Saturn and The Occult

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Saturn and the occult

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And you took up the tent of Molek, and the star of your mighty
one Kiyyun, images which you made to bow before them.
Therefore I shall remove you beyond Bab'el
Acts 7:43
In this segment of the article we will examine the "tent of Molek" and "Kiyyn" to acertain
what Stephan was speaking of when he was before the high priest and council on the day of
his death.
According to "Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated" Moloch/Molek is none other than a
pagan god with many names; one of which is Saturn:
"...let's look at who Osiris is. He committed incest with his sister, Isis, which
resulted in the birth of Horus the Egyptian god of the dead as well as a Sun God ..
Osiris is known by many other names in other countries ... In Thrace and Greece,
he is known as Dionysus, the god of pleasures and of partying and wine ... Festivals
held in Dionysus' honor often resulted in human sacrifices and orgiastic sexual
rites. The Phrygians know Osiris as Sabasius where he is honored as the solar
deity (a sun god) who was represented by horns and his emblem was a serpent. In
other places, he is known by other names: Deouis, The Boy Jupiter, The Centaur,
Orion, Saturn, The Boy Plutus, Iswara, The Winged One, Nimrod, Adoni, Hermes,
Prometheus, Poseidon, Butes, Dardanus, Himeros, Imbors, Iasius, Zeus, Iacchus,
Hu, Thor, Serapis, Ormuzd, Apollo, Thammuz, Atus, Hercules, Shiva, Moloch, and
believe it or not, BAAL!" Burns, "Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated", p. 359;

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So who was "Kiyyun"?

By incorrect transliteration for a word of Hebrew origin [H3594]; Remphan (that is, Kijun),
an Egyptian idol: - Remphan.
From H3559; properly a statue, that is, idol; but used (by euphemism) for some heathen
deity (perhaps corresponding to Priapus or Baal-peor): - Chiun

Blue Letter Bible

So we can see that Kiyyn also goes back to that same pagan god with many names. It is the
name Saturn that we are going to examine in this study.

Saturn in Ancient Times

The Greeks called it the god "Helios". The Romans called it "Sol". These familiar
figures have a long history, and the more one learns about their links to the earlier
cultures, the more a mystery of origins comes into focus. Long before Greek and
Roman times, the Egyptians worshipped the luminary Atum or Ra, just as the
Sumerians honored Utu and the Babylonians the god Shamash. Astronomers and
priests celebrated this light of heaven as the "Universal Monarch," the "father" of
civilization and the celestial prototype of kings.
There is no mystery as to the present astronomical associations of these figures.
But more archaic traditions, coming from many and diverse cultures, identify the
great "sun" gods with the motionless center of heaven, the celestial pole. They
speak of a primeval sun, an exemplary or "best" sun, ruling before the present sun.
The god's station was the summit of the world axis, from which he ultimately fell
in a heaven-altering catastrophe. Perhaps the best known story is the Greek
account of Kronos, founder of the Golden Age, eventually driven from his seat at
the top of the world by his son Zeus.
To what body did these strange traditions refer? Today we take for granted that the
ancient words we translate as "helios" and "sol" originated as references to the
Sun that illuminates our every day. In many languages the words for this axial

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figure did indeed become the words for the Sun. But the later identity could not
obscure the more archaic idea--of a former, stationary light at the pole, whose
every feature defies any identification with the Sun in our sky today.
As strange as it may seem, early astronomical traditions identify the "primeval sun"
as the planet Saturn, the distant planet which the alchemists called the "best sun"
and which the Babylonians, the founders of astronomy, identified as the exemplary
light of heaven, the "sun"-god Shamash. ("Shamash is the planet Saturn", the
astronomical texts say.) In archaic copies of Plato's Timaeus, the word for the
planet Saturn is Helios, the "sun" god. Popular Greek traditions identified Saturn
as Kronos, alter ego of Helios, and Kronos is said to have ruled "over the pole".
But only a handful of scholars have bothered to trace the parallel referents in other
cultures, or to address the unanswered questions.
Worldwide drawings and symbols of the once-dominant luminary show a disc with
rays, a disc with spokes, a disc with a central orb or eye, a disc with a crescent
upon it. Today we require a powerful telescope to see Saturn as a disc. We must fly
a space probe close to the planet to see rays and spokes. Even then the spokes are
intermittent and dark. The ancient astronomers, however, described the spokes as
those of a cosmic wheel. They were "streams of fire", the "glory" of heaven.
Our telescopes and probes can see things the ancients couldn't: Saturn's
unexpected excess of heat, its radio emissions, its x-rays, its swirling bands of
storm-clouds. These things are unexpected to modern astronomers. To the ancient
astronomers (had they possessed the technologically enhanced senses of probes),
the things our instruments now witness would likely be understandable. For they
remembered their gods as energetic and active, wielders of the thunderbolt. And
they also remembered the fates of the gods, recounting how the once palpable ruler
of the sky went so untouchably far away. Saturn in Ancient Times

In addition to the remarkably detailed and consistent testimony from ancient myth
and folklore, the artistic record likewise provides compelling evidence that the
planets only recently moved on radically different orbits. Consider, for example,
the three images depicted in figure two. As I have documented, such images are
ubiquitous in the prehistoric rock art of every inhabited continent. Hitherto they
have been interpreted as drawings of the Sun by virtually all leading authorities on
ancient art and religion, this despite the fact that they do not have any obvious
resemblance to the current solar orb.

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It is noteworthy that the ancient sun-god was depicted in the very same manner by
the earliest civilizations in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Figure three, for example,
shows an Akkadian seal in which the Shamash disc is represented as an "eye-like"
object, as in the first image in figure two. Figure four shows the Shamash disc as
an eight-pointed star or wheel. Figure five shows the Shamash disc as an eight-
petalled flower. Numerous other variations upon these common themes could be
provided, all impossible to reconcile with the appearance of the current solar orb.

Figure Three

Figure Four

Figure Five

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It is at this point that the researcher is presented with a theoretical dilemma, the
successful resolution of which promises to unlock the secrets of our prehistoric
history. If one chooses to dismiss the specific and consistent imagery associated
with these ancient solar images as the product of creative imagination—the typical
approach of conventional art historians—one is also forced to dismiss the equally
widespread testimony that different suns prevailed in ancient times. This approach
has little to recommend it, for it involves nothing less than turning a deaf ear to the
testimony of our ancestors and, in any case, has thus far produced precious few
insights into the origin of ancient symbolism.
The alternative is equally unthinkable, for it involves accepting these endlessly
repeated images as accurate drawings of the ancient "sun", albeit one different in
nature and appearance than that currently prevailing. As bizarre as this possibility
appears at first glance, it does have much to recommend it. The ancient
Babylonians were careful to distinguish Shamash from the current sun, identifying
the god with the distant planet Saturn. It was this little-known datum which led
Velikovsky to consider the possibility that Saturn formerly appeared more
prominent, perhaps even serving as a sun-like object for the satellite Earth.
Velikovsky's seminal insight, in turn, served as the theoretical foundation for the
subsequent researches of Talbott, Cardona, Rose, Tresman, Newgrosh, and others
who succeeded in documenting the basic claim that Saturn once dominated the
heavens, a fact reflected in the otherwise puzzling prominence accorded this planet
in the earliest pantheons The Saturn Myth

Occult Symbolism : Saturn Worship

You might not know it, but the entire world has been worshiping Saturn for
thousands of years. The cult has never stopped and its rites are still present to this
day. Saturn, dubbed the “Lord of the Rings”, is the reason why we exchange rings
at weddings or put halos on the heads of godly people. This article exposes the
attributes of the god Saturn and the perpetuation of his cult through in pop culture.

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Since ancient times, sages gazed at the stars, admiring their heavenly glow and
attributing them godly powers, based on their effect on humans. Before the Great
Flood, Saturn was regarded by all mankind as the supreme god and ruler of the
kings. Occult researchers affirm that Saturn ruled the kingdom of Atlantis and
became the divine ancestor of all earthly patriarchs and kings. The cult has been
perpetuated through numerous gods during Antiquity:
“Chronos, or Saturn, Dionysos, Hyperion, Atlas, Hercules, were all
connected with ‘a great Saturnian continent;’ they were kings that ruled
over countries on the western shores of the Mediterranean, Africa and
Spain. ” Baldwin, Prehistoric Nations
In Egyptian mythology Isis is considered Saturn’s eldest daughter:
“I am Isis, Queen of this country. I was instructed by Mercury. No one can
destroy the laws which I have established. I am the eldest daughter of
Saturn, most ancient of the Gods”The Vigilant Citizen
Semitic civilizations referred to the god Saturn as “El”. The supreme deity was represented
by a black cube. We can find instances of the cube across the world.

Black Cube in Santa Ana

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Will be part of Apple’s 24/7 store in NYC

Apple store on Fifth Avenue, NYC

*note: Most people believe the fruit eaten in the Garden of Eden was an apple. So what
does it mean for a computer company to have a partially eaten apple as their logo?

Manhattan, NYC

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Why is there a black cube on his forehead?

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1. Mystic Cube:

Simple Magic (mystic) Cube

In mathematics, a magic cube is the 3-dimensional equivalent of a magic square, that is, a
number of integers arranged in a n x n x n pattern such that the sum of the numbers on each
row, each column, each pillar and the four main space diagonals is equal to a single
number, the so-called magic constant of the cube, denoted M3(n). It can be shown that if a
magic cube consists of the numbers 1, 2, ..., n³, then it has magic constant.
Sagrada Família magic square
The Passion façade of the Sagrada Família church in Barcelona, designed by sculptor Josep
Subirachs, features a 4×4 magic square:
The magic constant of the square is 33, the age of Jesus at the time of the Passion.

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Structurally, it is very similar to the Melancholia magic square, but it has had the numbers
in four of the cells reduced by 1.

A magic square on the Sagrada Família church façade

The Lo Shu Square, as the magic square on the turtle shell is called, is the unique normal
magic square of order three in which 1 is at the bottom and 2 is in the upper right corner.
Every normal magic square of order three is obtained from the Lo Shu by rotation or
reflection. The Square of Lo Shu is also referred to as the Magic Square of Saturn or
Chronos. Its numerical value is obtained from the workings of the I Ching when the
Trigrams are placed in an order given in the first river map, the Ho Tu or Yellow River.
The Ho Tu produces 4 squares of Hexagrams 8 x 8 in its outer values of 1 to 6, 2 to 7, 3 to
8, and 4 to 9, and these outer squares can then be symmetrically added together to give an
inner central square of 5 to 10. The central values of the Ho Tu are those of the Lo Shu (so
they work together), since in the total value of 15 x 2 (light and dark) is found the number
of years in the cycle of equinoctial precession (12,960 x 2 = 25,920). The Ho Tu produces a
total of 40 light and 40 dark numbers called the days and nights (the alternations of light
and dark), and a total of 8 x 8 x 8 Hexagrams whose opposite symmetrical addition equals
8640, therefore each value of a square is called a season as it equals 2160. 8640 is the
number of hours in a 360-day year, and 2160 years equals an aeon (12 aeons = 25,920 yrs).
2. Hagal Rune:
The earliest runic inscriptions found on artifacts give the name of either the craftsman or the
proprietor, or, sometimes, remain a linguistic mystery. Due to this, it is possible that the
early runes were not so much used as a simple writing system, but rather as magical signs

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to be used for charms. Although some say the runes were used for divination, there is no
direct evidence to suggest they were ever used in this way. The name rune itself, taken to
mean "secret, something hidden", seems to indicate that knowledge of the runes was
originally considered esoteric, or restricted to an elite. Wikipedia

The Hagal Rune

3. Metatron's Cube:
In his book, Timaeus, written in approximately 350 BC, Plato first described these solids,
linking them to different elements of reality. The tetrahedron, containing four sides, and
actually found twice within Metatron's cube (the star tetrahedron is a combination of two
tetrahedrons), is used to represent fire. The cube, containing six sides, and also found twice
within Metatron's cube, represents the earth. The octahedron, containing eight sides,
represents the air. The icosahedron, containing twenty sides, represents the water. Finally,
the dodecahedron, containing twelve sides, is used to represent the cosmos (Weisstein 1).
Light appears as the fundamental principle of relatedness. We define Light as part
of the Wave Form Universe in which we exist. The cosmic wave from space is the
smaller wave and the long flat wave from our brain is the larger wave. In between
are multitudes of waves that intermix and define x-ray, heat, color, sound,
electricity, and ultraviolet [among many others]. The mixture is of course the
Matrix of Metatron.
Metatron's Cube represents the gridwork of our consciousness and the framework
of our Universe. It is the Matrix in which everything is contained in our three
dimensional being.
Inside the Vesica Pisces is represented the Seed of Life, but take into consideration
how many Vesica Pisces [Light] exist in Metatron's Cube. For every female
concept, there is a male concept combining to create Light at every junction.
The recursion concept displays itself even more when one takes into account that
we exist within the gridwork. Each and every part of our being and our Universe is

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contained within the gridwork that we know as Metatron's Cube Octa.

Magic and Alchemy start here, with the idea that there is another realm of
conscious attainment.Alchemy, Magic, Incubation, Metatron, and Ancestors

Metatron's Cube

Metatron's Cube
4. Star of David:
Ancient Hebrews represented Saturn with the six pointed star, which later became
the Star of David (it also had many other esoteric meanings). The symbol is still
found on Israel’s flag.

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Many esoteric researchers affirm that the name Is-Ra-El is the combination of the
names of ancient pagan deities Isis, Ra and El.The Vigilant Citizen
We will go into this further below.
5. Kali
6. Kali Yantra
As these are similar they are combined here. Tantra, anglicised tantricism or tantrism or
tantram, is an esoteric current of Hinduism.
In Tantra, worship of Devi-Shakti is referred to as a Vidya. Of the hundreds of
tantrik practices, the worship of the ten major Devis is called the Dasa Mahavidya.
These major forms of the goddess are described in the Todala Tantra. They are
Kali, Tara, Maha Tripura Sundari (or Shodasi-Sri Vidya), Bhuvaneshvari,
Chinnamasta, Bhairavi, Dhumavati, Bagalamukhi, Matangi, and Kamala. These
ten aspects of Shakti are the epitome of the entire creation. Chapter 10 also
outlines their consorts, although Dhumavati, the widow form, is not allocated a
Kali for Saturn, Tara for Jupiter, Maha Tripura Sundari (or Shodasi-Sri Vidya)
for Mercury, Bhuvaneshvari for Moon, Chinnamasta for Rahu, Bhairavi for Lagna,
Dhumavati for Ketu, Bagalamukhi for Mars, Matangi for Sun, and Kamala for
Venus. The Dasa(Ten) Mahavidyas


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Kali Yantra
Note in the following picture; when they write out the prayer it is in the shape of the

7. Freemasonry
The 6-pointed star or Hexagram is a Masonic Symbol. It's non-masonic use was
propagated during the 19th century by Freemasons into new congregation
construction in Industrial Britain and then it's farflung empire. The Menorah, not

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the Hexagram is the true symbol of God's covenent with the Jewish people. There is
absolutely no proof that the Hexagram was ever used by, or associated with, King
David or the Temple he planned and prepared for which was erected after his
death by his son, King Solomon. Baigent, Lincoln, & Leigh 'Holy Blood Holy Grail'
Dell Books 1983

Royal Arch Mason Jewel

The black cube is the great protection of the Fraternity; it permits the brother who
does not desire to make public his secret knowledge, to use that knowledge for the
benefit of the Craft. It gives to all members the right to say who shall not become
members of their lodge family. But at the same time it puts to the test the Masonic
heart, and the personal honesty of every brother who deliberates on its use.
The black cube is a thorough test of our understanding of the Masonic teaching of
the cardinal virtue, justice, which "enables us to render to every man his just due
without distinction." We are taught of justice that "it should be the invariable
practice of every Mason, never to deviate from the minutest principle thereof."
Justice to the lodge requires us to cast the black cube on an applicant we believe to
be unfit. Justice to ourselves requires that we cast the black cube on the application
of the man we believe would destroy the reputation of our lodge. by Tim S.
Anderson DGS/LSC Excerpted and adapted from The MSA Short Talk Bulletin

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Nov. 1929
Saturn is represented by a black cube and also represents the "god of judgment". No wonder
they use the black cube to vote with. How else is the cube used in Freemasonry?

What Freemasonry says about the closed and open cube:

“[The stone cube] opens into a cruciform shape to revel hidden symbols. Brown
based the description on this piece of jewelry from England — a watch fob called
‘The Perfect Ashlar.’ Viewed in the open position, with the “East” at the top, it
displays the positions of the Master and Wardens, their jewels of office, the Bible in
the center on its alter, the pillars and other symbols of the Lodge and the Degrees.
Closed, it represents the man who is educated about the Craft and keeps the
symbols and secrets sacred within himself.” dekalbmasons.wordpress
Let us look at Aleistar Crowley, a known occultist and Freemason:
“Don Jesus Medina, a descendant of the great duke of Armada fame, and one of
the highest chiefs of Scottish Rite free-masonry. My cabbalistic knowledge being
already profound by current standards, he thought me worthy of the highest

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initiation in his power to confer; special powers were obtained in view of my

limited sojourn, and I was pushed rapidly through and admitted to the thirty-third
and last degree before I left the country.” The Confessions of Aleister Crowley pp.

Freemasonry and Christianity both have the same symbol, the cross.

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Freemasonry also uses the "all-seeing eye" as a representation of their god:

The "All Seeing-Eye"

Therefore, the All-Seeing Eye is the symbol of the Omniscience of the Sun God,
Lucifer, whom they worship. These All-Seeing Eyes represents the Omniscience of
Horus, who is Lucifer in the Egyptian Satanic Mysteries. Masonic author, Carl
Claudy writes: "This is one of the oldest and most widespread symbols denoting
God. We find it in Egypt, in India ... The Open Eye of Egypt represented Osiris. In
India, Siva is represented by an eye." [Carl Claudy, "Introduction To Freemasonry:
Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master mason Complete In One Volume",

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The Temple Publishers, 1931, p. 148, quoted by Dr. Cathy Burns, "Masonic and
Occult Symbols Illustrated", p. 357]
"The Blazing Star (Pentagram) has been regarded as an emblem of Omniscience,
or the All-Seeing Eye, which to the Egyptian Initiates was the emblem of Osiris, the
Creator." Pike, "Morals and Dogma", p. 26-16
Remember, Osiris is Saturn:
"Since the all-seeing eye represents the Egyptian Osirus,let's look at who Osiris is.
He committed incest with his sister, Isis, which resulted in the birth of Horus the
Egyptian god of the dead as well as a Sun God .. Osiris is known by many other
names in other countries ... In Thrace and Greece, he is known as Dionysus, the
god of pleasures and of partying and wine ... Festivals held in Dionysus' honor
often resulted in human sacrifices and orgiastic sexual rites. The Phrygians know
Osiris as Sabasius where he is honored as the solar deity (a sun god) who was
represented by horns and his emblem was a serpent. In other places, he is known
by other names: Deouis, The Boy Jupiter, The Centaur, Orion, Saturn, The Boy
Plutus, Iswara, The Winged One, Nimrod, Adoni, Hermes, Prometheus, Poseidon,
Butes, Dardanus, Himeros, Imbors, Iasius, Zeus, Iacchus, Hu, Thor, Serapis,
Ormuzd, Apollo, Thammuz, Atus, Hercules, Shiva, Moloch, and believe it or not,
BAAL!" Burns, "Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated", p. 359;

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Masonic All Seeing Eye above their altar

Not only does the All-Seeing Eye represent the demonic god, BAAL but also Saturn.
This one shows similarity to the Kali Yantra:

Teutonic Cross

Kali Yantra
8. Tibetar Srin Mo
The Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara is considered the progenitor of the Tibetans, he
thus determines events from the very beginning. In the period before there were
humans on earth, the Buddha being was embodied in a monkey and passed the time
in deep meditation on the “Roof of the World”. There, as if from nowhere, a rock
demoness by the name of Srinmo appeared. The hideous figure was a descendent of
the Srin clan, a bloodthirsty community of nature goddesses. “Spurred on by
horniness” — as one text puts it — she too assumed the form of a (female) monkey

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and tried over seven days to seduce Avalokiteshvara. But the divine Bodhisattva
monkey withstood all temptations and remained untouched and chaste. As he
continued to refuse on the eighth day, Srinmo threatened him with the following
words: “King of the monkeys, listen to me and what I am thinking. Through the
power of love, I very much love you. Through this power of love I woo you, and
confess: If you will not be my spouse, I shall become the rock demon’s companion.
If countless young rock demons then arise, every morning they will take thousands
upon thousands of lives. The region of the Land of Snows itself will take on the
nature of the rock demons. All other forms of life will then be consumed by the rock
demons. If I myself then die as a consequence of my deed, these living beings will
be plunged into hell. Think of me then, and have pity” (Hermanns, 1956, p. 32).
With this she hit the bullseye. “Sexual intercourse out of compassion and for the
benefit of all suffering beings” was — as we already know — a widespread
“ethical” practice in Mahayana Buddhism. Despite this precept, the monkey first
turned to his emanation father, Amitabha, and asked him for advice. The “god of
light from the West” answered him with wise foresight: “Take the rock demoness
as your consort. Your children and grandchildren will multiply. When they have
finally become humans, they will be a support to the teaching” (Hermanns, 1956, p.

Srinmo with different Tibetan temples upon her body

9. Islam
The Kaaba (English: The Cube) is a cube-shaped building in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, and is
the most sacred site in Islam. The building predates Islam, and, according to Islamic
tradition, the first building at the site was built by Abraham. The building has a mosque
built around it, the Masjid al-Haram. All Muslims around the world face the Kaaba during
prayers, no matter where they are.

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One of the Five Pillars of Islam requires every Muslim to perform the Hajj pilgrimage at
least once in his or her lifetime if they are able to do so. Multiple parts of the Hajj require
pilgrims to walk seven times around the Kaaba in a counter-clockwise direction (as viewed
from above). This circumambulation, the Tawaf, is also performed by pilgrims during the
Umrah (lesser pilgrimage). However, the most dramatic times are during the Hajj, when
about three million (officially) pilgrims simultaneously gather to circle the building on the
same day.

The most sacred site in Islam

Islamic traditions assert that the Kaaba "reflects" a house in heaven called al-
Baytu l-Ma?mur and that it was first built by the first man, Adam and is believed
that it is the first building ever built on earth. Ibrahim and Ismail rebuilt the Kaaba
on the old foundations.
As little is known of the history of the Kaaba, there are various opinions regarding
its formation and significance.
The early Arabian population consisted primarily of warring nomadic tribes. When
they did converge peacefully, it was usually under the protection of religious
practices.[15] Writing in the Encyclopedia of Islam, Wensinck identifies Mecca
with a place called Macoraba mentioned by Ptolemy. His text is believed to date
from the second century AD, before the foundation of Islam,[16] and described it
as a foundation in southern Arabia, built around a sanctuary. The area probably
did not start becoming an area of religious pilgrimage until around the year AD
500. It was around then that the Quraysh tribe (into which Muhammad was later
born) took control of it, and made an agreement with the local Kinana Bedouins

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for control.[17] The sanctuary itself, located in a barren valley surrounded by

mountains, was probably built at the location of the water source today known as
the Zamzam Well, an area of considerable religious significance.
In her book, Islam: A Short History, Karen Armstrong asserts that the Kaaba was
dedicated to Hubal, a Nabatean deity, and contained 360 idols which either
represented the days of the year,[18] or were effigies of the Arabian pantheon.
Once a year, tribes from all around the Arabian peninsula, be they Christian or
pagan, would converge on Mecca to perform the Hajj.Wikipedia
Tracing the origins of ancient gods is often tenuous. If the name Hubal is related to
an Aramaic word for spirit, as suggested by Philip K. Hitti,[1] then Hubal may
have come from the north of Arabia.
In Sumer, in southernmost Mesopotamia north of Arabia, the moon-god figures in
the creation epic, the Enuma Elish. In a variant of it, Hubal is chief among the
elder gods. According to Hitti, a tradition recorded by Muhammad's early
biographer ibn Ishaq, which makes ?Amr ibn-Luhayy the importer of an image of
Hubal from Moab or Mesopotamia, may have a kernel of truth insofar as it retains
a memory of such an Aramaic origin of the deity.
According to the Christian missionary Nehls, in an attempt to connect Hubal with
"Ha-Baal" (i.e., the Baal), the Hubal idol at Makkah must have originated from
Moab. He says:
"Where was Baal worshipped? In Moab! It was the "god of fertility". Amr ibn
Luhaiy brought Hubal from Moab to Arabia"Wikipedia

Science and Saturn

North pole hexagon cloud pattern

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North polar hexagonal cloud feature, discovered by Voyager 1 and confirmed in 2006 by
A persisting hexagonal wave pattern around the north polar vortex in the
atmosphere at about 78°N was first noted in the Voyager images. Unlike the north
pole, HST imaging of the south polar region indicates the presence of a jet stream,
but no strong polar vortex nor any hexagonal standing wave. However, NASA
reported in November 2006 that the Cassini spacecraft observed a 'hurricane-like'
storm locked to the south pole that had a clearly defined eyewall. This observation
is particularly notable because eyewall clouds had not previously been seen on any
planet other than Earth (including a failure to observe an eyewall in the Great Red
Spot of Jupiter by the Galileo spacecraft). The straight sides of the northern polar
hexagon are each about 13 800 km long. The entire structure rotates with a period
of 10h 39 m 24s, the same period as that of the planet's radio emissions, which is
assumed to be equal to the period of rotation of Saturn's interior. The hexagonal
feature does not shift in longitude like the other clouds in the visible atmosphere.
The pattern's origin is a matter of much speculation. Most astronomers seem to
think it was caused by some standing-wave pattern in the atmosphere; but the
hexagon might be a novel aurora. Polygonal shapes have been replicated in
spinning buckets of fluid in a laboratory. Wikipedia

Saturn in Civilizations
The Greeks and the Romans also worshiped Saturn as a cruel deity. Here’s a brief summary
of the mythology of Saturn in the western world:
“With the deposing of his father, Saturn became the ruler of the Universe for
untold ages and he reigned with his sister, Ops, who also became his wife.It was

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prophesied that one day Saturn would lose power when one of his children would
depose him. To prevent this from happening, each time Ops delivered a child
Saturn would immediately swallow it. When her sixth child, Jupiter(Zeus), was
born, Ops had him spirited away to the island of Crete. She then wrapped a stone
in his swaddling clothes. Her deception was complete when Saturn swallowed it,
thinking it was the child. When Jupiter was grown, he secured the job of cup-
bearer to his father. With the help of Gaia, his grandmother, Jupiter fed his father
a potion that caused him to vomit up Jupiter’s five siblings, Vesta (Hestia), Ceres
(Demeter), Juno (Hera), Pluto (Hades), and Neptune (Poseidon).” Wikipedia

Saturn devouring one of his children by Peter Paul Rubens

Saturn always had a negative, if not evil significance. In ancient times, it has been
called “The Greater Malefic” which was opposed to Jupiter, “The Greater
Benefic”. Saturn is esoterically associated with man’s limitations, restrictions,
death and decay. His Greek name was “Kronos”, the ruler of time, time being the
main factore inevitably leading to the death of mortals.Traditional representations
of the “grim reaper” originate from the attributes of the god Saturn, who held the
sickle with which he slain his father.The Vigilant Citizen

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Father Time is usually depicted as an elderly bearded man, dressed in a robe,

carrying a scythe and an hourglass or other timekeeping device (representing
time's constant movement). This image derives from many sources, including the
Grim Reaper and Chronos, the Greek god of time. In various New Year's Eve
customs, Father Time's image is used as the personification of the previous year
(or "the Old Year"), who "hands over" the duties of time to the Baby New Year (or
"the New Year"). In this case, his old age is emphasized (in particular, he may be
depicted walking with the aid of a stick).Wikipedia
"Father Time" is a depiction of false time keeping.

In Egyptian astronomy, the order of the planets, beginning with the most
remote, is Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon.
Each hour in the day was consecrated to a particular planet. One to
Saturn, the next to Jupiter, the third to Mars, and so on according to the
above order; and the day received the name of the planet which presided

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over its first hour.

If the first hour of a day was consecrated to Saturn, that planet would also
have the 8th, the 15th, and the 22nd hour . The 23rd would fall to Jupiter,
the 24th to Mars, and the 25th, or the first hour of the second day, would
belong to the Sun. In like manner the first hour of the 3rd day would fall to
the Moon, the first of the 4th day to Mars, of the 5th to Mercury, of the 6th
to Jupiter, and of the 7th to Venus. The cycle being completed, the first
hour of the 8th day would return to Saturn, and all the others succeed in
the same order.
According to Dio Cassius, the Egyptian week began on Saturday. On their
flight from Egypt, the Jews, out of hatred toward the Egyptians, made
Saturday the last day of the week.

The planetary week, an institution which has spread eastward over the
Oriental world and westward into Europe, is a product of the speculations
of astrologers and philosophers during the Hellenistic, or Grseco-Oriental,
era. The sequence of its days depends ultimately upon the order of the
seven planetary spheres, adopted by Ptolemy in antiquity and after him by
astronomers until the discoveries of Copernicus. If the planets are grouped
according to their distance from the earth, beginning with the highest and
descending to the lowest, we obtain the following order : Saturn, Jupiter,
Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon. No certain evidence exists that this
arrangement was known at an earlier date than the second century before
our era. The astrological order, which also begins with Saturn, proceeds
next to the fourth planet, or Sun, from which again the fourth planet (by
inclusive reckoning) is the Moon. By continuing to select every fourth
planet thereafter we obtain at length the regents of the seven weekdays :
Saturn, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus. Rest Days by Hutton
Webster, page 216 Rest Days

Isa 14:13 “For you have said in your heart, ‘Let me go up to the heavens, let me
raise my throne above the stars of El, and let me sit in the mount of meeting/mo’ed
on the sides of the north;
Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas, Sinterklaas, Father Christmas,
Kris Kringle, or simply "Santa", is a figure who, in many Western cultures,
brings gifts to the homes of the good children during the late evening and

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overnight hours of Christmas Eve, December 24 or on his Feast Day,

December 6 (Saint Nicholas Day). The legend may have part of its basis in
hagiographical tales concerning the historical figure of gift giver Saint
Nicholas. A nearly identical story is attributed by Greek and Byzantine
folklore to Basil of Caesarea. Basil's feast day on January 1 is considered
the time of exchanging gifts in Greece.
While Saint Nicholas was originally portrayed wearing bishop's robes,
today Santa Claus is generally depicted as a plump, jolly, white-bearded
man wearing a red coat with white collar and cuffs, white-cuffed red
trousers, and black leather belt and boots. This image became popular in
the United States and Canada in the 19th century due to the significant
influence of caricaturist and political cartoonist Thomas Nast. This image
has been maintained and reinforced through song, radio, television, and
films. In the United Kingdom and Europe, he is often depicted in a manner
identical to the American Santa Claus, but he is commonly called Father
A well-known folk legend associated with Santa Claus says that he lives in
the far north, in a land of perpetual snow. The American version of Santa
Claus says that he lives at his house on the North Pole, while Father
Christmas is often said to reside in the mountains of Korvatunturi in
Lapland Province, Finland. Santa Claus lives with his wife Mrs. Claus, a
countless number of magical elves, and eight or nine flying reindeer.
Another legend, popularized in the song Santa Claus Is Coming to Town,
says that he makes a list of children throughout the world, categorizing
them according to their behavior ("naughty" or "nice") and that he delivers
presents, including toys, candy, and other gifts to all of the good boys and
girls in the world, and sometimes coal to the naughty children, on the
single night of Christmas Eve. He accomplishes this feat with the aid of the
elves who make the toys in the workshop and the reindeer who pull his

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Merry Old Santa

Some Christians prefer the holiday focus on the actual birth of Jesus,
recognizing that Christmas stemmed from pagan festivals such as the
Roman Saturnalia and Germanic Yule that were subsumed within ancient
Christianity. Wikipedia
Roman Saturnalia?
Saturnalia became one of the most popular Roman festivals. It was
marked by tomfoolery and reversal of social roles, in which slaves
and masters ostensibly switched places.
Saturnalia was introduced around 217 BCE to raise citizen morale
after a crushing military defeat at the hands of the Carthaginians.
Originally celebrated for a day, on December 17, its popularity
saw it grow until it became a week long extravaganza, ending on
the 23rd. Efforts to shorten the celebration were unsuccessful.
Augustus tried to reduce it to three days, and Caligula to five.

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These attempts caused uproar and massive revolts among the

Roman citizens.
Saturnalia involved the conventional sacrifices, a couch
(lectisternium) set out in front of the temple of Saturn and the
untying of the ropes that bound the statue of Saturn during the
rest of the year. A Saturnalicius princeps (Master of the
Saturnalia, the "Lord of Misrule) was elected master of ceremonies
for the proceedings. Besides the public rites there were a series of
holidays and customs celebrated privately. The celebrations
included a school holiday, the making and giving of small presents
(saturnalia et sigillaricia) and a special market (sigillaria).
Gambling was allowed for all, even slaves.
Saturnalia was a time to eat, drink, and be merry. The toga was
not worn, but rather the synthesis, i.e. colorful, informal "dinner
clothes"; and the pileus (freedman's hat) was worn by everyone.
Slaves were exempt from punishment, and treated their masters
with (a pretense of) disrespect. The slaves celebrated a banquet:
before, with, or served by the masters. Yet the reversal of the
social order was mostly superficial; the banquet, for example,
would often be prepared by the slaves, and they would prepare
their masters' dinner as well. It was license within careful
boundaries; it reversed the social order without subverting it.
The customary greeting for the occasion is a "Io, Saturnalia!" —
Io (pronounced "e-o") being a Latin interjection related to "ho"
(as in "Ho, praise to Saturn").Wikipedia

Newly Added Section

Interesting quote from, which base a lot of their study
from the Kabballah, or Jewish mysticism

That is the position of the days according to Esoteric Astrology:

Moon - Mercury - Venus - Sun - Mars – Jupiter - Saturn. These are
related with the Holy Heptaparaparshinokh, the Law of Seven, or
the Law that Organises. Because everything is organised by seven
– seven days of creation, seven days of the week, the seven

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dimensions, the seven gospels, the seven chakras. Everything that

is organized in any cosmos must be done through the Law of
Saturn is related with the works on the “Sabbath.” Saturn “Binah”
is represented, in mythology, with a stone. That is why you see
Capricorn, which is the House of Saturn, is represented by a goat
above a stone, a rock. The Male Goat of Mendes is usually
associated with the Sabbath. Goats are usually in the rocky-
mountains, climbing, jumping, and always it is a kind of semi-
desolate mountain, always on rocks - because Saturn is related
with the rock and the goat. When we talk of the rock, we have to
remember the rocks, the stone tablets, on which the Ten
Commandments were written.
That stone or rock is always related with Saturn, with the Holy
Spirit. There is an interesting relationship with ‘Santa Claus’ -
Capricorn is the House in which Christmas happens. Saturn is
always represented as an old man, with a scythe and a clock. And
Saturn is the Lord of Winter, because in December enters winter.
That is why it is written that the Old Saturn or Santa Claus comes
from the north, because he is related with the solar forces that enter
through the North Pole into the planet Earth which are cold at that
time. Saturn-Binah “The Holy Spirit” brings the new solar life that
eventually will “spring” with the advent of the Christ within the
womb of Mother Nature that in winter returns into its virginity.
This is the Cosmic Christ-Mass or Christmas, the solar ritual of life
in nature.
As Krishna who with Arjuna (Causal Body) rides the Chariot of
war pulled by four stallions (Physical, Vital, Astral, and Mental
Bodies) likewise, Santa Claus, the Old Saturn-Binah rides the
“Mercabah” pulled by “Chayoth ha Kadosh”, the Four Holy
Creatures (The Bull, the Man, the Lion, and the Eagle,
The colours that we use to represent Binah, the Holy Spirit, are
always related to red, white and black. These are the three colours
that Jonah the prophet was using to perform an invocation of
Binah-Saturn, on Saturday, or Jehovah Elohim as we state in

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Gnostic Kabbalah. The Aztecs, the Nahuas, also performed

burning offerings to the Holy Spirit by burning perfumes with
these kinds of colours using corals coloured red, black and white,
in order to invoke the forces of the Holy Spirit related with Saturn.
If we read mythology we read that Saturn is related to the origins
of the universe. In this case, Saturn, or the Holy Spirit, is the one
that creates. The forces of creation are hidden within the stone.
The stone in this case becomes the symbol of the immutable aspect
of God, and that we have to use in order to transform ourselves.
So, everything related with Saturday or the Third Commandment
is in relation to the work that we have to perform with the Holy
Spirit. Remember that always we talk about the three brains. We
are divided into the intellectual brain, the emotional brain, and
motor-instinctive-sexual brain. In this case the motor-instinctive-
sexual brain is the brain in which the Holy Spirit works in the
sexual glands. That is why Saturday is related with invocations
with three types of ritual related with the Triangle of Priesthood or
Magic that we must learn in order to make conciliation with God.
It is impossible to achieve the union of God without the Holy
Spirit. That is why the first mystery of the Sabbath or Saturday, or
the mysteries of Binah the Holy Spirit, is Sexual Magic; because
the Holy Spirit has his centre of gravity in the “Cubic Stone of
Yesod.” However, in order to perform any type of ritual or
invocation, any type of service for God, we have to do it in three
aspects, because we have three brains.
This is why the Intuitive Kabbalists or White Magicians know very
well that the best day for sexual transmutation is on Saturday.
When Friday night comes Saturn is already governing so it is
Saturday already, (So are you sure the day begins in the evening?)
so they perform the sexual transmutation because they make the
Saturday Holy, and they know that in order to make the Saturday
holy it is necessary to perform the sexual act.
You shall make the Sabbath holy because it is the day of the Lord.
And who is the Lord? The Lord is the one that created the
universe, the creator of the universe is the Holy Spirit, Binah-

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Saturn in mythology is the one who works through the stone.

Saturn is the one that works through the forces of the sexual
energy, the one that brings the everlasting spring, symbolised by
the pine tree that is a tree always green in winter - that is why the
pine tree is the symbol of Christmas. That everlasting spring is
precisely the inner spring that we have to awaken inside by
utilising the forces of the Holy Ghost or the Christic Sexual Forces.
This is precisely what the Commandment states, to remember the
seventh day means to be remembering God in Saturday (to
remember God in any type of Saturnian Rite). To invoke that
seventh aspect of the human, the Spirit, the Innermost, that we
have to remember to make it holy through the Solar Christ; to
make your own seventh part the Spirit holy by remembering him in
any ritual (Saturnalia).
Therefore, the mysteries of the Sabbath or Saturday are related
with the mysteries of Saturn or Ceremonial Magic where we work
with the Holy Spirit in Yesod, Hod and Netzach (sex, heart and

From the Brotherhood of Saturn website

Why do they associate Saturn with Sabbath?

Saturn and Satan

Saturn has also been associated with Satan and this, for
numerous reasons. First, many authors argue that the
word Satan is derived from the word Saturn. Second,
Saturn is associated with the color black as well as Satan.

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Third, Ancients considered Saturn to be the farthest planet

from the sun , the latter being associated with the
principle of Good. (Note that Pluto never was considered
a planet). Saturn is consequently the celestial body that is
the less exposed to the sun’s divine light and thus
associated with the coldness of the principle of Evil.
Finally, the “great god Pan”, the horned deity,
represented Saturn in ancient paganism. This half-man
half-goat creature is considered the ancestor of our
modern depictions of Satan.

“Pan was a composite creature, the upper part–

with the exception of his horns–being human, and
the lower part in the form of a goat. (…)The pipes
of Pan signify the natural harmony of the spheres,
and the god himself is a symbol of Saturn because
this planet is enthroned in Capricorn, whose
emblem is a goat” -Manly P. Hall, Secret
Teachings of All Ages
So Pan was depicted with horns due to the fact it
represented Saturn, the ruler of the house of Capricorn
which symbol is a goat:

Capricorn - symbol of the Goat rising from the body of a

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Pan was the controlling spirit of the lower worlds. He was
portrayed roaming through the forests, penis erect, drunk
and lascivious, frolicking with nymphs and piping his way
through the wild. We might say he ruled the lower nature
of man, its animal side, not unlike Satan.
Despite acknowledging its association with Evil, secret
societies find the veneration of Saturn necessary to obtain
illumination. It is the necessary counterpart of the
principle of Good. Masonic authors clearly associate
Saturn with Satan:
“Saturn is the opposite to Jupiter; his symbol is
the cross above the sign of Luna ). He is the
Satan, the Tempter, or rather the Tester. His
function is to chastise and tame the unruly
passions in the primitive man.” -J.S. Ward,
Freemasonry and the Ancient Gods
Probably the most extreme example of a secret society
worshiping Saturn’s Evil principle is the “Fraternitas
Saturni”. This occult organization is based in Germany
and openly embodies the hidden side of Saturn worship.
“The Fraternitas Saturni (FS), the Brotherhood of
Saturn, has become known to English readers
through fragmentary descriptions which
emphasize the sensational, sex-magical aspects of
this lodge’s work or else its darker, more Satanic,
side.This is understandable in light of the fact that
the FS is (or was) the most unabashedly
Luciferian organization in the modern Western
occult revival, and its practice of sexual occultism
perhaps the most elaborately detailed of any such
lodge. The FS represents a unique blend of
astrological cosmology, neo-Gnostic
daemonology, sexual occultism, and Freemasonic
organizational principles. This grand synthesis

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was originally the vision of one man, the long-

time Grand Master of the FS, Gregor A.
Gregorius.” -Stephen E. Flowers, Fire & Ice: The
History, Structure, and Rituals of Germany’s Most
Influential Modern Magical Order: The
Brotherhood of Saturn
The Vigilant Citizen
Please note the bolded information:
Kronos took the throne and his Titan sister Rhea in
marriage. Together they reigned the so called ”Golden
Age”, a period of incessant joy, where people lived
carefree without any laws, wars and discord.The
Fraternitas Saturni
From the Ecumenical Catholic Church:
The Bible, particularly the Old Testament, accepts and
even prescribes capital punishment. Many Christians use
this to justify their support of the action. In doing so, those
supporters fail to recognize that the Old Testament legal
codes are 3,000 years old and that human society has
evolved to a much higher consciousness in the course of
that time. We no longer primarily live by the Old
Testament law, but rather by Jesus' commands of love and
forgiveness. Capital punishment is not a loving act, and it
extinguishes the possibility of forgiveness.the Ecumenical
Catholic Church

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Pope Benedict XVI greets the faithful wearing his Saturn Hat,
named after the ringed planet Saturn, during the weekly general
audience in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, Wednesday May 20,
2009. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia) Source: AP - Copyright 2009
The Associated Press. All rights reserved. Associated Press

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Interesting hats...

Interesting sign...

Saturn and Pop Culture

Saturn energy affects collectives because it represents that
aspect of reality which arises from a consensus among
human beings. Saturn energy does not represent truth or
absolute reality. It represents a reality that is created
socially, operates within a social universe, and has its
greatest effects upon an individual in a socially defined
context. Fraternitas Saturni website.

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In the 2007 Transformers movie, the AllSpark (spelled as
two words in the movie) is able to bring mechanical and
electronic objects to life, essentially turning mundane
objects into Transformers. The Autobots and the
Decepticons seek the AllSpark throughout the film. The
Autobots intend to use the AllSpark in an attempt to
rebuild Cybertron and end the war, while the Decepticons
desire to create an army of robot soldiers to conquer the
The movie's AllSpark is a combination of the Creation
Matrix and the Underbase from the US Marvel Comics
series. The AllSpark takes the shape of a gigantic metal
cube with Cybertronian runes carved into it, but is
converted by Bumblebee into a smaller form that a human
can carry in his hands (described as football-sized in the
Alan Dean Foster novelization). During the conversion,
the AllSpark is shown to be composed of numerous smaller
cubes, which fold inward upon each other to shrink the
whole. In the novelization and early movie scripts, the
AllSpark is referred to as "the Energon Cube". It is also
referred to as "the Cube" several times in the film itself.

Lemarchand's box is a fictional lock puzzle or puzzle box
appearing in horror stories by Clive Barker, or in works

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based on his original stories. The best known of these

boxes is the Lament Configuration, which features
prominently throughout the Hellraiser movie series. A
Lemarchand box is a mystical/mechanical device that acts
as a door — or a key to a door — to another dimension or
plane of existence. The solution of the puzzle creates a
bridge through which beings may travel in either direction
across this "Schism". The inhabitants of these other realms
may seem demonic to humans. An ongoing debate in the
film series is whether the realm accessed by the Lament
Configuration is intended to be the Christian version of
Hell, or simply a generic dimension of endless pain and
The Lemarchand box that has become known in the film
series as the Lament Configuration was introduced in The
Hellbound Heart as "the Lemarchand Configuration". It
appeared as an antique black lacquered cube, stylistically
patterned after ancient Chinese puzzle boxes, of
unparalleled workmanship. A clever individual with a
passion for solving the puzzle might spend the better part
of a day loosening the first piece.Lemarchand's Box

Back to where we began:

Amo 5:21 “I have hated, I have despised your festivals, and I am
not pleased with your assemblies.
Amo 5:22 “Though you offer Me burnt offerings and your grain
offerings, I do not accept them, nor do I look on your fattened
peace offerings.
Amo 5:23 “Take away from Me the noise of your songs, for I do
not hear the sound of your stringed instruments.
Amo 5:24 “And let right-ruling roll on like water, and
righteousness like a mighty stream.
Amo 5:25 “You brought Me slaughterings and meal offerings in
the wilderness for forty years, O house of Yisra’el,
Amo 5:26 but you took up Sikkuth your sovereign and Kiyyun,
your idols, your astral mighty ones (Star Gods), which you made
for yourselves!

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Act 7:42 “So Elohim turned and gave them up to worship the
host of the heaven, as it has been written in the book of the
Prophets, ‘Did you bring slaughtered beasts and offerings unto Me
during forty years in the wilderness, O house of Yisra’el?
Act 7:43 ‘And you took up the tent of Molek_, and the star of
your mighty one Kiyyun, images which you made to bow before
them. Therefore I shall remove you beyond Bab'el.’
Lucifer's goal is to "be like the most High" (Isa 14:14) and
to usurp the worship of God (Mat 4:9). Lucifer's purpose
is to deceive the whole world (Rev 12:9) by transforming
himself into an angel of light (2Co 11:4). This is best
exemplified by the Freemasons. Their motto of "making
good men better" produces a far more favorable public
image than the more accurate alternative: "how to become
demon-possessed in 33-easy-steps." The Jewish and
Masonic religions both worship the same god.
In most Jewish synagogues, a bright burning flame
represents their god. The Hebrew word for Lucifer is
"Hillel" (Strong's Concordance #H1966) meaning "bright
light." Curiously, this is the name chosen for the Jewish
student organization. The Jewish six-pointed star is the
highest symbol in the occult and goes under various
names--the Star of Moloch/Saturn/Remphan. The Hebrew
symbol ?? worn around the necks of many Jews ostensibly
symbolizes "life" (lachaim). The word literally translates
to a "living thing" or "beast" (H2416); this symbol is an
idol for The Beast.

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The Jewish name for god is represented by the

tetragrammaton (YHVH) translated as Yahweh, or
Jehovah. The significance of God's name is repeatedly
emphasized throughout the scriptures.
When dissected in the Hebrew, the true definition of
Jehovah (Yah-Hovah) is revealed. "Yah" (#H3050) means
"god". "Hovah" (#H1942) translates to "eagerly coveting,
falling, desire, ruin, calamity, iniquity, mischief,
naughtiness, noisome, perverse, very wickedness."
Jehovah is the god of wickedness, Satan.
However, Jews claim that this name (YHVH) is not to be
spoken aloud, despite God's command to declare His name
throughout the earth (Exo 9:16).
Judaism very subtly corrupts otherwise good
commandments by adopting a false practice. By this
prohibition against uttering God's name, the Jews subtly
suggest they know god's name and that it is secret
knowledge that can only be had if you take up the Cabala.

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Masonry also uses this ploy to entice.

Christian churches teach Jewish doctrine which prevents
God's name from being known and/or glorified.
The Jews have plenty of other names for Satan that they
use openly. They are mostly titles that translate to Lord
(which is what Baal means). All the major pagan gods'
names are names for Satan (see "The Two Babylons" by
Hislop). Satan is the author of confusion and goes by
many names. As long as you are praying to someone or
something other than the true god AHAYAH, Satan has
The name Yahweh is reserved for Cabalistic practice.
Cabalism is a mystery religion not intended for the
mainstream. The promise of secret knowledge is used as
bait to get followers i.e. cult members who will pay money.
The mainstream Jews, like the mainstream Catholics, are
left in the dark regarding the Satanism that goes on among
their leaders behind closed doors. The name Yahweh is
very prominent in Witchcraft and the name Jehovah is
very prominent in Masonry and Catholicism, so if Yahweh
or Jehovah was spoken by the Jews, it would openly attach
them to these other groups. This might result in some
serious questions from the Jews of the congregation.
The Black Magician and Satanist invokes demons by name.
In the Satanic Bible, Anton LaVey provides an extensive
list of "infernal names" that, when summoned, provide the
practitioner with super human (Übermensch) abilities
namely intelligence, power, skills in manipulation,
enhanced creativity, material wealth, and the satisfaction
of diverse lusts. NWO Satanismus

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Do we now know why there is a black cube on his forehead?

Son of Destruction
Isa 14:1 Because Yahuah has compassion on Ya'aqob, and shall
again choose Yisra’el, and give them rest in their own land. And
the strangers shall join them, and they shall cling to the house of
Isa 14:2 And peoples shall take them and bring them to their own
place. And the house of Yisra’el shall possess them for servants
and female servants in the land of Yahuah. And they shall make
captives of their captors, and rule over their oppressors.
Isa 14:3 And it shall be, in the day Yahuah gives you rest from
your sorrow, and from your trouble and the hard service in which
you were made to serve,
Isa 14:4 that you shall take up this proverb against the sovereign
of Babel, and say, “How the oppressor has ceased, the gold-
gatherer ceased!
Isa 14:5 “Yahuah has broken the staff of the wrong, the sceptre of
the rulers,
Isa 14:6 he who smote the people in wrath with ceaseless blows,
he who ruled the gentiles in displeasure, is persecuted and no one

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Isa 14:7 “All the earth is at rest and at peace, they shall break forth
into singing.
Isa 14:8 “Even the cypress trees rejoice over you, and the cedars
of Lebanon, saying, ‘Since you were cut down, no woodcutter has
come up against us.’
Isa 14:9 “The grave from beneath is excited about you, to meet
you at your coming; it stirs up the dead for you, all the chief ones
of the earth; it has raised up from their thrones all the sovereigns of
the gentiles.
Isa 14:10 “All of them respond and say to you, ‘Have you also
become as weak as we? Have you become like us?
Isa 14:11 ‘Your arrogance has been brought down to the grave,
and the sound of your stringed instruments; the maggot is spread
under you, and worms cover you.’
Isa 14:12 “How you have fallen from the heavens, O Helel, son of
the morning! You have been cut down to the ground, you who laid
low the gentiles!
Isa 14:13 “For you have said in your heart, ‘Let me go up to
the heavens, let me raise my throne above the stars of El, and
let me sit in the mount of meeting/mo’ed on the sides of the
Isa 14:14 let me go up above the heights of the clouds, let me be
like the Most High.’
Isa 14:15 “But you are brought down to the grave, to the sides of
the Pit.
Isa 14:16 “Those who see you stare at you, and ponder over you,
saying, ‘Is this the man who made the earth tremble, who shook
Isa 14:17 who made the world as a wilderness and destroyed its
cities, who would not open the house of his prisoners?’
Isa 14:18 “All the sovereigns of the gentiles, all of them, were laid
in esteem, everyone in his own house;
Isa 14:19 but you have been thrown from your grave like an
abominable branch, like the garment of those who are slain, thrust
through with a sword, who go down to the stones of the pit, like a
trampled corpse.
Isa 14:20 “You are not joined with them in burial, for you have
destroyed your land and slain your people. Let the seed of evil-

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doers never be mentioned.

Isa 14:21 “Prepare his children for slaughter, because of the
crookedness of their fathers, lest they rise up and possess the land,
and fill the face of the world with cities.”
Isa 14:22 “And I shall rise up against them,” declares Yahuah of
hosts, “and shall cut off from Babel the name and remnant, and
offspring and descendant,” declares Yahuah.
Isa 14:23 “And I shall make it a possession for the porcupine, and
marshes of muddy water; and shall sweep it with the broom of
destruction,” declares Yahuah of hosts.
Notice the proverb is given to the sovereign of Babel. This
sovereign seems to be one of the Scriptural equivalents to
hasatan/Lucifer/Helel/son of the morning. I’ve also bolded what he
said in his heart. So it would seem that this is one of the desires of
hasatan – to sit in the mount of the meeting on the sides of the
north. Let us remember from Babylon the custom of Nimrod,
Semeramis, and Tammuz. So that makes Tammuz Nimrod’s son
and probably could be referred to as the “Prince of Babel”. And I
can assume we understand how Tammuz ties in with christmas and
the false date of birth with the Messiah. So if one was to celebrate
december 25th unknowingly could be esteeming a false el. So
many people celebrate christmas, and christmas is the birth of
‘jesus’/tammuz; in the Christian churches they ask ‘jesus’ to come
into their hearts. And remember satan is equivalent to nimrod and
tammuz, the reincarnated nimrod to jesus.
So we’ve seen hasatan equated with the sovereign of Babel and
Helel- Now notice this is a lamentation for the sovereign of Tsor –
Eze 28:12 “Son of man, take up a lamentation for the sovereign of
Tsor, and you shall say to him, ‘Thus said the Master Yahuah,
“You were sealing up a pattern, complete in wisdom and perfect in
Eze 28:13 “You were in Eden, the garden of Elohim. Every
precious stone was your covering: the ruby, topaz, and diamond,
beryl, shoham, and jasper, sapphire, turquoise, and emerald and
gold. The workmanship of your settings and mountings was
prepared for you on the day you were created.
Eze 28:14 “You were the anointed kerub that covered. And I

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placed you, you were on the set-apart mountain of Elohim. You

walked up and down in the midst of stones of fire.
Eze 28:15 “You were perfect in your ways from the day you were
created, until unrighteousness was found in you.
Eze 28:16 “By the greatness of your trade you became filled with
violence within, and you sinned. So I thrust you from the mountain
of Elohim, and I destroyed you, O covering kerub, from the midst
of the stones of fire.
Eze 28:17 “Your heart was lifted up because of your loveliness,
you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor. I threw
you to the earth, I laid you before sovereigns, to look at you.
Eze 28:18 “You profaned your set-apart places by your many
crookednesses, by the unrighteousness of your trading. Therefore I
brought forth fire from your midst. It has devoured you, and I
turned you to ashes upon the earth before the eyes of all who see
Eze 28:19 “All who knew you among the peoples were astonished
at you. Waste you shall be, and cease to be, forever.” ’ ”
I think this is obvious, correct me if I’m wrong, but the sovereign
of Tsor seems to be equated to hasatan also. So we saw that the
sovereign of Babel who had a son, tammuz, the prince of Babel.
And we see the sovereign of Tsor could possibly have a son
referred to here as the prince of Tsor.
Eze 28:2 “Son of man, say to the prince of Tsor, ‘Thus said the
Master Yahuah, “Because your heart is lifted up, and you say, ‘I
am El, I sit in the seat of Elohim, in the heart of the seas,’ whereas
you are a man, and not El, though you set your heart as the heart of
So who is this prince of Tsor? Consider what he said here. “I am
El, I sit in the seat of Elohim, in the heart of the seas”. We know
that seas represent peoples and the heart represents the temple area
or Yahrushalem, where the temple is located.
1Co 3:16 Do you not know that you are a Dwelling Place of
Elohim and that the Spirit of Elohim dwells in you?
1Co 3:17 If anyone destroys the Dwelling Place of Elohim, Elohim
shall destroy him. For the Dwelling Place of Elohim is set-apart,

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which you are.

So who is the son of destruction?
2Th 2:3 Let no one deceive you in any way, because the falling
away is to come first, and the man of lawlessness is to be revealed,
the son of destruction,
2Th 2:4 who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called
Elohim or that is worshipped, so that he sits as Elohim in the
Dwelling Place of Elohim, showing himself that he is Elohim.
2Th 2:5 Do you not remember that I told you this while I was still
with you?
2Th 2:6 And now you know what restrains, for him to be revealed
in his time.
2Th 2:7 For the secret of lawlessness is already at work – only
until he who now restrains comes out of the midst.
2Th 2:8 And then the lawless one shall be revealed, whom the
Master shall consume with the Spirit of His mouth and bring to
naught with the manifestation of His coming.
2Th 2:9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the
working of Satan, with all power and signs and wonders of
2Th 2:10 and with all deceit of unrighteousness in those perishing,
because they did not receive the love of the truth, in order for them
to be saved.
2Th 2:11 And for this reason Elohim sends them a working of
delusion, for them to believe the falsehood,
Let us consider – Yahuah sits on the circle of the earth. Hasatan
said he was going to sit in the mount of the meeting/mo’ed on the
sides of the north. Another name for Saturn is Chronos or Father
Time. Which apparently the ‘Jews’ had a problem with this
“deity”. Also, Saturn/Santa Claus lives in the north. Saturn also has
a son – known by the Romans as Jupiter; however, the Greeks
called him Zeus.
From Wikipedia:
“Astrological Saturn has always been associated with the
letter of the law. Gnostics have identified Saturn with the

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god of Early Scripture, whom they regarded as a

tyrannical father, obsessed with rigid enforcement of the
law. There is a symbolic link between Saturn and the God
of Early Scripture through the use of Saturday. Saturn's
Day, the seventh day of Scripture, the holy day of rest.

From the F.S. site

There is a symbolic connection between a Gnostic
conception of the Trinity and Ouranus(Caelus), Saturn
and Jupiter. Caelus, the first father figure, was the Roman
version of Varuna, the Vedic creator god. Then Saturn
castrated Caelus, ending his generative power. Finally,
came Jupiter, who, like a Christ figure, was perceived as a
savior, so that future generations would not be tyrannized
by an obsessed deity.”
So who is the son of destruction? Would not destruction be his
father? What are the intentions of the son of destruction? It is he

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who opposes himself above all that is called Elohim so that he sits
as Elohim in the dwelling place of Elohim showing himself that he
is Elohim.
So what is the possibility that this son of destruction is actually an
unclean spirit that stands up inside the human’s temple proclaiming
itself to be Elohim? We’ve been warned. Hasatan appears as a
messenger of light. But Yahusha said, “Make sure that the light
that is in you is not darkness”. So how does one make sure?

Yahuah Reigns
Last Updated 05/22 Creator's calendar 08/02/10; common error of the pagan roman calendar
Web Page by Gnd Greg and dawnGreg and dawn

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