The Messiah and His Mission: TH TH
The Messiah and His Mission: TH TH
The Messiah and His Mission: TH TH
Isaiah 61:1-7
David Jiménez
1. Many in the past have thought and imagined how would it be like to live in a perfect world.
a. Plato wrote in his Republic about a perfect society governed by the wise, but when he
tried to put it into practice, he came back from Syracuse sold as a slave.
b. The ideal world painted by the Enlightenment in the 18 th century in which reason and
science would bring harmony and peace ended up in two World Wars in the 20 th century.
2. In light of this, many have simply come to believe that it is better not to hope for anything in the
a. It is better to abandon all hope and simply take the world for what it gives us today.
b. But this is not what God has in mind for us.
3. The prophet Isaiah in the chapter 61 paints a picture of what is the future for which we all should
a. The prophet speaks of One chosen by God whose mission is to bring this future.
b. Let us look at this One and his message for us.
I. Consecration (Isa. 61:1a)
A. The chosen One of the Lord is set apart for a mission through anointment.
1. The Spirit, then, is given to Him.
2. The presence of God himself walks in every step with Him.
B. God has ha mission in mind and someone who will fulfill it.
1. He will not let his mission to fail.
2. nor his purposes to go unfinished.
II. Mission (v. gv1b-7)
A. Proclaim the good news to the poor (meek KJV).
1. To those who live trampled down by the wealthy and the powerful are preached
the favorable news of victory.
2. In their condition of despised are the ones loved by the Lord because they have
set their trust in the Lord.
3. They are the receivers of Yahweh’s good news, of Yahweh’s gospel. Not the
great, nor the powerful, but the poor.
B. Bind up the broken hearted.
1. The Messiah looks for those who are shattered inside, whose inner being is
broken into pieces, and binds them, showing them care and compassion.
2. He restores their inner life in order that they can live again.
C. Proclaim liberty.
1. Both to captives (those taken in war) and to those in prison (those bind up into a
place where they do not belong.
2. To both of them the Messiah opens the door of their liberty.
D. Bring favor and vengeance (v. 2a).
1. Tied to the previous statements stands this one: the year of favor is a reference to
the year of jubilee in which all property, land and people were set free.
2. The Messiah brings true freedom into all the land.
3. But with that He has to bring also judgement: every injustice and crime has to be
paid for.
E. Comfort all who mourn (v.2b).
1. This messiah brings also consolation in the time of grief.
2. But this comfort promises to change the whole situation of one who is in the
midst of sorrows by (v. 3a):
a. giving them beauty for ashes: more literally giving them a dress of
b. giving them oil for mourning: he replaces the mourning with fragrance
of blessing.
c. giving them praise for heaviness: instead of having a spirit of desperation
the Messiah covers us in a garment of praise.
F. Making a planting for the glory of God (v. 3b).
1. The once desolate land will be replenished with oaks firmly established in God’s
2. They will be a reflection of the glory of God who has made all of this possible.
G. Restore the ruins of the nation (v. 4).
1. The wastes and desolations of old will be rebuild.
2. There is nothing too far behind that the Messiah cannot reach, nor something too
broken that cannot be rebuild.
H. Give to the people material and spiritual riches (v. 5-6).
1. Just as they became servants of other nations, foreigners will become their
2. And just as the wealthy preyed on them for so long and force them to become
poor and oppressed, they will boast in their riches.
2. But most importantly, in a spiritual sense, they will become blessed because they
will be the once promised kingdom of priests, that they failed to be for so long.
I. Give everlasting joy unto them (v. 7).
1. In a textually hard verse, the Lord assures the people that just as their shame and
sorrow was double, so will their portion will be in everlasting joy.
2. Their kingdom will be one in which no one will have a perpetual sadness and
III. Fulfillment
A. The question that should now be ask is: are we too naïve to believe in this?
1. Has this ever been fulfilled?
2. Has the Messiah actually come?
B. In an obscure town in Galilee a Man by the name of Jesus of Nazareth entered into a
synagogue and read these very words that we just read (Luke 4:16-21).
1. The eyes of the people were set on Him after the reading and he updated this
passage for them:
2. “This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears”.
C. In His Life He made the passage come alive in the life of the people:
1. He preached good news to the oppressed.
2. Bound up the broken hearted.
3. He set free prisoners of sin.
4. And most of all, He established one kingdom of priests from the ruins of a
people in darkness.
5. His life, death and resurrection, are the confirmation that this is not a fairytale:
this is the reality that God intended for the world!
1. What is, then, our part in this?
a. Do we still have a reason to believe this?
b. God has not forgotten nor ended his purposes.
2. You can be part of this restoration that Jesus Christ has done.
a. If you are one of the poor, broken hearted and oppressed, one who has left behind ancient
ruins of a life wasted in sin, let him rebuild you in his righteousness.
b. Let your life be blessed by the Lord’s anointed.
3. But let us carry this mission further!
a. Many poor have not heard good news! Many broken hearted have not been bound up!
Many prisoners have not been released!
b. If the church loses her Messianic mission in the world, she loses what made her alive in
the first place!
c. Let us commit ourselves to carry the Messiah’s mission into all the world.
4. What can make this glorious future come into reality, is that we work towards it.