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Tithi / Nakshatra Yogas (1-Weakest)

All Inauspicious
Ashubha “Inauspicious” Yogas
Tithi 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13
Nak 21 17 12, 21, 26 10 4 13, 19 25 3 4 9 14, 15
Unlucky Yogas that Manifest in 10 Months
Tithi 2 3 8 10 13 14 15
Nak 17 12, 21, 26 4 5 5 13 13

Vaar / Tithi Yogas (2- Weak)

Siddha “Accomplished” Yoga
VARA Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Tithi 3,8,13 2*, 7, 12 5,10,15 1,6,11 4,9*,14
Amrita “Immortal” Yoga
VARA Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Tithi 1,6,11 2,7,12 1,6,11 3*,8,13 4,9*,14 2,7*,12 5,10,15
Rajyaprad Yoga
VARA Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
4,9,14 4,9*,14
Dagdha “Burnt” Yoga
VARA Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Tithi 12 11 5 3* 6 8 9*
Visha “Poison” Yoga
VARA Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Tithi 4 6 7 2* 8 9 7
Hutasana “Fire as oblation eater” Yoga
VARA Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Tithi 12 6 7 8 9* 10 11
Karkacha “Saw” Yoga
VARA Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Tithi 12 11 10 9 8 7* 6
Samvartaka “Dissolution” Yoga
VARA Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Tithi 7 1
Vaar / Nakshatra Yogas (3- Strong)
Sarvarth Siddhi “Complete Accomplishment” Yoga
Vara Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Nak 1*,8(Ravi Pushya 4,5,8, 1,3, 3,4,5, 1,7,8(Guru Pushya 1,7,17, 4,15,22*
Yoag),12,13,19,21,26 17,22* 9,26 13,17* Yoga), 17,27 22,27
Siddha “Accomplished” Yoga
Vara Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Nak 19 23 26 3 7 11 15
Siddha “Accomplished” Yoga
Vara Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Nak 12,13,20, Mon 1,12 26,27 3,11,12, 17*, Thu 12,13,14,15*,17,20, Sat
22,26,27 20, 21,26 21,22,23,24,25,26
Amrita “Immortal” Yoga
Vara Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Nak Sun 4,5,7, 5*,7,8,9, 6,7,8,9,10, 1,7,8, 10,15 1,2, 11,27 3,4, 15,24
15,22* 10,11,13,14 13,14,15,16,22
Shubha “Auspicious” Yoga
Vara Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Nak Sun Mon Tue 4,18, 2,9,16,17,18, Fri 1,2,5,6,8, 10,16,17,
24,26 19,20,21,22,23 18,19,21*,22*,23,25, 26
Shubha Madhyam “Medium Auspicious” Yoga
Vara Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Nak 2*,3,4,5,6, 7,9,11, Mon 2,3,4,18,19,20,22 Wed 13,14, 25,26 Fri Sat
14,15,20,23, 24, 25
Shobhana “Splendid” Yoga
Vara Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Nak Sun 1,2,3*,6, 8,9,10,11,13,17,18,19,23,24,26*,27 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Sri “Grace/Prosperity” Yoga
Vara Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Nak Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 2,3,5,6,7 Sat
th th th
Yogas that Dispel Difficulties ( During Tithis other than Rikta – 4 , 9 , 14 )
Vara Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Nak 2*,12,19, 4,5,7, 1,4,12, 3,5,11,12, 1,7,8, 1,2,19,27 3,4,15,24
21,22,27 15,22* 13,17,26 17*,20,21,25 10,15
Vaar / Nakshatra Yogas Inauspicious (3- Strong)
Dagdha “Burnt” Yoga
VARA Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Nak 2* 14 21 23 12 18 27
Yamghanta “Reign of Death” Yoga
VARA Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Nak 10 16 6 19 3 4 13
Utapata “tearing out” Yoga
VARA Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Nak 16 20 23 27 4 8 12
Mrityu “Death” Yoga
VARA Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Nak 17 21 24 1 5 9 13
Mrityu “Death” Yoga
VARA Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Nak 16 21 23 17* 5 4,15* 22
Kana “One Eyed” Yoga
VARA Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Nak 18 22* 25 2 6 10 14
Nasa “Loss” Yoga
VARA Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Nak 1*,10,16, 3*,12,14, 5*,6,16,21, 1,2,19,23,27 12 4,8,9,10,16,18 27
17,18 16,20,21,26* 23,24,25
Dagdha “Burnt” Yoga
VARA Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Nak Sun Mon Tue Wed 3,4,5,6,12,24 Fri Sat
Mrityu “Death” Yoga
VARA Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Nak Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 7,9,11,13,14,20,21*,27
Vaar / Tithi / Nakshatra Yogas (4- Strongest)
Suta “Brought Forth” Yoga
VARA Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Tithi 5,7 5,7 5,7* 5,7 13 1,6,11 2,7,12
Nak 8,13,19 5,15,22 1,4,12,21*,25,26 1,11,20, 25 7,20,27 12,15,24 4,15,23
Siddha “Accomplished” Yoga
VARA Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Tithi 1,4,6,7,12 2*,7,12 1*,3,6,8, 2,3,7,8, 4,5,7,9, 1,2,6,7, 2,4,7,9,
11,13 12,13 13,14 11,12 12,24
Nak 8,12,13,19, 4,5,7,14*, 1,5,12,14, 4,5,6,12, 1,7,8,10, 1,2,6,12, 4,15,16,
21,22,26 22,23,24,25 17,19, 17,21 15,20,25, 14,15,20, 17,23,24
23*,25 27 27
Visha “Poison” Yoga
VARA Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Tithi 5 2* Purnima 7 13 6 8
Nak 3 14* 4 2 17 22 27
Vinasa “Annihilation” Yoga
VARA Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Tithi 3,4,8,9,13, 6,7,11 1*,2,7*,8, 2,3,8,9 6,8,9,12, 2,3,6,8, 3,7,9,11
14 10, Purnima 13 10,11
Nak 2,5,9,16, 2,3,10,17, 6,7,18,20, 1,2,8,9, 3,4,5,6, 4,7,10,16, 2,7,8,11,
17,18,23 20,21,26 21*,22,23*, 10,19,23, 12,16,17, 17,18,22, 12,13,20,
24 25 24 23 21,22

Vaar / Tithi / Nakshatra Yogas (4- Strongest)

Yogas Causing the Repetitions of the Day`s Events
Tripushkar “Three Lotus Flowers” Yoga – Events repeat themselves Three Times
VARA Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Tithi 2,7,12 2,7,12 2,7,12
Nak 3,7,12,16,21,25 3,7,12,16,21,25 3,7,12,16,21,25
Dwipushkar “Two Lotus Flowers” Yoga – Events repeat themselves Two Times
VARA Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Tithi 2,7,12 2,7,12 2,7,12
Nak 5,14,23 5,14,23 5,14,23
S.No. Sun Nak. Auspicious Moon Nakshatras
1. Ashwini Rohini Ardra Ashlesha Magha Hasta P. Ashada
2. Bharani Mrigsira Punarvasu Magha P. Phal Chitra U. Ashada
3. Krittika Ardra Pushya P. Phal U. Phal Swati Abhijit
4. Rohini Punarvasu Ashlesha U. Phal Hasta Vishakha Shravan
5. Mrigsira Pushya Magha Hasta Chitra Anuradha Dhanishtha
6. Ardra Ashlesha P. Phal Chitra Swati Jyestha Shatbhisha
7. Punarvasu Magha U. Phal Swati Vishakha Moola P. Bhadra
8. Pushya P. Phal Hasta Vishakha Anuradha P. Ashada U. Bhadra
9. Ashlesha U. Phal Chitra Anuradha Jyestha U. Ashada Revati
10. Magha Hasta Swati Jyestha Moola Abhijit Ashwini
11. P. Phal Chitra Vishakha Moola P. Ashada Shravan Bharani
12. U. Phal Swati Anuradha P. Ashada U. Ashada Dhanishtha Krittika
13. Hasta Vishakha Jyestha U. Ashada Abhijit Shatbhisha Rohini
14. Chitra Anuradha Moola Abhijit Shravan P. Bhadra Mrigsira
15. Swati Jyestha P. Ashada Shravan Dhanishtha U. Bhadra Ardra
16. Vishakha Moola U. Ashada Dhanishtha Shatbhisha Revati Punarvasu
17. Anuradha P. Ashada Abhijit Shatbhisha P. Bhadra Ashwini Pushya
18. Jyestha U. Ashada Shravan P. Bhadra U. Bhadra Bharani Ashlesha
19. Moola Abhijit Dhanishtha U. Bhadra Revati Krittika Magha
20. P. Ashada Shravan Shatbhisha Revati Ashwini Rohini P. Phal
21. U. Ashada Dhanishtha P. Bhadra Ashwini Bharani Mrigsira U. Phal
21A. Abhijit Shatbhisha U. Bhadra Bharani Krittika Ardra Hasta
22. Shravan P. Bhadra Revati Krittika Rohini Punarvasu Chitra
23. Dhanishtha U. Bhadra Ashwini Rohini Mrigsira Pushya Swati
24. Shatbhisha Revati Bharani Mrigsira Ardra Ashlesha Vishakha
25. P. Bhadra Ashwini Krittika Ardra Punarvasu Magha Anuradha
26. U. Bhadra Bharani Rohini Punarvasu Pushya P. Phal Jyestha
27. Revati Krittika Mrigsira Pushya Ashlesha U. Phal Moola

Abhijit Muhurt is a powerful election as per Hindu astrology. Exponents of

Vedic / Hindu Muhurt (electional) astrology have prescribed Abhijit Muhurt (election)
as on of the most powerful election & has general acceptance of exponents for
initiating a wide spectrum of life activities, especially for fruition of worldly activities. It
has power to annihilate / destroy numerous malevolent influences in elections.
However, its efficacy is enhanced by presence of special Muhurt Yogas, prescribed
beneficial Hindu Panchang elements, luminous Moon, fortified & purified ascendent,
specific disposition of election related planets, favourable transits of the planets to
the aspirant etc. etc. This election is that powerful that some exponents have praised
to the extent that when a suitable election is not available, it can be selected for
fruition of the desires.
This election is as or similarly powerful as Vijay Dashmi, Ravi Yoga, Sade-
Teen Muhurt, Sarva-Karya-Arambha Muhurt, Gow-Dhuli, and Vijay Muhurt & Amrit
Ghatis for initiating a wide spectrum of life activities.
Abhijit Muhurt starts from 24 minutes before the Local Noon Time (LNT) &
remains till 24 minutes thereafter (total duration 48 minutes) for 12-hour duration of
daytime. For variable length of daytime its duration should be calculated proportional
to non-nocturnal (daytime) length.
For example if Sunrise is at 07.00 IST & the Sunset time is 18.00 IST at a
place of an activity then, its total duration shall be 44 minutes (11 ÷12 x 48 = 44 m).
Local Noon Time shall be 12.30 IST. The said election time shall start from 12.08 &
ends at 12.52 IST (12.30 ± 22 m).
In the corresponding duration during night-time, equally auspicious election
prevails which is called ‘Brahma Muhurt’. Most of the authoritative writers have
eulogized this Muhurt as suitable to initiate all types of works, & as the most powerful
& efficacious Muhurt capable of removing plurality of maleficence (Doshas).
Exceptions : But this powerful Muhurt is not suitable for auspicious /
sacraments (Manglik activities like marriage, Upanayana etc.) functions on
Wednesdays, as it forms a malefic Muhurt. Further travel in the South direction
should be refrained during this powerful election.
Some exponents have advised that ± 4 minutes of time (total 8 minutes) from
the junction of forenoon & after-noon (mid-day), and also the first & latter part of
night (mid-night - Mahanisha) are malefic & should be refrained in a benefic Muhurt
(elections). Thus aspirants should not use this election during LNT ± 4 minutes.


Manglik works like marriage, Upanayana and the like auspicious works, travel,
entering into a house must be shunned without fail during Vishti Karan.
Prescribed works in Bhadra are: arresting, tying, administering poison, igniting
fire, use of weapon, tearing or cutting an object, inflicting sorrow, all type of works
related to camel, horse, & buffalo; birth of a horse & donkey, cooking, worshipping of
lord Shiva & Parvati, & fort also.
Even when Bhadra is highly inauspicious, Acharya Kalidas (author of
Jyotirvidabhranam- an authoritative treatise on Muhurt) has advised that worshipping
during Parvati Ashtami (Hartalika), worshipping of Lord Shiva & Parvati, worshipping
of one’s deity, water storage (dam), starting of Yagya, conducting Yagya, Holika,
Shravani Karam, Jaatkaram Samskar, barter in trade, pious work & giving an item to
a king always yield good results.
But there are lot many antidotes and exceptions to initiate other / important life
activities during currency of Bhadra; described as below:
a) When Bhadra resides in heaven or Hades (like it shall be on August 5,
2009 – in Capricorn sign) essential works can be conducted.
b) The Bhadra Dosha is considered at all places. However in Bengal, Nepal &
Mithila, the Bhadra Dosha is only considered during Shravana & Falguni (Holi
c) Bhadra is not malefic after mid-day (Muhurt Ganpati – 6/25)
d) Bhadra head in Krishan Paksha & tail in Shukla Paksha can be used.
Nominal duration of tail part of Bhadra is 72 minutes.
It is accepted that during currency of Bhadra auspicious life activities are not
performed and that if Muhurt is to be elected during its period then, must be selected
by in case of urgency by expert professional astrologer.

According to the Muhurta or Hindu electional astrology, three lunar days or

Tithis are considered to be most auspicious. These are known as the Sade-Teen
Muhurtas. These tithes include; the first Tithi of Bright Half of Chaitra which is
marked with the starting of the new year), the tenth Tithi of Bright Half of Ashvina or
the Vijay Dashmi, the third Tithi of the Bright Half of Vaishakha or the Akshay Tritiya
and the first Tithi of Bright Half of Karttika, which form the Sade-Teen Muhurt. The
last Tithi is counted as half and the first three Tithis are regarded as full, which
together form the Sade - Teen Muhurt. The Chandra or Moon and Sun are
astrologically considered to be positioned at their grandest equal brightness on the
holy day. The festival of Akshaya Tritiya is also known as Navanna Parvam. This
festival falling on the day of a Rohini Nakshatra is regarded as more auspicious.


Sunday: Coronation, service to the government / king, king worship, fire, fire
related works, weapon making & usage, war, bravery, service & employment, travel,
thief, doctor, transaction of medicine, purchase of cows, bullocks & animals, gold-
silver-copper-wood-works, bones-skin-hides, auspicious (Manglik) works, Yagya,
teaching Mantras (Agni Mantras), religious discourse, music learning, woolen
clothes, wearing of new clothes, mountain, stones, dessert, forest, trees, usage of
forest items, snake, animal rearing & husbandry, food grain, trade.
Monday: Agriculture, farming, gardening, fragrant trees, lotus & flowers, milk,
food, food-grains, sugar, sugarcane, raw sugar / molasses, Yagya, ornament making
& wearing, silver, deer, sale & purchase of cows - buffaloes, gems-pearl & shells,
conch-shell, singing & dancing- starting thereof, water related works, popular works,
movable works, starting of education, night movements, benefit to mother's brother,
Brahmins, article causing phlegm, clothes, female related works, king, road.
Tuesday: Killing, arresting, inciting insurgency, cruel works, piercing, army
commanding, treaty, backing off treaty / agreement, fort, igniting fire, weapon, storing
of war material, poison, lying, deception, thief, thievery, coral, gold related works &
collection thereof, metal work, forest, night worker, doctor, ascetic / religious
mendicant, treasurer, business of catching snakes, animal, trees with red coloured
flowers, red colour items, works related to blood.
Wednesday: Fine arts, literature-music- dancing & starting thereof; poetry,
sculpturing, all type of art, theater, education, writing, learning of Vedas, idol making,
Mantra Kriya, meritorious works, marriage, friendship, starting of fast, holy bathing,
trade, clever works, ordinary works, science, metal work, war, argument, intelligence,
skill, ingenuity, messenger, physical exercise, collection of articles, juices & food
grains, green sapphire, earth, clothes, fragrant articles, works which end fast - works
which take long time works which finish in the middle.
Thursday : Auspicious (Manglik) works, Yagya, Havan, worshipping, peaceful
religious works, fast, oblation to the deads (Pitri Sharadh) , temple, installing of idol,
Alankaar, education, knowledge related works, learning in general, Shaastras,
truthful works, wearing new clothes & trading thereof, ornaments, starting living in
house, doctor, medicine, trading in medicine, physical works, health related works,
physical works, development & expanding works, king, wealth, trees, gold, silver,
elephant, horse, bullock, transport, travel.
Friday: Good for starting dance, music, singing painting; luxurious works,
festivals, wearing new clothes & ornaments, friendship, worshipping sex God
(Kamdev), females, passionate women, sex, passion, prostitutes, beds, increase in
semen, fragrance, comedy, laughter, cows, trade related to food grain & agriculture,
farming, selling & purchase of land, sugar cane, juicy foods, gems, gold, silver,
coffer, transport, lotus, earth, medicine.
Saturday : Entering into new house & city, trading with deceit & forgery,
telling lies, dreadful deeds, insurgency, works related to obstruction, trading of arms
& ammunition, poisoning, bereft of courtesy, usage of iron & steel, arm & armory,
dead, servant, debased person, old persons, thief, buffalo, camel, birds, trapping of
elephant, stable works, profession related to capturing, collection of houses,
departure, broken utensils, glass, stones, learning secret Mantras from Guru
(Deeksha), service.
According to Sage Narad, Acharya Garga, Ramdeen, & host of other
exponents it is opined that it is beneficial & augurs fortunate effects to initiate &
conduct works related to iron on Saturdays. With this the learned readers may help
remove doubts / superstition in certain parts of the country that purchase or sale of
iron items, & doing works related to iron (steel) on Saturdays is inauspicious.
Logics for selection of weekdays
Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus & Saturn in order are the rulers of
the weekdays. Depending upon the inherent natures of the ruling planets, Monday,
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday are auspicious, benefic & good days; while Sunday,
Tuesday & Saturday in general are malefic & cruel days. Tuesday & Saturday are
maximum malefic, while Sunday is partially malefic. Auspicious & Manglik works are
done on benefic days; while cruel, sinful (Paap Karamas), unethical works in
general; & the specified works are done on Saturday, Tuesday & Sunday. Some
benefic works also fructify on malefic days depending upon the nature of the work &
special dictums regarding Muhurt (election). There is no very tight demarcation of the
allocated works for the weekdays, and the day is selected based on the type of work,
planet signifying the work, time of starting & host of other factors related to the
Nature of Sunday is fixed / stationary; of Monday is movable; of Tuesday is
cruel; of Wednesday is mixed / ordinary; of Thursday is small / short; of Friday is
sweet; & of Saturday is sharp / horrible. When constellation (occupied by the Moon)
& day lord are of same nature then, the combined efficacy increases many folds like
when asterisms of Rohini & 3 Uttras coincide on a Sunday; fixed / stationary types of
works fructify.
Thursday, Friday & Sunday are effective during daytime; Monday, Tuesday &
Saturday are effective during night-time while Mercury is effective both during
daytime & night-time.
Malefic effect of Sunday, Tuesday & Saturday does not exist after mid-day.
Some opine that "Vaar Dosha"(evil effects of weekday) does not prevail during night
(Acharya Chandeshwar).
Colour of the work: Consistent with the colour of the ruling planet of the day, it
is beneficial to conduct work with that colour on the weekday ruled by the planet .The
Sun's colour is red mixed with black or blood red; Moon's - white; Mars' - pale red;
Mercury's - grass green; Jupiter's - yellow; Venus's - swarthy (dark skin) & Saturn's -
black. Wearing of the clothes of the above stated colours during planets' weekdays is
beneficial to the user. Aspirant may also use colours ruled by the rulers of the
weekdays. Some opine that, copper-red, white, ultra red, blue, ultra yellow,
variegated (mixed, spotted) & black are the colours ruled by the planets from the Sun
to Saturn.
Like for election of white washing / painting of a house certain criteria have
been laid down. Meeting those requirements, the colour of the white washing /
painting if done in yellow on Thursday or in green shade on Wednesday, enhances
the beneficence. Similar guidance is taken in respect of other usages of the colours.
Saturday is not recommended to sow seeds, but is considered fruitful to sow seeds
of black grains, more profitable if Saturn is in the rising sign.
Shiva, Parvati, Ganesh, Vishnu, Brahma, Indra & Yama are tutelary lords of
the weekdays in the order. Each day has Adhi Devta (superior lords) also, which are
Agni, Jal, Bhumi, Hari, Indra, Indrani & Brahma. Desired results are obtained by
worshipping (Smaran) tutelary lords & Adhi Devatas on their weekdays.
Based on nature & signification of the weekday, day lord, tutelary lord and
other electional considerations following works (& works related to the mentioned
items) are recommended for conduction & initiation in different weekdays. It is
opined that on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday all types of works fructify;
while on Sunday, Tuesday & Saturday only prescribed activities fructify.If on a
Sunday the Sun is strong, it is extremely beneficial to see king & do works related to
king (in the modern context works related to administration & government is
beneficial). If the Moon is strong on a Monday then all types of the works fructify.
Similarly on Tuesday - war; Wednesday - education (study of Shaastras); Thursday -
marriage; Friday - travel & on Saturday receiving initiatory Mantras of Yagya (a
ceremony in which oblations are offered) are beneficial.According to Brihat Jaatak
(104/61-63) works allocated to the weekday gets fruition when conducted on the
same weekday & when either of the following also coincides:
a)day lord is in Upchaya (3,6,10,11) signs from radical Moon's sign.
b)day lord is in the election ascendant.
c)sign ruled by the day lord is rising, or
d)day lord is in angle.
Acharya Varahamihira has stressed that on non- compliance to the above,
aspirant may not get any fruitful result; like as one does not get a drop of water even
after going to the sea.
Thus accordingly, if an aspirant wants to start education, he may choose
auspicious day as Thursday. Better if he selects Hora of Thursday, and the ruling
planet of the day Jupiter is in the rising sign. To further fortify the election, he may
select Sagittarius or Pisces as the rising sign; and if either of these signs are 3, 6, 10
or 11th sign from his radical ascendant or from the natal Moon sign; the election
shall be extremely fortified. To find such highly beneficial election one may have to
wait for a long time.
The day when the Moon is weak, or Mars or Saturn is retrograde, is not
auspicious. But if such a day lord is in 11th in the election chart, then the said Dosha
does not prevail, & benefic results are felt. A day is inauspicious, when the day lord
is set or afflicted (Brihat Daivygya Ranjan). That day whose lord is retrograde,
causes destruction in many ways if used in election of travel.
Acharya Shripati opines that if the day-lord is in Upchaya (3,6,10,11) houses
from the election ascendant, the work fructifies. And if it is not in the said Upchaya
houses then, it does not fructify even after efforts (Brihat Daivygya Ranjan).


There are three modes of breathing, viz, flow from left nostril, flow from right
nostril & flow from both the nostrils. The last mode is generally for a short duration
when breathing switches from left to right & vice versa. Mode of breathing can be
checked by examining air flow while exhaling. When breath is flowing from both the
nostrils, the time is beneficial for worshipping & devotional activities only; all other
activities must not be then initiated. Following are some of the specific activities
which should be initiated when left or right nostrils are active. Some activities are
listed under both the modes, which the aspirant may select based on the functional /
piousness of the activity. In general for pious activities are initiated during currency of
left nostril.

Activities recommended during running of left nostril:

It is beneficial / auspicious in long distance travels; charity; donation; wearing
of clothes and ornaments; treaty & agreement; installation of God's idol; practicing
Yoga; oblation of fire for peace; worshipping; marriage; administering of medicine,
treating of difficult illness, removing poison; starting of education-singing-dancing-
playing musical instruments; discussion on dance - drama; stationary & fixed works;
entering into house - city - village; coronation, seeing king (high official, master,
employer); sweet & friendly activities, making friends; auspicious deeds; teachings;
initiation of Mantras; leaning of futurity knowledge; collection of domestic items -
wealth & grains; starting of water tank-pond-well; peaceful & developmental works;
trade (give & take by the hand presenting the mode of breathing); agriculture works,
sowing seeds, buying agricultural land.

Activities recommended during running of right nostril:

Currency of breathing through right nostril is auspicious / beneficial for
performing accurate & difficult works; writing alphabets; learning and practicing use
of arms and weapons; destruction of enemy war, attack, encounter; enmity; inflicting
punishment; breaking / splitting; gambling; bathing; taking food; sleeping; sex,
visiting women & prostitutes, enchanting females, attracting others; creating fear,
cruel works; short distance travel; entry into house; boarding ship / big boat; drinking
intoxicants, administration of poison, removal of poison; usage of Mantras; study of
holy books; study & teaching of difficult & destructive branches of knowledge
climbing mountains & forts; riding on horse / elephant and transports; physical
exercise; sale of animals; crossing pond-river; taking medicine; giving donations;
sale-purchase; grinding of bricks-stones-wood-metals; conduction of ‘Six-Works':
"beating, charming, hindering, enmity, vexing & subduing".
Aspirant user of this knowledge must change mode of breathing suitably at
the time of initiating specific desired activity. When left nostril is working, body gets
cooled; while right nostril is working, the body gets heated up. Most of the practicing
electional astrologers have observed that compliance to the dictums of Swar
Shaastra is more efficacious than omens.

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