IT-403 Database Administration: Bsit 7
IT-403 Database Administration: Bsit 7
IT-403 Database Administration: Bsit 7
Database Administration
BSIT 7th Lecture 1
Amara Ramzan
Data is any sort of information which is stored in computer
memory. This information can later be used for a website, an
application or any other client to store for future purpose.
Amara Ramzan
Database Management System
A database management system is a software used to perform
different operations, like addition, access, updating, and deletion of
the data, like adding your name in the database for an online retail
store as a customer. A database management system acts as the
backbone of a database and makes using a database a cakewalk as
it makes access and management of data a lot easier.
Amara Ramzan
Course Description
Covers the fundamentals & details of following:
Amara Ramzan
Course Description
Covers the fundamentals & details of following:
➢ Managing Privileges
➢ Managing Roles
➢ Network Overview
➢ Client Side Configuration
➢ Usage and Configuration of Oracle Shared Server
➢ Backup and Recovery Overview
➢ Instance and Media Recovery
➢ Configuration of Archive log Mode
➢ User Managed Backup, Complete and Incomplete Recovery
➢ Import/Export
Amara Ramzan
Recommended Books
Amara Ramzan
Enterprise Database
An enterprise database is used by enterprises and large organizations to
manage their huge collection of data. Such a database helps companies
improve their efficiency. An enterprise database is robust enough to
successfully handle the queries of multiple users simultaneously, and is
capable of handling a range of 100 to 10,000 users at a time.
Amara Ramzan
Enterprise Database Environment
These databases provide an interconnected collection of five
types of database architecture: original data capture,
transaction data staging area, subject area, wholesale data
warehouses, and data marts. All of these databases represent
one or more functional areas that are present in every
enterprise in general.
Amara Ramzan
Enterprise Database Environment
➢ TDSA :
TDSA stands for transaction data staging area that smoothers
all various semantics, times, and units that can occur in original
data capture packages since they come from different users,
who run under different operating systems.
Amara Ramzan
Enterprise Database Environment
➢ Warehouse Database :
A warehouse database is one that holds data taken from
several different databases in subject field. Data in data centers
is taken from databases of subject region.
Amara Ramzan
Enterprise Database Environment
Amara Ramzan
Enterprise Database
Various Enterprise Database Management System :
There are many enterprise databases such as :
Amara Ramzan
Features of Enterprise Database
Management System
Parallel query :
At the same time, several users will position queries there. All
the questions are respond simultaneously.
Multi-process support :
Several processes can be handled by splitting work load
between them all.
Clustering features :
That is, it combines more than one server or single database
connecting case. Often one server can not be sufficient to
handle data volume, so this is time where this function comes
into play.
Amara Ramzan
Database Administrator
A data administration (also known as a database administration
manager, data architect, or information center manager) is a high level
function responsible for the overall management of data resources in an
organization. In order to perform its duties, the DA must know a good
deal of system analysis and programming.
Amara Ramzan
Primary Roles of DBA
▪ Database design
▪ Database accessibility
▪ Performance issues
▪ Capacity issues
▪ Data replication
▪ Table Maintenance
Amara Ramzan
Roles of DBA
A DBA is typically also responsible for other secondary, but still
critically important, tasks and roles. Some of these include:
• Database Security: Ensuring that only authorized users have
access to the database and fortifying it against any external,
unauthorized access.
• Database Tuning: Tweaking any of several parameters to
optimize performance, such as server memory allocation, file
fragmentation and disk usage.
• Backup and Recovery: It is a DBA's role to ensure that the
database has adequate backup and recovery procedures in
place to recover from any accidental or deliberate loss of data.
• Producing Reports from Queries: DBAs are frequently called
upon to generate reports by writing queries, which are then
run against the database.
Amara Ramzan
DBA Functional Organization
Amara Ramzan