Activity 1 - Morocco

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Anthony’s College
San Jose, Antique


WEEKS 1 and 2

Learning Competencies:
At the end of the lesson, the learners…..
● Analyze different principles, tools and techniques in creating a business;
● Apply business principles, tools, and techniques in participating in various types of industries in the locality;

(Collaborative Work)
● Suppose this is the year 2019 (pre-pandemic), the Philippine-based fast food company where you are employed as one of your marketing strategists is planning to expand
its business operation in (NAME OF THE COUNTRY ASSIGNED TO YOU). Create an analysis of the country’s political, economic, social, technological, legal and
environmental factors your company should consider before investing in it.
● Choose only 3 questions that you should address in every factor.
● Search for articles/write-ups written from 2015-2019 only. Include the links/sources.
● Describe the political stability or instability of the country. Is the country prone to civil war and military unrest,squabbles and rivalry among its leaders that might pose a
hindrance to the company’s business venture? Prove your answer.
● What are the country’s regulations on foreign investment? Does its government support foreign direct investments?
● Describe the corruption level in the government.
● Describe the import/export regulations of the country.
● Does the country have an existing foreign debt or loan? Prove your answer.
● Does red tape occur in the government bureaucracy? Prove your answer.

Country where the Question No. 1 Question No.2 Question No.3 Links/Sources
company is planning
Describe the corruption level in the Describe the import/export Does the country have an existing
to invest:
government. regulations of the country. foreign debt or loan? Prove your
MOROCCO answer.

In Morocco, society’s tolerance of The commitment to import must be Public debt remains sustainable and
corruption is at a high level today, filed with an authorized bank chosen declined to 64.9% of GDP in 2018 as/Morocco/Corruption
influenced by a vague feeling of impunity by the importer for domiciliation. The (from 65.1 percent in 2017). Subdued -perceptions-index?
and inequality of citizens before the law. commitment to import is valid for 6 economic and credit growth. bank-Al- =amp
In 2020, the corruption perceptions index months as from the date of its Maghrib (BAM) has kept its policy
for Morocco was 40 points. Corruption domiciliation and facilities custom rate unchanged at 2.25 percent since https://www.moroccow
perceptions index of Morocco increased clearance and the financial settlement its last reduction in March 2016.
from 32 score in 2006 to 40 Score in 2020 of the goods. An import commitment Morocco's external debt reached 61.6 /333656/corruption-
growing at an average annual rate of which is the authorization provided USD bn in Sep2020. Compared with perceptions-index-
1.74%. The report said that the Moroccan by the Foreign Exchange Office for 58.2 USD bn in the previous quarter. 2020-ranks-morocco-
government took exceptional measures in transfers of foreign currencies from In latest reports of Morocco, the 86th-globally/
response to the pandemic, they showed Morocco to foreign suppliers abroad. current Account recorded a surplus of
insufficient oversight. The index spoke of The Importer or exporter may attach 161.7 USD mn in Sep 2020. Foreign https://www.privacyshi
FINDINGS exemptions for which the government has any documentation, such as technical Direct investment increased by 263.8
not faced accountability pressures, which documents, that might assist the USB –mn in Sep 2020. id=Morocco-import-
could lead to significant risk for customs administration, the authority requirements-and-
mismanaged funds and corruption. for customs in Morocco is Documentation
administration of customs and indirect
Tax. https://www/ceicdata.c
● What was the country’s Gross Domestic Product and Gross National Income in 2018? What did it reveal about the country’s economy?
● Describe the country’s propensity of its people to spend or the purchasing power of the citizens.
● Did the country experience price fluctuations or inflation in the past 3 years (2015-2018)? Support your answer.
● Describe the country’s employment and unemployment rate.
● Explain the exchange rate of the country’s currency to American dollar.
● Are most workers/employees in the country, especially minimum wage workers, being well paid? Prove your answer.
Country where the Question No. 1 Question No.2 Question No.3 Links/Sources
company is planning to
What was the country’s Gross Describe the country’s employment Are most workers/employees in
Domestic Product and Gross and unemployment rate. the country, especially minimum
MOROCCO National Income in 2018? What wage workers, being well paid?
did it reveal about the country’s Prove your answer.
Gross Domestic Product for 2018 In Morocco, the employment rate The average salary of Moroccans https://www.macrotrends
was $118.10B, a 7.67% increase measures the number of people who covered by the National Security .net/countries/MAR/mor
from 2017. Gross National Income have a job as a percentage of the Fund (CNSS) is MAD 5,188 occo/gdp-gross-
($541.63). Many employees receive domestic-product
for 2018 was $113.26B, a 8.75% working age population. The
less than the minimum wage.
increase from 2017. employment and unemployment rate for https://www.macrotrends
Morocco are 39.40% and 11.90% The average monthly salary in the .net/countries/MAR/mor
respectively. public sector was MAD 7,549
($788.12). Staff in the financial and
insurance sectors were paying the
most (MAD 14,749 per month, or Morocco Employment
$1,538.39), followed by those in the Rate | 1999-2020 Data |
IT and communications sector 2021-2023 Forecast |
(MAD 10,953 per month, or
Historical | Chart
FINDINGS Many Moroccan workers earn less
than the country's minimum wage of CNSS Report: High
MAD 2570 per month, which raises Numbers of Moroccan
questions about Moroccans' buying Workers Earn Below
power. Minimum Wage

● What is the population size and growth rate of the country?
● Describe the wealth distribution and the social classes that exist in the country.
● What are the attitudes of the citizens towards foreign brands or products?
● Identify the lifestyle of the country’s citizens including their attitudes towards leisure time, diet and buying habits.
● Do you think that the country’s religion, beliefs, and norms can have a direct impact on your business? Prove your answer.

Country where the Question No. 1 Question No.2 Question No.3 Links/Sources
company is planning to
What is the population What are the attitudes of
size and growth rate of the citizens towards
Describe the wealth distribution and the social classes that
MOROCCO the country? foreign brands or
exist in the country.
Morocco's 2018 population Income inequality is high in Morocco. The share of national In general, Moroccan https://www.worldo
is estimated at 36,029,093 income of the richest 10% in Morocco stood at nearly 32%, 12 consumers prefer to turn to
people with a growth rate of times higher than the share of national income of the poorest local brands and products. population/morocco
1.26 %. 10% of the population. At the top level of the class system of But they are increasingly -population/
Morocco exists the monarch and royal family, members of the numerous, especially
government, and groups of very wealthy Moroccans who do not young people, in turning to
work, joined by wholesale merchants and the owners of large foreign brands belonging
manufacturing, industrial, or international trading companies. to large multinationals.
An upper middle and middle class consists of professionals.
Sherfa, are those who claim descent from the prophet
Muhammad they typically do not work, and those who have no
inherited wealth live off the others. Muhajerin, or emigrants, is https://moroccoshar
FINDINGS composed of nearly 2 million Moroccans who live and work
abroad, in order to send their wages back to support their m/culture.html
families in Morocco. Most remain poor and are looked down
upon. Jews and other foreigners generally prosper, while sub-
Saharan black Africans are often discriminated against.

● Explain the extent of the government’s support in research and development activities (r and d) in the country. Cite at least 2 r and d activities that have highest financial
support from the government.
● How is the internet connection speed of the country?
● How technologically-prepared is the country?
● What percentage of the citizens have access to modern technology and the internet?

Country where the Question No. 1 Question No.2 Question No.3 Links/References
company is planning to
How is the internet Explain the extent of the government’s support in What percentage of the
connection speed of the research and development activities (r and d) in the citizens have access to
MOROCCO country? country. Cite at least 2 r and d activities that have modern technology and the
highest financial support from the government. internet?
Morocco’s average mobile Following broader international trends, the expansion of According to a 2012 report by https://www.moroccowor
internet speed is among digital solutions has received support from the the National
Africa’s fastest. At an authorities at various levels. While improvements in Telecommunications 910/morocco-has-5th-
average of 7.36Mbps, infrastructure have been led by updated laws, uptake has Regulatory Agency (ANRT), fastest-internet-in-africa-
Morocco ranks fifth in the been largely supported by Digital Morocco 2020 (Maroc 39% of Moroccan homes had a afk/#:~:text=Rabat
continent. Digital 2020), a national development blueprint adopted computer in 2011, a %20%E2%80%93%20M
in 2016 to supplement the achievements of Numeric considerable increase over 11% orocco's%20average
Morocco 2013 (Maroc Numéric 2013), adopted in 2008. in 2004. Similarly, internet %20mobile
In 2017 the blueprint established the Digital access has jumped from 2% in %20internet,ranks
Development Agency (Agence du Développement du Moroccan homes in 2004 to %20fifth%20in%20the
Digital, ADD) to oversee progress and regulate ICT- 35% in 2011. However, there is %20continent.&text=Afri
related projects and reforms. The agency’s missions still a big gap between urban ca's%20fastest
include reducing the urban-rural digital divide, areas, where 53% of homes %20internet%20is
achieving a shift from e-government to digital have access, and rural areas, %20in,than%20speeds
government, and promoting the digitisation of business where only 14% of homes had %20in%20the%20U.S
processes. computers in 2011.
FINDINGS technologies-strengthens-
● Identify and explain briefly 2 consumer laws of the country.
● Is there a law that protects the country’s foreign investors? Give one example and explain it.
● Explain briefly the government’s antitrust law or competition law.
● Cite one employment law and briefly explain what it is all about.

Country where the Question No. 1 Question No.2 Question No.3 Links/References
company is planning
Identify and explain briefly 2 consumer Explain briefly the government’s Cite one employment law and briefly
to invest:
laws of the country. antitrust law or competition law. explain what it is all about.
Law No. 31-08 enacting consumer Government antitrust law was also The employment laws in Morocco are http://www.mcin
protection measures completes the existing referred to when the competition was quite modern, having been inspired by
legal framework of consumer protection and developed to the U.S government to the recommendations and conventions tent/consumer-
sets up an enabling framework for the protect consumers from predatory of the International Labor protection
promotion of the role of consumer protection business practices. This law was Organization. one the example of
associations. Enforcement of law n° 31-08 In involved about market, vigilantly employment law is Social Security. In
order to enforce the law and its guarding against monopolies and order to get Social Security, all
implementing regulations, the department disruptions to the ebb and flow of employers have to register themselves
has a qualified and sworn body of competition. while competition law is a as well as their employees with the https://www.nort
investigators present at the 29 provincial law that promotes or seeks to maintain National Fund. The system is called the onrosefulbright.c
delegations. The Consumer Protection Act, market competition by regulating anti- Caisse Nationale de Securite Sociale. It om/en
1986 was enacted to protect the interests of competitive conduct by companies. And is mandatory for all Moroccan
the consumers. This is an important also known as antitrust law in the employers to participate in the
FINDINGS practice-
landmark legislation in the field of consumer United states. program.
protection as it provides for establishment of areas/employme
three-tier quasi-judicial consumer disputes nt-and-labour-
Redressal machinery at the District, States laws-and-
and National levels to render simple, regulations/moro
inexpensive and speedy justice to cco

● Explain the country’s stand on climate change.
● What is the extent of the government’s support on renewable energy?
● Describe the country’s level of pollution.
● Identify a major environmental policy of the government and its significance to the country.
● Describe the climate as well as the common natural disasters that affect the country
Country where the Question No. 1 Question No.2 Question No.3 Links/References
company is planning to
Explain the country’s stand on Describe the country’s level of Describe the climate as well as the
climate change. pollution. common natural disasters that
MOROCCO affect the country
Morocco's climate policies are Morocco's air quality is classified as Morocco is prone to earthquakes. https://climateactiontrack
progressing, and it will be one of moderately unhealthy by the World Minor earthquakes occur on a regular
the few developing countries to be Health Organization; according to the basis. In 2004, a powerful earthquake /
able to reduce emissions by 2030. most recent results, the country's struck northern Morocco near the port
Renewable energy expansion is annual mean PM2.5 concentration is
town of Al Hoceima, killing over 600
proceeding as expected, but new 33 g/m3, above the recommended ountry/morocco/risk/air-
coal-fired power plants may lock limit of 10 g/m3. pollution#:~:text=In
the country into higher emissions. %20accordance%20with

Answers are comprehensive, accurate and complete.

Key ideas are clearly stated, explained and well-supported.

Answers are accurate and complete.

Key points are stated and supported.

Answers are not comprehensive or completely stated.

Key points are addresses but not well- supported

Answers are partial or incomplete.

Key points are not clear.

Questions are not adequately answered.




GROUP MEMBERS Contribution/s to the activity Rating

(0-15 pts.)

Acosta, Frands Anthony Cuanzon, Tessia Marcy
Able, Aubrey Tricia De Guzman, Justice
Tamparong, Mae Untal, Cyrus Lester
Buyco, Russell John
Verde, Elisa Maria
Salas, Chenee Marie
Emanel, Lyra Grace 5) VENEZUELA
Lagrimas, Jennifer Love
2) PAKISTAN Valdellon, Niňo Charles
Jauod, Jobert Jimenea, Mary Grace
Muller, Harley Shea Rafols, Alyzza Kristel
Salcedo, Franchesca Kylene Saylo, Aaliyah Virgie Liza
Lagunday, Marc Justine David, Willa Mae
Soriano, Novie Larrine
Pon-an, Bea Kathleen
Ignacio, Cherish Marielle
3) MOROCCO Faulan, Denisse Marie
Niangar, Jonnel Giagone, Cember Fitz
Garcenila, Rica Mie Domingo, Crisanel Marie
Rondain, Camilla Gonzales, Ashley Kate
Patricio, Sid Vermon Tonogbanua, Jaiza Marie
Lagunday, Dorothy Joyce Cosme, Irene Grace
Toledo, Chielyn Kaye Villavert, Joei Alexandra
Ordonez, Jamila Mesha

Quiatchon, Ivan John Robert
Esquivel, Crisha Mariz
Ballarta, Nicole Faye

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