Course Guide-Asl 2
Course Guide-Asl 2
Course Guide-Asl 2
Prepared by:
Shailanie V. Rivera
Republic of the Philippines
Maura, Aparri, Cagayan
This course focuses on the principles, development and utilization of alternative forms of
assessment in measuring, monitoring and evaluating authentic learning and
communicating its results. It emphasizes on how to assess process- and product-oriented
learning outcomes as well as affective learning. Pre-service teachers will experience how
to design, develop, select and use rubrics and other alternative assessment tools for
performance-based and product-based assessment. The course further addresses how
to provide accurate and constructive feedback to improve instruction and learner
Total 100%
Aside from the major course outputs, the student will be assessed at other times
during the term by the following:
Online portfolio in ASL 1
Attendance in accordance to the Student Manual
Class participation and Recitation
Quizzes and Major Examinations
Reflective journals and completed Individual online
interactive worksheets
In accordance to the Student and Academic Manual and fitting the instruction to adapt
the present situation brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, the following policies
for the course:
1. Attendance to Class Lectures. As the face-to-face instruction will be limited, classes will
be held online on a specific time. However, for acceptable reasons, non-attendance to
online lectures may be given consideration as long as the student must commit to watch
the videos (although far more simplified than the live online lectures) and read the
learning modules given.
2. Completion of Activities and Deadlines. Activity sheets consist of Drills, Problem Sets
and Drills are like quizzes, but these are activities that need intensive studying and
researching and therefore more appropriate if they are given to the students and be
done offline at home. However, deadlines (at least 3 days after activity was given) will
be set in order to have continuity of instruction as scheduled in the syllabus. Although
poor network connection may hinder on-time online submissions, habitual late
submissions are discouraged.
3. Quizzes. Quizzes will be done online in multiple choice formats. Each quiz must be
answered within the day the lecture was delivered.
4. Checking of Outputs and Returning of Papers. Answers to the problem sets and quizzes
are to be discussed by the instructor using an inquiry-based approach. This is to ensure
that the misconceptions of the students are corrected before proceeding to the next
topic. The instructor and the University may keep submitted student work and use it as
examples for accreditation purposes. Rest assured that all the credits will be given to the
owner of the assignment. Students who decline to have their work kept on file for this
purpose must notify the instructor.
5. Major Examinations, Major Competency Outputs and Culminating Activity. Exams are
integral part of Mathematics instruction. It serves as the summative assessment of
students’ knowledge and understanding of the subject; therefore, giving such is a
necessity. These will be through face-to-face mode. This is in order for the examination
results to be valid and reliable. Furthermore, although the MCOs must be submitted on a
specific date within a term, these will be presented during the Culminating Activity of the
course. Since the program is about teaching, the integration of pedagogy in this course
is necessary to provide relevance of this course to the attainment of the program
objectives. The instructor believes that development of instructional materials as well as
demonstration teachings and research reports are appropriate requirements for this
I. Demonstrate knowledge on Unit 1 – Authentic Assessment in
Authentic Assessment in the Classroom the Classroom
b. 4. Scoring Rubrics
- Types
- Components
- Development
- Interpretation and utilization