Lesson Plan - Law of Contract

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Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies

(Affiliated to: GGSIP University, Approved by AICTE & Recognized by Bar Council of India)
Grade “A” Accredited by NAAC, Accredited by NBA for MCA, Recognized under Section 2(f) by UGC
ISO 9001 : 20015 Certified Institution

Academic Session: August-December 2020 Name of Program: BBALLB

Email Id of
Name of Faculty Ms. Sonia Maan Faculty sonia.maan@vips.edu
Semester: First Paper Code: 103 Credits: 05 Total No of Lectures: 50

Course Name: Law of Contract-I

No of hours allotted per week: 5

Objectives of the Course:
To learn the basic rules required to form a contract
Teaching pedagogy :
Lectures, Illustrations Based Study, Case Based Study , Discussions, Problem Based Learning
Resources (Recommended Texts/Reference Books used, Recommended Resources):
Text Book:
1. Singh Avtar , Law of Contract and Specific Relief, Eastern Book Company, Lucknow, 2013
2. Malhotra Rajni, Law of Contract, Taxmann’s Publication, 2018
1. Abichandani, K. R. , Pullock & Mulla on Indian Contract and Specific Relief Acts, Vol.1 , N.M. Tripathi Private Ltd., Bombay, 2000
2. Beatson J., Anson’s Law of Contracts, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002.
3. Furmstone M.P., Cheshire, Fifoot and Furmstone’s Law of Contracts, Oxford University Press, New York, 2007.

Course Outcomes:
CO1 –Explore and analyze the meaning, nature, formation, essentials and scope of Contracts
CO2 – Explain the role of Minor’s position with respect to Contract and capacity to enter into contract
CO3 – Introduce the rules and regulations pertaining to offer, acceptance, communication of proposals, acceptance and consideration
CO4 – Analyze the issues relating to discharge and performance of contract
CO5 – Understand the meaning of breach and impossibility to perform the contract
CO6 – Equip with the remedies provided in case of breach of contract
CO7 – Familiarize with the position of Quasi-contracts
Assessment Method Course Outcome Achieved
Objective type Test CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4, CO5, CO6, CO7
Presentations CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4, CO5, CO6, CO7
Projects CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4, CO5, CO6, CO7
Online Assessment CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4, CO5, CO6, CO7
Program Outcomes (PO) –
After the program the students will be able to:
1. Develop enhanced clarity on evolution, significance and implications of legal concepts in substantive law, legal theory, and procedure
2. Gain proficiency in the general approaches to the study of law and legal reasoning from a personal and social context
3. Think critically on legal issues and learn models of planning and decision-making for a range of situations, including those in which facts are
currently unknown and not subject to confident prediction, and in which options involve differing and uncertain degrees of risk.
4. Adopt a research aptitude to identify core issues and collect, analyze and interpret data
5. Gain proficiency in drafting that displays deep understanding on the interaction of legal analysis with human behavior, including interpersonal
6. Hone their core communication and presentation skills as interviewing, counseling, mooting, debating, negotiating and mediating
7. Gain insights into the role of various institutions of law and experts in law and allied subjects.
8. Develop self confidence and understand the demands, constraints, and methods of thinking in their role as lawyers
9. Understand the interdisciplinary nature of law and the contributions that other disciplines can make to the study of law.
10. Inculcate professional ethics and values and learn to collaborate effectively across diverse experiences, perspectives, and identities

Programme Specific Outcomes

After the program the students will be able to
1. Accurately assess and understand a problem’s situation and objectives

2. Develop a plan of action and also be attentive to the need to revise the plan of action, the allocation of responsibilities for its implementation,
and/or the timetable for its implementation.
3. Plan a Factual Investigation critical scrutiny of the facts to assess: their accuracy and reliability; how they fit together; any inconsistencies
between the facts and the likely reasons for any such inconsistencies; the conclusions they support, and what courses of action are appropriate
in light of these conclusions
4. Collaborate effectively to diagnose address and solve a problem
5. Effectively express the legal issues through clear and articulate expression
6. Give advice on the options of litigation or alternative dispute resolution

Map the COs with POs from 1 to 3 where – 1 implies Low, 2 implies Medium and 3 implies High
Program level PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10
Outcomes 
3 3
CO 1 3 3
3 3 1 2 3
2 3 3 3 3
CO 2
2 2 1 1 2
1 2 3 1 1

CO 3

2 3 2 1 2

CO 4 3 3 3 2 2
1 3 2 1 3
1 3 3 2 2
CO 5
2 2 3 2 3

CO6 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 1 1 2

CO7 . 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 2 2 3
AV 2 2.8 3 2.4 2.4
G 2.28 2.7 1.7 1.4 2.5
Program level Outcomes 
Explore and analyze the 3
meaning, nature, formation,
CO 1 essentials and scope of
3 2 3 2 2
Explain the role of Minor’s 3
position with respect to 3
CO 2
Contract and capacity to 2 3 2 2
enter into contract
Introduce the rules and 3
regulations pertaining to
offer, acceptance,
communication of
proposals, acceptance and
CO 3 consideration 3

2 3 2 2
Analyze the issues relating 3
to discharge and
CO 4
performance of contract
3 2 3 2 2
CO 5 Understand the meaning of 3 2 3 3 2 2
breach and impossibility to
perform the contract
Equip with the remedies 3
CO6 provided in case of breach
of contract 3 2 3 2 2
Familiarize with the role 3
CO7 and position of Quasi- 3 2 3 2 2
3 2 3 2 2

Lesson Plan

Lecture No. Topic/ Contents Details Course Outcome Teaching Reading Material Remarks
with subtopics to be Achieved Pedagogy

UNIT-I Introduction : The Indian Contract Act, 1872

The Indian Contract Act,
1. 1872 CO1 Discussion
Contract: Meaning
Lecture and The Indian Contract Act, 1872 S. 2(h)
2. CO1 Illustrations
3. Contract: CO1 Lecture and The Indian Contract Act, 1872 S. 10
Essentials Illustrations
Balfour v. Balfour [1919] 2 KB 571
Contract : Modes
The Indian Contract Act, 1872 S. 9
Lecture and
4. CO1 Illustrations
Offer: Meaning
The Indian Contract Act, 1872 S. 2(a)
5. CO1, CO3 Discussion
Offer: Essentials
Lalman Shukla v Gauri Dutt (1913) 11 All
Lecture and
6. CO1, CO2 & CO3 Case Study LJ 489

1. Pharmaceutical Society of Great

Britain v. Boots Cash Chemist
(Southern) Ltd. (1952) 2 QB 795

2. Harvey v. Facey (1893) AC 552

3. Bank of India v. O.P. Swarnakar

AIR 2003 SC 858

4. Madhya Pradesh State Road

Transportation Corporation v.
Manoj Kumar & Anr ( 2016) 9
SCC 375
5. Union of India v. Maddala
An Invitation to Treat Lecture and Thathiah, AIR 1966 SC 1724
7. CO1 Case Study
8. Offer: Kinds CO1 & CO3 Lecture and
Case Study
1. Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.
1 QBD 256
2. Tinn v Hoffman (1873) 29 LT 271

3. Vedanta Ltd. v Emirates Trading

Agency LLC (2017) 13 SCC 243

4. Lalman Shukla v Gauri Dutt

(1913) 11 All LJ 489

The Indian Contract Act, 1872 S. 2(b)

Acceptance: Meaning Lecture/

9. CO1 & CO3 illustrations
Acceptance: Essentials The Indian Contract Act, 1872 S. 2(b) &7

Felthouse v Bindley (1862) 42 ER 1037

Powell v Lee (1908) LT 284

10. CO1 & CO3 Case study
Acceptance: Modes Lecture/ The Indian Contract Act, 1872 S. 8
11. CO1 & CO3 illustrations
12. Offer: Communication CO1 & CO3 The Indian Contract Act, 1872 S.4 &5
and Revocation
Acceptance : 1. Bhagwandas Goverdhandas Kedia
Communication and v M/s. Girdharilal Parshottamdas
Revocation & Co., AIR 1966 SC 543 17

2. Entores Ltd. v. Miles Far East

Corporation (1955) 3 WLR 48
13. CO1 & CO3 Case Study
E Contract : Meaning & 1. P R Transport Agency v Union of
Essentials India, AIR 2006 All 23

2. Timex International Fze Ltd Dubai

Lecture/ v Vedanta Aluminium Ltd. (2010) 3
14. CO1 Case Study SCC
UNIT-II Consideration:
The Indian Contract Act, 1872 S. 2(d)
15. CO2 & CO3 Discussion

1. Durga Prasad v Baldeo ILR (1880)

3 All 221
2. Chinnaya v Ramayya ILR (1882)4
Consideration: Essentials Lecture/
16. CO2 & CO3 Case Study Mad 137
Consideration: Lecture/ The Indian Contract Act, 1872 S. 25
17. Exceptions CO2 & CO3 Discussion
18. Privity of Contract: CO2 Lecture/ 1. Nawab Khwaja Muhammad Khan
Concept and Exceptions Case Study v. Nawab Hussaini Begam (1910)
12 BOMLR 638
2. K.P.M. Builders (P) Ltd. v National
Highways Authority of India (2015)
15 SCC 394.
1. Chacko v Mahadevan, (2007) 7
SCC 363

Capacity to Contract 2. Inder Singh v Parmeshwardhari

Lecture/ Singh AIR 1957 Pat 491
19. CO2 Case Study
Minors : position Mohori Bibee v Dharmodas Ghose
Lecture/ (1903) 30 IA 114
20. CO2 Case Study
Minors Agreement :
Nature and Effect Mathai Mathai v Joseph Mary alias
Lecture/ Marykkutty Joseph and Ors
21. CO2 Case Study AIR 2014 SC 2277
Unit III: Free Consent:
Lecture/ The Indian Contract Act, 1872 S. 13 & 14
22. CO4 Discussion
1. Chikam Amiraju v Chikam
Seshamma (1918) ILR 41 Mad 33

2. Afsar Shaikh and Another v

Coercion and Undue
Soleman Bibi and other AIR
influence Lecture /
23. CO4 Case Study 1976 SC 163
1. Derry v Peek (1889)14 AC 337

2. Shri Krishan v Kurukshetra

Misrepresentation, Fraud Lecture / University AIR 1976 SC 376
24. and Mistake CO4 Case Study
Void, Voidable and The Indian Contract Act, 1872 S. 19, 19A
Illegal Agreements : Lecture & 20
25. Effects CO4 /Discussion
Discharge of Contract:
Meaning & Modes The Indian Contract Act, 1872 Ss. 37, 56,
Lecture/ 62 and 63
26. CO4 Discussion
Whether time is essential
M/s. Kailash Nath Associates v Delhi
or not
Development Authority and Anr 2015 AIR
Lecture / SCW 759 SC
27. CO4 Case Study
Anticipatory Lecture The Indian Contract Act, 1872 S. 39
28. Breach CO5 /Discussion
29. Doctrine of Frustration CO5 Lecture/
Case Study 1. Krell v Henry [1903] 2 KB 740
2. Taylor and Another v Caldwell and
Another 122 ER 309
3. Satyabrata Ghose v Mugneeram
Bangur & Co. AIR 1954 SC 44
4. Premier Explosive Ltd. v Chairman
and Managing Director, Singareni
Collieries Co. Ltd. and Ors AIR
2010 AP 107
5. Indian Rare Earths Ltd. v.
Managing Director , Southern
Electricity Supply Co. of Orissa Ltd.
and Anr AIR 2010 Ori 115
6. Delhi Development Authority v.
Kenneth Builders and Developers
Ltd. and Ors. AIR 2016 SC 3026

1. Gherulal Parek v Mahadeodas AIR

Unlawful Consideration
and Object 1959 SC 781.
2. Central Inland Water Transport
Corporation v. B.N. Ganguly AIR
30. CO5 1986 SC 571
The Specific Relief Act ,1963, Ss.10, 37 &
Specific Lecture/
32. Performance CO6 Discussion
Puran Lal Sah v the State of U.P
Quantum Meruit
AIR 1971 S C 712
33. CO6 Case Study
Damages: Meaning and Lecture/ The Indian Contract Act, 1872 S.73 and 74
34. Kinds CO6 Illustrations
35. Compensation for loss CO7 Lecture 1. Hadley and Another v Baxendale
/Case Study and Others (1854) 9 Ex. 341
2. Hobbs and Wife v The London and
South Western Railway Company
(1874-75) LR10 QB 111
3. Fortune Infrastructure v Trevor
D'Lima (2018) 5 SCC 442

1. Ghaziabad Development Authority

v Union of India (2000) 6 SCC 113
2. AKAS Jamal v Moolla Dawood,
Compensation for loss Lecture Sons & Co. (1916) 43 IA 6
36. CO7 /Case Study
1. Fateh Chand v Balkishan Dass
AIR 1963 SC 1405
2. Maya Devi v Lalta Prasad 2014 AIR
Compensation where SCW 1412
penalty stipulated for 3. M/s. Construction and Design
Lecture Services v. Delhi Development
37. CO7 /Case Study Authority AIR 2015 S C 1282
The Indian Contract Act, 1872 Ss.68- 69
Quasi Contracts
Lecture /
38. CO7 Illustrations
Quasi Contracts Lecture /
Illustrations The Indian Contract Act, 1872 Ss.70- 72
39. CO7
1. Mahabir Kishore and others v
State of M.P AIR 1990 SC 313
2. Km. Indu Mehta v State AIR 1987
Quasi Contracts All 309
40. CO7 /Case Study

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