Article 5 - Developing Our Human Capital September 2020 Rev
Article 5 - Developing Our Human Capital September 2020 Rev
Article 5 - Developing Our Human Capital September 2020 Rev
Kenya Leacock, Assistant Terminal Operations Supervisor, Cargo Handling Department, PLIPDECO
visits the Maritime and Port Authority Singapore (MPA)
Human capital is the most important asset for the productivity and growth of an organization. Equipment and
technology are products of human minds and can only be made productive by people. Therefore, the success
of any productive programme, depends on human innovative ideas and creativity.
The Corporation invested in developmental training for its Cargo Handling supervisory personnel by nominating
an Assistant Terminal Operations Supervisor (ATOS) Kenya Leacock to participate in 5 Day Course in Singapore
in June 2019 entitled “Understanding Port Operations and Management”. This programme was awarded by the
Government of Singapore under the Singapore Cooperation Programme. Mr. Leacock was exposed to best-
practice methods in planning, organizing and using resources to ensure high levels of efficiency for port users.
In addition to this, he had the opportunity to network with Port Operations Supervisors from across the globe.
Additionally, the following training interventions were completed over the period January 2019 to August
Certification Training: The Corporation is mindful of the importance of certification training towards the
achievement of a skilled and competent workforce. To this end, the Corporation engaged in rigorous
certification and recertification for staff in the areas of Defensive Driving, Emergency Medical Technician
(EMT), First Aid/CPR, Certified Quality Technician and Advanced Firearms training.
September 2020
Equipment Operator Training: In its thrust to enhance its existing complement of staff trained to
operate equipment, the Corporation completed training for staff members in the areas of Tractor Truck
and Mobile Harbour Crane (MHC). Cargo Handling employees were also trained and certified to
operate the Forklifts.
In an effort to enhance the competence of our staff who conduct internal equipment operator training,
staff members who conduct Tractor Truck Driver training completed Tractor Truck Driver Assessor
training. Additionally, staff charged with the responsibility of operating equipment were exposed to
sessions in Accident Awareness, Safety Awareness and Defensive Driving Training for Tractor Truck
The Corporation is also mindful of the importance of continuous assessment of employees, especially
those who operate the port’s equipment, to monitor their competence in the performance of equipment
operations. To this end, the Corporation built its internal resources by having eight (8) employees
complete Assessor training, thereby ensuring that Equipment Operators can be appropriately assessed
while performing their functions.
Terminal Clerk Training: Terminal Clerks completed training in In and Out Gate and the specialized
area of Out Turn. Pre Gate Refresher training was completed, thereby adding to the complement of
Clerks who could be readily utilized in the Pre Gate Office. Training was also conducted in Demurrage,
where experienced Demurrage Clerks completed Train the Trainer training and a pool of additional
Clerks were also trained in the Demurrage function.
Training of Security Personnel: The Corporation continued its partnership with an external Consultant
to update the skills of its Security Services staff in the area of Firearms training. Security personnel were
also exposed to training in the areas of International Shipping and Port Facility Security (ISPS),
Investigative Techniques, Understanding Powers of Arrest and Handcuffing, Baton and Self Defence.
Four (4) Estate Constables who were reassigned to the Tactical Response Unit (TRU) completed TRU
training, which included modules on Summons Preparation, Defensive Tactics, Tactical Handcuffing and
Crowd Control.
Additional Training interventions: Terminal Workers were exposed to Tyre Management training. In
addition, the Cargo Handling Department increased its port supervisory capacity with the completion
of Foreman training for Terminal Workers.
September 2020
A cross-section of supervisory staff completed Supervisory Leadership training, to develop their supervisory
skills which would ultimately redound to the benefit of their departments and the Corporation.
Twenty (20) of the Corporation’s management team and other staff completed Project Management online
training. This training was undertaken to assist them in project planning, implementation and close-out.
Five (5) members of staff from the Planning, HSE and PCM Departments completed Train the Trainer online
training, to equip them with the knowledge and skills to design and conduct a basic training workshop and
to prepare training needs assessments, training plans and to evaluate training.