Rules For APFMIS Act
Rules For APFMIS Act
Rules For APFMIS Act
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 43, read with Sections 2, 3, 4, 6, 8,
12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25 and 28 of the Andhra Pradesh Farmers
Management of Irrigation Systems Act, 1997 (Act 11 of 1997), the Governor of Andhra
Pradesh hereby makes the following Rules:-
1. Short Title:
These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Farmers Organisation Rules, 1997
(with updated Amendments, 2018).
2. Definition:
i) “Act” means the Andhra Pradesh Farmers Management of Irrigation Systems Act,
ii) “Farmers Organisation” means water users association at the primary level,
Distributory Committee at the secondary level and project committee at the project
iv) to assist the Water Resources Department for the upkeep of the Irrigation
Systems and protecting them against any damages and to assist the
Government in collection of Water Tax and dues, make prudent
investment of their resources;
vi) to work in close coordination with Government departments and its agencies;
x) in areas of high water requirement like cropped areas, effective soil and water
conservation techniques should be adopted with the guidance of departmental
xiv) to ensure that hydraulic structures are preserved and protected, without any
modification unless otherwise approved by an authority vested with such
i) to obtain information in time about water availability, opening / closing of main canal,
periods of supply and quantity of supply, closure of canals etc.;
ii) to assist the Water Resources Department for distribution among the water
users on agreed terms of equity and social justice;
vi) to levy any other fee or service charges, to meet management costs and any
other expenses;
vii) to utilize the canal bunds --as long as such use is not obstructive, or destructive to
hydraulic structures - by planting timber, fuel, or fruit trees or grass for
augmenting the income of the Farmers Organisation;
viii) to obtain the latest information about new crop varieties, and their pattern,
package of practices, weed control, etc., for agriculture extension service, and
purchase inputs such as seeds, fertilizers and pesticides; for use of its
ix) to have full freedom to grow any crop other than those expressly prohibited by
a law and adjust crop areas within the total water allocated without causing injury to
neighboring lands;
ii) to organize preparation of crop plan to match water deliveries with crop
iii) to supply water to all members in the command area as per the approved
iv) to carry out timely maintenance and repairs to the distributory system
including drains and other properties;
vii) to use water economically and judiciously and furnish data, to the Water
Resources Department on water use, irrigated area, irrigation efficiency,
and crop yields;
viii) to inspect water utilisation by the farmers in the command; assess irrigated
crop areas and collect data on crop yields;
ix) to impose and recover penalties or fines for misuse and wastage of water
and tampering or damaging with the irrigation network controls, sluices,
outlets etc., as per the provision of the Act;
xii) to procure and hire implements and gadgets for agricultural operation
where feasible and needed.;
xiii) to improve the system for efficient and economical use of available /
allocated water, for efficient production of crops; and
v) to sell or transfer the water share to any other water user within the operational
area of water users association;
vi) to participate in the General body meeting and receive annual reports; and;
i)to maintain the micro-level system particularly the turn outs, field channels,
structures, and field drains;
ii) to be aware of the rules of operation of water supply framed by the Farmers
Organisation for each season;
iv) not to tamper with the system by breaching, cross bunding, damaging the
structure in the minor or field channel;
v) to close the turnout fully after the allotted turn or time is over;
vi) to conserve water and make judicious use of the irrigation supply;
vii) to divert water if not required during the turn or time allotted, so as not to
damage other farmers field;
viii) to follow proper irrigation methods like borders, furrows, check basins
ix) to get the lands leveled /shaped for efficient utilization of land and water and to
prevent deep percolations l eadi ng t o wat er l oggi n g and s al i ni t y i n t he
downstream areas;
x) to-pay the irrigation fees, water tax and service charges regularly and in time;
xi) to avoid misuse/wastage of water, taking water out of turn, taking more time
than allotted;
(a) i r r i ga t e d a r e a ;
(b) measurement of irrigated area;
(c) observation of water levels in dug wells/ bores/ tube wells;
(d) c r o p - c u t t i n g e x p e r i m e n t s f o r a s s e s s i n g productivity /
production; and
xv) to respect easementary rights and other customary practices in vogue in the
9. General Body:
ii) The General Body shall be assisted by the Competent Authorities as notified
under Section 21 of the Act. The Competent Authority (Engineering) shall have
the right to attend the meeting and record his views, but shall have no right to
i) The General Body shall meet at least twice in a year, once before the Kharif and
once before the Rabi season. The meetings shall be presided over by the
Chairman, President and in his absence 2Vice-Chairman (or) vice-President as the
case may be.
ii) The General Body may also be called at any time by the President or
Managing Committee members through a majority resolution or by Members
of the Organisation through a requisition signed by not less than 1/3rd of the
Members with voting rights.
1 & 2 are added as per G.O.Ms.No.53, dt:11-4-2008
11. Notice for General Body:
i) On receipt of a notice either under sub-rule (2) or (3) of rule 10 the Managing
Committee of the Farmers Organisation shall convene a General Body
Meeting within 20 days by giving 7 days prior notice of the date, time and
place of the meeting and also the agenda.
ii) Notice for the General Body meeting shall be sent at least 7 days in advance
of the date of the meeting along with the Agenda. Notice may be sent by hand/
post / publication /beat of tom-tom and display on the notice board of the
i) At all the meetings of the General Body, the quorum shall be 1/3rd of the
members and all resolutions shall be carried by a majority of the members
present and voting;
ii) If there is no quorum for the meeting, the meeting shall be adjourned and be
convened again at a date and time not later than two days of the first/original
iii) For the adjourned General Body Meeting, no quorum is required and resolutions
would be carried by a majority of the members present and voting; and
iv) At a requisitioned General Body Meeting, the items specified in the agenda
alone will be discussed. No other subjects will be discussed without the express
permission of the Chairman/President or the majority decision of the members
present in the meeting.
14. The General Body shall have the following powers and functions, namely:
ii) to approve the Operational Plan for each crop season and revi ew it s
implement ation in the area of operation;
v) to prepare annual and long-term financial and works plans and prioritize works
for maintenance/repairs/ upkeep, rehabilitation of the irrigation system as per
the directions of the Government (or) Commissioner;
vii) to appoint auditors for the annual audit and/or concurrent audit and to
fix fees for the same;
ix) to create or/setup such fund as may be required for different activities/works;
xii) to carry out the recall proceedings as per Section 10 of the Act.
The Sub- Rule No:9 is omitted earlier as per G.O.Ms.No.53, Dt:11-4-2008 and
Sub-Rule 11 is now omitted (in view of omission of section 22 (iii) of Act and also due to newly adding of one more sub-Rule as sl.No.1.
Hence, the Sl.Nos are corrected accordingly.
15. The composition and functions of the Managing Committee shall be as follows:
i) The Managing Committee in respect of Farmers Organisations shall comprise of (i)
the President, Vice-President and the members of Territorial Constituencies in
respect of Water Users Association as specified in sub-section (1) of Section 4 of the
Act; (ii) the President and Vice-President and Members in respect of Distributory
Committee as specified in sub-section (1) of Section (6) of the Act; and (iii) the
Chairman and Vice-Chairman and members in respect of Project Committee as
specified in sub-section (1) of Section 8 of the Act.;
ii) The Meetings of the Managing Committee shall be held at least once in every
month at the office of the Organization. The meeting may however, be held
m ore frequent l y i f i t s o req ui re d . A m eet ing requisitioned, shall be held
within 7 days of the receipt of requisition for such a meeting by the
iii) Notice for the meeting shall be sent by hand/post/ delivery or published on the
Notice Board;
iv) The Chairman / President shall preside over the meetings of the Managing Committee.
In his absence, the Vice-Chairman (or) Vice-President shall preside over the
meeting as the case may be;
vi) The quorum for the meeting shall be 1/3rd of the members. All resolutions shall
be carried by a majority of the members present and voting; and
vii) If there is no quorum for the meeting, the meeting shall be adjourned to a date
and time not later than three days and be convened again. For an adjourned
meeting no quorum is required.
1 is added as per G.O.53, Dt:11-4-2008.
15A Co-option of members in to Managing Committee of Farmers Organisation shall
be as follows:
ii) Managing committee of Distributory Committee: All the Mandal Presidents in the area
of operation of Distributory Committee shall be nominated to the Managing
Committee of the Distributory Committee. The nomination shall be made by the
District Collector.
iii) Managing Committee of Medium Irrigation Project Committee: All the Mandal
Presidents, Members of Legislative Assembly, 2Members of Legislative Counsel, and
Members of Parliament in the area of Operation of Medium Project shall be nominated
to the Managing Committee of the Project committee. The nomination shall be made
by the District Collector.
iv) Managing Committee of Major Irrigation Project Committee: all the Members of
Legislative assembly, 3Members of Legislative Counsel, Members of Parliament and
ZillaParishad Chairpersons in the area of operation of Major Project shall be
nominated to the Mangaing Committee of the Project committee. The nomination shall
be made by the Government.
15A is added as per G.O.53, Dt:11-4-2008
2&3 are inserted as per G.O.272, Dt:23-10-2009
16. The powers and the functions of the Managing Committee shall be as follows:
i)to prepare and implement Operational Plan for each season in its area of operation;
ii) to prepare and implement Kharif and Rabi plans for various crops to be
ix) to organize execution of works as per Orders issued by the Government (or)
Commissioner from time to time;
xii) to nominate one of its members to operate the funds of the organization when
the post of President (or) Vice-President falls vacant.
xv) to prepare annual list of all Water Users and Members with voting rights;
xviii) to scrutinize the audit reports and rectify defects and report to the General
xix) to carry out and implement all decisions of the General Body; and
i)to preside over the General Body Meetings and Managing Committee
Meetings and conduct the meetings in a peaceful and democratic manner;
ii) to sign and authenticate the minutes of the meetings and also other records of
the Farmers Organisation as may be required;
iii) to have only a casting vote in the event of equality of votes on any matter
being decided upon by the General Body or the Managing Committee, as the
case may be;
vi) to sign all contracts and documents on behalf of the Farmers Organisation;
vii) to have powers to operate the accounts of Farmers Organisation jointly with
Vice-Chairman / Vice-President;
viii) to represent the case of the Farmers Organisation in any dispute before
Distributory Committee or Project Committee or Apex committee or the
Government, as the case may be;
xi) to conduct the affairs of the Farmers Organisation in a democratic, free, fair and
transparent manner; and
In view of omission of Sub-Rule 10, the sl.nos of next sub-rules are changed and arranged in sequence order
xii) to submit annual reports to the General Body on the activities of the Farmers
17A. The duties of Vice Chairman/ Vice President of a Farmers Organisation shall be as
ii) to sign and authenticate the minutes of meeting where Vice Chairman / Vice President
presides over the meeting as in Sub-Rule (1);
iii) to be the joint account holder along with the Chairman / President provided that, in
case of difference of opinion in the matter of signing the cheques, the matter shall be
placed before the Managing Committee, whose decision shall be final;
v) To carry out all the functions of the water management sub-committee and such other
decisions of General Body and Managing Committee on water regulation and schedule
of water release.
i) Any member of the Managing Committee or the President or the Vice-President of a
Water Users Association in Major, Medium or Minor Irrigation system may resign his/
her office by tendering resignation in writing to the Superintending Engineer
concerned directly in person or through registered post with acknowledgment due.
ii) The President and Vice President of Distributory Committee of a Major Irrigation
system may resign his office by tendering resignation in writing to the Chief Engineer
concerned directly in person or through registered post with acknowledgement due.
iii) Any Chairman / Vice Chairman of a Project Committee of Major/ Medium Irrigation
system may resign his/ her office by tendering resignation in writing to the
Commissioner directly in person or through Registered post with acknowledgement
iv) The Authority accepting the resignation shall cause to enquire through the concerned
Competent Authority of the Farmers Organisation whether the person resigning has
i) President
d) The Vice-President discharging the functions of the President shall maintain the Bank
account jointly with another Managing Committee member nominated by the
Managing Committee for the purpose, till the vacancy of the President is filled in by
ii) Vice-President.
b) The Vice-President so elected in the casual vacancy, shall continue in the office till
the vacancy of Vice-President is filled in by elections.
iii) Territorial Constituency member
The President shall convene a Special Meeting of the Managing Committee within 15
days from the date of occurrence of vacancy of Vice-President or member of territorial
constituency for filling up of any causal vacancy.
i) President
a) In the event of vacancy of a president in a Distributory Committee, the Vice-
President of the Distributory Committee shall discharge the functions of the
President from the date of occurrence of such vacancy till the vacancy is filled in by
c) The Vice-President who is also discharging the functions of the President shall
maintain the Bank Account jointly with another Managing Committee member
nominated by the Managing Committee for the purpose till the vacancy of the
President is filled in by election.
b) The Vice-President so elected shall continue in the office till the vacancy of Vice –
President is filled in by elections.
iii) Convening Special Meeting
Convening of Special meeting within 15 days from the date of occurrence of vacancy
of Vice-President, shall be the personal responsibility of the President.
i) Chairman
b) The Vice-Chairman discharging the functions of the Chairman shall maintain the
Bank Account jointly with another Managing Committee member nominated by the
Managing Committee for the purpose till the vacancy of the Chairman is filled in by
b) The Vice-Chairman so elected shall continue in the office till the vacancy of Vice –
Chairman filled in by election.
Convening of Special meeting within 15 days from the date of occurrence of vacancy of
Vice-Chairman, shall be the personal responsibility of the Chairman.
(a) Any dispute or difference arising between Water users in a Water Users
Association shall be determined by the managing committee of Water Users
Association concerned.
(b) Any dispute or difference arising between water users and the managing
committee of a water User Association or between two or more Water Users
Associations shall be determined by the managing committee or Distributory
(c) Any dispute or difference arising between two or more Distributory Committees
shall be determined by the Managing Committee of Project Committee.
(d) Any dispute or differences arising between two or more Project Committees shall
be determined by the Apex Committee, whose decision shall be final.
The Executive Engineer, Superintending Engineer and Chief Engineer will be the
authorities for settlement of disputes in place of Distributory Committee, Project
Committee and Apex Committee respectively when these bodies are not functioning.
(a) Any dispute or difference arising between Water users in a Water Users
Association shall be determined by the managing committee of the Water Users
Associations. Any dispute or difference arising between water users and the
Managing Committee of Water Users Association or between two or more Water
Users Associations shall be determined by the project committee.
(b) Any dispute or differences arising between two or more Project Committees shall
be determined by the Apex Committee, whose decision shall be final. The
Executive Engineer and Superintending Engineer will be the authorities for
settlement of disputes in place of Project Committee and Apex Committee
respectively when these bodies are not functioning.
(a) Any such disputes or difference arising between in a Water Users Association
shall be determined by the managing committee of that Water Users Associations
(b) Any such disputes or difference arising between Water Users and the managing
committee of Water Users Association or between two or more Water Users
Associations shall be determined by the Executive Engineer concerned.
Every dispute or difference under the rule shall be settled within thirty days from the
date of reference of the dispute or difference.
(a) Any party to a dispute or difference aggrieved by the decision made or order
passed by the managing committee of a Water Users Association may appeal to the
managing committee of the Distributory Committee, whose decision thereon shall
be final.
(b) Any party to a dispute or difference aggrieved by the decision made or order passed
by the managing committee of a Distributory Committee may appeal to a Project
committee whose decision thereon shall be final.
(c) Any party to a dispute or difference aggrieved by the decision made or order passed
by the managing committee of a Project Committee may appeal to the Apex
Committee whose decision thereon shall be final.
a) Any party to a dispute or difference aggrieved by the decision made or order passed
by the managing committee of a Water Users Association may appeal to the
managing committee of the Project Committee, whose decision thereon shall be
b) Any party to a dispute or difference aggrieved by the decision made or order passed
by the managing committee of a Project Committee may appeal to the Apex
Committee, whose decision thereon shall be final.
In case of Project Committee or Apex Committee is not functioning the appellate authority
will be the Superintending Engineer and Chief Engineer respectively whose decision thereon
shall be final
a) Any party to a dispute or difference aggrieved by the decision made or order passed
by the managing committee of a Water Users Association may appeal to the
Executive Engineer Concerned, whose decision thereon shall be final.
b) Any party to a dispute or difference aggrieved by the decision made or order passed
by the Executive Engineer may appeal to the Superintending Engineer concerned,
whose decision thereon shall be final.
4. Time limit for Preferring an appeal
Any appeal under the Rule shall be preferred within thirty days of communication of
the decision or the order to the person aggrieved.
Every appeal under the rule shall be settled within thirty days from the date of filing
of the appeal.
a) The Competent Authority shall be the inspecting authority for any Water Users
Association in his jurisdiction.
b) The inspecting authority shall have access to all records, to be maintained by the
Water Users Association and shall affix his signature and date on the records and
registers with his remarks, upon inspection.
2. Distributory Committee.
a) The Competent Authority shall be the inspecting authority for any Distributory
Committee in his jurisdiction.
b) The inspecting authority shall have the access to all records to be maintained by
Distributory Committee and shall affix his signature and date on the records and
register with his remarks, upon inspection.
3. Project Committee.
a) The competent authority shall be the inspecting authority for any Project
committee in his jurisdiction.
b) The inspecting authority shall have the access to all records to be maintained by
Project Committee and shall affix his signature and date on the records and
register with his remarks, upon inspection.
c) Any misappropriation of funds, or misuse of power noticed, shall be brought to
the notice of the Commissioner who shall take further action in accordance with
the provisions of the Act and the Rules.
17G The following are the authorities to remove the erring office bearers of the
Farmers Organisations:
b) The Chief Engineer concerned shall be the authority to issue directions for proper
functioning of the Distributory Committee and remove any president or Vice
President of Distributory Committee in his jurisdiction under Section 41A of the
c) The Commissioner shall be the authority to issue directions for proper functioning
of Project Committee and remove any Chairman or Vice-Chairman of Project
committee in his jurisdiction under Section 41A of the Act.
Note:- The authority mentioned above shall give a reasonable opportunity to the aggrieved
party to represent their cases before they are removed from their posts.
a) Any party aggrieved by any decision made or order passed by the Superintending
Engineer under the rule may appeal to the District Collector concerned, whose
decision thereon shall be final.
b) Any party aggrieved by any decision made or order passed by the Chief Engineer
under the rule may appeal to the Commissioner whose decision thereon shall be
c) Any party aggrieved by any decision made or order passed by the Commissioner
under the rule may appeal to the Government, whose decision thereon shall be
1. Officer: After completion of the term of elected bodies of the Farmers Organisation,
and where no incharge arrangements are made all the records of the concerned
Farmers Organisation shall be handed over to the following officers as per the specific
instructions from the Government who will exercise powers and to perform the
function of the Farmers Organisations.
a) Deputy Executive Engineer concerned shall be the authority to take over the charge of
the Water Users Association with all records and exercise the powers and perform the
functions of the Farmers Organisations till such time such Water Users Association is
constituted or reconstituted.
b) The Executive Engineer concerned shall be the authority to take over the charge of the
Distributory Committee with all records and exercise the powers and perform the
functions of the Farmers Organisations till such time, such Distributory Committee is
constituted or reconstituted.
c) The Superintending Engineer concerned shall be the authority to take over the charge
of the Project committee with all records and exercise the powers and perform the
function of the Farmers Organisations till such time the Project Committee is
constituted or reconstituted.
Note: The Superintending Engineer/ Executive Engineer / Deputy Executive Engineer who
has taken over the Farmers Organisation shall be assisted by the subordinate staff under
his Administrative / Technical Control.
17(H) (1) omitted and 17(H) 2 may be read as 17 (H) 1
17 (H) 2 as per Amendment made to section 34 of act
17(H) 3 is newly added
17 I. The Water Users Associations shall maintain the feeder channels on the upstream
of tank bed as follows:
Note: After Rule 17, the Rules 17 A to 17 I are inserted as per G.O.Ms.No.53, dt:11 -4-2008.
4. Functions of the sub-committee
i) Finance and Resource sub-committee
a) to carry out the decisions of the Managing Committee and of the General Body
on water regulation, schedule of water release;
b) to organise patrolling of the canal, channels and regulate the use of water;
c) to check the irrigation and drainage system regularly;
d) to record the water deliveries;
e) to report to the Managing Committee any violations in the use of water; and
f) to maintain records of land owners and water users.
g) the Vice-Chairman / Vice-President shall be the Convener of this Sub-
Committee under Rule 17(A).
a. Reconstruction of sluices;
b. Reconstruction / repairs to Drops & Regulators;
c. Reconstruction of measuring devices;
d. Rehabilitation of the system; and
3. Original Works.
A Farmers Organisation shall take up the normal Operation & Maintenance and
deferred maintenance works i.e., regular works costing up to Rs. 5.00 lakhs or as per the
limit prescribed by the Government from time to time and the works shall be executed
by the Farmers Organisations under the supervision of the Water Resources
Department at the rates not exceeding the estimated rates. The works costing above
Rs. 5.00 lakhs or the limit prescribed by the Government are to be entrusted by the
Department duly calling tenders.
The Government may also prescribe procedures from time to time for the works taken
up under various programmes including External Aided projects.
i)Prior to the commencement of every crop season (Kharif & Rabi) the Managing
Committee and Competent Authority (Engg) of every Farmers Organisation shall
undertake to assess the condition of the system (system diagnosis) through a
participatory walk-through exercise.
ii) The Farmers Organisation shall inspect each and every hydraulic structure and
record its status.
iii) They have to identify all the critical reaches which need immediate repair as listed
out in above. The Competent Authority (Engg) shall assist the Farmers
Organisation in preparation of detailed list of works to be undertaken.
5. Prioritizing works.
The Managing committee of the Farmers Organisation shall discuss the list so
prepared and fix up priority of works to be taken up immediately.
6. Preparation of Estimates.
The competent authority (Engg.) and Works Sub-Committee shall prepare estimates
for the works so prioritized according to the hydraulic particulars as maintained by the
Water R3esources Department at the prevailing schedule of rates within a fortnight.
6(i) The proposals for taking up various works under various categories required scrutiny of
CAD committee for approval of the annual Action Plan for O & M and deferred
maintenance in each of the project that would include tax re-plough, category B and
other Capital and Revenue grant.
7. Administrative Approval.
i)The power for giving technical sanction by the Competent Authority (Engg.) shall be
based on the approval of the Executive Engineer/ Superintending Engineer / Chief
Engineer as per the existing Government limits.
ii) The Competent Authority, shall record all the technical sanction in the register of
technical sanction; and
iii) The technical sanction shall not exceed the Administrative Approval.
c) The cost of works executed shall not exceed the estimated costs;
The competent authority shall be responsible for the maintenance and adherence to the
approved hydraulic particulars. He shall ensure strictly that the designed hydraulic
particulars of an irrigation system are not altered with. He shall guide the Farmers
Organisation in supervising works.
11. Limitation on Works.
No Farmers Organisation shall have the power to interfere with the designed hydraulic
particulars of an Irrigation system. Any violation will invite the penal provisions under
Section 23 and also prosecution under Section 24 of the Act; and the rules made there
b) Along with the lists other particulars of works, estimates, values, and mode of
execution should be given wide publicity, and
c) If any member wishes to have access to any of the records relating to works to be
taken up, he may do so on payment of the fee as fixed by the Farmers Organisation.
The members are free to contribute resources either in cash or by way of material or
The Competent Authority shall maintain L.F. Book and M. Book for recording the
work done by the Farmers Organisation. The L.F Book and M. Book shall bear the
number assigned by the Division duly attested by the Executive Engineer and these
books shall be under the personal custody of Competent Authority.
All payments for works done above Rs. 10,000/- shall be paid by cheque. The Farmers
Organisation shall maintain a record of all payments made in the cash book date-wise.
Rule 19 (“ Procedure for taking up works”) is substituted as per the G.O.Ms.No.46, dt:23-2-2007
In sub-Rule 19 (1), k & l are added as per G.O.Ms.No.82, dt: 3-8-2016
The sub-rule 6(i) is added as per, dt:5-3-2010
20. At the end of each crop season the Farmers Organisation shall conduct social audit
as detailed below:
i) Social audit shall be for both water utilization against the water budgeting and
expenditure incurred for maintenance of the system with reference to funds available
to each of the Farmers Organisation.
iii) The social audit so conducted shall be made known to all the beneficiaries under the
Farmers Organisation by way of displaying a list containing the benefits accrued with
reference to funds spent on the notice board of the office of each of the Farmers
iv) Whenever a work is taken up the estimated cost of the work, item of work proposed to
be executed, details of the executors of the work etc., are to be exhibited on a board at
the place of the work; so that every beneficiary under the Farmers Organisation is
aware of the details of the work being executed and expenditures to be incurred.
v) The competent authority notified shall render all assistance in the conduct of the social
audit. The Revenue and Agriculture Officials shall also render the requisite assistance.
vi) The social audit so conducted shall be recorded and copy thereof be sent to the
Distributory Committee in the case of water users Association, to the project
committee in the case of Distributory Committee; to the Commissioner in the case of
Project Committee.
vii) The auditor shall incorporate the social audit report in his annual audit report together
with his specific observations on rectification of defects, if any, noticed in the social
(i) One month before the onset of the Kharif season, the Project Committee
shall, subject to such directions as may be given by government from
time to time, work out the anticipated inflows and existing availability in
the reservoir and work out the water allocation to all the Dist ributory
Committees; the Distributory Committees intern shall allocate the water
made available to water users association in its jurisdiction:
(iii) For the Rabi season, the Project Committee will determine the area to be
thrown open for irrigation based upon the actual availability of water at
the beginning of Rabi Season. The water so available shall be allocated
equitably among the Distributory Committees and water users
associations. In the case of medium or minor irrigation system, equitable
distribution shall be achieved by adopting circular rotation over a period.
(v) The drawls of water shall be monitored each day at specified gauge points
as decided by the Farmers Organisation.
(vi) Review of the drawls and distribution shall be done by each of the
Farmers Organisation at the end of each fortnight and corrective measures
(ix) In respect of a minor irrigation system the water users association shall
decide the operational plan, date of release of water which are to be
thrown open for irrigation depending upon the storage/inflows into the
22. After a water budget is prepared, the Farmers Organisation shall draw
up a plan of water regulation as follows:
a) the dates of release and closure shall be informed to all members well in
b) equitable distribution of water amongst all users shall be the main principle in water
c) a Farmers Organisation shall draw water and monitor flows based on the operational
plan prepared;
e) the Farmers Organisation shall, carryout Azmoish of the ayacut with the
assistance of the Competent Authority along with the Agriculture and Revenue
personnel; and
f) a Farmers Organisation may, for the purpose of monitoring, install such devices
as may be required within its jurisdiction.
24. Each of the Farmers Organisation shall maintain the following records, other
than the records specifically mentioned in the Act and the rules.
(a) The following Maps shall be maintained by each water users association; namely:-
(i) map showing the boundaries and jurisdiction of the Association, Water
conveyance system, within the boundaries of the association;
(ii) map showing the localized/notified ayacut with S.Nos., (Form-AA) and
(iii) map showing the areas under irrigation not falling within notified ayacut.
(2) Membership Register: Both with voting rights and without voting rights with details of
ayacut Localized / Non-localized and area cultivated (Form-V)
(4) Sanctions Register: Register of Administrative and Technical sanctions and payments
(Form -VII)
(5) Cash Register: Cash Book (Form-VIII)
The sub-rule (b) of 24 is substituted as per G.O.Ms.No.21, dt:30-1-1999
1. The Farmers Organisation can levy a fee as prescribed under Section 20 of the Act,
(ii) The competent authorit y shall prepare the estimates in case any works are
to be taken up under this rule.
The Managing Committee shall then decide on the levy of a fee proportionate to
the landholding or to the number of members and send a demand notice.
3. All fees collected shall be duly accounted for through proper receipts.
4. A fee collected for a specific purpose shall be used only for that purpose.
(a) where a member has defaulted in payment of such levy levied by a Farmers
Organisation, the Managing Committee shall prepare a list of default ers al ong
wi th amounts due, which shall be furnished to the Tahsildar of the area in
whose jurisdiction the area of operation of a Farmers Organisation lies for
recovery under Section 30 of the Act.
5. The Government may prescribe the rates of fees from time to time for any of the
26. At the end of each financial year, and not later than three months after the
commencement of the new financial year, each 1 of the Farmers Organisation
shall cause its accounts to be audited as follows:
(i) the Managing Committee shall, appoint an Auditor who has adequate experience
in normal auditing work;
(ii) the Auditor so appointed shall be a person of repute in the area of operation of
the Farmers Organisation who has reasonable knowledge in accounts or any
recognised auditor;
(iii) the appointment of the Auditor shall be approved by the Managing Committee of the
Farmers Organisation;
(iv) the Auditor so appointed shall take all steps necessary to scrutinise the accounts
of receipts and expenditure, within thirty days of his appointment and furnish
the audit report along with the statement of accounts and balance sheet to the
President of the concerned Farmers Organisation , duly attesting the same;
(v) the audit report shall be submitted to the general body in its meeting for its
(vii) if the overall transactions exceed Rs.20.00 lakhs per annum, the Farmers
Organisation shall engage the services of a Chartered Accountant.
1. The Competent Authority shall have a right to take action on any of the
offence specified under Section 23 of the Act and offences shall be booked in
Preliminary Offence Report in Form XI by the Competent Authority.
2. The Competent Authority shall give a notice of the offence to the individual.
3. The individual who has committed the offence shall be given reasonable
opportunity, to explain his point of view.
4. If the offence is proved beyond doubt, the officer not below the rank of Dy.
Executive Engineer having jurisdiction over the area in Form XII may fix an
amount as fine, as specified under Section 25 of the Act and get it recovered.
5. The fine amount should be adequate enough to rectify the tampering or damage in
the system and injury caused to others.
6. The money recovered as per sub-rule (4) above shall be duly acknowledged and
accounted for.
7. In all cases, where the damage due to the offence is estimated to be more than
Rs.10,000/-, the individual (or) group of individuals who indulged in causing
damages, alterations (or) obstructions in any irrigation system is/are liable
for prosecution under Section 24 of the Act. In such cases, an officer not
below the rank of Executive Engineer having jurisdiction over the area is
authorized to issue prosecution orders against the individual/individuals.
Note: In view of omission of sub-Rule 4 & 9, the sl.nos of the next sub-rule are changed and arranged in sequence order
3. prepare estimates for works identified for execution; the estimate shall be prepared
as per the norms and the rules prescribed by the Water Resources Department
from time to time and also obtain approval for ac tion Plan from CAD
3.a The Competent Authority is primarily responsible for proper upkeep of the
Irrigation structures & orderly Water Regulation.
7. provide technical details of the system and guidance to the member of the
Managing Committee;
8. record measurements for the work done and pass the bills for payments by Farmers
Organisation based on the approval of the works sub-committee.
in view of omission of the sub-rule 8 to 13, the sl. Nos of the next sub-rules are changed and arranged in a sequence
order. And also the sub-rule 28(9) is brought from the GO 53, dtd 11-4-2008
Competent Authority (Engineering)
28A The following officers shall be Competent Authority (Engineering) for different tiers of
Farmers Organisation.
Officer of the rank of Assistant Executive Engineer (AEE) or Assistant Engineer (AE)
shall be the Competent Authority (Engineering) for Water Users Associations as
notified by the Government
Officer of the rank of Deputy Executive Engineer (DEE) shall be the Competent
Authority (Engineering) for Distributory Committee (DC) of Major Irrigation Project as
notified by the Government
Officer of the rank of Executive Engineer (EE) shall be the Competent Authority
(Engineering) for Project Committee (PC) of Medium Irrigation Project as notified by the
Officer of the rank of Superintending Engineer (SE) shall be the Competent Authority
(Engineering) for Project Committee (PC) of Major Irrigation Project as notified by the
(a) Joint Director of Agriculture (JDA) of the District Concerned shall be competent
authority to Project committee of Major Irrigation Project.
(b) Deputy Director of Agriculture (DDA) of the concerned district shall be competent
authority to Project committee of Medium Irrigation Project .
The Functions of competent authority (Agriculture ) are as follows:-
2. Assist the Managing Committee in the preparation of Action Plan for Agriculture
production and also contingent plans in case of contingency.
3. Provide literature on irrigated agriculture published by the department or any other
reputed organizations.
7. Celebrate field day in the presence of farmers, Water Resources Department &
Revenue Department officials and record the yields.
8. Record the yields of crop cutting (CC) Experiments conducted by the Directorate of
Economics Statistics, if the experiments happen to fall in the area of Water Users
9. If there are no crop cutting experiments in the WUA area, conduct special crop cutting
experiments for each crop and season with the help of Assistant Statistical Officer
from the office of the Tahsildar.
10. Guide the farmers in the maintenance of the following Records and Registers.
11. Collect success stories of the farmers who got good yields and display at prominent
places of the village and introduce the farmers in the General Body meetings.
12. Provide technical inputs regularly to all the members of Farmers Organisation for
increasing productivity of irrigated crops.
13. Ensure to grow Irrigated Dry (I.D) crops in the tail end areas of canals in the place of
paddy for increasing crop intensity.
14. Educate Farmers Organisations on reduction of cost of cultivation of irrigation of
irrigated and I.D, crops for getting economical returns by adopting Integrated Nutrient
Management (INM) & Integrated Pest Management (IPM) etc.,
2. The Farmers Organisation shall assist the District Collector and Election Authorities in
the conduct of elections.
3. Every year, in the month of April, an updated list of landholders shall be prepared in Form
"B" who used irrigation water. Also other water users such as industrial
units, bathing ghats, fishermen societies and such other categories will
be maintained in Form ‘C’.
4. Claims and objections shall be received by the Managing Committee and decisions taken
before the end of April. Decisions of the Managing Committee will be subject to appeal to
General Body and orders of the General Body will be final.
5. Those members who do not abide by the decisions of the Managing Committee/ General
Body who do not pay the water cess/ taxes or who do not make contributions towards the
activities of the association shall be subjected to the following course of action; namely
(a) the General Body of Association may take a decision not to supply water or
provide benefits to such person;
(b) the General Body may order for recovery of damages and cause them to
reimburse the loss caused to the assets or income of the Farmers Organisation;
(c) the General Body may take a decision to prosecute such persons in a court of
Auction Amount
Amount Received
Income of fishing
Area of Tank/ Kunta
Auction Amount
Amount Received
Income on Trees
Auction Amount
Amount Received
Income on Grass
Auction Amount
Amount Received
/ Rent of Land/
Income on Lease
Auction Amount
Amount Received
Income from
Auction Amount
Amount Received
Others Income
Value of Machine
Details of Machine
Sl. Date Purchase Received Book Present
Make/ Model Remarks
No procurement From value Assessed
/Engine No. etc
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Extent of Area
Details of voter
Land cultivated
Sl.No Mandal Village Sy.No
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Administrative Sanction
Financial Details Completed Work
Technical Period/
Date / Details of
Details of M.C. sanction by Date of Target Date Date / Final
Sl.No Inspection of
works competent Commencement of Amount
Resolution Estimate Date of Amount value of works/Remarks
Authorities Completion 1st Date
No. & Value Sanction Subsequent work/
Date payment Payment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Recepts Payments
Cash Book of_____________ Water Users’ Associations_____________Village_____________Mandal,______________District for the Month of__________
Date No. of Particulars of Opening Amount Remarks Date Voucher Particulars Payment by Cheque No. Remarks
Receipts Receipt Balance No of Payment Cash cheque
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Cash Book
Details of Collected Levy Amount reference
Sl.No Due Remarks
Resolution From Amount Paid Date Sl.No
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2
1 2 3
2 Nature of offence :
2 Nature of offence :
Under Section 24 of the APFMIS Act, 1997 (Act 11 of 1997) and Sub-rule 7 of Rule 27
of Andhra Pradesh Farmers Organization Rule, 1997, the accused is punishable under penal
provisions of the Act. In the circumstances explained by the Competent Authority (Deputy
Executive Engineer) in the reference cited the following accused are hereby ordered to be
1. Sri./Smt………………..
2. …………………………
3. …………………………
The Dy. E.E. is requested to file the charge sheet in the Hon,ble Judicial first
class Magistrate Court, ……………………….. immediately and report
Executive Engineer,
[Amended as per Act 4 of 2018]
1. Short Title
These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Farmers Management of Irrigation
Systems (Delineation and formation of Water Users Associations) Rules, 2003( with
updated amendments 2018).
2. Definition
1. “Act” means the Andhra Pradesh Farmers Management of Irrigation Systems Act, 1997.
2. “Authorized Officer” means an officer not below the rank of a Deputy Tahsildar who is
authorized by the District Collector.
6. “Upper reaches” means the ayacut comprising of 50 percent of the total number of
Territorial Constituencies which are adjacent to and nearby to the entry point of the water
course based on the hydraulic particulars within the jurisdiction of the Water Users
7. “Lower reaches” means the ayacut of a Water Users Association covered by the remaining 50
percent of the total number of the Territorial Constituencies.”
1. The District Collector shall delineate or cause to be delineated by the authorized officer, the
command area of each irrigation system within the district into areas of operation for the
purpose of forming Water Users Associations and publish in Notification-1, appended to these
rules. The Farmers Organisations so formed shall have distinct names. The distinct name may
be either the name of the irrigation system or the name of the tank as locally known.
Provided that the District Collector may either suomotu or on an application made to him
for the reasons to be recorded in writing revise or rectify, the delineation published in the
Notification-I appended to these rules.
i. For the purpose of this rule, it is hereby clarified that every Water Users Association
shall have the name of a village as its distinct name in which the major extent of the
ayacut is situated. If there is more than one association in such village, then such
association shall be called by adding numerals to the distinct name.
ii. For each of the Irrigation System, the district collector shall cause preparation of maps or
sketch, indicating the Distribution System like Majors, Minors and outlets along with the
related structures in the command area. In the map or sketch the village boundaries, the
drains, ayacut roads and all structures shall be marked.
iii. The areas irrigated or planned to be irrigated under each of the distributory, minor,
survey number wise shall be prepared.
iv. The command area for each water user area shall be delineated on hydraulic basis, each
to be served by a distinct segment of the irrigation system and with a control structure or
a mechanism at its head for supply of allocated or designed quantity of water for that
command area.
v. Such delineated area may have one or more distributaries or minors or sub-minors or
direct pipes or outlets or a combination of two or more thereof, serving its command. It
shall also have a distinctly demarcated boundary, which could be a drain, or a bund or an
un-commendable land.
2. Wherever the ayacut of a Water Users Association spreads over more than one district, the
District Collector of such district in whose jurisdiction the major extent of ayacut lies shall
be the officer to exercise and perform the functions of a District Collector in such cases.
3. In case of any doubt or clarification the matters shall be referred to the Commissioner,
whose decision shall be final.
4. Delineation of Water Users Associations
1. In case of minor irrigation systems, including tanks, diversion channels, lift irrigation
schemes, wells and such other smaller irrigation systems may have Water Users
Association covering the ayacut with chain of tanks in a system, which is identified
as Cascade or group of tanks or diversion channels. The grouping of tanks,
diversion structures or channels, for the purpose of delineation under one water
users area shall be done keeping in view, the hydraulic feasibility and
administrative convenience.
2. In case of medium irrigation system such delineated water user areas shall be more than
one and the ayacut in each Water Users Association shall be in between 400 ha. to 1000
3. In case of major irrigation system such delineated water user areas shall be more than
one and the ayacut in each Water Users Associations shall be in between 400 ha. to 1600
Provided that the ranges given above are only for general guidance and the water
user areas may be delineated or re-delineated depending upon the hydraulic feasibility
and convenience of water management.
4. To ensure administrative viability, the area of operation of each of the water user’s areas
shall be within the limits of a village or contiguous villages situated within a Mandal, as
far as possible.
5. The term of the office of the members is for 5 years if not resigned or recalled or
removed or disqualified. And the water user area shall be divided into Territorial
Constituencies which shall be a minimum of Six and maximum of Twelve
depending on the extent of command area and administrative feasibility as per Sub-
Section 2 of Section 3. Accordingly the existing Water Users Associations needs to
be delineated or re-delineated, as the case may be.
Provided that the ayacut under a direct pipe or a pipe outlet as far as possible, not
be bifurcated while dividing territorial constituencies.
6. In case any difficulty arises in dividing the ayacut under the command of a hydraulic
structure for delineating or re-delineating a water user area, suitable reaches of the
concerned Minor, Distributory, Canal, as the case may be considered.
8. Objections or suggestions against the delineation of water user’s area or the division of
territorial constituencies, if any, shall be filed, by the land holders in the area of
operation, before the District Collector or an officer nominated by him in this behalf,
within a period of seven days excluding the date of display.
9. Within two days of the receipt of the objections or suggestions, the District Collector or
the officer nominated in this behalf, shall after conducting a summary enquiry make such
changes or modifications wherever considered necessary in the maps or sketches duly
recording reasons thereof, whose decision thereon shall be final.
10. A final map or sketch in pursuance of sub Rule (9) shall immediately be displayed in the
office of the Gram Panchayat and Mandal Parishad in Form “AA” by the District
Collector or by the Authorized Officer.
An appeal on the Order of the District Collector made under Rule 4 shall lie to the
Commissioner, within 7 days from the date of the order of the District Collector.
2. A distributory area may contain five or more contiguous water user areas and not
more than 12 water users’ areas.
1. The Government keeping in view the operation viability and in consultation with
the District Collector(s), delineate, the command area in Notification -IV
appended to the these Rules under a major irrigation system into one or more
project areas for the purpose of constituting a Project Committee or committees.
2. The entire command area under a medium irrigation system shall be treated as a
single unit and notified by the Government as a project area.
1. The Government may either suo motu or on an application from any person
interested, call for and examine the records of the District Collector in respect of any
proceeding to satisfy themselves as to regularity of such proceeding or the
correctness, legality or propriety of any decision or orders passed therein, and if in
any case, it appears to the Government that any such decision or order should be
modified, annulled or reversed or remitted for reconsideration, they may pass orders
Provided that the Government shall not pass any order prejudicial to any person unless
such person has had an opportunity of making a representation.
2. The Government may stay the execution of any such decision or order pending
exercise of their powers under Sub-rule (1) in respect thereof.
3. The Government may either suomotu at any time or on an application received from
any person interested within (90) ninety days of the passing of an order under Sub-
rule (1) or any order passed by the Government in respect of Distributory Committee
or Project Committee, review any such order, if it was passed by them under any
mistake whether of fact or of law, or, in ignorance of any material fact.
The provisions contained in the proviso to Sub-rule (1) and in Sub-rule (2) shall apply in
respect of any proceeding under this Sub-rule as they apply to a proceeding under Sub-rule (1).
9. Preparation of land holders list, Voters list and other Water Users list
1. All the water users who are land holders and in case where both the owner and
the tenant are landholders in respect of the same land, the tenant whose tenancy
is recorded in revenue Registers with not less than one crop year have the
right to vote in the elections to Water Users Assoications..
3. The District Collector shall also prepare or cause to be prepared a list of all other
water users in Form “ C” which shall include industrial units, bathing
ghats, fishermen societies and such other categories to be co-opted as
4. The lists prepared under Sub-rule (2) shall be displayed on the notice board of the
office of the concerned Gram Panchayat and the Mandal Parishad.
5. Before finalizing the lists mentioned in Sub-rules (2), (3) and (4) above, the
District Collector shall invite objections against inclusion of any name or names
in Form “G”, for incorporation of any name or names in Form “F”, and for
deletion of any name or names in Form “H” within a week of display under Sub-
rule (4).
6. After receiving the objections if any, the District Collector or the authorized
officer shall consider all such objections within a week and finalize such lists, by
appending the names to be deleted or incorporated, at the end of the each list and
a final notice thereof shall be published in Form “I” in respect of voters list and
be made available for verification.
7. Each landholder in the water users area shall have one vote only irrespective of
his land holding in the said area.
Where the authorized officer is a Tahsildar and has prepared territorial constituency wise
voters lists, as specified under Sub-rule (2) of Rule 9, and if any discrepancy has been
noticed an appeal may be preferred within 7 days from the date of the publication of the
voters list to the District Collector against the order of the Tahsildar and such appeal shall
be disposed off within a week by the District Collector concerned.
1.) The Commissioner may either suo-motu or on an application from any person interested
call for and examine the records of the District Collector as the case may be, in respect of
any proceeding relating to correction of voters lists to satisfy themselves as to regularity
of such proceeding or the correctness, legality or propriety of any decision or orders passed
therein, and if in any case, if appears to the Commissioner that any such decisions or order
should be modified, annulled or reversed or remitted for reconsideration, he may pass
orders accordingly.
Provided that the Commissioner shall not pass any order prejudicial to any person unless
such person has had an opportunity of making a representation.
2.) The Commissioner may stay the execution of any such decision or order pending exercise
of his power under Sub-rule (1) in respect thereof.
3.) The Commissioner may suo-motu at any time or on an application received from any
person interested within two weeks of the passing of an order under Sub-rule (1) review
any such order, if it was passed by him under any mistake weather of fact or of law, or in
ignorance of any material fact. The provisions contained in the proviso to Sub-rule (1)
and Sub-rule (2) shall apply in respect of any proceeding under this sub Rule as they
apply to a proceeding under Sub-rule (1).
1. Every Water Users Association notified for formation after following due procedure
of delineation or re-delineation shall be divided into Territorial Constituencies with
minimum of Six and maximum of Twelve depending on the extent of ayacut,
hydraulic feasibility and administrative convenience. The District Collector shall
cause to prepare territorial constituency wise list of water users having right to vote
under Sub-Section (4) (i) of Section3of the Act and this list is the basis for selection of
a member of Territorial Constituency in the Water Users Association. The selection
of members of Territorial Constituencies shall be by a simple procedure like arriving
at consensus and where there is no consensus, it shall be by simplified procedure like
show of hands, distribution of slips etc., The detailed procedure to be followed in this
regard shall be as specified in the Election Manual appended to these Rules.
2. If the selection of the member could not succeed in any of the constituency, the
member of Water Users Association of that constituency identified by the District
Collector or any of the officer notified by the District Collector shall exercise the
powers and perform the functions of the Managing Committee member of that
Territorial Constituency.
3. The District Collector shall cause arrangements for the election to the office of the
President and Vice-President in accordance with the procedure specified in the
Election Manual appended to these Rules.
4. The election to the office of the President and Vice-President in case of Distributory
Committee and also Chairman and Vice-Chairman in case of the Project Committee
shall be conducted in accordance with the procedure specified in the Election
Manual appended to these Rules.
5. No member shall hold more than one selective or elective office in any tier of
Farmers Organisations. If a person is elected as President of Water Users
Association, he shall resign as member of Territorial Constituency within (15) days
of the declaration of the result, by a letter addressed to the concerned Competent
Authority. If he fails to do so, he shall cease to be a member of Territorial
Constituency of that Water Users Association. The Competent Authority then shall
immediately inform the fact of resignation or cessation of such office to the District
Election Authority and President, Water Users Association where such committee
exists. All casual vacancies in respect of Water Users Association, Distributory
Committee and Project Committee shall be filled up as stipulated in Rule 17C of the
Andhra Pradesh Farmers Organisation Rules, 1997.
6. All such casual vacancies shall be filled up in normal course as per the Notification
issued by the Commissioner every six months under Sub-Section (3) of Section 15.
[See Rule 3(1)]
* Every water user association shall have the name of a village as its distinct name in which
the major extent of the ayacut is situated. If there is more than one association in such village,
then such association shall be called by adding numerals to the distinct name.
...…………………………………. District.
...…………………………………. District.
And whereas, it is considered that the amendments to form “A” are considered
necessary; and accordingly they are hereby made and revised in the table hereunder.
Notified Non-Notified
(Localized) (Non-Localized)
Location of Total
S. No Village
O.T sluice Extent in Survey Extent in Ayacut
Survey No.
Acres No. Acres
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
………………………………………. District.
Name of the
Extent of Name of the
S. No Land Holder/ Survey Nos. Age
holding Village
Father’s Name
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
………………………………………. District.
Any objection against the list may be filled before the undersigned within a week for
consideration and finalization.
(See Rule 9(2))
Under Sub-rule (2) of Rule 9 of the Andhra Pradesh Farmers Management of Irrigation
System Rules, 2003, I ____________________________. The Tahsildar of the -----------------
Mandal being he Authorised Officer hereby display in this form the list of all the voters who are the
land holders and have completed eighteen years of age on the date of issue of Notification prepared
Territorial Constituency wise for selecting the members of the Managing Committee of the Water
Users Association specified below.
Any objection against the list may be filled before the undersigned within a week for
consideration and finalization.
Total Territorial constituencies ………….. (“a minimum of Six and maximum of Twelve”)
(part no.)
Sl.No. Name of the Voter Father’s name Age Name of the village Land holding
Sy.No. Extent
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The Authorised Officer,
............................ Water Users Area
........................... Mandal
......................... District
Authorized officer.
(See Rule 9(5))
Claim application for inclusion of name
The Authorised Officer,
_______________ Water User Association
I request that my name be included in the electoral roll for the above Water User
[See Rule 9(5)]
I hereby declare that the facts mentioned above are true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
My name has been included in the electoral roll for this Water Users
Association as follows:
Name (in full) ------------------------------------------------------------------
Father’s/Mother’s /Husband’s name --------------------------------
Serial No. ……………………………………….
I am an elector included in the same electoral roll in which the name objected
to appear, my serial number therein is ------------------------------------------------I
support this
Objection and countersign it.
Note: Any person who makes a statement or declaration which is false or which the
either knows or believes to be false or does not believe to be true is punishable under
provisions of Andhra Pradesh Farmers Management of Irrigation Systems Act, 1997 (Act 11
of 1997)
It is hereby notified for public information that the list of amendments to the
draft landholders list, voters list and other water users list of the --------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------- Water Users Association
have been prepared in accordance with the Andhra Pradesh Farmers Management of
Irrigation Systems Rules ------------ and a copy of the said lists together with the lists
of amendments have been published and will available for inspection at my office.
Authorized Officer,
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 43 read with Section 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 17, 18,
19, 21, 30, and 31 of the Andhra Pradesh Farmers Management of Irrigation Systems Act,
1997 (Act 11 of 1997) the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following Rules:
1. Short title.
These Rules shall be called the Andhra Pradesh Farmers Management of Irrigation
Systems (Recall) Rules, 2005 (with updated amendments 2018).
2. Definitions.
i. ‘Act’ means the Andhra Pradesh Farmers Management of Irrigation Systems Act,
ii. ‘Form’ means a form appended to these Rules.
iii. ‘Farmers Organisation’ means Water Users Association at the primary level,
Distributory Committee at the secondary level and Project Committee at the project
3. Notice of recall
The recall notice shall be submitted in Form I to the concerned Competent Authority
(Engineering), signed by not less than:
(a) One third of the voters of Water Users Association in respect of a member of
Managing Committee, President & Vice–President of a Water Users
(b) One third members of the General Body in respect of a President or Vice-
President of a Distributory Committee;
(c) One third members of the General Body in respect of a Chairman or Vice-
Chairman of a Project Committee.
The recall notice duly signed as per Rule 3 shall be handed over either in person or through
registered post with acknowledgement due to the concerned Competent Authority.
Note: Whenever the recall notice is handed over in person, the Competent Authority shall
cause to acknowledge the same immediately on the same day.
5. Verification
(1) The notice of recall shall be registered in the register maintained for the purpose on
the same day by the Competent Authority.
(2) On receipt of such notice, the Competent Authority (Engineering) shall cause due
verification of the authenticity of the notice in Form II with in a period of 7 days
from the date of receipt of the recall notice.
(1) After satisfying the authenticity of such notice the Competent Authority (Engineering)
(ii) arrange for wide Publicity in all the villages concerned through notices and tom-tom
clearly specifying time, date, venue and purpose of extraordinary General body
(2) The Quorum for the extra – ordinary General Body meeting for recall shall be as follows:
(b) The Extraordinary General Body meeting for recall shall commence at the
appointed time and place and the motion of recall shall be moved in the meeting
by the person who has submitted the recall notice or any of the members who
have affixed their signatures in the recall notice.
(c) The Competent Authority shall provide an opportunity to the candidate against
whom the recall motion is initiated to defend himself.
(d) The Competent Authority shall be put the motion to voting through simple chits
ensuring Secrecy.
(e) If the motion is carried out with the support of the majority of the members
present, the Competent Authority (Engineering) shall by order remove him from
the office forthwith in Form – III and the resulting vacancy shall be filled in the
same manner as casual vacancy.
(f) If the recall motion is not passed in the General Body with the required majority, it
becomes in fructuous and the candidate shall continue to hold post. No recall
motion shall be initiated again against the same person within a period of one year.
The person recalled shall hand over all records, Bank account etc. to the person Authorized
in the office order in a complete shape within one week. The Competent Authority
shall initiate legal action against the person recalled, if there is any misappropriation of power
or misuse of funds during his incumbency in the Organization or for not handing over the
[See Rule 3]
Recall Notice
We the understanding persons constituting one third of the total number of voters of General
Accordingly it is requested to call for a meeting of the Voters of the General Body of the
Water Users Association / Distributory Committee / Project Committee under Rule 6 of the A. P.
Farmers Management of Irrigation systems (Recall) Rules, 2005 to move the motion for recall and
Conduct voting for the purpose of passing a resolution there at.
Sl. Sl. No.
Name Village Constituency Signature
No. in voters list
1 2 3 4 5 6
The Competent Authority (Engg.)
( Designation )
[See Rule 5]
I …………………………………………………………… being the Competent Authority
(Engineering) (Name of the Competent Authority )have received the Recall notice for the purpose of
recalling Sri/Smt/Kum. _______________________ ( Name of the office bearer)Member of the
Managing Committee, President/ Vice-president/ Chairman/ Vice - Chairman of the
……………………………… Water Users’ Association / Distributory Committee /
ProjectCommittee situated in Village ……………… Mandal (s) …………District…………………
and verified the signature names of the persons subscribing to the Recall notice with voters lists of
General Body Concerned and satisfied that the names and signatures there in are correct and
Genuine. Accordingly I proceed to take further action in the matter.
Signature: ____________________
Name :_____________________
(Competent Authority )
Designation :_____________________
Address :______________________
[see Sub Rule (3) of Rule 6]
(Recall/No Recall)
An Extraordinary General Body meeting was held in connection with the recall of
the above Water Users Association / Distributory Committee / Project Committee hereby
remove Sri/Smt/Kum. _________________________from the post of
( Name of the office bearer)
___________________________ with effect from _____________as the recall motion against
him/her (Name of the post ) ( Date )
is carried out with the support of the majority of the members present.
Name: _____________________
(Competent Authority )
Designation :____________________
Address :____________________
In case of recall, the Competent Authority to submit the copy of this form to the
respective higher authorities concerned and also to the District Collector and
Commissioner, CAD.