RPH BI YEAR 6-Unit 5
RPH BI YEAR 6-Unit 5
RPH BI YEAR 6-Unit 5
1.1 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to pronounce words and speak confidently with the cor
1.2 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to listen and respond appropriately in formal and inform
CONTENT STANDARDS 2.2 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to demonstrate undestanding of a variety of linear and
LEARNING 2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and sentences from: (b) non-linear texts
STANDARDS 2.2.3 Able to read and demonstrate understanding of texts by: (a) giving main ideas and supporting details
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to :-
LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Read and understand phrases and sentences from: (b) non-linear texts
2. Read and demonstrate understanding of texts by: (a) giving main ideas and
supporting details.
SUCCESS CRITERIA Pupils can read and complete the table correctly.
1. Teacher shows some brochure about famous places.
Lesson development:-
2. Pupils read a brochure about famous places in Perak.
3. Pupils find new or difficult words using dictionary.
4. Pupils complete the table with the information given in their exercise book.
5. In pairs, ask pupils to discuss about what are do’s and don’ts when they visit
places of interest. (21st CA)
6. Pupils present their group discussion to the class.(CBA)
7. Ask pupils to think back on their learning and talk about that.
TEACHING AIDS Textbook page 44
21st CENTURY ACTIVITY Share Experiences CCE Values (cooperation)
3.2 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to write using appropriate language, form and style for
3.1 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to form letters and words in neat legible prit including
6. Ask pupils to think back on their learning and read their paragraph.
CONTENT STANDARDS 5.1 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to use different word classes correctly and appropriatel
5.1.3 Able to use verbs correctly and appropriately
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to :-
1. Use pronouns correctly and appropriately
SUCCESS CRITERIA Pupils can write five sentences using the pronouns correctly.
1. Teacher introduces and explains the simple present tense.
Lesson development:-
2. Pupils read and understand the examples in textbook.
3. Pupils complete the sentences using the correct form of verb given on the
board. (HOTS)
ACTIVITIES 4. In groups, pupils fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb and discuss
answers.(21st CA)
5. In pairs, pupils write sentences based on Mr. Jaspal’s daily routine using simple
present tense in their exercise book. (CBA)
6. Ask pupils randomly to read their sentence to the class.
7. Ask pupils to think back on their learning today.
TEACHING AIDS Textbook page 48-49.
21st CENTURY ACTIVITY Group Discussion CCE Values (cooperation)
CONTENT STANDARDS 4.3 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to plan, organize and produce creative works for enjoym
4.3.1 Able to plan, produce and display creative works based on literary texts using a variety of media with guidance.
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to :-
LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Plan, produce and display creative works based on literary texts using a variety of
media with guidance.
SUCCESS CRITERIA Pupils can recite the poem with actions in groups.
1. Teacher asks pupils why a garden is important to us.
Lesson development:-
2. Teacher recite ‘A Garden’ poem.
3. Pupils read and recite the poem again.
4. In groups, pupils identify the flora and fauna found in the poem. (21st CA)
5. Pupils replace the flora and fauna identified and rewrite the poem.
6. Pupils create the actions related to the poem. (HOTS)
6. In groups, pupils recite the poem with actions in front of class.(CBA)
TEACHING AIDS Textbook page 50.
21st CENTURY ACTIVITY Rhyming / Singing CCE Values (cooperation)
CONTENT STANDARDS 1.1 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to pronounce words and speak confidently with the cor
1.2 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to listen and respond appropriately in formal and inform
CONTENT STANDARDS 2.2 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to demonstrate undestanding of a variety of linear and
2.2.3 Able to read and demonstrate understanding of texts by: (a) giving main ideas and supporting details
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to :-
LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Read and demonstrate understanding of texts by: (a) giving main ideas and
supporting details.
SUCCESS CRITERIA Pupils can read and complete the table correctly.
1. Pupils read a brochure about famous places in Perak again.
Lesson development:-
2. Pupils read the explanation about a good paragraph.
3. Pupils read the main idea and supporting details for paragraph 1.
4. Pupils identify the main and supporting details of the second paragraph from the
brochure. (HOTS)
5. In pairs, ask pupils to identify the main idea and supporting details of remaining
paragraphs from the brochure. (21st CA)
6. Pupils present their work to the class.(CBA)
7. Ask pupils to think back on their learning and talk about that.
TEACHING AIDS Textbook page 45
21st CENTURY ACTIVITY Think– Pair– Share CCE Values (cooperation)
3.2 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to write using appropriate language, form and style for
3.3 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to write and present ideas through a variety of media u
CONTENT STANDARDS 5.1 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to use different word classes correctly and appropriatel
5.1.3 Able to use verbs correctly and appropriately
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to :-
1. Use pronouns correctly and appropriately
SUCCESS CRITERIA Pupils can write five sentences using the pronouns correctly.
1. Teacher introduces and explains the simple present tense.
Lesson development:-
2. Pupils read and understand the examples in textbook.
3. Pupils complete the sentences using the correct form of verb given on the
board. (HOTS)
ACTIVITIES 4. In groups, pupils fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb and discuss
answers.(21st CA)
5. In pairs, pupils write sentences based on Mr. Jaspal’s daily routine using simple
present tense in their exercise book. (CBA)
6. Ask pupils randomly to read their sentence to the class.
7. Ask pupils to think back on their learning today.
TEACHING AIDS Textbook page 48-49.
21st CENTURY ACTIVITY Group Discussion CCE Values (cooperation)
CONTENT STANDARDS 4.3 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to plan, organize and produce creative works for enjoym
4.3.1 Able to plan, produce and display creative works based on literary texts using a variety of media with guidance.
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to :-
LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Plan, produce and display creative works based on literary texts using a variety of
media with guidance.
SUCCESS CRITERIA Pupils can recite the poem with their picture of an imaginary garden.
1. Pupils recite their poem with actions to the class again.
Lesson development:-
2. In groups, pupils identify the flora and fauna found in their poem.
3. Pupils draw an imaginary garden, label the flora and fauna.(21st CA)
4. Pupils create the actions related to the poem. (HOTS)
5. In groups, pupils recite the poem with actions and using their picture of an
imaginary garden to the class.(CBA)
6. Ask pupils to think back on their learning today.
TEACHING AIDS Textbook page 50.
21st CENTURY ACTIVITY Rhyming / Singing CCE Values (cooperation)