Principles of Communication (3-0-2)
Principles of Communication (3-0-2)
Principles of Communication (3-0-2)
Theory Practical Total
Sessiona 30 20 50
Final 50 - 50
Total 80 20 100
Course Objectives:
1. The student should become familiar with basic principles and the technology behind
communication, common terminology, concepts, equipment and techniques of signal
processing for communications.
2. The student should be able to analyze the performance of various modulation methods
for analogue and digital transmission, evaluate the effect of noise on signal reception and
assemble signal processing modules to implement communications systems.
Course Contents:
1. Introduction (5 hrs)
1.1 Digital and Analog Sources and Systems
1.2 Deterministic and Random Waveforms
1.3 Block Diagram of a Communication System
1.4 Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves
1.5 Information Measure, Channel Capacity and Ideal Communication Systems
1.6 Coding
Text Book:
Couch 11, L. W., Digital and Analog Communication Systems, Sixth Edition, 2001, Pearson
Education Asia, ISBN: 81-7808-328-0.
1. S. Haykin, An Introduction to Analog and Digital Communication, Wiley, New York,
2. B.P. Lathi, Modern Analog and Digital Communication Systems, Prism Book Pvt. Ltd.
3. Kolimbiris, H., Digital Communication Systems, 2000, Pearson Education Asia, ISBN:
4. S. Haykin, Digital Communication, John Wiley