March 19, 2021 Strathmore Times
March 19, 2021 Strathmore Times
March 19, 2021 Strathmore Times
Strathmore Day
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order Kevin Baldwin Realtor® /
Pages 6&7
residential scrapped
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
Page 2 • Strathmore TIMES • March 19, 2021
Physical Physical
Distancing Distancing
6 feet 2 meters
PO Box 2280, 1 Parklane Dr., Strathmore AB, T1P 1K2 . 403 934 3133 . For News Updates Visit
March 19, 2021 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 3
New vaccination
program phase starts
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
Western Irrigation District (WID)’s
Mario Prusina Publisher Kristina Bezic Financial Manager 17 Wales Green
Janet Kanters Editor Sean Feagan Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
Adelle Ellis Reporter / Office Manager Rose Hamrlik Advertising Jody Schneider Production
MLS# A1077251
Contributors: Doug Taylor, Laureen F. Guenther, John Godsman
Extensively renovated A MUST
125 2nd Avenue, Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1K1 • 403.934.5589 SEE! Oversized double detached
Strathmore Times is published every Friday by Strathmore Times Inc. and is distributed by Canada Post to Strathmore, Carseland, Cheadle, Cluny, garage, across from a park
Gleichen, Hussar, Lyalta, Namaka, Nightingale, Rockyford, Rosebud, Speargrass and Standard. We also have various pickup locations throughout our
coverage area. Our 10,910 issues are printed by Star Press Inc., Wainwright, Alberta. The content in the Strathmore Times is copyright and reproduction
without the proper written consent of the Strathmore Times is strictly prohibited.
Tammy Lambert - Realtor
The Times welcomes letters to the editor for publication. All submissions must be signed and a phone number included for verification purposes. We reserve the right to
edit letters for length, legal considerations and taste. Please try and keep your letters under 400 words to ensure that it will appear as close to its original form as possible.
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Local Journalism Initiative.
Page 4 • Strathmore TIMES • March 19, 2021
Youth Tuesdays 7 pm Associate Pastor: John Duerksen
Come Join us for a spirit-filled time Sundays 10 am
of worship Joine in person or online
3 to 8 p.m. Tuesday to Thursday
Noon to 8 p.m. Friday & Saturday for
Dine In, Take Out and Delivery
and the need to protect it, explained
Love where I work Lynne Fair, WDHS vice-president.
“That’s what really kicked us off to
Love where I volunteer give us a big boost of enthusiasm,”
said Fair. “In the five or six years we’ve
been going, we’ve actually made a lot
March 20! of progress.”
This led the way for the creation of
TIMES three digital historical walking tours
of Strathmore: The Canadian Pacific
Railway: How a Railway Shaped Strath-
403-901-3472 more; Life in Strathmore: The Village
that Moved; and Strathmore at War.
MARCH 20, 2021
March 19, 2021 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 7
nowned Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) railway on all of these small towns and
Demonstration Farm. Another venture is the farming areas along the way – and
the sunflower field there, offering resi- the people that they brought here – even
dents a chance to visit that site. Calgary wouldn’t be what it is now.”
Strathmore’s unique and disappear- But history also shows how fast things
ing history draws the WDHS to the past, can change, said Sadler. “Just little over
said Tom Saddler, board member. “In one hundred years ago, it was all just
many ways, we’ve lost touch,” he said. native Prairie,” he said. “Looking at the
“What we see now is nothing like what past can make people realize things
was here 50 or 100 years ago, when the have not always been as they are now;
CPR built the whole town – it was a rail- they’ve changed so much in the last
way town.” hundred years, so they can expect the Strathmore RCMP are reminding
These tours, available on mobile de- While much of Strathmore’s history – same in the next hundred. residents to Lock-It or Lost-It
vices via the On This Spot app, compare from its early settlers to its first build- “If anything, the rate of change is ac- following several thefts
modern and historic photographs of sig- ings – have disappeared, there is still celerating.”
from vehicles.
nificant spots in town. much to discover, added Sadler. There are two major books describ-
More recently, the WDHS worked to “It’s kind of a curiosity, being a whole ing Strathmore’s history: Strathmore, - Locking your vehicle doors is a
install historic display cases at the Royal different era,” he said. “If people get any The Village That Moved (1986) and 100 quick and simple way to help
Canadian Legion Strathmore, Strath- interest at all, there’s all sorts of exciting Years of Memories: Celebrating Strath-
prevent this crime.
more Municipal Library and Wheatland things to discover about Strathmore – it more’s Centennial. This latter book is
County office, each with a different fo- really has an amazing history.” also available for purchase through - Hide loose change inside the
cus. Exploring Strathmore’s past can show WDHS, as are booklets describing some vehicle where it can’t easily be seen
The WDHS also holds events at the people how rural Alberta was the back- of Strathmore’s most notable historic and take all items of any value with
historic Klaiber barn, located south of bone of the province’s growth and de- sites. As a charity, WDHS accepts new you when leaving your car.
Hwy. 1, where once was sited the re- velopment, said Fair. “If it wasn’t for the members and donations. - Never leave your vehicle
running unattended.
Sykamore releases third single another in Montreal.
But until then, Sykamore is excited for Strathmore RCMP ask residents to
ADELLE ELLIS on Twitter, and he invited her to join the the release of Go Easy On Me on March help do their part by ensuring their
Times Reporter 19 and for other songs to be part of a
roster of Home Team Publishing which property is properly locked.
led her to relocate to Nashville in 2018. larger collection and soon-to-be album.
Born and raised Carseland native and Sykamore grants her upbringing in Her music is available on all
singer/songwriter Sykamore is releasing the area to have impacted her love for streaming services, 1-800-222-TIPS
her third single, Go Easy On Me, in as and she can be
many months on March 19.
country music.
“I grew up on a farm … about 20 min- followed on (1-800-222-8477)
The single is set to be released world- utes from Strathmore and actually went Facebook,
wide on all streaming services before to high school there … with my sib- Twitter, In-
eventually being released as part of lings and parents, and we used to rodeo stagram
a larger collection along with the two and do a lot of cliché’d country people and Tik
other recently released singles, Cheap things, so naturally country music was Tok.
Thrills and Stay Broke, on an album at the first music I ever heard,” said Syka-
a later date. more. “That lifestyle and my early mu- 403-934-5552
“These songs were all written in 2019 sical exposure really swayed me in the 120 - 2nd Avenue, Strathmore
when I was deep in the writing process direction of country music. It is where I
for this upcoming album. They all have feel most at home.”
co-writers on them, and they were in- Her last show in Strathmore was for YOUR WEEKLY
spired largely by ’80s pop music and the Arts on 817 concert series in 2019, HEALTH ADVICE
country style storytelling,” said Jordan and after having several cancelled Gord Morck Pharmacist
Ostrom, better known in the music in- shows in 2020 and being unable to play Capsule Comments
dustry as Sykamore. any live in-person shows since the pan-
Self-described as an emotional, mod- demic started, Sykamore is excited to be Children learn sharing early in life. Some-
ern country with a ’70s easy listening scheduled to play several festivals this thing that shouldn’t be shared is medica-
vibe, Go Easy On Me wasn’t written with summer, including one in Ontario and tions. What works well for you could be
a specific story in mind, but the breakup devastating for another. Share information
song is easily relatable by all who listen only and allow your friend to talk to her doc-
to it. tor to see if that medication is right for you.
“I think a lot of people can relate to it With the various ways available to use mar-
– basically not being ready to face real- ijuana, smoking is the worst for your health.
ity and going so far as to shield yourself Exposing toxic smoke to the delicate linings
from the truth until you’re strong enough of the lungs is certainly not good for them.
to handle it,” said Sykamore who gained If one is a heavy smoker of marijuana, it
inspiration for the song from the title, affects the levels of dopamine in the brain
which she had kept written down in an which in turn can affect memory and judg-
“idea folder.” Writer Liz Rose came along ment often resulting in impulsive behaviour.
to help breathe life into the song, that In youths, heavy marijuana smoking affects
was then produced by Michael Knox of the full development of the brain which
Music Knox Records along with Wheel- reaches maturity at about age 25.
house Records. Will people who are bilingual show a de-
With over 5.3 million combined lay in the onset of Alzheimer’s disease or
streams, Sykamore was recently name
a CMT 2020-2021 “Listen Up” artist. She
& WE'LL PAY FOR other forms of dementia? So far, the results
are mixed. There is a theory that learning
also won the 2014 ATB All-Albertan
Song Writing Contest and in 2015 she
YOUR MOVE another language helps develop the brain’s
cognitive reserve through increased blood
was nominated for a CCMA Discovery flow and enhancement of the activity of
Award. She was then discovered by STUDIOS, ONE BEDROOM brain cells. The jury is still out on this one
Rhett Atkins who came across her music & ONE BEDROOM + DEN but learning another language is a positive
skill. It’s easier to learning another language
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Page 8 • Strathmore TIMES • March 19, 2021
Cayouette earns
varsity football
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
Having faith
play varsity ball with the Saint Francis Photo Courtesy of Nathan Cayouette
Xavier University (StFX) X-Men in An-
tigonish, Nova Scotia, starting this fall. tions, Cayoutte stuck at halfback, a type
Cayouette grew up in Strathmore. of defensive back covering offensive
LEELA SHARON AHEER VID crisis, the loss of our loved ones His introduction to football was play- players in the slot. Being able to focus
Chestermere-Strathmore MLA and the stress has been overwhelming. ing little league for two years in Ches- on playing defense was a welcomed
We also found clarity, resilience and at termere, then moving to peewee foot- change.
Why do you get up every day? This least for me, this crisis has shown me ball in Strathmore when he was eight. “I’ve always been an aggressive play-
is a philosophical question and an my priorities. Priorities like the need to Later, while attending Strathmore High er, so I like hitting,” he said.
honest question. The answers will be mobilize against racism, build commu- School (SHS), he played for the Strath- At first, playing against the league’s
as unique as your fingerprint and will nity and bring as much hope to people more Spartans football team, from 2016 18- to 22-year-olds was a “reality check,”
change from day to day. I have been as we can muster. The impact this crisis to 2018. he said. “This wasn’t high school foot-
so blessed for so many reasons, but I has had on your family, your business Cayouette was the “sparkplug” of the ball anymore.”
wanted to share a bit of my personal and the balance of the health and well- Spartans, said Travis Gorski, Strathmore But Cayouette’s impressive play con-
journey with you in this article. being of our society with protocols of Spartans head coach, who coached him tinued. Leading the team in tackles,
I love faith. I love that we have beliefs mask wearing, social distancing and in 2016 and 2018. he won the team’s rookie of the year
in things that are bigger than ourselves. keeping each other safe have been felt Cayouette started at cornerback as a award and was nominated for the con-
I want to thank our faith leaders who in every corner of the globe, and we rookie in 2016. ference’s top rookie award. The Raiders
have done an amazing job attending are all just done with COVID. Every day “He played right away, and you could reached the conference semifinals that
to their congregants under the prov- is a gift, and I intend to live each day tell he had a unique personality and year.
ince’s protocols and helping those of that way. drive for the game,” said Gorski. Gorski said he’s not surprised with
us who celebrate faith to have the abil- I want to thank my friend Satish Lal The Spartans found success that year Cayouette’s success. “His work ethic
ity to attend churches, mosques, tem- of Chestermere and his beautiful family. by making the provincial finals for the that he took out there really cemented
ples and gurdwaras safely. I love cel- They are very involved in the commu- first time in school history. his position in the next level of foot-
ebrating achievements and celebrating nity as volunteers for giving so much Gorksi took a sabbatical from coach- ball.”
things like Swiss Cheese Day on Jan. into our community through family, ing in 2017. When he returned to lead This success opened more eyes to his
2, National Spaghetti Day on Jan. 7 or love and spiritual advice. The most im- the Spartans in 2018, he said he found ability and potential. Cayouette gained
National Tempura Day on Jan. 4. Cel- portant thing we can do is take care of a different player in Cayouette. “The interest from coaches and scouts at
ebrating culture, diversity, food and ed- each other. There is a light at the end of change in his ability to play the game several Canadian universities. After a
ucating ourselves about our wonderful this tunnel, and l am, like you, excited and persona was just profound.” lengthy recruiting process, he decided
celebrations builds communities and to see you in the light on the other side. With the Spartans, Cayouette was a to play with the StFX X-Men.
builds understanding. Canada marked the one-year anniver- leader by example. Despite typical- The X-Men run a similar defense and
Did you know that the first woman sary Thursday (March 11) of the World ly playing cornerback, a position for Cayouette will likely stay playing half-
inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Health Organization declaring COV- smaller and faster players, Cayouette back.
of Fame was Aretha Franklin, and not ID-19 a global pandemic, and Canada also played running back, safety, line- “I think I’ll be able to transition well
until 1987. Women rock! The day is designated March 11 as a national day backer and even contributed on the of- into their scheme,” he said.
now celebrated on Jan 3. We celebrate of observance to commemorate those fensive line at times. Cayouette is looking forward to start-
Valentine’s Day, Chinese New Year. We who have died, and our health care and “I basically played every position; ing his varsity career in the fall, but if
honour International Day of Zero Toler- other essential workers who have been wherever they wanted me to play, I was all goes according to plan, StFX will not
ance to Female Genital Mutilation, Pink on the front lines. Since the pandemic going to play it,” said Cayouette. be his last stop.
Shirt Day and Family Day. We honour began, 2.5 million people worldwide This selflessness inspired the whole “Ever since I was a kid, my dream was
and celebrate Black History Month, have died due to COVID-19, with more team, said Gorski. to take football as far as I can – either
International Women’s Day (which than 22,000 of them in Canada. Cayouette graduated from SHS in the CFL or NFL,” he said. “I’ve had a lot
should be every day), the Francophonie Your government has expanded its 2019. He then continued his football of people tell me that I should stop try-
Month and, my personal favourite, In- COVID-19 vaccine rollout starting Mon- career by playing junior football in Brit- ing because I’m too little or too short,
ternational day of Happiness, on March day (March 15). Albertans born from ish Columbia with the Vancouver Island but that’s just motivation to work.”
20. We honour World Down Syndrome 1957 to 1961, and all First Nations, Mé- Raiders in the fall of 2019. Added Gorski: “StFX is getting a hell
Day, International Transgender Day of tis and Inuit people born from 1972 But instead of bouncing around posi- of a football player.”
Visibility, and the International Day of to 1976 are eligible to schedule an ap-
Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery
and the Transatlantic Slave Trade His-
pointment. Alberta is also preparing to
open bookings for phase 2A, including
tory. We are heading towards Passover 437,000 people aged 65 to 74. - VULCAN, AB
and Easter celebrations, and in the Hin- I want to end this article by thank-
du faith, we just celebrated Maha Shiv ing the staff in my constituency office. FARM EQUIPMENT
Raatri. Thank you to Joyce, Tracy (who is onto
Shiv Raatri is the celebration of the bigger and better things and leaves us
cosmic alignment of the universe. This at the end of the month), Vicki and Nat-
alignment creates an upsurge of pranic
energy in the cosmos which, if chan-
neled correctly, will enlighten every
alie. You may have seen that we have
been posting about amazing women
in our constituency. I want to give a
SAT., MAR 20, 2021
being on this planet. This celebration shout-out to these amazing ladies who
is for every being, and the Hindus, es- serve this community every day with 15 SUNFLOWER MOD 9311 DISK PLANTER, 12’ BRILLION SSB12-B GRASS SEEDER,
pecially the yogis and yoginis, take ad- grace, compassion and commitment. 2012 FORD F350 DIESEL, 2006 CHEV SILVERADO, MULTIPLE GRAIN BINS, 1967 DODGE 500 3
vantage of this the most by meditation At the beginning of this article, I asked TON TRUCK, FLATDECK & CARGO TRAILERS, HAYING EQUIPMENT, LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT,
and prayers. you what is your reason for getting up SKIDSTEER & FORKLIFT ATTACHMENTS, SHOP TOOLS & EQUIP, PLUS SO MUCH MORE!
So, I ask the question: How are you? every day? Mine is all of you. You, my Bidding March 20 - 23 View Full Listing with Catalogue at
For real. I know that for me when I
spoke to my friend, who is also a spiri-
family, and this amazing province full
of people who know how to take care
This Auction is Online/Timed Auction With a
Soft Close – If you have any questions, please
Frank McIne
contact Stacey at 403-485-2440. WE ACCEPT INTERACT,
tual adviser, he said that we are grateful of each other. VISA & MASTERCARD
every day for being alive. I know that for As always, we love to hear from you. Equipment Locations:
Vulcan Lot – From Vulcan Go 8 Kms (5 Mi) West nly Auctions
those of us who are struggling, dealing (Leela Sharon Aheer is the MLA Elect on Hwy 534 to 253029 Hwy 534 “Selling is our bus
iness, Box 839 • Vu
lcan, Alberta
Grain Bins Located at Blackie – From Blackie our only business” T0L 2B0
with constant adaptations and learning for Chestermere-Strathmore, Minister of Go 3.2 Km North on Pavement To Twp RD #466
new things every day, this is not always Status of Women and Minister of Cul- Then 9.6 Km East & 0.8 Km North
For more information phone 403-485-2440
easy, and I acknowledge that the CO- ture and Multiculturalism)
March 19, 2021 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 9
Patricia Mary
Kenneth Robert
RECHARGEABLE February 15, 1942
- March 9, 2021
October 1936 - March 2021
I believe hard work and honest sweat
HEARING AIDS. Patricia Mary Brown, 79, of Strathmore, AB passed are the building blocks of a person’s
away on March 9, 2021 due to complications of character. I believe that farming,
COPD. despite its hardships and
Pat was born February 15, 1942 to Harold and Eunice disappointments, is the most honest
Amplifon is the global leader in hearing Iles at Machynlleth, Wales in the UK. At age 10, she
moved with her family to Calgary, Alberta where she
and honorable way a man can spend
his days on this earth.
healthcare with more than 10 million graduated with honors from Queen Elizabeth High
I believe when a man grows old and
sums up his days, he should be able to stand tall
satisfied customers worldwide. After graduation, Pat worked as an administrative as- and feel pride in the life he’s lived.
sistant for over 40 years. She enjoyed the jobs she -excerpt from The Farmers Creed
had through the years and reluctantly retired earlier
than she had wanted, for medical reasons. The family of Ken Konschuh is deeply saddened to
Pat loved to sing and, on weekends, performed with a announce his passing on Wednesday March 10th,
band. It was at one of these performances in Balzac, 2021 at the age of 84 years. Ken passed peacefully
20+ Alberta that she met and fell in love with her husband, at the Brooks Health Centre surrounded by members
RECHARGEABLE Len. They married on September 29, 1961 and had of his family. He is survived by his wife of 47 years,
SOLUTIONS! many an adventure through the past 59 years. Vivian (Arkinstall) Konschuh, and 7 children: George
Anyone who knew Pat knew of her extreme love of (Colleen), Russell (Michele), Ida (Eric), Tracy (Terry),
animals, horses, dogs, and cats in particular. Pat and Patsy, David (Rachelle), and Shannon (Harvey); 13
Len were very involved showing horses in the AQHA grandchildren: Christopher (Krista), Yvonne (Jason),
show circuit. She made friends with many competi- Amy (Dwane), Jennifer (Tyrone), Erika (Cody), Jesse
tors and shared many laughs with them. Pat was (Daralee), Amanda, Kennedi, Ian, Luke, Jovie, Maxim
especially proud of the success of their champion and Alexandre; and 13 great-grandchildren. Ken was
mare, PokeyLee Win. Pat was also an avid Calgary born in Bassano, Alberta to parents Jacob and Ida.
Stampeder fan and was a season ticket holder for Ken grew up in a family of 14 children on a farm in
many years. the Cluny, Alberta area. Ken farmed with his broth-
Pat was predeceased by her parents, Harold and Eu- ers Lloyd and Allen until 1975 when the partnership
nice, and her infant brother, Billy. She is survived by was dissolved. In 1980, Ken and Vivian moved to Val-
her husband, Len; daughter Pam (Scott); grandsons leyview, Alberta where they farmed for 25 years or
Wynn and Max; and sister Rene. so. They then moved to a smaller farm near Millicent,
At Pat’s request, no funeral will be held. In lieu of Alberta and farmed for a few more years before re-
flowers, donations may be made directly to Alberta tiring in Brooks, Alberta. Ken was pre-deceased by
SPCA (online at or to S.T.A.R.S. brothers Ray, Milton, Jamie and Lloyd and by sisters
Air Ambulance (online at Florence, Clara, Irene, and Doris. He is survived by his
brother Allen and by sisters Audrey, Virginia, Sharon
300 Merganser Dr W, Unit 106A
To send condolences, please visit Pat’s obituary at and Joan. Ken was a hard-working, kind and gentle
man who often came across as gruff with loved ones.
Chestermere, AB He especially loved children and animals and he loved
to joke and tease. His farm equipment was always
meticulously maintained but, unfortunately, every
fastener was always tightened as much as humanly
possible. We all got very tired of fixing stripped bolts!
65 OFF
Later in life Ken enjoyed woodworking and was often
BO up
called on to help with repairs and projects for friends
and family. With respect for Ken’s wishes, no formal
to CRAIG, Deneise funeral service will be held. If desired, donations may
Therese (nee Gaboury) be made to the Alzheimer’s Society, or to the Heart
complimentary hearing many postings that goes with being in the Armed
Forces, finally settled on Strathmore Alberta as the
treats in his pocket to give out to any dog he would
Jim was predeceased by his wife Rose Mary Waldron,
test today!
places to settle in 1978, Deneise drove school bus
for many years for the County of Wheatland and was his daughter Kim Connors, sister Mary Garcia, and his
member of the Catholic Church and CWL. parents William Waldron and Helen Winters.
He is survived by his seven children: Brad (Sheila)
Deneise is survived by her sister, Joyce (Terry)
McLennan and their children, Kevin and Heather; and their children Dillon and Devon, Allyson (Dave)
brother, Dennis (Evelyn) Gaboury and their children, and their children Jennifer and Justin, Doug (Heidi)
Derek and Greg; son in law, Don Morton and his chil- and Liam, Kim’s husband Wade and their children
dren, Raymond and Daniel; daughter, Wenda (Steve) Tammy and Cody, Kevin (Lorelei) and their children
Patterson and their children, Julia and Jurvis; son, Ryan, Lance, Gordon, and Daryl, Karen (Danny) with
Brian (Marifel) Craig and their children, Shekinah and Candice and Brett, Kerri (Paul) with Logan and Carly.
Cyrus and J.R. Wentworth. Twenty-two great grandchildren: Tesla, Waylon,
Now offering Due to Covid restrictions, a celebration of life will be Chloe, Rylee, Justin, Kyendra, Bryelle, Caiden, Mieka,
Braeden, Katie Marie, Mason, Atticus, Beau, Lily, Vio-
held at a later date.
expanded If friends so desire, donations in Deneise’s memory let, Brock, Harlow, Avery, Rhys, Elliot and Addy. Also
numerous nieces and nephews.
hygiene & safety may be made to the Wheatland County Food Bank - At this time, no funeral services will be held.
protocols! To send condolences, please visit Deneise’s obituary To send condolences, please visit Jim’s obituary at
*Offer valid on selected models. Discount is applicable to binaural purchase, the second aid only.
March 20, 2021!
Cannot be combined with other discounts. ** See clinic for more financing details.
Expires 3/31/2021. © 2021 Amplifon Canada. All Rights Reserved.
Page 10 • Strathmore TIMES • March 19, 2021
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It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Robert you qualify. Pioneer Accep- Think: Criminal Pardon. US view April 23rd. WardsAuc-
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(Bob) Phibbs of Strathmore on March 6, 2021, at the age of 70; after
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Bob was born to Jack and Isabel Phibbs of Hanna, Alberta. After
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on to work for the City of Calgary as a Heavy Duty Mechanic, eventually becom- CLASSIFIED ADS! for Ken Ireland. Antique farm
ing their Safety and Training Officer until his retirement in 2005. In recent years, 403-934-5589
equipment, trucks, saddles,
Bob could often be found having coffee at the local Timmies, or riding his buggies
around the mountains of Arizona.
radios, glass and more! Bid- Call 403-934-9969 or
ding closes March 23 & 24.
Bob is survived by his wife, of 49 years, Lorna; his two sons, Aaron (Natalie), Tra- THANK YOU Visit email
vis (Marie); his two awesome grandsons, Seth (Aaron), Jamison (Travis); and his
brother Bill. Our sincere thanks to our families, WOODWORKING
In lieu of flowers, please make a donation to the Foothills Country Hospice in Bob’s
name, and let’s toast Bob together after Covid. friends and communities for many EQUIP. COLLECTABLES On- The Strathmore Golf Club
gestures of kindness we received line Auction Mar 24 – Mar
30/21, Blackfalds, AB. Also
following the death of Jordie Chalmers. selling Restaurant Tables, is
In this time of not being able to gather, Lighting, Fuel Cubes, 1900’s
your caring thoughts, words and Era J&J Safe, Camper, Con-
We are looking for seasonal
Obituary deeds continue to comfort
struction Surplus & More.
www.montgomeryauctions. employees for the golf season
In Loving Memory of and support us. com; 1-800-371-6963.
in all the following
Sincerely Kathleen, Kelly, departments below.
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Mrs. Jean Anne Stephens, beloved wife of Mr. Miles
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or less). Reach 90 weekly
- Cooks
1928, in Alexander, Manitoba, and passed away at Age-
- Servers
newspapers. Call NOW for
Care Sagewood in Strathmore, Alberta, on Friday, March details. 1-800-282-6903 Ext
5, 2021, at the age of 92 years. Patrick and 225;
- Proshop
Besides her beloved husband Miles, Jean will be loving- Shauna Murphy of
ly remembered by her children, Rodney (Carla), Bradley Rosebud, Alberta FREIGHTLAND CARRIERS,
(Laurie), Ann and Darrell; four grandchildren Bailey, are delighted to a tri-axle air ride flatdeck
Matthew, Travis and Benjamin; her sister Wyn and nu-
merous nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by
announce the
engagement of
carrier is looking for Owner/
Operators to run Alberta
only or the 3 Western Prov-
- Backshop
her daughter Sharon and brothers Jack and George. their daughter,
The family would like to thank Jean’s family Physician, Dr. Ben Sader, for the care
he provided.
Chelsea Murphy
inces. Must have own plates,
insurance & WCB. Truck - Marshalls
gross revenue is an aver-
- Greeters
We Celebrated Jean’s life with a private family service at Mountain View Funeral
Home (1605 – 100 Street S.E. Calgary, Alberta) on Friday, March 12, 2021 at 2:00 John Downs age of $16,000/month. Call
1-800-917-9021 or email:
p.m. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made directly to the Parkinson the son of Jim and
Association of Alberta, #120, 6835 Railway Street. S.E. Calgary, Alberta, T2H 2V6, Nancy Downs of
Telephone 1-800-561-1911 or . To express condolences Salmon Arm, BC. POWER UP Additives, Please email
and share memories please visit
Wedding to take
GEN49D & ThixOgrease - Brian Bassen at
manufactured as Power
place June 2022 in Up-PowerSUM and distrib-
the Okanagan. uted by AwSUM Outcomes in
Calgary. AwSUM is seeking
COMING EVENT MISC MISC resellers. Call 1-844-512-
APRIL 24th, 2021 LIVE & Government of Canada. ALL ACROSS Alberta. The Blan-
ONLINE AUCTION. Rifles, Ages & Medical Conditions ket Classifieds or Value Ads
Shotguns, Handguns, Mili- qualify. Have a child under reach over 600,000 Alberta
taria. Auction or Purchase: 18 instantly receive more readers weekly. Two options Growing Families Society
Collections, Estates, Indi- money. CALL THE BENEFITS starting at $269 or $995 to
for East Rural Counties
vidual Items. Contact Paul, PROGRAM 1-800-211-3550 get your message out! Busi-
or send a text message with
Growing Families Society is a not-for-profit agency in search of
Switzer’s Auction: Toll-Free ness changes, hiring, items
1-800-694-2609; sales@ your name and mailing ad- for sale, cancellations, ten- 5 FOR LIFE SUMMER STUDENT - Events & Communications or dress to 403-980-3605 for ders, etc. People are increas- Coordinator your FREE benefits package. ingly staying home and rely Requires flexibility in scheduling, in order to facilitate the team
on their local newspapers for approach that Growing Families Society (GFS) subscribes to and to
FEED AND SEED Other medical conditions
information. KEEP people in
the loop with our 90 Weekly
accomplish the wide variety of tasks such as, but not limited to:
• Provide administrative support to assist with the efficient and effective
FORAGE SEED FOR SALE: Or- causing TROUBLE WALK- Community Newspapers. functioning of the 5 for Life Early Childhood Committee, under the
ganic & conventional: Sweet ING or DRESSING? The Dis- Call THIS NEWSPAPER now organizational structure of Growing Families Society.
Clover, Alfalfa, Red Clover, ability Tax Credit allows for or email classifieds@awna. • Provide program development in Strathmore & Wheatland County with
Smooth Brome, Meadow $3,000 yearly tax credit and com for details. 1-800- a focus on ages 0 to 5 years in partnership and/or stand alone activities.
Brome, Crested Wheatgrass, $30,000 lump sum refund. 282-6903, 780-434-8746 May involve 4 Saturdays & 2 evenings.
Timothy, etc. Star City, SK. Take advantage of this offer. X225. • Book facilities and dates for summer and fall programming; prepare
Birch Rose Acres Ltd. 306- Apply NOW; quickest refund One of the little puggies, Dougie is turning 80, advertising; purchase products.
921-9942. Nationwide: Expert help. but only 26 in Celsius. He is a 1941 Vintage • Collecting and collating information on local organizations, programs,
1-844-453-5372. Limited Edition who loves life, enjoys putting lots websites, companies, agencies into the data base.
HEATED CANOLA buying STRATHMORE of miles on his bike, going for coffee, farming and • Implement action items based on sub-committee work plan for 3 grants.
Green, Heated or Spring- FARMER & BUSINESSMAN • Implement a social media campaign on Facebook.
thrashed Canola. Buying: looking for a female com- spending time with his family and friends. We
• Liaison with professional and community agencies as appropriate.
oats, barley, wheat & peas panion. Mail letter to: Henry will have a celebration later on, welcome to drive
• Liaison with Growing Opportunities and Bridging the Gap team members ~
for feed. Buying damaged Dyck, 21 Arburn Bay St., by and honk on Monday at their house relative to program efficiency and space utilization.
or offgrade grain. “On Farm Suite 114, Calgary, Alberta March 20, 2021! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Doug, • Perform other duties as determined by the Supervisor.
Pickup” Westcan Feed & T3M 2A9. Love your Family & Friends. Skills Required:
Grain, 1-877-250-5252.
• Strong verbal and written communication skills; public speaking an asset
TENDER • Competent computer skills – excel spread sheets, word documents,
Facebook, Google calendar, Google Drive and Publisher
– Go Early, Pintail. - OATS
• Organized and efficient; self starter who requires minimal supervision
– AC Juniper, AC Morgan,
• Hours would be flexible according to the student’s schedule.
AC Mustang, Derby, SO1 Su-
• A valid driver’s license and dependable transportation is required.
per Oat. - BARLEY – Amisk,
• Post secondary full time enrollment in the fall; related fields such as
Busby, Cerveza, Conlon, CDC
education, early childhood, nursing, and/or human services.
Austenson, CDC Maverick,
• A Canadian citizen, a permanent resident, or person protected under
Sundre. Very Early Yellow
the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and legally entitled to
Pea, Forage Peas. Polish
work and study in Canada.
Canola, Spring Triticale.
• May 3 to August 20, 2021, subject to grant funding approved.; 403-556-
2609. We are looking for a student for maximum of 30 hours a week that fits this descrip-
tion. Salary range is based on experience and education at $17/hr, no benefits,
ALBERTA FEED GRAIN: Buy- subject to grant approval.
ing Oats, Barley, Wheat, Application deadline is March 31, 2021, with resumes forwarded to:
Canola, Peas, Screenings, May Rostecki-Budzey, Executive Manager
Mixed Grains. Dry, Wet, Heat- Growing Families Society
ed, or Spring Thresh. Prompt c/o 5 for Life Early Childhood
Payment. In House Trucks, In 650 Westchester Road, Strathmore, AB. T1P 1H8
House Excreta Cleaning. Vac 403-361-7216 e-mail:
Rental. 1-888-483-8789.
Thank you for applying. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
March 19, 2021 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 11
SERVICING MOST • Renovations • Hydronic Heating
MAKES AND MODELS • Service Work • Gas Fitting
We’re Open and Accepting Clients! • New Construction • Sewer Cleaning/
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since 2000 BUSINESS
Successful business transitions
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Kelly Camden
Sessions will cover topics pertinent for family transitions, not for
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Our programs will assist you in a developing a transition plan, are
considering selling, or currently selling your business. Need a buyer?
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Soffit Fascia 403-901-7484
•• Eavestrough
Strathmore Eavestrough
Get the job done right the FIRST time!
Central SK, for sale. 8 other with a six month lease. Heat Strathmore 403-901-7484
Soffit & Fascia • Eavestrough
root tri foliate, extremely
Family Friendly. hardy, fine stem, and
excellent disease resistance.
Pets. For more information HEAVY DUTY
Also Selling Timothy and Brome
please callGrass Blends to your
From $925.
specifications. MECHANICAL
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Farmer Direct.
Ask about our HOMES
SHIPPING LTD over 1200 lb.
on orders Mobile Licensed
rental incentives: Nancy
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Call Ram River Forage Seeds 403-634-1643
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Heavy Duty Mechanic
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Ty Schneider 403.875.7013 Repair, Build & Upholstery
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• Furniture
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• Golf Cart, Bike, ATV,
Snowmobile Seats & Boat Interiors
For Sale Certified 2020ALIVE
Algonquin Alfalfa Seed • Equipment and Vehicle Fronts
DEAD OR DEAD OR ALIVE For more information
99.9% purity, zero weed seeds, inoculated, in 55 lb bags wholesale
$ $ We purchase rolls, bags
or boxes of silver coins $
$ $ $ $
$ We purchase rolls, bags
or boxes of silver coins $
$ $ 3rd Generation of Quality Service
☑ Avoid touching your face ☑ Cover coughs and sneezes Alberta Farmer Pesticide Applicator or Recertification
☑ Self isolate if feeling sick ☑ Practice physical distancing
☑ Properly wash hands often ☑ Disinfect frequently touched Webinar Applicator Certificate Training
items and surfaces
March 30 and 31, 2021—8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Latest updates at
The Alberta Farmer Pesticide Certification Course is a tool intended to help
farmers reduce risks associated with pesticide use. The course is recommended
under the Alberta Environmental Farm Plan, and mandatory for farmers who wish
to use restricted pesticides that require certification such as Aluminum
Phosphide. Training for the Grain Bin Storage with Phostoxin provided.
Certificates issued prior to 2016 have expired.
Registration is limited
Farmer Pesticide Exam and Grain Fumigation Endorsement
by appointment with Russ Muenchrath, 403-934-3321
or April 1—9:30 am at Hamman Ag Research Office, Lethbridge
Dr. Bill Hamman, 403-308-4099,
Address: 242006 Range Rd 243 Phone: 403-934-3321 Mail: Hwy 1 RR 1, Strathmore, AB, T1P 1J6 Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.