Node Map User Manual
Node Map User Manual
Node Map User Manual
Node Map
User Manual
A Product by Justin Schneider
Agent Types
With Multiple Nodes Selected
Scene View Shortcuts
Movement Types
Click to Move
Direct Move
API Reference
Static Methods
FindValidPath(Node a, Node b)
GetPointOnPath(Path path, float normalizedDistance)
RemovePath(Path path)
RemoveNode(Node node)
Public Methods
ClearPathsToNode(Node clearNode)
CreateAgent(Node node = null)
GetNodeByName(string name)
GetPathsToNode(Node node)
RedrawMap(bool drawModeChanged)
Public Methods
Initialize(Map nodeMap)
CreatePath(Node toNode)
SetDrawMode(DrawMode drawMode, NodeTypeData data)
SetVisible(bool isVisible)
Public Methods
Initialize(Map nodeMap, Node fromNode, Node toNode)
SetVisible(bool status)
GetOtherEnd(Node node)
AddOverride(int agentType, MovementType movementType)
RemoveOverride(int agentType)
Public Methods
Initialize(Map nodeMap, Node startingNode)
FaceDir(Vector3 dir)
MoveToTarget(Node targetNode)
MoveToTarget(string targetName)
JumpToNode(Node targetNode)
OnMoveStart(Node targetNode)
OnNodeArrive(Node reachedNode, bool isTargetNode)
OnMoveEnd(Node targetNode)
OnRetreat(Node previousNode)
OnCannotReach(Node targetNode)
OnAgentCollide(Agent otherAgent)
OnMarkerTick(int markerIndex)
Static Methods
GetNeighbors(Node node, Agent agent = null)
AgentCanMoveAcross(Path path, Node node, Agent agent)
FindRoute(Node startNode, Node goalNode, Agent agent = null)
Change Log
Unity Forum
Thank you for purchasing Node Map! I created this asset because I wanted to add node-based
maps to a game I was making. It quickly became apparent that others would benefit from
having these tools, and so I set out to make the system simple, powerful, and versatile.
I believe this tool set will get better the more people use it and provide feedback, so I ask that
you not hesitate to reach out to me with feature requests, bug reports, or any other
Installation of Node Map requires nothing more than downloading it from the Asset Store and
importing it into your project. You may move the Node Map folder into any subfolder you wish.
The asset includes a demo scene located in its own folder. This folder can be safely deleted
before publishing your game if you so desire.
Getting Started
Once installed, the best way to create a new Node Map is by using the menu bar:
This will create a new GameObject in your scene with child objects named ‘Nodes’ and ‘Agents’
for use as containers for Nodes and Agents, respectively. If you do not use the menu bar option,
you should add these objects yourself to avoid receiving errors when adding Nodes. Trust me…
it’s just easier using the menu option!
The only other thing you have to do before getting to work is to assign an instance of the
NodeTypeData ScriptableObject class to the Map’s Node Data field. This class is covered in more
detail below. I’ve included a few pre-built options for you in the folder NodeMap/NodeTypeData. If
you intend to modify these, consider copying them to a folder outside the asset’s folder to avoid
them being overwritten upon updates. You may also create your own NodeTypeData instances
by right-clicking inside your Project view and choosing:
You must assign a NodeTypeData instance to the Map’s N
ode Data field before adding Nodes.
You will not be able to add Nodes or Agents to the Map without it.
Node Type Data
NodeTypeData is a class used to describe the visual
elements of a Map: its Nodes and Markers. Although used
for visual purposes only in the included demo, the data
may also be used in your external scripts to determine
You must have at least one Node type defined, and at least
one Marker type. You should also assign a default material
to be used for rendering mesh data.
Node Types
Add a new Node type here to allow the option of assigning
a new appearance to Nodes in any Map that uses this data.
Assigning types will be covered in more detail in the Nodes
section below.
Marker Types
These options are identical to those of the Node Types, except used to render the Path markers
(dots) between Nodes.
Additionally, there are two Material slots in a NodeTypeData instance. Mesh Material is applied to
Node and Marker meshes, while Line Material is used by the Line Renderer for Paths.
The classes provided by this asset are not intended to be added using the ‘Add Component’
functionality of Unity. Node Map components are hierarchal in nature, and require references to
their parent Map to function correctly. This assignment, additional configuration, and proper
parenting are handled for you when using the Node Map built-in controls, so that will be the
advised method of working and what we will cover here.
Once you’ve added a Map to your scene (in case you’ve forgotten, you do so by choosing
GameObject → Node Map → Create New Map from the menu bar), adjust its settings by
selecting it in the Hierarchy or Scene views.
You may have as many Maps as you like in a single Scene, but recognize that Agents are not
able to travel between Maps at this time and must be copied and reassigned manually.
Draw Mode - The Map may be rendered in
2D or 3D. Changing this option in
the Editor will force an update of all
the Map’s Nodes and Markers. If
changing the Draw Mode at runtime,
you’ll want to call the Map’s
RedrawMap method as well.
Redraw Threshold - The amount of
distance a Node must be moved to
update its Path/Markers in the Scene
view. Increase this number to
decrease the performance cost of
creating and editing large Maps, and
decrease it if your Map’s scale
causes issues with Paths not
updating frequently enough.
Node Data - This is where you’ll drop an assignment to those NodeTypeData instances we were
talking about earlier!
Agent Types
Here you can edit the list of tags that will be used by the Map for assigning Agent types. These
types will be used to set overrides for Path movement rules. Each Agent may have only one type
tag, so consider your movement needs when assigning Agent types.
Another potential use of Agent types are when two Agents collide on the map. You may wish to
have friendly units pass by unaffected, but enemy units initiating combat, for example. Type
tags are an effective tool for this purpose.
The default values listed below apply only to new Nodes. Changing these fields will not impact
existing Nodes unless you change the Draw Mode or call the RedrawMap method (as doing
either will clear the previous objects out and draw them fresh).
Node Scale - Default scale for newly created Nodes. Note that changing this value does not
affect previously created Nodes.
Marker Spacing - Default spacing (in Unity units) between markers along a Path. Since Node
Map will try to place markers evenly along the Path, the actual distance between markers
may be larger (not to exceed twice this value).
Draw Nodes - Unchecking this box will cause new Nodes to not be rendered, useful if your
Nodes’ visual representation will be handled outside of Node Map.
Draw Path Markers - Default state for whether or not to render Markers along a Path
Draw Path Lines - Default state for rendering Paths as a line.
Path Line Width - Width of the line used by the Path Line Renderer. Note: If you change this
value, you’ll have to run the Redraw Map function to update all existing paths. Otherwise,
they’ll use the previously entered value.
Path Direction - Default value to use for new Paths’ type. Path types will be covered in more
detail later.
New Node - Creates a new Node assigned to this Map. Please see the next section for more
details on Nodes.
New Agent - Creates a new Agent assigned to this Map. Agents will be covered in depth later.
Redraw Map - If, for some reason, you messed with a Map’s Paths and broke their rendering,
or you changed some default display items that you want to revert, or something you
changed doesn’t seem to be reflected in the Map, this button will redraw all Nodes and
Paths using the current default Map settings.
Refresh - Look, programming is hard. Sometimes things get a bit out of sorts. If you find
yourself running into weird Null Reference exceptions that don’t make sense, this button
will cause the Map to search its hierarchy and refresh all if its Node and Path references. If
this button goes away in the future, it’s because I became a much better programmer.
Nodes are the heart and soul of this asset.
That’s why I named it ‘Node Map’ instead
of ‘Something Else Map’. Nodes represent
a position of importance. What exactly that
means is up to you and your game’s
Name - Obvious enough, but this is the
specific Node’s identifier. It’s not
required to be unique, but if trying to access a Node by name, only the first one found will
be returned.
Type - This list is populated from the Node Types list in the Map’s NodeTypeData. The Node will
be rendered using the Sprite or Mesh associated with that type.
Draw Node - Disabling this option will cause the Node to have no visual representation on the
Map. If you are not drawing the Node through Node Map, ensure your players will know
through other means that they can interact with that point.
Paths - A list of all the Paths going to and from this Node. You can quickly select the desired
Path by clicking the Edit button next to it, or remove the connection by clicking Delete.
Paths are covered in depth in the next section.
Extend - This button allows you to quickly create a new Node at the current Node’s position.
The current Node and new Node will be connected by a new Path and the new Node set as
the selected object. This allows you to more quickly create routes of connected Nodes
without having to connect them all manually.
Delete - Self-explanatory. Say goodnight, Node! Deleting a Node will also delete any Paths that
connect to it.
CTRL+E - Extend
CTRL+J - Create Path
Paths are a connection between two
Nodes. As mentioned previously, Paths
are created for you automatically when
you Extend from an existing Node, or
when you use the Create Path function
with two or more Nodes selected. Since
Paths are the means by which Agents can
move about the Map, they are
consequently the most complex part of
Node Maps.
At the top of the Path Inspector, you’ll see the information for the two Nodes this Path connects.
On the left is the “From” Node, and on the right, the “To” Node. Beneath each listed Node is a
“Select” button to quickly select that Node and jump to its Inspector.
Cost - In pathfinding terms, how costly is this path compared to others of equal distance? This
may be used if a path goes through difficult terrain that AI may want to avoid, for
example. You could also access this property for deducting resources at a higher rate than
normal for some Paths.
Speed - A multiplying factor for moving Agents along this path. Higher numbers increase the
Agent’s travel speed, while numbers closer to 0 reduce it.
Note there are separate Cost and Speed values for both Nodes. The associated value is used
when traveling starting at that Node. In this way you can define different values for each
direction of movement along a Path.
Movement - The default direction of movement allowed along a Path.
Two-Way - Agents can move in either direction
One-Way - Agents can only move from the “From” Node to the “To” Node
Reverse - Like One-Way, except can only move from “To” to “From”
Impassable - Agents may not move along this Path
Add an Override to a Path to allow Agents of a particular type to treat the Path differently than
the default Movement type allows. You may do this to temporarily make a Path innavigable, or
to disallow enemy type Agents from moving into a certain area.
You may define pre-existing Overrides by using the Add Override button. You then select an
Agent type and a Movement type for this path to be calculated as for that type. To do this at
runtime, see the API Reference later in this manual.
Reverse - Swap the “From” and “To” Nodes for this Path. Really only important when using the
One-Way or Reverse movement rules
Split - Divide this Path into two, with a new Node between them.
Delete - Remove this Path from the plane of existence. Any connected Nodes will remain
unaffected (except for having one less Path)
Markers, by default, cannot be selected or Inspected. Since they are dynamically created and
destroyed as you modify your Paths, the idea is that you should not change their properties
If you need to disable this feature so that you can edit Markers yourself, remove or comment out
line 11 of MarkerEditor.cs.
Agents are the users of your Maps. Their existence in the Node Map system is purely functional,
and it is up to you to provide your own visual representation. For testing and debugging
purposes, however, I’ve included a simple arrow object.
The recommended way of using Agents with your custom controllers is to add a new Agent using
the Map’s “Add Agent” button or through the API call. Make your custom controller a child of this
Agent object and save a reference to the Agent component in your controller. You can then use
this reference to make calls to the entire Node Map system and subscribe to movement events
for that Agent.
Type - The Agent type for this Agent,
defined in the parent Map.
Move Speed - This Agent’s movement
speed in Unity units per second.
This value may be affected by a
Path’s Speed setting for a particular
direction of movement.
Movement Types
In order to suit common use cases, Node Map includes 4 movement scripts out of the box. Two
of these (Click to Move and Direct Move) are intended for player-controlled Agents, and the
others two (Patrol and Wander) for AI-controlled units.
Click to Move
This movement type allows you to click or tap on a Node, and any active Agents with this script
will attempt to move to that Node. Note that input for this script will not be processed while the
Agent is moving.
Active - Whether or not this Agent should respond to clicks. Use this in conjunction with your
own selection logic to enable/disable selected Agents for moving multiple entities around
the Map
Max Distance - The maximum distance a raycast from the camera should look for Nodes
Direct Move
This type allows Agents to be controlled with direct keyboard or controller input using the X and
Y axes. As above, input is not processed while the Agent is moving.
This movement script causes an Agent to move along a set of target Nodes. Upon reaching the
last Node in its list, it will return to the first Node and start again.
This script causes the Agent to randomly select a Node from the Map and attempt to move to it.
Once it reaches its destination (or the destination is determined to be unreachable), it will select
a new random Node and continue the process.
The included demo scene shows some examples of the various features in Node Map. Of
particular note:
This scene should provide you a solid idea of how to potentially integrate Node Map into your
own project. As mentioned, you may safely delete the Demo folder if you do not wish to have it
remain in your project.
API Reference
Static Methods
Signature Returns
FindValidPath(Node a, Node b)
Given two Nodes, returns the Path connecting them or null if no
connections are found. Note that this method does not take pathfinding
elements such as Movement Type or Overrides into account.
GetPointOnPath(Path path, float normalizedDistance)
Gets a position along a Path at normalizedDistance, with 0 being the
Path’s From Node position and 1 being the Path’s To Node position. Used
in rendering Path markers.
RemovePath(Path path)
Deletes a Path and clears out its references in the Nodes it previously
RemoveNode(Node node)
Deletes a Node along with any Paths this node is a connection for.
Public Methods
Signature Returns
ClearPathsToNode(Node clearNode)
Removes any Paths that have clearNode as a “To” connect point.
CreateAgent(Node node = null)
Creates a new Agent for this map and sets its initial position to node. If no
Node is passed in, the position of the first found Node is used.
Creates a new Node and adds it to the Map.
GetNodeByName(string name)
Searches the map for the first Node with name name and returns it, or
null if none are found.
GetPathsToNode(Node node)
Returns an array of Paths that have node as a “To” node. For accessing a
Node’s paths “from” it, use the Node’s GetPaths method.
GetNodeTypeIndexByName(string typeName)
Gets the index for the Node type with name typeName.
GetMarkerTypeIndexByName(string typeName)
Gets the index for the Marker type with name typeName.
GetAgentTypeIndexByName(string typeName)
Gets the index for the Agent type with name typeName.
IsNodeType(Node node, string typeName)
Returns true if node is of type typeName.
IsMarkerType(Marker marker, string typeName)
Returns true if marker is of type t
IsAgentType(Agent agent, string typeName)
Returns true if agent is of type t
RedrawMap(bool drawModeChanged)
Redraws the Map’s Nodes and Paths. If drawModeChanged is true, Nodes
are instructed to update their Sprite or Mesh rendering components as
Forces the map to update its references to all Nodes and Paths. If you are
adding or removing Nodes/Paths through your code, it’s a good idea to call
Refresh afterward to ensure all references are up to date.
Pauses movement for all Agents on map.
Resumes movement for all Agents on map.
Public Methods
Signature Returns
Initialize(Map nodeMap)
Configures Node with proper settings from parent nodeMap. When adding
your own Nodes via script, call Initialize with the Map reference to ensure
it is setup correctly.
CreatePath(Node toNode, bool drawPath)
Creates and returns a Path from this Node to toNode. If drawPath is
true, the path’s markers will default to being drawn.
Returns an array of all Paths with this Node as its “From” point.
Returns an array of all Paths with this Node as its “From” or “To” point.
Returns a List of Agents currently occupying this Node.
GetClosestNode([Agent agent], [bool disallowOccupied], [string type])
Gets the closest Node connected to this Node. If agent is not null, limits
selection to paths navigable by that Agent’s type. If disallowOccupied
is true (defaults to false), will not return Nodes that have an occupant. If
type is not null, limits results to only those of that particular Node type.
Instructs the Node to be redrawn, typically because its type was
SetDrawMode(DrawMode drawMode, NodeTypeData data)
Method for redrawing Node when the map’s DrawMode has changed.
SetVisible(bool isVisible)
Toggles the visibility of this Node.
Public Methods
Signature Returns
Initialize(Map nodeMap, Node fromNode, Node toNode)
Sets configuration options for a new Path. If adding Paths in your scripts,
be sure to call this method to ensure all assignments are properly made.
Returns false if either “To” Node or “From” Node are null. Otherwise
returns true.
Destroys and redraws Path’s markers. Used by the Editor when moving
Path endpoints around.
Swaps the “From” and “To” Nodes and changes Path ownership as
appropriate, effectively changing the direction of the Path’s movement.
SetVisible(bool status)
Sets the visible state for this Path’s markers.
GetOtherEnd(Node node)
Helper method for quickly finding a Path’s opposite endpoint. If “To” point
passed in, “From” is returned, and vice versa.
AddOverride(int agentType, MovementType movementType)
Given an Agent Type index and a MovementType, creates a new Override
for this Path if no Override existed for that Agent type. If that Agent
already had an Override registered, its Movement Type is updated with
the new value.
RemoveOverride(int agentType)
Removes any Override for the Path with the given Agent type index.
Public Methods
Signature Returns
Initialize(Map nodeMap, Node startingNode)
Sets configuration options for a new Agent. When adding agents in your
own scripts, call this method to ensure it’s setup is completed correctly.
FaceDir(Vector3 dir)
Turns the Agent to look at dir.
GetRoutePointPositions(Node targetNode)
Returns a list of points, starting with the Agent’s current position, along
the path to targetNode. Useful for rendering a path an Agent will take
or is taking to reach its destination, using your own technique.
MoveToTarget(Node targetNode)
Finds a suitable route to targetNode and begins moving towards it. For
more details on working with moving Agents, see the Events section
MoveToTarget(string targetName)
Searches for a Node named t argetName and begins moving towards it.
For more details on working with moving Agents, see the Events section
If current Path would allow Agent to move in opposite direction of
current travel, cancels movements towards current target, starts
moving back towards previous Node. If current Path is not able to be
traveled in opposite direction, retreat does not occur.
JumpToNode(Node targetNode)
Instantly moves Agent to targetNode, bypassing pathfinding and
spacetime limitations.
Pauses movement for this Agent.
Resumes movement for this Agent.
OnMoveStart(Node targetNode)
Triggered when Agent has begun moving towards a destination Node.
OnMoveEnd(Node targetNode)
Triggered when Agent has finished moving, whether by reaching its target Node or
because the Node is determined to be unreachable.
OnRetreat(Node previousNode)
Triggered when the Agent has begun a valid retreat to its previous Node.
OnCannotReach(Node targetNode)
Triggered when pathfinding fails to find a valid route to the Agent’s target Node.
OnAgentCollide(Agent otherAgent)
Triggered when this Agent comes into contact with another Agent.
OnMarkerTick(int markerIndex)
Triggered when this Agent passes over a Path marker.
Triggered when this Agent has had movement paused.
Triggered when this Agent resumes moving from being paused.
Static Methods
Signature Returns
GetNeighbors(Node node, Agent agent = null)
Returns a list of all Nodes that have movable connecting Paths with node.
Movable Paths are ones that have defined Movement types allowing
traversal in the direction away from node.
If agent is not null, the Path’s Overrides are taken into account as well.
AgentCanMoveAcross(Path path, Node node, Agent agent)
Given a Path, the starting Node, and an Agent, returns whether or not this
move is valid. If agent is null, Overrides are ignored.
FindRoute(Node startNode, Node goalNode, Agent agent = null)
Returns a list of Nodes from startNode to goalNode. If agent is not null,
Overrides are taken into consideration.
Change Log
1.3 1.4
● Version number skipped to match Asset Store version
● Clarified proper use of Node Scale (now used as a default rather than updating existing
● Added logic to remove references to manually deleted Nodes and Paths
● Added Scene handles for Nodes (rather than using default behavior of centering handles
on object and all children positions)
● Added new helper methods:
○ Map
■ GetNodeTypeIndexByName
■ GetMarkerTypeIndexByName
■ GetAgentTypeIndexByName
■ IsNodeType
■ IsMarkerType
■ IsAgentType
○ Node
■ GetAgentsAtNode
■ GetClosestNode
○ Agent
■ GetRoutePointPositions
● Modified properties of Agent class:
○ currentNode now points to the Node an Agent is currently occupying
○ lastNode points to the most recent Node an Agent successfully occupied
● Added option to render Paths as Lines
● New objects are instantiated as Static to improve runtime performance
● Changed Create Path keyboard shortcut from CTRL+P to CTRL+J to avoid conflicting
with Windows “Play” editor shortcut.
● Initial release.
Unity Forum
I’m a big supporter of the community, and I strongly believe in public communication for the
benefit of others. To that end, if you have problems with this asset, questions about
functionality, new feature requests, comments or criticisms, please consider posting in the
asset’s official forum thread, found at the link below.
Additionally, I’d be delighted to see screenshots, GIFs, or video of content you’ve created using
Node Map! If your game is using my asset, I’ll do whatever I can to help promote it. It’s a
If you’re not the community type and prefer one-on-one communication, you can still contact
me by email.