(Dead On Arrival) - : Define
(Dead On Arrival) - : Define
(Dead On Arrival) - : Define
CAUSE OF DEATH - is the injury, disease or the combination of both injury and disease
responsible for initiating the trend or physiological disturbance, brief or prolonged, which
produce the fatal termination. It may be immediate or proximate.
IMMEDIATE CAUSE OF DEATH – this applies to cases when trauma or disease kill quickly
that there is no opportunity for sequelae or complications to develop. An extensive brain
laceration as a result of a vehicular accident is an example of immediate cause of death.
PROXIMATE CAUSE OF DEATH – the injury or disease was survived for a sufficiently
prolonged interval which permitted the development of serious sequelae which actually caused
the death. If a stab wound in the abdomen later caused general peritonitis, then peritonitis is
the proximate cause of death.
DOA (Dead on Arrival) – must not be construed literally. It may mean that the patient was
actually dead on arrival or was dying on arrival. Death occurs on a precise time while dying is a
continuing process. If a patient is dead then the procedure of management is resuscitative or to
let him return to life again, while if the patient is dying, the procedure is to apply emergency
measures to prevent death from ensuing.
VIOLENT DEATH – are those due to injuries inflicted in the body by some forms of outside
force. The physical injury must be the proximate cause of death.
SYNCOPE – this is death due to a sudden and fatal cessation of the action of the heart with
circulation included.
ASPHYXIA – is a condition in which the supply of oxygen to the blood or to the tissues or to
both has been reduced below working level.
DYSPNEA – shortness of breath (got this from google lol)
COMA – state of unconsciousness with insensibility of the pupil and conjunctivae, and inability
to swallow, resulting from the arrest of the functions of the brain.
Any person who shall assist another to commit suicide shall suffer the penalty of prision
mayor; if such person lends his assistance to another to the extent of doing the killing himself,
he shall suffer the penalty of reclusion temporal. However, if the suicide is not consummated
the penalty of arresto mayor in its medium and maximum periods shall be imposed.
(a) The offender assisted in the commission of suicide of another which was
consummated. (b) The offender gave assistance in the commission of suicide to the extent of
d6ing the killing himself which is consummated. (c) The offender assisted another in the
commission of suicide which is not consummated.
(a) A person was killed by the offender. (b) The person killed was the father, mother, or
child, whether legitimate or illegitimate in relation with the offender, or other legitimate
ascendants, or descendants or spouse of the offender.