8th Grade Entering Work World - PDF Glenco
8th Grade Entering Work World - PDF Glenco
8th Grade Entering Work World - PDF Glenco
You Already Know…
• work will be an important part of
your life
• there are thousands of occupations
• knowing yourself helps you choose
the right career
• you can learn about careers in
many ways
Section 3.1
Narrowing Your
Career Choices
Technology This
worker is holding
telephone wires.
She works in the
arts, audio/video
technology, and
career cluster. List
several ways people
use technology to
Business, Management, and Administration
Business is selling goods or services. The goal of business ■ Selling goods or
business is to make a profit. You make a profit when services.
you receive more money than you spend.
Management is a big part of business. Management management ■ Making
means making decisions and planning. As a manager, decisions and planning.
you would tell workers what tasks to do. You would
check that workers are doing a good job. You could
work at a company, a government, a school, or a charity.
Administration means making sure that an
organization runs smoothly. Administrative workers
take care of the day-to-day work. As a receptionist, you
would greet people and answer the phone. As a
bookkeeper, you would keep records of money.
We all use money to pay for goods and services such
as food, housing, and transportation. Because money is
so important, finance is a very important field. Finance finance ■ Managing money.
means managing money.
Finance workers help people and businesses use
their money wisely. As a bank teller, you would help
customers at a bank. As a financial planner, you would
help people handle their money. As a tax preparer, you
could help people fill out their tax forms.
and Tourism
Is Growing
Hospitality and
tourism is a growing
career field. List
three activities
people like to do
when they are on
vacation. Then list
two jobs that relate
to each activity.
Study Tip Human Services
Skimming means going Human services are services that improve people’s
through a text and reading only lives. Human service workers help people in all kinds
the most important parts. Skim of ways. As a social worker, you would help people live
chapters in your textbook better at home, school, and work. As a consumer credit
before you read them. Read counselor, you would help people who have money
the chapter objectives, the problems. As a child care worker, you would look after
headings, and the key terms. children. As a hairstylist, you would help people look
This will help you prepare their best. You could even work as an event planner, a
for reading. soup kitchen manager, or a spa attendant.
Information Technology
information technology ■ Information technology means designing and
Designing and using using computer systems. Why are computer systems
computer systems. called information technology, or IT? Because
computers are information machines. They store, sort,
and use information.
Some IT workers work with computer hardware, or
parts. As a network manager, for example, you would
set up and run office computers.
Other IT workers work with software, or programs.
As a programmer, for example, you would write
computer programs. As a web designer, you would
create Web sites.
Figure It Out
In a neighborhood newsletter, advertisements cost
$13.00 per inch during the school year and $18.00 per
inch during the summer. What size advertisement could
you afford during the school year? What size could you
afford during the summer?
talking to people
Work Hours When will you work? Are the hours long
or short? Will you work during the day or during the
night? Will you work the same hours every week?
Books, magazines,
newspapers, and
the Internet are all
good sources of
career information.
Why is up-to-date
career information
more helpful to
you than career
information from
the past?
Search Engines
Help You Find
Information This
is the Web site of a
popular search
engine. Where do
you type in the words
you want the search
engine to find?
John Singh
1236 Orlando Terrace, Apt. 8
Austin, TX 78757-3596
October 13, 20--
Zeenat Walker
Loan Officer
People’s Bank
100 Landmark Plaza
Austin, TX 78750
Dear Ms. Walker:
I am a senior at LaClare Technical High School and am
completing a career preparation program. I am interested in
learning about careers in banking. Your client Michelle Kim
visited our school last week and mentioned that you were very
knowledgeable about banking.
Would you be willing to meet with me for an informational
interview of about 20 minutes? I would like to find out about your
job and what it is like to work at a bank. I would also like to learn
about the skills necessary to succeed as a loan officer.
I will telephone you next Wednesday, October 19, to schedule a
time that is convenient for you.
Sincerely yours,
John Singh
Show Your Writing Skills Introduce yourself in writing to a worker you would like to
interview. Make sure your letter is polite and well written. Why does a well-written letter make
a better impression than a sloppily written letter?
Think Critically
3. Which do you think would teach you the most
about an occupation? 1) Reading about it.
2) Talking to people about it. 3) Doing a job
similar to it. Explain your answer.
Figure It Out
Digital Two Cable Company charges $349.99 for a
year of cable television service. CableWorld charges
$16.99 for a month of service, plus a $99.95 connection
fee. Which is the better deal?
ewow.glencoe.com/tips 75
Key Term Review
Glencoe career cluster (p. 55) marketing (p. 62)
business (p. 57) engineering (p. 62)
management (p. 57) research (p. 64)
Go to ewow.glencoe.com
training (p. 57) Internet (p. 67)
to find online games and
finance (p. 57 ) informational interview
activities for Chapter 3.
health science (p. 59) (p. 69)
hospitality and tourism job shadowing (p. 69)
(p. 59) part-time job (p. 72 )
information technology cooperative education
(p. 60) (p. 72)
manufacturing (p. 61) service learning (p. 72)
Write About It
6. Write a Job-Shadowing Letter Choose a job that
interests you. Look in your local yellow pages for a
company that hires workers in that job. Write a
letter asking to set up a half day of job shadowing.
Address your letter to the human resources
department of the company. Use the letter in
Figure 3.1 as a guide.
Teamwork Challenge
8. Visit a Workplace Find a local company or
nonprofit organization in a career cluster that
interests you. Arrange a visit with the help of a
teacher. Find out what the company or organization
does. Create a presentation for the class.