Integrated Review
Integrated Review
Integrated Review
a competitive age
The Integrated Review of Security,
Defence, Development and Foreign Policy
CP 403
Global Britain in
a competitive age
The Integrated Review of Security,
Defence, Development and Foreign Policy
Presented to Parliament by the Prime Minister
by Command of Her Majesty
March 2021
CP 403
Cover image: summer sun over the UK
Credit: Tim Peake/ESA/NASA
© Crown copyright 2021
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ISBN: 978-1-5286-2453-4
CCS: CCS0221035122 03/21
Printed in the UK by the APS Group on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s
Stationery Office
I. Foreword from the Prime Minister 3
The Prime Minister’s vision for the UK in 2030 6
II. Overview 10
1. Sustaining strategic advantage through science and technology 35
1.1 Growing the UK’s science and technology power 35
1.2 Responsible, democratic cyber power 40
2. Shaping the open international order of the future 44
2.1 A force for good: supporting open societies and
defending human rights 47
2.2 An open, resilient global economy 51
2.3 Extending an open international order in future frontiers 55
The UK in the world: a European country with global interests 60
The Indo-Pacific tilt: a framework 66
3. Strengthening security and defence at home and overseas 69
3.1 Countering state threats: defence, disruption and deterrence 70
The nuclear deterrent 76
I. Foreword from the Prime Minister
When we began the Integrated Review in early 2020,
we could not have anticipated how a coronavirus would
trigger perhaps the greatest international crisis since the
Second World War, with tragic consequences that will
persist for years to come. COVID-19 has reminded us
that security threats and tests of national resilience can
take many forms.
Thanks to the fortitude of the British people and the
monumental efforts of our NHS, the UK is emerging
from the pandemic with renewed determination and
optimism. Our journey to recovery has already begun
and we are resolved to build back better, ensuring that
we are stronger, safer and more prosperous than
before. Yet if we are to escape the malign effect of the
virus, the race to vaccinate and therefore protect people cannot stop at national borders.
Hence the UK has joined other countries in the COVAX initiative to extend this campaign
across the globe.
Having left the European Union, the UK has started a new chapter in our history. We will
be open to the world, free to tread our own path, blessed with a global network of friends
and partners, and with the opportunity to forge new and deeper relationships. Our Trade
and Cooperation Agreement with the EU gives us the freedom to do things differently and
better, both economically and politically. In the years ahead, agility and speed of action
will enable us to deliver for our citizens, enhancing our prosperity and security.
My vision for the UK in 2030 sets high ambitions for what this country can achieve.
The Union between England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland has proved its
worth time and again, including in this pandemic. It is our greatest source of strength
at home and abroad. Our country overflows with creativity in the arts and sciences: the
wellsprings of unique soft power that spans the globe.
Few nations are better placed to navigate the challenges ahead, but we must be willing
to change our approach and adapt to the new world emerging around us. Open and
democratic societies like the UK must demonstrate they are match-fit for a more
competitive world. We must show that the freedom to speak, think and choose – and
therefore to innovate – offers an inherent advantage; and that liberal democracy and free
markets remain the best model for the social and economic advancement of humankind.
History has shown that democratic societies are the strongest supporters of an open
and resilient international order, in which global institutions prove their ability to protect
human rights, manage tensions between great powers, address conflict, instability and
climate change, and share prosperity through trade and investment. That open and
resilient international order is in turn the best guarantor of security for our own citizens.
As the attacks in Manchester, London and Reading have sadly demonstrated, the terrorist
threat in the UK remains all too real – whether Islamist-inspired, Northern Ireland-related
or driven by other motivations. Our security and intelligence agencies and law enforcement
community work around the clock to stop would-be terrorists in their tracks, disrupting
28 planned attacks since 2017. We will continue to invest in this essential work, through
increased funding for the intelligence agencies and Counter Terrorism Policing in 2021‑22
and our drive to recruit an extra 20,000 police officers. And we will maintain constant
vigilance in protecting British citizens from serious and organised crime.
We will also bring to bear new capabilities such as the Counter Terrorism Operations
Centre and the National Cyber Force. Learning from the pandemic, we will bolster our
national resilience with a new Situation Centre at the heart of government, improving
our use of data and our ability to anticipate and respond to future crises. And we will
deliver our goal of having the most effective border in the world by 2025, embracing
innovation, simplifying the process for traders and travellers, and improving the security
and biosecurity of the UK.
Keeping the UK’s place at the leading edge of science and technology will be essential
to our prosperity and competitiveness in the digital age. Our aim is to have secured our
status as a Science and Tech Superpower by 2030, by redoubling our commitment
to research and development, bolstering our global network of innovation partnerships,
and improving our national skills – including by attracting the world’s best and brightest
to the UK through our new Global Talent Visa. We will lay the foundations for long-term
prosperity, establishing the UK as a global services, digital and data hub by drawing
on our nation’s great strengths in digital technologies, and attracting inward investment.
In 2021 and beyond, Her Majesty’s Government will make tackling climate change and
biodiversity loss its number one international priority. Under my chairmanship, the UN
Security Council recently held its first ever high-level meeting on the impact of climate
change on peace and security. The UK was the first advanced economy to set a net zero
target for 2050. We will now begin an unprecedented programme of new investment,
taking forward our ten‑point plan for a green industrial revolution by funding British
research and development in green technologies, and helping the developing world with
the UK’s International Climate Finance.
4 Integrated Review
The creation of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office is the
springboard for all our international efforts, integrating diplomacy and development to
achieve greater impact and address the links between climate change and extreme
poverty. The UK will remain a world leader in international development and we will return
to our commitment to spend 0.7% of gross national income on development when the
fiscal situation allows. And we will maintain the other vital instruments of our influence
overseas, such as our global diplomatic network and the British Council, driving forward
campaigns for girls’ education and religious and media freedom.
2021 will be a year of British leadership, setting the tone for the UK’s international
engagement in the decade ahead, through our presidency of the G7 and the Cornwall
summit in June, the Global Partnership for Education, which we will co-host with Kenya
in July, and culminating in the 26th UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow in
November, in partnership with Italy.
In 2021 the aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth, one of the two largest warships ever
built for the Royal Navy, will lead a British and allied task group on the UK’s most ambitious
global deployment for two decades, visiting the Mediterranean, the Middle East and the
Indo‑Pacific. She will demonstrate our interoperability with allies and partners – in particular
the United States – and our ability to project cutting-edge military power in support of
NATO and international maritime security. Her deployment will also help the Government to
deepen our diplomatic and prosperity links with allies and partners worldwide.
I am profoundly optimistic about the UK’s place in the world and our ability to seize the
opportunities ahead. The ingenuity of our citizens and the strength of our Union will
combine with our international partnerships, modernised armed forces and a new green
agenda, enabling us to look forward with confidence as we shape the world of the future.
The United Kingdom will be a beacon of democratic sovereignty and one of the most
influential countries in the world, tackling the issues that matter most to our citizens
through our actions at home and overseas.
Our Union will be more secure and prosperous, with the benefits of growth and
opportunity shared between all our citizens, wherever they live in the UK.
We will have built back better from COVID-19 with a strong economic recovery and greater
national resilience to threats and hazards in the physical and digital worlds.
We will be better-equipped for a more competitive world – defending our democratic
institutions and economy from state threats, terrorists and organised crime groups,
while embracing innovation in science and technology to boost our national prosperity
and strategic advantage.
We will sit at the heart of a network of like-minded countries and flexible groupings,
committed to protecting human rights and upholding global norms. Our influence will be
amplified by stronger alliances and wider partnerships – none more valuable to British
citizens than our relationship with the United States.
We will continue to be the leading European Ally within NATO, bolstering the Alliance
by tackling threats jointly and committing our resources to collective security in the
Euro-Atlantic region. As a European nation, we will enjoy constructive and productive
relationships with our neighbours in the European Union, based on mutual respect for
sovereignty and the UK’s freedom to do things differently, economically and politically,
where that suits our interests.
6 Integrated Review
Creating new foundations for our prosperity
By 2030, the UK will continue to lead the advanced economies of the world in green
technology as part of our wider international leadership in tackling climate change
and biodiversity loss. We will be firmly on the path to achieving global net zero carbon
emissions, having reduced our own national emissions by at least 68% compared to
1990 levels. We will also have protected at least 30% of our land and sea to support the
recovery of nature.
We will be recognised as a Science and Tech Superpower, remaining at least third in the
world in relevant performance measures for scientific research and innovation, and having
established a leading edge in critical areas such as artificial intelligence.
We will be at the forefront of global regulation on technology, cyber, digital and data
– to protect our own and fellow democracies and to bolster the UK’s status as a global
services, digital and data hub, maximising the commercial and employment opportunities
for the British people.
The UK will be a magnet for international innovation and talent, attracting the best and
brightest from overseas through our points-based immigration system. Every part of the
UK will enjoy the benefits of long-term investment in research and development, education
and our cultural institutions.
Adapting to a more competitive world: our integrated approach
The UK will continue to be renowned for our leadership in security, diplomacy and
development, conflict resolution and poverty reduction. Our cooperation will be highly
prized around the world and we will be a model for an integrated approach to tackling
global challenges, integrating our resources for maximum effect.
As a maritime trading nation, we will be a global champion of free and fair trade. We will
continue to ensure that the openness of our economy – to the free flow of trade, capital,
data, innovation and ideas – is an advantage by protecting ourselves and our allies from
corruption, manipulation, exploitation or the theft of our intellectual property.
Our diplomatic service, armed forces and security and intelligence agencies will be the
most innovative and effective for their size in the world, able to keep our citizens safe at
home and support our allies and partners globally. They will be characterised by agility,
speed of action and digital integration – with a greater emphasis on engaging, training and
assisting others.
We will remain a nuclear-armed power with global reach and integrated military capabilities
across all five operational domains. We will have a dynamic space programme and will be
one of the world’s leading democratic cyber powers. Our diplomacy will be underwritten
by the credibility of our deterrent and our ability to project power.
Home to leading medical research,
such as the Oxford University/
AstraZeneca vaccine
8 Integrated
5th largest economy
3rd most UK cyber
in the world
powerful network covers
cyber nation 122 countries
The UK space industry in the world, across 6
generates an income of ranking top continents
£14.8bn annually, with more in defence,
satellites produced in Scotland intelligence, Major sponsor
than in any European country of women in
rg norms and
cyber across the
capabilities globe, including 24
3rd top destination cyber fellowships
for private technology in the Gulf and
investment, ahead of Belfast is a world-leading cyber 14 across the
the rest of Europe security hub, and a top international Commonwealth
investment location for cyber
security firms
the world’s
first dedicated
UK reduced its
diplomatic green
emissions by
network – the
over 40%
Climate Change
and Energy
Network. UK’s
climate finance has
leveraged £4.1bn
public and £2.2bn
private finance
From 2021 to 2026, Wales is home to world- for climate action
the UK will commit £11.6bn leading hydrogen research across Africa, Asia
to International Climate and development facilities , and Latin America
Finance, including £3bn for such as Cardiff University’s
nature financing Gas Turbine Research Centre
I. X. Ut ullupta
Foreword tatendissum
from the Primeducipsum
Minister 2
II. Overview
1. The Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy
(Integrated Review) concludes at an important moment for the United Kingdom.
The world has changed considerably since the 2015 Strategic Defence and Security
Review, as has the UK’s place within it. Our departure from the European Union
(EU) provides a unique opportunity to reconsider many aspects of our domestic
and foreign policy, building on existing friendships but also looking further afield.
We must exploit the freedom that comes with increased independence, such as
the ability to forge new free trade deals. We must also do more to adapt to major
changes in the world around us, including the growing importance of the Indo-Pacific
region. Our ability to cooperate more effectively with others, particularly like-minded
partners, will become increasingly important to our prosperity and security in the
decade ahead.
at home, by defending our people, territory, critical national infrastructure (CNI),
democratic institutions and way of life – and by reducing our vulnerability to the threat
from states, terrorism and serious and organised crime (SOC).
4. In keeping with our history, the UK will continue to play a leading international role
in collective security, multilateral governance, tackling climate change and
health risks, conflict resolution and poverty reduction. We accept the risk that
comes with our commitment to global peace and stability, from our tripwire NATO
presence in Estonia and Poland to on-the-ground support for UN peacekeeping
and humanitarian relief. Our commitment to European security is unequivocal,
through NATO, the Joint Expeditionary Force and strong bilateral relations.
There are few more reliable and credible allies around the world than the UK,
with the willingness to confront serious challenges and the ability to turn the dial on
5. The Integrated Review also signals a change of approach. Over the last
decade, UK policy has been focused on preserving the post-Cold War ‘rules-
based international system’ which has greatly benefited the UK and other nations.
Today, however, the international order is more fragmented, characterised by
intensifying competition between states over interests, norms and values. A defence
of the status quo is no longer sufficient for the decade ahead.
II. Overview 11
6. The Integrated Review therefore recognises the need for a sharper and more
dynamic focus in order to: adapt to a more competitive and fluid international
environment; do more to reinforce parts of the international architecture that
are under threat; and shape the international order of the future by working
with others. In particular, we will increase our efforts to protect open societies and
democratic values where they are being undermined; and to seek good governance
and create shared rules in frontiers such as cyberspace and space.
in bodies like the UN and NATO and the pillars of British defence such as the armed
forces and the nuclear deterrent. This is bolstered by high levels of trust in the power
of S&T to tackle domestic and international challenges, as we have seen during the
COVID-19 pandemic.
8. Yet the international order is only as robust, resilient and legitimate as the states
that comprise it. Liberal democracies must do more to prove the benefits of
openness – free and fair trade, the flow of capital and knowledge – to populations
that have grown sceptical about its merits or been inadequately protected in the
past from the downsides of globalisation. This means tackling the priority issues
– health, security, economic well-being and the environment – that matter most
to our citizens in their everyday lives. In the years ahead, our national security and
international policy must do a better job of putting the interests and values of the
British people at the heart of everything we do.
• The Prime Minister’s vision for the UK in 2030, from which the other outputs of
the Integrated Review flow.
• The Government’s current assessment of the major trends that will shape the
national security and international environment to 2030.
• A Strategic Framework that establishes the Government’s overarching national
10. The document is intended as a guide for action for those responsible for aspects of
national security and international policy across government, including in departments
that would not previously have been considered part of the national security
community. It will also inform spending decisions to be taken in future SRs.
12 Integrated Review
11. The findings of the Integrated Review are publicly available so that the British people
can understand how the Government will seek to protect and promote their interests
and values. Given the Review’s strong emphasis on the need to work with others,
we are also aware that it will be of interest to our allies and partners, especially in
identifying the UK’s long-term objectives following our departure from the EU.
Our interests and our values: the glue that binds the Union
12. The Government’s first and overriding priority is to protect and promote the interests
of the British people through our actions at home and overseas. The most
important of these interests are:
i. Sovereignty: the ability of the British people to elect their political representatives
democratically in line with their constitutional traditions, and to do so free from
coercion and manipulation. This encompasses the ability of citizens to protect
their individual sovereignty within the rule of law, ensuring that their rights and
liberties are protected, including online.
ii. Security: the protection of our people, territory, CNI, democratic institutions and
way of life. Ensuring security in today’s world involves a growing range of activities:
from tackling threats from states and non-state actors such as terrorists and
organised crime groups; to building societal resilience so that we are better able to
withstand risks and unexpected shocks, including future environmental and global
health emergencies.
iii. Prosperity: the ability of the British people to enjoy a high level of economic
and social well-being, supporting their families and seizing opportunities to
improve their lives. This Government believes that true prosperity depends on
the levelling-up of opportunity and doing more to share the benefits of economic
growth across the UK. It also believes that our prosperity and security are
mutually reinforcing.
13. These shared interests bind together the citizens of the United Kingdom,
along with our Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies, giving us an advantage
in an increasingly competitive global environment and a distinctive and influential voice
in the world. It is as the United Kingdom that we boast armed forces with global reach
and have one of the most extensive diplomatic networks in the world, promoting
14. The Union is also bound by shared values that are fundamental to our national
identity, democracy and way of life. These include a commitment to universal human
rights, the rule of law, free speech and fairness and equality. The same essential
values will continue to guide all aspects of our national security and international
policy in the decade ahead, especially in the face of rising authoritarianism and the
persistence of extremist ideologies. They are also expressed through our support for
climate action and the UK’s leadership in poverty reduction around the world.
II. Overview 13
15. In most cases, the UK’s interests and values are closely aligned. A world in which
democratic societies flourish and fundamental human rights are protected is one that
is more conducive to our sovereignty, security and prosperity as a nation. In pursuing
our goals to 2030, we will seek to make steady progress towards the protection and
promotion of these values and of democracy around the world.
16. At the same time, our approach will be realistic and adapted to circumstances.
Our ability to tackle transnational challenges, from security to climate change,
will depend on our capacity to work with a wide range of partners across the world,
including those who do not necessarily share the same values.
The Government’s approach so far: Global Britain in action
17. The UK is a European country with global interests, as an open economy and a
maritime trading nation with a large diaspora. Our future prosperity will be enhanced
by deepening our economic connections with dynamic parts of the world such as the
Indo-Pacific, Africa and the Gulf, as well as trade with Europe. The precondition for
Global Britain is the safety of our citizens at home and the security of the Euro‑Atlantic
region, where the bulk of the UK’s security focus will remain. As we look further afield,
the future success of Global Britain requires us to understand the precise nature
and extent of British strengths and the integrated offer we bring in other parts of the
world. It is an approach that puts diplomacy first. As we engage more in the Indo-
Pacific, for example, we will adapt to the regional balance of power and respect the
interests of others – and seek to work with existing structures such as the Association
of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the Comprehensive and Progressive
Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).
18. What Global Britain means in practice is best defined by actions rather than
words. The fundamentals of this Government’s approach to national security and
international policy are reflected in the actions we have taken since the 2019 general
election. They demonstrate an active approach to delivering in the interests of
the British people: sustaining the UK’s openness as a society and economy,
underpinned by a shift to a more robust position on security and deterrence.
This runs alongside a renewed commitment to the UK as a force for good in
the world – defending openness, democracy and human rights – and an increased
determination to seek multilateral solutions to challenges like climate change and
19. For example, in seeking multilateral solutions, we have used the UK’s convening
power on a range of issues across security, trade and development, including at
the NATO Leaders Meeting of December 2019 and the Africa Investment Summit
of January 2020. Under our ambitious environmental agenda, we have set a net
zero target for 2050 and increased our commitment to International Climate Finance
(ICF) to £11.6 billion. The UK also played a central role in negotiating the Leaders’
Pledge for Nature adopted in September 2020, committing world leaders to urgent
action to reverse biodiversity loss by 2030. These efforts have set up our year of
leadership in 2021.
14 Integrated Review
20. We have also led international efforts in response to COVID-19, under
which we have:
• Hosted the Global Vaccine Summit in June 2020 and reinforced our position as
the largest donor to Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.
• Committed up to £548 million to COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX)
to help provide developing countries with 1 billion doses of the vaccine in 2021.
We will also send the majority of any future surplus coronavirus vaccines from
our supply to the COVAX scheme.
• Launched a five-point plan at the UN General Assembly to protect the world from
future pandemics.
• Established an informal network of government, industry and academics to advise
the G7 on accelerating the development and deployment of vaccines for new
pathogens in future.
• Offered our expertise in genome sequencing to support other countries in tracking
new variants, building on the work of British researchers in sequencing 50% of the
global database of coronavirus genomes. The findings of the UK’s Recovery Trial
– the world’s largest clinical trial for COVID-19 treatments – have also prevented
over a million deaths worldwide.
21. In strengthening our defence and security, and to play our part in burden-sharing
with allies, we have:
• Made the biggest sustained increase in defence spending since the end of the
Cold War, exceeding NATO’s 2% spending guideline and strengthening our most
important alliance.
• Deployed 300 UK troops to Mali in December 2020 to support the UN’s
II. Overview 15
22. As part of our efforts to defend human rights and support vulnerable people,
we have:
• Announced a package of measures to ensure that British organisations are neither
complicit in nor profiting from the extensive human rights violations in Xinjiang,
as part of our efforts to tackle modern slavery.
• Launched our tackling child sexual abuse strategy to drive action in the UK and
internationally to disrupt and prevent offending, both online and offline.
• Supported vulnerable children’s education by funding the salaries of over 5,500
teachers in refugee camps in 10 countries through UNHCR. We have also
adapted our bilateral programmes in response to COVID-19 to support girls who
are hard to reach and at risk of leaving education permanently.
• Launched the Call to Action to Prevent Famine in September 2020 and appointed
the UK’s first Special Envoy for Famine Prevention and Humanitarian Affairs.
We have since pledged £180 million to tackle food insecurity and famine risk,
providing aid to more than seven million vulnerable people in some of the world’s
most dangerous places.
23. We have also pursued measures to enhance our long-term prosperity. For example:
• In under two years, we have secured trade agreements with 66 non-EU countries
in addition to our Trade and Cooperation Agreement with the EU. We have also
applied for accession to the CPTPP.
• We have published the 2025 UK border strategy, with the goal of creating a
border that is efficient, smart and responsive.
• We have introduced a new points-based immigration system, including a new
Global Talent Visa, to attract the best and brightest from around the world. This
will ensure we can secure the talent we need for key sectors in our economy,
treating EU and non-EU citizens equally.
• We have published a national research and development (R&D) roadmap.
Learning from the successes of the Vaccines Taskforce, we have announced
an independent Advanced Research and Invention Agency, which will be led
by scientists with the freedom to identify and fund transformational science and
technology at speed.
24. In 2021, we will build on this work by convening the G7 and hosting COP26 in
partnership with Italy and the Global Partnership for Education with Kenya. Our most
immediate priority will be to build back better from COVID-19, demonstrating
the benefits of international cooperation. In addition, we will pursue an extensive
multilateral agenda on climate change, global health, free and fair trade and economic
16 Integrated Review
resilience. We will continue to work with others to reform and strengthen the
institutions that support those objectives, including the World Health Organization
(WHO) and World Trade Organization (WTO).
25. To meet the Prime Minister’s vision for 2030, we will need a long-term strategic
approach – combining all the instruments available to government – that continues
to adapt to a changing international environment. This is a context defined by:
geopolitical and geoeconomic shifts, such as China’s increasing international
assertiveness and the growing importance of the Indo-Pacific; systemic
competition, including between states, and between democratic and authoritarian
values and systems of government; rapid technological change; and transnational
challenges, such as climate change, biosecurity risks, terrorism and SOC.
26. Against this uncertain backdrop, the unifying purpose of the UK’s national security
and international policy is to ensure that the things that define us as a nation –
our open society and economy founded on democratic values – remain sources of
strength and comparative advantage, driving prosperity and improving the well-
being of people across the Union.
27. In the more contested environment of the 2020s, this requires us to be more active
in creating a world in which open societies and economies can flourish, shaping the
international order of the future – championing free trade and global cooperation,
tackling conflict and instability, and standing up for democracy and human rights.
We must also strengthen our security and resilience against those who seek to
coerce us, and make it harder for terrorists and organised crime groups to achieve
their goals.
28. The ability to move swiftly and with greater agility, amplifying our strong,
independent voice by working with others, will be the determining characteristic of
the UK’s foreign policy following our departure from the EU. Our effectiveness will
also depend on our ability to maintain a consistent level of international influence,
maintaining the soft and hard power capabilities required to support this. We must be
prepared to compete with others, and to find new ways to cooperate through
creative diplomacy and multilateralism.
29. In the years ahead we will need to manage inevitable tensions and trade-offs:
between our openness and the need to safeguard our people, economy and way of
life through measures that increase our security and resilience; between competing
and cooperating with other states, sometimes at the same time; and between
our short-term commercial interests and our values. Maintaining a long-term
perspective will help us navigate the path ahead. Preserving our freedom of action
will enable us to adapt to circumstances as they change.
II. Overview 17
Introducing our Strategic Framework to 2025
in our approach and setting out where further policy work and new sub‑strategies
are required.
31. The Strategic Framework has been used to guide spending decisions under SR
2020, including departmental settlements and funding for several new initiatives
(see Annex A). Future SRs will also be informed by this Framework and will provide
further opportunities to align resources with ambition.
32. The four overarching and mutually supporting objectives set by the Strategic
Framework are:
i. Sustaining strategic advantage through science and technology: we will
incorporate S&T as an integral element of our national security and international
policy, fortifying the position of the UK as a global S&T and responsible
cyber power. This will be essential in gaining economic, political and security
advantages in the coming decade and in shaping international norms in
collaboration with allies and partners. It will also drive prosperity at home and
progress towards the three objectives that follow.
ii. Shaping the open international order of the future: we will use our convening
power and work with partners to reinvigorate the international system. In doing
so, we will ensure that it is one in which open societies and open economies
can flourish as we move further into the digital age – creating a world that is more
favourable to democracies and the defence of universal values. We will seek to
reinforce and renew existing pillars of the international order – such as the UN
and the global trading system – and to establish norms in the future frontiers of
1 The term ‘state threats’ is now used in place of ‘Hostile State Activity’.
18 Integrated Review
security and prosperity – whether natural hazards such as extreme weather events
or threats such as cyber-attacks. We will improve our own ability to anticipate,
prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from risks – as well as that of
our allies and partners, recognising the closely interconnnected nature of our
world. And we will prioritise efforts to tackle climate change and biodiversity
loss, long-term challenges that if left unchecked threaten the future of humanity
– in addition to building global health resilience.
33. The UK will not be able to achieve these objectives working alone: collective action
and co-creation with our allies and partners will be vitally important in the
decade ahead – leading by example where we have unique or significant strengths
(such as in areas of medical science, green technologies and aspects of data and
AI) and identifying where we are better placed to support others in leading the
advance towards our shared goals.
34. The Government will need to combine a planned strategy – which sets long-term
objectives, anticipates challenges along the way, and charts a course towards
them – with an adaptive approach. Essential to this is deeper integration across
government, building on the Fusion Doctrine introduced in the 2018 National
Security Capability Review. A more integrated approach supports faster decision-
making, more effective policy-making and more coherent implementation by bringing
together defence, diplomacy, development, intelligence and security, trade and
aspects of domestic policy in pursuit of cross-government, national objectives.
35. The logic of integration is to make more of finite resources within a more competitive
world in which speed of adaptation can provide decisive advantage. It is a response
to the fact that adversaries and competitors are already acting in a more
integrated way – fusing military and civilian technology and increasingly blurring the
boundaries between war and peace, prosperity and security, trade and development,
and domestic and foreign policy. It also recognises the fact that the distinction
between economic and national security is increasingly redundant.
36. We are already taking major steps towards greater integration across government,
(FCDO), bringing our diplomatic and development expertise and policy together
as One HMG overseas.
• The Integrated Operating Concept 2025, which will deepen integration of UK
defence across the five operational domains and with other instruments of state
power, and improve interoperability with allies.
• New cross-cutting capabilities such as the Situation Centre, Counter Terrorism
Operations Centre (CTOC), National Cyber Force (NCF) and a national
capability in digital twinning.
37. Finally, the UK will also bring an integrated approach to working with others
around the world – that is, we will combine hard and soft power, harness the public
and private sector, and deploy British expertise from inside and outside government
in pursuit of national objectives.
II. Overview 19
The principal continuities and changes in our approach
Our Strategic Framework involves significant continuities from the UK’s previous
national security and international policy, adapted to meet the opportunities and
challenges of the coming decade:
i. The United States will remain our most important bilateral relationship, essential to
key alliances and groups such as NATO and the Five Eyes, and our largest bilateral
trading partner and inward investor. We will reinforce our cooperation in traditional
policy areas such as security and intelligence and seek to bolster it where together
we can have greater impact, such as in tackling illicit finance.
ii. Collective security through NATO: the UK will remain the leading European Ally
in NATO, working with allies to deter nuclear, conventional and hybrid threats to our
security, particularly from Russia. We will continue to exceed the NATO guideline of
spending 2% of gross domestic product (GDP) on defence, and to declare our nuclear
and offensive cyber capabilities to Allies’ defence under our Article 5 commitment.
iii. CT and SOC: we will keep our citizens safe from terrorism, working at home
and overseas to detect, disrupt and deter terrorist threats, and to address their
underlying drivers. Our CT capabilities will be integrated in our new Counter
Terrorism Operations Centre. We will also tackle SOC, strengthening the National
Crime Agency and regional and local policing, and sustaining our international
networks so that we are able to address the links between criminality from the local
to international levels.
iv. Upholding universal human rights: we will act as a force for good in standing up
for human rights around the world, providing support to open societies and using
our independent (‘Magnitsky-style’) sanctions regime to hold to account those
vi. Girls’ education: we will continue our efforts to ensure all girls have at least
12 years of quality education and to get 40 million more girls in developing countries
into school by 2025, using our aid spending and presidency – with Kenya – of the
Global Partnership for Education summit in 2021.
vii. An open and innovative digital economy: we will establish the UK as a global
services, digital and data hub and remain one of the world’s most open economies
– championing free and fair trade, welcoming inward investment under our plan
for growth and tackling illicit finance. We will use all our economic tools and our
independent trade policy to create economic growth that is distributed more
equitably across the UK and to diversify our supply chains in critical goods.
Our new Investment Security Unit will safeguard British intellectual property and
companies against national security risks, intervening in inward investment where
necessary and proportionate.
20 Integrated Review
Attaining our objectives under the Strategic Framework will also involve some
significant changes and shifts in policy:
i. Shaping the international order of the future: we will move from defending
the status quo within the post-Cold War international system to dynamically
shaping the post-COVID order, extending it in the future frontiers of cyberspace
and space, and protecting democratic values. This will require active diplomacy,
especially in using regulatory diplomacy to influence the rules, norms and standards
governing technology and the digital economy. It will also require us to maximise
our convening power and to do more to win elections for senior positions within
multilateral institutions.
ii. Europe: the UK will remain deeply invested in the security and prosperity of Europe.
Our exit from the EU means we have the opportunity to follow different economic
and political paths where this is in our interests, and to mark a distinctive approach
to foreign policy. Equally, we will work with the EU where our interests coincide – for
example, in supporting the stability and security of the European continent and in
cooperating on climate action and biodiversity.
iii. Climate and biodiversity: we will lead sustained international action to accelerate
progress towards net zero emissions by 2050 and build global climate resilience,
starting with our presidency of COP26 in 2021 and our International Climate
Finance commitment of £11.6 billion. And we will lead efforts to reset the world’s
relationship with nature, including by committing £3 billion of our ICF to solutions
that protect and restore nature.
iv. Science and technology: we will take a more active approach to building and
sustaining strategic advantage through S&T, using it in support of our national
goals. We will create the enabling environment for a thriving S&T ecosystem in the
UK and extend our international collaboration, ensuring that the UK’s successful
research base translates into influence over the critical and emerging technologies
that are central to geopolitical competition and our future prosperity. We will adopt
an own-collaborate-access framework to guide government activity in priority areas
of S&T, such as AI, quantum technologies and engineering biology.
strategy to maintain the UK’s competitive edge in this rapidly evolving domain. We
will build a resilient and prosperous digital UK, and make much more integrated,
creative and routine use of the UK’s full spectrum of levers – including the National
Cyber Force’s offensive cyber tools – to detect, disrupt and deter our adversaries.
vi. Space: we will make the UK a meaningful actor in space, with an integrated space
strategy which brings together military and civil space policy for the first time.
We will support the growth of the UK commercial space sector, and ensure the UK
has the capabilities to protect and defend our interests in a more congested and
contested space domain – including through the new Space Command and the
ability to launch British satellites from the UK by 2022.
II. Overview 21
vii. Indo-Pacific: we will pursue deeper engagement in the Indo-Pacific in support
of shared prosperity and regional stability, with stronger diplomatic and trading
ties. This approach recognises the importance of powers in the region such
as China, India and Japan and also extends to others including South Korea,
Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and the Philippines. We will
seek closer relations through existing institutions such as ASEAN and seek
accession to the CPTPP.
viii. China: we will do more to adapt to China’s growing impact on many aspects of our
lives as it becomes more powerful in the world. We will invest in enhanced China-
facing capabilities, through which we will develop a better understanding of China
and its people, while improving our ability to respond to the systemic challenge that
it poses to our security, prosperity and values – and those of our allies and partners.
We will continue to pursue a positive trade and investment relationship with
China, while ensuring our national security and values are protected. We will also
cooperate with China in tackling transnational challenges such as climate change.
ix. Global health: we will work to strengthen global health security, including through
the Prime Minister’s five-point plan to bolster international pandemic preparedness.
We will seek reform of the WHO, increasing our funding by 30% to £340 million over
the next four years, and we will prioritise supporting health systems and access to
new health technologies using our Official Development Assistance (ODA).
x. Armed forces: we will create armed forces that are both prepared for warfighting
and more persistently engaged worldwide through forward deployment, training,
capacity-building and education. They will have full-spectrum capabilities –
embracing the newer domains of cyberspace and space and developing high-tech
capabilities in other domains, such as the Future Combat Air System. They will also
be able to keep pace with changing threats posed by adversaries, with greater
xi. State threats: we will bolster our efforts to detect, deter and respond to state
threats in order to protect our people, infrastructure, economy and values from
those who seek to do them harm. We will introduce new legislation to give our
security and intelligence agencies and police the powers they need to tackle the
challenges we will face in the coming decade.
xii. Domestic and international resilience: we will improve our ability – and that of our
allies and partners – to anticipate, prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from
risks to our security and prosperity. It will be essential to take a whole-of-society
approach to resilience across the Union, in addition to cooperating with international
partners to address challenges such as climate change and global health risks.
Learning from COVID-19, we will improve our ability to anticipate and respond to
crises by establishing a cross-government Situation Centre in the Cabinet Office
and developing a national capability in digital twinning.
22 Integrated Review
III. The national security and
international environment to 2030
1. This section describes the Government’s assessment of the strategic context to
2030. Its judgements are drawn from the evidence base assembled during the
Integrated Review (see Annex B), including external consultation, the public call for
evidence and internal analysis.
assertiveness internationally, the growing importance of the Indo-Pacific to global
prosperity and security, and the emergence of new markets and growth of the
global middle class.
• Systemic competition: the intensification of competition between states and
with non-state actors, manifested in: a growing contest over international rules
and norms; the formation of competing geopolitical and economic blocs of
influence and values that cut across our security, economy and the institutions
that underpin our way of life; the deliberate targeting of the vulnerabilities within
democratic systems by authoritarian states and malign actors; and the testing
of the boundary between war and peace, as states use a growing range of
instruments to undermine and coerce others.
• Rapid technological change: technological developments and digitisation
will reshape our societies, economies and change relationships – both between
states, and between the citizen, the private sector and the state. S&T will bring
enormous benefits but will also be an arena of intensifying systemic competition.
• Transnational challenges: such as climate change, global health risks, illicit
finance, SOC and terrorism. These threaten our shared security and prosperity,
requiring collective action and multilateral cooperation to address them. Of these
transnational challenges, climate change and biodiversity loss present the most
severe tests to global resilience and will require particularly urgent action.
These trends will overlap and interact, and the long-term effects of COVID-19 will
influence their trajectory in ways that are currently difficult to predict.
24 Integrated Review
3. The realistic optimum scenario is an international order in which these trends can be
managed effectively, with nations coming together to revive multilateral cooperation,
strengthen global governance and harness the opportunities ahead for growth and
prosperity. We must also prepare for the possibility that the post-COVID international
order will be increasingly contested and fragmented, reducing global cooperation and
making it harder to protect our interests and values. The Strategic Framework that
follows this chapter is designed to help us navigate the challenges ahead, laying out
how we will work with others, maximising opportunities and minimising risks to the
UK and our citizens.
and geoeconomic
technological Transnational
change challenges
There will be significant areas of geopolitical and geoeconomic continuity in the 2020s:
the US will remain an economic, military and diplomatic superpower, and the UK’s most
important strategic ally. The Euro-Atlantic region will remain critical to the UK’s security
and prosperity; partnerships beyond the immediate European neighbourhood will also
remain important. Russia will remain the most acute direct threat to the UK, and the US will
continue to ask more from its allies in Europe in sharing the burden of collective security.
Overall, however, the distribution of global political and economic power – both within
and between states, and between regions – will continue to change, with direct and
indirect implications for UK interests. By 2030, it is likely that the world will have moved
further towards multipolarity, with the geopolitical and economic centre of gravity moving
eastward towards the Indo-Pacific.
China as a systemic competitor. China’s increasing power and international
assertiveness is likely to be the most significant geopolitical factor of the 2020s.
The scale and reach of China’s economy, size of its population, technological
advancement and increasing ambition to project its influence on the global stage,
for example through the Belt and Road Initiative, will have profound implications
worldwide. Open, trading economies like the UK will need to engage with
China and remain open to Chinese trade and investment, but they must also
protect themselves against practices that have an adverse effect on prosperity
and security. Cooperation with China will also be vital in tackling transnational
challenges, particularly climate change and biodiversity loss.
Shifts in the global balance of economic power. Drivers of growth in the global
economy are likely to continue moving to the south and east, in particular towards
the Indo-Pacific region. The rapid growth of emerging markets is also expected
to increase the size of the global middle class, from 3.8 billion people in 2018 to
5.3 billion in 2030, increasing opportunities for trade in higher value-added goods
and services. This will offer considerable opportunities for countries like the UK
with its strengths in these areas.
Global growth and economic stability. Before COVID-19, the world was already
facing a decade of weak growth. COVID-19 has caused a deep global recession
and the economic impact of the pandemic is likely to dominate the first half of the
decade, with the shape of the recovery uncertain. Further economic shocks are
possible, for example caused by the uneven impact of new technologies across
and within states. The expected shift away from fossil fuels is likely to present
economic challenges, particularly for oil-producing countries.
26 Integrated Review
Decreasing global poverty. Global poverty has reduced markedly in recent
decades, and is projected to fall to under 5% by 2050. After the immediate shock
of COVID-19, the momentum towards poverty reduction is likely to resume, with
absolute poverty estimated to be almost eliminated in Asia and Latin America in
the 2030s. Under current trends, however, Africa will increasingly be left behind:
by 2045, it is likely that around 85% of the poorest billion people will live in Africa.
This is likely to help sustain improvements in global literacy rates. In 2000, 81% of
the world’s population was able to read; by 2016 this had increased to 86% and
by 2050 it is likely to be around 95%.
Changing demographics. The global population is expected to reach 8.6 billion
by 2030. Population growth will be greatest in sub-Saharan Africa, interacting with
other trends, including climate change, poverty and conflict and instability. Globally,
demographic imbalances will become more pronounced, with ageing populations
in more parts of the world.
challenges with a different toolkit, including the use of technologies for surveillance
and political control.
In a multipolar world, there will be a growing contest between states and groups of
states to shape the international environment. Non-state actors – ranging from large tech
companies to organised crime groups – will participate in this competition, increasing
its complexity.
Systemic competition will determine the shape of the future international order: the extent
to which it is open, upholding the free exchange of ideas and trade, and facilitating
cooperation on transnational challenges; or fragmented and broadly divided into
geopolitical neighbourhoods and technological ecosystems, eroding cooperation between
nations and enabling the spread of authoritarianism. Competition is likely to be ‘systemic’
in a number of ways:
different types of political system will increase. On current trends, the 15‑year
decline in democracy and pluralism will continue to 2030, accelerated by
COVID-19. Tensions between democratic and authoritarian states are highly likely
to become more pronounced, as authoritarian states seek to export their domestic
models, undermine open societies and economies, and shape global governance
in line with their values.
Competition to shape the international order. Competition will increase the
strains on the existing multilateral architecture, weakening established rules
and norms that govern international conduct. In some areas, such as emerging
technology or space, there will be a growing contest – in which non-state
actors will play an important role – to shape new rules, norms and standards,
and to control access to shared resources such as space. Those parts of the
international architecture where multilateral cooperation adds value, such as
environment. Systemic competition will further test the line between peace and
war, as malign actors use a wider range of tools – such as economic statecraft,
cyber-attacks, disinformation and proxies – to achieve their objectives without
open confrontation or conflict. The UK is likely to remain a priority target for such
threats. Our ability to deter aggression will be challenged by new techniques and
28 Integrated Review
A deteriorating security environment. Proliferation of CBRN weapons,
advanced conventional weapons and novel military technologies will increase
the risk and intensity of conflict and pose significant challenges to strategic
stability. The advantages offered by high-tech capabilities may be eroded by
affordable, easily-available, low‑tech threats such as drones and improvised
explosive devices. Opportunistic states will increasingly seek strategic advantage
through exploiting and undermining democratic systems and open economies.
Russia will be more active around the wider European neighbourhood, and Iran
and North Korea will continue to destabilise their regions. The significant impact of
China’s military modernisation and growing international assertiveness within the
Indo‑Pacific region and beyond will pose an increasing risk to UK interests.
Growing conflict and instability. The last decade saw an increase in violent
conflict globally. 2016 and 2019 witnessed the highest number of active armed
conflicts internationally since 1946 – the majority being civil wars involving
external actors. To 2030, conflict and instability will remain prevalent and may
increase unless concerted action is taken to address underlying political, social,
economic and environmental drivers, especially in fragile states. Driven by systemic
competition, external powers will likely remain involved in national and regional
conflicts, influencing their course in pursuit of their own advantage. This will
increase risks of conflicts escalating.
Economic statecraft. More states will adopt economic statecraft as a lever
in systemic competition. As well as greater protectionism and economic
nationalism, this will sometimes include the deliberate use of economic tools –
from conventional economic policy to illicit finance – to target and undermine the
economic and security interests of rivals. There will be increased competition for
scarce natural resources such as critical minerals, including rare earth elements,
and control of supply may be used as leverage on other issues.
S&T will be of central importance to the strategic context: critical to the functioning of
economies and societies, reshaping political systems and a source of both cooperation
and competition between states. This will unfold in a number of ways:
gravitational fields; and advances in clean technologies will equip us with new and
cheaper tools to tackle climate change. New analytical techniques are producing
greater insight from increasing volumes of data, enabling innovation.
S&T as an arena of systemic competition. Over the coming decade,
the ability to advance and exploit S&T will be an increasingly important metric
of global power, conferring economic, political and military advantages.
The tech ‘superpowers’ are investing to maintain their lead. At the same time,
many more countries are now able to compete in S&T, while large technology
companies are able to grow more powerful by absorbing innovations produced
by small companies. Competition is therefore intensifying, shaped in particular
by multinational firms with the backing of states, some of which take a ‘whole-
of-economy’ approach to ensure dominance in critical areas. Maintaining a
competitive edge will rely on preeminence in and access to technology – as well as
access to the human and natural resources needed to harness it – and the ability
to protect intellectual property. As the volume of data grows exponentially, the
ability to generate and use it to drive innovation will be a crucial enabler of strategic
advantage through S&T.
it will also pose challenges to individual privacy and liberty, including through the
increased availability of surveillance technologies.
30 Integrated Review
Transnational challenges: tests of resilience and international cooperation
COVID-19 will not be the only global crisis of the 2020s. The world faces transnational
challenges which overlap, reinforce each other and require a global response. This will
include, for example: climate change and biodiversity loss driving poverty, instability
and migration; states continuing to use organised crime groups as proxies in systemic
competition; and technology both facilitating and helping to detect terrorism, SOC and
illicit finance.
Climate change. Global carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels and industry
increased from five billion tonnes to more than 36 billion between 1950 and
2019. Significant action to decarbonise the global economy is needed by 2030 to
prevent climate change from accelerating rapidly and possibly irreversibly: under
current policies the world is heading for around 3.5 degrees of warming by the
end of the century, with real risks of even higher warming. Economic recovery from
COVID-19 offers a chance to accelerate the transition to net zero. At the same
time, the impact of existing climate change will cause increasing damage: more
frequent and intense events such as extreme heat, storms and rain, leading to
increased flooding, landslides and other impacts such as wildfires. This can amplify
displacement and migration – increasing food and water insecurity – and damage
ecosystems. The effects will be felt most acutely in sub-Saharan Africa, South and
East Asia and the Middle East, with a disproportionate impact on areas that are
already fragile and on the people who live in them.
loss, as a result of land and sea use change, overexploitation, climate change,
pollution and invasive alien species. This will have particularly severe consequences
for the world’s poor and vulnerable.
Global health. Infectious disease outbreaks are likely to be more frequent to 2030.
Many will be zoonoses – diseases caused by viruses, bacteria or parasites that
spread from animals to humans – as population growth drives the intensification of
agriculture and as the loss of habitats increases interaction between humans and
animals. Another novel pandemic remains a realistic possibility. On current trends,
global deaths related to antimicrobial resistance will rise from 700,000 to 20 million
per year by 2050.
Serious and organised crime and illicit finance. SOC will continue to have
a significant impact on UK citizens. The scale and complexity of SOC will likely
increase – aided by new technologies – and will adapt to events faster than
governments. Most SOC will continue to be transnational: criminals will source
illicit goods, exploit the vulnerable and defraud UK citizens and businesses from
overseas. SOC will also enable threats such as state threats and terrorism, and will
undermine regional stability, especially in post‑conflict zones. It will continue to be
facilitated by cross-border flows of illicit finance, with tens of billions of pounds
likely to be laundered through the UK every year.
32 Integrated Review
IV. Strategic
Deepmind’s Alphafold: UK-based AI
research which cracked protein folding,
a complex computational problem that
will fundamentally advance engineering
biology. This computer-generated image is
of T1037, part of a protein from a virus that
infects bacteria. © Deepmind
34 Integrated Review
1. Sustaining strategic advantage through science
and technology
1. The rapid pace of change in science and technology (S&T) is transforming many
aspects of our lives, fundamentally reshaping our economy and our society,
and unlocking previously inconceivable improvements in global health, well-being
and prosperity. As competition grows between states, S&T will also increase in
importance as an arena of systemic competition. In the years ahead, countries which
establish a leading role in critical and emerging technologies will be at the forefront
of global leadership.
2. The UK has a strong record of innovation in S&T – discovering graphene, decoding
the structure of DNA, and contributing life-saving treatments and a vaccine to the
global effort against COVID-19. In the fast-evolving and more contested environment
ahead, the UK must take an active approach to building and sustaining a
durable competitive edge in S&T – anticipating, assessing and taking action on our
S&T priorities to deliver strategic advantage for the UK. This will become increasingly
important to our domestic prosperity and our international relationships in the coming
decade. It is also an essential foundation for all the objectives in this Strategic
Framework: ensuring that the UK has the tools and influence to shape a future
international order based on democratic values; bolster our security and maintain
military advantage; and contribute to building a more resilient world.
3. Our first goal is to grow the UK’s science and technology power in pursuit
of strategic advantage. Achieving this objective requires a whole-of-UK effort,
in which the Government’s primary role is to create the enabling environment for a
thriving S&T ecosystem of scientists, researchers, inventors and innovators, across
academia, the private sector, regulators and standards bodies, working alongside the
manufacturing base to take innovations through to markets. It also requires strategic
choices and decisions by the Government, both on S&T priorities and on how we use
our national S&T capability in support of wider policy goals – from net zero through to
economic growth.
5. The UK is already an S&T power. As well as our deep and broad research base,
we are ranked fourth in the Global Innovation Index (2020), attract significant venture
capital – at a level that exceeds that of Germany, France and Sweden combined
– and are a world leader in applied innovation and transformative tech.
7. Building a durable competitive edge in S&T depends on ensuring that the success of
our research base translates into influence over the design and use of critical
and emerging technologies. This requires the creation of a favourable environment
– ranging from a talented workforce and strong science infrastructure, to speed of
commercialisation, our ability to attract trusted international partners, and ethical and
legal frameworks that foster public trust and early adoption. To achieve this, our priority
actions will be:
• To build on the UK’s successful S&T base. The Government has committed to
increasing economy-wide investment in R&D to 2.4% of GDP by 2027, including
through inward investment. Through the R&D roadmap, we will ensure that public
R&D spending continues to support discovery research, and increase investment
in applied research, development and implementation. We will also take greater
account of place-based outcomes, ensuring that public spending on R&D unlocks
growth and societal benefit across the UK. We will accept more risk in our public
investments, supporting the most creative, innovative and radical ideas for future
development. We will invest at least £800 million to set up an independent body
for high-risk, high-reward research: the Advanced Research and Invention Agency
(ARIA), which will back breakthrough technologies and basic research through
• To unlock the full potential of the UK’s S&T and data ecosystem
by improving and accelerating the ‘pull through’ from research to
commercialisation. The Government will use all the levers at its disposal to develop
the infrastructure, business and regulatory environment to support innovation and
adoption across the UK economy. We will do this in partnership with all of the British
S&T community, within government and across the devolved administrations,
academia, the private sector, the financial sector, regulators and standards bodies.
The Government’s plan for growth and the digital and national data strategies will
36 Integrated Review
Attracting global talent to the UK
The UK’s ambition is to become the top destination for international talent, offering
the professional opportunities, skills environment and high quality of life to attract the
best scientists, researchers and innovators worldwide to come to the UK and make
it their home.
The newly-established Office for Talent will ensure the UK’s talent offer is stronger than
ever for students, those building their careers, and those who are already world leaders
in their fields. It will make it easier for those with the most talent, potential, energy and
creativity to come to the UK from around the world – reaching out to those with the
skills the UK needs and helping them to understand the opportunities on offer.
This ambition will be supported by the UK’s new points-based immigration system,
which will ensure that the immigration process is simple, easy and quick, supporting
aims to create a high-wage, high-skill, high-productivity economy. The Global Talent
Visa provides a new route for talented and promising individuals to come and work in
the UK. We are also introducing a new Graduate Route to make it easier for some of
the best young international graduates to secure skilled jobs in the UK and continue
making a valuable contribution to our economy and society.
• To improve our ability to identify, build and use the UK’s strategic S&T
capabilities. We will establish new S&T horizon-scanning, assessment and policy
capabilities within government, to anticipate and assess priorities as we pursue
strategic advantage. We will also adopt an own-collaborate-access framework
(see S&T power textbox) to guide strategic decisions on building and using
capability in priority areas of S&T: first, where the potential for social and economic
benefit is greatest, or progress helps tackle the most pressing global challenges;
and second, where the UK is capable of establishing a leading position, or future
dependence on non-allied sources of supply carries unacceptable risks to our
national interests.
• To build a strong and varied network of international S&T partnerships, as
an essential component of the own-collaborate-access framework and to shape the
responsible use of technology. We will develop a new framework for international
science partnerships, putting S&T at the heart of our alliances and partnerships
worldwide. Our new Technology Envoy to the US will strengthen the UK’s
relationships in Silicon Valley. The UK-EU deal will support continued collaboration
between researchers and scientists, through Horizon Europe, the Euratom Research
and Training programme and Copernicus. We will maintain the UK’s leadership
in multilateral research and innovation organisations and networks, such as Eureka.
And we will continue to use ODA to support R&D partnerships with developing
countries, sharing research expertise in support of the SDGs.
8. The Government will also develop its partnership with academia and industry in
supporting the technological innovation integral to the UK’s national security, for which
it has a fundamental responsibility. The Government funds roughly 85% of military R&D,
delivering both essential capabilities and strengthening the wider S&T ecosystem.
9. Through the Ministry of Defence (MOD) science and technology strategy 2020,
we will prioritise higher-risk research to support the modernisation of our armed
forces. Over the next four years, we will invest at least £6.6 billion of defence funding
in advanced and next-generation R&D to deliver an enduring military edge in areas
including space, directed energy weapons, and advanced high-speed missiles.
A network of MOD innovation hubs within UK technology clusters and investment
in Defence and Security Accelerator challenges will improve the ‘pull through’ of this
R&D investment into cutting-edge equipment. The defence and security industrial
strategy will support this, creating a more certain environment for industry that
enables investment to support innovation and convert it into deployable national
security capabilities and future commercial opportunities.
10. We will also explore more agile and affordable routes to innovation that strengthen our
wider national security. The National Security Strategic Investment Fund (NSSIF)
is the Government’s corporate venturing arm for dual-use advanced technologies,
supporting long-term equity investment to accelerate the adoption of new capabilities
at scale in areas that are critical to national security, including data science, AI and
protective security.
Growing the UK’s S&T power requires a long-term approach to building and using
capability in the most important future fields. The UK will seek to establish a leading
role in critical and emerging technologies where there is a realistic prospect of
delivering strategic advantage. A new ‘own-collaborate-access’ framework will
guide our approach:
38 Integrated Review
• Collaborate: where the UK can provide unique contributions that allow us to
collaborate with others to achieve our goals.
• Access: where the UK will seek to acquire critical S&T from elsewhere,
through options, deals and relationships.
conditions for international collaboration; and for ‘access’ – schemes for investment
in S&T companies.
Quantum computing has the potential to unlock a step-change in computing power,
with wide-ranging applications across key sectors including pharma, health, logistics,
information technology, energy, chemicals and finance. The UK is well placed to
emerge as a global leader in the quantum revolution. Our world-class researchers and
facilities have enabled the UK to achieve a deep understanding of quantum science,
and we have a diverse and growing ecosystem of companies able to compete in
this emerging global market. New quantum systems will require the development of
much smaller and more robust components such as specialist lasers, high vacuum
equipment, electronic control systems and photon detectors; all areas where the
UK has significant industrial capability. Through the National Quantum Computing
Centre and the wider National Quantum Technologies Programme, the Government
will support the establishment of a sustainable quantum computing sector in the UK
– through grant funding, contracts for prototypes, discovery and training programmes,
action to stimulate the right business environment, and supporting links to the growing
international community.
Case study: AI. The UK has established an early lead in AI thanks to our home-
grown research, a healthy start-up scene and a history of innovation in computing.
We drive AI policy through the Office for AI, alongside the UK AI Council, and through
a nearly £1 billion partnership between government, industry and academia. This is
strengthening the UK’s position as a global leader in developing AI technologies by:
improving the supply of AI talent and boosting high-level skills, including through Turing
AI Fellowships; increasing investment in AI research and innovation; supporting the
effective and ethical adoption of AI and data technologies; and identifying international
11. Cyber power is the ability to protect and promote national interests in and through
cyberspace: to realise the benefits that cyberspace offers to our citizens and
economy, to work with partners towards a cyberspace that reflects our values, and
to use cyber capabilities to influence events in the real world. Like wider S&T power,
cyber power depends on the Government pursuing a whole-of-nation effort, bringing
together industry and academia in partnership. It also involves engaging citizens,
who have a central role to play in our national cyber security.
12. In the digital age, the UK’s cyber power will be an ever more important lever for
delivering our national goals. Cyber power protects our national security and the
resilience of our CNI. It supports economic growth, enabling businesses and
individuals to transition confidently to the digital world, boosting productivity and
driving the innovation that will create new skilled jobs. It also creates new ways
to pursue and protect our interests, enabling us to detect, deter and disrupt
our adversaries in cyberspace and on the ground, and to influence the global
environment to ensure a safe and beneficial digital future for all.
13. Since 2011, the Government has pursued an ambitious national strategy and
sustained programme of investment that have established the UK as a global leader
in cyber, emulated by others. We have developed cutting-edge cyber capabilities,
including through the establishment of the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC)
and the National Cyber Force (NCF). As well as building the capabilities needed
for national security, this investment has also supported the development of a
wider cyber ecosystem, including a thriving cyber security sector, with over 1,200
companies and 43,000 skilled jobs across the UK.
14. We will need to keep adapting, innovating and investing to maintain and extend the
UK’s competitive edge as a responsible, democratic cyber power. Technology is
changing, as is the way individuals and organisations make use of it. Our allies and
adversaries are also investing in their capabilities, with adversaries constantly finding
ways to exploit it for their own ends.
15. Cyber security is the foundation for cyber power, and has been the primary focus
of our strategy to date. However, to cement our competitive edge, we will now
adopt a comprehensive cyber strategy, taking a ‘whole-of-cyber’ approach
that considers the full range of our capabilities and gives greater weight to building
advantage in critical cyber technologies, as well as to international action to influence
the future of cyberspace. To oversee this approach, we have formed a ministerial
small group to cohere cyber decision-making across government.
40 Integrated Review
16. The Government will publish the UK’s new cyber strategy in 2021. Under this
strategy, our priority actions will be:
and policies that encourage a world-class cyber security ecosystem.
• To build a resilient and prosperous digital UK, where citizens feel safe online
and confident that their data is protected. We will enable the digital transformation
of the UK economy, bolstering our cyber security and ensuring our people,
businesses and organisations are empowered to adopt new technology, and are
able to withstand and recover from cyber-attacks. We will continue to invest in the
NCSC, address critical vulnerabilities in the public sector and our CNI, including
our data and digital infrastructure, and ensure the lessons from cyber-attacks
are acted upon.
• To take the lead in the technologies vital to cyber power, such as
microprocessors, secure systems design, quantum technologies and new forms
of data transmission. We will support our growing industrial base, working within
the own-collaborate-access framework to build advantage in critical technologies,
pursue economic opportunities and, where needed, mitigate the risks of
dependence on non-allied sources of supply. We will put in place the cutting-
edge policy, regulatory and legal frameworks to enable the adoption of emerging
applications of digital technology – for example in smart cities. We will also work
with others to ensure the rules and standards governing digital technologies are
rooted in democratic values.
• To promote a free, open, peaceful and secure cyberspace, as described
in 2.3, working with other governments and industry, and drawing on the UK’s
thought leadership in cyber security. We will also deepen and broaden our
international partnerships to advance our shared security, prosperity and values,
through stronger cyber resilience and joint action to uphold international norms,
The NCF draws together personnel from GCHQ and MOD, as well as the Secret
Intelligence Service (SIS) and the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl),
under one unified command for the first time. Alongside the MOD’s operational
expertise, Dstl’s scientific and technical capabilities and GCHQ’s global intelligence,
SIS provides its expertise in recruiting and running agents alongside its unique ability
to deliver clandestine operational technology.
• Interfering with a mobile phone to prevent a terrorist from being able to
communicate with their contacts.
• Helping to prevent cyberspace from being used as a global platform for serious
crimes, including fraud and sexual abuse of children.
• Keeping UK military aircraft safe from targeting by weapons systems.
The UK is committed to using its cyber capabilities in a responsible way, in line with
UK and international law. Past and future cyber operations have and will continue to
operate under existing laws, including the Intelligence Services Act (1994) and the
Investigatory Powers Act (2016). This ensures UK cyber operations are responsible,
targeted and proportionate, in contrast to the operations of some of our adversaries.
42 Integrated Review
UN headquarters, New York.
© Crown copyright 2021
2. Shaping the open international order of the future
1. The UK’s openness to the flow of trade, capital, data, ideas and talent is essential to
our long-term prosperity. This international exchange will be critical in driving healthy
competition, innovation and productivity growth as we build back better from COVID-19
and seek to level up across the nation. The ability of open societies and economies
such as the UK to flourish in this way depends on the effective functioning of the
international order – the laws, rules and norms that are used to manage international
cooperation and competition, and the institutions that enable countries to come together
to tackle shared problems.
2. In the more interconnected, multipolar and contested environment we will face in the
coming decade, the UK must be more active in shaping the open international
order of the future: using our convening power and working with others to ensure
it is fit for the 21st century and more resilient to short-term shocks and long-
term challenges. We must also work to restore a spirit of greater international
cooperation, based on dialogue and compromise, while standing up for our values.
3. There are multiple systems of international institutions, laws, rules and norms that
comprise the international order. We must tailor our approach to the opportunities
and challenges we face in each of them: in the increasingly digital global economy
and newer domains of cyberspace and space, which are addressed in this chapter;
and in the security and ecological systems, which are addressed in chapters 3 and 4.
5. Our first goal is to support open societies and defend human rights, as a
force for good in the world. The international order is only as robust, resilient and
legitimate as the states that comprise it. We will therefore support open societies
– characterised by effective governance and resilience at home, and which
cooperate with other countries on the basis of transparency, good governance and
open markets.
6. Our second goal is to shape an open, resilient global economy, restoring trust
in free and fair trade as we build back better from COVID-19. To do so, we must
address the drivers of fragmentation and build the global economy of the future – one
that is digital and sustainable. The UK economy must be more competitive within this
landscape, as a global services, digital and data hub that delivers for all our citizens.
44 Integrated Review
7. Our third goal is to shape the international order as it develops in future
frontiers – in the domains of cyberspace and space, where the possibilities for
economic, social and military activity are expanding rapidly, and existing rules and norms
are struggling to keep pace. We will need to be active in ensuring effective accountability
and oversight that protects democratic values, while opposing the overreach of
state control.
Our force for good agenda: the combined power of diplomacy and development
Effective diplomacy is a critical tool in the UK’s ability to deliver for British citizens in
the world. It is through our efforts to build relationships and mutual understanding with
allies, partners and countries beyond that we are best able to navigate the changing
balance and diffusion of power.
To shape the open international order of the future, we must reinforce and renew
our diplomacy, adapting our statecraft for a new era. In doing so, we must hold firm
to our existing strengths. Our diplomatic network of 281 posts in 178 countries and
territories will continue to build the relationships and expertise to support our national
goals, representing the whole of the United Kingdom and providing support to British
people abroad through our consular services. Our diplomats and legal experts will
maintain their significant contribution at the heart of multilateral institutions. And the UK
will play an important convening role on issues of consequence to our shared security
and prosperity.
We will also innovate, ensuring that our diplomacy is equipped for the challenges
ahead. We have already made a significant change in combining our development
expertise with the global reach of our diplomatic network – greatly enhancing our ability
to achieve long-term change around the world through our force for good agenda.
We will build on this through greater emphasis on:
• S&T diplomacy: strengthening our relationships worldwide and supporting the UK’s
strategic advantage through S&T, building on our Science and Innovation Network
in more than 40 countries and our Research and Innovation Hubs in Africa, the
Middle East and India.
• Cyber diplomacy: as a critical element of our cyber power, with our network of
officers stretching across six continents. In addition to our cyber security capacity-
building programmes, we have initiated cross-government dialogues with 20
countries. Through these, we will continue to grow the international coalition
working with us to strengthen the case for a free, open, peaceful and secure
cyberspace, and to respond to and deter state-directed malicious cyber activity.
reform, and promoting UK legal services, ensuring that the principles and values on
which our domestic system is built remain the global standard.
• Data-driven development and diplomacy: using insight and analysis from around the
world to target our diplomatic interventions overseas more effectively and to inform
the full breadth of domestic policy.
The UK is one of the world’s leading development actors, committed to the global
fight against poverty, to achieving the SDGs by 2030 and to maintaining the highest
standards of evidence and transparency for all our investments.
As one of the world’s largest providers of ODA – well above Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD) averages – we will focus our aid work on
those areas which are important to a globally-focused UK and where we can have the
greatest life-changing impact in the long term. We will maintain our commitment to
Africa, with a particular focus on East Africa and on important partners such as Nigeria,
We will set out our approach in a new international development strategy, which
will ensure close alignment of UK aid from 2022 onwards with the objectives in this
Strategic Framework. This strategy will build on our strategic priorities for ODA in
2021-22: climate and biodiversity; global health security; open societies and conflict
resolution; girls’ education; humanitarian preparedness and response, especially
food security and famine prevention; S&T; and trade and economic development.
It will also consider the competitiveness of our trade and development offer to
developing countries.
We will ensure that all UK ODA is aligned to the Paris Agreement, reflecting our
commitment to tackling climate change and its effects as a driver of future instability
and poverty. We will maintain a liberal approach to economic development, creating
greater opportunities for all and modelled on open societies. We will more effectively
combine our diplomacy and aid with trade, working with our partners to adapt our
offer. As governments become able to finance their own development priorities, we will
gradually move towards providing UK expertise in place of grants and using a variety of
financing models to tackle regional challenges in our mutual interests.
46 Integrated Review
The UK will continue to champion International Humanitarian Law and humanitarian
access, and provide principled humanitarian assistance at moments of crisis. We will
maintain our capacity to respond to unanticipated events, fund bilateral and multilateral
programmes in humanitarian hotspots and lead a global campaign to protect 20 million
people from catastrophic famine. To support this, we will seek to reform and strengthen
the international humanitarian system, and promote the use of digital technology to
provide faster and cheaper support to those affected by crises.
We will ensure our ambassadors and high commissioners are fully accountable for
cross-government objectives, not just the work of the FCDO. We will also ensure that
the FCDO is better represented across the UK, including by increasing our staff in East
Kilbride by 50%.
2.1 A force for good: supporting open societies and defending
human rights
9. Our efforts to reverse this decline in global freedom must start at home, with open
societies working together to strengthen our domestic governance and resilience,
agree common agendas for future action, and tackle with speed and agility those
challenges that undermine our citizens’ security and prosperity. Doing so is crucial
in tending to the long-term health of our own democracy, as well as in sustaining
our soft power – our ability to attract and influence others (see textbox later in this
section). It is this imperative that is driving our G7 agenda, working with our fellow
members, and through outreach to Australia, India and South Korea, to build back
better from COVID-19.
10. The UK will also work with allies, like-minded partners and civil society
worldwide to protect democratic values, as part of our force for good agenda.
In many instances, this will involve working bilaterally with countries to strengthen their
domestic governance and to build their resilience to threats and hazards. In doing so,
we will focus our efforts primarily in the wider European neighbourhood, East Africa
and the Indo-Pacific, tailoring our approach to meet local needs and combining our
diplomacy, development, trade, security and other tools accordingly. Our priority
actions will be:
and political parties, through the Westminster Foundation for Democracy and
other institutions. This work will be bolstered by a new UK capability to support
election observation and activity to strengthen existing multilateral efforts. We will
also establish a new global sanctions regime on corruption (see textbox) and
reinvigorate our efforts to tackle illicit finance.
In July 2020, the UK established our first autonomous sanctions regime: the global
human rights (‘Magnitsky-style’) sanctions regime. It gives the UK a powerful new
tool to hold to account those involved in serious human rights violations or abuses,
by imposing targeted asset freezes and travel bans.
We will use our sanctions regimes as part of an integrated approach to promote our
values and interests and to combat state threats, terrorism, cyber-attacks, and the use
and proliferation of chemical weapons. Our departure from the EU means we can move
more quickly than through multilateral channels where it is in our interests to do so,
while continuing to coordinate closely with a range of like-minded partners. We have
already demonstrated the agility of our autonomous sanctions: in September 2020,
we were the first European country to announce sanctions against the leader of Belarus
and several officials over election fraud and violence against protestors.
In 2021, the UK will launch a second global sanctions regime on corruption, giving
us powers to prevent those involved in corruption from freely entering the UK or
channelling money through our financial system. This will complement existing anti-
corruption tools, including law enforcement powers, and enable us to work with allies
who have similar regimes, such as the US and Canada.
48 Integrated Review
models for the digital age. The independent work of the BBC World Service will
also support media freedom.
• To end the practice of arbitrary arrest, detention or sentencing of foreign
nationals to exercise leverage over other governments. We will support Canada’s
initiative to end the arbitrary detention of foreign nationals – including those with
dual nationality – without due process and the legal protections of a fair trial.
This practice violates human rights obligations, is contrary to international law,
undermines international relations and has a negative impact on foreign nationals
travelling, working and living abroad.
A soft power superpower
The UK’s soft power is rooted in who we are as a country: our values and way of life,
and the vibrancy and diversity of our Union. It is central to our international identity as
an open, trustworthy and innovative country. It helps to build positive perceptions of the
UK, create strong people-to-people links and familiarity with our values through cultural
exchange and tourism. It also enhances our ability to attract international business,
research collaboration and students – and, ultimately, to effect change in the world.
To date, the UK has consistently ranked within the top three countries in indices that
measure soft power. In 2020, the UK topped a British Council/Ipsos MORI poll as the
most attractive country for young people across the G20. This strong performance is
underpinned by our model of democratic governance, legal systems and Common
Law heritage, the Monarchy, our world-class education, science and research
institutions and standards-setting bodies, creative and cultural industries, tourism
sector, sports sector, large and diverse diaspora communities, and contribution to
international development.
The source of much of the UK’s soft power lies beyond the ownership of government –
an independence from state direction that is essential to its influence. The Government
can use its own assets, such as the diplomatic network, aid spending and the armed
forces, to help create goodwill towards the UK – for example, through support to
disaster relief or through our international work to protect cultural heritage in conflict
settings. Otherwise, the Government’s main role is to: create a conducive enabling
environment in which independent organisations, assets and networks in every part of
the UK can flourish; assist them in building mutually beneficial international relationships;
and harness, where possible, their outputs for global goods – using scientific research
and technology to provide solutions to global challenges, for example.
However, the soft power landscape is changing. Those who challenge the values
of open and democratic societies increasingly do so through culture: systemic
competitors like Russia and China invest heavily in global cultural power projection and
information operations. Our allies are also taking a more strategic approach: cultural
relations is one of the three pillars of German foreign policy and an important part of
French foreign policy. Our perception of other countries – and therefore their soft power
– is also increasingly shaped in the digital space, driven by individuals and non‑state
actors, including through disinformation.
Such dynamics illustrate that the strength of the UK’s soft power cannot be taken for
granted. As a vital part of our foreign policy, it requires thoughtful investment that
The BBC is the most trusted broadcaster worldwide; the BBC World Service
reaches 468m people every week, in 42 languages
The UK has vibrant creative and cultural industries. One in eight music albums
sold around the world is by a UK artist. One quarter of global box office receipts
are driven by UK-made films
Exhibitions from our museums and galleries reach over 500m people every
year at home and abroad. Over 2021 and 2022, we will invest over £284m
in government-sponsored galleries and museums. In 2022, Festival UK* will
showcase the UK’s creativity and innovation to the world – bringing together
science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics in ten large-scale public
engagement acts
There are 32 UNESCO World Heritage Sites across the UK and our Overseas
Territories, attracting visitors from around the world
Nearly 500,000 overseas students chose to study in the UK in 2019, making the
UK the 2nd most popular destination. Over 1 in 4 countries around the world
has a Head of State or of Government who was educated in the UK
The British Council reaches 100m people in over 100 countries
3 government scholarship schemes are available to the next generation of
global leaders: the Commonwealth, Marshall, and Chevening scholarships
Since the London Olympics and Paralympics in 2012, the UK has secured over
100 major international sporting events. In 2021 we will co-host the UEFA Men’s
EURO competition and in 2022 we will host the Women’s EURO competition
and the Commonwealth Games
The Premier League broadcasts to 188 countries worldwide and welcomes
international talent from over 100 countries. The Wimbledon Championships
reach audiences across the globe, with over half a million visitors each year
People-to-people links
Our people have links all over the world: 9.5m people living in the UK were born
outside the UK, and over 5m UK citizens live overseas
Over 40m overseas visitors came to the UK in 2019, contributing £28.4bn to
the UK economy and promoting familiarity with our values
Our #loveisgreat campaign celebrates equality and diversity, raising awareness
of the UK as a welcoming destination for international LGBTQ+ visitors
50 Integrated Review
2.2 An open, resilient global economy
11. Sustaining an open global economy – and the benefits it offers – is critical to our
ambition to establish the UK as a global services, digital and data hub, laying
the foundations for the long-term prosperity of our citizens. This will capitalise on
UK‑wide strengths in services and digital, underpinned by our capabilities as a global
S&T power. It will also play well to many global economic trends, such as the growth
in the global middle class and the centrality of data to global GDP. However, the open
global economy is facing significant challenges that are putting considerable strain on
the international institutions and ‘rulebook’ that govern it – with COVID-19 a further
complicating factor.
12. We have an opportunity now to build back better from COVID-19, by working
with our allies and partners to pursue economic recovery and rebuild consensus
in support of free trade and investment – underpinned by renewed trust in the
international economic system to deliver effective governance and provide stability.
13. Our approach will build on our long-standing successes in delivering benefits for UK
economic competitiveness and consumers: our integration into the global economic
and financial system provides access to essential items such as medical supplies,
offers UK firms access to innovations and fast-growing markets for British goods and
services around the world, and enables us to attract inward investment to support
jobs and growth at home. Nevertheless, our recovery from this economic crisis must
deliver more equitably for people across the UK.
The UK economy
Total trade accounted for 62% 5th in the world for exports of goods
of UK GDP in 2019 and services
UK FDI to GDP ratio is 72%, Economy-wide investment in
ahead of France (32%) and R&D will increase to 2.4% of GDP
Germany (27%) by 2027
The UK is a global leader in There are 1.1m jobs in the financial
15. In addition to accelerating the transition to a zero-carbon global economy, our priority
actions will be:
more competitive internationally. We will use all our domestic levers and
our international trade agenda (see textbox) to foster productivity growth and
innovation, so that all our people benefit as we build back better from COVID-19.
Through our plan for growth and the digital strategy, we will invest in national
infrastructure, innovation and skills, signalling our regional and sectoral priorities to
guide private‑sector investment. We will also anticipate and respond to the needs
of those disadvantaged by the changing shape of our economy – for example,
through jobs lost to automation or the effects of a greener economy on fuel poverty.
• To promote inward investment while minimising the potential risk to our
national security. We will maximise the contribution of foreign direct investment
(FDI) to economic growth across the UK through an updated investment strategy,
our trade policy and the work of the new Office for Investment. Where necessary
and proportionate, we will intervene in FDI transactions to protect national
security, under the provisions of the National Security and Investment Bill and led
by the new Investment Security Unit. The UK is committed to a transparent and
predictable regulatory environment in response to a more complex set of threats.
• To revitalise free, fair and transparent trade by strengthening the global
trading system and modernising the international rulebook, especially on
the environment, services and the digital sector. Countries around the world –
large or small, developed or developing – need to be able to compete. The UK
will therefore work with allies and partners to reinvigorate the WTO so that its
rules and agreements are better able to address current and future trade issues.
As part of this, we will seek to re-establish a fully functioning dispute settlement
mechanism. We will also do more to challenge those who consistently pursue
52 Integrated Review
they operate. We will also drive efforts to ensure that digital technical standards
developed by international standards bodies deliver for all.
• To promote green trade as part of the solution to climate change and
biodiversity loss. The UK will remain at the centre of WTO discussions on trade
and the environment, exploring opportunities to liberalise environmental goods
and services, mitigate carbon emissions, set standards and make progress
towards a circular economy.
• To tackle economic crime and illicit finance, which fund organised crime groups,
terrorists and other malicious actors, undermine good governance and faith in our
economy, and tarnish our global reputation by allowing corrupt assets to be held
in the UK. Under the 2019 Economic Crime Plan, we will: increase the number
of trained financial investigators within our police forces; overhaul our Suspicious
Activity Reports regime to ensure critical intelligence informs their investigations;
and bolster the National Economic Crime Centre (NECC). As soon as parliamentary
time allows, we will introduce legislation that tackles economic crime, including
the use of UK corporate structures in facilitating high-end money laundering.
This legislation will incorporate reform of Companies House registration and limited
partnerships, and introduce a register of overseas entities owning property in the
UK. In addition to promoting action on corporate transparency and accelerating
asset recovery through our G7 presidency, we will use our strong relationships with
other major financial markets, such as the US, to maximise our collective impact.
• To diversify the UK’s supply in critical goods, such as medical equipment and
rare earth elements, through trade partnerships and international collaboration.
Starting with our G7 presidency, we will: use market-led strategies, such as
targeted trade promotion and lowering barriers to trade; develop multilateral
approaches to assess global supply chain vulnerabilities, for example through
the OECD; promote global standards to support a greater circular economy in
line with our clean growth ambitions; and establish agreements to keep trade
in critical goods open in times of crisis. Within the UK, we will continue to explore
opportunities around domestic extraction and processing of critical minerals,
such as lithium, as well as their recovery, recycling and reuse to establish a
viable circular economy. The Government is already supporting a number of
pilot projects across Cornwall, for example, through its ‘Getting Building Fund’,
Local Enterprise Partnership and Smart Grants.
16. We will use the full range of domestic and international tools available to the
Government in pursuing these actions: putting our independent trade policy at
the centre of our international and national security policy; and using regulatory
diplomacy to shape the standards and values that will underpin the global economy
in the future, so that we are better able to compete. International cooperation will be
essential, working multilaterally with the WTO and OECD, and with the G7, G20 and
other groupings, to establish common approaches and demonstrate the benefits of
cooperation in influencing multilateral debates.
As an independent trading nation, our aim is to increase prosperity in all parts of the
UK with a values-driven trade policy to open up markets and update international
trading rules. Our policy is based on the core principles of democracy, human
rights, free enterprise and high standards in areas like the environment, food, animal
welfare and data.
Our new UK Global Tariff is a simpler, lower tariff regime than the EU’s Common
External Tariff, which nevertheless retains tariffs on certain key sectors. This reflects
our commitment to supporting global growth through trade and our determination to
maintain an open and competitive UK market in the interests of UK consumers.
We will use the full range of trade tools now available to the Government, in combination
with our other instruments, in pursuit of our national goals. In particular, we will:
• Champion free and fair trade and reinvigorate the WTO, working with like-minded
partners to modernise the trading rulebook, support sustainable trade and ensure
all countries are fairly treated.
• Negotiate bilateral and regional free trade agreements, reducing trade barriers,
opening up opportunities for UK exporters, maintaining high standards and
reinvigorating relationships with trading partners, old and new. The Government’s
manifesto commitment is to establish trade agreements with countries covering
80% of UK trade by the end of 2022. In addition to the Trade and Cooperation
Agreement we have signed with the EU, our closest trading partner, we have
secured FTAs with 66 non-EU countries and have applied for accession to the
CPTPP, linking the UK to one of the most dynamic trading areas in the world.
• Secure market access and influence the rules, regulations and standards of our
trading partners. We will do so through international organisations and using
government-to-government dialogues such as Economic and Financial Dialogues,
Joint Trade Reviews, Joint Economic and Trade Committees (JETCOs), mutual
recognition agreements and bilateral investment treaties.
• Promote exports and support business across the UK. We will support businesses
with a range of activity across the UK, including: export campaigns in sectors critical
to export growth; a programme of export missions to tradeshows; expanding our
network of Export Finance Managers across the UK; launching new UK Trade and
Investment Hubs in Wales and Northern Ireland, in addition to that established in
Scotland, to connect businesses to opportunities in international trade; support
through our International Trade Advisors and the High Potential Opportunities
Programme; and support to small and medium-sized enterprises in building their
export capability through enhanced online services. We will also work with partners
to address other activity that distorts the level playing field in global trade, making it
more difficult for UK businesses to compete. This includes, for example, the use of
tied concessional finance to win overseas contracts for domestic companies.
54 Integrated Review
• Use our trade policy to create local jobs in all parts of the UK. Capturing the benefits
of global trade opportunities will be vital in supporting job creation, wage growth
and levelling up the economy across the UK. Creating opportunities for exports
will be particularly important: an estimated 6.5 million jobs were supported by
exports in 2016 – either directly or indirectly – of which nearly three-quarters were
outside London.
• Equip the UK with the tools to tackle unfair and pernicious practices and maintain
trust in free and fair trade. We will establish the Trade Remedies Authority as an
independent body, enabling businesses across a range of UK manufacturing
sectors – notably steel and ceramics – to seek redress against unfair trading
practices, such as dumping and subsidisation, and the surge of imports. This will
support stability and predictability for exporters and investors alike.
• Enable developing countries’ integration into the global economy, creating stronger
trade and investment partners for the future – in particular, through economic
partnership agreements and an improved unilateral trade preferences scheme that
will contribute to poverty reduction and strengthen our supply chains.
18. To make the most of the opportunities ahead, we must ensure that these future frontiers
evolve in a way that reflects democratic values and interests: with open and trusted
markets, strong safeguards for human rights, norms of behaviour that reduce the risk of
conflict and limit malign activity, and international cooperation to benefit our citizens and
economies. The UK will work with our allies and partners – and wider stakeholders,
including industry – to extend the open international order in future frontiers,
ensuring effective accountability and oversight but opposing the overreach of
state control.
19. Doing so will depend on our success in building a competitive edge in the technologies
driving the development of the future frontiers – whether through our cyber and space
capabilities, or growing our influence in areas such as AI. Building strategic advantage
through S&T is therefore the foundation for our approach.
20. Our effort will involve three main strands of activity: engaging in industry-led technical
standards development; developing regulatory frameworks governing infrastructure,
technologies, data and commercial activity; and establishing the rules for responsible
behaviour by states and non-state actors, which must be negotiated between states.
Our priority actions to support this will be:
generations, protecting the right for all to share information and communicate
freely and safely over the internet. The UK will oppose efforts to bring
management of the internet under restrictive inter-governmental control,
redoubling our support for the multi‑stakeholder model. We will also advocate for
greater diversity in standards bodies.
Online harms
But the internet also enables and facilitates a range of harmful and criminal activity,
many aspects of which we will address through a new online harms regulatory
regime, introduced into law by the Online Safety Bill. The Government recognises the
complexity, diversity and dynamism of the digital economy. We have designed the new
regime to be proportionate and based on risk of harm, and flexible enough to account
for emerging harms and technical solutions.
The regime will protect users from harm and safeguard freedom of expression and
pluralism online, establishing a new system of accountability and oversight for tech
companies that moves far beyond self-regulation. It will require all online service
providers to have systems and processes which tackle illegal content and activity on
their platforms, and protect children from harmful content and activity. Companies will
be expected to take particularly robust measures to tackle child sexual exploitation
and terrorism. The largest companies will be required to set out standards for what
legal material is and is not acceptable on their services, and enforce their terms and
conditions consistently and transparently.
56 Integrated Review
• To ensure human rights are protected online as they are offline – promoting
freedom of expression online, including through the Freedom Online Coalition,
and protecting citizens from online harms, building on the UK’s pioneering
approach to online safety (see textbox). As part of this, we will seek to ensure
that lawful access to data is maintained as digital technologies and services
develop, so that law enforcement and intelligence services have the capabilities to
investigate the most serious crimes, while protecting individuals’ right to privacy.
• To ensure that transparency and accountability are embedded from the
outset in the design and deployment of new technologies. The UK will
work with industry, the British Standards Institution and other countries to
influence new technical standards and develop new public policy approaches
to technology which encourage innovation and interoperability, while protecting
rights and freedoms. Through our G7 presidency, we will host the Future Tech
Forum – bringing together governments, industry, academia and civil society in
dialogue on a core set of principles to guide the evolution of the international
technology ecosystem.
• To champion the international flow of data, enabling secure, trusted and
interoperable exchange across borders, while maintaining data protection
standards. The UK’s national data strategy aims to harness data to drive
economic growth, support scientific research, improve policy and public services
and create a fairer society; while ensuring that all data is used responsibly,
in ways that are secure, ethical and accountable. We will seek to extend this
approach to global data governance, working with our international partners to
overcome barriers to data flows and promote international data standards that
enable growth and innovation.
• To ensure a secure and sustainable space environment (see textbox). We will
continue to lead international efforts to develop norms, rules and principles of
responsible behaviours in space, to reduce the risk of conflict, manage threats to
the UK and our allies, and assure our freedom of action. The UK will also seek to
shape the standards and regulations governing the civil use of space, to protect
the space environment and to support the growth of a sovereign UK space
industry. We will strengthen the resilience of the position, navigation and timing
(PNT) services on which our CNI and economy depend; and use space assets to
solve shared problems, supporting development efforts and disaster response.
Since 2010, space has proved to be one of the UK’s fastest growing sectors, trebling
in size. It now employs 42,000 people and generates an income of £14.8 billion each
year, with particular strengths in small satellite technology, satellite and deep-space
telecommunications, robotics and Earth observation.
The UK nevertheless relies heavily on our allies for access to critical capabilities, such
as satellite launch. By 2030, the Government’s ambition is for the UK to have the ability
to monitor, protect and defend our interests in and through space, using a mixture of
sovereign capabilities and burden-sharing partnerships with our allies.
To meet this ambition, the National Space Council will develop the UK’s first national
space strategy in 2021. This strategy will establish an integrated approach across
military and civil space policy, under which we will:
• Establish a new Space Command by summer 2021, ensuring that the armed
forces have cutting-edge capabilities to advance UK interests on Earth and in
space – enhancing our cooperation with allies and ensuring we can compete with
our adversaries.
• Develop other critical space capabilities for military and civil use, including Space
Domain Awareness, which uses integrated in-space and ground sensing to track
space debris, investigate incidents in space, and detect, anticipate and attribute
hostile activity.
• Support the UK space sector to realise the economic benefits from this new and
dynamic market, and extend the UK’s influence in the space domain. As part of
building the UK’s strategic advantage through S&T, the Government will build the
enabling environment for a thriving UK space industry developing space- and
ground-based technologies. We will promote a ‘whole-of-life’ offer from R&D
• Prevent the proliferation of technologies that pose a threat in space, such as ballistic
missile technologies, through robust export controls (see 3.3.3).
58 Integrated Review
Goonhilly Earth Station, located on the Lizard
Peninsula, Cornwall, is home to numerous
telecommunications antennae and to the
UK’s first commercial Deep Space Antenna
(named GHY-6, foreground) capable of receiving
telemetry from spacecraft orbiting the Moon,
Mars or beyond. Credit: GES Ltd
The UK in the world: a European country with global interests
The United States will remain the UK’s of the Euro-Atlantic area to 2030. We
most important strategic ally and partner. will work with our partners to defend our
The heart of the relationship is a human common values, counter shared threats
one: the flow of people and ideas between and build resilience in our neighbourhood.
our countries, our shared history, and a We will also sustain our people and
common language. Almost a million British cultural ties, and look for opportunities to
and American nationals live and go to collaborate, including in developing green
work in each others’ countries each day. technology and through a green recovery
Our relationship is also one of common from COVID-19.
values – a shared belief in democracy,
the rule of law and fundamental freedoms. We recognise the important role played
As a result of these foundations, we by the EU in the peace and prosperity of
cooperate to an unprecedented degree. Europe and will find new ways of working
Across the full spectrum of defence, with it on shared challenges. Our Trade
intelligence, cyber power, counter-terrorism and Cooperation Agreement provides a
and nuclear, the US-UK partnership basis for protecting our essential economic
underpins our security and saves lives. interests and cooperating as appropriate,
and the largest single source of FDI in treaties and exemplified by our Combined
2019. We will seek to grow this further Joint Expeditionary Force (CJEF). We will
through an FTA, which will help both our continue working together to counter
economic recoveries from COVID-19 and terrorism and state threats, and to sustain
aid our shared ambition to level up, setting international security. Managing our
a new bar for trade deals of the future in economic relationship in a collaborative and
digital trade, in the protection of intellectual constructive way, particularly in handling
property and in accelerating efforts on the our shared border in relation to both trade
low-carbon economy. We will also seek and security, will be important to ensuring
closer collaboration in tackling illicit finance. the overall relationship remains positive.
Our intention is to enhance this partnership
Our European neighbours and allies remain and to build on the Lancaster House
vital partners. The UK will be the greatest treaties in the UK-France Summit in 2021.
single European contributor to the security
60 Integrated Review
Germany is an essential ally, with which we to meet shared defence and security
have deep economic ties and a growing challenges. We will continue to develop
foreign policy partnership, as members of our Future Combat Air System (FCAS) with
the E3 and bilaterally. We will continue to Italy and Sweden.
work together to defend our neighbourhood
and our values, including through the Joint The UK respects the people, culture and
Declaration on Foreign Policy we hope to history of Russia. However, until relations
sign in 2021. We will seek to bolster this with its government improve, we will
relationship in the years ahead, including actively deter and defend against the
through cooperation on important issues full spectrum of threats emanating from
such as climate change. Russia. Through NATO, we will ensure a
united Western response, combining our
We are committed to a strong bilateral military, diplomatic and intelligence assets in
partnership with Ireland, with which we support of collective security. We will uphold
enjoy a Common Travel Area. We have international rules and norms and hold
a shared responsibility and an essential Russia to account for breaches of these,
common interest in upholding the 1998 working with our international partners,
Belfast Agreement in all its elements. as we did after the Salisbury attack.
These include its three strands: the internal We will also support others in the Eastern
governance of Northern Ireland, North- European neighbourhood and beyond to
South cooperation and East-West relations. build their resilience to state threats. This
We will seek to work constructively includes Ukraine, where we will continue to
with Ireland to ensure that the 2019 EU build the capacity of its armed forces.
Withdrawal Agreement is implemented
in a way that protects this agreement The UK will continue to invest deeply in
and the hard-won gains of the peace our partnerships with Australia, Canada
process, including prosperity and stability and New Zealand, which are based on
in Northern Ireland. In addition, we will shared history, values and people-to-
further develop our relationship through people connections, including as members
time given our respective G7 and G20 Eyes cooperation, including in response
presidencies and COP26 in 2021. Poland to the pandemic, and will seek to
is a vital partner on European security strengthen policy cooperation further on
with which we share a deep history. a range of issues. Under our independent
Similarly, we work with other European trade policy, we will seek bespoke FTAs
partners including Spain, Portugal, with each partner.
the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway,
Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey on a The UK is one of the 54 members of the
focused set of interests where we can find Commonwealth, a voluntary international
common cause, such as values, free trade association that values democratic
and a commitment to transatlanticism. sovereignty and encompasses 2.4 billion
Bilaterally, and through NATO and the Joint people – 60% of whom are under the
Expeditionary Force, we work with all our age of thirty. The Commonwealth is an
allies in support of our common objectives, important institution in supporting an open
and more persistent presence than any Ministerial Defence Dialogues; and UK-India
other European country. The region leadership to tackle global challenges like
is already critical to our economy and climate change, clean energy and global
security; is a focal point for the negotiation health. We will take a major step towards
of international laws, rules and norms; achieving this vision in 2021 when we
and will become more important to UK launch our Enhanced Trade Partnership
prosperity over the next decade. Japan with India as a roadmap to a potential
is one of our closest strategic partners, comprehensive trade deal. This relationship
including on security, and we are committed will be underpinned by our largest single-
to deepening this partnership. We will look country diplomatic network anywhere in
to cement our ties with South Korea and the world, with more than 800 staff spread
other regional powers such as Indonesia, across eleven posts.
Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore. We will
remain the most engaged non-regional China’s growing international stature is by
partner on denuclearisation by North far the most significant geopolitical factor
Korea and on sanctions enforcement. We in the world today, with major implications
have close historical links with Pakistan for British values and interests and for the
and will continue to develop a strong, structure and shape of the international
modern relationship focused on security, order. The fact that China is an authoritarian
stability and prosperity. We will continue to state, with different values to ours, presents
support stability in Afghanistan, as part of challenges for the UK and our allies. China
a wider coalition. will contribute more to global growth than
any other country in the next decade with
The UK-India relationship is already benefits to the global economy. China and
strong, but over the next ten years we the UK both benefit from bilateral trade
seek transformation in our cooperation and investment, but China also presents
across the full range of our shared interests. the biggest state-based threat to the UK’s
India – as the largest democracy in the economic security.
world – is an international actor of growing
importance. As Commonwealth nations, We will require a robust diplomatic
we have strong cultural links: 1.5 million framework for this relationship that
British nationals are of Indian origin; and allows us to manage disagreements,
we enjoy broad collaboration across the defend our values and preserve space
education sector. Trade between the UK for cooperation where our interests align.
and India more than doubled between China is an increasingly important partner
2007 and 2019, our investment relationship in tackling global challenges like pandemic
supports over half a million jobs in each preparedness, biodiversity and climate
other’s economies, and the UK is India’s change. We will continue to pursue a
second-biggest research partner. The positive economic relationship, including
62 Integrated Review
deeper trade links and more Chinese The UK shares significant security and
investment in the UK. At the same time, counter-terrorism concerns in the Horn
we will increase protection of our CNI, of Africa with Ethiopia and Kenya. We will
institutions and sensitive technology, and invest further in regional stability, moving
strengthen the resilience of our critical towards closer defence cooperation with
supply chains, so that we can engage with Kenya, and Ethiopia if the situation there
confidence. We will not hesitate to stand allows. We will deliver the UK-Kenya
up for our values and our interests where Strategic Partnership, building on our deep,
they are threatened, or when China acts historic relationship.
in breach of existing agreements. The UK
has responded to China’s actions in Hong The UK will continue to support conflict
Kong by creating a new immigration route resolution and stabilisation efforts in
for British Nationals (Overseas) and their Somalia and Sudan and work to ensure
eligible family members and dependents, the freedom of navigation in the Gulf of
and to China’s human rights violations in Aden and maritime security in the Indian
Xinjiang through measures to ensure that Ocean. We will continue to support UN
British organisations are neither complicit in and African peacekeeping operations –
nor profiting from them. including through increased commitment to
the successor mission to the African Union
Africa is the most diverse continent in Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) – to address
the world with significant countervailing shared security concerns and protect
trends. We will partner with the African the most vulnerable. We have deployed
Union on climate and biodiversity, UK troops to the UN Multidimensional
global health security, free trade, crisis Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali
management, conflict prevention and (MINUSMA) and provide training for African
mediation, the Women, Peace and troop contributors to UN missions.
Security agenda, and promoting good
governance and human rights. Building on The UK has strong, historic bilateral ties
the success of the 2020 Africa Investment in the Middle East and North Africa
Summit, we will revitalise UK economic region – such as with Jordan and Oman
engagement with Africa, deepening and – which are vital to UK prosperity and
developing mutual partnerships, working security. We will look to deepen these links
together to build resilient and productive to become one of the region’s primary
economies and open societies, with trade and investment partners and build
improved development, investment and support for our climate objectives. We will
financing offers, more effective humanitarian bring a more integrated security offer to
response, increased climate resilience and protect our interests, tackling the upstream
reduced security threats. drivers of terrorism, and working with our
partners to enhance and modernise their
We will work in partnership with South security capacity and capabilities to ensure
Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Ethiopia and lasting stability in the region. Our armed
Ghana in particular to further our shared forces will continue to contribute to the
prosperity goals, our democratic values Global Coalition against Daesh in Iraq and
and our security interests. South Africa Syria. We will also build upon our close
and Nigeria are regional powers with global security partnerships, including with Israel
reach through international fora, with which and Saudi Arabia, to better protect our
we share common values and commercial interests in the region.
and development interests: together they
account for 46% of GDP in sub-Saharan We will enhance our work promoting
Africa and for 60% of its trade with the UK. greater economic, societal and
Arab Emirates (UAE) and Israel and
support work on sustainable growth and By 2021, the Antarctic Treaty will have
climate change with Iraq and Morocco. been in force for 60 years. The UK was
We will also increase our cooperation with the first signatory of the treaty, which
our close partner the UAE to tackle global protects Antarctica as a continent for
illicit financial flows. peaceful scientific cooperation. Using
our new state-of-the-art Polar Research
As a priority, we will continue to work with vessel RRS Sir David Attenborough, and
partners on a renewed diplomatic effort through further investment in our Antarctic
to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear scientific stations and capabilities, the UK
weapon, to hold it to account for its will continue to uphold and strengthen
destabilising activity in the region, including the Antarctic Treaty System and maintain
seeking regional rapprochement. The UK our leadership in the study of the global
will continue working towards durable implications of climate change in Antarctica.
political solutions in Yemen and Libya.
We will likewise address the humanitarian, The UK is the nearest neighbour to the
economic and regional consequences of Arctic region. Through our role as a State
the Syria conflict and work for a durable Observer to the Arctic Council, we will
political solution, including through our contribute to maintaining the region as one
support to Jordan and Lebanon. of high cooperation and low tension. We will
also maintain a significant contribution to
In Latin America and the Caribbean, Arctic science, focused on understanding
the UK will continue to develop a strong the implications of climate change. We are
set of partnerships based on shared committed to working with our partners
democratic values, inclusive and resilient to ensure that increasing access to the
growth, free trade and mutual interest in region and its resources is managed safely,
tackling SOC and corruption. With at least sustainably and responsibly.
23% of the world’s tropical forests, 30%
of global reserves of freshwater and 25%
of the world’s cultivable land, this region
is also a vital partner in tackling climate
change and restoring biodiversity.
64 Integrated Review
The Indo-Pacific region matters to the UK: it is critical to our economy, our security
and our global ambition to support open societies. At least 1.7 million British citizens
live across the region and our trading relationships continue to grow. In the decades
to come it will be the crucible for many of the most pressing global challenges – from
climate and biodiversity to maritime security and geopolitical competition linked to rules
and norms.
The UK needs to engage more deeply: • For our values – we need to deepen
and expand our partnerships to
• For economic opportunities – the promote open societies and to uphold
Indo-Pacific is the world’s growth engine: the international rules and norms that
home to half the world’s people; 40% underpin free trade, security and stability.
of global GDP; some of the fastest- We remain committed to development
growing economies; at the forefront of in a region that is home to one-third of
new global trade arrangements; leading the world’s poorest people. We will work
and adopting digital and technological closely with like-minded bilateral and
innovation and standards; investing multilateral partners, including on global
strongly in renewables and green tech; priorities such as girls’ education and
and vital to our goals for investment tackling climate change.
and resilient supply chains. The Indo-
Pacific already accounts for 17.5% of Our goal: we will be the European partner
UK global trade and 10% of inward FDI with the broadest and most integrated
and we will work to build this further, presence in the Indo-Pacific – committed
including through new trade agreements, for the long term, with closer and deeper
dialogues and deeper partnerships in partnerships, bilaterally and multilaterally.
science, technology and data.
Our role: we will lead where we are best
• For our security – the region is at placed to do so and we will partner and
the centre of intensifying geopolitical support others as necessary to pursue
competition with multiple potential our goals. This will include both sustaining
flashpoints: from unresolved territorial and supporting bilateral and multilateral
disputes; to nuclear proliferation and partnerships in the region, such as the
miscalculation; to climate change and Five Power Defence Arrangements (FPDA),
non-state threats from terrorism and and working with organisations such as
SOC. It is on the frontline of new security ASEAN and the Pacific Island Forum.
challenges, including in cyberspace. We will also look for ways to work more
Much of the UK’s trade with Asia closely with European partners, including
depends on shipping that goes through France and Germany. We will be an open
a range of Indo-Pacific choke points. and liberal trade partner, do business
Preserving freedom of navigation is with reliability and integrity, and build on
therefore essential to the UK’s national our deep expertise and engagement in
interests. We already work closely with international peace and security issues.
regional partners and will do more
through persistent engagement by our
armed forces and our wider security
66 Integrated Review
Our actions: this ambition will be delivered vulnerable countries, linked directly to
through prioritised cross-government our wider COP26 strategy.
engagement, focused on nine areas:
• Our force for good agenda, promoting
• Concluding and implementing new open societies and protecting public
bilateral trade agreements with Australia goods through conflict prevention,
and New Zealand, and agreeing an strong rule of law, respect for human
Enhanced Trade Partnership with rights and media freedoms, girls’
India as a stepping stone towards a education and humanitarian response.
comprehensive trade deal, in addition to We will also continue to deepen our
new trade dialogues and reviews with people-to-people links, including
partners across the region. through bilateral cultural seasons with
Japan, Australia and India.
• Acceding to the Comprehensive and
Progressive Agreement for Trans‑Pacific • Using our ODA more strategically,
Partnership to secure increased in support of many of these objectives.
trade and investment opportunities, We will continue to support partner
and to diversify our trading links and countries in the region to combat
supply chains, embedding open trade extreme poverty. Where countries can
and integration. finance their development, we will
move gradually from offering grants to
• Strengthening supply chain resilience providing UK expertise and returnable
of critical goods and raw materials, capital to address regional challenges
including medical supplies. in our mutual interest. This will include
support to high-quality infrastructure.
• Becoming an ASEAN Dialogue Partner
to work together on global challenges, Deepening cooperation in S&T with
support ASEAN’s central role in partners across the region will be central to
regional stability and prosperity and our overall partnership with the Indo-Pacific,
3. Strengthening security and defence at home
and overseas
1. The UK can only maximise the benefits of our openness if we are strong and
secure at home – ensuring that our citizens are safe from harm, while protecting our
democracy, the economy and the critical national infrastructure on which daily life
depends. Security is also essential to an international order in which open societies
and economies like the UK can flourish and collaborate in pursuit of shared goals,
free from coercion and interference.
2. We will take a more robust approach in response to the deteriorating global security
environment, adapting to systemic competition and a wider range of state and non-
state threats enabled by technology. In doing so, we must improve our ability to
detect, disrupt, defend against and deter the threats we face in the physical
world and in cyberspace. These may be state threats above and below the
traditional threshold of war, transnational security challenges such as terrorism and
serious and organised crime (SOC), or a combination of these. We will demonstrate
that we are able and willing to respond when our citizens and interests are targeted,
including with force if necessary.
3. Equally, we must recognise that we cannot disrupt or deter every threat in our more
interconnected world in which the distinction between domestic and international
security is increasingly blurred. We must therefore make it more difficult and
costly for malign actors – both state and non-state – to achieve the effects
they desire. This will involve reducing our vulnerabilities and improving our
resilience to persistent threats. We must also minimise the opportunity for others to
exploit conflict and instability for their own gain, and reinforce the governance and
international architecture that help to preserve peace.
5. Our first goal is to counter state threats at home and overseas. We must improve
our ability – and that of our allies and partners – to detect, understand, attribute and
act in response to the spectrum of state threats we face: sharing risk and pooling
capabilities through collective security; using our armed forces to disrupt and deter
through persistent engagement overseas; and building our collective capacity to
counter state threats in the physical world and in cyberspace.
3.1 Countering state threats: defence, disruption and deterrence
8. State threats to the UK, and to our allies, are growing and diversifying as
systemic competition intensifies. States are becoming increasingly assertive in
how they advance their own objectives and in their willingness to undermine ours.
While their actions often fall short of open conflict, they can nevertheless threaten
and interfere with our security, open economy, democracy and social cohesion
– risking escalation into war. State threats are persistent and take many forms,
including espionage, political interference, sabotage, assassination and poisonings,
electoral interference, disinformation, propaganda, cyber operations and intellectual
property theft. These tools of coercion and interference can also be used in ‘hybrid’
combination with more traditional hard power methods.
9. Great power competition and the opportunism of states such as Russia, Iran and
North Korea are key factors in the deterioration of the security environment and the
weakening of the international order. But the dynamics of systemic competition are
more complex and the UK faces threats from a wider range of states. Non-state
actors also participate in this competition. They often use the same methods, such as
cyber-attacks and disinformation, to target our citizens and exploit our openness for
their own gain. And states increasingly work with non-state actors to achieve their
goals, including as proxies in conflict. This affords them deniability and blurs the line
between state threats and other types of security threats, such as terrorism and SOC.
10. The UK must improve its ability to detect, understand, attribute and act in
response to aggression across the range of state threats, whether in the physical
11. This means that responding to state threats can no longer be viewed as a
narrow ‘national security’ or ‘defence’ agenda. We must bring together the
elements of our work across this Strategic Framework at home and overseas,
and all the instruments available to government, in an integrated response.
70 Integrated Review
3.1.1 Defending the UK and our people, at home and overseas
12. The first responsibility of the Government is to defend the UK and its citizens.
This includes our responsibility to ensure the security of the fourteen Overseas
Territories (OTs) and the Crown Dependencies of the Bailiwick of Jersey, the Bailiwick
of Guernsey and the Isle of Man. We also have responsibilities to the five million
British people that live outside the UK, and to British nationals on visits overseas.
In fulfilling these responsibilities, our priority actions will be:
• To secure British territory against physical incursions. The Royal Navy will
remain active in the UK’s territorial sea and Exclusive Economic Zone, including by
investing in new capabilities to protect undersea CNI. The Royal Air Force (RAF)
will continue to provide a 24-hour quick reaction alert force to defend UK airspace
and our new Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft will patrol the North Atlantic from
their base at RAF Lossiemouth in Scotland.
• To support the OTs and Crown Dependencies in deterring and defending
against state and non-state threats. The armed forces will continue to deter and
challenge incursions in British Gibraltar Territorial Waters. Significant investment in
the Sovereign Base Areas in Cyprus will assure our ability to contribute to security,
with allies, in the Eastern Mediterranean. The armed forces will also maintain a
permanent presence in the Falkland Islands, Ascension Island and the British Indian
Ocean Territory; and a permanent maritime presence in the Atlantic and Caribbean,
contributing to counter-trafficking operations and delivering humanitarian
assistance and disaster relief during the annual hurricane season. We will promote
the right of self-determination for the peoples of the OTs and continue to defend
and represent internationally the three Crown Dependencies. We will uphold the
UK’s Antarctic Treaty obligations, including around the British Antarctic Territory.
• To enhance the support and assistance available to UK nationals overseas,
offering a wider choice of digital services for consular assistance. The armed
forces will maintain readiness to evacuate British nationals caught up in events
overseas when needed.
13. The UK’s network of military alliances and partnerships is at the heart of our ability to
deter and defend against state adversaries. It is also a powerful demonstration of the
collective commitment to the free association of sovereign nations and the willingness
to share the burden in maintaining an open international order.
14. NATO is the foundation of collective security in the Euro-Atlantic area, where our
commitment to Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty remains our most powerful
deterrent. In an era of rapid developments in technology and doctrine, the Alliance must
be equipped to deal with the full range of possible threats. These include long-range
precision strike weapons, cyber weapons and weapons aimed at degrading space-
based infrastructure. They also include malign activity intended to test the boundary
between peace and war, and our resolve in response. Russia is the most acute threat
in the region and we will work with NATO Allies to ensure a united Western response,
combining military, intelligence and diplomatic efforts. We will continue to support
closer practical cooperation between NATO and the EU in pursuit of this goal. We will
15. To bolster collective security with our allies worldwide – especially in the Euro-Atlantic
and with a new emphasis on the Indo-Pacific – our priority actions will be:
forces to the Alliance, from our nuclear deterrent to offensive cyber capabilities;
make a leading contribution to NATO’s Enhanced Forward Presence and
Response Force; and ensure we are at the forefront of implementing NATO’s new
Deterrence and Defence Concept. We will also continue to serve as a framework
nation able to connect and coordinate NATO’s forces effectively, while more UK
equipment will be prepositioned in Germany to facilitate rapid response. Operating
across the Euro-Atlantic region, and with a focus on the northern and southern
flanks of Europe, we will support collective security from the Black Sea to the High
North, in the Baltics, the Balkans and the Mediterranean.
• To improve interoperability with our Euro-Atlantic allies. We will strengthen
bilateral relationships – particularly, but not solely, with our key allies the United
States, France (via the Lancaster House treaties and the CJEF) and Germany
– as well as multilateral groupings such as the Joint Expeditionary Force, which
comprises the UK, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands,
Norway and Sweden.
• To modernise the UK armed forces, maintaining a full spectrum of capabilities,
as set out in the Defence Command Paper. We will prioritise the development and
integration of new technologies – including those required for near-peer, high-tech
warfighting – and a ‘digital backbone’ to enable multi-domain operations and
interoperability with allies and partners. In the Euro-Atlantic, the UK will be one
of only two NATO Allies to bring to bear nuclear, offensive cyber, precision strike
weapons and fifth-generation strike aircraft. We will also contribute to missile
defence, to space awareness and resilience (including through a new Space
Command) and to CBRN resilience. A new generation of warships will support
our historic role in keeping the North Atlantic open. Our highly mobile airborne and
amphibious forces will be able to reinforce Allies at short notice. Our land force will
undergo its most comprehensive modernisation for two decades, becoming better
integrated with other domains, better able to intervene quickly and effectively over
large distances, better protected from electronic, air and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
threats, and better able to engage an adversary at long range. Our Special Forces
will be ready to operate in the most hostile environments and against our most
sophisticated adversaries. With international partners including Italy and Sweden,
we will continue to develop FCAS as a replacement for our Typhoon fast jets,
drawing on ground-breaking technologies from the defence sector and beyond.
• To improve our ability to manage and de-escalate a multi-domain crisis,
reflecting the increased intensity of competition from our potential adversaries and the
more complex range of routes for escalation, including to nuclear coercion. The UK
will run a series of national, strategic-level exercises to test resilience and our ability to
navigate crises. We will actively support similar NATO and EU-NATO exercises.
72 Integrated Review
• To sustain our commitment to collective security beyond the Euro-Atlantic,
strengthening our ties and understanding. In particular, given the growing
importance of the Indo-Pacific, we will reinforce our commitment to the FPDA and
increase our regional maritime presence to support norms and laws in the region.
In 2021, HMS Queen Elizabeth will lead a multinational task group on a global
deployment, visiting the Mediterranean, the Middle East and the Indo-Pacific.
We must update our deterrence posture to respond to the growth in state competition
below the threshold of war under international law. As set out in the 2020 Integrated
Operating Concept, this means being able to move seamlessly between ‘operating’
and ‘warfighting’. This will require a force structure that principally deters through
‘persistent engagement’ below the threshold of war, while remaining prepared for
warfighting when necessary. All activity, including that which has previously been seen
as routine, has the potential to constrain or deter adversaries.
In practice, persistent engagement will mean deploying more of our forces overseas
more often and for longer periods of time, both with NATO and alongside our wider
network of allies and partners. Greater global presence will improve our understanding
of events, help us to detect and tackle problems earlier, and give us a foundation to
respond more assertively to threats. Our armed forces will remain ready to fight major
wars but will operate as a flexible campaigning force.
To provide a more solid overseas foundation we will invest in the strategic hubs
that give our forces reach, access, influence and insight. As well as investing in our
facilities and infrastructure in Cyprus, Gibraltar and Germany, we will improve those in
Oman, Singapore and Kenya. We will also invest around £60 million in expanding and
improving our global network of British Defence Staffs, increasing it by nearly a third.
We will place greater priority on identifying, funding, developing and deploying new
technologies and capabilities faster than our potential adversaries, under the MOD
science and technology strategy 2020. This will allow our forces to be decisive
at greater reach, to integrate better with allies and to be more efficient and cost-
effective, reversing the trend of fewer and increasingly costly platforms. It will also
stimulate the national S&T base across both industry and academia. We will invest
at least £6.6 billion over the next four years in R&D in areas including space, cyber,
quantum technologies, engineering biology, directed energy weapons and advanced
high-speed missiles. Investment in Defence and Security Accelerator challenges as
well as a network of MOD innovation hubs within important UK technology clusters
will improve the ‘pull through’ of this R&D into cutting-edge equipment. We will also
publish a defence AI strategy and invest in a new centre to accelerate adoption of this
technology across the full spectrum of our capabilities and activities.
Finally, we will implement a new defence and security industrial strategy aligned
with the Government’s plan for growth. It will constitute a more strategic approach
to our core industrial base, from building ships in Scotland and armoured vehicles
in Wales, to manufacturing aircraft in England and satellites in Northern Ireland.
Through our investment in priority equipment and technologies to meet national
16. Our wider efforts to counter state threats will reinforce our collective security. We will
seek to deter states from aggressive acts: through the prospect of punishment
– by detecting, attributing and responding accordingly; and by denying them the
opportunity to act, through reducing our vulnerabilities and improving our resilience.
In the UK, this will involve bringing together the work of the Defending Democracy
programme – a cross-government programme to protect our institutions and elected
officials from intimidation, interference and espionage – with our efforts to protect
our economic security, strengthen UK cyber security, enhance our national security
communications and build our national resilience.
17. The experience of the 2018 Salisbury attack demonstrated the value of a collective
response to aggression. Equally, some threats such as cyber-attacks and
disinformation easily cross borders and require international action. We must
therefore also work with allies and like-minded partners to strengthen their approach
to state threats. This will involve deepening our security relationships in the wider
Euro-Atlantic area, Africa and the Middle East, and with a greater emphasis on the
Indo-Pacific. Through our support to others in capacity-building, we will: develop a
shared understanding of the security threats we face, including through increased
information-sharing; undertake joint education, training and exercises; and provide
assistance and expertise in developing policy, legislation and regulatory frameworks.
74 Integrated Review
legislation when parliamentary time allows. This will revise existing offences – to
deal more effectively with the espionage threat – and create new offences, to
criminalise other harmful activity conducted by, and on behalf of, states. The
legislation will also introduce a form of UK foreign agent registration scheme. Where
legislation engages the Sewel Convention we will seek legislative consent, as well
as taking on board views from and working with the devolved administrations.
• To ensure the future security of the UK telecoms network as the basis for
secure and safe CNI. Under the provisions of the Telecommunications (Security)
Bill, supported by the 5G supply chain diversification strategy, we will: manage
and mitigate risks from high-risk vendors; introduce a new, robust security
framework for telecoms to ensure our networks are secure and resilient to future
challenges; and work with partners, including the Five Eyes, to create a more
diverse and competitive supply base for telecoms networks.
• To strengthen cyber security capacity and cooperation with like-minded
partners. Our bilateral capacity-building programmes will draw on the UK’s
thought leadership and expertise in cyber security, in government and the private
sector. They will: enhance partners’ political resilience to common state-related
and other advanced persistent threats in cyberspace; build the resilience of
overseas infrastructure; share information about supply chain threats and risks;
and increase the capacity of cyber law enforcement partners. We will continue to
extend our Five Eyes cooperation on cyber security policy and strengthen regional
and multilateral platforms for capacity-building.
• To enhance efforts to counter disinformation at home and overseas. We will
increase societal resilience in the UK to all forms of disinformation through a new
regulatory framework under the Online Safety Bill and a media literacy strategy.
Investment in the Government’s behavioural science expertise, horizon-scanning
and strategic communications will also help us to improve our response to
disinformation campaigns. In addition to bilateral capacity-building programmes
for priority partners overseas, the Counter Disinformation and Media Development
programme will fund initiatives to understand and expose the disinformation threat
and to support independent media, especially in Russia’s near abroad. We will also
strengthen international cooperation through multilateral groups such as the G7.
• To use our armed forces to detect, understand and deter state threats below
the threshold of war through persistent engagement overseas (see defence
textbox). The UK will deploy more of our armed forces overseas more often and for
longer periods of time, to train, exercise and operate alongside allies and partners
across all our priority regions. Working bilaterally, with partners and in support of
NATO missions, we will: build the capacity of others to deter and defend against
state threats; support, mentor and, where necessary, assist nations in countering
non-state challenges; and strengthen our network of relationships.
• To put diplomacy at the centre of international efforts to counter state
threats, building international coalitions for attributing and responding to state
threats, including through sanctions. We will also provide diplomatic and expert
support to multilateral organisations that uphold international norms on security,
such as NATO, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
and the Council of Europe. This will include strong support to the OSCE’s Special
Monitoring Mission in Ukraine and the Council of Europe’s attribution of Russia’s
hostile and destabilising activity.
The UK’s independent nuclear deterrent has existed for over 60 years to deter the most
extreme threats to our national security and way of life, helping to guarantee our security
and that of our Allies. We have previously identified risks to the UK from major nuclear
armed states, emerging nuclear states, and state-sponsored nuclear terrorism. Those risks
have not gone away. Some states are now significantly increasing and diversifying their
nuclear arsenals. They are investing in novel nuclear technologies and developing new
‘warfighting’ nuclear systems which they are integrating into their military strategies
and doctrines and into their political rhetoric to seek to coerce others. The increase
in global competition, challenges to the international order, and proliferation of potentially
disruptive technologies all pose a threat to strategic stability. The UK must ensure potential
adversaries can never use their capabilities to threaten us or our NATO Allies. Nor can we
allow them to constrain our decision-making in a crisis or to sponsor nuclear terrorism.
The UK’s minimum, assured, credible nuclear deterrent
The fundamental purpose of our nuclear weapons is to preserve peace, prevent coercion
and deter aggression. A minimum, credible, independent nuclear deterrent, assigned
to the defence of NATO, remains essential in order to guarantee our security and that
of our Allies. In 2010 the Government stated an intent to reduce our overall nuclear
warhead stockpile ceiling from not more than 225 to not more than 180 by the mid-2020s.
However, in recognition of the evolving security environment, including the developing
range of technological and doctrinal threats, this is no longer possible, and the UK will
move to an overall nuclear weapon stockpile of no more than 260 warheads.
to fire and, since 1994, we do not target our missiles at any state. We remain committed
to maintaining the minimum destructive power needed to guarantee that the UK’s nuclear
deterrent remains credible and effective against the full range of state nuclear threats
from any direction.
We will continue to keep our nuclear posture under constant review in light of the
international security environment and the actions of potential adversaries. We will maintain
the capability required to impose costs on an adversary that would far outweigh the
benefits they could hope to achieve should they threaten our, or our Allies’, security.
The UK’s nuclear weapons are operationally independent and only the Prime Minister can
authorise their use. This ensures that political control is maintained at all times. We would
consider using our nuclear weapons only in extreme circumstances of self-defence,
including the defence of our NATO Allies.
76 Integrated Review
While our resolve and capability to do so if necessary is beyond doubt, we will remain
deliberately ambiguous about precisely when, how and at what scale we would
contemplate the use of nuclear weapons. Given the changing security and technological
environment, we will extend this long-standing policy of deliberate ambiguity and no longer
give public figures for our operational stockpile, deployed warhead or deployed missile
numbers. This ambiguity complicates the calculations of potential aggressors, reduces the
risk of deliberate nuclear use by those seeking a first-strike advantage, and contributes to
strategic stability.
The UK will not use, or threaten to use, nuclear weapons against any non-nuclear weapon
state party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons 1968 (NPT).
This assurance does not apply to any state in material breach of those non-proliferation
obligations. However, we reserve the right to review this assurance if the future threat of
weapons of mass destruction, such as chemical and biological capabilities, or emerging
technologies that could have a comparable impact, makes it necessary.
Working with NATO, the US and France
NATO recognises that any employment of nuclear weapons against NATO would
fundamentally alter the nature of a conflict. Therefore, as long as nuclear weapons
exist, NATO will remain a nuclear alliance. Since 1962, the UK has declared our nuclear
capability to the defence of the Alliance. We will continue to do so, safeguarding European
and Euro-Atlantic security. We will work with Allies to ensure that NATO’s nuclear deterrent
capabilities remain safe, secure and effective, adapt to emerging challenges including the
growing and diversifying nuclear threats that the Alliance may face, and contribute to the
indivisible security of the Alliance.
Nuclear cooperation remains an important element of the relationship between the United
States and the United Kingdom, enhancing transatlantic security. We will continue to work
closely with the United States on nuclear matters, including nuclear deterrence policy.
The 1958 Mutual Defense Agreement (MDA) has been central to our shared nuclear
security goals and we are committed to its renewal in 2024.
Since 1995, France and the United Kingdom, Europe’s only nuclear powers, have stated
that they can imagine no circumstances under which a threat to the vital interests of one
would not constitute a threat to the vital interests of the other. We will continue our daily
and unprecedented cooperation on nuclear issues, including our collaboration under the
2010 Teutates Treaty.
Our independent nuclear deterrent is relevant not only for today but will also remain
relevant for the immediate future. It is for these reasons that we have committed to a
once-in-two-generations programme to modernise our nuclear forces. This investment
in the future security of both the UK and our Allies demonstrates that the UK’s nuclear
commitment remains undiminished.
Parliament has voted to renew our nuclear deterrent and replace the Vanguard Class
submarines with four new Dreadnought Class submarines. The programme remains within
budget and on track for the First of Class to enter service in the early 2030s.
Delivery of the modernisation of the deterrent will be subject to the Government’s major
programme approvals and oversight. We will continue to provide updates through an
annual report to Parliament. We will work collaboratively across the defence and civil
nuclear sectors to optimise the Defence Nuclear Enterprise for the future. This will
ensure that the UK has a minimum, credible, independent nuclear deterrent for as long
as is necessary.
Arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation: our commitment to
international treaties
Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty in the Conference on Disarmament. We will continue to take
a leading international role on nuclear disarmament verification; this is an essential step for
nuclear disarmament under strict and effective international control.
The UK will continue to work internationally to reduce the risk of nuclear conflict and
enhance mutual trust and security. We will champion strategic risk reduction and seek
to create dialogue among states possessing nuclear weapons, and between states
78 Integrated Review
3.2 Conflict and instability
19. It will not be possible to prevent all conflicts through deterrence and building resilience
to security threats. Conflict and instability will continue to pose a major test to global
security and resilience, marked by weakened or failed states, extreme poverty and
flourishing transnational security challenges. External intervention in conflicts is also
increasing, as states seek to renegotiate power balances and contest international
laws and norms.
20. The UK will work to reduce the frequency and intensity of conflict and instability,
to alleviate suffering and to minimise the opportunities for state and non-state actors
to undermine international security. Our bilateral efforts will focus on priority contexts
where the increased threat and our ability to have an impact coalesce. We will also
continue to support global efforts, including through: championing International
Humanitarian Law; contributing specific capabilities in partnership with allies and
multilateral organisations; our work at and with the UN; and as a financial and military
contributor to UN peacekeeping missions. Our priority actions will be:
21. Transnational security threats such as terrorism, SOC and the proliferation of CBRN
and advanced military technology continue to pose a direct threat to the UK’s citizens,
interests and values, whether they originate in the UK or overseas. As these threats
evolve and increasingly overlap, we will sustain our commitment to homeland security
and build on our considerable expertise, linking our national and international efforts.
22. Terrorism remains a major threat to UK citizens and our interests at home and abroad.
Although the risks have evolved in recent years, Islamist terrorism continues to pose
the primary threat to the UK. There is also a diversifying threat from far-right and,
to a lesser extent, far-left, anarchist and single-issue terrorism. In Northern Ireland,
the Dissident Republican threat endures and there remains a minority who aim to
destabilise the peace process. Paramilitary and criminal activity by both Dissident
Republican and Loyalist groups adds to the wider security challenges we face in
Northern Ireland.
23. We will take a robust, full-spectrum approach in response. This will involve addressing
the conditions that give rise to terrorism, including through countering the radicalising
influence of extremist individuals or groups, as well as maintaining high‑end
capabilities to disrupt and deter terrorist attacks. Working in the UK and with partners
overseas – especially those in the wider European neighbourhood, Africa and the
Middle East – our priority actions will be:
Our new Counter Terrorism Operations Centre (CTOC) will create a single, integrated
CT centre for the first time, with all the principal actors working side-by-side to keep
citizens across the UK safe. The centre will bring together government departments,
the security and intelligence agencies, law enforcement and operational partners,
and elements of the judicial system.
This integrated approach will: improve the speed of response, with multi-agency teams
established dynamically to tackle incidents as they unfold; strengthen end-to-end
management of terrorist offenders; and foster innovation, including the development
and deployment of new capabilities that will help the UK to stay ahead of the evolving
threats we face.
80 Integrated Review
• To reinforce our approach to countering radicalisation and terrorism in the
UK. We will continue to improve the delivery of the PREVENT programme to
safeguard people vulnerable to radicalisation, including through an independent
review of its effectiveness and a refreshed training package for policy-makers and
practitioners in 2021. A new PROTECT duty will make it a legal requirement for
owners and operators of public spaces and venues to take measures to keep the
public safe from terrorist attacks.
• To reduce the operational capabilities and intent of those involved in
Northern Ireland-related terrorism (NIRT). We will work to degrade the wider
ecosystem that supports the NIRT threat through a more flexible operational
response. Our efforts to deter individuals and groups from engaging in NIRT will
include the promotion of alternative pathways. We will also support improvements
in offender management to reduce the likelihood of reoffending.
• To address the conditions that give rise to terrorism overseas through our
support to open societies and our efforts to tackle conflict and instability. We will
also continue to strengthen the CT capabilities of international partners through
capacity-building, alongside law enforcement and intelligence cooperation.
• To disrupt the highest-priority terrorist groups overseas using the full range
of our CT capabilities. These include our high-end PURSUE capabilities, through
targeted military activity, intelligence-sharing and cooperation with international
partners. Under persistent engagement, our armed forces will continue to
contribute to the Global Coalition against Daesh in Iraq and Syria, provide support
to the Government of Afghanistan and support French operations in the Sahel.
• To prevent terrorist activity online. Our objective is to ensure that there are no
safe spaces online in which terrorists can promote or share their extreme views.
To achieve this, we will continue to challenge terrorists’ presence online, working
with technology companies, international partners and civil society organisations,
and delivering through the multi-stakeholder Global Internet Forum to Counter
Terrorism and the UK’s law enforcement organisations. Our new online harms
regime (see textbox in 2.3) will further strengthen the response to both illegal
and legal but harmful online content in the UK and globally, addressing terrorist
material and content relating to child sexual exploitation and abuse in particular.
• To strengthen aviation security worldwide, including through our bilateral
programmes with more than 25 countries. Working with the International Civil
Aviation Organization, the European Civil Aviation Conference and our Five Eyes
partners, we will ensure the effective implementation of global security standards,
anticipating evolving threats to aviation.
The UK’s security and intelligence agencies work to protect the UK and make a vital
contribution to an open international order. They do so by helping us to understand
and get ahead of malign actors, partnering with allies across the world to prevent
harm, improving attribution of responsibility for attacks and abuses, and strengthening
collective responses.
The security and intelligence agencies include SIS, GCHQ and MI5. They work on
a range of issues including counter-terrorism, state threats, cyber security, SOC,
counter‑proliferation and supporting UK defence. Since 2019, the budget supporting
this activity has risen in real terms by an average of 5.4% a year, to £3.1 billion in
2021‑22. It includes £695 million in additional R&D funding between 2021-22 and
2024-25 to support the development of cutting-edge capabilities.
Our approach to intelligence is predicated on rigorous, independent assessment
for effective national security policy-making, with the intelligence analysis profession
overseen across government by the Joint Intelligence Committee. Robust legislation
also ensures that the security and intelligence agencies’ work fully reflects our values in
being democratically accountable, as transparent as possible and meeting our human
rights obligations.
3.3.2 Serious and organised crime
24. SOC2 directly undermines the safety of UK citizens, the integrity of the state and
confidence in our financial system – costing the UK at least £37 billion each year.
Organised criminality is linked to much of the crime experienced in communities: it is
estimated that 45% of all acquisitive crime is committed by people who regularly use
heroin, cocaine or crack cocaine and that nearly 50% of murders are drugs-related.
Overseas, SOC is a threat to international security and prosperity: it extends and
exacerbates conflicts; undermines allies and partners’ stability; and inflicts the highest
economic cost on the lowest-income countries.
25. Organised crime groups are resilient to disruption, moving across crime types to
exploit opportunities in search of criminal profit. The most sophisticated groups use
• To bolster our response to the most pressing threats the UK faces from
organised criminals, including: economic crime, illicit finance and fraud, with an
2 Serious and organised crime is defined as individuals planning, coordinating and committing serious
offences, whether individually, in groups and/or as part of transnational networks. The main categories
of serious offences covered by the term are: child sexual abuse; modern slavery and human trafficking;
organised immigration crime; illegal drugs; illegal firearms; organised acquisitive crime; cyber crime;
fraud; money laundering; and bribery, corruption and sanctions evasion.
82 Integrated Review
additional £83 million investment to ensure our economy is a safe place to do
business (see 2.2); tackling child sexual abuse through a new cross‑government
strategy published in January 2021; doubling our investment in tackling county
lines and drugs supply; and tackling the most pernicious forms of cybercrime,
such as ransomware, including by blocking malicious online activity at scale
through Active Cyber Defence. We will also take measures to ensure that the
next generation of digital technologies are deployed in a way that safeguards
their security.
• To strengthen the National Crime Agency (NCA), meeting our manifesto
commitment and developing the critical data, intelligence and investigative
capabilities required for the NCA to lead the law enforcement system in England
and Wales. We will pursue greater integration where there is an overlap with other
threats such as terrorism and state threats. We will also ensure that the NCA’s
funding mechanism supports the delivery of long-term goals and its ability to
adapt to changing threats.
• To increase regional and local policing capacity. We will bolster Regional
Organised Crime Units, in coordination with local policing and the NCA.
This includes our recruitment in 2021-22 of 300 police officers dedicated to SOC,
as part of our commitment to recruit a total of 20,000 extra police officers by
2023. We will revise the Strategic Policing Requirement so that it more effectively
supports policing’s response to national threats. In 2021-22 we will pilot the
improved use of Serious Crime Prevention Orders to prevent crimes before they
happen. Our investment of an additional £275 million in the criminal justice system
will help to bring more offenders to justice.
• To strengthen international efforts to disrupt and dismantle SOC networks.
In doing so, we will build on the work of our diplomatic and operational networks
such as the NCA’s liaison officers and work closely with international partners
such as the Five Eyes and the EU, including via our liaison officers at Europol.
In particular, we will work with like-minded partners to strengthen Interpol’s
support to frontline law enforcement, through increased data-sharing and
investment in its technical capabilities.
• To tackle SOC within the UK’s territorial sea, through: coordinated action
between the UK Border Force, law enforcement and Royal Navy; and
implementation of the UK 2025 border strategy (see textbox). Coordinating closely
with France in particular, we will continue to work with European partners to manage
shared maritime spaces such as the Channel, and the North and Irish Seas.
Our vision is that by 2025 the UK border will be the most effective in the world.
The border is more than a line on a map: it is a combination of policies, processes
and systems delivered by both public and private organisations across more than 270
recognised crossing points and many other smaller entry points across the UK.
The smooth operation of the border is vital to the UK’s economy, enabling travel and
trade with the rest of the world. It is also a unique intervention point in enhancing the
security and biosecurity of the UK: preventing terrorists, criminals and illicit goods from
reaching our streets; preventing illegal migration; and protecting plant, animal and
Our cross-government action under the 2025 UK border strategy will build on the
implementation of our new points-based immigration system, the Government’s
2050 maritime strategy and export strategy, and our efforts to tackle illegal migration
(see textbox in 4.3). Working with the devolved administrations and local authorities,
law enforcement, industry and international partners, we will deliver the six
transformations and the Target Operating Model needed to meet our vision. This will
involve making better use of data and advanced analytics, technology and innovation,
and creating a highly skilled workforce.
The 2025 UK border strategy
We will increase the effectiveness of the UK’s border with six transformative changes
which will promote prosperity and enhance security.
Develop a coordinated
rg Bring together Establish resilient
approach to border design Government’s ‘ports of the future’ at
and delivery which enables collection, assurance border crossing points
border innovation and use of border data
1 2 3 4 5 6
26. Countering proliferation3 is integral to the UK’s security and prosperity. It helps to
maintain regional and global stability, reduces threats to our citizens and armed
3 Countering proliferation is defined here as preventing the spread or development of CBRN capability and
their means of delivery, or advanced military technology to state or non-state actors that could threaten
UK interests or regional stability.
84 Integrated Review
forces, facilitates safe trade for our industry and protects high-skilled jobs across
the UK. Our successes in the past five years – including the response to Russia’s
Salisbury attack and the attribution of chemical weapons use in Syria – have
contributed to our global reputation as a force for good and an S&T power.
27. To protect these gains, we must: address growing threats from states such as Iran,
Russia and North Korea; respond to emerging threats such as the illicit acquisition of
advanced and dual-use technologies; and reinforce the global counter-proliferation
architecture against growing pressures, shaping its future in our interest. Our priority
actions will be:
• To reinforce international governance of state access to CBRN weapons,
materials or related technology through our work with the relevant treaty
bodies – especially the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and
International Atomic Energy Agency, whose nuclear safeguards system we will
strengthen. In particular, we will do more to expose non-compliance with governing
treaties (see nuclear deterrent section). Alongside our allies, the UK will hold Iran to
account for its nuclear activity, remaining open to talks on a more comprehensive
nuclear and regional deal. We will also remain the most engaged non-regional
partner on North Korea’s denuclearisation and on sanctions enforcement.
• To reduce tensions in South Asia, by encouraging regional dialogue on nuclear
responsibilities, and by working with states there to understand and respond to
safety and security threats to the region.
• To counter proliferation to states. Using intelligence analysis, we will increase
our knowledge of those who seek access to CBRN and advanced military and
dual-use technology. We will tackle proliferation networks and proliferation finance
by identifying hot spots, routes and mechanisms for their transfer. Improvements
to the Academic Technology Approval Scheme will help to stop states from using
research relationships with UK academia to steal intellectual property and obtain
knowledge that could be used to develop CBRN weapons and their means of
delivery, or advanced military technology.
• To counter proliferation to non-state actors, strengthening the security and
safety of nuclear materials in priority countries. We will also reduce the risk of
terrorist acquisition of biological agents through our International Biological Security
Programme and the G7 Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and
4. Building resilience at home and overseas
1. COVID-19 is unlikely to be the last global crisis of the 2020s. As the world becomes
both more interconnected and contested, incidents in one region – a novel virus,
the loss of habitats or a cyber-attack – can have systemic consequences worldwide,
which we cannot always predict or avert. This means that as well as strengthening
our security, we need to build our resilience across England, Scotland, Wales and
Northern Ireland: addressing the root causes of risks, and increasing the UK’s
preparedness to withstand and recover from crises when they occur.
2. The UK’s resilience is intertwined with global resilience. The transnational nature
of many challenges, from climate change and biodiversity loss to biosecurity and
energy security crises, means that no single government can address them alone.
Yet COVID-19 has shown how quickly international cooperation can falter under
stress. It has also highlighted the vulnerabilities that have resulted from the global
trend towards optimising governance and processes for efficiency, rather than
for resilience.
3. As the world recovers from the pandemic, we must strengthen global resilience –
ensuring that more resilient countries worldwide can come together through stronger
international institutions to act on the most pressing shared challenges. Alongside
our efforts to respond to a more challenging security environment, greater resilience
is essential if we are to ensure an international order in which open societies and
economies can flourish.
4. Our first goal is to build our national resilience, so that we are able to reduce
the impact of acute shocks and longer-term challenges on lives and livelihoods in
the UK. National resilience is the product of multiple factors, including effective and
trusted governance, government capabilities, social cohesion, and individual and
business resilience. Achieving this goal therefore requires a national effort, supported
by the Government’s wider domestic agenda. In particular, we will adopt a new
approach to preparedness and response to risks, which fully recognises that natural
hazards and other risks can cause as much disruption to the UK’s core interests as
security threats.
5. Our second goal is to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss, which
require immediate and concerted action worldwide. This will be the UK’s foremost
international priority, building on our domestic commitment to reach net zero by
2050. We will work to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon global economy,
protect and restore biodiversity, and support adaptation and resilience – particularly
for the most vulnerable worldwide.
6. Our third goal is to build health resilience at home and at the international level,
recognising the interconnected nature of our global health system. In particular,
we will bolster our efforts to improve pandemic preparedness – taking a One Health
approach – and to reform the WHO, applying the lessons of COVID-19.
7. Resilience has long been part of the UK’s approach to national security. But in an
increasingly interconnected world, in which we cannot predict or stop all of the
challenges ahead, we need to renew our approach – making resilience a national
endeavour, so that as a country we are prepared for the next crisis, whatever
it might be.
8. The Government will continue to prepare for and respond to individual risks, whether
terrorism, flooding or a new pandemic. Learning the lessons of COVID-19, we will
also seek to build a better understanding of the UK’s strengths and weaknesses,
and improve our national preparedness and readiness across the whole risk lifecycle,
from anticipation to recovery. To do so, the Government will start developing a
comprehensive national resilience strategy in 2021, in partnership with the
devolved administrations and English regions, local government, the private sector
and the public. Under this strategy, our priority actions will be:
recovery. As part of this, we will more closely link our domestic and international
action, putting more emphasis on acting upstream to tackle risks at source –
from climate action to cyber capacity-building and efforts to disrupt transnational
organised crime groups.
• To develop more capabilities – people, skills and equipment – that can
be used across a range of scenarios. We will improve our ability to test and
develop our capabilities through contingency planning and regular exercises,
bringing together government, the emergency services, the armed forces,
other local responders and industry. The armed forces will also continue to provide
support to emergency responses – such as COVID-19 – through Military Aid to
the Civil Authorities (MACA), and we plan on making greater use of the military
reserves in supporting domestic national security priorities. We will also consider
how to extend this to a civilian reservist cadre for support in times of crisis.
88 Integrated Review
• To review our approach to risk assessment. The National Security Risk
Assessment (NSRA) is a classified document which lists and assesses the impact
and likelihood of the most serious risks facing the UK and its interests overseas.
It is produced in conjunction with all risk-owning departments and agencies
and its findings were reviewed in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The publicly
available version of the NSRA, the National Risk Register, was published in
December 2020. A review of the NSRA methodology is currently underway,
which will address all aspects of the underlying methodology, including how we
account for interdependencies, cascading and compound risks.
• To strengthen our analytical, policy and operational tools – including the
collection and use of data – to better assess cross-cutting, complex risks.
We will establish a new Situation Centre to provide live data and rapid analysis,
supporting collaboration across government and informing crisis decision-making.
We will also invest in the digital transformation of the security and intelligence
agencies and in ‘all source’ assessment that brings this intelligence together with
open-source information.
9. The window of opportunity the world has to tackle the climate and biodiversity
crisis is shrinking. Urgent action is needed to limit global warming to 1.5°C and
to end species decline and environmental destruction. Without it, nature loss
could result in a cumulative economic cost of up to $10 trillion between 2011 and
2050. In particular, we must accelerate the global transition to net zero, laying the
foundations for future growth and creating new, sustainable employment in the
industries of the future. We must also increase our collective resilience to the damage
that has already been done, in particular supporting the most vulnerable worldwide in
adapting to climate effects and nature loss.
10. The UK is already at the forefront of climate action. Since 2000, we have reduced
emissions more quickly than any other country in the G20, and were the first major
economy to adopt a legal obligation to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
The UK invested £5.8 billion in International Climate Finance (ICF) between April
2016 and March 2021. In November 2021 we will host COP26 in Glasgow, bringing
together the 197 parties which have signed or acceded to the Paris Agreement to
11. Tackling climate change and biodiversity loss will be the UK’s international priority
through COP26 and beyond. Our priority actions will be:
• To accelerate the UK’s transition to net zero by 2050, working with the
devolved administrations and drawing on strengths and expertise across the UK,
such as green hydrogen and wind power in Wales. We will take an ambitious
approach, including through the ten-point plan for a green industrial revolution,
a forthcoming series of sector strategies (such as the transport decarbonisation
plan) and our overarching net zero strategy. Our aim is to become the world’s
leading centre for green technology, finance and wind energy, mobilising
£12 billion of government investment and much more private investment to create
and support up to 250,000 jobs across the UK. We will increase support for net
zero innovation and new industries, including in low-carbon hydrogen production
economies to developing countries and small island developing states, across
governments, businesses and individual citizens. As COP26 president, the UK
will seek to reach a positive negotiated outcome which balances the interests of
all the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, with more
ambitious nationally-determined contributions and long-term decarbonisation
strategies. We have also committed to align all of our ODA with the Paris
Agreement, and we will consult on ending new direct financial or promotional
support for the fossil fuel energy sector overseas.
• To strengthen adaptation to the effects of climate change that cannot be
prevented or reversed, supporting the most vulnerable worldwide in particular.
We will seek ambitious commitments on finance for adaptation and resilience at
COP26. The UK has already committed £11.6 billion to ICF between 2021 and
2025 and doubled our contribution to the Green Climate Fund, to £1.44 billion.
At home, the Second National Adaptation Programme (2018) sets out a five-year
strategy to make the UK more resilient to climate change, including action on the
most pressing risks such as flooding. We will also seek nature-based solutions,
such as the £80 million Green Recovery Challenge – which funds projects that
restore nature – and the £640 million Nature for Climate Fund for tree-planting and
peat restoration.
• To reverse biodiversity loss by 2030, delivering the goals set by the Paris
Agreement, the commitments of the Convention on Biological Diversity, and the
2020 Leaders’ Pledge for Nature. We will protect and restore nature, including by
driving support for ambitious new global targets for nature at the UN Biodiversity
Conference (CBD COP15) in Kunming in 2021, to improve ecosystem resilience
and species recovery, and to tackle the causes of nature loss. We will continue
to campaign for global agreement to protect at least 30% of the world’s land and
ocean globally by 2030, through our Global Ocean Alliance and as co-chair, with
Costa Rica and France, of the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People and
lead the Global Ocean Alliance. The UK will lead by example, protecting 30% of
our own land and sea by 2030.
• To drive sustainable and legal use of natural resources. The UK will promote
agriculture that regenerates ecosystems and provides healthier and more
sustainable food. We will convene the Forest, Agriculture and Commodity Trade
Dialogue, bringing together the world’s largest producer and consumer countries
of forest-risk commodities to agree collaborative actions that will protect forests
whilst promoting trade and development. At home, we will introduce a new law to
prevent trade of products in the UK that contribute to illegal deforestation. We will
also continue working to end the market for illegal wildlife products, strengthening
law enforcement efforts and supporting sustainable alternative livelihoods.
90 Integrated Review
• To invest in nature and a ‘nature positive’ economy, integrating biodiversity into
economic decision-making in response to the findings of the Dasgupta Review.
We will increase finance for nature and for nature-based solutions to climate
change, including by spending at least £3 billion of our ICF on nature over the
next five years, and supporting the protection and restoration of critical habitats,
including through our Biodiverse Landscapes Fund and Blue Planet Fund.
developing cutting-edge producing 40GW –
low-carbon technologies enough offshore
and a new sovereign wind to power every
green bond home in the UK Low-carbon hydrogen:
Nature: protecting aiming for 5GW of
and restoring our production by 2030
natural environment, and pioneering
including £5.2bn for hydrogen heating trials
flood defences
Delivering new
and advanced
Supporting up to
nuclear power:
Carbon capture: £12bn 250,000
£1bn to become a
rg of HMG highly skilled
investing in the
next generation
world leader in investment green jobs by 2030
of nuclear
technology to technology
capture and store (large and
harmful emissions smaller-scale
plants and
Unlocking 3 times as much advanced
private sector investment in the modular reactors)
green economy by 2030
Greener buildings:
£1bn to make homes, Zero-emission vehicles:
schools and hospitals ending the sale of new
greener, warmer and petrol and diesel cars
more energy efficient and vans by 2030,
while backing our
Jet zero and green Green public transport, automotive sector,
Ensuring the supply of secure, affordable and clean energy is essential to the UK’s
national interests. In the years ahead, our focus will be on the transition to clean energy.
As set out in the energy white paper, we will decarbonise our energy system, boosting
the production of clean energy and seeking to reduce the costs of new technologies by
deploying at scale.
As we make this transition, oil and gas will remain an important, if diminishing, part of
the UK’s energy supply. We will work with our international partners to maintain secure
global oil supplies, particularly in the Middle East. As a member of the International
Energy Agency, the UK continues to hold international oil stocks that can be released
in the event of major disruption. We will also support efforts to ensure European
gas security, seeking to avoid disruption which could have knock-on impact for
prices and supply.
More widely, we will protect the UK’s energy CNI, which remains an attractive target for
attacks by states and non-state actors such as terrorists and criminals. This will involve
ensuring adequate defence against new cyber security risks as our energy system
becomes increasingly reliant on digital technologies. We will also promote nuclear
safety, high standards and safeguards both through our participation in the International
Atomic Energy Agency and bilaterally.
Supporting a resilient ocean
The world has one ocean shared by all nations. The ocean provides 50% of the
The UK’s vision is that by 2030 the ocean will be effectively governed, clean, healthy,
safe, productive and biologically diverse, linking resilient and prosperous coastal
communities around the world, and supporting sustainable economic growth for the
UK, the Overseas Territories and the Crown Dependencies. To deliver this vision, we
will combine our work on maritime security, the environment and trade. Fundamental
to this will be an absolute commitment to upholding the UN Convention on the Law of
the Sea in all its dimensions, as an essential enabler of global prosperity, security and a
healthy planet.
The Royal Navy’s new Multi-Role Ocean Surveillance Ship will demonstrate this
more integrated approach in practice, protecting our CNI at sea and improving our
knowledge of the maritime environment. The Royal Navy’s Offshore Patrol Vessels,
alongside the UK Border Force, will continue to support border surveillance, shipping
safety, maritime environmental protection, fishery activity control, search and rescue
operations and customs enforcement.
92 Integrated Review
In addition, we will:
• Deploy more of our naval assets across the world to protect shipping lanes and
uphold freedom of navigation. The Joint Maritime Security Centre will support this,
strengthening operational maritime coordination across government. The Royal
Navy’s Maritime Component Command in Bahrain will continue to ensure the
flow of trade in the Gulf, including through support to part of the new International
Maritime Security Construct.
• Contribute to wider maritime security, including in tackling piracy off the coast of
West Africa as co-chair of the G7 Friends of the Gulf of Guinea Group in 2021.
4.3 Building health resilience
12. Infectious disease outbreaks are likely to become more frequent in the coming years,
while antimicrobial resistance (AMR) remains a long-term challenge to human health.
As COVID-19 has shown, such health crises can have devastating human, economic
and social consequences, testing national responses and the global health system,
and straining international cooperation.
13. We must learn the lessons of COVID-19, bolstering our domestic and international
action to address global health risks as part of our wider approach to biosecurity.4
In doing so, we will build on our One Health approach, which recognises the close
connection between the health of people, animals and the environment. Reflecting
the interconnected nature of our global health system, we will sustain our support to
4 Biosecurity is defined as the protection of the UK and our interests from biological risks (particularly
significant disease outbreaks) whether these arise naturally, through the less likely event of an accidental
release of hazardous biological material from laboratory facilities, or as the result of a deliberate
biological attack. These risks could affect humans, animals or plants.
part of our efforts to learn the lessons of the COVID-19 response and to build
our national resilience. Our ongoing review of responsibility for biosecurity within
government will inform future considerations relating to a revised biosecurity
strategy and potential machinery-of-government changes.
• To strengthen the UK’s preparedness for future pandemics, taking a One
Health approach. Building on the creation of the Joint Biosecurity Centre and
the National Institute for Health Protection in 2020, we will improve surveillance,
understanding and communication of emerging domestic and cross-border health
threats, including zoonoses.5 We will undertake scenario analysis and contingency
planning within the UK, including to ensure the resilience of medical supply
chains. And we will review our national stockpile of clinical countermeasures and
consumables such as personal protective equipment, expanded testing capability
and laboratory equipment, ensuring they meet the planning assumptions within
the 2020 National Risk Register.
• To reform the global health system, strengthening coherence across the
international architecture – including between health and economic institutions
– and harnessing the potential of data to improve global health surveillance.
We will seek reform of the WHO, supported by a 30% increase in UK core
funding to £340 million over the next four years. We will support stronger health
systems worldwide, with improved capacity to comply with the International
Health Regulations. To strengthen the One Health approach worldwide, we
will seek to establish a Global One Health Intelligence Hub, providing countries
and organisations with a single source of intelligence on human, animal and
environmental risks, as well as global networks of zoonotic experts and zoonotic
centres of excellence – including a centre in the UK. We will also strengthen
domestic and international efforts to combat the threat posed by increasing AMR.
• To strengthen global pandemic preparedness, building on the Prime Minister’s
five-point plan to prevent future pandemics. The UK will seek to accelerate
the development and deployment of VTDs for emerging diseases, using our
G7 presidency to cut the development and deployment of vaccines for priority
pathogens to 100 days through partnership between governments, industry
and international organisations. We will also seek to increase and improve R&D
for VTDs, including through: genomic sequencing and assessing zoonotic links;
increasing innovation in storage and deployment; and standardising clinical
trials and harnessing data. We will ensure sustainable financing for pandemic
preparedness and response, and explore a WHO-led pandemic preparedness
treaty, to improve international coordination and collaboration.
5 Diseases caused by viruses, bacteria or parasites that spread from animals to humans.
94 Integrated Review
Resilience and migration
Cross-border migration will likely increase over the coming decade, driven by a growing
global population and climate change, instability and economic factors. This will have
consequences for many countries around the world, including the UK.
The UK has a long and positive history of migration. Most migrants move through
safe, legal routes. The economic benefits of their doing so are enormous – both for
host countries, including the UK, and for their countries of origin, for example through
remittances. Following our departure from the EU, we will use our new points-based
immigration system to ensure we can secure the talent we need for key sectors in
our economy, not least to sustain our competitive edge in S&T, which is pivotal to
productivity and jobs in other sectors across all parts of the UK.
As a force for good in the world, the UK will remain sensitive to the plight of refugees
and asylum seekers. We have a proud track record of protecting those who need
it, in accordance with our international obligations. Our resettlement schemes have
provided safe and legal routes for tens of thousands of people to start new lives in
the UK. Since 2015, we have resettled more than 25,000 refugees across all our
resettlement schemes, around half of whom were children, including many affected by
the conflict in Syria.
The UK is also committed to tackling irregular migration because it endangers lives,
often those of the most vulnerable, and places burdens on host countries. We will work
with European and other partners to manage the movement of people within Europe’s
wider neighbourhood, including towards the UK – whether they are pursuing economic
opportunities overseas or escaping instability at home.
Such people flows can be complex, spanning multiple jurisdictions across large
distances. We will take a whole-of-route approach, working through our diplomatic and
development network along key migration routes – from Africa via the Mediterranean,
from the Middle East via Eastern Mediterranean and from Asia via Eastern Europe.
In doing so, we will help to shore up stability and improve socio-economic conditions
in fragile regions, thereby addressing the issues that drive irregular migration in the
first place. We will also build capacity upstream for enforcement, including to address
organised immigration crime, which exploits the vulnerable. We will protect the most
We will return people without the right to remain in the UK to their countries of origin
or another safe country, rebalancing the asylum system to disincentivise specific illegal
routes and strengthening the returns process. We will also increase our capability to
tackle the migrant challenge in the Channel, including ending the dangerous, illegal
and unnecessary small boat crossings, through collaboration with France and other
near neighbours.
1. The Integrated Review has established new and demanding ambitions for the UK’s
national security and international policy in an increasingly complex, contested and
interconnected global context. Success will depend on more integrated, adaptive
and innovative structures and capabilities, reaching beyond central government
where necessary.
2. ‘Integration’ is not a new theme in the UK’s approach to national security, although
the language used to describe it has varied over time. Systems and capabilities
have been increasingly integrated across as well as within departments, most visibly
through joint units, joint funding mechanisms and cross-Whitehall governance
mechanisms, with the National Security Council (NSC) at the apex. The establishment
of the FCDO in 2020 signalled the Government’s intent to ensure deeper integration
of the UK’s international capabilities and delivery, and recognised that fundamental
organisational structures still matter. This chapter sets out the main priorities for
enabling integrated strategy-making and delivery across government and beyond,
ensuring the successful implementation of the Integrated Review’s ambitions.
3. The NSC will remain the key formal mechanism through which ministers collectively
set national security strategy and policy, and oversee implementation. The 2018
National Security Capability Review reformed the structures that support the NSC
and introduced new cross-Whitehall mechanisms for providing advice and supporting
implementation of its priorities. These reforms have been effective in some areas,
bringing greater coherence and structure to advice on complex strategic issues,
and better supporting coordinated delivery. Overall, however, more flexibility and
agility is needed in the way in which departments tackle cross-cutting challenges,
with clearer accountability for delivery under stronger ministerial oversight. Ministers
should be engaged collectively at earlier stages in policy-making and more emphasis
4. The National Security Adviser will therefore review national security systems and
processes to ensure that Integrated Review objectives and priority actions, as well
as future policy decisions, are implemented swiftly and effectively, and to establish
systems that better support the NSC.
Reform priorities
important catalyst for further change.
of the first parts of the Government to trial a new Civil Service-wide approach to
culture change. Recognising that diversity and inclusivity are operational imperatives,
we have driven initiatives such as a ‘Mission Critical’ toolkit for staff and shadow
boards. In doing so, we have built on lessons from reports including the Review of
Intelligence on Weapons of Mass Destruction (Butler), the Report of the Iraq Inquiry
(Chilcot) and Windrush Lessons Learned (Williams). We have also tested innovations
in reverse mentoring, targeted recruitment and development, national security vetting
transformation, workplace adjustments and digital outreach.
• Become better connected to, and fully representative of, the people we serve.
Despite some progress, the national security and international policy community
has much further to travel.
• Foster a culture that encourages more and different kinds of challenge, further
developing capabilities such as red-teaming to mitigate the cognitive biases that
affect decision-making.
98 Integrated Review
9. Professionalisation, training and skills: delivering the Integrated Review will
depend on the availability of people with the right skills, experience and security
clearances to form flexible, diverse and multidisciplinary teams. Regular experience
of joint working, greater efforts in recent years to develop relevant professional
courses, and the development of clustered security vetting services are helping to
build these capabilities. However, faster progress is needed. In preparation for the
next SR, we will review the case for a dedicated College for National Security as part
of the new Curriculum and Campus for Government Skills. This could upgrade our
workforce and the tools available to it, driving culture change, providing a platform for
international collaboration and establishing S&T as a core skill. We will also further use
military reservists to support the full range of national security priorities and explore
options for a wider civilian reserve.
10. The Government has launched a new Performance and Planning Framework and
is establishing an Evaluation Taskforce. The Framework sets out priority outcomes,
including four which will cover the Integrated Review’s major themes and which
are intended to be supported by multiple departments. Government departments
will develop Outcome Delivery Plans, against which ministers will receive regular
performance reports. This will provide the ability to monitor implementation (projects,
programmes and outputs) and measure impact (outcomes and benefits), as well
as complementing other monitoring mechanisms for tracking delivery, such as the
Government Major Projects Portfolio.
11. A Defence Command Paper will be published alongside the Integrated Review,
setting out plans for defence in more detail. We intend to publish further strategies,
including on resilience, cyber and international development, in due course.
Future SRs will provide further opportunities to align spending plans with the priorities
offer further opportunities to align resources with ambition over the longer term.
This section sets out the specific measures within SR 2020 that support the delivery of the
Strategic Framework. We have divided the information below into chapter categories but
most of the capabilities described are cross-cutting and will be used in support of activity
described in more than one chapter.
SR 2020 Description
1. Strategic advantage through science and technology
Clean energy
• £1bn into Carbon Capture and Storage and support to
technologies (BEIS) the low-carbon hydrogen production industry with a new
£240m Net Zero Hydrogen Fund and £81m for pioneering
hydrogen heating trials.
R&D (BEIS) Nearly £15bn funding including:
• Commitment to raising economy-wide investment in R&D to
2.4% of GDP by 2027.
• A multi-year settlement for the National Academies and UK
Research and Innovation’s core research budgets, which
will grow by more than £400m on average per year for the
next three years.
Cyber Force (MOD) partnership with the security and intelligence agencies
to enhance the UK’s position as a responsible,
democratic cyber power.
Cyber • £305m of continued investment in 2021-22 in the cross-
security (NCSP) government National Cyber Security Programme (NCSP),
funding transformational cyber security projects to support
departments, the private sector and wider society. This
investment will enable the UK to stay at the forefront of
global action to secure a safe digital future and successfully
adopt new technology to drive resilience and economic
rg growth. There is a further £18m in 2021-22 for international
cyber, digital and data capacity-building programmes, and
projects from the Conflict, Stability and Security Fund.
Digital & data (DCMS) • £45m for programmes to drive growth through
digital technologies and data, while improving online
safety and security.
Economic crime (HO) • £63m to tackle economic crime, including the reform of
the Suspicious Activity Reports system, and to grow the
NECC, which coordinates law enforcement’s response to
money laundering.
• £20m to support the reform of the Companies
House register.
3. Strengthening security and defence at home and overseas
Defence (MOD) • Over £24bn increase in cash terms over four years,
including at least £6.6bn of R&D (as mentioned above)
rg to maintain a cutting-edge military. This reaffirms the
UK’s commitment to its allies, making the UK the largest
European spender on defence in NATO and the second
largest in the Alliance.
• The additional funding in this settlement will:
Borders (HO/CO) • £217m for HO to deliver the Future Border and Immigration
System, a new points-based immigration system in line
with the Government’s ambition to have the most effective
border in the world by 2025.
• A further £1bn for HMRC to reform and enhance the UK
customs system will be accompanied by £363m to recruit
1,100 Border Force officers to deliver transit customs
arrangements and to continue supporting law enforcement
cooperation with EU member states from 1 January 2021.
• Seed funding of £16m for the CO for the Border
rg and Protocol Delivery Group for transformative work
at the border which will support development of a
Single Trade Window.
Counter Terrorism • The budget for CT policing in England and Wales is
(HO/UK security and maintained, including the extra £70m provided in the last
intelligence agencies) financial year, for 2021-22.
Climate change and • £12bn investment to support a green industrial revolution
biodiversity including innovative clean energy technologies, low
hydrogen carbon production, carbon capture and storage,
offshore wind and nuclear power. Provides funding for
the Prime Minister’s ten-point plan, which has set out
the Government’s vision to tackle climate change while
simultaneously supporting hundreds of thousands of
jobs across the UK.
• The Prime Minister committed in 2019 to double the UK’s
public ICF to at least £11.6bn between 2021 and 2025.
rg ICF will help developing countries limit their greenhouse gas
emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.
• £5.2bn in the next six-year flood and coastal defence
programme, and £200m on innovative resilience measures
over the same period. This is to better protect homes and
communities across England from flooding and to ensure
they are better prepared for when it does happen.
• This accompanies allocations for the Nature for Climate
Fund (£92m), Green Recovery Challenge Fund (£80m)
and an additional £7m for biodiversity conservation in the
Overseas Territories.
Health resilience • £6bn to develop and procure COVID-19 vaccines, as
does not undermine global efforts to protect against
preventable diseases.
Official Development • £10bn ODA in 2021-22 to be used overseas to fight
Assistance (ODA) poverty, tackle climate change, support girls into
education and improve global health. The UK will spend
the equivalent of 0.5% of gross national income (GNI) as
overseas aid in 2021.
Implementing the Integrated Review
ROSA (CO) • £2.2m to improve security, to protect our sensitive data
from ever-evolving threats by investing in the ROSA system.
analysis and challenge. We established new processes and products where these
were needed to address gaps and better inform decision-making. Lessons learned
during the process will inform our future approach to engagement and our use
of evidence.
3. This programme was designed to support each stage of the strategy development
and drafting process. This involved working with government departments and
agencies, the UK’s overseas networks, and experts, practitioners and partners from
across the globe. In particular, we sought to:
• Identify and understand the established and emergent trends in the domestic
and international system.
• Highlight what the UK could and should learn from other countries and from the
private sector.
• Clarify the strengths and weaknesses of the UK’s current policies, processes,
systems and capabilities, and identify what needed to change.
6. International partners and stakeholders: the Cabinet Office and Foreign and
Commonwealth Office, and later the FCDO, designed and delivered a virtual
international engagement programme to which heads of mission, ministers and senior
officials contributed. In particular, senior officials – including the Deputy National
Security Adviser for the Integrated Review and the Prime Minister’s Special Adviser
on Foreign Policy – held more than 100 engagements with over 20 countries across
six continents, with a particular focus on key allies and partners. With support from
Review. This included support from the FCDO Research and Evidence Division (RED)
to review the Integrated Review evidence base.
8. Public engagement: gaining perspectives from the public was vital to informing the
Integrated Review, although the process was necessarily restricted due to COVID-19.
New research was conducted to understand public perceptions of foreign policy
and national security at home and overseas. On 13 August 2020, we launched
a public call for evidence. Contributions were invited on a range of security,
defence, development and foreign policy questions. We received more than 450
submissions from individuals and organisations. Organisational respondents included
representatives of a range of industries, non‑governmental organisations, international
organisations, academia, think tanks, local government, LRFs, the media, religious
organisations and fire and police organisations. We reviewed and catalogued the
submissions, which we then shared with policy-makers and senior officials across
10. Experts and practitioners: with support from the Government’s Open Innovation
Team and Wilton Park, we engaged academics and experts from more than 30
different institutions and 20 countries. This included five facilitated discussion sessions
and three roundtables with senior officials. Senior officials conducted a virtual tour of
established think tanks and new research bodies. During the Integrated Review, we
closely tracked work in relevant journals, think tanks and other research bodies from
across the world. This work included two focused reviews of expert opinion, involving
input from 45 academics and practitioners, to gather perspectives on the UK’s role in
the world over the next ten years, UK capabilities in relevant areas, and the extent to
which current systems support their effective use.
11. We commissioned new analyses and assessments to address gaps, updated existing
analyses, and developed new analytical products to inform decision-making and
strategy development.
national security and foreign policy over the coming decade.
a cross-government assessment to provide an overview of government spending.
We also compared the UK’s capabilities with those of key partners and undertook
analysis of the culture of the national security community.
14. Risk assessment: the NSRA is a classified document that lists and assesses
the impact and likelihood of the most serious risks facing the UK and its interests
overseas. It is produced collaboratively with all departments and agencies and its
findings were reviewed in light of COVID-19. The publicly available version of the
NSRA, the National Risk Register, was published in December 2020.
16. We put in place challenge and assurance processes to test our assumptions and
emerging thinking during the strategy development process. These drew from a
range of tools and methods, which included:
CJEF Combined Joint Expeditionary Force
CO Cabinet Office
COBR Cabinet Office Briefing Rooms
COP26 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties
COVAX COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access
CPTPP Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for
Trans‑Pacific Partnership
CNI Critical national infrastructure
CTOC Counter Terrorism Operations Centre
DCMS Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport
DHSC Department of Health and Social Care
Dstl Defence Science and Technology Laboratory
NECC National Economic Crime Centre
NSC National Security Council
NSRA National Security Risk Assessment
ODA Official Development Assistance
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OPCW Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
OSCE Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
RAF Royal Air Force
Research and development
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
SIS Secret Intelligence Service – also known as MI6
SOC Serious and organised crime
SR Spending Review
S&T Science and technology
UN United Nations
UNHCR The UN Refugee Agency
VTD Vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics
WHO World Health Organization
CCS: CCS0221035122
ISBN: 978-1-5286-2453-4