General@ Electric: Instructions Lamp Burnout Relays

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The 3S7505BR520 Lamp Burnout Relay is connected in series with the lamp and its power source. Thus, when
current flows through the circuit, the relay is energized. If the lamp should fail, current flow is interrupted and
the relay drops out, activating an alarm or signal device. Similarly, failure of the power source will cause acti-
0 vation of the alarm or signal device.

Input Power: Light Source Transformer

To 2.5A Lamp [BLK To .35A Lamp BLK

Power Source

b 0 0 0 0

Output Power to Lamp:

I Light Source

0 0 0 0 0

Connections to Light Source Transformer:

When using the low voltage supply from terminals on the 3S7505PG520 Photoelectric Relay, it is imperative that
proper ground wire continuity be maintained as described below or non-operation and damage will result. It is
recommended that black and white wires be used in order to observe the color coding shown on markings at the
respective terminal boards. When light source transformers are used, white wire(s) should be attached to the
“common” terminal and black wire(s) to the selected voltage terminal(s).

*This equipment is designed to meet NEMA requirements for hazardous locations, Class I, Group D and Class II,
Groups E, F and G.

These insfrucfions do not purport to cover all details or variafions in equipmenf nor to provide for every possible confingency to
be mef in connecfion with insfalkafion, operafion or mainfenance. Should further informafion be desired or should particular problems
arise which are not covered sufficiently for fhe purchaser’s purposes, the maffer should be referred to fhe General Electric Company.

GEI-98296 3S7505BR520 Lamp Burnout Relays

Connections on BR520
From Supply Lamp Wires
SUPPlY Effective Ground 1
Voltage Voltage
Light Source Tap or Drop In
or Scanner Terminal BR520
3.5V, 2.5ALamps:
357505SL520 3.5 0.1 3.4
3S7505SL521 3.1 0.1 3.0 Term Term Term 1 Term I
3S7505SL530 2.7 0.1 2.6 G C G A

2.5V, 0.35ALamps:
3S7505SL510 3.1** 0.6 Term Term
3S7505SR501 2.7** 0.5 G A
**Note that the voltage tap used will not correspond to the lamp voltage because of drop in the BR520. When con-
nected as above, actual lamp voltage will be as tabulated and lamp life will be as given for those voltages in the
Light Source and Scanner instructions.

The 3S7505BR520 relay may be used for signaling or alarm with lamps other than the above (and with other devices)
where current level lies either in the range 2.0 to 5.0 amperes or 0.3 to 0.75 amperes and drops to zero in the
off (or “burnout”) condition. The ungrounded side of the circuit should go in series with terminals (C!) and (A)
for the higher current ratingor terminals (B) and (A) for the lower current.

Terminal (G) has no internal connection in the BR520 and may be used for convenient connection of the ground or
common wire, as in the table above, or need not be connected, if desired. It is necessary to maintain correct
common or ground wiring whether or not terminal (G) is used.

Output Contacts: SPDT

Life at 115VAC: 100,000 cycles at 2A, 1,000 cycles at 5A.
Contact Rating: 3A at 115V or 1A at 23OV, resistive.

NOTE: Contacts are shown in de-energized position. Thus, if you expect to close a contact upon lamp failure
you must use the N. C. contact.

Figure 1. Outline of 3S7505BR520Al Open Panel Only

Lamp Burnout Relays 3S7505BR520 GEI-98296



Figure 2. Outline of 3S7505BR520A3 and A5 in NEMA 3/5 or 12 Enclosure (44B204892)



Figure 3. Outline of 3S7505BR520A7 in Explosion-Proof Enclosure


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SALES OFFICE CODE KEY Alexandria * ,I Akron 44303 665 W. Market St.
720 Murray Sf.
* Indurtricd Equipment (including Agent and *+ aoton Rovge 70815 633 Oak Vtllo Blvd. conton 44703 515 Thi;d St. -fi.%
- ____._____,
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+ Electric Utility Equipment Soles ;jf§N ew Orleanr 70112 837 Grovier St. l tf§ Cleveland 44104 4966 Wood&b .A&:
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* t
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316% W. Court St.
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409 Thbrteenth St. l f f 6 Philadelphia 19102 3 Penn center Plaza
55 Veterans Blvd. Jackson 49201 120 W. Michigan Ave. * +i Pittsburcjh 15222
*f 2407 “J” St. Kalamazoo
Lansmg 48933
927 5. Burdlck St.
501 Bank of Lansing Bldg.
The Oliver Bldg., Mellon Sq:
t San t+ernard,na
337 N. Riverrlde Ave., Rialto. Cal.
:+ Sagmaw 48607 * t
0 Pittsburgh
York 17403
15228 733 Washington
56 N. Harrison
l + ) San Diego 92103 2560 First Ave. IOOB Second Notional Bank Bldg.
: + t 0 San Francisco 94106 235 Montgomery St. MINNESOTA *t Columbia 29201
Son Jose 95112 2155 So. First St. Duluth 55802 1010 Fidelity Bldg. 301 Palmette State Life Bldq:
COLORADO Fergus Falls Norby Bldg., Room 4 * Greenville 29602 106 W. Washington St.
l t t 6 Denver 80206 201 Unlversitv Blvd. * t $ Minneapolis 55402 I2 5. Sixth St. TENNESSEE
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DliTRlCT OF COLUMBIA Memphis 38104 1420 Union Ave.
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7770478401 205
1385N.Colder Ave.
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* t ! Tampa 33609 2106 South Lois Ave. NEBRASKA El Paso 79901 215 N. .Stan+on St.
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682 Cherry St. t Las Vegas I711 S. 8th St. Lubbock 79404 3302 Avenue “A”
l Midland 228 Wilkerson-Foster Bldg.
’ t Savannah 31405 51X+2Paulsen St. NEW HAMPSHIRE *t San Antonio 78204 419 5. Moln Ave.
IDAHO t Manchester 03104 1662 Elm St.
*t Bonse 83706 1524 Idaho St. UTAH
NEW JERSEY * t f, Salt Lake City 84110 200 5. Main St.
* + + East Orange 07017 26 Woshmgton St. VERMoNT
* + t 4 Chicago 60680 040 5. Conol St.
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INDIANA NEW YORK P.O. Box 1038. 311 Main si:
*tf Evansville 47714 l t 5 Albony 12?01 5001 w. Broad se.
2709 Worhington Ave.
’ t t Fort Wayne 46B07 Binghamton 13902 :/ Roanoke 24005
Rxhmond 23230 920 S. Jefferson St.
3606 S. Calhoun St.
3750 N. Meridian St. l \ + Bvffolo 14202
;tt Indianapolls 42607 ’ t 5 New York 10022 WASHINGTON
t South Bend 46601 430 N. Michigan St. 824 W. Lewis St.
* t t Rochester 14604
IOWA 710 Second Are.
Syracuse 13201
Cedar Rapads 52401 210 Second St., S.E. :+ Utica + Spokane 99220 East 1805 Trent Ave.
:I+ D ovenport 52605
1039 State St., Bettendorf, Iowa
t Waverly ..__. . . - . . .
Bluefield 704 Blond St.
Des Moines 50310 3839 Merle Hay Rd. NORTH CAROLINA t Charleston 25328 306 MacCorkle Ave.. S.E.
‘1 Sioux City 51101 520 Pierce St. ; t t Charlotte 28202 129 W. Trade St. Foirmont 26555 310 Jacobs Bldg.
KANSAS Greensboro 801 Summit Ave. :+ Wheeling 40 Fourteenth St.
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Lexington 40508 620 E. Main St. Bismarck 58501 418 Rosser Ave. Madison 53703 340 W. Washington Ave.
:tt L OUISVIII. 40218 2300 Meadow Dr. .+ Fargo 58101 802 S. Park Drive l + t Milwaukee 53233 940 W. St. Paul Ave.
CANADA: Canadian General Electric Company, Ltd., Toronto HAWAII: Amsricon Facfors, Ltd., P.O. Box 3230, Honolulu 96801


WHEN YOU NEED SERVICE These G-E service shops will repair. recondi- performance of your equipment. For full information about these services,
tion, and rebuild your electric apprrratus. The facilities ore ovoiloble day and contact your newest service shop or soles office.
night, *even days a week, for work in the shops or an yaw premises. Latest
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ALABAMA KENTUCKY P.O. Box 6198, 2128 Eak,n Rd.
Birmingham 35211. P.O. Ear 3687 Louisville 40209 3900 Crittenden Drive Toledo 43605 405 Dearborn Ave.
7 - 18th St., S.W. Youngstown 44507 272 E. lnd,onola Ave.
ARIZONA New Orleans 70117 2815 N. Robertson St. OREGON
IPhoenIx) Glendale 4911 west ca1ter St. Portland 97210 2727 N.W. 29th Ave.
Baltimore 21230 920 E. Fort Ave. PENNSYLVANIA
Los Angeles 90001 69W Stanford Ave. Allentown 18103 668 E. Highland St.
‘(LOS Angeles) Ontario MASSACHUSETTS Johnstown 841 Oak St.
Ontario Internotional AIrport (Boston) Medford 02155 Phllodelphm 19124 1040 E. Erie Ave.
Oakland 94608 3400 Wood St. 3960 Mystic Valley Parkway (Pittsburgh) Homestead 15230
Socromento 95814 99 North 17th St. Box 308, RD I, Buttermilk Hollow Rd:
Son Fropcirco 94103 IO98 Harrison St. York 17403 54 N. Harrison St.
Detroit 48202 5950 Third St.
Denver 80205 3353 Lorimer St.
Mlnneapolir 55430 202549th Ave., N. Corpus Christi II5 Waco St.
CONNECTICUT Dollar 75235 3202 Manor Way
FLORIDdSou+hing+an) Plontwille 370 Atwater St. MISSOURI Lw;tn; 77020 .5534 Harvey Wilson Drive
Kansas City 64120 3525 Gardner Ave. I 704 S. Johnston St.
Jacksonville 32203 St. Louis 63110 III5 Eosf Road UTAH
P.O. Box 2932, 2020 W. Beaver St. NEW YORK Salt Lake City 84104 301 S. 7th West St.
(Miami) Hloleah 1062 E. 28th St. Albany 12205 IO97 Central Ave.
Tompo 33601 P.O. Box 1245 VIRGINIA
Eutfolo 1421I 318 Urban St. Richmond 23224
GEORGIA 1403 ingram Ave.
‘(New York) Lmden, N. J. Raanoke
(Atlanta) Chamblee lbll W. Elizabeth Ave.
5035 Peachtree Industrial Blrd: P.O. Bar 1327. II5 Albarmorle Ave., S.E:
(New York) North Bergen, N. J.
Chicago 60632 4360 W. 47th S1. Schenectady (Instrumentation Service) 12305 Seattle 98134 3422 First Ave., S.
INDIANA I River Rood ‘Seattle PBIOB 220 Dawson St.
Ft. Wayne 46803 1731 Edsall Ave. NORTH CAROLINA Spokane 99206 E. 4323 Mission St.
lndionopolls 22 1740 W. Vermont St. Charlotte 28208 2328 Thrift Road WEST VIRGINIA
IOWA Charleston 28 306 MacCorkle Ave.
(Davenport) Bettendorf 1025 State St. Cincinnati 45202 444 W. Third St. WISCONSIN
KANSAS *Cincinnati 45232 260 W. Mitchell Ave. Appleton 54910 Midway Industrial Area
‘(Strother) Arkansas City Cleveland 44125 ’ 4477 East 49th St. P.O. Box 83, County Trunk P
G.E. Co.. P.O. Box 797 Columbus 43223 Milwaukee 3 940 W. St. Paul Ave.

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