Part 2 - Chapter 4
Part 2 - Chapter 4
Part 2 - Chapter 4
Private Law
n contrast to the field of public law, where the State is always in a superior po-
I sition in its relations with individuals, private law is concerned with relations
and conflicts among individuals as private persons. In the field of private law,
therefore, all persons (natural or legal) are considered equal entities.
Private law assumes that its subjects are equal before the law despite the
obvious inequalities in reality. In the field of private law, all persons are, as a
rule, considered as equal without regard to their being rich or poor, educated or
illiterate, male or female, native or foreign. The principle of “equality in acquir-
ing private rights” applies to all persons.
In the field of public law, public authorities may impose legal obligations
upon persons regardless of whether they agree or not. Legal obligations can thus
be unilaterally imposed by the public authorities.
In the field of private law, however, the basis of every legal obligation is,
in principle, a voluntary agreement between the parties. Legal obligations in this
field can usually be created by bilateral acts, such as the making of a contract.
This means that in the field of private law nobody is, as a rule, entitled to issue
orders which are binding on others, unless such proposals are accepted by all
parties from the beginning.
Even the State itself is not always in a superior position in its relations with
private persons when such relations fall within the scope of private law. It is gen-
erally agreed that governmental transactions of a commercial nature, such as the
sale or leasing of real property, are governed by private law, unless an act of ex-
106 part two: branches of taw
In the field of private law, it is not the fact of guilt or innocence that is at is-
sue, but the nature and degree of personal lia bility arising from a certain act. For ex-
ample, in a medical malpractice case, the first issue is whether the treating physician
failed to exercise the required level of care in relation to the patient. If the physician
is found at fault, he will be legally liable.t The next matter for private law is to as-
sess the level of compensation due to the injured party.
Private law may be divided into three main branches: civil law (medeni hukuk);
commercial law? (ticaret hukuku); and private international law (devletler ézel
hukuku). There are, however, other categories of law that fall within the area of
private law, such as the laws regarding copyright, patents, intellectual property,
information technology (computer) law and the protection of industrial rights.
A) Civil Law
Civil law? covers such a vast area of relations that to define its limits is not easy:
legal rules related to personality, marriage, family relations, property rights, suc-
cession and obligations are all parts of civil law.
Civil law is connected with the economic sphere of social life; with rela-
tions involving property and obligations on the one hand, and the legal status of
persons on the other.
3 The term civil law (medeni bukuk) is derived from the Roman law term of ius civile which
was the law
applicable to Roman citizens, i.e. to the people of the City of Rome (civitas).
In the Turkish word “medeni hukuk” the first word “medeni” is derived from the Arabic word
dine”, which was the equivalent of “city”. It should not be confused with “medeni” in the sense
A brief look at the systematic arrangement of the Civil Code, which is the
fundamental source’ of Turkish and Swiss civil law, gives an idea about the mat-
i rs and governs.
_ Fe first Civil Code of Turkey, along with the Code of Obligations, was
adopted from Switzerland in 1926. Although in later years a number of more or
less extensive changes were introduced, the main characteristics of the Swiss
Code were preserved. In 2002 an entirely new version of the Civil Code was en-
acted. However, this Code also clearly reflects the principles of the Swiss Code.
The Turkish Civil Code consists of a Preliminary Chapter and four Books:
—the role of good faith (bona fides) in legal relations (Articles 2 and 3)
— basic rules as to the burden of proof (Article 6) are among the principles
laid down in the preliminary chapter.
These may be called the foundations of private law. .
of civil law.
4 Alongside the Civil Code and the Code of Obligations, which are the primary sources of civil
much legislation has been cnacted to supplement and facilitate the application of the
provisions o
these codes: the Regulation on the Land Register (Tapu Sicili Nizamnamesi), the Civil Status
Act (Nifus Hizmetleri Kanunu), the Land Registration Act (Lapelama Kanumt), Laws relating to
Registration of Ilegitimate Children in the Civil Status Register (Evlilik Dig: Birlesmelerden
5 tne saa of the Turkish Code of Obligations; Article 5 of the Turkish Civil Code; Article 7 of
The new version of the Turkish Code of Obligations was adapted in Jan-
uary 2011. While reflecting the main principles of the former code the new ver-
sion introduced new concepts such as consumer protection, electronic signature
The Code of Obligations consists of two main parts. The first part lays
down the general principles, while the second part provides for special provi-
sions applicable to various types of contracts such as the sale of goods (satim),
gifts (bagis), loans (Gdiing), agency (vekdlet), rent (kira) etc..
a) Law of Persons
The law of personality concerns the legal existence of a person and is one of
the most important concepts of private law. Every person can be the subject of
rights under law, and everyone is entitled to the rights recognized by law under
modern legal systems without distinction of any kind regarding such factors as
race or social origin, In the words of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
“Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law” (Ar-
ticle 6). The formulation in the Turkish Civil Code reads as follows: “Every person
can be the subject of rights; within the limits imposed by law, they have an equal
capacity to possess rights and duties” (Article 8).
While persons can be the subject of rights under the Civil Code, animals
and things can only be objects over which rights are exercised.
Animals are not things. They are protected by special statutes. They are
governed by the provisions that apply to things, with the necessary modifica-
tions, except insofar as otherwise provided.®
Legal personality begins at birth and ends at death. However, even before
birth a human being is not without legal recognition. Between conception and
birth the child is deemed to have legal capacity, conditional on his being born
alive (Turkish Civil Code, Article 28/1).
Persons are the subjects of private law. The law confers rights and impos-
es certain duties on them. The law of persons provides the rules regulating the re-
6 The New Zealand Parliament went one step further by passing a bill under which a river has
been re-
cognized as a living entity with its own rights, The river (The Whanganui) was granted “the
right to Tep-
resent itself through human (real person) representatives”. lt is said that the river in question
“is abso-
lntely important to the people living on the river (the Maori community).There are two
of the river,one appointed by the Maori community, and the other by the Government.
The term “person” is not limited to human beings, though. It also refers
to legal persons (juristic persons; corporate bodies). These are entities created
by the function of law, and not biology. For example, a corporation, a founda-
tion, or a professional association are all legal or juristic persons and thus sub-
jects of private law entitled to enjoy legal rights, but also possessing duties as
well. A foundation is a special type of legal personality whereby a fund (prop-
erty) is set apart to be used for a specific purpose. Foundations enjoy rights
similar to other legal persons’ rights within the limits of their purpose. Legal
persons are thus among the matters regulated by the law of persons, providing
the rules for their formation, legal capacity, administration and the scope of
their activities.
It should be noted, however, that the legal capacity of legal persons differs
in certain respects from that of real persons (human beings). Although they can
acquire rights, own property, incur contractual liability, and sue (or be sued), it
is obvious that they cannot create family relations. Legal (juristic) persons are le-
gally capable of having rights and incurring obligations except for those rights
and obligations that are inseparably bound up with human nature, such as sex,
age or family relationship (Turkish Civil Code, Article 46, Swiss Civil Code, Ar-
ticle 53). On the other hand, such basic human rights as the right to physical se-
curity cannot be claimed by legal persons.’
While all persons are equal in terms of the rights they possess, in order to
have the capacity to act a person should be capable of making fair judgements.
For example, they should have reached the age of majority and be in control of
their mental faculties.
as arbitrary detention.
110 part two: branches of law
b) Family Law
“The Family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is
etitled to protection by society and the State”.8
Even after the person dies, the law continues to regulate his/her relation-
ships with the mortal, material world. If the deceased is lucky enough to have ac-
cumulated property, such as a home, real estate, cars, jewellery, an art collection,
etc., his/her death creates a problem, at least for societies recognizing individual
ownership of property. The law of succession is the body of rules applied to de-
termine who will inherit the property of the deceased and how the estate will be
divided if there is more than one heir.
The totality of the property belonging to a person is called their estate (ter-
eke). Under Turkish law, upon the death of a person, his/her entire estate passes
to the heirs (mirascilar). The only question is how this is effected - by operation
of law or by the testamentary will of the deceased?
The term inheritance cover both the property received from a family
member (usually an ancestor) under the laws of intestacy or by a will (testa-
ment). Therefore, the law recognizes two types of heirs: the statutory heir and
the appointed heir.
Statutory heirs and their respective inheritance rights are expressly provid-
ed for by the Civil Code, i.e. by statute. Accordingly, the heirs who are first in
line are deemed to be the descendants of the deceased person. If the deceased per-
son left no descendants, the Civil Code provides that the parents, as second-in-
line heirs, will inherit the estate. Furthermore, the Code recognizes full equality
between male and female statutory heirs. The inheritance rights of descendants
will devolve onto their own descendants if any of the former is no longer alive
when the inheritance takes cffect.
8 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 16/3; International Covenant on Civil and
Rights, Article 23/1.
9 “Aile Tiirl toplumunun temelidir”. Sce also Article 16(3), Universal Declaration of Human
Appointed heirs (legatecs) are those heirs expressly and specifically desig-
nated by the deceased in a will (testament). The Civil Code recognizes that all
persons having the requisite capacity, exercising sound judgment and who have
completed their fifteenth? year have testamentary capacity. The person can dis-
pose of his/her estate at death. by a will prepared during his/her lifetime. The tes-
tator can choose the heirs and the method of distribution of the estate. Unless the
dity of the testament is contested the last wills of testator are respected. .
In some jurisdictions, testamentary capacity is absolute. For example, in
the United States there are very few limitations on how much of the estate can be
distributed by a will, and how this can be done. For example, it is not uncom-
mon for people to leave their estate to a favourite pet.
d) Law of Property
Property rights constitute one of the central institutions of civil law. The
acquisition and loss of property rights, the content and the limits of rights over
movable and immovable (land, buildings) things, the registration and transfer of
property and mortgages (rehin, ipotek), etc., are among the various relations reg-
11 The law specifics certain cases (such as the intentionally murdering of the testator) as
grounds for de
privation of hereditory rights. rights
42 For details sce Article 1 of the Protocol no. 1 to the European Convention on Human
112 part two: branches of law
Following the example of Swiss Civil Code (Article 641) Article 683 of the
Turkish Civil Code regulates the nature of ownership as follows:
“The owner of property has the right, within the limits of the law, to enjoy
and dispose of it at will.
He/she has the right to demand it back from anyone who wrongfully possess-
es it through legal action (rei vindicatio) and to take measures to prevent any un-
lawful interference with the use and enjoyment of the property.”
e) Law of Obligations
In the field of law the term “obligation” refers to anything that a person
is legally bound to do or forbear from doing. This duty may be imposed by one
or another of various branches of law? Generally speaking there are two kinds
of obligations: :
13 Article 35 of the Constitution provides: “Everyone has the right to own and inherit property.
tights may be limited by law only in view of public interest.
The exercise of the right tv own property shall not be in contravention of the public interest.”
14 As indicated above in 1926, along with the Swiss Civil Code, Swiss Code of Obligations
was adopted
by Turkey. In January 2011, the Parliament (TBMM) passed the new version of the Turkish
Code of
Obligations to replace the Code of 1926. Although several innovations were introduced in the
Code of Obligations the essential features of the old Code have remained unchanged.
tation (edim) which is the action or service that forms the subject-matter of the ob-
ligation; and the performance of which the creditor may demand from the debtor.
In the field of Law of Obligations, obligations are divided into three cate-
gories according to their origin: .
The consent must be free of any defects such as “error”, “fraud”, “wilful
deception” or “threat (duress)”.45 A person acting under material error at the
conclusion of a contract is not bound by it. If a party has been induced to enter
into a contract by the willful deception of the other party, the contract shall not
bind the deceived party.
— Legal capacity;
In order to have a valid contract, each party to it must have the legal ca-
pacity to consent, and the consent given must be genuine. In other words, the
consent must not be obtained by error, fraud or duress (wilful deception).
Bisa reckless driver who drives off the road and into A’s garden, damaging the
gate. B will be liable to A for the damage caused because of his reckless (tortious)
act and will have to pay for the repair of the gate. The obligation to not drive
recklessly is imposed by law and not by any mutual agreement between A and B.
a) Introduction
The peculiarities of commercial life render some rules of civil law (includ-
While preserving the main features of the old one the new Code intro-
duced a number of entirely new concepts such as “single member partnership
with limited liability” and “single sharebolder joint stock company” and the
possibility of materializing board of directors and board of executives meetings
in electronic environment; i.¢., without members actually being present in the
same venue. The new Code also brought about new provisions regulating book
keeping requirements for the commercial enterprises. Another interesting feature
of the new Code relates to the field of auditing and accounting. The Turkish Ac-
counting Standards Board (TMSK, “Tiirkiye Mubasebe Standartlari Kurulu”) is
recognized as the sole authority which has the power to provide for the standard
The very existence of a Commercial Code alongside the Civil Code and
the Code of Obligations raises the importance threshold question of which of
these Codes will be applicable to a certain transaction or act ? Article 1 of the
Commercial Code provides that the Commercial Code is an integral part of the
Civil Code. Therefore, in the field of Commercial Law relevant provisions of the
‘Civil Code and Code of Obligations’? will be applicable as lex generalis, when
needed. However, commercial provisions include not only the articles of Com-
mercial Code but provisions of other laws such as Law on Cheques,” Law reg-
ulating the interest rates?’ and Law Preventing unfair competition.22 _
On the other hand, article 1 of the Commercial Code provides that in the
instances where there is no written Provision of “commercial” nature applicable to
the case at hand, the court should decide in accordance with commercial custom.
Therefore, general provisions (lex generalis) i.e. Civil Code and Code of Obliga-
tions will apply only when there is neither a commercial provision of law nor cus-
tomary rule applicable to the case. Thus,superiority of customary rules of commer-
cial practice over the written rules of lex seneralis is clearly acknowledged.
profits exceeding the limits of a small scale trader (shopkeeper; esnaj). The border-
line of sizes between “commercial enterprise” and “small scale trade” will be de-
fined by a governmental decree (art.11/2). a
Under Turkish law there are two types of merchants: individual (real per-
son) merchants and legal person merchants (business associations).
b) Commercial Partnerships .
The following paragraphs may give a brief picture of the types of partner-
ships provided for by the Turkish Commercial Code:
Personal liability means that not only will the assets (property) of the part-
nership be applied to pay off the debt, but the personal property of the partners,
including their personal assets (home, car, etc.) can also be used to pay the debt.
In this type of partnership there are two categories of partners (Articles 304
to 328 of the Turkish Commercial Code). The liability of one group of partners,
called the commanditaires (general partners, komanditer ortaklar), is absolute, i.e.
they are liable for all the debts and obligations of the firm. Only real persons can be
general partners. The second category is composed of the “partners en commandi-
té” (komandite ortaklar) who, at the time of the formation of the partnership, con-
tribute a certain amount of capital and are not liable for the obligations and debts
of the firm beyond that amount. This is a way to attract the partnership of some-
one who may not otherwise agree to assume the risk of a general partnership.
c) Negotiable Instruments
The issues concetning private international law are divided in to the fol-
lowing three categories.”
a) Conflict of Laws
The problem of determining which state’s law will apply to a legal dispute
involves two steps. First, the determination of which state’s court will have juris-
diction to decide the case; second, which state’s substantive law will be applied
to the legal problem before the court.
The jurisdictional issue, ie. the problem of “which court can hear the
case”, must logically be determined before identifying the substantive law to be
applied. For example, if a dispute arises from a breach of a contract made by two
Turkish nationals in Germany for the sale of real property located in Istanbul,
the first issue to be resolved is whether a German court or a Turkish court has
jurisdiction to hear the case.
The first court seised must make this determination by applying its own
national conflict of law rules.26 In the above example, if the German court is
Only the court having proper jurisdiction can then go onto the second
step and determine which country’s substantive law is to apply. Turkish law,
German law or some other law? This is called the “conflict of legislative author-
ity” problem.
In every country the authority and legal power of national courts are de-
termined by the national law of that country. In other words, no national law
may authorize another country’s courts to adjudicate or prevent them from hear-
ing a case.
a) Italian law (lex loci contractus: law of the place where the contract was
entered into);
b) Turkish law (lex fori: law of the place where the case is being heard);
c) Spanish law (lex loci solutionis: law of the place where the contract is
to be performed).
French man marry in Turkey, the bride’s capacity will be governed by German
law and the bridegroom’s capacity will be governed by French law.
The Turkish Code of Private International Law also provides that in case
of the inheritance by an alien (foreigner), the process will be governed by the na-
tional law of the deceased. However, immovable property located in Turkey is
always subject to Turkish law (Article 19).
b) Law of Nationality
The fundamental principles of Turkish citizenship law are set forth in Ar-
ticle 66 of the Constitution and the details are provided in the Law of Turkish
Citizenship (Law nr. 5901 dated 29 May 2009).28 The Constitution defines be-
ing “Turkish” as follows:
As for the problem of dual-nationality law and practice may vary radical-
ly from one country to other. Some States are categorically opposed to the con-
cept of dual-nationality. For example the Constitution of the Republic of Cuba
(2003) provides that “Dual citizenship is not recognized. Therefore, when a for-
eign citizenship is acquired, the Cuban one will be lost” (Article 32). According
to the Nationality Law of Japan (Law no. 147, amended Article 14): “A Japa-
nese national having a foreign nationality shall choose either of the nationalities
before he or she reaches twenty two years of age if be or she bas acquired both
nationalities on and before the day when he or she reaches twenty years of age
or within two years after the day when he or she acquired the second nationali-
ty if be or she acquired such nationality after the day when he or she reached
twenty years of age.” German Nationality Law has similar provisions.
However, legal systems of some other States have more or less permissive
regulations relating to the problem of dual-nationality. Generally speaking, the
Turkish practice has a permissive attitude towards dual-nationality.®°
The Constitution states that “no Turk shall be deprived of citizenship un-
less he commits an act incompatible with loyalty to the motherland. Recourse to
the courts against the decisions and proceedings related to deprivation of citizen-
ship shall not be denied” (Article 66).
c) Law of Aliens
Law of Aliens regulates the rights accorded by a state to persons not hav-
ing the nationality of that state. For example, in Turkey various legal rules regu-
late the ability of non-Turkish nationals to work, own property, make invest-
ments or engage in other activities. Traditionally, political rights have been de-
nied to aliens. —
It should be noted that there are limits to the restrictions imposed on non-
“Byeryone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law”
(Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 6).
124 part two: branches of law
On the other hand, article 16 of the of European Convention for the Pro-
tection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms clearly states that states
parties may impose restrictions on the political activities of aliens.
However, labour law, (or industrial relations law) perhaps is the best ex-
ample of the branches where public and private law elements are intermingled.
Labour Law (sometimes also called “Employment Law”) since the Industrial
Revolution?! in the 18 Century, has emerged and developed into a separate
branch of the law, embodying both public and private elements.
chapter four: private law 125,
Labour Law
The relationship between the employer and employee, in many Cases, is not only
4 matter of private law but, because of the Government’s involvement in the de-
termination of these relationships, also concerns public law. Composition of the
International Labour Organization” (ILO) governing body where representa-
tives of workers and employers participate alongside the government delegates
reflects this fact.
unions (of both workers and employers) are reg lated by the Trade Unions
Finally, there exist a special set of courts hearing cases relating labour con-
32 International Labour Organization which was established after the First World War and had
been con-
fined to a realm of relations between member states. Today it.has become a specialized
agency of the
United Nations where not only the member states but also workers and employers are
represented in