Integrative Performance Task Sheet: Be Bright, Be Solar Right
Integrative Performance Task Sheet: Be Bright, Be Solar Right
Integrative Performance Task Sheet: Be Bright, Be Solar Right
Target Subjects:
Science, English, Mathematics, MAPEH, Araling Panlipunan, TLE, EsP, Filipino
Theme: The Solar System
Integrated Performance Tasks (in bullet form)
Write a simple paragraph that describe solar system
Convert numerical value from century to years
Translate English reading material to Filipino language
Identify current situations how knowledge of solar system affects the lives of
Show appreciation of the solar system through a slogan and a drawing
Performance Task No: _1__ Title: Be Bright, be solar Right Day __1 to 5__________
The Solar System and its various bodies (planets, asteroids, moons, etc.) were the earliest
objects to be treated as fictional locations in works of science fiction. Among these, imaginary voyages
to and explorations of Earth's Moon are found in seventeenth century literature. By the early twentieth
century, following the increase in scientific and technological development spurred by the Industrial
Revolution, fictional journeys to (or from) the Solar System's other planets had become common in
Early literature regarding the Solar System, following scientific speculations dating back to the 17th
century, assumed that every planet hosted its own native life forms—often assumed to be human in
form, if not in attitudes. Later literature began to accept that there were limits set by temperature,
gravity, atmospheric pressure and composition, or the presence of liquids that would set bounds on the
possibility of life as we know it existing on other planets. By the 19th century the Moon was given up as
an airless desert, incapable of supporting life on its surface (hopes for subsurface life continued until
later). Jupiter and the planets beyond were too large, too cold, and had atmospheres composed of
poisonous chemicals. Mercury was too close to the Sun and its surface was exposed to extremes of
temperature. The asteroids were too tiny and airless. By the early 20th century, prospects for life in the
Solar System focused on Venus, the larger moons of Jupiter and Saturn, and especially Mars.
With the onset of the Space Age, planetary probes cast increasing doubt on the likelihood
of extraterrestrial life in the Solar System, at least life of any magnitude greater than organisms such
as bacteria. By the mid-1960s, it was firmly established that life could have no foothold on the hostile
surfaces of Mercury or Venus, and that Mars could hardly support any macroscopic life forms on its
surface, much less an advanced civilization. In the 1980s it was shown that the surfaces of Jupiter's
moons were just as hostile to life. More recent fiction focused on the Solar System has thus tended to
address its exploration for purposes such as terraforming, the engineering of planets for human
habitation, than the possibility of any existing life.
(Insert Rubric)
1. 1. 1.
2. 2.
3. Given the years of existence of the solar system as 17 th, 19th and 20th century,
convert the said centuries into years
4. Draw a solar system based from the fiction above show (rubric)
5. Based on your understanding, translate the fiction above into Filipino language
(Insert Rubric)