Histamine Elisa Kit Hu30203 en
Histamine Elisa Kit Hu30203 en
Histamine Elisa Kit Hu30203 en
IFUHU0030203 _v01_EN Eurofins Technologies Hungary Kft., Fóti út 56., 1047 Budapest, Hungary 1/4
09 NOV 2020 E-mail: technologies.hu@eurofins.com
Website: www.eurofins-technologies.com
- Precipitator (milk). 6. SAMPLES PREPARATION
- Balance (fish, sausage, cheese). 6.1 Fish meal
- Blender (fresh fish, sausage, cheese) 1) Weigh 1 g of homogenized sample and add 200 ml
- Disposable 2 ml polyropylene centrifuge tubes. of distilled water.
- Disposable 15 ml polypropylene tubes (fish sausage, 2) Stir for 15 minutes.
cheese, wine). 3) Transfer 1 ml of the suspension into a 2 ml tube.
- Disposable 100 ml polypropylene or glass tubes. 4) Centrifuge for 10 minutes at 2000xg at room
- Vortex (milk). temperature (RT = 18 - 25 oC).
- Microcentrifuge (fish, sausage, cheese, milk). 5) Dilute 20 μl of the supernatant with 20 ml of distilled
- Optional: Microplate shaker. water.
- 2-20 μl, micropipettes, tips optional for fish) 6) Use 100 μl of the extract for the acylation step.
- 20-200 μl, micropipettes, tips. ATTENTION: Do not use any glassware.
- 200-1000 μl, micropipettes, tips. 7) The dilution factor is 200000.
- 50-200 μl, multichannel micropipette, tips.
- Microplate reader, filter 450 nm. 6.2 Fresh fish, sausage, cheese
1) Homogenize the sample.
2) Weigh 10 g of homogenized sample and add 90 ml
3) Blend for 1-2 minutes.
- The test is for in vitro diagnostic use only. 4) Transfer 1 ml of the suspension into a 2 ml tube.
- Some reagents contain solutions that may be 5) Centrifuge for 10 minutes at 2000xg at room
identified as dangerous substance by the Regulation temperature (RT= 18 - 25 oC).
(EC) N° 1272/2008. Please refer to Material Safety 6) Remove lipid layer.
Data Sheet available on both the Eurofins 7) Dilute 20 μl of the supernatant with 10 ml of distilled
Technologies and Eurofins Tecna (tecna.eurofins- water.
technologies.com) web site. 8) Use 100 μl of the extract for the acylation step.
- Handle the reagents with caution, avoiding contact ATTENTION: Do not use any glassware.
with skin, eyes and mucous membranes. 9) The dilution factor is 5000.
An alternative sample preparation for fresh fish is
5. HANDLING AND STORAGE INSTRUCTIONS available upon request, limit of detection is 2 ppm.
For more information, please, contact the Technical
- Store the kit at +2/+8 °C and never freeze. Assistance at Support.ET.trieste@eurofins.com
- Bring all reagents to room temperature before
use (at least 1 hour). ATTENTION: Do not unseal 6.3 Milk
the microplate until it reaches the room temperature. 1) Dispense 10 l of sample into a 2 ml tube and add 50
- Reseal the unused strips of the microtiter plate in the μl of precipitator.
bag together with the desiccant bag provided. 2) Vortex mix.
- Return all reagents to +2/+8 °C immediately after use. 3) Incubate for 5 minutes.
- Do not use components after the expiration date. 4) Add 2 ml of 0,1 N hydrochloric acid (HCl).
- Do not intermix components from different kit lots. 5) Centrifuge for 5 minutes at 3000xg at room
- Do not use photocopies of the instruction booklet. temperature (RT= 18 - 25 oC).
Follow the original instruction booklet that is included 6) Remove the lipid layer.
with the kit. 7) Use 100 μl of the extract for the acylation step.
- Do not change the assay procedure, in particular: ATTENTION: Do not use any glassware.
- do not prolong the incubation times, 8) The dilution factor is 200.
- do not incubate the plate at temperatures higher
than 25°C
- Use accurate and precise micropipettes with suitable 6.4 Wine, champagne
tips for dispensing. 1) Dilute 20 μl of the supernatant with 10 ml of distilled
- Once started, complete all the steps without water.
interruption. 2) Use 100 μl of the extract for the acylation step.
- The reproducibility of ELISA results depends largely ATTENTION: Do not use any glassware.
upon the efficiency and uniformity of microwells 3) The dilution factor is 500.
washing; always keep to the described procedure.
- Use a single disposable tip for each standard solution 7. WORKING SOLUTIONS PREPARATION
and sample to avoid cross-contamination.
- Do not allow tips to contact the liquid already in the Histamine Standards: ready to use.
microwells. Histamine Control 1: ready to use.
- Avoid exposure to direct light during all incubations. It Histamine Control 2: ready to use.
is recommended to cover the microtiter plate without Anti-histamine antibody: ready to use.
using plate sealers. Enzyme conjugate: ready to use.
IFUHU0030203 _v01_EN Eurofins Technologies Hungary Kft., Fóti út 56., 1047 Budapest, Hungary 2/4
09 NOV 2020 E-mail: technologies.hu@eurofins.com
Website: www.eurofins-technologies.com
Acylation buffer: ready to use. - Shake the plate gently with rotatory motion for few
Acylation reagent: ready to use. ATTENTION: In seconds and cover it with the cover.
presence of crystals, bring the solution at room - Incubate for 20 minutes at room temperature.
temperature and stir in order to solve them completely ATTENTION: In case of use of a microplate shaker,
The solution must be completely liquid and clear before incubate 10 minutes at room temperature at approx.
use 600 rpm (with a shaking amplitude of 3 mm).
Washing buffer: dilute the concentrate 1:50 (1+49) with 6) Repeat step 4.
distilled water. ATTENTION: In presence of crystals, 7) Developing
bring the solution at room temperature and stir in order to - Using the multichannel micropipette, add 100 µl
solve them completely. of developing solution to each well.
Developing solution: ready to use. The solution is light - Mix thoroughly with rotatory motion for few
sensitive and must be stored away from direct light. seconds
Stop solution: ready to use. ATTENTION: Handle with - Incubate for 15 minutes at room temperature;
care; in case of contact flush immediately with plenty of protect the plate from direct light.
water. ATTENTION: In case of use of a microplate shaker,
incubate 15 minutes at room temperature at approx. 600
8. ASSAY PROCEDURE rpm (with a shaking amplitude of 3 mm).
8) Using a multichannel pipet, add 100µl, of stop
1) Predispose an assay layout, recording the solution to each well and mix thoroughly with rotatory
standards/controls and samples positions, taking motion for few seconds.
into account that all have to be run in duplicate. 9) Measure the absorbance at 450 nm.
2) Acylation 10) Read within 60 minutes.
ATTENTION: Cover the not-used wells with adhesive
tape. Do not reuse wells. 9. CALCULATION OF RESULTS
Add in the acylation plate:
- 100 μl of each standard/control/sample into the wells; - Calculate the mean absorbance of each control,
- 25 μl of Acylation Reagent into the wells, using a standard and sample.
multichannel pipette; - Divide the mean absorbance value of each standard
- 200 μl of Acylation Buffer into the wells, using a and sample by the mean absorbance of the standard
multichannel pipette. 0 and multiply by 100; the standard 0 is thus made
- Shake the plate gently with rotatory motion for a few equal to 100% and all the other absorbance values
seconds. are expressed as percentages:
- Incubate for 15 minutes at room temperature.
ATTENTION: In case of use of a microplate shaker, Standard (or sample) absorbance B
incubate 15 minutes at room temperature at approx. 600 × 100 = (%)
Standard 0 (B0 ) absorbance B0
rpm (with a shaking amplitude of 3 mm).
3) First incubation - Enter the B/ B0 values calculated for each standard in
Maintaining the same assay layout and using the
multichannel micropipette, add in the microtiter a semi-logarithmic system of coordinates and draw
plate coated with histamine: the standard curve.
- 25 μl of each acylated standard/control/sample - Interpolate the B/ B0 value of each sample to the
drawing from the acylation plate; corresponding concentration from the calibration
- 100 μl of anti-histamine antibody curve. For dilution applications multiply this
- Shake the plate gently with rotatory motion for a few concentration for the dilution factor, as reported in
seconds. chapter 6.
- Incubate for 40 minutes at room temperature.
ATTENTION: In case of use of a microplate shaker, Please note: For results calculation, Excel spreadsheets
incubate 30 minutes at room temperature at approx. 600 are available on Eurofins Tecna website tecna.eurofins-
rpm (with a shaking amplitude of 3 mm). technologies.com and can be downloaded directly from
4) Washing sequence: the bottom of the product page.
- Pour the liquid out from the wells.
- Fill completely all the wells with working wash
solution using a squeeze bottle. Pour the liquid out
from the wells.
- Repeat the washing sequence three (3) times.
- Remove the remaining droplets by tapping the
microplate upside down vigorously against
absorbent paper.
Do not allow the wells to dry out.
5) Second incubation
- Using a multichannel pipet, add to the wells 100 µl of
the enzyme conjugate solution.
IFUHU0030203 _v01_EN Eurofins Technologies Hungary Kft., Fóti út 56., 1047 Budapest, Hungary 3/4
09 NOV 2020 E-mail: technologies.hu@eurofins.com
Website: www.eurofins-technologies.com
Samples evaluated as positive using the kit have to be re-
90 tested with a confirmation method.
80 Eurofins Technologies Hungary shall not be liable for any
damages to the customer caused by the improper use of
70 the kit and for any action undertaken as a consequence
of results.
B/B0 %
Fish 95 - 133
Milk 95 - 146
Wine 87 - 107
IFUHU0030203 _v01_EN Eurofins Technologies Hungary Kft., Fóti út 56., 1047 Budapest, Hungary 4/4
09 NOV 2020 E-mail: technologies.hu@eurofins.com
Website: www.eurofins-technologies.com