Important Days & Their Themes (January To June 2017)
Important Days & Their Themes (January To June 2017)
Important Days & Their Themes (January To June 2017)
January 2017
January 1 - Global Family Day, Army Medical Corps Establishment Day
January 24 - National Girl Child Day of India, Theme- Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao
January 25- National Voters Day, Theme- Empowering Young and Future Voters
February 2017
1 February- World Hijab Day
2 February- World Wetlands Day, Theme- Wetlands for Disaster Risk Reduction
7 February- Safer Internet Day, Theme- Be the Change: Unite for a Better Internet
13 February- National Women's Day, World Radio Day, Theme- Radio is You
20 February- World Day of Social Justice, Theme- preventing conflict and sustaining
peace through decent work
28 February- National Science Day, Theme- Science and Technology for Specially Abled
March 2017
1 March: Zero Discrimination Day, Theme- Make Some Noise for Zero Discrimination
3 March: World Hearing Day, Theme- Action for hearing loss: make a sound
8 March: International Women's Day, Theme- Women in the Changing World of Work:
Planet 50-50 by 2030
9 March 2017: World Kidney Day, Theme- Kidney Disease and Obesity: Healthy
Lifestyle for Healthy Kidneys
24 March: World Tuberculosis Day, Theme- Unite to End TB: Leave no one behind
25 March: The International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the
Transatlantic Slave Trade, Theme- Remember Slavery: Recognising the Legacy and
Contributions of People of African Descent
April 2017
April 1 - Orissa Day, April fool's day
April 2 - World Autism Awareness Day, Theme- Toward Autonomy and Self-
April 4 - International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action, Theme-
Needs driven. People Centred
April 21 - World Creativity and Innovation Day, National Secrataries day, National Civil
Services Day
April 23 - World Book and Copyright Day, World English Language Day
April 25 - World Malaria Day, Theme- Malaria prevention: let’s close the gap
April 28 - World day for Safety and Health at work, Theme- 'Optimize the collection and
use of OSH data
April 29 - World Dance Day, Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare
May 2017
May 01 - World Labour Day or May Day or Workers Day, Maharashtra Day
May 03 - World Press Freedom Day, Theme- ‘Critical Minds for Critical Times: Media’s
role in advancing peaceful, just and inclusive societies’.
May 03 - World Asthma Day, Theme- e 'Asthma: Better Air, Better Breathing'
May 08 - World Red Cross Day or Red Crescent Day, Remembrance and Reconciliation
for Lost Lives of Second World War
May 10 - International Migratory Bird Day, Theme- Their Future is Our Future
May 21 - World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development
June 2017
June 1 - Global Day of Parents
June 8 - World Brain Tumor Day, World Oceans Day, Theme- Our Oceans, Our Future
June 12 - World Day Against Child Labor, Theme- In conflicts and disasters, protect
children from child labour
June 14 - World Blood Donor Day, Theme- Give Blood, Give Now, Give Often
June 15 - World Elder Abuse Awareness day, Theme- Understand and End Financial
Abuse of Older People: A Human Rights Issue.
June 17 - World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, Theme- Our Land, Our
Home, Our Future
June 19 - International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict, Theme-
‘Preventing Sexual Violence Crimes through Justice and Deterrence’
June 26 - International Day against Drug abuse and Illicit Trafficking, Theme- Listen
First - Listening to children and youth is the first step to help them grow healthy and