Cases. 2. Patent A-E. IP Law
Cases. 2. Patent A-E. IP Law
Cases. 2. Patent A-E. IP Law
Petitioner raises the question of whether Republic Act Second, even if a document is relevant and pertinent to
No. 165 allows the Court of Appeals to grant a motion for the petition, it need not be appended if it is shown that
intervention. This necessarily requires a determination of the contents thereof can also [sic] found in another
whether Rule 19 of the Rules of Court72 applies in document already attached to the petition. Thus, if the
appeals of cases filed under Republic Act No. 165. The material allegations in a position paper are summarized
determination of this question does not require a review in a questioned judgment, it will suffice that only a
of re-evaluation of the evidence. It requires a certified true copy of the judgment is attached.
determination of the applicable law.
Third, a petition lacking an essential pleading or part of
II the case record may still be given due course or
reinstated (if earlier dismissed) upon showing that
If a petition fails to attach material portions of the record, petitioner later submitted the documents required, or that
it may still be given due course if it falls under certain it will serve the higher interest of justice that the case be
exceptions. Although Rule 45, Section 4 of the Rules of decided on the merits.79chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
Court requires that the petition "be accompanied by . . . Although Magsino referred to a petition for review under
such material portions of the record as would support the Rule 42 before the Court of Appeals, the procedural
petition," the failure to do so will not necessarily warrant guideposts cited in Magsino may apply to this case since
the outright dismissal of the complaint.73chanrobleslaw the contents of a pleading under Rule 4280 are
substantially the same as the contents of a pleading
Respondent Therapharma, Inc. argues that the Petition under Rule 45,81 in that both procedural rules require the
should have been outright dismissed since it failed to submission of "material portions of the record as would
attach certain documents to support its factual support the allegations of the petition."82chanrobleslaw
allegations and legal arguments, particularly: the
annexes of the Petition for Review it had filed before the In support of its Petition for Review on Certiorari,
Court of Appeals and the annexes in the Motion for petitioner attached the Court of Appeals Decision dated
Leave to Intervene it had filed.74 It argues that petitioner's August 31, 2004,83 the Resolution dated January 31,
failure to attach the documents violates Rule 45, Section 2006,84 and the Amended Decision dated August 30,
4, which requires the submission of material portions of 2006.85 The Court of Appeals Resolution and Amended
the record.75chanrobleslaw Decision quoted extensive portions of its rollo in support
of its rulings.86 These conclusions were sufficient to
On the other hand, petitioner argues that it was able to convince this Court not to outright dismiss the Petition
attach the Court of Appeals Decision dated August 31, but to require respondents to first comment on the
2004, the Resolution dated January 31, 2006, and the Petition, in satisfaction of the first and second procedural
Amended Decision dated August 30, 2006, all of which guideposts in Magsino.
were sufficient for this Court to give due course to its
Petition.76chanrobleslaw Upon filing of its Consolidated Reply,87 petitioner was
able to attach the following additional documents:
In Magsino v. De Ocampo,77 this Court applied the
procedural guideposts in Galvez v. Court of Appeals78 in chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
determining whether the Court of Appeals correctly
dismissed a petition for review under Rule 42 for failure (1) Petition for Review filed before the Court of
Appeals;88 petitioner's invention.106 It further argues that its
intervention did not violate the confidentiality of the
(2) Letters dated July 18, 1995, December 12, patent application proceedings since petitioner was not
1995, and December 29, 1995;89 required to divulge confidential information regarding its
patent application.107chanrobleslaw
(3) Declaration of Ms. Miriam Meconnahey dated
June 25, 2002;90 In the 1962 Revised Rules of Practice, final decisions of
(4) Spreadsheet of petitioner's patent applications the Director of Patents are appealed to this Court and
handled by Atty. Mapili;91 governed by Republic Act No. 165. In
(5) Power of Attorney and Appointment of Resident PART X
Agent dated September 26, 1996;92 PETITION AND APPEALS
(6) Letter dated December 19, 2000 requesting an . . . .
Office Action on Patent Application No. 35526;93
(7) Paper No. 2 dated January 30, 2002;94 CHAPTER IV
(8) Petition for Revival dated January 30, 2002 with ORDERS OR DECISIONS OF THE DIRECTOR OF
attached Power of Attorney and Appointment of PATENTS IN EX PARTE AND INTER PARTES
Resident Agent;95 PROCEEDINGS
(9) Resolution dated July 24, 2002 by Director of
265. Appeals to the Supreme Court in ex parte and inter
the Bureau of Patents;96 and
partes proceedings.—Any person who is dissatisfied with
(10) Notice of and Memorandum on Appeal before the final decision of the Director of Patents, (affirming
the Director-General of the Intellectual Property that of a Principal Examiner) denying him a patent for an
Office.97 invention, industrial design or utility model; any person
who is dissatisfied with any final decision of the Director
of Patents (affirming that of the Executive Examiner) in
The third procedural guidepost in Magsino was complied
any proceeding; and any party who is dissatisfied with
with upon the submission of these documents.
any final decision of the Director of Patents in an inter
Petitioner, therefore, has substantially complied with
partes proceeding, may appeal such final decision to the
Rule 45, Section 4 of the Rules of Court.
Supreme Court within thirty days from the date he
receives a copy of such decision. (Republic Act No. 165,
III section 16, as amended by section 3, Republic Act No.
Appeal is not a right but a mere privilege granted by
statute.98 It may only be exercised in accordance with the 266. Procedure on appeal to the Supreme Court.—For
law that grants it. the procedure on appeal to the Supreme Court, from the
final decisions of the Director of Patents, see sections 63
Accordingly, the Court of Appeals is not bound by the to 73, inclusive, of Republic Act No. 165 (patent law).
rules of procedure in administrative agencies. The
procedural rules of an administrative agency only govern Particularly instructive is Section 73 of Republic Act No.
proceedings within the agency. Once the Court of 165, which provides:ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
Appeals has given due course to an appeal from a ruling Section 73. Rules of Court applicable. — In all other
of an administrative agency, the proceedings before it matters not herein provided, the applicable provisions of
are governed by the Rules of Court. the Rules of Court shall govern.
Republic Act No. 165 has since been amended by
However, petitioner argues that intervention should not Republic Act No. 8293, otherwise known as the
have been allowed on appeal99 since the revival of a Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines (Intellectual
patent application is ex parte and is "strictly a contest Property Code), in 1997. This is the applicable law with
between the examiner and the applicant"100 under regard to the revival of petitioner's patent application.
Sections 78101 and 79102 of the 1962 Revised Rules of Section 7(7.1)(a) of the Intellectual Property Code
Practice.103 It argues that the disallowance of any states:ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
intervention is to ensure the confidentiality of the SECTION 7. The Director General and Deputies Director
proceedings under Sections 13 and 14 of the 1962 General. —
Revised Rules of Practice.104chanrobleslaw
7.1. Functions. — The Director General shall exercise
Respondents argue that the 1962 Revised Rules of the following powers and functions:
Practice is only applicable before the Intellectual
Property Office.105 In particular, respondent chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary. . . .
Therapharma, Inc. argues that the issue before the Court
of Appeals was beyond the realm of patent examination b. Exercise exclusive appellate jurisdiction over all
proceedings since it did not involve the patentability of
decisions rendered by the Director of Legal Affairs, the
Director of Patents, the Director of Trademarks, and the Respondent Therapharma, Inc. was able to show that it
Director of the Documentation, Information and had legal interest to intervene in the appeal of
Technology Transfer Bureau. The decisions of the petitioner's revival of its patent application. While its
Director General in the exercise of his appellate intervention may have been premature as no patent has
jurisdiction in respect of the decisions of the Director of been granted yet, petitioner's own actions gave rise to
Patents, and the Director of Trademarks shall be respondent Therapharma, Inc.'s right to protect its
appealable to the Court of Appeals in accordance with losartan product.
the Rules of Court; and those in respect of the decisions
of the Director of Documentation, Information and Respondent Therapharma, Inc. filed an application for
Technology Transfer Bureau shall be appealable to the product registration before the Bureau of Food and
Secretary of Trade and Industry[.] (Emphasis supplied) Drugs on June 4, 2003 and was granted a Certificate of
Product Registration on January 27, 2004.111 It
Thus, it is the Rules of Court, not the 1962 Revised
conducted patent searches from October 15, 1995 and
Rules of Practice, which governs the Court of Appeals'
found that no patent application for losartan had been
proceedings in appeals from the decisions of the
filed either before the Bureau of Patents, Trademarks,
Director-General of the Intellectual Property Office
and Technology Transfer or before the Intellectual
regarding the revival of patent applications.
Property Office.112chanrobleslaw
Rule 19 of the Rules of Court provides that a court has
As early as December 11, 2003, petitioner through
the discretion to determine whether to give due course to
Merck was already sending communications threatening
an intervention. Rule 19, Section 1
legal action if respondent Therapharma, Inc. continued
to develop and market losartan in the Philippines. The
letter stated:ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
Merck is strongly committed to the protection of its
valuable intellectual property rights, including the subject
SECTION 1. Who may intervene. — A person who has a
losartan patents. While fair competition by sale of
legal interest in the matter in litigation, or in the success
pharmaceutical products which are domestically
of either of the parties, or an interest against both, or is
produced legally is always welcomed by Merck and MSD
so situated as to be adversely affected by a distribution
Philippines, Merck will vigorously pursue all available
or other disposition of property in the custody of the court
legal remedies against any unauthorized manufacturer,
or of an officer thereof may, with leave of court, be
distributor or supplier of losartan in countries where its
allowed to intervene in the action. The court shall
patents are in force and where such activity is prohibited
consider whether or not the intervention will unduly delay
by law. Thus, Merck is committed to preventing the
or prejudice the adjudication of the rights of the original
distribution of losartan in the Philippines if it originates
parties, and whether or not the intervenor's rights may
from, or travels through, a country in which Merck holds
be fully protected in a separate proceeding.
patent rights.113 (Emphasis supplied)
The only questions the court need to consider in a
This letter was presented before the Court of Appeals,
motion to intervene are whether the intervenor has
which eventually granted the revival of the patent
standing to intervene, whether the motion will unduly
application in its August 31, 2004 Decision. Petitioner
delay the proceedings or prejudice rights already
had no pending patent application for its losartan product
established, and whether the intervenor's rights may be
when it threatened respondent Therapharma, Inc. with
protected in a separate action.108chanrobleslaw
legal action.114chanrobleslaw
If an administrative agency's procedural rules expressly
Respondent Therapharma, Inc. expressed its willingness
prohibit an intervention by third parties, the prohibition is
to enter into a Non-Use and Confidentiality Contract if
limited only to the proceedings before the administrative
there was a pending patent application.115 After several
agency. Once the matter is brought before the Court of
negotiations on the clauses of the contract,116 the parties
Appeals in a petition for review, any prior prohibition on
were unable to come to an agreement. In its letter dated
intervention does not apply since the only question to be
May 24, 2004,117 respondent Therapharma, Inc.
determined is whether the intervenor has established a
expressed its frustration on petitioner's refusal to give a
right to intervene under the Rules of Court.
clear answer on whether it had a pending patent
In this case, respondent Therapharma, Inc. filed its
For easy reference, we have reproduced below
Motion for Leave to Intervene109 before the Court of
paragraph 5 of the Confidentiality and Non-Use
Appeals, not before the Intellectual Property Office. In
Agreement ("Confidentiality Agreement"), underscoring
assessing whether to grant the intervention, the Court of
your proposed amendment:ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
Appeals considered respondent Therapharma, Inc.'s
"THERAPHARMA agrees that upon receipt of
legal interest in the case and its other options for the
Specifications and Claims of Application No. 35526 or at
protection of its interests.110 This was within the
any time thereafter, before it becomes part of the public
discretion of the Court of Appeals under the Rules of
domain, through no fault of THERAPHARMA, it will not,
either directly or indirectly, alone, or through, on behalf
of, or in conjunction with any other person or entity, Director of Patents for the proper conduct of business
make use of any information contained therein, before the Office.
particularly the product covered by its claims and the The Intellectual Property Code, however, changed
equivalents thereof, in any manner whatsoever." numerous aspects of the old patent law. The Intellectual
We find your proposed insertion odd. What may be Property Code was enacted not only to amend certain
confidential, and which we agree you have every right to provisions of existing laws on trademark, patent, and
protect by way of the Confidentiality Agreement, are the copyright, but also to honor the country's commitments
Specifications and Claims in the patent application, not under the World Trade Organization - Agreement on
the product per se. The product has been in the market Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
for years. Hence, how can it be confidential? Or is the (TRIPS Agreement), a treaty that entered force in the
ambiguity intended to create a legal handle because you Philippines on January 1, 1995.122chanrobleslaw
have no cause of action against us should we launch our
own version of the losartan product? The mandatory disclosure requirement in the TRIPS
Agreement123 precipitated the shift from a first-to-invent
. . . . system to a first-to-file system. The first-to-file system
required citizens of foreign countries to register their
Finally, the questions we posed in our previous letters patents in the Philippines before they can sue for
are plain and simple — Is the Philippine Patent infringement.124chanrobleslaw
Application No. 35526 still pending before the IPO, i.e., it
has neither been withdrawn by your licensor nor denied Lawmakers, however, expressed their concern over the
registration by the IPO for any reason whatsoever? extension of the period of protection for registered
When did your licensor file said application with the patents.125 Under Section 21126 of Republic Act No. 165,
IPO? These questions are easy to answer, unless there a patent had a term of 17 years. The Intellectual
is an intention to mislead. You are also aware that the Property Code extended the period to 20
IPO is the only government agency that can grant letters years.127chanrobleslaw
patent. This is why we find disturbing your statement that
the pendency of the patent application before the IPO is During the interpellations before the House of
"not relevant". Hence, unless we receive unequivocal Representatives, then Representative Neptali Gonzales
answers to the questions above, we regret that we II (Gonzales) explained that under the Intellectual
cannot agree to execute the Confidentiality Agreement; Property Code, the period of protection would have been
otherwise, we may be acknowledging by contract a right shortened because of the publication
that you do not have, and never will have, by requirement:ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
law.118 (Emphasis and underscoring in the original) MR. TAÑADA. Under the proposed measure, Your
Honor, what is the period of protection that is given to
The threat of legal action against respondent
the holder of the patent registered?
Therapharma, Inc. was real and imminent. If respondent
Therapharma, Inc. waited until petitioner was granted a
MR. GONZALES. Seventeen years from grant of patent,
patent application so it could file a petition for
Mr. Speaker. Unlike before . . .
compulsory licensing and petition for cancellation of
patent under Section 240119 and Section 247120 of the
MR. TAÑADA. Under the present law, Mr. Speaker.
1962 Revised Rules of Practice,121 its continued
marketing of Lifezar would be considered as an
MR. GONZALES. I mean 17 years from filing, Mr.
infringement of petitioner's patent.
Speaker, unlike before which is 20 years from grant.
Even assuming that the Intellectual Property Office
granted the revival of Philippine Patent Application No.
I am sorry, Mr. Speaker. Seventeen years from filing
35526 back in 2000, petitioner's claim of absolute
under the existing law, 20 years from grant under the
confidentiality in patent proceedings is inaccurate.
proposed measure. It would appear, Mr. Speaker, that
the proposed measure seeks to extend the grant of the
In the 1962 Revised Rules of Practice, the Bureau of
Patents, Trademarks, and Technology Transfer
previously required secrecy in pending patent
MR. TAÑADA. But you have made the period of
applications. Section 13
protection longer, Mr. Speaker.
13. Pending applications are preserved in secrecy. —
MR. GONZALES. On the contrary, Mr. Speaker, when a
No information will be given to anyone respecting the
similar question was previously propounded before,
filing by any particular person of any application for a
actually Mr. Speaker, it may decrease in fact the period
patent, the pendency of any particular case before the
of protection, Mr. Speaker. Because unlike before 17
Office, or the subject matter of any particular application,
years from grant, Mr. Speaker, now 20 years from
unless the same is authorized by the applicant in writing,
application or from filing but actually, Mr. Speaker, it
and unless it shall be necessary, in the opinion of the
normally takes three to four years before a patent is
actually granted even under the proposed measure.
Because as you can see[,] publication in the BPTTT would require the filing of a description of the invention
Gazette would even taken place after 18 months from that can be carried out by a person similarly trained in
filing. In other words, the procedure itself is such a the arts and sciences as that of the patent
manner that normally takes a period of about three years holder.129chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
to finally grant the patent. So even if 20 years is given Thus, the absolute secrecy required by the 1962
from the time of filing actually in essence it will be the Revised Rules of Practice would not be applicable to a
same, Mr. Speaker, because under the existing law 17 patent application before the Intellectual Property Office.
years from grant. But even under our existing law from Section 13 of the 1962 Revised Rules of Practice does
the time that a patent application is filed it also takes not appear in the Intellectual Property Code,130 in the
about three to four years, Mr. Speaker, to grant the Rules and Regulations on Inventions,131 or in the
same. Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations for
Patents, Utility Models and Industrial Design.132 The
Now, why from filing, Mr. Speaker? Because the patent Intellectual Property Code now states that all patent
holder applicant is now required to publish in a manner applications must be published in the Intellectual
easily understood by a person trained or with the same Property Office Gazette and that any interested
skill as that of a patent holder. And from that time this is party may inspect all documents submitted to the
published, this process covered by the patent is already Intellectual Property Office. The patent application is only
made available. In fact, from the time that it is published, confidential before its publication. Sections 44 and 45 of
any interested person may even examine and go over the Intellectual Property Code
the records as filed with the BPTTT and, therefore, this provide:ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
new technology or new invention is now made available SECTION 44. Publication of Patent Application. —
to persons equipped or possessed with the same skills
as that of the patent holder. And that is the reason why 44.1. The patent application shall be published in the
the patent is — the time of the patent is now tacked from IPO Gazette together with a search document
the time it is filed because as a compromise it is now established by or on behalf of the Office citing any
mandatory to publish the said patent together with its documents that reflect prior art, after the expiration of
description - the description of the process and even eighteen (18) months from the filing date or priority date.
would, at times demand the deposit of sample of the
industrial design, Mr. 44.2. After publication of a patent application, any
Speaker.128chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary interested party may inspect the application documents
Gonzales further clarified that the publication filed with the Office.
requirements of the Intellectual Property Code would
necessarily shorten the period for confidentiality of 44.3. The Director General, subject to the approval of the
patent applications:ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary Secretary of Trade and Industry, may prohibit or restrict
MR. MONFORT. Now, another question is, (another is) the publication of an application, if in his opinion, to do
you know, the time from the filing of the date up to so would be prejudicial to the national security and
publication which is the period of pendency or interests of the Republic of the Philippines. (n)
confidentiality, may I know how many years will it take,
that confidentiality period, variability. SECTION 45. Confidentiality Before Publication. — A
patent application, which has not yet been published,
MR. GONZALES. Eighteen months, Mr. Speaker. and all related documents, shall not be made available
for inspection without the consent of the applicant.
MR. MONFORT. How many? It was inaccurate, therefore, for petitioner to argue that
secrecy in patent applications prevents any intervention
MR. GONZALES. Eighteen months. from interested parties. The confidentiality in patent
applications under the Intellectual Property Code is not
MR. MONFORT. I do not think it is 18 months. absolute since a party may already intervene after the
publication of the application.
MR. GONZALES. It is provided for in the law, Mr.
Speaker, because prior to the publication, naturally, the
records become confidential because the essence of a
patent, trademark, or copyright is to give the author or
An abandoned patent application may only be revived
the inventor exclusive right to work on his own invention.
within four (4) months from the date of abandonment. No
And that is his invention, and naturally, it is but right that
extension of this period is provided by the 1962 Revised
he should have the exclusive right over his invention.
Rules of Practice. Section 113
On the other hand, the law requires that after 18 months,
113. Revival of abandoned application. — An application
it should now be published. When it is now published,
abandoned for failure to prosecute may be revived as a
naturally, it ceases to be confidential in character
pending application if it is shown to the satisfaction of the
because it is now ready for examination. It is now ready
Director that the delay was unavoidable. An abandoned
for possible copying of any interested person because
application may be revived as a pending application
the application, as we have repeatedly said on the floor,
within four months from the date of abandonment upon Rules and Regulations on Inventions, and Rule 929 of
good cause shown and upon the payment of the the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations for
required fee of P25. An application not revived within the Patents, Utility Models and Industrial Design. The period
specified period shall be deemed forfeited. of four (4) months from the date of abandonment,
however, remains unchanged. The Intellectual Property
Petitioner argues that it was not negligent in the
Code even provides for a shorter period of three (3)
prosecution of its patent application133 since it was Atty.
months within which to file for
Mapili or his heirs who failed to inform it of crucial
developments with regard to its patent application.134 It
SECTION 133. Examination and Publication. —
argues that as a client in a foreign country, it does not
have immediate supervision over its local counsel so it
. . . .
should not be bound by its counsel's negligence. 135 In
any case, it complied with all the requirements for the
133.4. An abandoned application may be revived as a
revival of an abandoned application under Rule 113 of
pending application within three (3) months from the date
the 1962 Revised Rules of Practice.136chanrobleslaw
of abandonment, upon good cause shown and the
payment of the required fee.
Respondents, on the other hand, argue that petitioner
was inexcusably and grossly negligent in the prosecution Rule 930 of the Rules and Regulations on Inventions
of its patent application since it allowed eight (8) years to provides:ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
pass before asking for a status update on its Rule 930. Revival of application. - An application
application.137 Respondent Intellectual Property Office deemed withdrawn for failure to prosecute may be
argues that petitioner's inaction for eight (8) years revived as a pending application within a period of four
constitutes actual abandonment.138 It also points out that (4) months from the mailing date of the notice of
from the time petitioner submitted its new Special Power withdrawal if it is shown to the satisfaction of the Director
of Attorney on September 29, 1996, it took them another that the failure was due to fraud, accident, mistake or
four (4) years to request a status update on its excusable negligence.
A petition to revive an application deemed withdrawn
Under Chapter VII, Section 111(a) of the 1962 Revised must be accompanied by (1) a showing of the cause of
Rules of Practice, a patent application is deemed the failure to prosecute, (2) a complete proposed
abandoned if the applicant fails to prosecute the response, and (3) the required fee.
application within four months from the date of
the mailing of the notice of the last action by the Bureau An application not revived in accordance with this rule
of Patents, Trademarks, and Technology Transfer, and shall be deemed forfeited.
not from applicant's actual notice. Section 111 (a) Rule 929 of the Revised Implementing Rules and
states:ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary Regulations for Patents, Utility Models and Industrial
Chapter VII Design provides:ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
TIME FOR RESPONSE BY APPLICANT; Rule 929. Revival of Application. - An application
ABANDONMENT OF APPLICATION deemed withdrawn for failure to prosecute may be
revived as a pending application within a period of four
111. Abandonment for failure to respond within the time (4) months from the mailing date of the notice of
limit. — (a) If an applicant fails to prosecute his withdrawal if it is shown to the satisfaction of the Director
application within four months after the date when the that the failure was due to fraud, accident, mistake, or
last official notice of action by the Office was mailed to excusable negligence.
him, or within such time as may be fixed (rule 112), the
application will become abandoned. A petition to revive an application deemed withdrawn
According to the records of the Bureau of Patents, shall be accompanied by:
Trademarks, and Technology Transfer Chemical
Examining Division, petitioner filed Philippine Patent chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary(a) A showing of a justifiable
Application No. 35526 on July 10, 1987. It was assigned reason for the failure to prosecute;
to an examiner on June 7, 1988. An Office Action was (b) A complete proposed response; and
mailed to petitioner's agent, Atty. Mapili, on July 19, (c) Full payment of the required fee.
1988. Because petitioner failed to respond within the
allowable period, the application was deemed No revival shall be granted to an application that has
abandoned on September 20, 1988.140 Under Section been previously revived with cost.
113, petitioner had until January 20, 1989 to file for a
revival of the patent application. Its Petition for Revival, An application not revived in accordance with this Rule
however, was filed on May 30, 2002,14113 years after the shall be deemed forfeited.
date of abandonment. Even if the delay was unavoidable, or the failure to
prosecute was due to fraud, accident, mistake, or
Section 113 has since been superseded by Section excusable negligence, or the Petition was accompanied
133.4 of the Intellectual Property Code, Rule 930 of the by a complete proposed response, or all fees were paid,
the Petition would still be denied since these regulations 1996.148 Despite the immediate action in the substitution
only provide a four (4)-month period within which to file of its resident agent, it only requested a status update of
for the revival of the application. The rules do not Philippine Patent Application No. 35526 from the
provide any exception that could extend this four (4)- Intellectual Property Office on December 14, 2000,149 or
month period to 13 years. four (4) years after it learned of Atty. Mapili's death.
Petitioner's patent application, therefore, should not be Petitioner attempts to explain that it took them four (4)
revived since it was filed beyond the allowable period. years to request a status update because the Bureau of
Patents, Trademarks, and Technology Transfer failed to
V take any action when it submitted its Power of Attorney
and Appointment of Resident Agent in favor of Bito,
Even assuming that the four (4)-month period could be Lozada, Ortega & Castillo.150 The Power of Attorney,
extended, petitioner was inexcusably negligent in the however, shows that it was only to inform the Bureau
prosecution of its patent application. that all notices relating to its pending patent applications
should be sent to it. Philippine Patent Application No.
Negligence is inexcusable if its commission could have 35526 was declared abandoned on September 20, 1988.
been avoided through ordinary diligence and As far as the Bureau was concerned, it was a forfeited
prudence.142 It is also settled that negligence of counsel application that had already been archived. It was not
binds the client as this "ensures against the resulting the Bureau's duty to resurrect previous notices of
uncertainty and tentativeness of proceedings if clients forfeited and abandoned applications to be sent to new
were allowed to merely disown their counsels' resident agents unless a specific status update was
conduct."143chanrobleslaw requested. Considering that petitioner only requested a
status update on December 14, 2000, it was only then
Petitioner's resident agent, Atty. Mapili, was undoubtedly that the Intellectual Property Office would start sending
negligent in failing to respond to the Office Action sent by notices to it.
the Bureau of Patents, Trademarks, and Technology
Transfer on June 19, 1988. Because of his negligence, Contrary to the posturing of petitioner, Schuartz is
petitioner's patent application was declared abandoned. applicable.
He was again negligent when he failed to revive the
abandoned application within four (4) months from the In Schuartz, several foreign inventors seeking to file
date of abandonment. patent applications in the Philippines hired the law firm
Siguion Reyna, Montecillo and Ongsiako to process their
Petitioner tries to disown Atty. Mapili's conduct by applications.151 The Bureau of Patents, Trademarks, and
arguing that it was not informed of the abandonment of Technology Transfer mailed the law firm several notices
its patent application or of Atty. Mapili's death. By its of abandonment on its patent applications from June
own evidence, however, petitioner requested a status 1987 to September 1987. The law firm only found out
update from Atty. Mapili only on July 18, 1995, eight (8) about this in December 1987, after it dismissed two (2)
years after the filing of its application.144It alleged that it of its employees in charge of handling correspondences
only found out about Atty. Mapili's death sometime in from the Bureau.152 The law firm filed petitions for revival
March 1996, as a result of its senior patent attorney's of its patent applications from March 1988, all of which
visit to the Philippines.145 Although it was in petitioner's were denied by the Director of the Bureau of Patents for
discretion as a foreign client to put its complete trust and being filed out of time.153 An appeal was subsequently
confidence on its local resident agent, there was a filed before the Court of Appeals but was dismissed for
correlative duty on its part to be diligent in keeping itself being filed beyond the reglementary
updated on the progress of its patent applications. Its period.154chanrobleslaw
failure to be informed of the abandonment of its patent
application was caused by its own lack of prudence. This Court found that although the Court of Appeals may
have erred in counting the period for appeal, it could not
In Bernardo v. Court of Appeals,146 "[n]o prudent party grant the Petition. This Court
will leave the fate of his case entirely to his lawyer . . . . It stated:ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
is the duty of a party-litigant to be in contact with his [Petitioners lost sight of the fact that the petition could
counsel from time to time in order to be informed of the not be granted because of laches. Prior to the filing of
progress of his case."147chanrobleslaw the petition for revival of the patent application with the
Bureau of Patents, an unreasonable period of time had
Even if Atty. Mapili's death prevented petitioner from lapsed due to the negligence of petitioners' counsel. By
submitting a petition for revival on time, it was clearly such inaction, petitioners were deemed to have forfeited
negligent when it subsequently failed to immediately their right to revive their applications for patent.
apprise itself of the status of its patent application.
Facts show that the patent attorneys appointed to follow
Upon learning of Atty. Mapili's death, petitioner issued a up the applications for patent registration had been
Power of Attorney and Appointment of Resident Agent in negligent in complying with the rules of practice
favor of Bito, Lozada, Ortega & Castillo on March 25, prescribed by the Bureau of Patents. The firm had been
notified about the abandonment as early as June 1987, right of priority is given to any patent applicant who has
but it was only after December 7, 1987, when their previously applied for a patent in a country that grants
employees Bangkas and Rosas had been dismissed, the same privilege to Filipinos. Section 31
that they came to know about it. This clearly showed that states:ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
petitioners' counsel had been remiss in the handling of SECTION 31. Right of Priority. — An application for
their clients' applications. patent filed by any person who has previously applied for
the same invention in another country which by treaty,
"A lawyer's fidelity to the cause of his client requires him convention, or law affords similar privileges to Filipino
to be ever mindful of the responsibilities that should be citizens, shall be considered as filed as of the date of
expected of him. A lawyer shall not neglect a legal filing the foreign application: Provided, That:
matter entrusted to him." In the instant case, petitioners'
patent attorneys not only failed to take notice of the chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrarya. the local application
notices of abandonment, but they failed to revive the expressly claims priority;
application within the four-month period, as provided in
the rules of practice in patent cases. These applications b. it is filed within twelve (12) months from the date the
are deemed forfeited upon the lapse of such earliest foreign application was filed;
period.155 (Emphasis supplied) and cralawlawlibrary
Petitioner attempts to distinguish itself from Schuartz by
c. a certified copy of the foreign application together with
arguing that the petitioners in Schuartz had actual notice
an English translation is filed within six (6) months from
of abandonment while petitioner here was only able to
the date of filing in the Philippines.
have actual notice when it received Paper No. 2.
A patent applicant with the right of priority is given
The four (4)-month period in Section 111156 of the 1962 preference in the grant of a patent when there are two or
Revised Rules of Practice, however, is not counted more applicants for the same invention. Section 29 of the
from actual notice of abandonment but from mailing of Intellectual Property Code
the notice. Since it appears from the Intellectual Property provides:ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
Office's records that a notice of abandonment was SECTION 29. First to File Rule. — If two (2) or more
mailed to petitioner's resident agent on July 19, persons have made the invention separately and
1988,157 the time for taking action is counted from this independently of each other, the right to the patent shall
period. Petitioner's patent application cannot be revived belong to the person who filed an application for such
simply because the period for revival has already lapsed invention, or where two or more applications are filed for
and no extension of this period is provided for by the the same invention, to the applicant who has the earliest
1962 Revised Rules of Practice. filing date or, the earliest priority date.
Since both the United States162 and the Philippines163 are
VI signatories to the Paris Convention for the Protection of
Industrial Property, an applicant who has filed a patent
The right of priority given to a patent applicant is only application in the United States may have a right of
relevant when there are two or more conflicting patent priority over the same invention in a patent application in
applications on the same invention. Because a right of the Philippines.164 However, this right of priority does not
priority does not automatically grant letters patent to an immediately entitle a patent applicant the grant of a
applicant, possession of a right of priority does not patent. A right of priority is not equivalent to a patent.
confer any property rights on the applicant in the Otherwise, a patent holder of any member-state of the
absence of an actual patent. Paris Convention need not apply for patents in other
countries where it wishes to exercise its patent.
Petitioner argues that its patent application was filed on
July 10, 1987, within 12 months from the prior filing of a It was, therefore, inaccurate for petitioner to argue that
U.S. patent application on July 11, 1986.158 It argues that its prior patent application in the United States removed
it is protected from becoming part of the public domain the invention from the public domain in the Philippines.
because of convention priority under the Paris This argument is only relevant if respondent
Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property and Therapharma, Inc. had a conflicting patent application
Section 9 of Republic Act No. 165.159chanrobleslaw with the Intellectual Property Office. A right of priority has
no bearing in a case for revival of an abandoned patent
Respondent Therapharma, Inc., on the other hand, application.
argues that a mere patent application does not vest any
right in the applicant before the issuance of the VII
patent.160 It argues that the "priority date" argued by
petitioner is only relevant in determining who has a The grant of a patent is to provide protection to any
better right to the patent among the other applicants who inventor from any patent infringement.165 Once an
subsequently apply for the same invention is disclosed to the public, only the patent
invention.161chanrobleslaw holder has the exclusive right to manufacture, utilize, and
Under Section 31 of the Intellectual Property Code, a
market the invention.166 In Creser Precision Systems v. his invention secret and reap its fruits indefinitely. In
Court of Appeals:167 consideration of its disclosure and the consequent
Under American jurisprudence, an inventor has no benefit to the community, the patent is granted. An
common-law right to a monopoly of his invention. He has exclusive enjoyment is guaranteed him for 17 years, but
the right to make, use and vend his own invention, but if upon the expiration of that period, the knowledge of the
he voluntarily discloses it, such as by offering it for sale, invention inures to the people, who are thus enabled to
the world is free to copy and use it with impunity. A practice it and profit by its use."
patent, however, gives the inventor the right to exclude The patent law has a three-fold purpose: "first, patent
all others. As a patentee, he has the exclusive right of law seeks to foster and reward invention; second, it
making, using or selling the promotes disclosures of inventions to stimulate further
invention.168chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary innovation and to permit the public to practice the
Under the Intellectual Property Code, a patent holder invention once the patent expires; third, the stringent
has the right to "to restrain, prohibit and prevent"169 any requirements for patent protection, seek to ensure that
unauthorized person or entity from manufacturing, ideas in the public domain remain therefor the free use
selling, or importing any product derived from the patent. of the public."
However, after a patent is granted and published in the
Intellectual Property Office Gazette,170 any interested It is only after an exhaustive examination by the patent
third party "may inspect the complete description, claims, office that a patent is issued. Such an in-depth
and drawings of the patent."171chanrobleslaw investigation is required because "in rewarding a useful
invention, the rights and welfare of the community must
The grant of a patent provides protection to the patent be fairly dealt with and effectively guarded. To that end,
holder from the indiscriminate use of the invention. the prerequisites to obtaining a patent are strictly
However, its mandatory publication also has the observed and when a patent is issued, the limitations on
correlative effect of bringing new ideas into the public its exercise are equally strictly enforced. To begin with, a
consciousness. After the publication of the patent, any genuine invention or discovery must be demonstrated
person may examine the invention and develop it into lest in the constant demand for new appliances, the
something further than what the original patent holder heavy hand of tribute be laid on each slight technological
may have envisioned. After the lapse of 20 years,172 the advance in art."174 (Emphasis supplied)
invention becomes part of the public domain and is free In addition, a patent holder of inventions relating to food
for the public to use. In Pearl and Dean v. Shoemart, or medicine does not enjoy absolute monopoly over the
Inc.:173 patent. Both Republic Act No. 165 and the Intellectual
To be able to effectively and legally preclude others from Property Code provide for compulsory licensing.
copying and profiting from the invention, a patent is a Compulsory licensing is defined in the Intellectual
primordial requirement. No patent, no protection. The Property Code as the "grant a license to exploit a
ultimate goal of a patent system is to bring new designs patented invention, even without the agreement of the
and technologies into the public domain through patent owner."175chanrobleslaw
disclosure. Ideas, once disclosed to the public without
the protection of a valid patent, are subject to Under Republic Act No. 165, a compulsory license may
appropriation without significant restraint. be granted to any applicant three (3) years after the
grant of a patent if the invention relates to food or
On one side of the coin is the public which will benefit medicine necessary for public health or
from new ideas; on the other are the inventors who must safety.176 In Smith Kline & French Laboratories, Ltd. vs.
be protected. As held in Bauer & Cie vs. O'Donnell, "The Court of Appeals:177
act secured to the inventor the exclusive right to make Section 34 of R.A. No. 165, even if the Act was enacted
use, and vend the thing patented, and consequently to prior to the Philippines' adhesion to the [Paris]
prevent others from exercising like privileges without the Convention, fits well within the aforequoted provisions of
consent of the patentee. It was passed for the purpose of Article 5 of the Paris Convention. In the explanatory note
encouraging useful invention and promoting new and of Bill No. 1156 which eventually became R.A. No. 165,
useful inventions by the protection and stimulation new the legislative intent in the grant of a compulsory license
and useful inventions by the protection and stimulation was not only to afford others an opportunity to provide
given to inventive genius, and was intended to secure to the public with the quantity of the patented product, but
the public, after the lapse of the exclusive privileges also to prevent the growth of monopolies. Certainly, the
granted the benefit of such inventions and growth of monopolies was among the abuses which
improvements." Section A, Article 5 of the Convention foresaw, and
which our Congress likewise wished to prevent in
The law attempts to strike an ideal balance between the enacting R.A. No. 165.178chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
two interests:ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
"(The p)atent system thus embodies a carefully crafted The patent holder's proprietary right over the patent only
bargain for encouraging the creation and disclosure of lasts for three (3) years from the grant of the patent, after
new useful and non-obvious advances in technology and which any person may be allowed to manufacture, use,
design, in return for the exclusive right to practice the or sell the invention subject to the payment of
invention for a number of years. The inventor may keep royalties:ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
The right to exclude others from the manufacturing, PRICE PRICE
using, or vending an invention relating to food or As of Within one
medicine should be conditioned to allowing any person Lifezar's month from
to manufacture, use, or vend the same after a period of first entry Lifezar's
three years from the date of the grant of the letters into the entry or by
patent. After all, the patentee is not entirely deprived of market on July 4, 2004
any proprietary right. In fact, he has been given the June 4,
period of three years of complete monopoly over the 2004
patent. Compulsory licensing of a patent on food or
medicine without regard to the other conditions imposed 50 mg - 50mg -
LIFEZAR Therapharma
in Section 34 is not an undue deprivation of proprietary P20.20 P20.20
interests over a patent right because the law sees to it
that even after three years of complete monopoly 50mg - 50mg -
something is awarded to the inventor in the form of a P39.50 P39.50
bilateral and workable licensing agreement and a 100mg - 100 -
reasonable royalty to be agreed upon by the parties and P55.00 P44.00
in default of such agreement, the Director of Patent may Respondent Therapharma, Inc. also presented figures
fix the terms and conditions of the showing that there was a 44% increase in the number of
license.179chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary losartan units sold within five (5) months of its entry into
the market.190 More Filipinos are able to purchase
A patent is a monopoly granted only for specific
losartan products when there are two (2) different
purposes and objectives. Thus, its procedures must be
players providing competitive prices in the market.
complied with to attain its social objective. Any request
for leniency in its procedures should be taken in this
Lifezar, and another of respondent Therapharma, Inc.'s
context. Petitioner, however, has failed to convince this
products, Combizar, have also been recommended as
court that the revival of its patent application would have
cheaper alternative losartan medication, since they were
a significant impact on the pharmaceutical industry.
priced "50 percent less than foreign
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is considered a
"major risk factor for cardiovascular disease"180 such as
Public interest will be prejudiced if, despite petitioner's
"heart disease, stroke, kidney failure and
inexcusable negligence, its Petition for Revival is
blindness."181 In a study conducted by the World Health
granted. Even without a pending patent application and
Organization, 25% of adults aged 21 years and older in
the absence of any exception to extend the period for
the Philippines suffer from high blood
revival, petitioner was already threatening to pursue
pressure.182 According to the Department of Health,
legal action against respondent Therapharma, Inc. if it
heart disease remains the leading cause of mortality in
continued to develop and market its losartan product,
the Philippines.183 Angiotensin II Receptor Blocking
Lifezar.192 Once petitioner is granted a patent for its
Imidazole or "losartan" is one of the medications used for
losartan products, Cozaar and Hyzaar, the loss of
the treatment of hypertension.184chanrobleslaw
competition in the market for losartan products may
result in higher prices. For the protection of public
In a study conducted by the Philippine Institute for
interest, Philippine Patent Application No. 35526 should
Development Studies, "affordability of drugs remains a
be considered a forfeited patent application.
serious problem"185 in the Philippines. It found that
because of the cost of drugs, accessibility to drugs
WHEREFORE, the Petition is DENIED. The Resolution
become prohibitive for the lowest-earning households
dated January 31, 2006 and the Amended Decision
and are "even more prohibitive for the unemployed and
dated August 30, 2006 of the Court of Appeals
indigent."186 Several measures have been enacted by the
government to address the high costs of medicine,
among them, parallel drug importation187 and the
passage of Republic Act No. 9502, otherwise known as
the Universally Accessible Cheaper and Quality
Medicines Act of 2008.188 Figures submitted by
respondent Therapharma, Inc., however, also show that
the presence of competition in the local pharmaceutical
market may ensure the public access to cheaper
2. UM-450 (extended
and/or renewed under
Extension No. UM110
for a period of 5 years
from January 26, 1972)
It is undisputed that petitioner is a patent holder of In her answer, private respondent alleged that the
powder puff namely: products she is manufacturing and offering for sale are
not Identical, or even only substantially Identical to the
products covered by petitioner's patents and, by way of
1. UM-423 (extended affirmative defenses, further alleged that petitioner's
and/or renewed under patents in question are void on the following grounds:
Extension No. UM-109
(1) at the time of filing of no one except to the
application for the general public; (Answer,
patents involved, the Rollo, pp. 93-94).
utility models applied for
were not new and On September 18, 1974, the trial court issued an Order
patentable under Sec. (Annex "K", Rollo, p. 125) granting the preliminary
55 of R.A. 165, as injunction prayed for by petitioner. Consequently, the
amended by R.A. 864; corresponding writ was subsequently issued (Annex "K-
and 1", Rollo, p. 131) enjoining the herein private respondent
(then defendant) and all other persons employed by her,
(2) the person to whom her agents, servants and employees from directly or
the patents were issued indirectly manufacturing, making or causing to be made,
was not the true and selling or causing to be sold, or using or causing to be
actual author of the used in accordance with, or embodying the utility models
utility models applied of the Philippine Patent Office Utility Model Letters
for, and neither did she Patent Nos. 423 (Extension No. UM-109), No. 450
derive her rights from (Extension No. UM-110), and Utility Model No. 1184 or
any true and actual from infringement upon or violating said letters patent in
author of these utility any way whatsoever (Annex " K-1 ", Rollo, p. 131).
Private respondent questioned the propriety of the trial
for the following reasons: court's issuance of the Writ of Preliminary Injunction
arguing that since there is still a pending cancellation
(a) since years prior to proceedings before the Philippine Patent Office
the filing of applications concerning petitioner's patents, such cannot be the basis
for the patents involved, for preliminary injunction (Motion for Reconsideration,
powder puffs of the kind Rollo, p. 132).
applied for were then
already existing and In an Order dated September 11, 1975, the trial court
publicly being sold in denied private respondent's motion for reconsideration
the market; both in the (Annex "N", Rollo, p. 142).
Philippines and abroad;
and In challenging these Orders private respondent filed a
petition for certiorari with the respondent court on
(b) applicant's claims in September 29, 1975 (Annex "D", Rollo, pp. 148-171)
her applications, of reiterating among other things the invalidity of
"construction" or petitioner's patents and prayed that the trial court be
process of restrained from enforcing or continuing to enforce the
manufacturing the utility following:
models applied for, with
respect to UM-423 and (1) Order dated
UM-450, were but a September 18, 1974,
complicated and granting the preliminary
impractical version of an injunction;
old, simple one which
has been well known to (2) Writ of preliminary
the cosmetics industry injunction dated
since years previous to September 18, 1974;
her filing of applications, and
and which belonged to
no one except to the
general public; and with (3) Order dated
respect to UM1184; her September 11, 1974
claim in her application denying petitioner's
of a unitary powder puff, motion petition for
was but an limitation of reconsideration.
a product well known to
the cosmetics industry On October 15, 1975, the Writ of Preliminary Injunction
since years previous to was issued by the respondent Court of Appeals as
her firing of application, follows:
and which belonged to
and/or any person/persons acting on THAT HE HAS NO
your stead, are hereby ENJOINED to JURISDICTION TO
RESTRAIN from enforcing or continuing INVALIDATE THE
to enforce, the proceedings complained PATENTS UPON
of in the petition to wit: 1) Order dated GROUND OF LACK OF
September 18, 1974, granting the NOVELTY OF THE
preliminary injunction; 2) Writ of PRODUCTS
Preliminary Injunction dated September PATENTED. (Motion for
18, 1974; and Order dated September Reconsideration, Rollo,
11, 1975, denying petitioner's motion for p. 190).
reconsideration, all issued in connection
with Civil Case No. 19908, UNTIL Reviewing on reconsideration, respondent court gave
FURTHER ORDERS FROM THIS weight to private respondent's allegation that the latter's
COURT. (Annex "P", Rollo, p. 1.73) products are not identical or even only substantially
identical to the products covered by petitioner's patents.
On February 16, 1976, respondent court promulgated a Said court noticed that contrary to the lower courts
decision the dispositive portion of which reads: position that the court a quo had no jurisdiction to
determine the question of invalidity of the patents,
WHEREFORE, finding no merit in the Section 45 and 46 of the Patent Law allow the court to
herein petition, the same is hereby make a finding on the validity or invalidity of patents and
dismissed and the preliminary injunction in the event there exists a fair question of its invalidity,
previously issued by this Court is hereby the situation calls for a denial of the writ of preliminary
set aside, with costs. injunction pending the evaluation of the evidence
presented (Rollo, pp. 218-226). Thus, finding the lower
court's position to have been opposed to Patent Law,
SO ORDERED. (CA Decision, Rollo, p.
respondent court considered it a grave abuse of
discretion when the court a quo issued the writ being
questioned without looking into the defenses alleged by
ln said decision respondent court stated that in disposing herein private respondent. Further, it considered the
of the petition it tackled only the issue of whether the remedy of appeal, under the circumstances, to be
court a quo acted with grave abuse of discretion in inadequate.
issuing the challenged orders. It made clear the question
of whether the patents have been infringed or not was
Thus, on July 6, 1976, respondent court made a
not determined considering the court a quo has yet to
complete turnabout from its original decision and
decide the case on the merits (Ibid., p. 186).
promulgated a Resolution, the dispositive portion of
which reads:
Feeling aggrieved, private respondent moved to
reconsider the afore-mentioned Decision based on the
WHEREFORE, our decision is hereby
following grounds:
set aside. The writ of certiorari is
ordered issued. Accordingly, the
I challenged orders, Exhibit H and H-1
and the order denying the motion for
THAT THIS reconsideration (Annex "K", Petition),
HONORABLE COURT are hereby set aside. The writ of
ERRED IN NOT preliminary injunction previously ordered
APPRECIATING THE by this Court and ordered lifted by the
EXISTENCE OF A Decision now being set aside is hereby
FAIR QUESTION OF reinstated and made permanent.
INVALIDITY OF Without pronouncement as to costs.
PATENTS. p. 226).
For failure to determine first the validity of the patents PREMISES CONSIDERED, the assailed resolutions of
before aforesaid issuance of the writ, the trial court failed the Court of Appeals are hereby AFFIRMED.
to satisfy the two requisites necessary if an injunction is
to issue, namely: the existence of the right to be
SO ORDERED. Trademarks of the Executive Bureau, Government of the
Philippine Islands. The patent and its registry was also
published in the newspaper, El Tiempo.
11. That, according to the invoices marked The trial court erred in declaring that the Vargas
Exhibits C and C-2 dated March 13, 1928, and plow, Exhibit F (covered by Patent No.
June 19, 1928, respectively, the defendant 1,507,530) is distinct from the old model Vargas
Cham Samco & Sons, on the dates mentioned, plow, Exhibit 2-Chua, covered by the former
had, in the ordinary course of business, bought Patent No. 1,020,232, which had been declared
of its codefendant Coo Kun & Sons Hardware null and void by this court.
Co., 90 plows of the form, type and design of
Exhibits B, B-1 and B-2 which it has been selling SECOND ERROR
in its store on Sto. Cristo Street, Manila.
The trial court erred in mistaking the
12. That the same defendant Cham Samco & improvement on the plow for the plow itself.
Sons, in the ordinary course of business, bought
on March 17, 1928, of the store "El Progreso"
owned by Yao Ki & Co., of Iloilo, a lot of 50 THIRD ERROR
plows, of the form, type and design of Exhibit B-
The trial court erred in rendering judgment in the Province of Iloilo, long before he obtained his last
favor of the plaintiff and against the defendants. patent.
The contention of the petitioner Aguas that the letters The Machuca tiles are different from that of the private
patent of de Leon was actually a patent for the old and respondent. The designs are embossed and not
non-patentable process of making mosaic pre-cast tiles engraved as claimed by the petitioner. There may be
is devoid of merit. De Leon never claimed to have depressions but these depressions are too shallow to be
invented the process of tile-making. The Claims and considered engraved. Besides, the Machuca tiles are
Specifications of Patent No. 658 show that although heavy and massive.
some of the steps or parts of the old process of tile
making were described therein, there were novel and
inventive features mentioned in the process. Some of the There is no similarity between the Pomona Tiles and de
novel features of the private respondent's improvements Leon's tiles. The Pomona tiles are made of
are the following: critical depth, with corresponding ceramics. 20 The process involved in making cement tiles
easement and lip width to such degree as leaves the tile is different from ceramic tiles. Cement tiles are made
as thin as 1/8 of an inch at its thinnest portion, Ideal with the use of water, while in ceramics fire is used. As
composition of cement and fine river sand, among other regards the allegation of the petitioner that the private
ingredients that makes possible the production of tough respondent copied some designs of Pomona, suffice it to
and durable wall tiles, though thin and light; the say that what is in issue here is the process involved in
engraving of deep designs in such a way as to make the tile making and not the design.
In view of the foregoing, this Court finds that Patent No. give more teeth to the provisions of the
658 was legally issued, the process and/or improvement patent law thus promoting a stronger
being patentable. public policy committed to afford greater
incentives and protection to inventors,
Both the trial court and the Court of Appeals found as a the Court hereby awards plaintiff
fact that the petitioner Domiciano A. Aguas did infringe exemplary damages in the sum of
de Leon's patent. There is no showing that this case falls P5,000.00 to be paid jointly and
under one of the exceptions when this Court may severally by defendants. Considering
overrule the findings of fact of the Court of Appeals. The the status of plaintiff as a reputable
only issue then to be resolved is the amount of damages businessman, and owner of the likewise
that should be paid by Aguas. reputed House of Pre-Cast, he is
entitled to an award of moral damages
in the sum of P50,000.00. 23
In its decision the Court of Appeals affirmed the amount
of damages awarded by the lower court with the
modification that the respondent is only entitled to In reducing the amount of moral damages the Court of
P3,000.00 moral damages. 21 Appeals said:
The lower court awarded the following damages: 22 As regards the question of moral
damages it has been shown that as a
result of the unlawful acts of infringment
a) P10,020.99 by way of actual
committed by defendants, plaintiff was
unstandably very sad; he worried and
became nervous and lost concentration
b) P50,000.00 by way of moral on his work in connection with his tile
damages; business (pp. 28, 30, t.s.n., Feb. 28,
1964). In addition, plaintiff's character
c) P5,000.00 by way of exemplary and reputation have been unnecessarily
damages; put in question because defendants, by
their acts of infringement have created a
d) P5,000.00 by way of attomey's fees doubt or suspicion in the public mind
and concerning the truth and honesty of
plaintiff's advertisements and public
e) Costs of suit announcements of his valid patent.
Necessarily, said acts of defendants
have caused plaintiff considerable
mental suffering, considering especially,
the fact that he staked everything on his
An examination of the books of pre-cast tile business (p. 36, t.s.n., Id.)
defendant Aguas made before a The wantonness and evident bad faith
Commissioner reveals that during the characterizing defendants' prejudicial
period that Aguas was manufacturing acts against plaintiff justify the
and selling tiles similar to plaintiff's, he assessment of moral damages in
made a gross income of P3,340.33, plaintiff's favor, though we do not believe
which can be safely be considered the the amount of P50,000.00 awarded by
amount by which he enriched himself the lower court is warranted by the
when he infringed plaintiff's patent. circumstances. We feel that said amount
Under Sec. 42 of the Patent Law any should be reduced to P3,000.00 by way
patentee whose rights have been of compensating appellee for his moral
infringed is entitled to damages which, suffering. "Willful injury to property may
according to the circumstances of the be a legal ground for awarding moral
case may be in a sum above the amount damages if the court should find that,
found as actual damages sustained under the circumstances such damages
provided the award does not exceed are justly due" (Art. 2219 NCC).
three times the amount of such actual
damages. Considering the wantonness
There is no reason to reduce the amount of damages
of the infringement committed by the
and attorneys fees awarded by the trial court as modified
defendants who knew all the time about
by the Court of Appeals.
the existence of plaintiff's patent, the
Court feels there is reason to grant
plaintiff maximum damages in the sum WHEREFORE, the decision of the Court of Appeals in
of P10,020.99. And in order to CA G.R. No. 37824-R appealed from is hereby affirmed,
discourage patent infringements and to without pronouncement as to costs.
Chakrabarty's patent claims were of three types: first, Art. I, § 8, cl. 8. The patent laws promote this progress
process claims for the method of producing the bacteria; by offering inventors exclusive rights for a limited period
as an incentive for their inventiveness and research
Page 447 U. S. 306 efforts. Kewanee Oil Co. v. Bicron Corp., 416 U. S.
470, 416 U. S. 480-481 (1974); Universal Oil Co. v.
second, claims for an inoculum comprised of a carrier Globe Co., 322 U. S. 471, 322 U. S. 484 (1944). The
material floating on water, such as straw, and the new authority of Congress is exercised in the hope that
"[t]he productive effort thereby fostered will have a 14, p. 55 (1st ed.1937)). In choosing such expansive
positive effect on society through the introduction of new terms as "manufacture" and "composition of matter,"
products and processes of manufacture into the modified by the comprehensive "any," Congress plainly
economy, and the emanations by way of increased contemplated that the patent laws would be given wide
employment and better lives for our citizens." scope.
Kewanee, supra, at 416 U. S. 480. The relevant legislative history also supports a broad
construction. The Patent Act of 1793, authored by
The question before us in this case is a narrow one of Thomas Jefferson, defined statutory subject matter as
statutory interpretation requiring us to construe 35 "any new and useful art, machine, manufacture, or
U.S.C. § 101, which provides: composition of matter, or any new or useful improvement
[thereof]." Act of Feb. 21, 1793, § 1, 1 Stat. 319. The Act
embodied Jefferson's philosophy that "ingenuity should
"Whoever invents or discovers any new and useful
receive a liberal encouragement."
process, machine, manufacture, or composition of
matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof, may
obtain a patent therefor, subject to the conditions and Page 447 U. S. 309
requirements of this title."
5 Writings of Thomas Jefferson 75-76 (Washington ed.
Specifically, we must determine whether respondent's 1871). See Graham v. John Deere Co., 383 U. S. 1, 383
micro-organism constitutes a "manufacture" or U. S. 7-10 (1966). Subsequent patent statutes in 1836,
"composition of matter" within the meaning of the statute. 1870, and 1874 employed this same broad language. In
[Footnote 5] 1052, when the patent laws were recodified, Congress
replaced the word "art" with "process," but otherwise left
Jefferson's language intact. The Committee Reports
Page 447 U. S. 308
accompanying the 1952 Act inform us that Congress
intended statutory subject matter to "include anything
III under the sun that is made by man." S Rep. No 1979,
82d Cong., 2d Sess., 5 (1952); H.R.Rep. No. 1979, 82d
In cases of statutory construction we begin, of course, Cong., 2d Sess., 6 (1952). [Footnote 6]
with the language of the statute. Southeastern
Community College v. Davis, 442 U. S. 397, 442 U. S. This is not to suggest that § 101 has no limits, or that it
405 (1979). And "unless otherwise defined, words will be embraces every discovery. The laws of nature, physical
interpreted as taking their ordinary, contemporary, phenomena, and abstract ideas have been held not
common meaning." Perrin v. United States, 444 U. S. patentable. See Parker v. Flook, 437 U. S.
37, 444 U. S. 42 (1979). We have also cautioned that 584 (1978); Gottschalk v. Benson, 409 U. S. 63, 409 U.
courts "should not read into the patent laws limitations S. 67 (1972); Funk Brothers Seed Co. v. Kalo Inoculant
and conditions which the legislature has not Co., 333 U. S. 127, 333 U. S. 130 (1948); O'Reilly v.
expressed." United States v. Dubilier Condenser Morse, 15 How. 62, 56 U. S. 112-121 (1854); Le Roy v.
Corp., 289 U. S. 178, 289 U. S. 199 (1933) . Tatham, 14 How. 156, 55 U. S. 175 (1853). Thus, a new
mineral discovered in the earth or a new plant found in
Guided by these canons of construction, this Court has the wild is not patentable subject matter. Likewise,
read the term "manufacture" in § 101 in accordance with Einstein could not patent his celebrated law that E=mc2;
its dictionary definition to mean nor could Newton have patented the law of gravity. Such
discoveries are "manifestations of . . . nature, free to all
"the production of articles for use from raw or prepared men and reserved exclusively to none." Funk,
materials by giving to these materials new forms, supra at 333 U. S. 130.
qualities, properties, or combinations, whether by hand
labor or by machinery." Judged in this light, respondent's micro-organism plainly
qualifies as patentable subject matter. His claim is not to
American Fruit Growers, Inc. v. Brogdex Co., 283 U. S. a hitherto unknown natural phenomenon, but to a
1, 283 U. S. 11 (1931). Similarly, "composition of matter" nonnaturally occurring manufacture or composition of
has been construed consistent with its common usage to matter -- a product of human ingenuity "having a
include distinctive name, character [and]
"all compositions of two or more substances and . . . all Page 447 U. S. 310
composite articles, whether they be the results of
chemical union, or of mechanical mixture, or whether use." Hartranft v. Wiegmann, 121 U. S. 609, 121 U. S.
they be gases, fluids, powders or solids." 615 (1887). The point is underscored dramatically by
comparison of the invention here with that
Shell Development Co. v. Watson, 149 F. Supp. 279, in Funk. There, the patentee had discovered that there
280 (DC 1957) (citing 1 A. Deller, Walker on Patents § existed in nature certain species of root nodule bacteria
which did not exert a mutually inhibitive effect on each be unreasonable and impossible." Id. at 126.
other. He used that discovery to produce a mixed culture The Latimer case, it seems, came to "se[t] forth the
capable of inoculating the seeds of leguminous plants. general stand taken in these matters" that plants were
Concluding that the patentee had discovered "only some natural products not subject to patent protection. Thorne,
of the handiwork of nature," the Court ruled the product Relation of Patent Law to Natural Products, 6
nonpatentable: J.Pat.Off.Soc. 23, 24
What is more important is that we are without At present, biological control of oil spills requires the use
competence to entertain these arguments -- either to of a mixture of naturally occurring bacteria, each capable
brush them aside as fantasies generated by fear of the of degrading one component of the oil complex. In this
unknown or to act on them. The choice we are urged to way, oil is decomposed into simpler substances which
make is a matter of high policy for resolution within the can serve as food for aquatic life. However, for various
legislative process after the kind of investigation, reasons, only a portion of any such mixed culture
examination, and study that legislative bodies can survives to attack the oil spill. By breaking down multiple
provide and courts cannot. That process involves the components of oil, Chakrabarty's microorganism
balancing of competing values and interests, which, in promises more efficient and rapid oil-spill control.
our democratic system, is the business of elected
representatives. Whatever their validity, the contentions
now pressed on us should be addressed to the political [Footnote 3]
branches of the Government, the Congress and the
Executive, and not to the courts. [Footnote 11] The Board concluded that the new bacteria were not
"products of nature," because Pseudomonas bacteria
Page 447 U. S. 318 containing two or more different energy-generating
plasmids are not naturally occurring.
We have emphasized in the recent past that
[Footnote 4]
Bergy involved a patent application for a pure culture of Florists Exchange and Horticultural Trade World, July
the microorganism Streptomuces vellosus found to be 15, 1933, p. 9.
useful in the production of lincomycin, an antibiotic.
[Footnote 9]
[Footnote 5]
In 1873, the Patent Office granted Louis Pasteur a
This case does not involve the other "conditions and patent on "yeast, free from organic germs of disease, as
requirements" of the patent laws, such as novelty and an article of manufacture." And in 1967 and 1968,
nonobviousness. 35 U.S.C. §§ 102, 103. immediately prior to the passage of the Plant Variety
Protection Act, that Office granted two patents which, as
[Footnote 6] the petitioner concedes, state claims for living micro-
organisms. See Reply Brief for Petitioner 3, and n. 2.
This same language was employed by P. J. Federico, a
principal draftsman of the 1952 recodification, in his [Footnote 10]
testimony regarding that legislation:
Even an abbreviated list of patented inventions
"[U]nder section 101, a person may have invented a underscores the point: telegraph (Morse, No. 1,647);
machine or a manufacture, which may include anything telephone (Bell, No. 174,465); electric lamp (Edison, No.
under the sun that is made by man. . . ." 223,898); airplane (the Wrights, No. 821,393); transistor
(Bardeen & Brattain, No. 2,524,035); neutronic reactor
(Fermi & Szilard, No. 2,708,656); laser (Schawlow &
Hearings on H.R. 3760 before Subcommittee No. 3 of
Townes, No. 2,929,922). See generally Revolutionary
the House Committee on the Judiciary, 82d Cong., 1st
Ideas, Patents & Progress in America, United States
Sess., 37 (1951).
Patent and Trademark Office (1976).
[Footnote 7]
[Footnote 11]
The Plant Patent Act of 1930, 35 U.S.C. § 161, provides
We are not to be understood as suggesting that the
in relevant part:
political branches have been laggard in the consideration
of the problems related to genetic research and
"Whoever invents or discovers and asexually reproduces technology. They have already taken action. In 1976, for
any distinct and new variety of plant, including cultivated example, the National Institutes of Health released
sports, mutants, hybrids, and newly found seedlings, guidelines for NIH-sponsored genetic research which
other than a tuber propagated plant or a plant found in established conditions under which such research could
an uncultivated state, may obtain a patent therefor. . . ." be performed. 41 Fed.Reg. 27902. In 1978, those
guidelines were revised and relaxed. 43 Fed.Reg.
The Plant Variety Protection Act of 1970, provides in 60080, 60108, 60134. And Committees of the Congress
relevant part: have held extensive hearings on these matters. See,
e.g., Hearings on Genetic Engineering before the
"The breeder of any novel variety of sexually reproduced Subcommittee on Health of the Senate Committee on
plant (other than fungi, bacteria, or first generation Labor and Public Welfare, 94th Cong., 1st Sess. (1975);
hybrids) who has so reproduced the variety, or his Hearings before the Subcommittee on Science,
successor in interest, shall be entitled to plant variety Technology, and Space of the Senate Committee on
protection therefor. . . ." Commerce, Science, and Transportation, 95th Cong.,
1st Sess. (1977); Hearings on H.R. 4759 et al. before
84 Stat. 1547, 7 U.S.C. § 2402(a). See generally 3 A. the Subcommittee on Health and the Environment of the
Deller, Walker on Patents, ch. IX (2d ed.1964); R. Allyn, House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce,
The First Plant Patents (1934). 95th Cong., 1st Sess. (1977).
Page 447 U. S. 319 No. 91-1605, pp. 1-3 (1970); S.Rep. No. 315, 71st
Cong., 2d Sess., 1-3 (1930). Because Congress thought
The patent laws attempt to reconcile this Nation's deep- it had to legislate in order to make agricultural "human-
seated antipathy to monopolies with the need to made inventions" patentable, and because the
encourage progress. Deepsouth Packing Co. v. Laitram legislation Congress enacted is limited, it follows that
Corp., 406 U. S. 518, 406 U. S. 530-531 (1972); Graham Congress never meant to make items outside the scope
v. John Deere Co., 383 U. S. 1, 383 U. S. 7-10 (1966). of the legislation patentable.
Given the complexity and legislative nature of this
delicate task, we must be careful to extend patent Second, the 1970 Act clearly indicates that Congress
protection no further than Congress has provided. In has included bacteria within the focus of its legislative
particular, were there an absence of legislative direction, concern, but not within the scope of patent protection.
the courts should leave to Congress the decisions Congress specifically excluded bacteria from the
whether and how far to extend the patent privilege into coverage of the 1970 Act. 7 U.S.C. § 2402(a). The
areas where the common understanding has been that Court's attempts to supply explanations for this explicit
patents are not available. [Footnote 2/1] Cf. Deepsouth exclusion ring hollow. It is true that there is no mention in
Packing Co. v. Laitram Corp., supra. the legislative history of the exclusion, but that does not
give us license to invent reasons. The fact is that
In this case, however, we do not confront a complete Congress, assuming that animate objects as to which it
legislative vacuum. The sweeping language of the had not specifically legislated could not be patented,
Patent Act of 1793, as reenacted in 1952, is not the last excluded bacteria from the set of patentable organisms.
pronouncement Congress has made in this area. In
1930, Congress enacted the Plant Patent Act affording The Court protests that its holding today is dictated by
patent protection to developers of certain asexually the broad language of § 101, which cannot "be confined
reproduced plants. In 1970, Congress enacted the Plant to the particular application[s] . . . contemplated by the
Variety Protection Act to extend protection to certain new legislators.'" Ante at 447 U. S. 315, quoting Barr v.
plant varieties capable of sexual reproduction. Thus, we United States, 324 U. S. 83, 324 U. S. 90 (1945). But as
are not dealing -- as the Court would have it -- with the I have shown, the Court's decision does not follow the
routine problem of "unanticipated unavoidable implications of the statute. Rather, it
inventions." Ante at 447 U.S. 316. In these two Acts, extends the patent system to cover living material
Congress has addressed the general problem of
patenting animate inventions and has chosen carefully Page 447 U. S. 322
limited language granting protection to some kinds of
discoveries, but specifically excluding others. These Acts
strongly evidence a congressional limitation that even though Congress plainly has legislated in the belief
excludes bacteria from patentability. [Footnote 2/2] that § 101 does not encompass living organisms. It is
the role of Congress, not this Court, to broaden or
narrow the reach of the patent laws. This is especially
Page 447 U. S. 320 true where, as here, the composition sought to be
patented uniquely implicates matters of public concern.
First, the Acts evidence Congress' understanding, at
least since 1930, that § 101 does not include living [Footnote 2/1]
organisms. If newly developed living organisms not
naturally occurring had been patentable under § 101, the
plants included in the scope of the 1930 and 1970 Acts I read the Court to admit that the popular conception,
could have been patented without new legislation. Those even among advocates of agricultural patents, was that
plants, like the bacteria involved in this case, were new living organisms were unpatentable. See ante at 447 U.
varieties not naturally occurring. [Footnote 2/3] Although S. 311-312, and n. 8.
the Court, ante at 447 U. S. 311, rejects this line of
argument, it does not explain why the Acts were [Footnote 2/2]
necessary unless to correct a preexisting situation.
[Footnote 2/4] I cannot share the Court's implicit But even if I agreed with the Court that the 1930 and
assumption that Congress was engaged in either idle 1970 Acts were not dispositive, I would dissent. This
exercises or mere correction of the public record when it case presents even more cogent reasons
enacted the 1930 and 1970 Acts. And Congress than Deepsouth Packing Co. not to extend the patent
certainly thought it was doing something significant. The monopoly in the face of uncertainty. At the very least,
Committee Reports contain expansive prose about the these Acts are signs of legislative attention to the
problems of patenting living organisms, but they give no
affirmative indication of congressional intent that bacteria
be patentable. The caveat of Parker v. Flook, 437 U. S.
584, 437 U. S. 596 (1978), an admonition to "proceed
cautiously when we are asked to extend patent rights
into areas wholly unforeseen by Congress," therefore
becomes pertinent. I should think the necessity for
caution is that much greater when we are asked to
extend patent rights into areas Congress has foreseen
and considered, but has not resolved.
[Footnote 2/3]
[Footnote 2/4]
[Footnote 2/5]