Hyperprolactinemia: A Systematic Review of Diagnosis and Management
Hyperprolactinemia: A Systematic Review of Diagnosis and Management
Hyperprolactinemia: A Systematic Review of Diagnosis and Management
Hyperprolactinemia is a common endocrine disorder that can be associated with
significant morbidity. It can result from a number of causes, including use of medication,
hypothyroidism and pituitary disorders. Depending on the cause and consequences of
hyperprolactinemia, selected patients require treatment considering the underlying
cause, age sex, and reproductive status. We describe a systematic review of
hyperprolactinemia, including microadenomas and macroadenomas, in various clinical
settings, with emphasis on newer diagnostic strategies and the role of various
therapeutic options, including treatment with selective dopamine agonists. Through this
review, we aimed to compare efficacy and adverse effects of medications, surgery and
radiotherapy in the treatment of hyperprolactinemia.
Keywords: Hyperprolactinemia; diagnostic strategies; therapeutic options.
1. Resident Physician & Consultant, Dept. of Endocrinology & Metabolism, MARKS Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka,
2. FACE Consultant, Dept. of Endocrinology & Medicine, National Health Care Network (NHN), DAB, Bangladesh.
3. Assistant Professor (C.C.), Dept. of Surgery, Delta Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Correspondence: Dr. Nazma Akter. e-mail: nazma_aktar_endo@yahoo.com
axis. Patients typically present with galactorrhea or infertility, and men with
hypogonadism, infertility or, in the case of hypogonadism, impotence or infertility must have
macroadenomas, symptoms related to mass effect serum prolactin levels measured.1 It is estimated at
(headache and visual field defects). Management 9% among women with amenorrhea, 17% among
of this condition depends on the cause and on the women with polycystic ovary syndrome, 25%
effects it has on the patient. Commonly cited among women with galactorrhea and as high as
indications for treatment of microprolactinomas 70% among women with amenorrhea and
include infertility, hypogonadism, prevention of galactorrhea.2 The prevalence is about 5% among
bone loss and bothersome galactorrhea.2,3 The men who present with impotence or infertility.1
primary aim of treatment in patients with pituitary
macroadenoma is to control the compressive
effects of the tumour, including compression of Prolactin molecule
optic chiasm, with a secondary goal to restore Prolactin is a 23 kDa polypeptide hormone (198
gonadal function. However, indications and amino acids) synthesized in the lactotroph cells of
modalities of treatment of hyperprolactinemia due the anterior pituitary gland. Its secretion is
to pituitary microadenomas are less well defined.2 pulsatile and increases with sleep, stress, food
Medications in the form of dopamine agonists are ingestion, pregnancy, chest wall stimulation, and
the first line of treatment, with surgery and trauma. Macroprolactinemia denotes the situation
radiotherapy reserved for refractory and in which there is high level of the circulating ‘big
medication-intolerant patients.2 Treatment with prolactin’ molecules of 50 and 150 kDa (PRL-IgG
dopamine agonists can restore normal prolactin complexes); which have high immunogenic
levels and gonadal function. However, the choice properties, but poor or no biological effect. When
of which dopamine agonist is most efficacious and these big variants circulate in large amounts, the
produces the least adverse effects is unclear. To condition is referred to as “macroprolactinemia”,
provide evidence-based recommendations to identified as hyperprolactinemia by the commonly
practicing clinicians facing these common used immune assays. Many commercial assays do
therapeutic dilemmas, in this review we not detect macroprolactin. Macroprolactin in the
summarize advances in our understanding of the serum can be detected by Polyethylene glycol
clinical significance of hyperprolactinemia and its precipitation.4 In these situations even though high
pathogenetic mechanisms, including the influence levels of circulating prolactin hormone are
of concomitant medication use, effects with detected, the biological prolactin is normal and so
medications, surgery and radiotherapy in there are no clinical symptoms, although a smaller
hyperprolactinemic patients. proportion of patients with macroprolactinemia
may have symptoms.5-8 It should be suspected
when typical symptoms of hyperprolactinemia are
Prevalence absent.9,10 As macroprolactinemia is common in
An excess of prolactin above a reference hyperprolactinemia, routine screening for
laboratory’s upper limits, or “biochemical macroprolactinemia could eliminate unnecessary
hyperprolactinemia,” can be identified in up to diagnostic testing as well as treatment in cases of
10% of the population.1 The prevalence of asymptomatic hyperprolactinemic subjects.6
hyperprolactinemia ranges from 0.4% in an
unselected adult population to as high as 9-17% in
Regulation of prolactin secretion
women with reproductive diseases. Its prevalence
was found to be 5% in a family planning clinic.4 The main biological action of prolactin is inducing
Women with oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea, and maintaining lactation. However, it also exerts
Delta Med Col J. Jul 2018;6(2) 91
Review Article
For management purpose, hyperprolatinemics can Table II: Advantages, disadvantages and cost of
be broadly divided into three groups. various dopamine agonist agents available
Agent Main advantages Disadvantages Typical dose
Management of hyperprolactnemia based on Bromocriptine Longest track record High frequency of 2.5 mg/day
Group 1 Cabergoline High efficacy; less adverse Experience during 0.5 mg/week
events; indicated in cases pregnancy relatively
In women seeking fertility, macroadenoma in External radiation therapy is only reserved for
close proximity to optic chiasm despite residual tumour in patients who have undergone
optimal medical therapy (pre pregnancy surgery and there is incomplete resection. It is of
debulking recommended). very limited benefit since the response is typically
quite modest and delayed.47 There is also a risk of
Cerebrospinal fluid leak during administration developing hypopituitarism. Bromocriptine has
of dopamine agonist. been used in patients where surgery or combined
Macroadenoma in a patient with a psychiatric surgery and radiation therapy is failed.
condition for which dopamine agonists are
Group 3
Transnasal transsphenoidal microsurgical excision
Around 40% patients with primary
of prolactinoma is a widely chosen as it is a safe
hypothyroidism have mild elevation of PRL levels
procedure. It is usually recommended for very
that can be normalized by thyroid hormone
large tumours, those with suprasellar and frontal
replacement.16 Medications that can cause
extension, and visual impairment persisting after
hyperprolactinemia should be discontinued for
medications. Besides the usual surgical risks,
48-72 hours if it is safe to do so and serum
hypopituitarism is a potential long-term effect of
prolactin level repeated. Sometimes the causative
surgery and patients should be counseled properly
agent is essential for the patient's health (for e.g., a
beforehand. Unfortunately, relapse is common as psychotropic agent) but it may cause symptomatic
excision is often incomplete but prolactin levels hypogonadism. In these patients, treatment with a
are lower than before. Prolactin levels should be dopamine agonist should be avoided since it might
monitored regularly. First after 4 weeks of starting compromise the effectiveness of the psychotropic
therapy and then repeated after 3-6 months drug and the patient should simply be treated with
depending on symptom reversal. Repeat MRI is replacement of sex steroids.
done after 6 months of normalization of prolactin
About 30% patients with chronic renal failure and
levels. Further evaluation is done with 6 monthly
up to 80% patients on hemodialysis have raised
prolactin levels. Scanning should be repeated only
prolactin levels. This is probably due to either
if symptoms reappear or exacerbate.
decreased clearance or increased production of
There are several possible explanations for the prolactin as a result of disordered hypothalamic
recurrence or persistence of hyperprolactinemia regulation of prolactin secretion. Correction of the
after surgery as listed below: renal failure by transplantation results in normal
a. Tumour may be multifocal in origin PRL levels.
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