the state for the acts of its
officers or agents whom it employs, except As to the scope of legislative enactments officers, and that the suit now stands just
when expressly made so by legislative permitting individuals to sue the state as it would stand between private parties.
enactment, is well settled. "The where the cause of action arises out of It is difficult to see how the act does, or was
Government," says Justice Story, "does not either fort or contract, the rule is stated in intended to do, more than remove the
undertake to guarantee to any person the 36 Cyc., 915, thus: state's immunity from suit. It simply gives
fidelity of the officers or agents whom it By consenting to be sued a state simply authority to commence suit for the purpose
employs, since that would involve it in all waives its immunity from suit. It does not of settling plaintiff's controversies with the
its operations in endless embarrassments, thereby concede its liability to plaintiff, or estate. Nowhere in the act is there a
difficulties and losses, which would be create any cause of action in his favor, or whisper or suggestion that the court or
subversive of the public interest." extend its liability to any cause not courts in the disposition of the suit shall
(Claussen vs. City of Luverne, 103 Minn., previously recognized. It merely gives a depart from well established principles of
491, citing U. S. vs. Kirkpatrick, 9 Wheat, remedy to enforce a preexisting liability law, or that the amount of damages is the
720; 6 L. Ed., 199; and Beers vs. States, and submits itself to the jurisdiction of the only question to be settled. The act opened
20 How., 527; 15 L. Ed., 991.) court, subject to its right to interpose any the door of the court to the plaintiff. It did
In the case of Melvin vs. State (121 Cal., lawful defense. not pass upon the question of liability, but
16), the plaintiff sought to recover In Apfelbacher vs. State (152 N. W., 144, left the suit just where it would be in the
damages from the state for personal advanced sheets), decided April 16, 1915, absence of the state's immunity from suit.
injuries received on account of the the Act of 1913, which authorized the If the Legislature had intended to change
negligence of the state officers at the state bringing of this suit, read: the rule that obtained in this state so long
fair, a state institution created by the SECTION 1. Authority is hereby given to and to declare liability on the part of the
legislature for the purpose of improving George Apfelbacher, of the town of state, it would not have left so important a
agricultural and kindred industries; to Summit, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, to matter to mere inference, but would have
disseminate information calculated to bring suit in such court or courts and in done so in express terms. (Murdock Grate
educate and benefit the industrial classes; such form or forms as he may be advised Co. vs. Commonwealth, 152 Mass., 28; 24
and to advance by such means the material for the purpose of settling and determining N.E., 854; 8 L. R. A., 399.)
interests of the state, being objects similar all controversies which he may now have In Denning vs. State (123 Cal., 316), the
to those sought by the public school with the State of Wisconsin, or its duly provisions of the Act of 1893, relied upon
system. In passing upon the question of authorized officers and agents, relative to and considered, are as follows:
All persons who have, or shall hereafter injuries in the management of the canals of branches of public service and in the
have, claims on contract or for negligence such as the plaintiff had sustained, Chief appointment of its agents; on the contrary,
against the state not allowed by the state Justice Ruger remarks: "It must be we must presuppose all foresight humanly
board of examiners, are hereby authorized, conceded that the state can be made liable possible on its part in order that each
on the terms and conditions herein for injuries arising from the negligence of branch of service serves the general weal
contained, to bring suit thereon against the its agents or servants, only by force of an that of private persons interested in its
state in any of the courts of this state of some positive statute assuming such operation. Between these latter and the
competent jurisdiction, and prosecute the liability." state, therefore, no relations of a private
same to final judgment. The rules of It being quite clear that Act No. 2457 does nature governed by the civil law can arise
practice in civil cases shall apply to such not operate to extend the Government's except in a case where the state acts as a
suits, except as herein otherwise provided. liability to any cause not previously judicial person capable of acquiring rights
And the court said: recognized, we will now examine the and contracting obligations. (Supreme
This statute has been considered by this substantive law touching the defendant's Court of Spain, January 7, 1898; 83 Jur.
court in at least two cases, arising under liability for the negligent acts of its officers, Civ., 24.)
different facts, and in both it was held that agents, and employees. Paragraph 5 of That the Civil Code in chapter 2, title 16,
said statute did not create any liability or article 1903 of the Civil Code reads: book 4, regulates the obligations which
cause of action against the state where The state is liable in this sense when it acts arise out of fault or negligence; and
none existed before, but merely gave an through a special agent, but not when the whereas in the first article thereof. No.
additional remedy to enforce such liability damage should have been caused by the 1902, where the general principle is laid
as would have existed if the statute had not official to whom properly it pertained to do down that where a person who by an act or
been enacted. (Chapman vs. State, 104 the act performed, in which case the omission causes damage to another
Cal., 690; 43 Am. St. Rep., 158; Melvin vs. provisions of the preceding article shall be through fault or negligence, shall be
State, 121 Cal., 16.) applicable. obliged to repair the damage so done,
A statute of Massachusetts enacted in 1887 The supreme court of Spain in defining the reference is made to acts or omissions of
gave to the superior court "jurisdiction of scope of this paragraph said: the persons who directly or indirectly cause
all claims against the commonwealth, That the obligation to indemnify for the damage, the following articles refers to
whether at law or in equity," with an damages which a third person causes to this persons and imposes an identical
exception not necessary to be here another by his fault or negligence is based, obligation upon those who maintain fixed
mentioned. In construing this statute the as is evidenced by the same Law 3, Title relations of authority and superiority over
court, in Murdock Grate Co. vs. 15, Partida 7, on that the person obligated, the authors of the damage, because the
Commonwealth (152 Mass., 28), said: by his own fault or negligence, takes part law presumes that in consequence of such
The statute we are discussing disclose no in the act or omission of the third party who relations the evil caused by their own fault
intention to create against the state a new caused the damage. It follows therefrom or negligence is imputable to them. This
and heretofore unrecognized class of that the state, by virtue of such provisions legal presumption gives way to proof,
liabilities, but only an intention to provide of law, is not responsible for the damages however, because, as held in the last
a judicial tribunal where well recognized suffered by private individuals in paragraph of article 1903, responsibility for
existing liabilities can be adjudicated. consequence of acts performed by its acts of third persons ceases when the
In Sipple vs. State (99 N. Y., 284), where employees in the discharge of the functions persons mentioned in said article prove
the board of the canal claims had, by the pertaining to their office, because neither that they employed all the diligence of a
terms of the statute of New York, fault nor even negligence can be presumed good father of a family to avoid the
jurisdiction of claims for damages for on the part of the state in the organization damage, and among these persons, called
upon to answer in a direct and not a agent who is an employee of the acting For the foregoing reasons, the judgment
subsidiary manner, are found, in addition administration and who on his own appealed from must be reversed, without
to the mother or the father in a proper responsibility performs the functions which costs in this instance. Whether the
case, guardians and owners or directors of are inherent in and naturally pertain to his Government intends to make itself legally
an establishment or enterprise, the state, office and which are regulated by law and liable for the amount of damages above set
but not always, except when it acts through the regulations." (Supreme Court of Spain, forth, which the plaintiff has sustained by
the agency of a special agent, doubtless May 18, 1904; 98 Jur. Civ., 389, 390.) reason of the negligent acts of one of its
because and only in this case, the fault or That according to paragraph 5 of article employees, by legislative enactment and
negligence, which is the original basis of 1903 of the Civil Code and the principle laid by appropriating sufficient funds therefor,
this kind of objections, must be presumed down in a decision, among others, of the we are not called upon to determine. This
to lie with the state. 18th of May, 1904, in a damage case, the matter rests solely with the Legislature and
That although in some cases the state responsibility of the state is limited to that not with the courts.
might by virtue of the general principle set which it contracts through a special agent,
forth in article 1902 respond for all the duly empowered by a definite order or
damage that is occasioned to private commission to perform some act or
parties by orders or resolutions which by charged with some definite purpose which
fault or negligence are made by branches gives rise to the claim, and not where the
of the central administration acting in the claim is based on acts or omissions
name and representation of the state itself imputable to a public official charged with
and as an external expression of its some administrative or technical office who
sovereignty in the exercise of its executive can be held to the proper responsibility in
powers, yet said article is not applicable in the manner laid down by the law of civil
the case of damages said to have been responsibility. Consequently, the trial court
occasioned to the petitioners by an in not so deciding and in sentencing the
executive official, acting in the exercise of said entity to the payment of damages,
his powers, in proceedings to enforce the caused by an official of the second class
collections of certain property taxes owing referred to, has by erroneous
by the owner of the property which they interpretation infringed the provisions of
hold in sublease. articles 1902 and 1903 of the Civil Code.
That the responsibility of the state is (Supreme Court of Spain, July 30, 1911;
limited by article 1903 to the case wherein 122 Jur. Civ., 146.)
it acts through a special agent (and a It is, therefore, evidence that the State
special agent, in the sense in which these (the Government of the Philippine Islands)
words are employed, is one who receives a is only liable, according to the above
definite and fixed order or commission, quoted decisions of the Supreme Court of
foreign to the exercise of the duties of his Spain, for the acts of its agents, officers
office if he is a special official) so that in and employees when they act as special
representation of the state and being agents within the meaning of paragraph 5
bound to act as an agent thereof, he of article 1903, supra, and that the
executes the trust confided to him. This chauffeur of the ambulance of the General
concept does not apply to any executive Hospital was not such an agent.
G.R. No. L-20322 May 29, 1968 answer the complaint, therein defendant In its decision of August 21, 1962, the
REPUBLIC OF THE Irrigation Service Unit was declared in appellate court sustained the propriety of
PHILIPPINES, petitioner, default. the disputed garnishment-order, and
vs. On June 3, 1960, the Republic of the dismissed the Government's petition, on
HON. PERFECTO R. PALACIO, as Judge Philippines, through the Solicitor General, the basis of the finding by the trial court
of the Court of First Instance of moved for the dismissal of the complaint, that the Irrigation Service Unit, "formerly
Camarines Sur, claiming that defendant Irrigation Service an office under the Department of
MACARIO M. OFILADA, as ex-officio Unit has no juridical personality to sue and Agriculture and Natural Resources created
Sheriff of Manila, and ILDEFONSO be sued. By order of June 11, 1960, this by virtue of a 'Memorandum of Agreement
ORTIZ, respondents. motion was denied, on the ground that the on the Irrigation Pump Program of the
Office of the Solicitor General for petitioner. said defendant although a mere agency of Philippines', signed by the Chairman of the
Luis Contreras for respondents. the Republic of the Philippines, is engaged PHILCUSA (now NEC), Chief of the MSA
REYES, J.B.L., J.: in the private business of selling irrigation Mission (now AID) and the Secretary of
This is a petition for review of the decision pumps and construction materials on Agriculture and Natural Resources, and
of the Court of Appeals (in CA-G.R. No. installment plan. The Solicitor General's presently under the Department of Public
30915), dismissing the original action for motion for reconsideration of the aforesaid Works and Communications to which it was
certiorari and prohibition filed with said order was also denied on July 19, 1960. No transferred", is engaged in a private
Court by herein petitioner Republic of the appeal appears to have been taken. business of purchase and sale of irrigation
Philippines, to restrain the enforcement of On January 29, 1962, the Solicitor General pumps and systems. Consequently,
a writ of execution (issued by the Court of was served with copy of the writ of according to the Court of Appeals, and
First Instance of Camarines Sur in its Civil execution issued by the court against the following the ruling in the case of National
Case No. 4886) on the trust fund in the defendants in the above-mentioned civil Airports Corporation vs. Teodoro, et al., L-
account of the Irrigation Service Unit with case; and, on February 16, 1962, an order 5122, April 30, 1952 (91 Phil. 203), by thus
the Philippine National Bank. of garnishment was served by the Sheriff engaging in private business, the
There is no controversy as to the following of Manila against the deposits and/or pump Government, through the Irrigation Service
facts: irrigation trust fund in the account of the Unit, had actually consented to the suit.
On April 2, 1960, Ildefonso Ortiz instituted Irrigation Service Unit at the Philippine Hence, the present petition for review filed
in the Court of First Instance of Camarines National Bank, Manila, to cover the sum of by the Republic of the Philippines.
Sur Civil Case No. 4886, against the P14,874.40.1 The issue presented by this case is whether
Handong Irrigation Association, Inc., a On March 8, 1962, the Solicitor General, on or not the pump irrigation trust fund,
corporation with principal place of business behalf of the Republic of the Philippines, deposited with the Philippine National Bank
in Libmanan, Camarines Sur, and the filed with the lower court an urgent motion in the account of the Irrigation Service
Irrigation Service Unit, an office or agency to lift the order of garnishment, for the Unit, may be garnished to satisfy a money-
under the Department of Public Works and reason that the funds subject matter judgment against the latter. This issue in
Communications, to recover possession, thereof are public funds and exempt from turn calls for a determination of the nature
with damages, of a 958 square meter-lot attachment or execution. Upon denial of of said trust fund, i.e., whether it is a fund
located in Handong, San Juan, Libmanan, this motion, as well as of the motion for belonging to the National Government
Camarines Sur, which the Irrigation reconsideration of said denial, the Solicitor (which was not a party to Civil Case No.
Association allegedly entered and General commenced the present certiorari 4886), as maintained by herein petitioner,
occupied, at the instance of its co- and prohibition proceeding in the Court of or purely the proceeds of a private venture
defendant. For failure to appear and Appeals.1ªvvphi1.nêt
by the government, as claimed by the supplied under the Agreement or otherwise survey and design, (c) the cost of fuel and
respondents. accruing to it as a result of the import of oil financed for the first crop season, if any,
For a better understanding of the nature, such commodities or service; and of any (d) ten per cent of the total of a and b to
function and operation of the Irrigation advance deposits which the Philippine cover the cost of administration, technical
Service Unit (ISU) which is necessary for government may make in the Special assistance furnished by the ISU, inspection
the proper resolution of the issue herein Account (Sec. 1, paragraphs 2[a], [b] and and collection, and (e) the compensating
involved, it is worthwhile to recall that this [c], Annex to Memo. Agreement of April 27, use tax to the Philippine Government.
office was originally created under the 1951). Later, on the basis of a Interest is also payable under each
Department of Agriculture and Natural supplemental agreement (No. 2, contract at the rate of six percent per
Resources by virtue of a Memorandum Counterpart Project No. 409 — Pump annum on any unpaid balance of the total
Agreement between the governments of Irrigation), the Pump Irrigation Trust Fund amount of the contract.
the Philippines and the United States, was established in the Philippine National 2. All principal and interest payments
dated August 13, 1952. It was later Bank, to which all authorized releases to received by the ISU from farmers'
transferred to the Department of Public the ISU3 from the Counterpart Fund — associations shall be deposited
Works and Communications as an office Special Account, to finance the peso-cost of immediately in the Trust Fund. The
directly under the Office of the Secretary, the Irrigation Pump Project, were separate account established by the project
"to prosecute to completion the transferred. This is the fund on which the agreement for Counterpart Project 409,
rehabilitation of pump systems transferred disputed writ of execution for money entitled "Irrigation Pump Sales Proceeds
from the former Irrigation Pump judgment rendered against the ISU, is Account" is hereby abolished and any
Administration of the Department of being enforced. deposits therein will be immediately
Agriculture and Natural A reading of the records and documents transferred to the Trust Fund.
Resources,2 including the settlement of the submitted to the Court of Appeals will 3. Whenever the total value of all deposits
obligations of said administration." The readily show that the sales of irrigation made to the Trust Fund from contract
budgetary requirements to carry out the pumps to farmers by ISU are governed by principal and interest payments exceeds
objectives of the project were to be the terms of the Supplemental Agreement the value of total releases made to the
financed by withdrawals from the No. 2 to Counterpart Project No. 409 Trust Fund from the Counterpart Fund-
Counterpart Fund-Special Account. (signed by representatives of the Philippine Special Account, these excess deposits
(Memorandum Agreement of June, 1954.) and U. S. governments) hereunder copied shall be transferred from the Trust Fund to
This Counterpart Fund-Special Account in full: the Counter Fund-Special Account. Such
referred to above was established in the C. Disposition of Proceeds from Payments transfers shall be considered as "proceeds
Central Bank by the Government of the under Contracts of Sale of sale" and "advance deposits" as provided
Philippines and made up of deposits in 1. Under the Guiding Principles of the in Annex Section 1, (b) and (c) of the
pesos commensurate with the indicated Irrigation Pump Project, pumps are sold to Bilateral Agreement between the Republic
dollar cost to the Government of the United farmers' associations under conditional of the Philippines and the United States of
States of economic and technical sales contracts. Periodic payments to ISU America.
assistance made available to the by each association are required. The total It was also provided therein that the
Philippines, pursuant to the Bilateral payment required under the contract is payments by the farmers' associations on
Agreement between the Philippines and the stated in the contract and is equal to the conditional sales agreements specified in
United States of April 27, 1951; of deposits sum of (a) the landed cost of equipment at paragraph C-2, above, will be considered in
accruing to it (Philippine government) from the installation site, (b) the cost of the preparation, and shall form part, of the
the sale of commodities or services installation and construction including ISU annual budget, which will finance the
costs of supply and equipment purchases, Even though the rule as to immunity of a of the Civil Code of the Philippines, that the
the installation and construction of pump state from suit is relaxed, the power of the State is liable only for torts caused by its
units, and the operating expenses of ISU courts ends when the judgment is special agents, specially commissioned to
for which appropriated funds are not rendered. Although the liability of the state carry out the acts complained of outside of
available. (Para. B-1). has been judicially ascertained, the state is such agent's regular duties (Merritt vs.
It is clear from the foregoing that the ISU at liberty to determine for itself whether to Insular Government, supra; Rosete vs.
is not only an office in the Government of pay the judgment or not, and execution can Auditor General, 81 Phil. 453). There being
the Republic of the Philippines, created to not issue on a judgment against the state. no proof that the making of the tortious
promote a specific economic policy of said Such statutes do not authorize a seizure of inducement was authorized, neither the
government, but also that its activity (of state property to satisfy judgments State nor its funds can be made liable
selling irrigation pumps to farmers on recovered, and only convey implication therefor.
installment basis) is not intended to earn that the legislature will recognize such WHEREFORE, the decision of the Court of
profit or financial gain to its operator. The judgment as final and make provision for Appeals under review is reversed and set
mere fact that interests are being collected the satisfaction thereof. (49 Am. Jur., Sec. aside, and the order of garnishment issued
on the balance of the unpaid cost of the 104, pp. 312-320.) by the Sheriff of Manila on the Pump
purchased pumps does not convert this Judgments against a state, in cases where Irrigation Trust Fund in the account of the
economic project of the government into a it has consented to be sued, generally Irrigation Service Unit, with the Philippine
corporate activity. As previously pointed operate merely to liquidate and establish National Bank, is hereby declared null and
out, the installment payments and plaintiff's claim in the absence of express void. The writ of preliminary injunction
interests receivable from the farmers are to provision; otherwise they can not be heretofore issued is made permanent. No
be used to replenish the counterpart funds enforced by processes of law; and it is for costs.
utilized in furtherance of the operation of the legislature to provide for their payment
the project. in such manner as it sees fit. (59 C.J. sec.
Although evidently acknowledging the 501, p. 331; 81 C.J.S., sec. 232, p. 1343.)
nature of the Pump Irrigation Trust Fund as It needs no stressing that to allow the
a public fund, the Court of Appeals levying under execution of the ISU funds
nevertheless sustained the garnishment would amount to diverting them from the
order, on the ground that the ISU, by purpose originally contemplated by the
engaging in the private business of P.I.U.S. Bilateral Agreement, and would
purchasing and selling irrigation pumps on amount to a disbursement without any
installment basis, has waived its proper appropriation as required by law.
governmental immunity and, by A second infirmity of the decision under
implication, consented to the suit. appeal originates from its ignoring the fact
It is apparent that this decision of the Court that the initial complaint against the
of Appeals suffers from the erroneous Irrigation Service Unit was that it had
assumption that because the State has induced the Handong Irrigation
waived its immunity, its property and funds Association, Inc., to invade and occupy the
become liable to seizure under the legal land of the plaintiff Ildefonso Ortiz. The ISU
process. This emphatically is not the law liability thus arose from tort and not from
(Merritt vs. Insular Government, 34 Phil. contract; and it is a well-entrenched rule in
311). this jurisdiction, embodied in Article 2180
G.R. No. 167797 June 15, 2015 employers (sic) of the driver Jessie Rillera WHEREFORE, it is most respectfully prayed
METRO MANILA TRANSIT y Gaceta. that after notice and hearing a judgment be
CORPORATION, Petitioner, 6. On October 14, 1994, at around 7:45 rendered ordering the defendants jointly
vs. P.M., while Plaintiff was riding on a Honda and severally to pay Plaintiffs the following
REYNALDO CUEVAS and JUNNEL Motocycle, with a companion at the back, sums of money:
CUEVAS, represented by REYNALDO along South Superhighway, in front of 1) ₱200,000.00 more or less, representing
CUEVAS, Respondents. Magallanes Supermarket in Makati, Metro actual medical expenses;
DECISION Manila, a few meters away from the 2) ₱18,940.00 representing the cost of
BERSAMIN, J.: approaches of Magallanes Overpass repair of the damaged motorcycle
The registered owner of a motor vehicle complex, coming from the South and 3) ₱300,000.00 as moral damage(s)
whose operation causes injury to another is heading toward the North, the defendants’ 4) ₱100,000.00 as exemplary damage(s)
legally liable to the latter. But it is error not driver Jessie Rillera Y Gaceta, driving the 5) ₱50,000.00 as nominal damage(s)
to allow the registered owner to recover MMTC/Mina’s Transit Passenger bus with 6) ₱15,000.00 as litigation expenses
reimbursement from the actual and Plate No. NXM-449-TB-pil 94, heading in 7) ₱30,000.00 as attorney’s fees
present owner by way of its cross-claim. the same direction and following Plain tiff’s 8) to pay the cost of the suit.3
Antecedents motorcycle, recklessly and carelessly In its answer with compulsory counterclaim
Metro Manila Transit Corporation (MMTC) attempted to overtake Plaintiff’s Motorcycle and cross-claim,4 MMTC denied liability,
and Mina's Transit Corporation (Mina's on the right side of the lane, in the course and averred that although it retained the
Transit) entered into an agreement to sell of which the said Jessie Rillera side swiped ownership of the bus, the actual operator
dated August 31, 1990,1 whereby the latter the Plaintiff as the said Jessie Rillera and employer of the bus driver was Mina’s
bought several bus units from the former accelerated speed; Transit; and that, in support of its cross-
at a stipulated price. They agreed that 7. As a result, plaintiff Junnel Cuevas and claim against Mina’s Transit, a provision in
MMTC would retain the ownership of the his companion were thrown to the road and the agreement to sell mandated Mina ’s
buses until certain conditions were met, Plaintiff’s right leg was severely fractured, Transport to hold it free from liability
but in the meantime Mina's Transit could and the Honda Motorcycle owned by arising from the use and operation of the
operate the buses within Metro Manila. plaintiff Reynaldo Cuevas was extensively bus units.5
On October 14, 1994, one of the buses damaged; On its part, Mina’s Transit contended that
subject of the agreement to sell, bearing 8. Plaintiff Junnel Cuevas and his it was not liable because: (a) it exercised
plate number NXM-449-TB-pil 94, hit and companion were then brought to the due diligence in the selection and
damaged a Honda Motorcycle owned by Philippine General Hospital along Taft supervision of its employees; (b) its bus
Reynaldo and driven by Junnel. Reynaldo Avenue in Manila, where the said Plaintiff driver exercised due diligence; and (c)
and Junnel sued MMTC and Mina’s Transit had to undergo several operations on his Junnel’s negligence was the cause of the
for damages in the Regional Trial Court right leg; but in spite of the several accident.
(RTC) in Cavite, docketed as Civil Case No. operations which he had undergone, Meanwhile, Mina’s Transit filed a third-
N-6127, pertinently alleging and praying as Plaintiff Junnel Cuevas, even up to now, is party complaint against its insurer, Perla
follows: unable to walk on his own without the aid Compania de Seguros, Inc. (Perla), seeking
5. Defendants Metro Manila Transit of crutches and is still scheduled for more reimbursement should it be adjudged
Corporation and Mina’s Transit are operations; a xerox copy of his medical liable, pursuant to its insurance policy
registered joint-owners or operators of an certificate is hereto attached as Annex A issued by Perla with the following
MMTC/Minas Transit passenger bus with hereof;2 coverage: (a) third-party liability of
Plate No. NXM-449-TB-pil 94, and is the ₱50,000.00 as the maximum amount; and
(b) third-party damage to property of evidence was presented to prove it. The enunciated in the 1957 ruling in Erezo, et
₱20,000.00 as the maximum amount.6 RTC, however, did not rule on the propriety al. v. Jepte,12 where the Court pronounced:
In its answer to the third-party complaint, of the cross-claim. Registration is required not to make said
Perla denied liability as insurer because On appeal, the CA affirmed the RTC’s registration the operative act by which
Mina’s Transit had waived its recourse by decision.11 ownership in vehicles is transferred, as in
failing to notify Perla of the incident within Issue land registration cases, because the
one year from its occurrence, as required Hence, this appeal, in which MMTC posits administrative proceeding of registration
by Section 384 of the Insurance Code.7 It the sole issue of whether or not it was liable does not bear any essential relation to the
submitted that even assuming that the for the injuries sustained by the contract of sale between the parties
claim had not yet prescribed, its liability respondents despite the provision in the (Chinchilla vs. Rafael and Verdaguer, 39
should be limited to the maximum of agreement to se ll that shielded it from Phil. 888), but to permit the use and
₱50,000.00 for third-party liability and liability. operation of the vehicle upon any public
₱20,000.00 for third-party damage.8 Ruling of the Court highway (section 5 [a], Act No. 3992, as
After trial, the RTC rendered judgment in The appeal is partly meritorious. amended.) The main aim of motor vehicle
favor of the respondents on September 17, MMTC urges the revisit of the register ed- registration is to identify the owner so that
19999 ordering petitioner Metro Manila owner rule in order to gain absolution from if any accident happens, or that any
Transit Corporation (MMTC) and its co- liability. It contends that although it damage or injury is caused by the vehicle
defendant Mina’s Transit Corporation retained ownership of the bus at the time on the public highways, responsibility
(Mina’s Transit) to pay damages in favor of of the vehicular accident, the actual therefore can be fixed on a definite
respondents Reynaldo Cuevas and Junnel operation was transferred to Mina’s individual, the registered owner. Instances
Cuevas to wit: Transit; that for it to be held liable for the are numerous where vehicles running on
WHEREFORE, premises considered, acts of the bus driver, the existence of an public highways caused accidents or
defendants Metro Manila Transit employer-employee relationship between injuries to pedestrians or other vehicles
Corporation and Mina’s Transit Corporation them must be established; and that without positive identification of the owner
are hereby held solidarily liable for the because the bus driver was not its or drivers, or with very scant means of
payment to the plaintiffs of the following: employee, it was not liable for his negligent identification. It is to forestall these
a. ₱115,436.50 as actual damages; act. circumstances, so inconvenient or
b. ₱100,000.00 as moral damages The contentions of MMTC cannot persuade. prejudicial to the public, that the motor
c. ₱50,000.00 as exemplary damages; and In view of MMTC’s admission in its vehicle registration is primarily ordained, in
d. ₱20,000.00 as attorney’s fees. pleadings that it had remained the the interest of the determination of persons
Costs are also adjudged against registered owner of the bus at the time of responsible for damages or injuries caused
defendants. the incident, it could not escape liability for on public highways.
SO ORDERED.10 the personal injuries and property damage "‘One of the principal purposes of motor
The RTC concluded that the proximate suffered by the Cuevases. This is because vehicles legislation is identification of the
cause of the mishap was the negligence of of the registered-owner rule, whereby the vehicle and of the operator, in case of
the bus driver; that following Article 2180 registered owner of the motor vehicle accident; and another is that the
of the Civil Code, his employers should be involved in a vehicular accident could be knowledge that means of detection are
solidarily liable; that MMTC and Mina’s held liable for the consequences. The always available may act as a deterrent
Transit, being the joint owners of the bus, registered-owner rule has remained good from lax observance of the law and of the
were liable; and that the third-party law in this jurisdiction considering its rules of conservative and safe operation.
complaint was dismissed because no impeccable and timeless rationale, as Whatever purpose there may be in these
statutes, it is subordinate at the last to the Lim under a Lease Agreement, which Indeed, MMTC could not evade liability by
primary purpose of rendering it certain that agreement has been overtaken by a Deed passing the buck to Mina’s Transit. The
the violator of the law or of the rules of of Sale entered into by Equitable and stipulation in the agreement to sell did not
safety shall not escape because of lack of Ecatine Corporation (Ecatine). Equitable bind third parties like the Cuevases, who
means to discover him.’ The purpose of the argued that it cannot be held liable for were expected to simply rely on the data
statute is thwarted, and the displayed damages because the tractor had already contained in the registration certificate of
number becomes a ‘snare and delusion,’ if been sold to Ecatine at the time of the the erring bus.
courts would entertain such defenses as accident and the negligent driver was not Although the registered-owner rule might
that put forward by appellee in this case. its employee but of Ecatine. seem to be unjust towards MMTC, the law
No responsible person or corporation could In upholding the liability of Equitable, as did not leave it without any remedy or
be held liable for the most outrageous acts registered owner of the tractor, this Court recourse.1âwphi1 According to Filcar
of negligence, if they should be allowed to said that "regardless of sales made of a Transport Services v. Espinas ,14 MMTC
place a ‘middleman’ between them and the motor vehicle, the registered owner is the could recover from Mina’s Transit, the
public, and escape liability by the manner lawful operator insofar as the public and actual employer of the negligent driver,
in which they recompense their servants." third persons are concerned; consequently, under the principle of unjust enrichment,
(King vs. Brenham Automobile Co., 145 it is directly and primarily responsible for by means of a cross-claim seeking
S.W. 278, 279.) the consequences of its operation." The reimbursement of all the amounts that it
The Court has reiterated the registered- Court further stated that " [i]n could be required to pay as damages
owner rule in other rulings, like in Filcar contemplation of law, the owner/operator arising from the driver’s negligence. A
Transport Services v. Espinas ,13 to wit: of record is the employer of the driver, the cross-claim is a claim by one party against
It is well settled that in case of motor actual operator and employer being a co-party arising out of the transaction or
vehicle mishaps, the registered owner of considered as merely its agent. " Thus, occurrence that is the subject matter either
the motor vehicle is considered as the Equitable, as the registered owner of the of the original action or of a counterclaim
employer of the tortfeasor-driver , and is tractor, was considered under the law on therein, and may include a claim that the
made primarily liable for the tort quasi delict to be the employer of the party against whom it is asserted is or may
committed by the latter under Article 2176, driver, Raul Tutor; Ecatine, Tutor’s actual be liable to the cross-claimant for all or part
in relation with Article 2180, of the Civil employer, was deemed merely as an agent of a claim asserted in the action against the
Code. of Equitable. cross-claimant.15
In Equitable Leasing Corporation v. Suyom, Thus, it is clear that for the purpose of MMTC set up its cross-claim against Mina's
we ruled that in so far as third persons are holding the registered owner of the motor Transit precisely to ensure that Mina's
concerned, the registered owner of the vehicle primarily and directly liable for Transit would reimburse whatever liability
motor vehicle is the employer of the damages under Article 2176, in relation would be adjudged against MMTC. Yet, it is
negligent driver, and the actual employer with Article 2180, of the Civil Code, the a cause of concern for the Court that the
is considered merely as an agent of such existence of an employer-employee RTC ignored to rule on the propriety of
owner . relationship, as it is understood in labor MMTC's cross-claim. Such omission was
In that case, a tractor registered in the relations law, is not required. It is sufficient unwarranted, inasmuch as Mina's Transit
name of Equitable Leasing Corporation ( to establish that Filcar is the registered did not dispute the cross-claim, or did not
Equitable ) figured in an accident, killing owner of the motor vehicle causing damage specifically deny the agreement to sell with
and seriously injuring several persons. As in order that it may be held vicariously MMTC, the actionable document on which
part of its defense, Equitable claimed that liable under Article 2180 of the Civil Code. the cross-claim was based. Even more
the tractor was initially leased to Mr. Edwin telling was the fact that Mina's Transit did
not present controverting evidence to
disprove the cross-claim as a matter of
course if it was warranted for it to do so.
Under the circumstances, the RTC should
have granted the cross-claim to prevent
the possibility of a multiplicity of suits, and
to spare not only the MMTC but also the
other parties in the case from further
expense and bother. Compounding the
RTC's uncharacteristic omission was the
CA's oversight in similarly ignoring the
cross-claim. The trial and the appellate
courts should not forget that a cross-claim
is like the complaint and the counterclaim
that the court must rule upon.
decision promulgated on June 28, 2004
subject to the MODIFICATION that the
cross-claim of Metro Manila Transit
Corporation against Mina's Transit
Corporation is GRANTED, and,
ACCORDINGLY, Mina's Transit Corporation
ORDERED to reimburse to Metro Manila
Transit Corporation whatever amounts the
latter shall pay to the respondents
pursuant to the judgment of the Regional
Trial Court in Civil Case No. N-6127.
No pronouncement on costs of suit.
G.R. No. 174156 June 20, 2012 and the case was raffled to Branch 13. In ₱20,000.00 as exemplary damages; and
FILCAR TRANSPORT the complaint, Espinas demanded that ₱20,000.00 as attorney’s fees. The MeTC
SERVICES, Petitioner, Filcar and Carmen Flor pay the amount of ruled that Filcar, as the registered owner of
vs. ₱97,910.00, representing actual damages the vehicle, is primarily responsible for
JOSE A. ESPINAS, Respondent. sustained by his car. damages resulting from the vehicle’s
DECISION Filcar argued that while it is the registered operation.
BRION, J.: owner of the car that hit and bumped The RTC Decision
We resolve the present petition for review Espinas’ car, the car was assigned to its The Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Manila,
on certiorari1 filed by petitioner Filcar Corporate Secretary Atty. Candido Flor, the Branch 20, in the exercise of its appellate
Transport Services (Filcar), challenging the husband of Carmen Flor. Filcar further jurisdiction, affirmed the MeTC
decision2 and the resolution3 of the Court of stated that when the incident happened, decision.5 The RTC ruled that Filcar failed to
Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 86603. the car was being driven by Atty. Flor’s prove that Floresca was not its employee
The facts of the case, gathered from the personal driver, Timoteo Floresca. as no proof was adduced that Floresca was
records, are briefly summarized below. Atty. Flor, for his part, alleged that when personally hired by Atty. Flor. The RTC
On November 22, 1998, at around 6:30 the incident occurred, he was attending a agreed with the MeTC that the registered
p.m., respondent Jose A. Espinas was birthday celebration at a nearby hotel, and owner of a vehicle is directly and primarily
driving his car along Leon Guinto Street in it was only later that night when he noticed liable for the damages sustained by third
Manila. Upon reaching the intersection of a small dent on and the cracked signal light persons as a consequence of the negligent
Leon Guinto and President Quirino Streets, of the car. On seeing the dent and the or careless operation of a vehicle registered
Espinas stopped his car. When the signal crack, Atty. Flor allegedly asked Floresca in its name. The RTC added that the victim
light turned green, he proceeded to cross what happened, and the driver replied that of recklessness on the public highways is
the intersection. He was already in the it was a result of a "hit and run" while the without means to discover or identify the
middle of the intersection when another car was parked in front of Bogota on Pedro person actually causing the injury or
car, traversing President Quirino Street and Gil Avenue, Manila. damage. Thus, the only recourse is to
going to Roxas Boulevard, suddenly hit and Filcar denied any liability to Espinas and determine the owner, through the vehicle’s
bumped his car. As a result of the impact, claimed that the incident was not due to its registration, and to hold him responsible
Espinas’ car turned clockwise. The other fault or negligence since Floresca was not for the damages.
car escaped from the scene of the incident, its employee but that of Atty. Flor. Filcar The CA Decision
but Espinas was able to get its plate and Carmen Flor both said that they always On appeal, the CA partly granted the
number. exercised the due diligence required of a petition in CA-G.R. SP No. 86603; it
After verifying with the Land good father of a family in leasing or modified the RTC decision by ruling that
Transportation Office, Espinas learned that assigning their vehicles to third parties. Carmen Flor, President and General
the owner of the other car, with plate The MeTC Decision Manager of Filcar, is not personally liable to
number UCF-545, is Filcar. The MeTC, in its decision dated January 20, Espinas. The appellate court pointed out
Espinas sent several letters to Filcar and to 2004,4 ruled in favor of Espinas, and that, subject to recognized exceptions, the
its President and General Manager Carmen ordered Filcar and Carmen Flor, jointly and liability of a corporation is not the liability
Flor, demanding payment for the damages severally, to pay Espinas ₱97,910.00 as of its corporate officers because a
sustained by his car. On May 31, 2001, actual damages, representing the cost of corporate entity – subject to well-
Espinas filed a complaint for damages repair, with interest at 6% per annum from recognized exceptions – has a separate and
against Filcar and Carmen Flor before the the date the complaint was filed; distinct personality from its officers and
Metropolitan Trial Court (MeTC) of Manila, ₱50,000.00 as moral damages; shareholders. Since the circumstances in
the case at bar do not fall under the deaths caused by the operation of his Based on the above-cited article, the
exceptions recognized by law, the CA vehicle. obligation to indemnify another for damage
concluded that the liability for damages Filcar filed a motion for reconsideration caused by one’s act or omission is imposed
cannot attach to Carmen Flor. which the CA denied in its Resolution dated upon the tortfeasor himself, i.e., the
The CA, however, affirmed the liability of July 6, 2006. person who committed the negligent act or
Filcar to pay Espinas damages. According Hence, the present petition. omission. The law, however, provides for
to the CA, even assuming that there had The Issue exceptions when it makes certain persons
been no employer-employee relationship Simply stated, the issue for the liable for the act or omission of another.
between Filcar and the driver of the consideration of this Court is: whether One exception is an employer who is made
vehicle, Floresca, the former can be held Filcar, as registered owner of the motor vicariously liable for the tort committed by
liable under the registered owner rule. vehicle which figured in an accident, may his employee. Article 2180 of the Civil Code
The CA relied on the rule that the be held liable for the damages caused to states:
registered owner of a vehicle is directly and Espinas. Article 2180. The obligation imposed by
primarily responsible to the public and to Our Ruling Article 2176 is demandable not only for
third persons while the vehicle is being The petition is without merit. one’s own acts or omissions, but also for
operated. Citing Erezo, et al. v. Jepte, 6 the Filcar, as registered owner, is deemed the those of persons for whom one is
CA said that the rationale behind the rule is employer of the driver, Floresca, and is responsible.
to avoid circumstances where vehicles thus vicariously liable under Article 2176 in xxxx
running on public highways cause relation with Article 2180 of the Civil Code Employers shall be liable for the damages
accidents or injuries to pedestrians or other It is undisputed that Filcar is the registered caused by their employees and household
vehicles without positive identification of owner of the motor vehicle which hit and helpers acting within the scope of their
the owner or drivers, or with very scant caused damage to Espinas’ car; and it is on assigned tasks, even though the former are
means of identification. In Erezo, the Court the basis of this fact that we hold Filcar not engaged in any business or industry.
said that the main aim of motor vehicle primarily and directly liable to Espinas for xxxx
registration is to identify the owner, so that damages. The responsibility treated of in this article
if a vehicle causes damage or injury to As a general rule, one is only responsible shall cease when the persons herein
pedestrians or other vehicles, responsibility for his own act or omission.9 Thus, a person mentioned prove that they observed all the
can be traced to a definite individual and will generally be held liable only for the diligence of a good father of a family to
that individual is the registered owner of torts committed by himself and not by prevent damage.
the vehicle.7 another. This general rule is laid down in Under Article 2176, in relation with Article
The CA did not accept Filcar’s argument Article 2176 of the Civil Code, which 2180, of the Civil Code, an action
that it cannot be held liable for damages provides to wit: predicated on an employee’s act or
because the driver of the vehicle was not Article 2176. Whoever by act or omission omission may be instituted against the
its employee. In so ruling, the CA cited the causes damage to another, there being employer who is held liable for the
case of Villanueva v. Domingo8 where the fault or negligence, is obliged to pay for the negligent act or omission committed by his
Court said that the question of whether the damage done. Such fault or negligence, if employee.
driver was authorized by the actual owner there is no pre-existing contractual relation Although the employer is not the actual
is irrelevant in determining the primary and between the parties, is called a quasi-delict tortfeasor, the law makes him vicariously
direct responsibility of the registered owner and is governed by the provisions of this liable on the basis of the civil law principle
of a vehicle for accidents, injuries and Chapter. of pater familias for failure to exercise due
care and vigilance over the acts of one’s
subordinates to prevent damage to argued that it cannot be held liable for vehicle is explained by the principle behind
another.10 In the last paragraph of Article damages because the tractor had already motor vehicle registration, which has been
2180 of the Civil Code, the employer may been sold to Ecatine at the time of the discussed by this Court in Erezo, and cited
invoke the defense that he observed all the accident and the negligent driver was not by the CA in its decision:
diligence of a good father of a family to its employee but of Ecatine. The main aim of motor vehicle registration
prevent damage. In upholding the liability of Equitable, as is to identify the owner so that if any
As its core defense, Filcar contends that registered owner of the tractor, this Court accident happens, or that any damage or
Article 2176, in relation with Article 2180, said that "regardless of sales made of a injury is caused by the vehicle on the public
of the Civil Code is inapplicable because it motor vehicle, the registered owner is the highways, responsibility therefor can be
presupposes the existence of an employer- lawful operator insofar as the public and fixed on a definite individual, the registered
employee relationship. According to Filcar, third persons are concerned; consequently, owner. Instances are numerous where
it cannot be held liable under the subject it is directly and primarily responsible for vehicles running on public highways caused
provisions because the driver of its vehicle the consequences of its operation."12 The accidents or injuries to pedestrians or other
at the time of the accident, Floresca, is not Court further stated that "[i]n vehicles without positive identification of
its employee but that of its Corporate contemplation of law, the owner/operator the owner or drivers, or with very scant
Secretary, Atty. Flor. of record is the employer of the driver, the means of identification. It is to forestall
We cannot agree. It is well settled that in actual operator and employer being these circumstances, so inconvenient or
case of motor vehicle mishaps, the considered as merely its agent."13 Thus, prejudicial to the public, that the motor
registered owner of the motor vehicle is Equitable, as the registered owner of the vehicle registration is primarily ordained, in
considered as the employer of the tractor, was considered under the law on the interest of the determination of persons
tortfeasor-driver, and is made primarily quasi delict to be the employer of the responsible for damages or injuries caused
liable for the tort committed by the latter driver, Raul Tutor; Ecatine, Tutor’s actual on public highways. [emphasis ours]
under Article 2176, in relation with Article employer, was deemed merely as an agent Thus, whether there is an employer-
2180, of the Civil Code. of Equitable. employee relationship between the
In Equitable Leasing Corporation v. Thus, it is clear that for the purpose of registered owner and the driver is
Suyom,11 we ruled that in so far as third holding the registered owner of the motor irrelevant in determining the liability of the
persons are concerned, the registered vehicle primarily and directly liable for registered owner who the law holds
owner of the motor vehicle is the employer damages under Article 2176, in relation primarily and directly responsible for any
of the negligent driver, and the actual with Article 2180, of the Civil Code, the accident, injury or death caused by the
employer is considered merely as an agent existence of an employer-employee operation of the vehicle in the streets and
of such owner. relationship, as it is understood in labor highways.
In that case, a tractor registered in the relations law, is not required. It is sufficient As explained by this Court in Erezo, the
name of Equitable Leasing Corporation to establish that Filcar is the registered general public policy involved in motor
(Equitable) figured in an accident, killing owner of the motor vehicle causing damage vehicle registration is the protection of
and seriously injuring several persons. As in order that it may be held vicariously innocent third persons who may have no
part of its defense, Equitable claimed that liable under Article 2180 of the Civil Code. means of identifying public road
the tractor was initially leased to Mr. Edwin Rationale for holding the registered owner malefactors and, therefore, would find it
Lim under a Lease Agreement, which vicariously liable difficult – if not impossible – to seek
agreement has been overtaken by a Deed The rationale for the rule that a registered redress for damages they may sustain in
of Sale entered into by Equitable and owner is vicariously liable for damages accidents resulting in deaths, injuries and
Ecatine Corporation (Ecatine). Equitable caused by the operation of his motor other damages; by fixing the person held
primarily and directly liable for the motor vehicle.1awp++i1 Thus, for as long maintaining road safety, thereby
damages sustained by victims of road as Filcar is the registered owner of the car reinforcing the aim of the State to promote
mishaps, the law ensures that relief will involved in the vehicular accident, it could the responsible operation of motor vehicles
always be available to them. not escape primary liability for the by its citizens.
To identify the person primarily and directly damages caused to Espinas. This does not mean, however, that Filcar is
responsible for the damages would also The public interest involved in this case left without any recourse against the actual
prevent a situation where a registered must not be underestimated. Road safety employer of the driver and the driver
owner of a motor vehicle can easily escape is one of the most common problems that himself. Under the civil law principle of
liability by passing on the blame to another must be addressed in this country. We are unjust enrichment, the registered owner of
who may have no means to answer for the not unaware of news of road accidents the motor vehicle has a right to be
damages caused, thereby defeating the involving reckless drivers victimizing our indemnified by the actual employer of the
claims of victims of road accidents. We take citizens. Just recently, such pervasive driver of the amount that he may be
note that some motor vehicles running on recklessness among most drivers took the required to pay as damages for the injury
our roads are driven not by their registered life of a professor of our state caused to another.
owners, but by employed drivers who, in university.14 What is most disturbing is that The set-up may be inconvenient for the
most instances, do not have the financial our existing laws do not seem to deter registered owner of the motor vehicle, but
means to pay for the damages caused in these road malefactors from committing the inconvenience cannot outweigh the
case of accidents. acts of recklessness. more important public policy being
These same principles apply by analogy to We understand that the solution to the advanced by the law in this case which is
the case at bar. Filcar should not be problem does not stop with legislation. An the protection of innocent persons who
permitted to evade its liability for damages effective administration and enforcement may be victims of reckless drivers and
by conveniently passing on the blame to of the laws must be ensured to reinforce irresponsible motor vehicle owners.
another party; in this case, its Corporate discipline among drivers and to remind WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The
Secretary, Atty. Flor and his alleged driver, owners of motor vehicles to exercise due decision dated February 16, 2006 and the
Floresca. Following our reasoning in diligence and vigilance over the acts of resolution dated July 6, 2006 of the Court
Equitable, the agreement between Filcar their drivers to prevent damage to others. of Appeals are AFFIRMED. Costs against
and Atty. Flor to assign the motor vehicle Thus, whether the driver of the motor petitioner Filcar Transport Services.
to the latter does not bind Espinas who was vehicle, Floresca, is an employee of Filcar SO ORDERED.
not a party to and has no knowledge of the is irrelevant in arriving at the conclusion
agreement, and whose only recourse is to that Filcar is primarily and directly liable for
the motor vehicle registration. the damages sustained by Espinas. While
Neither can Filcar use the defenses Republic Act No. 4136 or the Land
available under Article 2180 of the Civil Transportation and Traffic Code does not
Code - that the employee acts beyond the contain any provision on the liability of
scope of his assigned task or that it registered owners in case of motor vehicle
exercised the due diligence of a good father mishaps, Article 2176, in relation with
of a family to prevent damage - because Article 2180, of the Civil Code imposes an
the motor vehicle registration law, to a obligation upon Filcar, as registered owner,
certain extent, modified Article 2180 of the to answer for the damages caused to
Civil Code by making these defenses Espinas’ car. This interpretation is
unavailable to the registered owner of the consistent with the strong public policy of
G.R. No. 170631, February 10, 2016 east-bound lane, opposite Reyes.13 To Trial Court granted her Motion.29
CARAVAN TRAVEL AND TOURS avoid an incoming vehicle, the van swerved
INTERNATIONAL, to its left and hit Reyes.14 Alex Espinosa After trial, the Regional Trial Court found
INC., Petitioner, v. ERMILINDA R. (Espinosa), a witness to the accident, went that Bautista was grossly negligent in
ABEJAR, Respondent. to her aid and loaded her in the back of the driving the vehicle.30 It awarded damages
DECISION van.15 Espinosa told the driver of the van, in favor of Abejar, as follows:
LEONEN, J.: Jimmy Bautista (Bautista), to bring Reyes chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
The plaintiff may first prove the employer's to the hospital.16 Instead of doing so, WHEREFORE, considering that the
ownership of the vehicle involved in a Bautista appeared to have left the van [respondent] was able to provide by
mishap by presenting the vehicle's parked inside a nearby subdivision with preponderance of evidence her cause of
registration in evidence. Thereafter, a Reyes still in the van.17 Fortunately for action against the defendants, judgment is
disputable presumption that the Reyes, an unidentified civilian came to help hereby rendered ordering defendants
requirements for an employer's liability and drove Reyes to the hospital.18 JIMMY BAUTISTA and CARAVAN TRAVEL
under Article 21801 of the Civil Code have and TOURS[,] INC., to jointly and solidarity
been satisfied will arise. The burden of Upon investigation, it was found that the pay the plaintiff, the following, to wit:
evidence then shifts to the defendant to registered owner of the van was chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
show that no liability under Article 2180 Caravan.19 Caravan is a corporation 1. The amount of P35,000.00 representing
has ensued. This case, thus, harmonizes engaged in the business of organizing actual damages;
the requirements of Article 2180, in travels and tours.20 Bautista was Caravan's
relation to Article 2176 2 of the Civil Code, employee assigned to drive the van as its 2. The amount of P300,000.00 as moral
and the so-called registered-owner rule as service driver.21 damages;
established in this court's rulings in Aguilar,
Sr. v. Commercial Savings Bank,3Del Caravan shouldered the hospitalization 3. The amount of P30,000.00 as exemplary
Carmen, Jr. v. Bacoy,4Filcar Transport expenses of Reyes.22 Despite medical damages;
Services v. Espinas,5 and Mendoza v. attendance, Reyes died two (2) days after
Spouses Gomez.6 the accident.23 4. The amount of P50,000.00 as and by
way of attorney's fees; and
Through this Petition for Review on Respondent Ermilinda R. Abejar (Abejar),
Certiorari,7 Caravel Travel and Tours Reyes' paternal aunt and the person who 5. The cost of suit.
International, Inc. (Caravan) prays that the raised her since she was nine (9) years SO
Decision8 dated October 3, 2005 and the old,24 filed before the Regional Trial Court ORDERED.31ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
Resolution9 dated November 29, 2005 of of Parañaque a Complaint25 for damages Caravan's Motion for Reconsideration32 was
the Court of Appeals Twelfth Division be against Bautista and Caravan. In her denied through the October 20, 2003
reversed and set aside.10 Complaint, Abejar alleged that Bautista Order33 of the Regional Trial Court.
was an employee of Caravan and that
On July 13, 2000, Jesmariane R. Reyes Caravan is the registered owner of the van The Court of Appeals affirmed with
(Reyes) was walking along the west-bound that hit Reyes.26 modification the Regional Trial Court's July
lane of Sampaguita Street, United 31, 2003 Decision and October 20, 2003
Parañaque Subdivision IV, Parañaque Summons could not be served on Order, as follows:
City.11 A Mitsubishi L-300 van with plate Bautista.27 Thus, Abejar moved to drop chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
number PKM 19512 was travelling along the Bautista as a defendant.28 The Regional
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the
instant appeal is DENIED for lack of merit.
The assailed Decision dated 31 July 2003
and Order dated 20 October 2003 of the
Regional Trial Court, City of Para[ñ]aque,
Branch 258, in Civil Case No. 00-0447
are AFFIRMED with the
1. Moral Damages is REDUCED to Php
2. Death Indemnity of Php 50,000.00
is awarded;
3. The Php 35,000.00 actual damages,
Php 200,000.00 moral damages,
Php 30,000.00 exemplary damages
and Php 50,000.00 attorney's fees
shall earn interest at the rate of
6% per annum computed from 31
July 2003, the date of the [Regional
Trial Court's] decision; and upon
finality of this Decision, all the
amounts due shall earn interest at
the rate of 12% per annum, in lieu
of 6% per annum, until full
payment; and
4. The Php 50,000.00 death indemnity
shall earn interest at the rate of
6% per annum computed from the
date of promulgation of this
Decision; and upon finality of this
Decision, the amount due shall earn
interest at the rate of 12% per
annum, in lieu of 6% per annum,
until full payment.
Costs against [Caravan].
G.R. No. 170631, February 10, 2016 east-bound lane, opposite Reyes.13 To Trial Court granted her Motion.29
CARAVAN TRAVEL AND TOURS avoid an incoming vehicle, the van swerved
INTERNATIONAL, to its left and hit Reyes.14 Alex Espinosa After trial, the Regional Trial Court found
INC., Petitioner, v. ERMILINDA R. (Espinosa), a witness to the accident, went that Bautista was grossly negligent in
ABEJAR, Respondent. to her aid and loaded her in the back of the driving the vehicle.30 It awarded damages
DECISION van.15 Espinosa told the driver of the van, in favor of Abejar, as follows:
LEONEN, J.: Jimmy Bautista (Bautista), to bring Reyes chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
The plaintiff may first prove the employer's to the hospital.16 Instead of doing so, WHEREFORE, considering that the
ownership of the vehicle involved in a Bautista appeared to have left the van [respondent] was able to provide by
mishap by presenting the vehicle's parked inside a nearby subdivision with preponderance of evidence her cause of
registration in evidence. Thereafter, a Reyes still in the van.17 Fortunately for action against the defendants, judgment is
disputable presumption that the Reyes, an unidentified civilian came to help hereby rendered ordering defendants
requirements for an employer's liability and drove Reyes to the hospital.18 JIMMY BAUTISTA and CARAVAN TRAVEL
under Article 21801 of the Civil Code have and TOURS[,] INC., to jointly and solidarity
been satisfied will arise. The burden of Upon investigation, it was found that the pay the plaintiff, the following, to wit:
evidence then shifts to the defendant to registered owner of the van was chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
show that no liability under Article 2180 Caravan.19 Caravan is a corporation 1. The amount of P35,000.00 representing
has ensued. This case, thus, harmonizes engaged in the business of organizing actual damages;
the requirements of Article 2180, in travels and tours.20 Bautista was Caravan's
relation to Article 2176 2 of the Civil Code, employee assigned to drive the van as its 2. The amount of P300,000.00 as moral
and the so-called registered-owner rule as service driver.21 damages;
established in this court's rulings in Aguilar,
Sr. v. Commercial Savings Bank,3Del Caravan shouldered the hospitalization 3. The amount of P30,000.00 as exemplary
Carmen, Jr. v. Bacoy,4Filcar Transport expenses of Reyes.22 Despite medical damages;
Services v. Espinas,5 and Mendoza v. attendance, Reyes died two (2) days after
Spouses Gomez.6 the accident.23 4. The amount of P50,000.00 as and by
way of attorney's fees; and
Through this Petition for Review on Respondent Ermilinda R. Abejar (Abejar),
Certiorari,7 Caravel Travel and Tours Reyes' paternal aunt and the person who 5. The cost of suit.
International, Inc. (Caravan) prays that the raised her since she was nine (9) years SO
Decision8 dated October 3, 2005 and the old,24 filed before the Regional Trial Court ORDERED.31ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
Resolution9 dated November 29, 2005 of of Parañaque a Complaint25 for damages Caravan's Motion for Reconsideration32 was
the Court of Appeals Twelfth Division be against Bautista and Caravan. In her denied through the October 20, 2003
reversed and set aside.10 Complaint, Abejar alleged that Bautista Order33 of the Regional Trial Court.
was an employee of Caravan and that
On July 13, 2000, Jesmariane R. Reyes Caravan is the registered owner of the van The Court of Appeals affirmed with
(Reyes) was walking along the west-bound that hit Reyes.26 modification the Regional Trial Court's July
lane of Sampaguita Street, United 31, 2003 Decision and October 20, 2003
Parañaque Subdivision IV, Parañaque Summons could not be served on Order, as follows:
City.11 A Mitsubishi L-300 van with plate Bautista.27 Thus, Abejar moved to drop chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
number PKM 19512 was travelling along the Bautista as a defendant.28 The Regional
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the signatory, a certain Julian Peñaloza
instant appeal is DENIED for lack of merit. Hence, this Petition was filed. (Peñaloza), was not presented in court, and
The assailed Decision dated 31 July 2003 Caravan was denied the right to cross-
and Order dated 20 October 2003 of the Caravan argues that Abejar has no examine him.44 Caravan argues that the
Regional Trial Court, City of Para[ñ]aque, personality to bring this suit because she is statements in the Certification constitute
Branch 258, in Civil Case No. 00-0447 not a real party in interest. According to hearsay.45 It also contends that based on
are AFFIRMED with the Caravan, Abejar does not exercise legal or Article 2206(3)46 of the Civil Code, Abejar
following MODIFICATIONS: substitute parental authority. She is also is not entitled to moral damages.47 It
1. Moral Damages is REDUCED to Php not the judicially appointed guardian or the insists that moral and exemplary damages
200,000.00; only living relative of the deceased.36 She should not have been awarded to Abejar
2. Death Indemnity of Php 50,000.00 is also not "the executor or administrator of because Caravan acted in good
is awarded; the estate of the deceased."37 According to faith.48 Considering that moral and
3. The Php 35,000.00 actual damages, Caravan, only the victim herself or her exemplary damages are unwarranted,
Php 200,000.00 moral damages, heirs can enforce an action based on culpa Caravan claims that the award of
Php 30,000.00 exemplary damages aquiliana such as Abejar's action for attorney's fees should have also been
and Php 50,000.00 attorney's fees damages.38 removed.49
shall earn interest at the rate of
6% per annum computed from 31 Caravan adds that Abejar offered no Lastly, Caravan argues that it should not be
July 2003, the date of the [Regional documentary or testimonial evidence to held solidarily liable with Bautista since
Trial Court's] decision; and upon prove that Bautista, the driver, acted Bautista was already dropped as a party. 50
finality of this Decision, all the "within the scope of his assigned
amounts due shall earn interest at tasks"39 when the accident Abejar counters that Caravan failed to
the rate of 12% per annum, in lieu occurred.40 According to Caravan, provide proof that it exercised the requisite
of 6% per annum, until full Bautista's tasks only pertained to the diligence in the selection and supervision of
payment; and transport of company personnel or Bautista.51 She adds that the Court of
4. The Php 50,000.00 death indemnity products, and when the accident occurred, Appeals' ruling that Caravan is solidarily
shall earn interest at the rate of he had not been transporting personnel or liable with Bautista for moral damages,
6% per annum computed from the delivering products of and for the exemplary damages, civil indemnity ex
date of promulgation of this company.41 delicto, and attorney's fees should be
Decision; and upon finality of this upheld.52 Abejar argues that since Caravan
Decision, the amount due shall earn Caravan also argues that "it exercised the is the registered owner of the van, it is
interest at the rate of 12% per diligence of a good father of a family in the directly, primarily, and solidarity liable for
annum, in lieu of 6% per annum, selection and supervision of its the tortious acts of its driver.53
until full payment. employees."42
Costs against [Caravan]. For resolution are the following issues:
Caravan further claims that Abejar should
SO not have been awarded moral damages, First, whether respondent Ermilinda R.
ORDERED.34ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary actual damages, death indemnity, Abejar is a real party in interest who may
Caravan filed a Motion for Reconsideration, exemplary damages, and attorney's bring an action for damages against
but it was denied in the Court of Appeals' fees.43 It questions the Certificate provided petitioner Caravan Travel and Tours
assailed November 29, 2005 Resolution.35 by Abejar as proof of expenses since its International, Inc. on account of
Jesmariane R. Reyes' death; and prosecuted, he [or she] must appear to be the same authority over the person of the
the present real owner of the right sought child as the parents. (Emphasis supplied)
Second, whether petitioner should be held to be enforced."55 Respondent's capacity to Both of Reyes' parents are already
liable as an employer, pursuant to Article file a complaint against petitioner stems deceased.57 Reyes' paternal grandparents
2180 of the Civil Code. from her having exercised substitute are also both deceased.58 The whereabouts
parental authority over Reyes. of Reyes' maternal grandparents are
We deny the Petition. unknown.59 There is also no record that
I Article 216 of the Family Code identifies the Reyes has brothers or sisters. It was under
persons who exercise substitute parental these circumstances that respondent took
Having exercised substitute parental authority: custody of Reyes when she was a child,
authority, respondent suffered actual loss chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary assumed the role of Reyes' parents, and
and is, thus, a real party in interest in this Art. 216. In default of parents or a judicially thus, exercised substitute parental
case. appointed guardian, the following persons authority over her.60 As Reyes' custodian,
shall exercise substitute parental authority respondent exercised the full extent of the
In her Complaint, respondent made over the child in the order indicated: statutorily recognized rights and duties of
allegations that would sustain her action a parent. Consistent with Article 22061 of
for damages: that she exercised substitute (1) The surviving grandparent, as provided the Family Code, respondent supported
parental authority over Reyes; that Reyes' in Art. 214;56 Reyes' education62 and provided for her
death was caused by the negligence of personal needs.63 To echo respondent's
petitioner and its driver; and that Reyes' (2) The oldest brother or sister, over words in her Complaint, she treated Reyes
death caused her damage.54 Respondent twenty-one years of age, unless unfit or as if she were her own daughter. 64
properly filed an action based on quasi- disqualified; and
delict. She is a real party in interest. Respondent's right to proceed against
(3) The child's actual custodian, over petitioner, therefore, is based on two
Rule 3, Section 2 of the 1997 Rules of Civil twenty-one years of age, unless unfit or grounds.
Procedure defines a real party in interest: disqualified.
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary First, respondent suffered actual personal
RULE 3. Parties to Civil Actions Whenever the appointment or a judicial loss. With her affinity for Reyes, it stands
guardian over the property of the child to reason that when Reyes died,
. . . . becomes necessary, the same order of respondent suffered the same anguish that
preference shall be observed. (Emphasis a natural parent would have felt upon the
SECTION 2. Parties in Interest. — A real supplied) loss of one's child. It is for this injury — as
party in interest is the party who stands to Article 233 of the Family Code provides for authentic and personal as that of a natural
be benefited or injured by the judgment in the extent of authority of persons parent — that respondent seeks to be
the suit, or the party entitled to the avails exercising substitute parental authority, indemnified.
of the suit. Unless otherwise authorized by that is, the same as those of actual
law or these Rules, every action must be parents: Second, respondent is capacitated to do
prosecuted or defended in the name of the chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary what Reyes' actual parents would have
real party in interest. Art. 233. The person exercising substitute been capacitated to do.
"To qualify a person to be a real party in parental authority shall have
interest in whose name an action must be In Metro Manila Transit Corporation v.
Court of Appeals,65Tapdasan, Jr. v. accommodate even plaintiffs who are not
People,66 and Aguilar, Sr. v. Commercial relatives of the deceased, thus:74 Respondent's Complaint is anchored on an
Savings Bank,67 this court allowed natural This Court said: "Article 1902 of the Civil employer's liability for quasi-delict
parents of victims to recover damages for Code declares that any person who by an provided in Article 2180, in relation to
the death of their children. Inasmuch as act or omission, characterized by fault or Article 2176 of the Civil Code. Articles 2176
persons exercising substitute parental negligence, causes damage to another and 2180 read:
authority have the full range of shall be liable for the damage done ... a chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
competencies of a child's actual parents, person is liable for damage done to another ARTICLE 2176. Whoever by act or omission
nothing prevents persons exercising by any culpable act; and by any culpable causes damage to another, there being
substitute parental authority from similarly act is meant any act which is blameworthy fault or negligence, is obliged to pay for the
possessing the right to be indemnified for when judged by accepted legal standards. damage done. Such fault or negligence, if
their ward's death. The idea thus expressed is undoubtedly there is no pre-existing contractual relation
broad enough to include any rational between the parties, is called a quasi-delict
We note that Reyes was already 18 years conception of liability for the tortious acts and is governed by the provisions of this
old when she died. Having reached the age likely to be developed in any society." The Chapter.
of majority, she was already emancipated word "damage" in said article,
upon her death. While parental authority is comprehending as it does all that are . . . . .
terminated upon embraced in its meaning, includes any and
emancipation,68 respondent continued to all damages that a human being may suffer ARTICLE 2180. The obligation imposed by
support and care for Reyes even after she in any and all the manifestations of his life: article 2176 is demandable not only for
turned 18.69 Except for the legal physical or material, moral or one's own acts or omissions, but also for
technicality of Reyes' emancipation, her psychological, mental or spiritual, financial, those of persons for whom one is
relationship with respondent remained the economic, social, political, and religious. responsible.
same. The anguish and damage caused to
respondent by Reyes' death was no It is particularly noticeable that Article The father and, in case of his death or
different because of Reyes' emancipation. 1902 stresses the passive subject of the incapacity, the mother, are responsible for
obligation to pay damages caused by his the damages caused by the minor children
In any case, the termination of fault or negligence. The article does not who live in their company.
respondent's parental authority is not an limit or specify the active subjects, much
insurmountable legal bar that precludes less the relation that must exist between Guardians are liable for damages caused by
the filing of her Complaint. In interpreting the victim of the culpa aquiliana and the the minors or incapacitated persons who
Article 190270 of the old Civil Code, which person who may recover damages, thus are under their authority and live in their
is substantially similar to the first sentence warranting the inference that, in principle, company.
of Article 217671 of the Civil Code, this anybody who suffers any damage from
court in The Receiver For North Negros culpa aquiliana, whether a relative or The owners and managers of an
Sugar Company, Inc. v. Ybañez, et not of the victim, may recover damages establishment or enterprise are likewise
al.72 ruled that brothers and sisters may from the person responsible responsible for damages caused by their
recover damages, except moral damages, therefor[.]75 (Emphasis supplied, citations employees in the service of the branches in
for the death of their sibling.73 This court omitted) which the latter are employed or on the
declared that Article 1902 of the old Civil II occasion of their functions.
Code (now Article 2176) is broad enough to
Employers shall be liable for the damages vehicles.76 manager of Castilex Industrial Corporation
caused by their employees and household (Castilex). Castilex was also the registered
helpers acting within the scope of their These rules appear to be in conflict when it owner of a Toyota Hi-Lux pick-up truck.
assigned tasks, even though the former are comes to cases in which the employer is While Abad was driving the pick-up truck,
not engaged in any business or industry. also the registered owner of a vehicle. it collided with a motorcycle driven by
Article 2180 requires proof of two things: Romeo Vasquez (Vasquez). Vasquez died a
The State is responsible in like manner first, an employment relationship between few days after. Vasquez's parents filed a
when it acts through a special agent; but the driver and the owner; and second, that case for damages against Abad and
not when the damage has been caused by the driver acted within the scope of his or Castilex.83 Castilex denied liability, arguing
the official to whom the task done properly her assigned tasks. On the other hand, that Abad was acting in his private capacity
pertains, in which case what is provided in applying the registered-owner rule only at the time of the accident.84
article 2176 shall be applicable. requires the plaintiff to prove that the
defendant-employer is the registered This court absolved Castilex of liability,
Lastly, teachers or heads of establishments owner of the vehicle. reasoning that it was incumbent upon the
of arts and trades shall be liable for plaintiff to prove that the negligent
damages caused by their pupils and The registered-owner rule was articulated employee was acting within the scope of his
students or apprentices, so long as they as early as 1957 in Erezo, et al. v. assigned tasks.85 Vasquez's parents failed
remain in their custody. Jepte,77 where this court explained that the to prove this.86 This court outlined the
registration of motor vehicles, as required process necessary for an employer to be
The responsibility treated of in this article by Section 5(a)78 of Republic Act No. 4136, held liable for the acts of its employees and
shall cease when the persons herein the Land Transportation and Traffic Code, applied the process to the case:
mentioned prove that they observed all the was necessary "not to make said chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
diligence of a good father of a family to registration the operative act by which Under the fifth paragraph of Article 2180,
prevent damage. (Emphasis supplied) ownership in vehicles is transferred, . . . whether or not engaged in any business or
Contrary to petitioner's position, it was not but to permit the use and operation of the industry, an employer is liable for the torts
fatal to respondent's cause that she herself vehicle upon any public highway[.]" 79 Its committed by employees within the scope
did not adduce proof that Bautista acted "main aim . . . is to identify the owner so of his assigned tasks. But it is necessary to
within the scope of his authority. It was that if any accident happens, or that any establish the employer-employee
sufficient that Abejar proved that petitioner damage or injury is caused by the vehicle relationship; once this is done, the plaintiff
was the registered owner of the van that on the public highways, responsibility must show, to hold the employer liable,
hit Reyes. therefor can be fixed on a definite that the employee was acting within the
individual, the registered owner."80 scope of his assigned task when the tort
The resolution of this case must consider complained of was committed. It is only
two (2) rules. First, Article 2180's Erezo notwithstanding, Castilex Industrial then that the employer may find it
specification that "[e]mployers shall be Corporation v. Vasquez, Jr.81 relied on necessary to interpose the defense of due
liable for the damages caused by their Article 2180 of the Civil Code even though diligence in the selection and supervision of
employees . . . acting within the scope of the employer was also the registered the employee.
their assigned tasks[.]" Second, the owner of the vehicle.82 The registered-
operation of the registered-owner rule that owner rule was not mentioned. . . . .
registered owners are liable for death or
injuries caused by the operation of their In Castilex, Benjamin Abad (Abad) was a Since there is paucity of evidence that
ABAD was acting within the scope of the by this court.91Aguilar, Sr. reiterated the car involved in the vehicular accident, it
functions entrusted to him, petitioner following pronouncements made in Erezo in could not escape primary liability for the
CASTILEX had no duty to show that it ruling that the bank, as the registered death of petitioner's son.94 (Emphasis
exercised the diligence of a good father of owner of the vehicle, was primarily liable to supplied)
a family in providing ABAD with a service the plaintiff:92 Preference for the registered-owner rule
vehicle. Thus, justice and equity require The main aim of motor vehicle registration became more pronounced in Del Carmen,
that petitioner be relieved of vicarious is to identify the owner so that if any Jr. v. Bacoy:95
liability for the consequences of the accident happens, or that any damage or Without disputing the factual finding of the
negligence of ABAD in driving its vehicle. injury is caused by the vehicle on the public [Court of Appeals] that Allan was still his
(Emphasis supplied, citations highways, responsibility therefor can be employee at the time of the accident, a
omitted)87ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary fixed on a definite individual, the registered finding which we see no reason to disturb,
Aguilar, Sr. v. Commercial Savings owner.... Oscar Jr. contends that Allan drove the
Bank recognized the seeming conflict jeep in his private capacity and thus, an
between Article 2180 and the registered- .... employer's vicarious liability for the
owner rule and applied the latter.88 employee's fault under Article 2180 of the
A victim of recklessness on the public Civil Code cannot apply to him.
In Aguilar, Sr., a Mitsubishi Lancer, highways is usually without means to
registered in the name of Commercial discover or identify the person actually The contention is no longer novel.
Savings Bank and driven by the bank's causing the injury or damage. He has no In Aguilar Sr. v. Commercial Savings Bank,
assistant vice-president Ferdinand Borja, means other than by a recourse to the the car of therein respondent bank caused
hit Conrado Aguilar, Jr. The impact killed registration in the Motor Vehicles Office to the death of Conrado Aguilar, Jr. while
Conrado Aguilar, Jr. His father, Conrado determine who is the owner. The protection being driven by its assistant vice
Aguilar, Sr. filed a case for damages that the law aims to extend to him would president. Despite Article 2180, we still
against Ferdinand Borja and Commercial become illusory were the registered owner held the bank liable for damages for the
Savings Bank. The Regional Trial Court given the opportunity to escape liability by accident as said provision should defer
found Commercial Savings Bank solidarity disproving his to the settled doctrine concerning
liable with Ferdinand Borja.89 ownership.93ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary accidents involving registered motor
Thus, Aguilar, Sr. concluded: vehicles, i.e., that the registered owner of
However, the Court of Appeals disagreed chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary any vehicle, even if not used for public
with the trial court's Decision and In our view, respondent bank, as the service, would primarily be responsible to
dismissed the complaint against the registered owner of the vehicle, is primarily the public or to third persons for injuries
bank. The Court of Appeals reasoned that liable for Aguilar, Jr.'s death. The Court of caused the latter while the vehicle was
Article 2180 requires the plaintiff to prove Appeals erred when it concluded that the being driven on the highways or streets.
that at the time of the accident, the bank was not liable simply because (a) We have already ratiocinated that:
employee was acting within the scope of his petitioner did not prove that Borja was chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
or her assigned tasks. The Court of Appeals acting as the bank's vice president at the The main aim of motor vehicle registration
found no evidence that Ferdinand Borja time of the accident; and (b) Borja had, is to identify the owner so that if any
was acting as the bank's assistant vice- according to respondent bank, already accident happens, or that any damage or
president at the time of the accident. 90 bought the car at the time of the injury is caused by the vehicle on the public
mishap. For as long as the respondent highways, responsibility therefor can be
The Court of Appeals' ruling was reversed bank remained the registered owner of the fixed on a definite individual, the registered
owner. Instances are numerous where As acknowledged in Filcar, there is no consequence, the burden of proof shifts to
vehicles running on public highways caused categorical statutory pronouncement in the the defendant to show that no liability
accidents or injuries to pedestrians or other Land Transportation and Traffic Code under Article 2180 has arisen.
vehicles without positive identification of stipulating the liability of a registered
the owner or drivers, or with very scant owner.101 The source of a registered This disputable presumption, insofar as the
means of identification. It is to forestall owner's liability is not a distinct statutory registered owner of the vehicle in relation
these circumstances, so inconvenient or provision, but remains to be Articles 2176 to the actual driver is concerned,
prejudicial to the public, that the motor and 2180 of the Civil Code: recognizes that between the owner and the
vehicle registration is primarily ordained, in chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary victim, it is the former that should carry the
the interest of the determination of persons While Republic Act No. 4136 or the Land costs of moving forward with the evidence.
responsible for damages or injuries caused Transportation and Traffic Code does not The victim is, in many cases, a hapless
on public highways.96 (Emphasis supplied, contain any provision on the liability of pedestrian or motorist with hardly any
citations omitted) registered owners in case of motor vehicle means to uncover the employment
Filcar Transport Services v. mishaps, Article 2176, in relation with relationship of the owner and the driver, or
Espinas97 stated that the registered owner Article 2180, of the Civil Code imposes an any act that the owner may have done in
of a vehicle can no longer use the defenses obligation upon Filcar, as registered owner, relation to that employment.
found in Article 2180:98 to answer for the damages caused to
Neither can Filcar use the defenses Espinas' car.102ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary The registration of the vehicle, on the other
available under Article 2180 of the Civil Thus, it is imperative to apply the hand, is accessible to the public.
Code - that the employee acts beyond the registered-owner rule in a manner that
scope of his assigned task or that it harmonizes it with Articles 2176 and 2180 Here, respondent presented a copy of the
exercised the due diligence of a good father of the Civil Code. Rules must be construed Certificate of Registration105 of the van that
of a family to prevent damage - because in a manner that will harmonize them with hit Reyes.106 The Certificate attests to
the motor vehicle registration law, to a other rules so as to form a uniform and petitioner's ownership of the van.
certain extent, modified Article 2180 of the consistent system of jurisprudence.103 In Petitioner itself did not dispute its
Civil Code by making these defenses light of this, the words used in Del ownership of the van. Consistent with the
unavailable to the registered owner of the Carmen are particularly notable. There, rule we have just stated, a presumption
motor vehicle. Thus, for as long as Filcar is this court stated that Article 2180 "should that the requirements of Article 2180 have
the registered owner of the car involved in defer to"104 the registered-owner rule. It been satisfied arises. It is now up to
the vehicular accident, it could not escape never stated that Article 2180 should be petitioner to establish that it incurred no
primary liability for the damages caused to totally abandoned. liability under Article 2180. This it can do
Espinas.99ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary by presenting proof of any of the following:
Mendoza v. Spouses Gomez100 reiterated Therefore, the appropriate approach is that first, that it had no employment
this doctrine. in cases where both the registered-owner relationship with Bautista; second, that
rule and Article 2180 apply, the plaintiff Bautista acted outside the scope of his
However, Aguilar, Sr., Del Carmen, Filcar, must first establish that the employer is the assigned tasks; or third, that it exercised
and Mendoza should not be taken to mean registered owner of the vehicle in question. the diligence of a good father of a family in
that Article 2180 of the Civil Code should Once the plaintiff successfully proves the selection and supervision of Bautista.107
be completely discarded in cases where the ownership, there arises a disputable
registered-owner rule finds application. presumption that the requirements of On the first, petitioner admitted that
Article 2180 have been proven. As a Bautista was its employee at the time of
the accident.108 requirements have been satisfied. Mere
disavowals are not proof that suffice to
On the second, petitioner was unable to overturn a presumption. To this end,
prove that Bautista was not acting within evidence must be adduced. However, Q : Do you recall what kind of
the scope of his assigned tasks at the time petitioner presented no positive evidence driver's license is this?
of the accident. When asked by the court to show that Bautista was acting in his
why Bautista was at the place of the private capacity at the time of the incident.
accident when it occurred, Sally Bellido, A : The Land Transportation
petitioner's accountant and On the third, petitioner likewise failed to Office.
supervisor, 109
testified that she did not prove that it exercised the requisite
"have the personal capacity to answer [the diligence in the selection and supervision of
Q : Is it a professional driver's
question]"110 and that she had no Bautista.
license or non-proffesional
knowledge to answer it:
[sic] driver's license?
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary In its selection of Bautista as a service
driver, petitioner contented itself with
COURT : Madam Witness, do you
Bautista's submission of a non- A : Non-professional.
know the reason why
professional driver's license. 112
Hence, in
your driver, Jimmy
Sally Balledo's cross-examination:
Bautista, at around
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary Q : You are not sure?
10:00 o' clock in the
morning of July 13, 2000 Q : . . . when he was promoted
was in the vicinity of as service driver, of course, COURT : Non professional,
Barangay Marcelo Green, there were certain professional?
United Parañaque requirements and among
Subdivision 4? other else, you made
mention about a driver's A : It's a non-
license. professional.113 (Emphasis
WITNESS : I don't have the personal supplied)
capacity to answer that,
Sir. A : Yes, Sir. Employing a person holding a non-
professional driver's license to operate
another's motor vehicle violates Section 24
Q : So you don't have any Q : Would you be able to show of the Land Transportation and Traffic
knowledge why he was to this Honorable Court Code, which provides:
there? whether indeed this person chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
did submit a driver's license SEC. 24. Use of driver's license and badge.
to your company? — ...
A : Yes, Sir.111 (Emphasis
supplied) . . . .
A : Yes, Sir.
Sally Bellido's testimony does not affect the
presumption that Article 2180's No owner of a motor vehicle shall engage,
employ, or hire any person to operate such
motor vehicle, unless the person sought to
be employed is a duly licensed professional In order that the defense of due diligence Petitioner's argument that it should be
driver. in the selection and supervision of excused from liability because Bautista was
Evidently, petitioner did not only fail to employees may be deemed sufficient and already dropped as a party is equally
exercise due diligence when it selected plausible, it is not enough to emptily unmeritorious. The liability imposed on the
Bautista as service driver; it also invoke the existence of said company registered owner is direct and
committed an actual violation of law. guidelines and policies on hiring and primary. 117
It does not depend on the
supervision. As the negligence of the inclusion of the negligent driver in the
To prove that it exercised the required employee gives rise to the presumption of action. Agreeing to petitioner's assertion
diligence in supervising Bautista, petitioner negligence on the part of the employer, the would render impotent the rationale of the
presented copies of several memoranda latter has the burden of proving that it has motor registration law in fixing liability on
and company rules.114 These, however, are been diligent not only in the selection of a definite person.
insufficient because petitioner failed to employees but also in the actual
prove actual compliance. Metro Manila supervision of their work. The mere Bautista, the driver, was not an
Transit Corporation v. Court of allegation of the existence of hiring indispensable party under Rule 3, Section
Appeals115 emphasized that to establish procedures and supervisory policies, 7118 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure.
diligence in the supervision of employees, without anything more, is decidedly not Rather, he was a necessary party under
the issuance of company policies must be sufficient to overcome presumption. Rule 3, Section 8.119 Instead of insisting
coupled with proof of compliance: that Bautista — who was nothing more
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary We emphatically reiterate our holding, as a than a necessary party — should not have
Due diligence in the supervision of warning to all employers, that "(t)he mere been dropped as a defendant, or that
employees, on the other hand, includes the formulation of various company policies on petitioner, along with Bautista, should have
formulation of suitable rules and safety without showing that they were been dropped, petitioner (as a co-
regulations for the guidance of employees being complied with is not sufficient to defendant insisting that the action must
and the issuance of proper instructions exempt petitioner from liability arising from proceed with Bautista as party) could have
intended for the protection of the negligence of its employees. It is opted to file a cross-claim against Bautista
public and persons with whom the incumbent upon petitioner to show that in as its remedy.
employer has relations through his or its recruiting and employing the erring driver
employees and the imposition of necessary the recruitment procedures and company The 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure spell out
disciplinary measures upon employees in policies on efficiency and safety were the rules on joinder of indispensable and
case of breach or as may be warranted to followed." Paying lip-service to these necessary parties. These are intended to
ensure the performance of acts injunctions or merely going through the afford "a complete determination of all
indispensable to the business of and motions of compliance therewith will possible issues, not only between the
beneficial to their employer. To this, we warrant stern sanctions from the parties themselves but also as regards to
add that actual implementation and Court. 116
(Emphasis supplied, citations other persons who may be affected by the
monitoring of consistent compliance with omitted) judgment."120
said rules should be the constant concern For failing to overturn the presumption that
of the employer, acting through the requirements of Article 2180 have been However, while an exhaustive resolution of
dependable supervisors who should satisfied, petitioner must be held liable. disputes is desired in every case, the
regularly report on their supervisory III distinction between indispensable parties
functions. and necessary parties delineates a court's
capacity to render effective judgment. As go forward. Certificate124 issued and signed by a certain
defined by Rule 3, Section 7, indispensable Peñaloza showing that respondent paid
parties are "[p]arties in interest without A person is not an indispensable party, Peñaloza P35,000.00 for funeral expenses.
whom no final determination can be had of however, if his interest in the controversy
an action[.]" Thus, their non-inclusion is or subject matter is separable from the Contrary to petitioner's claim, this
debilitating: "the presence of indispensable interest of the other parties, so that it will Certificate is not hearsay. Evidence is
parties is a condition for the exercise of not necessarily be directly or injuriously hearsay when its probative value is based
juridical power and when an indispensable affected by a decree which does complete on the personal knowledge of a person
party is not before the court, the action justice between them. Also, a person is not other than the person actually
should be dismissed."121 an indispensable party if his presence testifying. 125
Here, the Certificate sought to
would merely permit complete relief establish that respondent herself paid
In contrast, a necessary party's presence is between him and those already parties to Peñaloza P35,000.00 as funeral expenses
not imperative, and his or her absence is the action, or if he has no interest in the for Reyes' death:126
not debilitating. Nevertheless, it is subject matter of the action. It is not a 3. Na ang aking kontrata ay
preferred that they be included in order sufficient reason to declare a person to be nagkakahalaga ng P35,000-00 [sic]
that relief may be complete. an indispensable party that his presence sa lahat ng nagamit na materiales
will avoid multiple at labor nito kasama ang lote na
The concept of indispensable parties, as litigation.123ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary ibinayad sa akin ni Gng. ERMILINDA
against parties whose inclusion only allows Petitioner's interest and liability is distinct REYES ABEJAR na siyang aking
complete relief, was explained in Arcelona from that of its driver. Regardless of kakontrata sa pagsasagawa ng
v. Court of Appeals:122 petitioner's employer-employee naturang
An indispensable party is a party who has relationship with Bautista, liability attaches paglilibingan.127 (Emphasis
such an interest in the controversy or to petitioner on account of its being the supplied)
subject matter that a final adjudication registered owner of a vehicle that figures in It was respondent herself who identified
cannot be made, in his absence, without a mishap. This alone suffices. A the Certificate. She testified that she
injuring or affecting that interest, a party determination of its liability as owner can incurred funeral expenses amounting to
who has not only an interest in the subject proceed independently of a consideration P35,000.00, that she paid this amount to
matter of the controversy, but also has an of how Bautista conducted himself as a Peñaloza, and that she was present when
interest of such nature that a final decree driver. While certainly it is desirable that a Peñaloza signed the Certificate:
cannot be made without affecting his determination of Bautista's liability be chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
interest or leaving the controversy in such made alongside that of the owner of the
[ATTY. Did you incur any expenses?
a condition that its final determination may van he was driving, his non-inclusion in
LIM] :
be wholly inconsistent with equity and good these proceedings does not absolutely
conscience. It has also been considered hamper a judicious resolution of
that an indispensable party is a person in respondent's plea for relief. A: Meron po.
whose absence there cannot be a IV
determination between the parties already
before the court which is effective, The Court of Appeals committed no Q: How much did you spend for
complete, or equitable. Further, an reversible error when it awarded actual the death of Jesmarian [sic]
indispensable party is one who must be damages to respondent. Respondent's Reyes?
included in an action before it may properly claim for actual damages was based on the
court unless they are patently unsupported
A: 'Yun pong P35,000.00 na Q: Did you see him sign this?
by evidence or unless the judgment is
pagpapalibing at saka...
grounded on a misapprehension of
A: Opo.128 (Emphasis supplied) facts.130 Considering that petitioner has not
Q: You said that you spent presented any evidence disputing the
Respondent had personal knowledge of the findings of the lower courts regarding
P35,000.00. Do you have any
facts sought to be proved by the Bautista's negligence, these findings
evidence or proof that you
Certificate, i.e. that she spent P35,000.00 cannot be disturbed in this appeal. The
spent that amount?
for the funeral expenses of Reyes. Thus, evidentiary bases for the award of civil
the Certificate that she identified and indemnity and exemplary damages stand.
A: Meron po. testified to is not hearsay. It was not an As such, petitioner must pay the exemplary
error to admit this Certificate as evidence damages arising from the negligence of its
and basis for awarding P35,000.00 as driver.131 For the same reasons, the award
Q: Showing to you this sort of actual damages to respondent. of P50,000.00 by way of civil indemnity is
certification. What relation
has this... The Court of Appeals likewise did not err in
awarding civil indemnity and exemplary The award of moral damages is likewise
damages. proper.
A: 'Yan po' yung contractor
Article 2206 of the Civil Code provides: Article 2206(3) of the Civil Code provides:
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
Q: Contractor of what? ARTICLE 2206. The amount of damages for ARTICLE 2206. The amount of damages
death caused by a crime or quasi- for death caused by a crime or quasi-
delict shall be at least three thousand delict shall be at least three thousand
A: 'Yan po' yung mismong pesos, even though there may have been pesos, even though there may have been
binilhan ko ng lupa at nitso. mitigating circumstances[.] mitigating circumstances. In addition:
Further, Article 2231 of the Civil Code
provides: . . . .
.... chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
ARTICLE 2231. In quasi-delicts, exemplary
damages may be granted if the defendant (3) The spouse, legitimate and
ATTY. There is a signature at the top
acted with gross negligence. illegitimate descendants and
LIM : of the printed name Julian
Both the Court of Appeals and the Regional ascendants of the deceased may
Penalosa [sic]. Whose
Trial Court found Bautista grossly negligent demand moral damages for mental
signature is this?
in driving the van and concluded that anguish by reason of the death of
Bautista's gross negligence was the the deceased. (Emphasis supplied)
A: 'Yan po' yung mismong proximate cause of Reyes' death.
For deaths caused by quasi-delict, the
contractor. Negligence and causation are factual
recovery of moral damages is limited to the
issues.129 Findings of fact, when
spouse, legitimate and illegitimate
established by the trial court and affirmed
.... descendants, and ascendants of the
by the Court of Appeals, are binding on this
meaning of Article 2206(3) of the Civil legal interest shall, in any case, be
Persons exercising substitute parental Code. Hence, respondent is entitled to on the amount finally adjudged.
authority are to be considered ascendants moral damages. 3. When the judgment of the court
for the purpose of awarding moral awarding a sum of money becomes
damages. Persons exercising substitute As exemplary damages have been awarded final and executory, the rate of legal
parental authority are intended to stand in and as respondent was compelled to interest, whether the case falls
place of a child's parents in order to ensure litigate in order to protect her interests, she under paragraph 1 or paragraph 2,
the well-being and welfare of a is rightly entitled to attorney's fees. 144 above, shall be 6% per annum from
child.134 Like natural parents, persons such finality until its satisfaction,
exercising substitute parental authority are However, the award of interest should be this interim period being deemed to
required to, among others, keep their modified. This modification must be be by then an equivalent to a
wards in their company,135 provide for their consistent with Nacar v. Gallery forbearance of credit.146 (Emphasis
upbringing,136 show them love and Frames,145 in which we ruled: supplied)
affection, 137
give them advice and chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary WHEREFORE, the Decision of the Court of
counsel,138 and provide them with 2. When an obligation, not constituting Appeals dated October 3, 2005
companionship and understanding.139 For a loan or forbearance of money, is is AFFIRMED with the
their part, wards shall always observe breached, an interest on the following MODIFICATIONS: (a) actual
respect and obedience towards the person amount of damages awarded may damages in the amount of P35,000.00 shall
exercising parental authority.140 The law be imposed at the discretion of the earn interest at the rate of 6% per annum
forges a relationship between the ward and court at the rate of 6% per annum. from the time it was judicially or
the person exercising substitute parental No interest, however, shall be extrajudicially demanded from petitioner
authority such that the death or injury of adjudged on unliquidated claims or Caravan Travel and Tours International,
one results in the damage or prejudice of damages, except when or until the Inc. until full satisfaction; (b) moral
the other. demand can be established with damages, exemplary damages, and
reasonable certainty. attorney's fees shall earn interest at the
Moral damages are awarded to compensate Accordingly, where the demand is rate of 6% per annum from the date of the
the claimant for his or her actual injury, established with reasonable Regional Trial Court Decision until full
and not to penalize the certainty, the interest shall begin to satisfaction; and (c) civil indemnity shall
wrongdoer.141 Moral damages enable the run from the time the claim is made earn interest at the rate of 6% per annum
injured party to alleviate the moral judicially or extrajudicially (Art. from the date of the Court of Appeals
suffering resulting from the defendant's 1169, Civil Code), but when such Decision until full satisfaction.
actions.142 It aims to restore — to the certainty cannot be so reasonably
extent possible — "the spiritual status quo established at the time the demand SO ORDERED.cralawlawlibrary
ante[.]"143 is made, the interest shall begin to
run only from the date the
Given the policy underlying Articles 216 judgment of the court is made (at
and 220 of the Family Code as well as the which time the quantification of
purposes for awarding moral damages, a damages may be deemed to have
person exercising substitute parental been reasonably ascertained). The
authority is rightly considered an actual base for the computation of
ascendant of the deceased, within the