Great Thoghts About Upsc by Avadh Ojha Sir
Great Thoghts About Upsc by Avadh Ojha Sir
Great Thoghts About Upsc by Avadh Ojha Sir
Correlation and Understanding…!
Want to clear Upsc?! Then should have Command over Ncert's…!
Economy = Empire…!
The Value of a person is known by the Gifts he gets…!
Don't try to change everybody U'll get bashed, try to change the conditions they
live in…!
Prosperity cannot sustain with Weakness…!
Never use force on Un-armed citizens…!
Dictator's are born by giving Unconventional dreams to the People…!
There should be no word “Faith” in the Game of Ambition…!
The Nation in Crisis, cannot bear Big Internal Challenges…!
Revolution, Revolt, Movement, Organization cannot sustain
without Finance…!
Power should be handled with Responsibility, Military is not the solution for
Internal Problems…!
Religion is the half-brother of Administration…!
Mother of Modern World is Renaissance, Father is Industrial Revolution…!
Politicians are the Prostitutes of Capitalists - Evan Bills
The Easiest way to Divert the mind's of the People is War…!
Edit 1:
Common people are only concerned about their day-to-day lives, while
aristocracy is eyeing on all the happenings around them.
Having a vision to become someone big, is itself a huge idea, everyone can't
dream to become the P.M of India. If you have then be proud and start working….!
Edit 3: Mishra
If you are looking for an Employment, UPSC is not a right place. It's
Edit 4:
Education = Information ,
Knowledge = Understanding,
Competition = Personality,
Success = Maturity.