Finland Math Digital Pedagogy Guide

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Digital Pedagogy and Learning -

Making the Most of Technology

in Your Classroom

Table of Contents

02 Finland Math Meets Digital Pedagogy

09 Eduten Playground -
The Perfect Tool for Finland Math

03 What Is Digital Pedagogy?

14 4+1 Tips for Selecting a Digital Tool

04 Why Digital Pedagogy Matters?

15 Authors

07 What to Look for in Digital Pedagogy?


Finland Math
These features help to create a creative and open atmosphere, where students
are able to realize their full potential.

Meets Digital Pedagogy

Finland Math is a holistic pedagogical approach to mathematics education.
It’s crafted from best Finnish practice. Six main features of Finland Math:

1 Student-Centered Learning

2 Stress-Free Learning However, we know that adapting a whole new pedagogical design can seem like
a challenging task. Changing the whole curriculum and introducing a lot of

changes in a classroom isn’t productive and likely requires a lot more work for
Personalised Learning already hard working teachers. Therefore, clever utilization of digital learning
tools is a good solution. Just as digital tools help children learn, they also help

teachers improve their work.

Deep Understanding and Creative Problem Solving

5 More Time for Teachers & Focused Support for Students This is something we call digital pedagogy:
a perfect union of technology and teacher.

6 Growth Mindset: ‘Future-Proofing’ our Learning

What is Digital Pedagogy?


What is Digital Pedagogy? Therefore, schools and teachers have technology can be a valuable servant
an important task to teach how to use for teachers to help with routine tasks
Digital pedagogy is a method of education where digital tools have a technology in an effective and and to improve the quality of their
substantial role. There are plenty of physical tools like video projectors, smart responsible way. It’s important to teaching. Using digital tools actually
screens and document cameras that can make the classroom experience more realize that there is no reason to be promotes the role of teacher.
exciting. More interestingly, there are plenty of apps and games that are afraid of technology. And most Traditional teacher training might not
designed to engage learners, personalise learning or to promote collaboration excitingly, the perceived disparity prepare teachers for this kind of
between learners. Khan Academy, Kahoot, Quizlet and Eduten Playground are between teacher and student skills interaction or role. Hence, teachers
examples of these kinds of digital tools. can also be flipped into a should be provided with adequate
collaborative and team-learning training. Without proper training, the
Digital pedagogy has many similarities with traditional pedagogy and is built scenario. Digital pedagogy does not potential of these new kinds of tools
upon the same foundations. However, digital tools change the dynamic between seek to replace teachers. Instead, may not be fully realized.
teacher and students by providing more interaction, personalized learning and
new approaches to supplement and reinforce traditional approaches.

Think: technology enhanced learning. It captures the intention of improving and

enhancing learning via technology. We understand that many experienced
teachers feel suspicious of digital tools. Digital teaching and learning is new, and
is often a self-taught process. Students on the other hand, are generally more


Students are often more courageous to try new things even if they don’t
necessarily understand what they are doing.

Why Digital Pedagogy Matters?

Technology is all around us and new applications for technology pop up
constantly. Therefore, students need to learn how technology is used but also
when and why to use it. Being a fluent consumer of content is not the same as
being a creative creator.

Technology enhanced learning helps to automate

routine tasks like assessment.
This has a significant impact on teachers’ time use and workload. The time freed
can be used to provide more support for students and to spend more time with
them. More free time also means less stress.

Automatic assessment reduces teacher workload and

enables immediate feedback and data collection.
No matter how good the teacher, it’s impossible for a single person to provide
the same amount of feedback as a digital tool. Moreover, automated feedback
is not dependent on time or place. Immediate feedback stops students from
repeating and learning incorrect strategies. This actually helps students learn
from their mistakes, improve their metacognitive skills (which means
understanding their own thinking) and cultivate a growth mindset. We’ve seen
many students work relentlessly and become more motivated when they get
feedback from their answers. The feedback either gives confidence and
Why Digital Pedagogy Matters? 05

strengthens self-efficacy or gives hints that they might be using the wrong
strategy or have a misconception in their reasoning. Receiving feedback from
someone other than the teacher can build confidence, promote autonomy and
empower students to take more responsibility for their own learning. Feedback
can also act as a facilitator for discussion between students or between teacher
and students.

Learning data gives the teacher a better picture of

student achievement.
High quality learning analytics act as a teacher’s eyes and ears to help
recognise individual students’ strengths and weaknesses. This helps the teacher
focus their time on the students who need more support or on the ones who
need more challenge.

Learning analytics also enable continuous assessment.

Imagine the impact of assessing learning without conducting tests. This has two
main advantages: First, it reduces student stress and anxiety that’s often
associated with taking tests. Second, it helps teachers to reflect and adjust their
teaching if necessary. Knowing if the topic is already mastered or needs more
revision enables a meaningful and motivating pace for progress.
Why Digital Pedagogy Matters? 06

Digitals tools offer versatile and alternative

learning methods.
Versatile methods ensure all students can access the work in a way that suits
them specifically and motivate students. As we now know, students do not all
learn the same way. Alternative practices benefit different students and
promote different ways of approaching problems.

Interaction and active learning is the secret.

The effectiveness of any digital educational tools is dictated by its capacity to
interact with the user and draw the user in as an active participant. Increased
screen time is a big concern for many parents. However, it’s not only the amount
of screen time that matters but the quality of screen time. Active screen time is
far more constructive than passive screen time. However, it’s important to
remember that if all learning happens through a screen, effectiveness and
versatility is lost.

What to Look for In Digital Pedagogy?

01 03

What is the added example, teachers faced technical Does the tool integrate with our
value? difficulties when personal laptop existing workflows?
batteries ran out during a six-hour
Minecraft for education for example, school day. Even a good tool with a lot of useful
has completely different learning goals features might be left unused if it’s
than Kahoot or Google Apps for Observing and measuring the impact difficult to integrate into existing
Education. It’s really important to think, of new methods or tools is an workflow. The same applies if the tool is
what is the added value of a digital important part of developing anything difficult to use. The real value of a digital
solution. We have seen examples where and the same applies to teaching and tool comes from genuine, long-term
schools have adopted digital tools as a education. usage, not from “a toy” that is used

What to Look for in

solution to almost everything. They occasionally to kill some time. Any
have noticed rather quickly that digital tools should have a solid
Digital Pedagogy? technology is not the answer to every What are we looking to approach for integration and
problem, and traditional methods still achieve by using digital tools? pedagogical use in classrooms. Real life
When evaluating whether a digital have great value. One city decided to experiences from teachers, students
solution is right for your school, switch to using only ebooks and Schools look to use digital tools for a and even parents are really valuable
three main questions should be personal tablets. However, after a number of reasons. They may need an when considering different alternatives.
considered: couple of years they noticed that injection of 21st century learning in their
neither parents, students or teachers school, they may be looking for new
were happy with the changes and they tools to help with student improvement,
reversed their decision.. After admitting or they simply might be trying to keep
a failed experiment, they used what the school at the cutting edge of
they learned from the experience and research and pedagogy delivery. Many
adopted a hybrid model where different reasons that support different
traditional books and methods are educational landscapes. What’s
used symbiotically with the digital important is to assess what your own
tools in a meaningful way. In another school (or classroom) needs and why.
How to find a suitable tool

How to Find a Suitable Tool

Look for solutions that have a strong Speaking of user perspective, there
research background and actual are plenty of questions to consider:
evidence of their impact. Surveys are Does the digital tool promote personal
great for collecting opinions and learning experience? How about the
experiences but a proper impact is teacher - can they customize and
rarely measured through surveys. control the learning experience? What
Keep in mind that learning impact is kind of feedback is provided to
nearly impossible to measure without learners and what is reported back to
a valid research setup, including a the teacher? How is the digital tool
control group. supposed to be used? Does it have
device requirements and how limiting
are those requirements? What kind of
support is available for the users?
There are no right or wrong answers,
but questions like these can help to
identify your specific needs and aims
Digital tools are more dynamic than for using the technology.
traditional books and other material.
It’s a good sign if the developers have
plans for future improvements. It is
even better if the improvements have
risen from the needs of the users, in
this case teachers, students and
maybe even parents.

Eduten Playground -
The Perfect Tool for Finland Math
Finland Math is a pedagogical a full K-12 content library of more than
approach for effective, motivating and 17,000 activities that have been
rewarding teaching of mathematics at designed and improved with thousands
a primary school level. Below you can of Finnish teachers. Today, Eduten
find concrete steps that demonstrate Playground is the most popular digital
how Eduten Playground supports the learning platform in Finland. It’s benefits
different features of Finland Math. In have been enjoyed by more than
fact, Eduten Playground is probably the 250,000 students and 10,000 teachers
easiest and most complete way to since 2011. It has repeatedly been
adapt Finland Math to your classroom chosen as the best digital classroom
and take full advantage of all the tool by Finnish teachers. Our team has
pedagogical benefits it offers. put a lot of effort into designing the
platform to suit teachers’ needs and
given suitable training to help teachers
What is Eduten Playground?
get started. We also offer post training
Eduten Playground is developed by support and feedback. In 2018, teachers
Eduten, a spin-off of the University of were surveyed about their use of Eduten
Turku. The University of Turku is one of Playground. 98.7% of the respondents
Finland’s oldest and largest universities, were satisfied and wanted to continue
and it’s ranked in the top 1% globally. using Eduten Playground over the
Eduten Playground is based on years of following semester.
scientific research at the University’s
Centre for Learning Analytics. It comes
Stress-Free Learning

Stress-Free Learning

In Eduten Playground, the learning is not connected to a specific place or time.

Instead, the students can log in whenever and wherever they want, and select
the most comfortable and suitable environment for their learning. Unlike
traditional school work, students have autonomy over the exercises they want to
complete and which level they aim for. Moreover, continuous assessment used
in the Playground provides a holistic and up-to-date view into students’ learning,
which means less time for testing and more time for learning.

Stress-Free Learning is encouraged in other ways, too: there are more than 150
different exercise types to keep up the motivation. Moreover, there are no
limitations for trying again in Eduten Playground. On the contrary, the student
can always re-try the exercise immediately after completing it. Randomized
questions in each exercise enables meaningful iteration of the same exercises
and detailed and immediate feedback means that the students can learn from
their mistakes.

Deep Understanding and Creative Problem-Solving

According to Bloom’s taxonomy, there is a hierarchy for mastering a skill.

Mastering a lower level is a prerequisite for the next level. Eduten Playground
includes a wide range of exercises for each step. We have received really
positive feedback from all around the world about the different approaches we
have in our exercises. They encourage students to adjust their reasoning for
new situations. This improves students’ creative problem solving skills and makes

them more open to new problems. make mistakes. This helps them diamond (100%) trophies from lessons.
Finland Math provides different adjust their expectations of learning In addition to assessment, teachers
approaches to traditional problems. and promotes their self-efficacy. can use the trophies for
The question might be asked in a encouragement, positive feedback
different way to the students’ exercise In Eduten Playground, students and for acknowledging effort made by
book or the same problem solving complete exercises that are organized students.
method is used in a totally new into topical weekly lessons. Each
context. These small differences help lesson contains 25-30 exercises (or The built in pair-work support makes
students to build a solid 250-350 calculations). The minimum learning social. Two students can work
understanding of mathematical goal, by default, is to complete at least on one computer solving the
concepts instead of superficial half of the exercises. This gives problems together. Both students will
learning. In addition to traditional students a lot of autonomy to choose get the achieved points and they can
mathematical problems, the Finnish suitable exercises of their liking. By later continue individually if they wish
curriculum for mathematics includes completing exercises, students gather to do so. This will promote student
computational thinking as a topic. points. The whole process is made interaction but there is an added
These kinds of exercises are also visible to students so they know how bonus - it reduces the number of
included in Eduten Playground by much work they have already devices needed. Even without the
completed and how much work is still pair-work mode, Eduten Playground
needed. This leads to students taking lessons tend to be very social.
Student-Centered Learning
more responsibility over their learning Students are keen to help each other
The student is the active agent in and makes it easy for the teacher to and there are signs of healthy
Eduten Playground. Automatic set and track goals for the student. competition between students. It’s not
assessment and immediate feedback The whole process of completing uncommon to hear students
are the cornerstones of the exercises lessons and gathering points is discussing which trophies they have
and they make learning active. gamified using trophies. Students can already achieved.
Feedback helps students to notice achieve bronze ( 50%, minimum
where they succeed and where they requirement), silver (70%), gold (90%) or

Personalized Learning

Eduten Playground enriches mathematics education by providing new ways of

practicing math. One weekly Eduten Playground lesson is enough to give the
benefits of digital pedagogy but also leaves room for traditional methods. This
makes Eduten Playground easy to integrate into existing workflows. This kind of
integration also takes different learners into account . Some students enjoy
traditional pen and paper tasks and some love to work on digital exercises.

Eduten Playground helps teachers to bring the most suitable learning

experience to all students. There are various powerful tools the teacher can use
to differentiate students. The Eduten AI engine is there to help with suggestions
whenever needed. And there is a lot of personalisation for students. For
example, there is a vast number of exercises to choose from. Many exercises
have built-in difficult levels and the student can choose a suitable level of
difficulty on their own. Sometimes a student might feel optimistic and willing to
have more challenge when other times an easy or a normal level might be
more suitable. Most exercises are randomised, so every time the exercise is
started, there are new problems in new order. At the same time the exercises
adapt to students’ answers to improve learning outcomes.

More Time for Teachers & Focused Support for Students


More Time for Teachers Immediate feedback and the

& Focused Support for resilience it creates, provides
Students real independence for students.

The learning analytics built in into This means, that on average, there is
Eduten Playground help teachers more time for teachers to concentrate
understand the students better in less on students who are not able to
time. The analytics distill the activities complete all tasks on their own. In fact,
of every student into real-time an Eduten Playground user in Thailand
analytics on strengths and stated that “Students are really happy
weaknesses of each student, and the when they are in charge of their
teacher can then spend more time learning!”
working with and supporting their
students. Ultimately it is up to the
teacher to apply their pedagogical
expertise and decide if and how they
will respond to the insights available
through the analytics. Learning
analytics also enable teachers to
observe how effective the given
support was. Even if the given support
was not provided on the platform
itself. In fact, AI-driven learning
analytics and a competent teacher
form the perfect 21st century teaching
and learning team.
Few examples of Eduten Playground’s learning analytics Growth Mindset:
‘Future Proofing’ Learning

Growth Mindset: ‘Future Proofing’ Learning

4+1 Tips for Selecting a Digital Tool
We often hear that math is tough because there is only one correct answer for
each problem. Often this is not true, or at least there are multiple equally correct
paths to the correct solution. Eduten Playground emphasises mathematical
thinking and welcomes alternative solutions. There is also a huge number of
1 Define what you want to achieve

open tasks where students need to form a suitable problem to match the
answer. This kind of problem solving opens a good forum for discussion for the
whole class.
Ensure teachers are properly trained

Eduten Playground provides the perfect conditions to plant the seeds for a
2 to use digital tools and understand the
benefits and pitfalls of digital pedagogy
positive atmosphere. Students get a lot of personalized and positive feedback
automatically while they work on the exercises. This aims to build students’
resilience and will-strength to try again after giving a wrong answer until they Consider how easy it is to adapt the new tool
have mastered the exercise. Gamification provides additional tools for teachers
to encourage and acknowledge students efforts and bring the achievements to
3 a. Pedagogical aspect/pedagogical model(s)
b. Requirements for technology (devices, internet connection)
c. Learning curve for teachers and students
life from the digital world.

4 Trust research, not marketing

+1 Start small, grow as you learn more




Eikka Kurvinen Erkki Kaila, PhD

M.Sc. CS, MA Education University of Helsinki

Eikka has trained thousands of Erkki specializes in informatics

teachers in the use of Eduten education, research and pedagogy.
Playground. He’s also one of the Heis one of the original developers
Finland Math is a pedagogical concept by Eduten, a spin-off from University of
founding developers from way of Eduten Playground.
Turku. University of Turku is one of Finland’s oldest and largest universities, and it’s
back in 2012.
ranked in the top 1% globally.

Finland Math and Eduten Playground are based on years of scientific research at
the University’s Centre for Learning Analytics. It comes with a full K-12 content
library of more than 17,000 activities that have been designed and improved with Some other team-players behind Finland Math are:
thousands of Finnish teachers. Today Eduten Playground is the most popular
digital learning platform in Finland. It’s benefits have been enjoyed by more than MINDSET EXPERT
Mikko-Jussi Laakso, PhD
250,000 students and 10,000 teachers since 2011. It has repeatedly been chosen Makke Leppänen Director of the Centre for Learning
as the best digital classroom tool by Finnish teachers. M.Sc. of Psychology, MBA Analytics,University of Turku

Eduten Playground is the easiest way to bring Finland Math to classrooms Makke has studied growth mindset Mikko-Jussi has 20 years of experience
around the world. If you would like to know more, or would like to pilot it in your and motivation psychology at the in research based development of Finnish

school, please contact University of Sydney. He has run a education with pedagogical and
variety of teacher training projects technological aspects, namely
over the last 20 years. Learning Analytics.

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