The School and The Community
The School and The Community
The School and The Community
Learning Objectives:
Depicted in the question and answer corresponding in class are a common classroom
scenario. Most lessons are devoted to teacher asking low-level questions and students
answering with what they memorized the night before. Teacher deposited these facts a day
before and withdraws them the next day. This system does not make the learner reflect and
connect what he or she was taught in real life.
We have nothing against facts. But isolate facts makes no sense but become meaningful
when seen in relation to other facts. These facts when combined with other facts help the
learner see the connection to his or her life.
Example: to connect facts the teacher should ask more questions like: “What if the food is not
chewed in the mouth, what happens to food in the stomach and the stomach itself? What if the
stomach if it fails to digest food, what happens to the small intestines?
John Locke: The Empiricist Educator
For John Locke education is not acquisition of knowledge contained in the Great Books. It
is learners interacting with concrete experience, comparing and reflecting on the same
complete experience, comparing. The learner is an active not a passive agent of his/her own
From the social dimension, education is seeing citizens participate actively and intelligently
in establishing their government and in choosing who will govern them from among
themselves because they are convinced that no one person is destined to be ruler forever.
Acquire knowledge about the world through the senses – learning by doing and by
interacting with the environment.
Simple ideas become more complex through comparison, reflection and generalization –
the inductive method.
Questioned the long traditional view that knowledge came exclusively from literary
sources, particularly the Greek and Latin classics.
Opposed the “divine right o kings” theory which held that the monarch had the right to be
an unquestioned and absolute ruler over his subjects.
Political order should be based upon a contract between the people and the government
Aristocrats are the destined birth to be rulers. People were to establish their own
government and select their own political leaders from among themselves; civic education
is necessary
People should be educated to govern themselves intelligently and responsibly (Orstein,
Activity no. 2
Explain why each education philosopher was associated with these given words:
1. John Locke – the empiricist
2. Spencer – the utilitarianist
3. John Dewey – Experience
4. George Counts – Building a new social order
5. Theodore Brameld – the Social Reconstructionist
6. Paulo Freire – Critical Pedagogy vs. Banking Method