Dhatusamya Lakshana Mentioned by Acharya Charaka To Understand Health Status
Dhatusamya Lakshana Mentioned by Acharya Charaka To Understand Health Status
Dhatusamya Lakshana Mentioned by Acharya Charaka To Understand Health Status
Health is a common topic for all cultures and all communities. They have
their own concepts regarding the facts of health. In Greek philosophy health and
harmony are considered equivalent. Harmony being defined as ‘being at peace with
the self, the community, God and cosmos’4. Thus health has evolved in multiple ways
in different streams of medicine.
refers to the signs and symptoms of a disease that stands as the important tool for
understanding disease in its actual sense. Roopa gives knowledge about the involved
doshas and dushyas as well as the severity. According to the manifestation of
different roopa, one can assess the degree of vitiation of different dosha, its sites,
characteristics (like eka-doshaja, samsargaja or sannipataja vyadhis) and thereby
helps in planning the apt treatment modalities.
Classification of Roopa
1. Samanya roopa
2. Vishesha roopa
Samanya Roopa
It represents the general features of a disease and helps to understand that disease.
Vishesha roopa
It represents the specificity that can happen within the same disease in
different persons and with difference in aetiology. For example vataja, pittaja,
One symptom may be common to many disease. For example fever is the
common symptom of many diseases having irregular onset and complicated origin.
One symptom may be related to only one disease (Prathyaathma niyatha lakshanas).
For example santapa (hyperpyrexia) is the symptom of fever only. Many symptoms
may be related to only one disease. For example many symptoms related to irregular
onset and complicated origin are found in fever. Many symptoms may be related to
many disease. For example many symptoms like irregular onset are found in different
diseases like fever, dyspnoea, hiccups etc11.
Each and every disease will have its own Prathyathma lakshanas. But the
same lakshana can also be found in other diseases too. Through Prathyaathma
lakshana we get a complete picture about that disease which leads to proper diagnosis
and help to plan a better treatment.
This is an era where people with mild disease are being exploited
economically in the name of complete health check-ups. Such a need has paved the
way for this study so that any affordable Ayurvedic substitute can be explored.
Development of a diagnostic algorithm is a humble attempt that can help to prevent
progression of pathology of many manageable diseases which if not interfered at the
right moment may progress into incurable diseases.
algorithms are based on variations in signs and symptoms and can serve as
prospective diagnostic tools. This will help as indicators of a future disease and act as
markers of undergoing pathogenesis (samprapthi). As chikitsa is defined as the
process of breaking of pathology (samprapthi vighatanam), this step by step approach
is essential pre-requisite for the proper diagnosis and management of disease.
The second arm of the study was divided into three parts. The first part was
the construction of algorithms. Algorithms of diagnosis connote the concept of
construction of algorithms of various symptoms, its possible progressions to different
diseases and thus an effective means of diagnosis. These symptoms for which
algorithms were developed may be signs of manifested diseases or prodromal signs of
future illnesses. In both cases, the constructed algorithms assist in the early and
prompt diagnosis of medical conditions. For this the variations of each dhatusamya
lakshana were noted. Out of these variations, some symptoms which have clinical
importance were selected and algorithms of diseases from these symptoms were
prepared. The textual references of symptoms in various diseases associated with
these variations were collected from Brihattrayee and Madhava nidana. These along
with variations in dhatusamya lakshana could function as an efficient aid for the
clinician in prompt diagnosis of the disease. The second part was the designing of an
Ayurvedic health check-up format based on dhatusamya lakshana.
The third part consists of a survey. In order to find out the practicality of
health check-up format a primary health survey was conducted among the students of
our college. Those who shows variation in dhatusamya lakshana were taken as
unhealthy candidates and others who show no variation were considered as healthy
The first four chapters encloses descriptive literary part while the fifth chapter
deals with the survey.
The first chapter includes health and its various dimensions, various
examinations in Ayurveda, definitions of health by different Acharya and the
supremacy of Dhatusamya lakshana.
The second chapter is an overview of Dhatusamya lakshanas and how each
factor in Dhatusamya lakshana influence the health was detailed.
The third chapter deals with the variations of Dhatusamya lakshana and
prospective diagnostic algorithms were constructed for the selected variations.
The fourth chapter deals with the designing of Ayurvedic health check-up
format based on dhatusamya lakshana.
The fifth chapter constitutes of survey – In primary survey, the health status of
students were checked using a questionnaire based on dhatusamya lakshana.
In the secondary survey, in-depth interview method was used and the
variations were mapped through algorithmic method to reach probable