The Principle of Least Nuclear Motion
The Principle of Least Nuclear Motion
The Principle of Least Nuclear Motion
1. Introduction . . 1
2. T h e Intersecting Morse Curve Approach . . 4
3. Prediction of t h e Magnitude of PLNM Effects . - 9
4. Free Radical Reactions . . 16
Hydrogen Transfer Reactions . 16
Radical Decomposition Reactions . . 25
5. Multicenter Reactions . . 33
6. Polar Reactions . 36
Proton Transfers from Carbon . . 37
Proton Transfers t o Resonance-Stabilized Carbanions . 48
Lewis Acid-Base Reactions . . 52
Elimination Reactions . . 54
7. Concerted a n d Stepwise Reaction Mechanisms . . 56
8. Conclusion . . 57
Acknowledgement . . 57
References . . 57
C H ~ C H ~ C H Z +C Br- + (1:
removed more rapidly than the primary hydrogen atoms because the
resultant secondary radicals are more stable than primary radicals.
Thus the product stability principle is used, although ordinarily only
implicitly, to rationalize the relative rate of the two reactions.
There is a third method of removal of hydrogen by bromine atoms
that should be even faster than either of the two already mentioned
if the product stability principle were infallible. If the removal of
secondary hydrogen were accompanied by migration of the other
hydrogen atom on the same carbon and of the methyl group on an
adjacent carbon atom, as shown in (2), the product will be a t-butyl
---+ CH~-C-CH~
radicaI, which is more stable than s-butyl or n-butyl radicals. The fact
that elementary students so rarely’ raise this possibility suggests that
they already have the PLNM, or something like it, in their intuition.
The difference in the amounts of change in atomic positions between
the reactions in eqns (1) and (2) is thus so drastic that no chemist
would be likely to overlook it. There are other cases, however, in
which rather substantial differences in the amounts of change in
atomic positions are fairly easily overlooked. Before including such
cases in a survey of a wide variety of the organic reactions to which
the PLNM may be usefully applied, we shall discuss the principle
qualitatively in terms o f what may be called the intersecting Morse
curve approach.
XH + Ye -+ X. + HY (3)
collinear until X and Y are separated by the distance that they will be
separated in the transition state. The hydrogen atom is then moved
from its reactant position at its covalent bonding distance from X t o
its product position at its covalent bonding distance from Y. Then
the products separate. In Fig. 1, a plot of energy vs. the position of
the hydrogen atom, curve HX describes the energy of the H-X bond.
A minimum at the covalent bond distance, the energy rises sharply as
the bond is compressed; it rises and then approaches a limit as the
bond is stretched. At the limit, indicated by the dashed line, the
energy exceeds that at the zero-point vibrational level by the bond
dissociation energy D,(HX). For curve HY, which describes the
energy of the H-Y bond, motion of hydrogen to the right is bond
compression and to the left is stretching. Since the dashed line
corresponds t o the energy of the three dissociated atoms, H - , X.,
and Y . , the zero-point vibrational level of the HY curve lies below
the dashed line by D o(HY).
To a first approximation the energetic requirements for reaction
may be described by starting with the hydrogen at the zero-point
Position of h y d r o g e n
Figure 1. Intersecting Morse curve representation of the reaction of HX with Y - to give
HY + X..
level of the HX curve and moving t o the right along this curve until it
intersects the HY curve. After this point the system is better
approximated if it is considered to consist of X. + HY, and so we
descend along the HY curve to its zero-point level, the overaI1 energy
of reaction being E,. In a second approximation we allow for
resonance stabilization, which should be a maximum near the point
of intersection of the two curves, where the two valence-bond
structures contribute equally. The dotted line lies below the lower of
the two curves HX and HY by an amount we shall call the resonance
energy. In this approximation the activation energy is that labelled
E* in the figure. In a third approximation, not illustrated in the
figure, we could allow for the energy required t o bring HX and Y *
together with the X-Y distance characteristic of the transition state.
Position of h y d r o g e n
Figure 2. Reactions of HX with Y1. and Yz., where HY2 is more stable than HYI.
Therefore the minimum of the HY, curve lies below that of the HY,
curve by the amount Do(HY2) - D o ( H Y , ) . Since the HY1 and HY2
curves must approach each other at large H-Y distances they have
been shown as tending t o do so in the figure. However, as long as
they do not come together until after they cross the HX curve, the
activation energy for reaction of HX with Y2 will be lower than
that for reaction with Y * ; that is, the product-stability principle will
be applicable.
When X * and Y are not atoms but polyatomic radicals, combina-
tion with a hydrogen atom may involve important changes in
geometry other than just the length of the H-X or H-Y bond. For
such cases we should redefine the abscissa of Fig. 1 and 2 t o refer to
changes in geometry within X andlor Y as well as change in the
position of hydrogen. At position x the geometry is that which is
optimum for the system HX + Y. and at y it is optimum for
X. + HY. Consider, for example, two reactions in which X is an
atom. One is with Y3 *, a radical whose internal geometry in Y3 * is
the same as it is in HY,. The second is with Y4., whose internal
geometry in HY4 differs significantly from what it is in Y,..
Otherwise, Y, * and Y4 are quite similar, the dissociation energies
Do(HY3) and Do(HY4) being identical. The curve in Fig. 3 having a
minimum at x and referring t o the energy of HX + Y, rises on going
to the right only by the amount of energy required to stretch the
H-X bond. The curve for the enercgy of HX + Y, however, must
represent the energy required to stretch the H-X bond plus that
required to distort Y4 * from its optimum geometry toward the
geometry that is optimum for the Y4 part of HY4. This factor alone
makes the intersection of the HX + Y. curve and the X. + HY curve
higher for Y, than for Y, and would therefore make the Y4 reaction
slower, as expected from the PLNM. A second factor wilI cause the
X. + HY4 curve to lie above the X. + HY, curve when the H-Y
bond is partly but not completely broken. For example, if we
compare propene, where Y4 * is an allyl radical, with an HY, having
the same bond dissociation energy, we see that the resonance
stabilization of the allyl radical is necessary t o make Do(HY4) as
small as D,(HY,). When the H-Y, bond is partly broken, delocaliza-
tion of the electron left on Y, is diminished only by the fact that
this electron is still interacting with the hydrogen nucleus and
another electron near the hydrogen nucleus. In the case of propene,
Geometric coordincte
Figure 3. Reaction of HXwith Y , * where there is no accompanying change in the internal
geometry of Y3 and the reaction with Y;1*in which there is a change in the internal geometry
of Y4'.
however, delocalization of this electron is also diminished by geo-
metric factors. The carbon from which the hydrogen atom is being
removed has not yet become sp2 -hybridized; the bond that attaches
this carbon to the adjacent carbon has not yet become short enough
to permit more efficient overlap with the n-electrons of the double
bond, etc. A third factor is the smaller amount of resonance
stabilization that would be expected in the transition state for the
Y 4 reaction (cf. the dotted line in Fig, 3) than in the transition state
for the Y , reaction (cf. the dashed line). This follows from the fact
that at a given point along the geometric coordinate the geometry of
the Y4 system differs more from the optimum for HX + Y . and from
the optimum for X . + HY, (The differences in the position of the
hydrogen atom are the same but there are differences in the
geometry of Y in the case of Y 4 . )
I (4)
PLNM, and indeed the concept, like many others that are useful in
organic chemistry, has not been defined precisely. (It is not clear that
a definition that is both precise and broadly useful is possible.)
Nevertheless, consideration of the problem by several workers has
yielded methods for obtaining numbers that are useful for some
One study dealt with the formation and reactions of resonance-
stabilized species (Hine, 1966a). The formation of an allylic species
for example [eqn (4)] is accompanied by the shortening of the
carbon-carbon single bond and the lengthening of the carbon-carbon
double bond as each becomes a bond and a half; that is, the bond
number (Pauling, 1960) is 1.5 in the allylic species. In addition, as
the methyl group loses a hydrogen atom the other two hydrogen
atoms move into the plane defined by the three carbon atoms. Is it
.CH2 CH2 CH2
I I I1
/I ll I
CH2 CH2 *CH2
in which the end carbon-carbon bonds are 13 bonds and the middle
ones If bonds. Since this pattern of longer middle bonds and
shorter end bonds is nearer that of a 1,4-pentadiene derivative than
that of a 1,3-pentadiene derivative, reaction at the middle of the 1~
system is favored by the PLNM. Such reaction involves a total of
I c1-
trans-elimination. The difference between the interaction of BH with
chloride ion in [5] and in [6] seems unlikely to be very large when
BH is electrically neutral. The rates will be affected by interactions
between the partly negative 3 and the partly negative chloride ion in
the transition state, but this is not a product stability effect. It is an
asynchronization effect, arising from the nonmonotonic change in
electrostatic interactions between B and chlorine that occurs on
moving along the reaction coordinate; these interactions are initially
small because the chlorine atom bears little charge, they reach a
maximum when both B and chlorine are about equally charged, and
they then become small again as B become relatively uncharged.
In assessing the PLNM effect by calculating the sum of the squares
of the nuclear displacements care should be taken to keep the
reactions being compared closely analogous. For example, if the
Since not as many free energies are available as desired, log k will be
plotted against A H o rather than log K. (The free energies that are
available suggest no changes in any of the quaIitative conclusions that
we shall reach.) Values of AHo were calculated from a recent
collection (Hine, 1975) of representative bond dissociation energies
and values for radicals (not including those data listed as
approximate). Rate constants at 200° (a temperature in or near the
ranges over which the various reactions were studied) were obtained
from the collections of E and log A values3 by Trotman-Dickenson
et al. (Trotman-Dickenson and Milne, 1967; Ratajczak and Trotman-
Dickenson, 1969). For all the HX's covered in both collections of
Figure 5. Plot of log k (k in M-' s-I per hydrogen atom) for reactions of variousHX9swith
methyl radicals in the gas phase at ZOO0 to give methane and X. vs. A@ for the reaction.
The solid circles are for HX's that are saturated hydrocarbons and the X's, in order of
increasing log k, are methyl, cyclopropyl, ethyl, n-propyl and isobutyl (coincident), cyclo-
butyl, cyclohexyl, cyclopentyl, isopropyl, cycloheptyl, and t-butyl. The open circles refer to
other HX's in which the hydrogen atom is attached to carbon, and, like the triangular
points, arc labeled with the appropriate X's.
data log k is plotted against A@ in Fig. 5 (except for HI, whose log
k value of 8.4 and @ value of -32.7 kcal mol-' would give a
point more than 10 kcal mol-' beyond the left-hand boundary of
the figure).
For X = i s o p r o p y l , data on (CH,)*CDz were combined with the assumption that
k H / k D is the same as the value t h a t may be calculated from data listed for C2H6 and
C2D6. For allyl, a-methylallyl, and benzy! it was assumed that the attacking methvl
radical removes hydrogen atoms only from the allylic or bcnzylic positions of propene,
I-butene, and toluene. This assumption tends to make the PLNM e f f e c t appear smaller than
it actually is.
The plot shows that the reactions covered are still not closely
enough related t o give a good rate-equilibrium correlation. However,
restriction of the HX’s t o saturated hydrocarbons gives the 10 points
(representing 11 compounds, since the points for X = n-propyl and
X = isobutyl coincide) shown as solid circles, which fit a straight line
with a correlation coefficient of 0.98. The largest deviations from
this line are by some of the triangular points, which represent HX’s
in which the hydrogen atom is not attached t o carbon. It seems clear
that polar effects are contributing t o some of these deviations. The
reaction rate would be expected t o be increased by a polar inter-
action between Me. and X. in the transition state when X - is an
electron-withdrawing radical (i.e., when X- is relatively stable)
relative to Me.. (Note that this results from the fact that the
interaction between Me. and X. must change non-monotonically on
passing from the reactants, where there is no such interaction,
through the transition state, where there is interaction, t o the
products, where there is again no interaction.) For example, methyl
radicals abstract hydrogen atoms from hydrogen chloride about 3000
times as fast as from cyclopentane (on a per hydrogen basis) in spite
of the fact that the latter reaction is about 7.3 kcal mol-‘ more
exothermic. Trifluoromethyl radicals, which should donate electrons
much more weakly to the strongly electron-withdrawing chlorine
atoms in the transition state, abstract hydrogen atoms from the two
sources at essentially the same rate (Gray et al., 1971). However, not
all the deviations seem explicable in terms of polar effects. There
should be positive deviations in log 12 when X is M e 0 and when it is
MeNH, and there are; however, the deviation by M e 0 should be
larger, yet actually the two deviations are of essentially the same size.
All in all, it should probably be admitted that, for reasons that are
only partly understood, when the nature of the atom to which the
hydrogen atom is attached in HX is varied large deviations from a
linear rate-equilibrium correlation may result.
Having decided not to consider the triangular points in Fig. 5
further, we may wonder about the HX’s in which the hydrogen is
attached to s p 2 -hydridized carbon. It is not clear whether this results
in large deviations from the line in the figure or not. Of the five
points referring to such reactions, two refer t o the formation of
acetyl and formyl radicals (from the corresponding aldehydes). These
two points lie somewhat below the line, but they deviate only
from some reports in 1952 and 1955. Since the rate constants for
bromo- and chloro-methanes are based on these earlier reports, we
may wonder if some of them may not also be too large. The polar
effects of substituents could be discussed in terms of the overall
balance of electron-donor and -withdrawer ability as measured by
Hammett para-substituent constants. Since the values for hydroxy
and alkoxy substituents are negative, that for fluorine is slightly
positive, and those for chlorine and bromine more strongly positive,
it may not be surprising that the small deviations from the line in
Fig. 5 seen with hydroxy and alkoxy substituents are in the opposite
direction from those for haIogen substituents. Speaking alternatively,
in terms of carbanion stabilizing ability it is noteworthy that in some
cases an a-alkoxy substituent can decrease the rate of carbanion
formation, relative t o a-hydrogen (Hine et al., 1967).
The only three reactions that have not yet been discussed are
those in which the allyl, cv-methylallyl, and benzyl radicals are
formed. These might be expected to give better agreement with the
line in Fig. 5 defined by the data on saturated hydrocarbons than
any of the other classes of reactions we have discussed. The reactants
in these reactions are hydrocarbons, which are less polar than are the
reactants in any of the other classes of reactions. The Hammett
substituent constant for p-phenyl is, and that for p-vinyl would be
expected to be, much smaller in absolute magnitude than p-alkoxy or
p-halogen substituent constants. Hence polar effects should be
negligible unless one uses carbanion-stabilizing ability as a measure,
in which case a positive polar effect would be expected. Experi-
mentally, however, the three reactions are too slow, by 30- t o
250-fold, to fit the saturated hydrocarbon line. Empirically, these
three reactions are the only ones besides the 11 reference reactions in
which hydrogen is being removed from an sp3-hybridized carbon
atom that has only carbon atoms and other hydrogen atoms attached
to it. However, instead of giving the closest agreement, these
reactions give some of the largest deviations from the line. The best
explanation for these deviations may be the large change in the
structure of X that accompanies the removal of hydrogen from HX in
these cases. Not only does the hybridization at the carbon atom from
which hydrogen is removed change from s p 3 t o s p 2 , there are also
major changes in bond number and hence in bond length as the
resonance-stabilized allylic and benzyl radicals are formed. It is true
decreases as ACo becomes more negative (as it does for the other
solid circles in the figure).
The 30- to 250-fold deviations in k from the line in Fig. 5 seen for
the rate constants for the formation of allylic and benzyl radicals
correspond to AAGt values of 3.2-5.2 kcal mol-' . These effects
accompany changes in the sum of the squares of the bond numbers
of 0.50 for thc allylic cases and 0.58 for the benzyl case. In an
estimate of the effect of bond-distance changes on the rates of
reaction o f cyclohexadienyl anions referred to in an earlier section
(Hine, 1966a), AAG' values as large as 0.9 kcal mol-' were obtained
for a difference of 0.66 in the sum of the squares of the changes in
bond numbers when the transition state lay at the optimum position
along the reaction coordinate. The total estimated PLNM effect
could be considerably larger than this if allowance were made for
changes in bond angles and for loss of resonance stabilization of the
transition state. Hence the order of magnitude of the observed
effects on the reaction rate (AAG' values) is believed to be plausible
for a PLNM effect.
It might be suggested that attachment of s p 2 -hybridized carbon to
the sp3-hybridized carbon from which hydrogen is removed, as has
been done in the reactions in which ally1 and benzyl radicals are
formed, can give deviations from the linear free energy relationship
that holds for the formation of saturated hydrocarbon radicals
because of a decrease in the carbon-hydrogen stretching force
constant. However, this possibility is disposed of by the fact that n o
such decreases are observed. The methyl carbon- hydrogen stretching
frequencies in isobutene, for example, are not significantly different
from those in ethane, propane, or the butanes (Shimanouchi, 1972).
There may be small PLNM effects operating in some of the
non-hydrocarbon reactions covered by Fig. 5. The fluoromethyl,
difluoromethyl, and trifluoromethyl radicals, for example, are non-
planar to an extent that increases with the number of fluorine atoms
(Fessenden and Schuler, 1965). Since the points for the formation of
the various fluoromethyl radicals lie near the methyl end of
the line describing the rates of formation of saturated hydrocarbon
radicals, and since this end of the line refers t o the formation of
planar radicals, it is likely that the positive deviations arise in part
from the smaller change in geometry that accompanies formation of
the fluorinated methyl radicals. The formation of acetyl and formyl
+ PhCH3 --f CH2=CHCH3 + PhCH2 (7)
Gas 14.6p 29.Q -1.74 26.0p
MeCOz Me. + COz
-+ Liquid 9.49 -14.7m
PhCO2 + Ph. + COz Liquid 5.3' 0.6"'J
t-BuOCO. + t-Bu. + co2 Liquid 1 3.4r 12.lf 6.67 -22.2rn*
EtOCHMe -+ Eta + MeCHO Gas 10.91 23.5 -2.15 3.7
-+ Gas 12.5 40.0 -9.73 25.6
' Cyclopropyl.
Kerr et al. 1969.
Calculated from enthalpies of formations of stable compounds (but not radicals)
estimated using group contributions (Benson, 1968), and/or enthalpies of formation of
radicals from the compilation of Egger and Cocks (1973).
Assuming A H for RCHO RCO. + H. is 86.8 kcal mol-'.
86.8 kcal mol-‘ are reported for the cases where R is methyl,
phenyl, and hydrogen.
1 I
A H , kcol mol-‘
Figure 6. Log k for gas phase decompositions of radicals vs. AH of reaction, o decarbonyla-
tion of acyl radicals; 0 decomposition of alkyl radicals to give smaller alkyl radicals plus
alkenes, A decomposition of alkoxy radicals to give alkyl radicals and aldehydes or ketones;
Adecarboxylation of acyloxy radicals.
.c-c //o
H\ H, ,O.
H’ ‘CH3 H CH3
perpendicular to the overlapping p orbitals that form the rr system
containing the unpaired electrons. This should make reaction much
slower than in the case of alkoxy and alkyl radicals which do not
have this stereoelectronic disadvantage. The same type of stereo-
electronic factors should also slow the decarboxylation of acyloxy
radicals. However, it is likely that the acyloxy u radical with the
unpaired electron localized on oxygen is much more stable relative to
the radical than is the case with the acetonyl radical. In the case of
an acyloxy radical such a o radical should be greatly stabilized by
interactions between the carbonyl group and an unshared electron
pair on the singly bonded oxygen atom as in [ l o ] . This should
- -
R-CG- t--., R-C,-
!?I 01
[lo1 0
more stable than [ 121 , in which the orbital containing the unpaired
electron is a n t i and parallel to the carbon-oxygen bond to be
In the decomposition pf the radical formed by removal of
hydrogen from the carbonyl carbon atom of t-butyl formate (to give
carbon dioxide and t-butyl radicals) it is conformation [ 131 that has
are moving apart are cis to the departing halogen. The principles of
least nuclear motion (Tee and Yates, 1972; Ehrenson, 1974b) and of
conservation of orbital symmetry (Woodward and Hoffman, 1970)
agree that the disrotatory pathway shown in (15) should be the most
favored of these three alternative mechanisms of reaction. Relevant
experimental data can be found in the observation of Cristol,
Sequeira, and DePuy (1965) on the solvolysis of the epimeric
7-chloronorcaranes. The cis isomer [ 141 , whose solvolysis by the
disrotatory mechanism shown in (15) would give carbonium ion
[16] , undergoes acetolysis at a reasonable rate at 125’. The
acetolysis of the trans isomer [15] by the same mechanism, which
There are probably more reliable rate and equilibrium data
available for polar reactions in solution than for all other types of
reactions combined. Solvation almost always has a profound effect
on these data and often the formation of ion pairs and higher
aggregates is also quite important. We have discussed radical and
multicenter reactions first in order to minimize such complications.
The fact that the PLNM often seems useful in rationalizing the data
on reactions of these types may encourage us t o seek its manifesta-
tions in the more dimly lit region of polar reactions. Solvation effects
on polar reactions seem unavoidable, but to minimize the gegen-ion
Rates of Proton Removal from Carbon in Aqueous Solution at 25OC
Acid M-1 s-l
a Not corrected for enolization or hydration. Obtained from the same source as k , or
k h unless otherwise noted.
By the base water.
By the base hydroxide ion.
At 20°C.
Chaudhri and Asmus, 1972.
Figure 7 . Plot of logkh for deprotonationby hydroxide ions inaqueous solution at 25' vs.
PK,. Ar refers to m- and p-substituted phenyl groups. The dashed lines are based on eqn.
(18) and refer t o the intrinsic barrier ( A ) shown.
log k h = 10 - -
2 . 3AR T [,t
2 . 3 R T ( p K a - 15.74)
412 1
intrinsic barrier A is expressed in kcal mol-' . Dashed lines are drawn
in Fig. 7 for barriers of 5, 10, 15, and 20 kcal mol-'. No statistical
corrections have been made in the plot. For members of families of
similar reactions, such corrections would not change the correlation
because the correction would be the same for each reaction. The
deviations of dissimilar reactions from a linear correlation are far
larger than could be removed by any plausible statistical corrections.
Figure 8. Plot of log kw for deprotonation by water in aqueous solution at or near 2 5 O vs.
pKa. A, disulfones of the type RCH(S02R)z; 0 , Dicarbonyl compounds of the type
XCOCH*COY, including cases where X and Y are identical and cases where X and Y are con-
nected to give a ring. Ar refers to m- and p-substituted phenyl groups. The dashed lines are
based o n eqn. (19) and refer to the intrinsic barrier (A) shown.
log k , = 12.22 - -
2.3RT(pKa + 1.74)
barriers of 0, 5 , 10, 15, and 20 kcal mol-' are shown in Fig. 8. No
statistical corrections have been made.
The rate constants for deprotonation by water plotted in Fig. 8
show some of the same trends already discussed in connection with
the rate constants for deprotonation by hydroxide ions plotted in
Fig. 7. The lowest barriers are for the disulfones, with protonation of
the carbanions by hydronium ions being essentially diffusion-
controlled for five of the six compounds of the type RCH(S02R)2.
The sixth compound, PhCH(S02 E t ) 2 , is only slightly less reactive
and is the one for which proton transfers would be expected to be
subject t o the largest amount of steric hindrance. The barriers for the
gem-dicyanides are almost as low as those for the disulfones. The
other acids, all of which have higher barriers, all have the acidic
hydrogen atoms activated by nitro and/or carbonyl groups. For the
three series of acids [ArCH(NO, ), , RCH, CH(N02),, and
XCOCH, COY] in this category there are rate-equilibrium correla-
tions that correspond to rather small changes in intrinsic barriers
within a series. However, the structural changes in the XCOCH, COY
series, which includes cyclic species such as barbituric acid [ 201 and
Meldrum’s acid [21] ,are so much larger and the number of members
contributing structures [ 2 2 ] and [23].Assign a weight of w to the
,c-c p \ ,0e
\ \
~ 3 1
0_ -c
~_ _ _ _ I GiG
1 + 3w
__ c
_ _ _ _~ 1 ::;:
1 G2W
_ _0 _ _
2 + 3w 1 + 3w
1 + 2w
~ 4 1
changes in bond numbers will be 4 w 2/( 1 + 2 ~ ) This
~ . is smaller than
~ any w larger than 1/.\/2. Since the negative charge
2w2/(1+ w ) for
on the resonance-stabilized anions should lie on the more electro-
negative oxygen atoms to a considerably larger extent than on the
carbon atoms, w should be considerably larger than 1.0. Therefore,
the PLNM will tend to give a larger intrinsic barrier to carbanion
formation by a monocarbonyl compound than by a 0-dicarbonyl
compound. Unfortunately, there is no really simple monocarbonyl
compound listed in ‘Table 2 upon which t o test these calculations
concerning the PLNM. The closest approach is 3-thionaphthenone,
whose deprotonation generates a new aromatic ring. Like carbanion
formation from a 0-dicarbonyl compound this may generate a larger
Much information about the PLNM has come from the study of
resonance-stabilized carbanions. Many reactions in which such
carbanions are formed were discussed in the preceding section; many
others have been studied largely from the direction of the proton-
ation of the carbanions. One such carbanion protonation is that of
cycIohexadieny1 anion, which takes place most rapidly in the middle
of the 7r system even though this gives the less stable product. This
observation was rationalized in Section 3 in terms of the PLNM.
Similar observations have been made for the protonations of
carbanions that yield a mixture of a$- and 0,y-unsaturated nitriles,
sulfones, and carbonyl compounds. There have been many reports in
which a 0,y-unsaturated ketone is the kinetically controlled product
but the a$-unsaturated ketone is the thermodynamically controlled
product (cf. Bauer, 1914; Dauben and Eastham, 1951; Dauben et al.,
1951; Malhotra and Ringold, 1964). Diethyl cyclopentenylmalonate
is formed more rapidly than the more stable diethyl cyclo-
pentylidenemalonate in the protonation of the common anion (Hugh
and Kon, 1930). The observation that cyclohexenylacetonitrile [ 251
undergoes deuterium exchange in the presence of base much more
rapidly than it is isomerized to the more stable cyclo hgxylidene-
acetonitrile [ 261 shows that the intermediate carbanion yields the
Ill Ilj 111
I I:
v.51 [261
less stable of the two products more rapidly than it yields the more
stable one (Ingold et al., 1936). Similarly, the base-catalyzed
deuterium exchange of the vinylacetate anion is much faster than its
relatively irreversible isomerization to crotonate anion (Ives and
Rydon, 1935). Calculations of the sum of the squares of the changes
in bond numbers that accompany protonation of such catbanions
[R-CH-CH=CHS02R] -
~ 7 1
it gives &,@unsaturatedsulfones, even though, in the case of sulfones,
it is the P,y-unsaturated isomers that are the more stable. Hammond
has suggested that when the transition state in carbanion protonation
comes very early in the reaction the proton may be deposited most
readily near the geometric center of charge (Hammond, 19 55).
Although this is true for the cases described so far, it is not true for
protonation of t-cumyl anions, which also provides another excep-
tion to Ingold’s generalization. Russell observed that t-cumyl-
potassium reacts with DzO, DOAc, and DCI most rapidly at the
exocyclic carbon atom; only for the latter two acids was ring attack
observed, and in each case reaction at the p-position was faster than
at the o-position, even though the latter position is very probably
nearer the center of negative charge in the carbanion (Russell, 1959).
I n this case the I’LNM favors reaction at the p-position over reaction
at the o-position and favors reaction at the exocyclic carbon atom
most of all (Hine, 1966a). Hammond (1955) also suggested that
protonation may take place preferentially at that carbon atom that
bears the largest negative charge, and this point of view has been
adopted b y several other workers (cf. Streitwieser, 1961;
Zimmerman, 1963). The charge densitites obtained for the various
atoms in a carbanion with a delocalized charge depend on the
method of calculation, of course, b u t they d o seem t o b e clearly
bCH2 --0.333 'C112 -0.316
[281 ~ 9 3
[ 331 with equal charges on the middle and end carbon atoms, but
with larger bond orders for the end carbon-carbon bonds than for
the middIe carbon atom than on an end carbon. The resulting hybrid
also has carbon-carbon bond orders that differ from each other more
than do those in [33]. This means that the use of such a second
approximation would give larger estimated PLNM effects for proton-
ation of the cyclohexadienyl anion than did the first approximation,
which was described briefly in Section 3.
To the extent to which a delocalized carbanion has a negative
charge on a given carbon atom, the electron pair required for a bond
to a proton is already there. This will favor protonation at that
carbon atom according to that part of the principle of least motion
we have called the principle of least change in electronic configur-
ation. The tendency, described in the preceding paragraph, for the
PLNM t o favor protonation of that atom in a delocalized carbanion
that has the largest negative charge means that the two parts of the
principle of least motion ordinarily favor reaction at the same
position. To learn something about how to weight these two parts of
the principle of least motion relative to each other, we need a case in
which protonation at the most negative carbon does not give the
product favored by the PLNM. There does not appear to be a case in
which all the desired facts are known, but the studies of Knight and
coworkers on the carbanion derived from 6,6-dimethyl-
fulvene seem to provide the closest approach t o such a case (Hine
and Knight, 1970; Knight et al., 1972). Protonation of the iso-
propenylcyclopentadienyl anion [34] can give the 6,6-dimethyl-
fulvene [35] from which the carbanion is ordinarily generated, or
the linearly conjugated triene [36], or the cross conjugated triene
[ 371 , or the deconjugated isomer [38]. A simple Pauling super-
in the reactions of cinnamyl cations, and product stability should not
favor the formation of the conjugated product [41] as much as in
the cinnamyl case (because in the present case the alternative
product [40] has the double bond stabilized by a methyl group that
is absent in the cinnamyl case). Nevertheless, the formation of the
Elimination Reactions
with a trans alkene derivative and give a transoid diene (22). Tee et
al., (1974) have estimated that in the former case the PLNM will
' 'c l
- I
favor the process in which the X and Y groups are cis t o each other
but in the latter case trans elimination will b e preferred. There is
experimental evidence for a preferred cis pathway for eliminations
like those shown in (21) (Cristol et al., 1955; de la Mare et al., 1966),
but unfortunately the preferred stereochemistry of reactions like
(22) does not seem t o have been adequately studied.
The preceding discussion deals only with concerted elimination
reactions, but the PLNM may also b e applied t o stepwise processes.
Thus, just as the PLNM would favor the concerted elimination of HX
from [42] relative to that of HY, it would also favor loss of X- from
1421 "l31
[43], the intermediate carbanion in an ElcB elimination. This is
because less motion is required to bring R, C, C , and Y into
colhearity than R, C, C, and X Observations on diazonium cations,
however, show that the PLNM effect is certainly not the only
important factor, and perhaps not even the most important factor, in
influencing the stereochemistry of the elimination reactions of [ 421.
The syn-isomer has been found t o be the kinetically controlled
product and the anti-isomer the thermodynamically controlled
product in the reactions of aromatic diazonium cations with several
nucleophilic reagents, including hydroxide and cyanide ions (cf.
Smith, 1966). That is, the intrinsic barrier for equilibrating the
diazonium cation with the syn-product [44] is lower than it is for
equilibration with the anti-product [ 451. There should not b e much
bonds will tend t o take place in separate steps except where the
formation of a sufficiently unstable intermediate m a y b e avoided b y
combining several such bond changes into one concerted step (Hine,
197 2).
Discussions of the effect of structure on reactivity can be carried
out more easily and made clearer and more reliable by making
explicit some of the generalizations that have long been used
implicitly. Two of these generalizations are the product stability
principle and the principle of least motion. It is hoped that future
discussions will sharpen the definitions and illuminate the inter-
actions between and limitations of these principles. Further attention
to motion toward the transition state instead of toward the product
may be valuable. The effect of imperfect synchronization of changes
and of non-monotonic changes taking place during a reaction should
also be studied further.
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