Quiz 2: Name: Puertos, Ferlyn S. Date: March 10, 2021 Year & Section: 2 Score
Quiz 2: Name: Puertos, Ferlyn S. Date: March 10, 2021 Year & Section: 2 Score
Quiz 2: Name: Puertos, Ferlyn S. Date: March 10, 2021 Year & Section: 2 Score
What can you say about beauty contests/pageants which humiliate the
women and is opposite to the claim on sex equality?
3. To find out how much someone likes music, which question is the best to ask? C.
A. Do you go for the present trend ----all noise and sound?
B. How much time do you spend listening to the radio?
C. Do you prefer popular music, jazz, classics, or rock?
D. Do you listen to boring classical tunes?
B. From the situation given below, identify the possible errors or difficulties that may be
encountered during data collection.
1. Assume that you are hired by a company to collect data on the waist sizes of college
students. Why is it better to obtain direct measurements than to ask people the sizes of
their waist?