Ka229-Ef2229a7-En 2018
Ka229-Ef2229a7-En 2018
Ka229-Ef2229a7-En 2018
Main objective of the project Exchange of Good Practices
Project Title BORDERS IN 21 CENTURY?
For further details about the available Erasmus+ National Agencies, please consult the
following page:
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Participating Organisations
Please note, the PIC code is a unique identifier for the organisation within the whole Erasmus+
Programme. It should be requested only once per organisation and used in all applications for all
Erasmus+ actions and calls. Organisations that have previously registered for a PIC should not register
again. If an organisation needs to change some of the information linked to the PIC, this can be done
through the Participant Portal. (http://ec.europa.eu/education/participants/portal/desktop/en/home.html)
Applicant Organisation
PIC 947823182
Address strada Dorului, nr.38
Country Romania
P.O. Box
Post Code 810511
Website http://antonpann.scoli.edu.ro
Telephone +400239674793
Fax +400239674793
School/Institute/Educational centre – General
Type of Organisation education (secondary level)
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Associated Persons
Legal Representative
Title MRS
Gender Female
Department EDUCATION
Email cici.bolovan@yahoo.com
Telephone +400726334660
Country Romania
P.O. Box
Postal Code 810325
Contact Person
Title MRS
Gender Female
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Department EDUCATION
Email nicolettadinca@yahoo.com
Telephone 729895630
Country Romania
P.O. Box
City Braila
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Secondary School "Anton Pann" is situated in Braila, in a very poor area of the city. We have 310
students and 16 teachers. Students study all subjects in the curricula frame. We have developed a
school curriculum. Our school is open to all who need education. We have enrolled over 75% of school
children and also Rroma, 3 students with special educative requirements, 12% of students have
parents abroad, 50% of students come from families with minimum income and 48% of students come
from families with one or both parents unemployed or jobless. Our school meets students' need to feel
competent, integrated collectively and independently. In the educational approach we use active-
participatory methods (inter-active learning, stimulate critical thinking and fostering teamwork) that
motivate and stimulate students.One aim of the school is to prepare students for a changing world,
forming their abilities, skills and competences that will enable them to find their place and social
mission. In our school were implemented the following projects "School , a chance for everyone"
National Roma Agency partners ", Ministry of National Education" project in collaboration with the
Unicef Foundation "Save the Children" and this year the EPA project Partner Institute of Education
Sciences, Ministry of Education, Holt Romania Foundation and the Foundation "Together". We initiated
this project as a continuation of our collaboration with Spain and Portugal but at the same time we
found it as an extension of our educational network with new partners like the Turkish and Polish
partner, providing equal opportunities and support for students' personal development, including those
from disadvantaged backgrounds and those with special educational needs. Also, these students
belonging to those groups are likely to abandon early school, difficulties integrating collectively perform
bad in school and therefore can not accumulate knowledge and basic skills necessary for promotion
and integration of desired future labor market. Consequently, we decided to carry out a program to
support these students through remedial training and educational activities, extracurricular activities,
and counseling.Our school has developed recovery programs in mathematics and sciences as were
those two summer schools' Mathematics through projects "(2014) and " RoMath " (2015). In 2014, our
school has participated in the TIMSS test piloting . For students in 8th grade there is a recovery
program in mathematics , extracurricular, which is held every Thursday of the week.
Have you participated in a European Union granted project in the 3 years preceding this
application? No
Partner Organisations
PIC 944056672
Address Estrada da Liberdade, 1
Country Portugal
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
P.O. Box
Post Code 9004-524
City Funchal
Website www.hbg.pt
Telephone +351291740010, +351918991533
Fax +351291741209
School/Institute/Educational centre –
Type of Organisation
General education (secondary level)
Is the organisation a public body? Yes
Associated Persons
Legal Representative
Title MRS
Gender Female
Department EDUCATION
Email ebdhbgouveia@madeira-edu.pt
Telephone +3512917410
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Country Portugal
P.O. Box
Contact Person
Title MRS.
Gender Female
Department EDUCATION
Email hbgeurope@gmail.com
Telephone 351966258060
Country Portugal
P.O. Box
Postal Code 9004-524
City Funchal
EN 7 / 117
Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Please indicate:
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Year 2013
Year 2013
Year 2015
Year 2016
Year 2016
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Year 2017
Year 2017
Year 2017
Partner Organisations
PIC 907137890
Address NO10 KARABÜK
Country Turkey
P.O. Box
Post Code 78100
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
City Karabük
Website http://aydinlikevlerortaokulu.meb.k12.tr
Telephone +903704152024
School/Institute/Educational centre –
Type of Organisation
General education (secondary level)
Is the organisation a public body? Yes
Associated Persons
Legal Representative
Gender Male
Department EDUCATION
Email adnancansiz@gmail.com
Telephone 05053525504
EN 11 / 117
Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
P.O. Box
Postal Code 78100
City Karabük
Contact Person
Title MRS
Gender Female
Department EDUCATION
Email uguryilmaz378@hotmail.com
Telephone 05052134669
Country Turkey
P.O. Box
Postal Code 78100
City Karabük
EN 12 / 117
Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Please briefly present the school and include the following information:
- General information (e.g. the covered programmes/levels of education, number of staff
and learners in the school)
- What is the school's motivation to join this project?
- Who will be the key people in charge of running the project in the school? In case these
persons leave their post in the future, who will take over their role?
- Is there any specific experience or expertise that this school and its staff can contribute to
the project?
Our school was founded in Aydınlıkevler neighborhood in 1970 as a primary school which had 2
classes, but in 1994 it reached 8 classes because of the increase of student number also our
success began to rise so, the request of parents began to rise. In 2012, our school separated as a
primary and secondary school now, we continued our education 338 students, 171 boys and 267
girls. There are 22 staff , we are strong team as teachers and principal. Our school building is new
and has 4 floors. There are 13 classes and a science lab, computer lab and the gym. Our students
can use science lab for experiments, computer lab for information technologies and gym for P.E.
lessons. Our school and staff give the importance of both academic and personal education of our
students. We do different types of works in this field. For their academic success we have courses
after their lessons and at the weekend. Students can repeat their do exercises. We do them for
having high level and for entering a good high school. Also we make competition of information
among the different classes. Also we prepare some projects for TUBITAK in this way we help our
students as teachers. Our counsellor prepares activates to increase the motivation. For example;
we visit our students’ parents. At Physical Education lessons, we have success in the field of
football and volleyball. Intelligence games tournaments are organized. There are lots of trips, for
example to Çanakkale. In this way we support the quality of education. Fatma Yeşiltaş Yılmaz and
Figen Coşkun are the keys. They are English teachers and they use English fluently so they can
provide communication with foreign teachers and students easily. The other key is Güler Öz. She
is a successful teacher and she has an experience with projects. Also she can organize all the
students easily. If these people leave their post in the future, Neriman Özcan, Serhan Kurt, Gülşen
Şahin will take over their role because they are very successful teachers. They are enjoyable spirit
of team also they are helpful and friendly. We are a good team.
Have you participated in a European Union granted project in the 3 years preceding this
application? Yes
Please indicate:
EU Programme ERASMUS+ KA1
Year 2016
Partner Organisations
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
PIC 948776207
Country Greece
P.O. Box
Post Code GR-72300
Telephone +302843061213, +306937031479
Fax +302843061213
School/Institute/Educational centre –
Type of Organisation
General education (primary level)
Is the organisation a public body? Yes
Associated Persons
Legal Representative
Title MR.
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Gender Male
Department EDUCATION
Email erasmsuspalekastro@yahoo.gr
Telephone +302843061213
Country Greece
P.O. Box
Postal Code GR-72300
Contact Person
Title MRS.
Gender Female
Department EDUCATION
Email erasmsuspalekastro@yahoo.gr
Telephone +302843061213
EN 15 / 117
Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Country Greece
P.O. Box
Postal Code GR-72300
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Palekastro Primary School is a small rural school with its friendly staff and 105 students, from 4-
12 years old. Palekastro Primary School is located on Eastern Crete, in Greece, in an area based
its economy in agriculture and tourism. There are 14 teachers for all the subjects including ICT,
English, Math, science and French or German Language. It's an ''open school'' to the local society
with many activities and events. All teachers are trying to implement new teaching methods and
we are trying to be informed by seminars and other inner educational ways. Most of the students
are from poor background, many students are adopted or from foster families, and a lot of them
work hard to help their parents. Being at risk of social exclusion these children understand each
other better, they are hard-working and sympathetic. These facts may also be those key factors in
building positive relationships between students and staff, and among the students. These
relationships help to motivate personal growth and development that includes understanding of
life’s values. That is why the teachers try to involve the school into different national and
international projects giving the students a chance to travel, to see the world and to learn other
cultures. Palekastro is surrounded by a very nice nature and the students are familiar with nature
around, they are quite knowledgeable about the plants, animals both domestic and wild, a lot of
them go fishing, picking up olives and gardening. The teachers and students of Palekastro
Primary School took part in many different environmental projects and researches and will share
all the knowledge and expertise got in previous activities in this new nature oriented project.
Furthermore, our area is a ’’Natura 2000’’ area. The purpose of our school is to prepare students
for life and it is based more on the relationship between school - student - family. Our school is
trying its best to keep students interested in learning by giving them the necessary materials
(books, school bags, school supplies and other objects). Many students participate to
extracurricular activities organized by our school and community or in national tests. We want to
develop outdoor learning in particular and the aims and objectives of this Erasmus+ project
exactly match our school’s development plan. Outdoor learning and global education contexts are
especially relevant to the preferred learning styles of the pupils at Palekastro. Palekastro Primary
School it's the most experienced School in Eastern Crete in EU educational and national
educational projects. Having recently completed 4 very successful Comenius project, 1 Minerva, 1
EACEA, 1 Regio Comenius, we understand the commitment, tact and rigour required to work with
partners in Europe. With this in mind we are fully prepared to support our other school partners.
Have you participated in a European Union granted project in the 3 years preceding this
application? No
Partner Organisations
PIC 945412053
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Country Latvia
P.O. Box
Post Code LV-4713
City Smiltenes novads
Website grunsk.tk
Telephone +37128620727, +37125450797
School/Institute/Educational centre –
Type of Organisation
General education (secondary level)
Is the organisation a public body? Yes
Associated Persons
Legal Representative
Title MRS.
Gender Female
Email grundzalesk@tvnet.lv
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Telephone +37126462947
Country Latvia
P.O. Box
Postal Code LV-4713
City Smiltenes novads
Contact Person
Title MRS.
Gender Female
Department EDUCATION
Email dacekalnina77@inbox.lv
Telephone +37126462947
Country Latvia
P.O. Box
Postal Code LV-4713
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Please indicate:
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
EU Programme Erasmus+
Year 2015
EU Programme Erasmus+
Year 2015
Partner Organisations
PIC 919971087
Address Via Ungaretti, 7
Country Italy
P.O. Box
Post Code 29010
City San Nicolò di Rottofreno (PC)
Website www.istcomsnicolo.gov.it
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Telephone +390523768764
Fax +390523764241
School/Institute/Educational centre –
Type of Organisation
General education (secondary level)
Is the organisation a public body? Yes
Associated Persons
Legal Representative
Title Mrs
Gender Female
Position Headmaster
Email adrianasantoro@tiscali.it
Telephone +393454812161
Country Italy
P.O. Box
Postal Code 29010
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Contact Person
Title Mrs
Gender Female
Position teacher
Email maffigabriella@libero.it
Telephone +393492501942
Country Italy
P.O. Box
Postal Code 29122
City Piacenza
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
The Istituto Comprensivo of San Nicolò is a public school of about 1600 students from 2 to 14
years old.It is situated in the Northern Italy (8 km far from Piacenza) near Milan.The Institute
includes 4 nursery schools, 5 primary schools and 3 lower secondary schools situated in four
different villages: San Nicolò, Rottofreno, Calendasco, Gragnano.An important percentage of
students are foreign coming from different countries , most of them are from East Europe and
Africa. School offers an inspiring and nurturing education based on their needs with suitable
projects.At schools there students who risk a school and social exclusion due to different reasons
such as family problems and economical difficulties, so the Institute helps them with projects. The
most suitable and appropriate is “Tra il dire e il fare” once a week : on Friday afternoon. It’s a
tutoring project where the best students teach to students having some difficulties in the Maths,
Italian and foreign languages . The Institute of San Nicolò offers a large range of labs: music,
sport, decoupage, carpentry, charity events and so on. Istituto Comprensivo of San Nicolò
believes in importance of traditional values and are committed to embracing the opportunities of
modern educational method and technological advances preparing students to face today’s world
with confidance and competence. All the classes of the Institute, in fact, are equipped by LIM and
we have adopted 2 classes 2.0 for some years. In our schools students learn 2 languages:
English, French or Spanish; we also organize summer camps. Students can improve their English
with an English mother tongue teacher that helps them in the final Trinity exams.The schools have
partecipated to Erasmus + Project, 2 years ago, some classes had an e twinning experience with
a school in Togliatti (RUSSIA).All the teachers of the Institute like taking part of the project in order
to improve their knowledge. People involved in the project will be hardworking and open minded
teachers and the headmaster who love exploring new horizons and learning new interesting things
Have you participated in a European Union granted project in the 3 years preceding this
application? Yes
Please indicate:
EU Programme Erasmus +
Year 2016
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Please select the most relevant horizontal or sectoral priority according to the objectives of
your project.
HORIZONTAL: Development of relevant and high-quality skills and competences
If relevant, please select up to two additional priorities according to the objectives of your project.
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Please describe the motivation for your project and explain why it should be funded.
Improving quality and efficiency of education is at the heart of educational policy debate both at
national and at EU level. It plays a crucial role in the Lisbon strategy to build future prosperity
and social cohesion in Europe. This is at the heart of EU objectives for education and training
until 2020. In order to decide the motivation of our project, we conducted a SWOT analysis of
each school involved. The needs identified by this analysis were:
a. In all schools: the need for transdisciplinary approaches to contents in math and science,
language and communication;
b. In all schools: lack of transdisciplinary curricula such as school curriculum or national curriculum;
c. In all schools: the low importance of projects and experiments in teaching and evaluation;
d. In all schools: lack of teacher training in the use of transdisciplinary methods such as PBL / MIT;
e. In all schools: lack of valuing dominant intelligences of each pupil in the teaching process;
f. Romania, Greece, Turkey: got low results in the evaluations with items of interdisciplinary
subjects (PISA);
g.Turkey, Latvia, Romania,Italy: social cohesion and reduced disparities between different groups
of pupils;
h. Latvia and Romania: risk of dropping out;
i. Turkey, Latvia, Romania: overloaded pupils program regarding school preparation that can
leads to failure
As a result of the needs identified we founded that the that Howard Gardner's approach might be
a precious ally in classroom work with these new generations, because first of all valorizing the
dominant intelligence of each student leads to increased self-esteem and interest in school,
content which until then were inaccessible, ending at once, and becoming accessible when
presented by the teacher in different manners, using "entrance gates" appropriate to the
understanding of each student and multiple representations of different concepts. Secondly,
Gardner's theory is in agreement and supports the development of the eight key competences
proposed by the European Framework for Lifelong Learning.
So we decided to propose in our project activities using innovative methods such as Project Based
Learning and Multiple Intelligences Teory to improve teaching, learning and assessment in the areas
of math and science, language and communication and ICT and developing transdisciplinary
educational techniques and contexts that will help pupils to understand where science, mathematics
and communication skills are used in daily activities regarding their life experience and their future
working experience, but also help teachers because the transdisciplinary teams having better
educational results. It means reducing the gap between theoretical training and practical experience.
We have pupils involved in the project who live in rural areas, from disadvantaged backgrounds or
with less opportunities, so we need to work on this line to reduce the differences between learning
outcomes and disparities between pupils resultes.
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
What are the objectives you would like to achieve and concrete results you would like to produce?
How are these objectives linked to the priorities you have selected?
1. To develop and strengthen relationships between the 6 partner schools by creating a regional
and international context of cooperation by sharing and confronting transdisciplinary ideas,
practices and methods 6 headteacher and 30 teachers for 2 years.
2.To develop relevant and high-quality skills and competences of math, science, language and
communication and ICT of 180 pupils from 6 partner, using PBL + MIT in the process of
teaching and evaluating with open source tools in digital environments to increase at least 5%
the number of pupils with improved school results for 2 years
3. To create a correlation between theoretical notions and their applicability in everyday life, so
that learning is easier and more accessible to the 180 students for their future integration into
society and the labor market for a period of 2 years.
4. To strength the skills of 30 teachers needed to adopting new transdisciplinary pedagogical
approaches through PBL + MIT by participating in 1 training course over a 5 day to increase
the motivation and school outcomes of the 180 pupils for 2 years.
5. To increase the European dimension of the 6 partner schools by facilitating and promoting the
close relationships between pupils, teachers, parents and other people through the dissemination
and exploatation of the project results, for 2 years and after the completion of the project.
The current educational system greatly valorizes logical-mathematical and verbal intelligence over
the others. So some pupils cant keep up with it, although if their approach would be based on their
dominant intelligence, they could get very good results. Starting from this idea, teachers in our
partner schools after being trained will develop innovative strategies and approaches using MIT
and PBL that will allow pupils from different backgrounds to participate in active learning
experiences and develop relevant and high-quality math and science skills, language and
communication and ICT. Through this project we use IT as a tool for exploration, learning and
creation with the help of the MOODLE project platform.
The potential of our project is relatively new and unheard of, but we believe it aims to an active
use of IT and motivates students to increase their low performance in math, science, language
and communication through effective and innovative teaching and assessment.
Concrete results: 1 MIT + PBL teacher training course, 1 project facebook, 1 project site, 1 Moodle
project platform, 1 comparative study on pupils acquisitions, 6 mini-projects MIT + PBL brochure, 1
transdisciplinary curriculum, 1 etwinning project, 1 international contest with transdisciplinary topics ,
1 international conference of teachers, 1 international festival - exchange of good practices among
pupils, posters and brochures to promote the use of MIT+ PBL in and out of schools, 1 logo
project, 1 Book of honor.
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
How are the planned activities going to lead to achievement of the project's objectives?
In order to achieve project objectives 2,3,4 and to satisfy the needs mentioned above (d,e,f,g), we
have designed a six mini projects based on PBL +MIT. That allows students to improve their
performance in key subjects such as math, science, language and communication, ICTs and
there are a reason to organize a training course for teachers to strengthen their skills in terms of
PBL+MIT, although certain aspects of those methods are already implemented in an informal and
intuitive manner.The titles of six mini projects related to the needs identified, while, all would be
created transdisciplinary through activities in Math, Science, Language and Comunication, ICTs.
The project titles are: Salut! Ciao! Olá! Merhaba! gaidīts! Yia Sas! HELLO! Let’s talk together!,
Mathematics is the music of Reason, Let nature be your teacher!, Science: a long and systematic
curiosity, Water and planetary oceans, Native and migratory in Europe of yesterday and today.
The project is open to the other school of our surroundings or international community in order
to carry out a motivating group work through all the math, science,language areas and
participate in project activities (international transdisciplinary contest, international conferance,
new transdisciplinary curricula and its manual, Book of Honor).
By implementing international transdisciplinary multi-staged competition, innovative
transdisciplinary methods will find their usefulness in this special event. The main events of the
project International Conference for teachers and International Festival of math and science,
language and communication" -for pupils will be implemented for 5 years after completion of the
project. These events will create the framework for international schools and is the way to achieve
its objectives 1 and 5.
Learning, teaching or training activities that bring added value and lead to the objectives of the project
are: 1Short-term joint staff training events C1 and Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils: C2, C3,
C4, C5,C6. This meetings was conceived in order to achieve the project objectives 1, 2, 3, 4,
5: teachers will involve mixed groups of pupils in learning activities with transdisciplinary
character. Its signification is to spread between pupils the feeling of trust in their knowledge in
diverse situations, to increase school's training efficiency and to help pupils understand studying
importance in general. This activities will lead to the implementation of long term international
teaching events that will be maintained and extended after project will ends under the form of
international contest and international scientific symposium.
Activities:learning by science experiments; transdisciplinary projects with common
phenomenon; folklore festival with poetry, theatrical plays, string art, filming aquatic ecosystems
field research on plants and animals
The TABOO project should be carried out transnationally because this is the only way to
achieve objectives.
Please select up to three topics addressed by your project.
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Please briefly describe who will take part in the project, including:
- The different groups that will take part in the project activities (e.g. pupils, teachers, other
school staff, parents, etc.), including participants who will participate locally.
- How are these groups going to participate?
- If pupils are involved in the project, please specify their age groups.
Note that specific details on selection of participants in Learning, teaching and training activities
do not need to be repeated here if they are described in the dedicated section of the form:
Learning Teaching Training
Participants involved in various project activities are divided into two categories:
Direct beneficiaries
Each partner school sets a target group: 5 teachers specialized in math, science, language,
history, ICT and 30 pupils aged 10-14, who will work on the project in all its different phases.
Teachers and pupils part of the target group go through a selection process:criteria for pupils
participation in project activities: Learning outcomes at the disciplines whose competencies are
covered by the project, letter of intent, involvement in various projects and extracurricular
activities, availability of project participation, dominant intelligence established by the application
of the questionnaires; criteria for teachers: candidate's portfolio: CV Europass ,intent letter, other
documents that it considers relevant and representing from a professional standpoint, availability
of project participation, experience in the activities of educational projects. Target group form
expert classes from each school will develop activities to achieve the 6 mini projects and which
represent the control class in the experimental study.
Indirect beneficiaries
Pupils,teachers, other school staff,parents of partners school participants in mobility activities
as hosts of the partners and in the evaluation and dissemination events of the project
Local community inform by pupils and teachers from partner schools by flyers about the project
and will be able to access the project platform where they can express their views.
Local officials will help with receiving guests ,during mobilities, activities will be broadcast
through local newspapers or websites institutions, school will handle administrative affairs
Other schools-partner schools will have local partnership with at least one school. By that
agreement the local school will have access to project materials and will develop parts of project
activities-participate in the international contest for pupils All4You on Moodle, the international
conference for teachers, project dissemination events. To increase the motivation of teachers
from local schools to participate in our project activities we will edit a book with ISBN to the works
of the conference. We send our book to local libraries and schools to give them a model.
University specialists - Romania partner will have local partnership with Al.I.Cuza University. By
that agreement specialists will be involved in sustaining the training course for teachers with
PBL+MIT, making and interpreting questionnaires to determine the dominated intelligence of
pupils, developing items for international contest, providing scientific referend for transdisciplinary
guide and comparative study on pupils acquisition.
All people involved directly and indirectly contribute to the smooth organization and project
activity and will directly benefit from using English, exchange views and information with others
partner school, but also to work as a team with a common goal.
Participants with fewer opportunities: does your
project involve participants facing situations that Yes
make their participation more difficult?
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KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Educational difficulties
Geographical obstacles
Health problems
How will you support these participants so that they will fully engage in the planned activities?
The main reason for the project is based on the principle that inclusion does not mean you should
develop a new pedagogical approach as this would promote a new separation. Instead, what is
necessary for integration is to create common life situations and learning. Given this project,
activities were designed with common pedagogical approach, and aimed at promoting education
for all students, whether or not disabled. Using multiple intelligences in achieving portfolios will
enable all students to achieve at least a workload since it has been demonstrated that every
person has developed one of the eight smart set by H. Gardner.
To undertake the project, teachers trained through the training of our schools will help to adapt the
skills of students and programme activities according to their needs. It will be also planned with
these students in mind, material and human resources to adapt and considering flexible grouping.
The activities undertaken will be the same for all students involved in the project so that there are
no differences between students. However, students with fewer opportunities will be assisted by
teachers, psychologists and parents to participate in activities. In the case of students with
disabilities and learning problems, activities will be adapted so that they can perform according to
their ability.
It is very important that these students feel useful and important in the project. If there are students
with economic problems, together with local authorities and non-profit associations, we will find
financial resources for them to participate in visits and activities, so that they do not feel excluded.
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KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
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KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Please describe the tasks and responsibilities of each partner school. Explain how you will
ensure sound management of the project and good cooperation and communication between
partners during its implementation.
Each partner school will have a project team so there will be 6 project teams. Each project team will
be formed of: headteacher, project manager, 3 teachers, 1 accountant, which will have the following
responsibilities: headteacher - responsible for applying the selection procedures of project team
members and participants to project activities, project manager - responsible for implementation and
communication (contact person); 1 teacher - responsible for evaluating and monitoring; 1 teacher -
responsible for dissemination , 1 accountant - responsible for the budget. Each project team will
develop its own selection procedures, own communication plan, own monitoring and evaluation plan,
own dissemination plan, own risk management plan and the detailed plan of its own budget.
Even if there is one project team in each partner school, at level of partnership was
shared responsibility:
Romania is responsible for the dissemination and exploatation of results, reminding project tasks
regularly and budget management project;for Moodle platform, organization of training teachers
about PBL+MIT and comparative study with the contribution of university specialists , ISBN
brochure PBL+MIT, transdisciplinary curriculum
Portugal is responsible for evaluation and monitoring,for project site, for international festival
for pupils
Italy is responsible for creating eTwinning project in order to ensure promotion actions at
European level,for coordinating international transdisciplinary contest,
Latvia is responsible for creating a positive image to the level of partnership, coordination the
contest for the logo and slogan of the project, collecting all the impressions of pupils, parents,
staff and teachers about the project for the Honor Book.
Greece is responsible for communication and cooperation, for making project group on
Facebook, organizing virtual meetings biannual between coordinators
Turkey is responsible for organizing the international conference for teachers,drafting
biannual dissemination brochures and project flyers
Cooperation and communication between all project partners were scheduled to be constant and
regular, performed in English by email, Facebook, platform e-Twinning, videomeeting, Also, we
use Moodle platform which offers many possibilities in terms chats and post materials. In
international meetings of teachers and students will prepare project documents that will become
the final products We will develop a communication and collaboration plan at a partnership level
that will be coordinated by Greece.
Communication and cooperation between pupils is done through facebook, 2 videoconferencing
and direct contact during mobility by participating in math, science, language and communication
lessons, teamwork for mobility activities, living in host families, sharing traditions and habits, and
improving language skills.
Please make sure to include all project meetings, events and activities in the section:
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
How did you choose the project partners? Does your project involve schools that have never
previously been involved in a Strategic Partnership? If yes, please explain how the other partners
can support them during the project.
Partner choose by selection process with these criteria:
a.Have diversified experience to participate in similar European programs;b.Have skills and
specialization in areas that help the application of innovative methods and conduct activities
proposed in our project;cBe active on secondary level;d.Come from different European
countries,with the widest possible dispersion;e.Face a variety of educational problems due to their
geographical and social distribution.
a.partnership established at the initiative of the applicant organization.As a result,it was created
the first nucleus of schools-Romania and Portugal,which had earlier joined European
projects.Then the cooperation was extended to other countries participating via e-Twinning
platform and personal contact with teachers from schools.The result is a partnership between 6
schools - three schools have previous experience in participating in such projects and meet the
first criterion. b each partner has experience in at least one area covered by our project:
Romania:experience in management of European projects;has an account on Moodle and
activities undertaken;teachers-various training courses in teaching in their specialty,digital
skills,known methods of dissemination and exploitation of project results,for example experience
in editing journal of the project and a good practice guide which won teaching materials in the
contest organized by Braila Teacher’s House 2016.
Portugal has the greatest experience in managing European projects as a partner;uses
Moodle,has expertise in establishing and maintaining a website,teachers axis in order to
develop students'communication skills in foreign languages via the European Club of school;
Italy:uses practical experiments about the phenomen of everyday life in the teaching act,focuses
on students’learning style,has experience in using e-Twinning platform
Latvia:teachers participated in training KA1 in the PISA assessment,project team has good
knowledge of English and ICT.Members are qualified for the specific them of the
project.Everybody within the school participating in projects and extra curricular activities;
Turkey uses modern teaching methods:lessons are taught on whiteboard with video
entertainment online.At the end of teaching units play various online games
Greece:teachers and pupils part in environmental projects and will share all the knowledge
and expertise got in previous activities in this new oriented nature project.
c.is met by all members,as all participating organizations include pupils aged 10-14years d -
e:Portuguese and Italy school have students from migrant families,while in other schools,there are
pupils from various disadvantaged groups
Some school were never involved in international project-Turkey and Greece.We choose
this because using modern teaching and teacher have different skills
will receive permanent guidance and feedback from the coordinator,will be supported for
the implementation of the activities
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KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Have you used or do you plan to use eTwinning, School Education Gateway or the Erasmus+
Project Results Platform for preparation, implementation or follow-up of your project? If yes,
please describe how.
We will make a curricula + brochure "Transdisciplinary skills at math, science, language and
comunication in XXI century"on-line and in printed form.This guide will be handed out to other
schools in the community, will be posted on the site of the project and of the schools, Facebook,
on Erasmus + Platform results, on the www.issu.com, School Education Gateway and eTwinning.
We'll publish them on teachers forums from partner countries (each partner is responsible for it)
such as in Romania didactic.ro. We will also launch a TABOO etwinning project, and upon
completion, each school will start at least one new eTwinning project.Permanently, we will update
the information from Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.
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KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
List of Activities
Do you plan to include transnational learning, teaching or training activities in your project?
Please describe the practical arrangements for the planned Learning, Teaching and Training activities. How will you select, prepare and support
the participants, and ensure their safety?
We constitute the project team in all partner schools.The headteacher has the responsibility to applying the selection procedures of teachers to
participate in short-term joint staff training events and learning, teaching, training activities, according to the following criteria:Communicative
competence in the foreign language,Participation in the project,Experience in European projects,Time availability.The selection procedure for
the participating pupils will also be applied for the Learning/teaching activities according to the following criteria: There will be a diversity of
pupils that will include children from disadvantaged backgrounds,Motivation,Participation in the project,Improving their marks before the
Learning/Teaching activities.Teachers and pupils will be interviewed for the project team in each partner school and evaluate the application
files. Resultes of selection will be announced in the meeting of the teaching council, at the pupils' notice and on the school site.Before each flow,
the coordinator will meet with all the participants, and will inform about the transport, accommodation and meals, training, security and protection
of the participants, agenda of the meeting, culture specific to each country, linguistic preparation.
The project team will communicate the educational authorities and parents about the these activities to get the legal information and be
prepared for these that include the mobility of pupils.The project team will talk about medical care, passports and other legal documents
required to travel with pupils at this age. They will make a list with parents who allow pupils to travel and will give them detailed information.
RO,LV, IT, TK, GR, PT will host the Learning, Teaching activities, so they will communicate the local authorities about the dates and the number
of people that we will host by then.They will help to look for accommodation, restaurants for everybody and give us support to organize outdoors
activities.All partners will try to purchase cheap travel tickets early enough to different meeting places according to work plan. Pupils will be
hosted by families and also teachers can be hosted by other teachers if the money is too little.Before each mobility selected pupils will receive
tutoring in English to communicate with pupils and teachers from other partner schools. There will also be informed about the culture and
civilization of the country who will travel and learn some forms of address in the host country.
The project team plan safety measures in advance.Travel and medical insurance will be provided to participants in the form of a European Health
Insurance Card.Prepare a short safety guide for the participants. All relevant country, partner, contact and emergency information and risk
prevention guides will be written in the safety manual.It is better to plan in advance than to panic later when something goes wrong.
In case you plan to include learning, teaching or training activities please encode them here.
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
No. of
ID Leading Organisation Activity Type Field Grant
Activity Title
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KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
1)To form a clear image about how transdiciplinary teaching happens in educational contexts of schools involved (when they teach inter or
trans disciplinary, what materials schools does posses, what methods are used)
2)To learn about new methods projects based learning and multiple intelligences theory
3)To see specialists point of view regarding this type of work
4)To discover good practice events carried out national or trans-national where this type of teaching is applied
5)To implement the use of the latest technologies in teaching activities and to create teaching materials that are based on those
devices. This training goal is to form in attending schools teams of well trained teachers with abilities to apply transdisciplinary
teaching methods. Will participate 15 math,science,native and foreign language teachers,3from every partners,8 from organizing
school Activities
1Theoretical session sustained by specialists to find out which are the latest techniques in transdisciplinary teaching, which are European
programs for PBL and MIT teaching, which are global strategies for education in Europe and how to stimulate pupils creativity by teaching)
2Workshops to asses how transdisciplinary teaching is already implemented in schools involved. International project teams will assess the
quality of transdisciplinar works in their schools by analyzing the number of transdisciplinary subjects, national laws regarding this type of
teaching, pupils performances at this type of tasks, methods used and working materials availability,teaching events for transdisciplinary
teaching (pupils conferences,pupils contests, teachers events). Teachers from Latvia disseminates information on PISA assessment acquired
them through KA1 project.
3Workshop to learn how to apply transdisciplinary didactical strategies using PBL and MIT
4Debates about miniprojects methods PBL+MIT implementation starting form the measures suggested by specialists
1) materials for project platform that are presenting educational laws regarding transdisciplinary teaching for every school's country, teaching
materials (filmed lessons,manual,exercises books,existing teaching events such as contests,conferences,learning trips, internships)
2)materials for project diary: attendants impressions, working drafts for trans/interdisciplinary textbook Articles for project final product
(brochure 6PBL miniprojects.Teachers will find out about new ways of cooperation,teaching/learning events in this field and will experiment
teaching methods best suited for this type of teaching.
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KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Higt competencies needed to use innovative methods transdisciplinary teaching process through participation in short-term joint staff training
events on PBL and Multiple Intelligences, develop and strengthen relations between partner schools: creating a regional context and
international cooperation by sharing and confrontation of ideas, practices and methods transdisciplinary between principals and teachers and
promoting close relationships between students, teachers, parents of others through dissemination and exploitation of project results during and
after the project. This meetings was conceived in order to: strengthen the skills of teachers in math and science, language and communication
regarding the use of innovative methods and making learning transdisciplinary, through a training course on PBL and MIT "PBL and MIT
Innovative Approaches in teaching trans / interdisciplinary" supported specialists from the university; teachers will find new points of view, will
develop new skills during workshops meeting and will attend the International Conference in Turkey, which will focus regarding project's main
topic: "PBL - a bridge between traditional and modern teaching modern ".
Outcomes: content for projects diary, materials for project platform about curriculum, school manuals, examples of didactical strategies that
are already applied (through home session)- filmed and described by written documents, experimental research for teaching purpose.
Another benefits: Better oral performance in English, high-value use of active teaching-learning methods, adoption of new pedagogical
approaches taken from partners; the use of new teaching methods, proposes to carry out additional activities, new initiatives, increased
involvement in making changes as needed, better lessons done through documentation using WEB pages, more confidence in using new
technology in class, and more a lot of openness for the use of new technologies.
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
ID No. of
Organisation / Country Distance Band Duration (days) Grant
1 500-1999 km 5 3 2415.00 EUR
Escola Dr. Horácio Bento de Gouveia
2 4000-7999 km 5 3 4050.00 EUR
/ Portugal
Grundzales pamatskola / Latvia 500-1999 km 5 3 2415.00 EUR
Flow Budget
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Distance Band No. of Participants Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant
500-1999 km 3 275.00 EUR 825.00 EUR
Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)
3 5 530.00 EUR 1590.00 EUR
Flow Budget
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Distance Band No. of Participants Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant
4000-7999 km 3 820.00 EUR 2460.00 EUR
Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)
3 5 530.00 EUR 1590.00 EUR
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Flow Budget
Distance Band No. of Participants Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant
500-1999 km 3 275.00 EUR 825.00 EUR
Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)
3 5 530.00 EUR 1590.00 EUR
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Flow Budget
Distance Band No. of Participants Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant
500-1999 km 3 275.00 EUR 825.00 EUR
Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)
3 5 530.00 EUR 1590.00 EUR
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Flow Budget
Distance Band No. of Participants Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant
500-1999 km 3 275.00 EUR 825.00 EUR
Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)
3 5 530.00 EUR 1590.00 EUR
Activity Budget
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Activity Title
Pupils and teacher mobility
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KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
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KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
The pupils' benefits are: better knowledge and understanding of the culture of the host country, better knowledge of the subject involved,
more active, more motivated, better oral performance in English, improving grammar, vocabulary, or culture the country whose language is
used in the project, better math knowledge, science, language and ICT, increased teamwork skills, more openness to new technologies,
increased creativity, improved interpersonal and intercultural competences, increased numerical skills, desire increased awareness of
knowledge and skills, increased awareness of its own identity in a local, national or European context, increased self-esteem.
Teacher benefits: better teamwork, better English communication, more confidence in using new technology in the classroom, more openness to
using new technologies, better lessons learned through documentation using WEB pages, better information , internationally and up-to-date on
the subject, more confidence in the use of new technology in the classroom, increased involvement in changing as many times as needed, more
frequent use of new presentation methods, trustworthy teaching materials transdisciplinary approach, adopting new pedagogical approaches
taken from partners; the use of new teaching methods, developed life skills, new friends.
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KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
ID No. of
Organisation / Country Distance Band Duration (days) Grant
Flow Budget
EN 49 /
Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Distance Band No. of Participants Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant
500-1999 km 6 275.00 EUR 1650.00 EUR
Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)
4 5 290.00 EUR 1160.00 EUR
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Flow Budget
Distance Band No. of Participants Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant
4000-7999 km 6 820.00 EUR 4920.00 EUR
Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)
4 5 290.00 EUR 1160.00 EUR
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Flow Budget
Distance Band No. of Participants Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant
2000-2999 km 6 360.00 EUR 2160.00 EUR
Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)
4 5 290.00 EUR 1160.00 EUR
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Flow Budget
Distance Band No. of Participants Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant
500-1999 km 6 275.00 EUR 1650.00 EUR
Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)
4 5 290.00 EUR 1160.00 EUR
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Flow Budget
Distance Band No. of Participants Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant
500-1999 km 6 275.00 EUR 1650.00 EUR
Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)
4 5 290.00 EUR 1160.00 EUR
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Activity Budget
Budget Items Grant
Travel 12030.00 EUR
Individual Support 11100.00 EUR
Activity Title
Pupils and teacher mobility
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FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
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FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Benefits of participants
Increasing students' creativity, increasing motivation, increasing self-esteem, conducting micro-research projects, better knowledge of the
topics involved, better insight into practical applications on the subjects under study, increased understanding of the European context on the
topic being treated, performing better communication on English, working with other children in other countries, better knowledge of
mathematics, science, language and ICT, improving the vocabulary or culture knowledge of the host country
Teachers' benefits: Better teamwork, better English communication, more confidence in using new technology in the classroom, more
openness to using new technologies, better, international, and updated information on the topic , more confidence in the use of new technology
in the classroom, increased involvement in making changes as often as necessary, more frequent use of new presentation methods,
trustworthy creation of transdisciplinary teaching materials, adoption of new pedagogical approaches taken from partners; using new teaching
methods, better knowledge of host country culture, new friends
ID No. of
Organisation / Country Distance Band Duration (days) Grant
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KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Flow Budget
Distance Band No. of Participants Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant
500-1999 km 6 275.00 EUR 1650.00 EUR
Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)
4 5 290.00 EUR 1160.00 EUR
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Flow Budget
Distance Band No. of Participants Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant
2000-2999 km 6 360.00 EUR 2160.00 EUR
Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)
4 5 290.00 EUR 1160.00 EUR
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Flow Budget
Distance Band No. of Participants Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant
3000-3999 km 6 530.00 EUR 3180.00 EUR
Individual Support
EN 60 / 117
Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)
4 5 290.00 EUR 1160.00 EUR
Flow Budget
Distance Band No. of Participants Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant
500-1999 km 6 275.00 EUR 1650.00 EUR
EN 61 / 117
Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)
4 5 290.00 EUR 1160.00 EUR
Flow Budget
EN 62 / 117
Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Distance Band No. of Participants Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant
500-1999 km 6 275.00 EUR 1650.00 EUR
Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)
4 5 290.00 EUR 1160.00 EUR
Activity Budget
Budget Items Grant
Travel 10290.00 EUR
Individual Support 11100.00 EUR
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KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Activity Title
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KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
The pupils' benefits are: better knowledge and understanding of the culture of the host country, better knowledge of the subject involved,
more active, more motivated, better oral performance in English, improving grammar, vocabulary, or culture the country whose language is
used in the project, better math knowledge, science, language and ICT, increased teamwork skills, more openness to new technologies,
increased creativity, improved interpersonal and intercultural competences, increased numerical skills, desire increased awareness of
knowledge and skills, increased awareness of its own identity in a local, national or European context, increased self-esteem.
Teacher benefits: better teamwork, better English communication, more confidence in using new technology in the classroom, more openness to
using new technologies, better lessons learned through documentation using WEB pages, better information , internationally and up-to-date on
the subject, more confidence in the use of new technology in the classroom, increased involvement in changing as many times as needed, more
frequent use of new presentation methods, trustworthy teaching materials transdisciplinary approach, adopting new pedagogical approaches
taken from partners; the use of new teaching methods, developed life skills, new friends.
ID No. of
Organisation / Country Distance Band Duration (days) Grant
EN 66 / 117
Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Flow Budget
Distance Band No. of Participants Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant
500-1999 km 6 275.00 EUR 1650.00 EUR
Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)
4 5 290.00 EUR 1160.00 EUR
EN 67 / 117
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KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Flow Budget
Distance Band No. of Participants Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant
500-1999 km 6 275.00 EUR 1650.00 EUR
Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)
4 5 290.00 EUR 1160.00 EUR
EN 68 / 117
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KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Flow Budget
Distance Band No. of Participants Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant
500-1999 km 6 275.00 EUR 1650.00 EUR
Individual Support
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FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)
4 5 290.00 EUR 1160.00 EUR
Flow Budget
Distance Band No. of Participants Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant
2000-2999 km 6 360.00 EUR 2160.00 EUR
EN 70 / 117
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KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)
4 5 290.00 EUR 1160.00 EUR
Flow Budget
EN 71 / 117
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KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Distance Band No. of Participants Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant
500-1999 km 6 275.00 EUR 1650.00 EUR
Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)
4 5 290.00 EUR 1160.00 EUR
Activity Budget
Budget Items Grant
Travel 8760.00 EUR
Individual Support 11100.00 EUR
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Activity Title
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on different products.
2.Each partners school will present their works about mini-projects that they carried out in 5 home session:
The pupils' benefits are: better knowledge and understanding of the host country culture, better knowledge of the subject involved, more
active activity, more motivated work, better English oral performance, improved grammar, vocabulary or culture of the host country ,
increased ability to work in a team, more openness to the use of new technologies, increased willingness to share knowledge and skills,
improving interpersonal and intercultural skills, raising awareness of one's own identity in a local, national or European context, increasing
self-esteem, developing intercultural experiences.
Teacher benefits: better teamwork, better English communication, more confidence in using new technology in the classroom, more openness to
using new technologies, better lessons learned through documentation using WEB pages, better information , internationally and up-to-date on
the subject, more confidence in the use of new technology in the classroom, increased involvement in changing as many times as needed, more
frequent use of new presentation methods, trustworthy teaching materials transdisciplinary approach, adopting new pedagogical approaches
taken from partners; using new teaching methods, new friends,increased abilities to design a transdisciplinary didactic document.
EN 75 / 117
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FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
ID No. of
Organisation / Country Distance Band Duration (days) Grant
Flow Budget
EN 76 /
Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Distance Band No. of Participants Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant
500-1999 km 6 275.00 EUR 1650.00 EUR
Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)
4 5 290.00 EUR 1160.00 EUR
Flow Budget
EN 77 / 117
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KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Distance Band No. of Participants Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant
500-1999 km 6 275.00 EUR 1650.00 EUR
Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)
4 5 290.00 EUR 1160.00 EUR
EN 78 / 117
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KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Flow Budget
Distance Band No. of Participants Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant
500-1999 km 6 275.00 EUR 1650.00 EUR
Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)
4 5 290.00 EUR 1160.00 EUR
EN 79 / 117
Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Flow Budget
Distance Band No. of Participants Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant
4000-7999 km 6 820.00 EUR 4920.00 EUR
Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)
4 5 290.00 EUR 1160.00 EUR
EN 80 / 117
Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Flow Budget
Distance Band No. of Participants Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant
500-1999 km 6 275.00 EUR 1650.00 EUR
Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)
4 5 290.00 EUR 1160.00 EUR
Activity Budget
EN 81 / 117
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FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Activity Title
Pupils and teacher mobility
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The pupils' benefits are: better knowledge and understanding of the culture of the host country, better knowledge of the subject involved,
more active, more motivated, better oral performance in English, improving grammar, vocabulary, or culture the country whose language is
used in the project, better math knowledge, science, language and ICT, increased teamwork skills, more openness to new technologies,
increased creativity, improved interpersonal and intercultural competences, increased numerical skills, desire increased awareness of
knowledge and skills, increased awareness of its own identity in a local, national or European context, increased self-esteem.
Teacher benefits: better teamwork, better English communication, increased transdisciplinary design skills, improved teaching strategies, more
confidence in using the new technology in the classroom, more openness to using new technologies , better lessons learned through
documentation using WEB pages, better, international and updated information on the subject, more confidence in using the new technology in
the classroom, increasing involvement in changing as many times as needed, more frequent use new methods of presentation, trustworthy
creation of transdisciplinary teaching material, adoption of new pedagogical approaches taken from partners; the use of new teaching methods,
developed life skills, new friends.
EN 84 / 117
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KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
No. of
ID Organisation / Country Distance Band Duration (days) Grant
Flow Budget
EN 85 / 117
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KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Distance Band No. of Participants Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant
4000-7999 km 6 820.00 EUR 4920.00 EUR
Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)
4 5 530.00 EUR 2120.00 EUR
Flow Budget
EN 86 / 117
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KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Distance Band No. of Participants Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant
3000-3999 km 6 530.00 EUR 3180.00 EUR
Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)
4 5 530.00 EUR 2120.00 EUR
EN 87 / 117
Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Flow Budget
Distance Band No. of Participants Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant
4000-7999 km 6 820.00 EUR 4920.00 EUR
Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)
4 5 530.00 EUR 2120.00 EUR
EN 88 / 117
Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Flow Budget
Distance Band No. of Participants Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant
2000-2999 km 6 360.00 EUR 2160.00 EUR
Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)
4 5 530.00 EUR 2120.00 EUR
EN 89 / 117
Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Flow Budget
Distance Band No. of Participants Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant
4000-7999 km 6 820.00 EUR 4920.00 EUR
Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)
4 5 530.00 EUR 2120.00 EUR
Activity Budget
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FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
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KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Please list all project activities (meetings, events, etc.) and indicate an approximate timing when they will start. Note that Learning, Teaching and
Training activities will be listed in this table automatically once you have created them in the dedicated section of the form: Learning, Teaching,
Training Activities
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KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Project management
Project debut is to form project teams.For this purpose all schools will
announce project's team selections and design a special application
form.The application form will contain important details about teachers such
as: teaching experience,performances,and a small argument about project
impact in their career. According to those applications forms schools
headmaster and project manager will select project team.A large team that
will include teachers specialized in subjects involved are
P1 09-2018 recommended.Project's team teachers will sign an agreement about
respecting project stages and involving in all project activities regarding
After project teams are completed in an brainstorming session will take place
for designing the implementation plan, according with project application
form. Responsible: project teams. Products: implementation plan, evaluation
and monitoring plan, dissemination plan, draft of project diary with all paper
Dissemination activities
Project team in every school will develop the first material that will promote
the project among pupils and in the local community. Printed 100 flyers and a
special corner destined to promote project action will be organized in every
school. Also for schools will announce project start on Facebook page. All
P2 09-2018 these activities are destined to announce project start.
Each partner school organizes a project launch conference. Target group: 50
students, 20 teachers, 20 parents, 3 person from local authorities, 3 person
from other local schools, 3 person from school authorities, 2 person from
local media.Each person will receive a map of promotional materials about
the project.
Budget plan: The activities of grant requested in Project Management and
P3 09-2018 Implementation:1. Buying an internet space to host project platform for 5
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FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
years.Every school will pay for one year of hosting 2.Designing project
platform- a company will design CSS files for project platform and provide
platform's sections 3.Printing visibility materials: flyers,diplomas for project
contests, medals for final stage of project contest.Every school will print the
visibility materials from its amount of money 4.Printing projects brochures in
English and in school's national languages 5.Paying university specialists for
80 h represent: training course, elaboration and interpretation of multiple
intelligent questionnaires, elaboration of international contest items, scientific
referent for the products of the project.These will cost around 2000 euro each
school partner.
Short-term joint staff training
C1 10-2018 Teacher training course PBL+MIT
Comparative study on pupils acquisitions - preliminary phase. Project teams
collect data and develops a report with the school's math, science, language,
ICT results for 10-14 year pupils in their schools which will be used in the
P4 10-2018 comparative study of the school results of the students from the target group
involved in transdisciplinary activities with PBL + MIT and pupils included in
the traditional didactic process. This will be the most important way to
evaluate the project.
University specialists develop questionnaires for determining dominant
students' intelligence. These are applied in each partner school project team,
P6 10-2018 and their interpretation is also done by university specialists. The results of
these will be used to build groups of students who will work on activities with
tasks according to multiple intelligences. Responsible: Romania partner.
Dissemination - Acquisitions of the teachers participating in the training
course will be presented to other teachers in the teaching councils, the
P43 10-2018 methodical commissions, the professors' circles.
The knowledge gained during the course will be applied at the course hours
and in the transdisciplinary activities of the project.
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KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
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keep abreast of the activity of the pupils, but they will also be able to solve
some of the difficulties encountered
Home session - making mini project: Let Nature be your teacher! - each
partner school made eight activities under each intelligences - 1. outdoor
activities like treasure hunt, visit botanical garden or zoo, planning a garden,
P15 03-2019 diary of observations of nature; 2. The game rol- If I could be any plant or
animal; 3.study of local medicinal plants; 4. posting mini projects on Moodle -
responsible at level partnership Greece partner
Short-term exchanges of groups of
C3 04-2019 Pupils and teacher mobility
Lectures with parents - Collecting parents' impressions about pupils mobility
P16 04-2019 in Latvia and Greece, project management, site and project platform. Parents
are encouraged to access the site's comment section.
International contest ALL4YOU local stage - each partner school organizes
offline competition on Moodle platform with partnerships with other local
schools. Performing tests with transdisciplinary items and evaluating is done
P17 04-2019 locally by each team project.The results are posted on the Moodle platform
and the project site, at the tutorials of each participating school. These will be
used for the comparative study of P4 - responsible at level partnership
Home session - making mini project: Science a long and systematic curiosity
- each partner school made eight activities under each intelligences -1.
physics and chemistry laboratory experiments; 2. dashboard of the accidental
P18 05-2019 scientific discovery; 3. PowerPoint or prezi presentations about scientific
discoveries that changed the world; 4.posting mini projects on Moodle -
responsible at level partnership Turkey
Comparative study on pupils acquisitions - intermediary phase. Collecting
P19 06-2019 data on pupils outcomes involved in transdisciplinary activities at the end of
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FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Homework - during the summer holiday the pupils from partner schools will
be invited to write a diary about their impressions during holiday travel or
P21 07-2019 activities. The diaries will be posted on site and Moodle platform. The
teachers will translate the most beautiful diaries in english.
The project manager in every school teams makes the interim report
P22 09-2019
requested by the National Agency.
Webconference-the second online virtual meetings of pupils and teachers
from all partner schools to present mini projects carried out in P18 and to
P23 09-2019 make a CD with power point or prezi presentations about scientific
discoveries that changed the world - organizer and moderator Turkey
Home session - making mini project: Water and planetary oceans - 1. report
on the effects of human activity on water ecosystems; 2. visits to water
P24 10-2019 factory; 3. making posters to stop water pollution; 4. posting mini projects on
Moodle - responsible at level partnership Italy
P26 10-2019 First site and platform update with the help of a specialized company
Short-term exchanges of groups of
C4 11-2019 Pupils and teacher mobility
Latvia distributes to each project manager a model of an impression journal
P27 11-2019 that will fill by pupils, teachers, parents, local authorities, school authorities to
collect impressions for the Book of Honor
International contest regional stage - each partner school organizes offline
competition on Moodle through partnerships with other regional schools.
Assessment is done locally by each coordinating team of the project -
P28 12-2019 responsible at level partnership Romania. The resultes will be posted on site
and Moodle Platform, on educational sites like didactic.ro, at the school's
notice boards and will be announced and discussed at the meetings with the
parents and the teaching councils.
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KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
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KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
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FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Special Costs
No. of
Country of the
ID Organisation With Description and Justification Grant (EUR)
Exceptional Costs
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FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Follow Up
Once the project activities are completed, how are you going to assess if the project's
objectives have been met?
Each partner will plan their own evaluation plan and the director will designate a person responsible
for it.At the partnership level,we will plan a joint assessment plan in the form of a timetable,assessing
student competencies,strengthening teachers'competencies after training,the quality of activities and
products,and the impact assessment on partner.After planning,we will collect data on project
objectives and the subject of evaluation,we will analyze and interpret data,we will carry out an analysis
that we will use,if necessary,to implement the changes;we will incorporate evaluative data into an
interim report and final evaluation.The date will be stuck in a project jurnal.We will collect information
about math,science,language andcommunication,ICT results,after each semester,we will develop a
centralization sheet and will analyze and compare these.If the results are increased to at least 50%of
the students,it means that the project has reached its goal.If,following the progress assessment,the
results are not increased,we will analyze whether there are implementation or monitoring deficiencies
and find common solutions to remedy them.At the end we will apply a questionnaire on their degree of
satisfaction after project.We have a special assessment of student performance after participating in
the contest.The evaluation of the effects on the consolidation of teachers'competences on PBL + MIT
will be done following the course by the university specialist.Directors and coordinators will create an
observation file,analyze the PBL,and make an interim report.Will use the questionnaire, observation
during lessons,interracial lesson,group discussions with partners,in national or transnational meetings
and document analysis.The results will be posted on theproject site.We will develop common
evaluation questionnaires for students, teachers, parents and others.Each school will apply the quest.,
analyze the results,and send a report to the evaluator at the partnership level.It will make a joint
progress report,will be communicated to everyone,will make public on the site and will be made
available to all school staff.We will make evaluations after each activity and mobility.The tools
are:questionnaires, group discussions,interviews.The fin.evaluation will aim to measure the effects of
the project.Thus, at the latest mobility,we talk about it, centralize the final reports specific to each
partner,and draft a final joint report. complete it and send it to the NA.To assess the impact:Phase1
after each home session and a Phase2 at the end (no.teachers involved in transdisciplinarity, no. of
particip. in various local events to promote transdisciplinarity, the no.of PBL applied, the no. and
quality of materials).If more than 10%of teachers apply and promote transdisciplinarity,then we can
say that the goal has been achieved.The evaluation report will be made known to each partner,will be
published on the website, communicated to parents and others.
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KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
How will the participation in this project contribute to the development of the involved schools in
the long-term? Do you have plans to continue using the results of the project or continue to
implement some of the activities after the project's end?
1. First, each school will continue the transdisciplinary approach using MIT + PBL through a
curriculum at the school's decision. The manual will be used in the CDS lessons. (P1P2P3P4P5P6); -
Improve the school climate through the attractiveness of classes (P1P2P3P4P5P6)
- will increase the number of teaching hours by 5% using PBL + TIM (P1P2P3P4P5P6) -
reducing the risk of school dropout and combating inequalities (P1P2P3P4P5P6)
- low drop-out rate by 30% (P1P6)
- relationships between students and teachers will develop (P1P2P3P4P5P6)
- Increase with at least 2% the support and involvement of local actors in other school
activities (P1P2P3P4P5P6)
- increase the support of pupils' families in school life (P1P2P3P4P5P6)
- Enhance cooperation with other local, national, regional and international schools and
institutions, at least one partnership (P1P2P3P4P5P6)
- developing cooperation with schools in partnership with other schools (at least one
international cooperation project, at least two school partnerships with local, regional, national
partners, P1P2P3P4P5P6)
2. Each partner will coordinate and organize once a year, an international conference for teachers, an
international and offline contest for students, develop a CDS for five years, and an eTwinning project.
All these activities / events will have a partnership-based methodology and a five-year timetable.
Through these annual activities for 5 years, the idea of the project will remain in the public eye, the
materials and articles within them will also be promoted and exported by the teachers of other
school supporters. Since these materials will be uploaded to the project site, we think they will be
used by others. Access is free and unconditional. The project contest will become a tradition and
will be organized using existing materials. Schools will be encouraged to use the project materials
to organize their contest or to get recognition using the eTwinning platform. Also, eTwinning
teachers will demonstrate involvement in a new international collaboration. We will initiate a
research project after project completion to measure the impact of performance on children
participating in the project. School cooperation will be maintained by organizing web conferences
where pupils and teachers will present new teaching materials and experiments using PBL or
other teaching methods. The main resource for these events will be the Moodle platform. Another
way to ensure the success of the project is that each school involved in the project will be partner
with at least one local school. They can implement the project materials and products for free.
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Please describe your plans for dissemination and use of project results.
- How will you make the results of your project known within your partnership, in your local
communities and in the wider public? Who are the main target groups you would like to
share your results with?
- Are there other groups or organisations that will benefit from your project? Please explain how.
Each partner will appoint a person responsible for the dissemination and exploitation of project
results which will work with the person responsible for the dissemination level of
partnership.Workshop-teachers participating in the training activity "Introducing Project-Based
Learning in Classroom use your multiple intelligence theory,the special space on websites to
display project,conferince "PBL - a bridge between the traditional and the transdisciplinary in
modern learning”,stand advertising,after each mobilities, teachers will present detailed fellow
teachers and other staff mobility,actions and results attended the meeting. Will use power point
presentations,small videos,brochures and other materials and demonstration lessons,students
will have free discussions,media presentations,for colleagues in their class and the whole
school.Target groups:10teachers,all students,3 other categories of staff,board of school
administration, from each country
In outside:the conference opening and closing the project,meetings with parents"The importance
of education transdisciplinary in order to increase school results",4 articles in the local
newspaper,two radio ads,campanie advertising,eTwinning project,4 articles on forums teachers
from RO, PT, IT, TK and LV, Publication of the final project results and update its description
platform project results Erasmus +.The audience group is made up of parents, representatives of
local public authorities,other schools,museums,universities,schools,NGO,local community groups.
To promote the teaching in PBL+TIM one of our goals is to create a network of events(the annual
conference of teachers,development of CDS for the next five years in our schools and in at least
one school from region by signing educational partnerships, initiating new eTwinning projects (at
least one for each partner).For students:the annual conference of students, annual competition
testing/evaluation skills/abilities students with items transdisciplinary.From the project will develop
a curriculum themes transdisciplinary math, science, language and
communication,ITC,geography,history that will materialize as a CDS and a brochoure of best
practices.The brochure will contain examples of themes transdisciplinary using PBL and TIM will
accompany curricula.Curriculum and manual will be posted on the project website,onTwinning,
Moodle, education.com. and will be discharged unconditionally. These documents will have free
access to the public and there will be no conditional on their use.All final products will be posted
on the project website, Edmondo platform, the eTwinning portal for the Erasmus+.All partner
schools will translate into the national language and will promote these products as planned
dissemination. Also, if other schools in the region wish to implement PBL content sites or manual
of good practices must sign a written contract. This contract will be stipulated that the products are
free and if possible, to disseminate in the events
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Grant for
Total Travel Exceptional Total Individual Total Linguistic
ID Activity Type Grant
Grant Costs for Support Grant Support Grant
Expensive Travel
Short-term joint staff
C1 5760.00 EUR 0.00 EUR 7950.00 EUR 0.00 EUR 13710.00 EUR
training events
Short-term exchanges of
C2 12030.00 EUR 0.00 EUR 11100.00 EUR 0.00 EUR 23130.00 EUR
groups of pupils
Short-term exchanges of
C3 10290.00 EUR 0.00 EUR 11100.00 EUR 0.00 EUR 21390.00 EUR
groups of pupils
Short-term exchanges of
C4 8760.00 EUR 0.00 EUR 11100.00 EUR 0.00 EUR 19860.00 EUR
groups of pupils
Short-term exchanges of
C5 11520.00 EUR 0.00 EUR 11100.00 EUR 0.00 EUR 22620.00 EUR
groups of pupils
Short-term joint staff
C6 20100.00 EUR 0.00 EUR 14204.00 EUR 0.00 EUR 34304.00 EUR
training events
Total 68460.00 EUR 0.00 EUR 66554.00 EUR 0.00 EUR 135014.00 EUR
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Grundzales pamatskola
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
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KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Project Summary
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Please provide a short summary of your project. Please recall that this section [or part of it] may
be used by the European Commission, Executive Agency or National Agencies in their
publications. It will also feed the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.
Be concise and clear and mention at least the following elements: context/background of project;
objectives of your project; number and profile of participants; description of activities;
methodology to be used in carrying out the project; a short description of the results and impact
envisaged and finally the potential longer term benefits. The summary will be publicly available in
case your project is awarded.
In view of further publication on the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform, please also be aware
that a comprehensive public summary of project results will be requested at report stage(s). Final
payment provisions in the contract will be linked to the availability of such summary.
It is a project that will last 2 years and involves schools from Romania,Turkey, Italy and Latvia. Pupils
in this project come from different backgrounds: disadvantaged backgrounds and all schools have lots
of things in common, that is the main reason of the partnership. We have focused on the following
aims: development of basic skills in math and science, language and communication by creating an
innovative and transdisciplinary educational context that will help pupils understand how math and
science, language and communication are useful in real life with a view to enriching life experience
and experience future labour market by using open source. Secondly we pursue teacher training
regarding innovative methods such as PBL and MIT to be able to apply them in practice, paving the
way for wider acceptance in a transeuropean level.
All schools involved in the partnership will work to achive these aims due to we have nearly the
same neccessities. All partners have some strong point to implement the Project but at the same
time all of them have neccessities that will be solved with the development of the Project
We will focus on pupils from 10 to 14 years old to achieve the objectives of the project. This group
of pupils will work directly on the project, but the whole school community will participate and will
be involved in it. It is a very important project for all teachers and they will have to participate in it
in order to colaborate and investigate to look for innovative ways of learning and teaching. All
teachers will participate to develop the materials and the new curricula and its brochure that will
be available and we will spread it out in order to help other schools interested in the PBL and MIT
methods. We will start to work in a new way with the objective of improving the ways of teaching
and learning since very early ages at school.
This project wants to be innovative by analyzing different ways of learning and teaching in order
to create new ways to develop the key competences at math and science, language and
comunication in pupils, the improving of ITC techniques and cooperation.
We will create a project team for each partner school to select persons who is going to participate in
activities and mobilities, to evaluate the Project and to spread the results out, to intervene in an
emergency and to control de budget.
We will have four main products:
A new curricula and brouchre with different ways of learning and teaching using PBL and
MIT methods.
An international contest for pupils based on transdisciplinary items
A international conference for teachers and specialist in education and pedagogy about new
inovative methods in learning and teaching
Book of Honor project
Will includ in this project pupils with fewer opportunities and face problems such as
geographical obstacles, economic obstacles and educational difficulties.
We will evaluate each aspect of the project and we will measure every progress. Each project
team will report an inform with the evaluation of all items mentioned below.
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
The maximum number of all attachments is 10 and the maximum total size is 10240 KB.
Please download the Declaration of Honour, print it, have it signed by the legal representative
and attach.
File Size
File Name
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Call 2018 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
FormId KA229-EF2229A7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2018 12:00:00
Before submitting your application form to the National Agency, please make sure that:
It fulfils the eligibility criteria listed in the Programme Guide.
All relevant fields in the application form have been completed.
You have chosen the correct National Agency of the country in which your organisation is
established. Currently selected NA is: RO01 Agentia Nationala pentru Programe Comunitare
in Domeniul Educatiei si Formarii Profesionale
Only schools are eligible to participate in School Exchange Partnerships. Depending on the
country where the school is registered, a specific definition of eligible schools applies. The
definition or a list of eligible schools is published on the website of each National Agency.
Before submitting your application, make sure that all participating schools are eligible in
their respective countries.
The documents proving the legal status of the applicant and each partner must be uploaded in the
Participant Portal (for more details, see Part C of the Programme Guide - 'Information for applicants').
The application form will be processed electronically. All personal data (such as names, addresses,
CVs, etc) will be processed in pursuant to Regulation on the protection of individuals with regard to the
processing of personal data by the Union institutions,bodies,offices and agencies and on the free
movement of such data, currently Regulation (EC) No 45/2001. Any personal data requested will only
be used for the intended purpose, i.e. the processing of your application in accordance with the
specifications of the call for proposals,the management of the administrative and financial aspects of
the project if eligible and the dissemination of results through appropriate Erasmus+ IT tools. For the
latter, as regards the details of the contact persons, an unambiguous consent will be requested.
For the exact description of the collected personal data, the purpose of the collection and the
description of the processing, please refer to the Specific Privacy Statement associated with this form
I agree with the Data Protection Notice
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