59 Biodegradation of Leather
59 Biodegradation of Leather
59 Biodegradation of Leather
Biodegradation of Leather
Acid dye by Bacillus subtilis
Gurulakshmi. M, Sudarmani. D.N.P and Venba. R.
they were titrated against their Na2SO4for were similar to those studies on E. coli NO3 increased further from 7.0 (1.244 mg/l/h) to
their BOD values. The readings were noted. and Pseudomonas luteola [27]. 8.0 (1.129 mg/l/h). The rate of decolorization
for B. subtilis was optimum in the narrow pH
range from 7.0 (1.244 mg/l/h) to 8.0 (1.129
mg/l/h) with marked reduction in
decolorization activity at pH 5.0. Both E. coli
B-volume of Na2SO3 used for blank and Pseudomonas luteola exhibited best
T (v)-volume of Na2So3used for sample decolorization rate at pH 7 with constant
37oC with maximum activity attained at 37oC reported that the Direct red 81 decolorization decolorization did not vary significantly.
(1.296 mg/l/h). Further increase in rate was increased with increase in initial dye There was no proportionate increase in the
temperature resulted in maginal reduction in concentration upto 200 ppm (2.29 mg/l/h) by percentage of decolorization with increase in
decolorization activity of the bacterial culture using bacterial consortium NBNJ6. Bacillus the inoculum size of Kurthia sp. When
Bacillus subtilis (Table-3) so the bacterial subtilis could decolorize the dye at inoculated in textile effluent (34). [31] They
culture B.subtilis was more sensitive to concentrations much above those reported in
Table 4 - Decolorization rate at
Decline in decolorization activity at higher different initial dye concentration
temperature can be attributed to the loss of in medium.
cell viability or to the denaturation of the azo- S. No Concentration Decolorization
reductase enzyme (14). Maximum dye of Acid blue rate mg/l/h
113 (mg/l)
Table 3 - Decolorization rate at different 1 50 1.237
incubation temperatures 2 100 1.384
3 150 1.537
S. No Temperature Decolorization 4 200 1.746 Fig 8-Decolorization rate of Acid blue
rate mg/l/h 5 250 0.864 113 by Bacillus subtilis at different
6 300 0.725 inoculum size (v/v)
1 20ºC 0.648
2 30ºC 1.087 reported that the Direct Red 81 decolorization
3 37ºC 1.296 rate was increased with increase in the
4 40ºC 1.032 inoculum size, reaching maximum (2.53
5 50ºC 0.536 mg/l/h) at 20% (v/v) inoculum size.
mg/l) to be the most effective carbon-nitrogen Analysis of UV/VIS-spectra i.e., K2Cr2O7 consumed during oxidation of
source in decolorization of Everzol Red RBN organic matter (biodegradable and non-
The UV-VIS spectra corresponding to initial
by bacterial-consortium PDW. [31] They biodegradable) under acidic conditions.
(Fig 10) & final samples of decolorization
reported that starch and casein to be the most6 Chemical oxygen demand of degraded dye
experiments for Acid blue 113 are shown in
effective carbon-nitrogen source in solution gets considerably reduced after
Fig 11. The absorbance analysed from 400 to
decolorization of Direct Red 81 by bacterial degradation by Bacillus subtilis. COD of the
700nm. The initial dye solution showed high
consortium NBNJ6. solutions after degradation shows significant
peak at the wavelength of 533 nm. The
Decolorizing Bacteria decolorized dye showed disappearance of decrease from 13600 mg/l to 3200 mg/l.
peak, which indicates that the decolorization Similarly [37] They reported that the COD of
Decolorizing activity of bacteria was detected the synthetic effluent (5200 mg/l) and
is due to dye degradation.
by plate assay. Clearing zone was formed Reactofix Golden Yellow (4000 mg/l)
surrounding the bacterial culture which COD Determination decreased by 57% and 54% respectively after
grown on Nutrient agar plate containing Acid adsorption at pH 2, 40o C and 150 rev/min to
The Chemical oxygen demand was measured
blue 113 dye. The decolorization ability of 3.54 g mycelium of P.chrysosporium for
by calculating the amount of oxidizing agent
Bacillus subtilis was shown in Fig 9. 24 hrs.
BOD Determination
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