Why Loob?
Why Loob?
Why Loob?
2. Hiya (Shame) The Tagalog word Hiya indicates shame, disgrace, 7. Bayanihan This trait involves cooperation and bonding with
embarrassment, sense of modesty and manners, and to lose face. people. According to Andres (1989), Bayanihan is the Filipino value
The word involves inadequacy, anxiety, feelings of timidity and that denotes camaraderie among the people in the community and
reservation (Andres 1989 & 1996; Jocano 1997). Carson-Arenas helping one another in time of need. A Filipino proverb that depicts
(2004) defines Hiya as a spreading sense of inferiority. The trait is this value is “kung sama-sama, kayang-kaya”(if we are together, we
characterized by the Filipinos low sense of value as an individual and can do it). Etymologically speaking, Bayanihan comes from the
independence, as well as deference to authority. Tagalog word “bayani” which means “hero”. Bayanihan, therefore,
represents spontaneous activeness to heroically help others, and
3. Utang Na Loob The third trait taken up as a Filipino trait was Bayanihan spirit indicates the bonding of team members feelings in
Utang na loob, which means inner debt of gratitude (Carson-Arenas order to achieve a particular goal.
2004). This is the tendency to feel grateful to a person who has
extended a kindness to them. The term indicates deep gratitude 12. Manana Filipinos have a strong tendency to procrastinate and
towards the person who has extended kindness, and the heartfelt put off doing their work orstudies. If there is something amusing,
wish to repay for the kindness. what they will do is put aside what they have to do, even if it is of
importance, and become absorbed in the amusing event that is in
4. Close Family Ties Filipinos are said to value and take good care of front of them. This is called the Manana habit. It is a matter of
their family. Although there are times when family ties are so strong course that many are tardy and absent from school or work.
that they lead to conflicts between other families, these conflicts
13. Fiesta Grande Filipinos love festivals. Fiesta celebrations are held
in honor of the patron saint of the town or relgion. Lavish festivals
and celebrations are a part of the Filipino culture. Even in times of
crisis or economic delay, when it is time for fiesta grande events
Filipinos will become engrossed in celebrating in grand style and the
gaiety of the festivals. Guests will be served extravagant feasts, and
special arrangements will be made. Historically, the custom of fiesta
grande has been inherited from the Spanish, who ruled the
Philippines during the colonial period.