NYS Senate Leader March 16 Zoom Call With Reporters

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ASC March 16

Tue, 3/16 11:29AM 29:19


governor, people, sexual harassment, budget, question, resign, important, assembly, investigation,
majority leader, impeachment, new yorkers, senate, impasse, terms, impacted, andrew cuomo,
recovery, small businesses, speaker

leave us to our cousins who will be joining us shortly, I asked that if you would like to ask a
question that you please use the raise hand feature. And again, they just do a cousin's will
be joining us shortly. Thank you.

Hi, everyone, it's, I would say, it's good to see you, it's just good to know you're there. I am
really happy to just, you know, spend some time with you. I think today, you should know
that the Senate Majority is poised to pass halt legislation, it just went through our
corrections committee. And we'll be going through rules. And on Thursday morning, we
will be passing a halt, which I know so many people have been really hoping we do. And
we're happy that we're going to be able to do that. You know, obviously we did our one
house yesterday, I'm very happy that we have not only work towards improving our
education and providing more educational opportunities, we're talking about building on
the COVID responses, as well as providing assistance for small businesses or farmers,
middle class taxpayers, you know, making sure that we are supporting our our hospitals
and making, I think strides in building back. As far as our economy is concerned, we're
obviously asking those who have more to help more in maintaining this recovery. But I
think all in all, we've done a extremely important first step in what we know, hope will be
an on time balanced ethical budget. And something that, again, will make sure that New
York has the support it needs to move forward. So that's what I've got to say, and I'm
certainly welcoming questions.

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Thank you lead us to our cousins. Again, if you would like to ask a question, please use the
raise hand feature. And our first question will be from Karen DeWitt, the New York State
Public Radio.

Oh, awesome. Hey.

So what I'm wondering is, you've got this budget process going on, you have to work with
Governor Cuomo. But you asked him to resign, and he won't. So how can budget talks go
on as normal, as Speaker hasty was saying? Or is this just really an abnormal

time? Well, as I always say that from the time I entered the Senate, I don't I have not seen
a normal year, every every year has been different. And so this is par for the course. So
what remains important, though, is the focus on New York, and New Yorkers and our
obligation. So I've made my my opinions clear. I think the governor should resign. But I
also understand that it is important that we do our job. And that will always be my focus
and my conferences focus.

And just to follow up as he or any of his staff called you, or any of your staff and behaved
in either an appropriate or inappropriate way.

I know we've had no inappropriate dealings with the governor or his staff.

Like they haven't called to express displeasure with what you did.

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No, I told the governor before I, I said what I said that why I was saying it, I thought that
there were a number of allegations, and that, you know, it's just distracting. I would think it
would be distracting. And so it was my opinion that he should resign. So that conversation
has been had. And, you know, I'm moving forward. I also made it clear, you know, during
these conversations that our focus would be on making sure we do the job for for the New
Yorkers. And so that's where we are. Okay, thanks.

Thank you. Our next question will be from Courtney gross. New York one.

Can you hear me?

Hello? I can't hear

you. Wonderful. Okay. Thanks. And so I'm just thinking about obviously this being such a
crucial budget. Are you expected? I mean, it's all been he's always been about three men
are obviously three people in the room.

And you were right, the first guy.

Yeah. Now, I


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think, you know, thankfully,

three people.

So given that, do you think how involved I guess Do you expect the governor's office to be
the governor himself to be given? The circumstances we're under? And do you kind of
think that as these negotiations progress, the Senate and the Assembly could potentially
kind of go out on their own and come up with their own proposal, and you'll be steering
the ship instead of the governor's office?

Well, you know, I think it was extremely important. And really conscious. There was a
conscious effort to to work with the assembly, as it relates to our one house just kind of
bouncing off of how they were seeing things. And so I think the the speaker might have
said yesterday that there's never been a more closely aligned one house that the both
houses have produced. So I think that speaks to our understanding of the moment that we
are in, and the importance of advancing the things that we're advancing in our one house
to house the second one. I will be able to, you know, help New Yorkers stay focused and
build back our economy. So, I mean, that is that is the plan. And I think it's certainly the
speaker's plan as well.

And then just a quick follow up a different topic on impeachment. Where do you think
obviously the assembly is going to go forward with his investigation? Where do you think
the votes are in the senate? I know, you would have to step aside, obviously, and not
participate. But are the votes in the senate already there to potentially impeach the

You know, I think a majority of my members have come out and suggested that the
governor should resign. So I, you know, I haven't canvassed anyone. But, you know, I think

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the majority of my members have spoken.

Thank you. Our next question is from Phil Mahoney with Politico.

Majority Leader,

this homework questions?

So do you anticipate them sitting down with the governor in some form, like you haven't
asked yours? Or is it just going to be to offer now based on the fact that you don't want
him in office? So you're going to be able to meet with them? Or will this be left at the staff
or something else? You know, I think,

my job, we, we have to make sure that New Yorkers are centered in this process. So, you
know, whatever it takes. And every member of my conference feels exactly the same way.
We have a job to do. And we know that again, it is a job for all New Yorkers. It's not it's
and it's really the most important job is to really set the the, the fiscal climate of for
building back after this COVID pandemic, so we'll do whatever we have to do. Does it just
one quick follow up then this narrative that's emerged in recent weeks? The the governor
is a bully, does this match the andrew cuomo that you know, has he ever bullied you? Or
have we? Does this just seem so alien to the andrew cuomo you've experienced over the
years? Well, you know, I, I've got to say that the the governor is well known for being who
he is, and, you know, making sure that you know exactly what he feels. So, you know, this,
this, Andrew Cuomo is is certainly somebody who I have met, but, you know, I mean, I said,
I, I don't get bullied, and I've been able to work in ways that will actually be productive for
New Yorkers, and that's, that's kind of how, how our relationship has been. Thank you.

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Thank you. Our next question will be from Ayana. Harry from pix 11

Hi, good morning Majority Leader, it's good to speak with you. How are you today?

I'm doing well. How are you?

I'm doing really well would love to just hear your thoughts on progress being made in
terms of the legalization of recreational marijuana? Where Where are things? What has it
been like over these last months getting to this point? And and what do you think New
Yorkers can expect?

Well, as I say, it is a matter of when not if we are extremely close, we have continued to, to
have negotiations and really have, you know, ironed out a lot of what we think would be
important in terms of making sure that we do this right, we have reached a little bit of an
impasse right now, and it has to do with impaired driving there, you know, we're trying to
figure out a way forward. So that, you know, there will be some understanding of vehicle,
you know, safety. Man, I'm pretty sure that we'll be able to work through that with the
assembly as well. So, you know, I'm, I'm optimistic that it will, you know, be resolved sooner
than later.

And what do you think legalization would mean, and just in terms of criminal justice here
in New York State?

Well, you know, I think it's no secret at this point, how disparately impacted black and

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brown communities have been by the disproportionate arrests and incarcerations of
people with marijuana. So we know that it will have a criminal justice aspect. And, and we
also knew that when we decriminalize small amounts of marijuana, you know, two years
ago, even when we couldn't legalize it, we didn't we, you know, hadn't figured that path
forward, but we knew that we had to stop criminalizing it. So part of this is, again, a
criminal justice aspect, part of it is also making sure that these communities have the
opportunities to really benefit from the economies and the the industry, that will be
created, and that communities that have been negatively impacted, are able to get
resources put back into those communities. And of course, we want the education piece
do around around general drug use in and of course, the safety, you know, on roads. So, I
do believe that we will be able to to change, you know, lives for a lot of people who have
absolutely, you know, just borne the brunt of unfair, unfair. You know, and the unfair
practices that happens around enforcing these laws. And do

you see an agreement coming together, possibly within a week, a few weeks?

I mean, we're, you know, we're working hard on trying to get to an agreement. You know,
Like I said, we're down to about one impasse and I call him an impasse, but I don't think it
is I do think we'll be able to resolve it. But again, we are in the midst of got about three
weeks before we have to deliver an on time budget. So, you know, we want to make sure
that everything is moving forward so that we will arrive with our budget on time as well.
Again, is making sure if we can can resolve that issue with marijuana will be able to pass
this loss to sooner than later. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you

Next question is from Michael Wally with news. are currently muted. Okay Sorry about
that, Senator

Majority Leader

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at this point have you not if you chose not to meet with the governor directly and that's
how I met the future but So far at this point, has there been a point where you have just
chosen not to deal with him because of this latest sexual harassment scandal and, and I
have a quick follow up question after that. Yeah,

I mean, you know, I I we are doing what We are are needing to do, certainly as it relates to
To moving the ball forward with the budget, so it's you know, I Haven't been you know
Really meeting with With him I haven't met with the speaker frankly. But, you know, we
are putting forward as you know, our one house bill at negotiations will be begin in earnest
and, you know, he said we've been Get to the right to the right answers. I'm sorry

Majority Leader Since you didn't Not meeting with the governor was not Have your
concern heard about that

You know, I haven't We met with the governor but You know he hasn't actually. Yes.

And then one quick question to also while you're in negotiations now, and it seems like a
powerful position in the legislature, are you considering trying to get some Some policy
measures in their yourselves, either in sexual harassment or some of the other issues that
you pushed in previous years.

You know, we have done amazing work in sexual harassment. You know, from the time I
became the leader, I don't take my position as the first One woman leader, the state's
history lightly and needed to my members, as they know it's an important position and So
we have begun with, you know, dealing with sexual harassment. You know aggressive
legends And we did hearings that had never happened within, you know, within the first

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few months. And of course they were the first hearings that actually it happened in the
state. 30 years. We don't under we we understand how important people feeling safe in
their workplace is we also want to And how scary It is for people to come forward. for
women to Come forward when They are have feelings. They are the victims of sexual
harassment. We understand how important it is and that is why we have made it clear
that it is unacceptable. And we've Done legislation and as things come up, we will
continue to do But we have to ask emphasize how important it is that everyone feels safe
in their workplace free of harassment, you know free of bullying and being able to just Do
what they came to do which is to do their work. So you're not

trying to put in any new policy in this unique situation legislature Yeah, I

mean I Again, it's it's a A lot i viously if there's some something more We don't have to do
it in the budget. You understand too Do policy mean some policy we do in the budget but
just like they said we're passing hope this week mean there's a lot of policy that we do
outside of the budget and as they Come up our conference, you know advances the the
policy issues inside or outside of the budget. So, we're continually being vigilant and we
will continue to pass legislation as needed around this and other issues. Thank you.


Thank you. Thank you.

Our next question will be from Marina villaneuva. Call the Associated Press Hello


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everyone. Wondering what you're looking for in the ages are Or you know what if some
things are substantiated other things. For lack of evidence and the governor points to
what's unsubstantial. what's what's not substantiated as exoneration?

Well, you know, I was one of the first to call for the ag to do The investigation because,
again, you know, that's her job. And I thought she was the best person to do Ay, ay ay ay. I
can say Before that any substantiation would I think be enough for the governor to resign?
So I don't you know, I can't imagine how it will be Know how it turns out but you know the
if the information that the the governor difference from the ages investigation. And then
then he should resign. And

When it comes to sexual harassment as an adult. Do you think that itself is an
impeachable offense. Sexual arrest.


again. We have just I just mentioned How much work we've done. around sexual
harassment. How you It is absolutely unacceptable. Again Let me just go back. I made my
pinions clear about the guy Governor should resign. I did already said that. But obviously,
if there is sexual harassment and he's found guilty That, of course he should resign

Could he be impeached for that Again, the

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impeachment pieces By the assembly as you know, and they are looking into it, they have
their process in place. They are they're looking into, I guess the allegation. So, you know,
they said I think I've made my told you what what I think and I think they're they're going
through their process.

Is there any constitutional requirement For the governor to step aside at any point of the
impeachment process, would it be effective to trial in the Senate or Well, I

think it feeds in peace. She has to step aside but I don't like you know, like in during the
trial process but there's nothing that says he has to do that now.

Thank you. Our next question is from Anne McCoy with CBS sex. And you're traveling. Hi.

Hi there.

I just got it unmuted. Thank

you. Hi, Senate leader. Hi, I

have two questions for you. I

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miss seeing all of you you know seeing seeing these little boxes with names I do. I do miss
actually seeing seeing you all but this is the best we can do right now until we're we're in a
better place.

I appreciate that and can't wait to get back in person. Here. I'm wondering, are you
checking in with the ACS office? Do you have updates on either investigation Do you have
an update from the ag office on where the investigation stands? Under sexual

No, no, I haven't been checking And I'm sure she's doing her job. She's



for seats.

And then, you know, Republicans are saying that in terms of the impeachment
investigation, they're worried that the committee of the commission rather will drag their
feet. And you know, that we won't ever see an impeachment vote. Are you worried about
that happening? And in terms of, you know, dragging feet and not actually seeing any
results, what's your What's your response?

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Again, this is the assembly process. And, you know, they're, they're doing their process.
And I keep saying everything, you know, I've made my position clear. And they, you know,
they're, they're doing what they feel they need to do. And so I, I don't have any concerns
around it, it's their process.

And lastly, yesterday, it did come out. And one of the accusers, Charlotte Bennett, her
attorney did put out a statement releasing some new information about some of the
comments that the governor had made, I was just wondering if you had read that
statement and your reaction. Again, it is just it's so important that women or anybody,
frankly, who feels that they are experiencing sexual harassment come forward, it is a
brave thing to do. And, you know, I, I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that
people feel free to come forward to be heard. And,

you know, I just, you know, I am sorry, that we are having this conversation in 2021. I really
am in New York State. But I am very glad that, you know, people feel comfortable enough
to come forward. And, you know, we take this very, very seriously.

Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you. And our last question will be from Morgan, MCI spectrum news.

Here we go. Sorry about that. How are you, Senator? It's good. How are you? Very good.
Um, so, you know, to piggyback off that last question a little bit, you this impeachment
investigation? Assembly Speaker Pro heastie is saying this could take

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weeks, even months, do you feel like there should be a time limit on that? Do you feel like
this should be stretching out into you know, pass a budget season even into summer?
Yeah, I again, I can't opine on what the assembly is, you know, what their process is? Or
how long it should take? I really can't believe it. I said, I've made my, my opinion, clear
that I think the governor should resign. Because, again, there's just so many allegations,
and, and so many different, whether it's the nursing home data or sexual harassment, you
know, there's, unfortunately, so many things that really would, in under any circumstance
be extremely distracting. And, you know, my contention has always been for the good of
the state and for what we have to do, you know, it's important that we all be absolutely
focused. And so that's, that's how I feel about it. I've made that clear. And of course,
investigation, so should should continue. And, of course, you know, people should be
heard, but, you know, I, I really want to make it clear that for us, of putting new yorkers in
and, you know, you know, our recovery first is, is really what our conferences is focused on.
And one quick note about the budget, there has been some criticism from Republicans
about how this would be if adopted one of the largest state budgets in New York's history.
Are you concerned at all? Or what's kind of your reasoning behind having such a large
spending bill this year proposal at least?

You know, the reasoning is the reality. Reality is that we've been hit really hard. And we
will talk about this reckoning and we've all talked about how so much has been laid there
after this pandemic. And we've seen how people are suffering. We've seen the inequities in
health care in education. We've seen how you know, everything from the environment to
our local farms have been impacted. We know how small businesses have been impacted.
We understand people are holding on to their housing.

for dear life holding on to their homes for dear life. This has been cataclysmic in terms of
how it has impacted every single person. You know, in our country. And certainly here in
New York, we've been extremely argot. And I also want to say that I want to thank our
congressional delegation, I want to thank Senator Schumer and and Speaker Pelosi and
certainly, all of our Congress, people who worked so hard to bring in money that will help
us to be able to at least, you know, heal some of the wounds of this past year. But in order
for us to move forward, in order for us to really invest in education in the way that we
should, in order for us to invest in our environment, in our economy, the way that we

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should, we have to be able to have a path forward that will pay for the things that we
need and want, whether it's healthcare, whether it's again, bolstering you know, our our
local businesses or small businesses, there is so much that we need to do that in these
extraordinary times where we have to reset where we are having to reconcile. Yes, we are
looking at how we can do this. We're asking people who who have, you know, a lot more
to help with a little more to make sure that what our recovery is, is a sustained recovery,
emphasizing the things that we

know, it's healthcare and housing, education, opportunity. That's what New York needs. So
I'm really confident that we are setting ourselves on a path that will not only be recovery
for a few, but recovery for everyone.

Thank you. You're welcome.

Thank you

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