Prepared:-Jatin Isher: (Global Group of Institutes Amritsar)

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Prepared:- Jatin Isher

B.Pharm 3rd year

(Global Group of Institutes
Capsules are solid dosage forms in which one or more
medicinal and or inert substances are enclosed within a
small shell or container generally prepared from a
suitable form of gelatin.

- Capsules are usually intended to be administered

orally by swallowing them whole.

-Occasionally, capsules may be administered rectally or

Capsules were first patented for use in 1830 by Joseph Gerard
Auguste Dublanc and Francois Achille. The first patented capsules
were made from soft gelatin. In 1846 Jules Lehuby obtained a
patent for two-piece hard capsules, such as those that are in use
today. Since these capsules were made by hand, there was difficulty
obtaining precision to get the two parts to fit together well. In 1931,
Arthur Colton invented a machine to make both parts of hard
capsules, so they fit together properly. The machines that make
hard capsules today are based on Colton's invention.
➢ Neat and elegant in appearance.

➢ Tasteless shell to mask the unpleasant taste/odor of the drug.

➢ The contents may be removed from the gelatin shell and

employed as a pre measured medicinal powder, the capsule

shell being use to contain a dose of the medicinal substance.

Example: Theo -dur Sprinkle

➢ Commonly embossed or imprinted on their surface the

manufacturer’s name and product code readily identified.

➢ The ready solubility of gelatin at gastric pH provides rapid

release of medication in the stomach.

➢ Packaged and shipped by manufacturers at lower cost less

breakage than liquid forms.

➢ More stable and longer shelf life.


➢ Capsules are not suitable for liquids that dissolve gelatin, such as

aqueous or hydro alcoholic solutions.

➢The concentrated solutions which require previous dilution are

unsuitable for capsules because if administered as such lead to

irritation into stomach.

➢Not useful for efflorescent or deliquescent materials. Efflorescent

cause capsules to soften & Deliquescent may dry the capsule shell to

Constituents of Capsule Shell:
Constituents Examples Function
Gelatin Type A, Type B
Plasticizers Glycerine USP, Imparts softness,
glycerol (85% & 98%) Elasticity & hardness
Preservatives Methyl paraben, Retard growth of
Sorbic acid (0.2%) microorganisms
Solvents Oils Elegance
Opacifying agents Tio2(0.2-1.2%) Minimize transparency
Colours Veg. colours,FD&C Gives pleasant appearance to
D&C water soluble dyes, the shells.
certified lakes
Flavours Ethyl vanillin(0.1-2%) Good flavour
Sugars Sucrose( up to 5%) Sweet taste
Acids Fumaric acid(up to 1%) Lessen aldehydic tanning of
Thickening agents Methyl cellulose Adjust viscosity of gelatin
Gelatin is heterogeneous product derived by
hydrolytic extraction of animal's collagen. The sources
of gelatins including animal bones, hide portions and
frozen pork skin.

Type A

Type B
TYPE A - Derived from acid treated precursor that

exhibits an iso electric point at pH-9. It is

manufactured mainly from pork skin.

TYPE B - Derived from alkali treated precursor that

exhibits an iso electric point at pH-4.7. It is

manufactured mainly from animal bones.

Preparation of Gelatin:
Properties of Gelatin:
Bloom or gel strength: a measure of the cohesive strength of cross-
linking that occurs between gelatin molecules& is proportional to the
mw of the gelatin Higher the bloom strength, more physically stable
the capsule shell. Bloom range:150-250 g.

Viscosity of gelatin : It is a measure of the chain length &

manufacturing characteristics of gelatin film. The required viscosity
of gelatin lies in between 25-45mp.

Iron content: It is present in raw gelatin as well as water used in

mfg. excess qty. of iron can effect FD &C & react with organic
compounds. Hence, iron is used in the conc of not more than 15ppm.
Steps involved in making empty gelatin capsules…

• Dipping

• Spinning

• Drying

• Stripping

• Trimming

• Joining

• Polishing
• Once raw materials have been received and released by Quality

Control, the gelatin and hot demineralized water are mixed under

vacuum in Stainless Steel Gelatin Melting System.

• From receiving tanks, the gelatin solution is transferred to stainless

steel feed tanks.

• Dyes, opacifants, and any needed water are added to the gelatin in the

feed tanks to complete the gelatin preparation procedure.

• From the feed tank, the gelatin is gravity fed to Dipper section.
Dipping : Pairs of the stainless steel pins are dipped into the
dipping solution to simultaneously form the caps and bodies for
12sec. The dipping solution is maintained at a temperature of
about 50º C in a heated, jacketed dipping pan & pins are at 22ºc.

Spinning : The pins are rotated to distribute the gelatin over the
pins uniformly and to avoid the formation of a bead at the capsule
ends it is rotated 2½ times by moving upward.

Drying : The gelatin is dried by a blast of cool air to form a hard

shells. The pins are moved through a series of air drying kilns,
Here gently moving air which is precisely controlled for volume,
temperature, and humidity, removes the exact amount of moisture
from the capsule halves.
Stripping : A series of bronze jaws strip the cap and body
portions of the capsules from the pins.
Trimming and joining: The stripped cap and body portions are
trimmed to the required length by stationary knives. The cap
and body lengths are precisely trimmed to a ±0.15 mm
After trimming to the right length, the cap and body portion
are joined.
• Finished capsules are pushed onto a conveyer belt which
carries them out to a container.
• Capsule quality is monitored throughout the production
process including size, moisture content, single wall thickness,
and color.
• Capsules are sorted and visually inspected on specially
designed Inspection Stations.
• Perfect capsules are imprinted with the client logo on high-
Capsule size:
For human use, empty capsules ranging in size from
000 the largest to 5 the smallest.
Generally, hard gelatin capsule are used to encapsulate
between 65 mg to 1 gram.
Capsule size Volume Height Diameter
(ml) (cm) (cm)
000 1.37 2.61 0.99
00 0.95 2.33 0.85
0 0.68 2.17 0.76
1 0.50 1.94 0.69
2 0.37 1.80 0.63
3 0.30 1.59 0.58
4 0.21 1.43 0.53
5 0.13 1.11 0.49
Types of Capsules

Hard Gelatin Capsules
These are used for administration of solid
medicaments. The capsule shell is prepared from
gelatin. It consists of two parts i.e. body and cap. The
powdered material is filled into the cylindrical body of
the capsules and then the cap is placed over it.
Principles of capsule Filling:
Auger Fill principle:
empty capsules – rectifying unit
Rectifier descends the capsules such that caps are turned up and
bodies down. From rectifying unit these are placed one by one in
filling ring kept on rotating mode. The lower ring is rotated with a
suitable speed and the hopper containing powdered drug is held
over this ring. The auger drives the drug into bodies.
Vibratory Fill Principle:
The feed is placed in the feed hopper and the capsule bodies are
passed under it. A perforated resin plate is placed in the feed
hopper. Due the vibrations of the resin plate, the powder flows
freely through the pores into bodies.
- Osaka machines follows this principle.
Piston – Tamp principle:
These piston tamps alter the shape of powder by compressing the
powder to form slugs. These plugs are transferred into the empty
capsule bodies with the application of slight pressure. Finally the
bodies are ejected from the machine. Compression force 50-200N

a)Dosator machine b) Dosing Disc

Vacuum Fill principle:

It consists of an open ended cylinder. The upper end of this is fitted
with a piston. The open end is placed in bulk powder. Vacuum is
applied & the piston is moved upward by sucking the predetermined
amount of powder which results in filling of the cylinder.
• Punch Method or Manual Filling.
• Hand Filling or Semi Automatic Capsules Devices.
• Automatic filling machine.
Various Filling Machine Available…
• Eli-lily
• Farmatic
• Hofliger and Karg
• Zanasi Nigris
• Parke-Davis
• Osaka
• Macofar SAS
These machine differ in there design and output
Punch Method:

- Powder is placed on a sheet of a clean paper or porcelain plate using

spatula which is formed into a cake having a depth of approximately one-

fourth to one-third the length of the capsule body.

- Then empty capsule body is held between the thumb and forefinger and

punched vertically into the powder cake repeatedly until filled.

Hand filling machine or semi automatic machine:
Locking and Sealing of Capsules :
Banding – Placing gelatin color bands at the meeting point of
caps and the bodies.
Moistening – Moistening the inner surface of caps with
lukewarm gelatin solution.
Spot Welding – Spot welding the joints which leaves a ring like
appearance at the point of sealing
Thermal welding – Applying wetting sol. At the meeting points
which causes lowering of M.P at applied area. Finally they are
sealed at a temp. 40-45ºc.
By using Coni-snap capsules – Grooves help to lock the caps
with the bodies.
Finishing of Capsules:

✓ Cloth dusting: Capsule are rubbed with cloth.

✓ Polishing
Pan Polishing : Acela-cota pan is used to dust and
polish which is lined with cheese or a polyurethane cloth.

✓ Brushing : Capsule are feed under soft rotating brush


Rotosort – 1,50,000 capsules/hr.

Soft Gelatin Capsules
Soft Gelatin capsules are one piece, hermetically
sealed, soft gelatin shells containing a liquid, a
suspension, or a semisolid.
Vehicles used in soft gelatin capsules:
➢ Water immiscible, volatile or more likely volatile liquids such as
vegetable oils, mineral oils, medium-chain triglycerides and
acetylated glycerides.

➢ Water miscible, nonvolatile liquids such as low molecular weight

PEG (400,600) have come into use more recently because of their
ability to mix with water readily and accelerate dissolution of
dissolved or suspended drugs.

➢ All liquids used for filling must flow by gravity at a temperature

of 35°C or less & sealing temp. of gelatin films is 37-40 ° C.

➢ Plate process

➢ Rotary die process

➢ Accogel machine

➢ Bubble Method
Plate process:
• Place the gelatin sheet over a die plate containing
numerous die pockets.

• Application of vacuum to draw the sheet in to the die


• Fill the pockets with liquid or paste.

• Place another gelatin sheet over the filled pockets, and
Sandwich under a die press where the capsules are
formed and cut out.
Rotary die press:
➢ In this process, the die cavities are machined into the outer surface of the
two rollers.

➢ Gelatin is properly weighed & dispensed in melting tank under vacuum

of 93ºc.

➢ Two plasticized gelatin ribbons are continuously and simultaneously fed

with the liquid or paste fill between the rollers of the rotary die

➢ As the die rolls rotate, the convergence of the matching die pockets seals
and cuts out the filled capsules.
Accogel Capsule Machine:
It consists of mainly 3 parts:
• Measuring roll
• Die roll
• Sealing roll
➢As the measuring roll and die rolls rotate, the measured doses
are transferred to the gelatin-linked pockets of the die roll.
➢The continued rotation of the filled die converges with the
rotating sealing roll where a second gelatin sheet is applied to
form the other half of the capsule.

➢ Pressure developed between the die roll and sealing roll seals
and cuts out the capsules.
Bubble method:
• The Globex Mark II capsulator produces truly seal less, one-
piece soft gelatin capsules by a “bubble method”.

• A concentric tube dispenser simultaneously discharges the

molten gelatin from the outer annulus and the liquid content
from the tube.

• By means of a pulsating pump mechanism, the liquids are

discharged from the concentric tube orifice into a chilled-oil
column as droplets that consists of a liquid medicament core
within a molten gelatin envelop.

(1) Content uniformity

(2) Disintegration test .

(3)Weight variation test

(4)Dissolution test.

(5)Moisture permeation test:

Content uniformity:

The amount of active ingredient should be within the

range of 85% to 115% of the label amount for 9 of 10

capsules, with no unit outside the range of 70% to

125% of label amount.

Disintegration test for capsules:

➢Place 1 capsule in each of the 6tubes of the basket &

suspend the assembly in water at 37℃ ± 2ºC,which is

repeatedly immersed 30 times per minute.

➢The capsules pass the test if no residue of drug or

other than fragments of shell remains on No. 10 mesh

screen of the tubes.

Weight variation test: 20 capsules are taken at random and
weighed. Their average weight is calculated, then each capsule is
weighed individually and their weight is noted. The capsule passes
the test if the weight of individual capsule falls with in 90-110% of
the average weight.

Moisture permeation test:

Acc. to U.S.P the unit dose container is packed along with
dehydrated pellets, which have the property of changing color in the
presence of moisture. The weight of test capsule is compared with
the under test capsules. Diff. in weights gives the amount of
moisture absorbed.
Dissolution test for capsules:

➢Place 1000ml of water having a temp. of 36.5º to 37.5º into the

vessel. Place specified number of capsules in basket 7 adjust the
speed to 100 rpm.

➢Withdraw req. volume for every 10min time interval. Filter and
determine the amount of active ingredient.

➢The sample passes the test if the amount of active ingredients in the
solution is not less than 70% of the stated amount.
Capsules should be packed well closed glass & plastic container &
stored at temp. not exceeding 30ºc. Capsules are individually
protected by enclosing in strip & blister packaging.

➢In strip packing the capsule is hermetically sealed within the strips
of an aluminum or plastic film.

➢In blister packs, a press on the blister forces the capsule through the
backing strip.

Capsules have a larger shelf life in unopened glass bottles than in strip
pack & but this is reversed.

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