Seavmey Mid Term 2021
Seavmey Mid Term 2021
Seavmey Mid Term 2021
I. Terminology
To design a good test, these principles are used to identify the 6 criteria for testing a test.
Read some characteristics of each principle and write its name on the blank given. (10 marks)
a. ………………………………………….
1. A test that stay in an appropriate time constraints
2. A test that is easy to administer
3. A test that is not excessively expensive
b. ………………………………………….
1. It refers to the consistency of the assessment result.
2. The test is quite consistent and dependable
3. same test given at different times to same students would produce similar results
c. ………………………………………….
1. It concerns with the appropriateness and meaningfulness of the interpretations made from the results.
2. It assesses what and how you teach.
3. The test measures accurately what is intended to measure.
d. …………………………………………
1. The language in the test is as natural as possible
2. Items are contextualized rather than isolated.
3. Topics are meaningful ; it is relevant to learners interests
e. …………………………………………
1. It indicates the effect of testing on teaching and learning
2. Students incorrect responses can become windows of insight into further work
3. It enhances learners’ intrinsic motivation, autonomy, self-confidence, and language ego.
f. …………………………………………
1. The language in the test is as natural as possible
2. Items are contextualized not isolated
3. Topics are relevant to learners interests
II. Different forms of reliability
These are some factors that affect reliability. Match each factor with its description.
Write each term on the space given. (10 marks)
1. Rater reliability
The issue occurs when 2 or more scores produce inconsistent scores of the same test, possibly for
lack of attention to scoring criteria, inexperience, inattention or biases.
2. Intra rater reliability
The issue occurs because of unclear scoring criteria, fatigue, bias toward particular good and bad
students or simple carelessness.
3. Student-related validity
This issue is caused by temporary illness, fatigue, anxiety or other physical and psychological
4. Test administration reliability
This issue results from the conditions of the test administration, variations in temperature, the
amount of light in different part of the room.
5. Test reliability
This issue happens if the test is too long and the test taker may become fatigued, poorly written
Test item.
1. Content validity
How adequately does the sample of the test items represent the domain of content to be measured?
2. Construct validity
How well can test performance be explained in terms of psychological characteristics? For example,
we might want to describe a person’s reading comprehension, reasoning ability or mechanical aptitude.
3. Face validity
How accurately does test performance predict future performance (predictive study) or estimate
present performance (concurrent study) on some other valued measure.
4. Criterion related validity
To what extent a test looks right, and appears to measure the knowledge or abilities it claims to
1. A valid test is also a reliable test. A reliable test; however, may not be valid at all. For, example, as a
writing test, if the teacher requires students to write down the translation equivalent to 500 words in
their own language, this test might well be a reliable test but it is unlikely to be a valid test of writing.
Explain how to make that test valid. (5 marks)
- First write explicit specifications for the test which test which take account of all that unknown
about construct that are to be measure.
Directions: Questions 1-10 are in complete sentences. Choose the best word or phrase to complete each
sentence. Indicate the correct letter (10 points total; 1 point each).