FILE - 20200812 - 133358 - 1.4 Indra ADS-B
FILE - 20200812 - 133358 - 1.4 Indra ADS-B
FILE - 20200812 - 133358 - 1.4 Indra ADS-B
Supplying ATM systems around the world for more than 90 years.
The Indra‘s ADS-B ground station is an The equipment is designed to fulfil and/ The meaning of ADS-B:
equipment which brings the benefits of or exceeds the requirements, inputs and Automatic: the target sends information
the Automatic Dependent Surveillance recommendations developed by FAA/ automatically, without any external
Broadcast with the best cost-performance RTCA ICAO, EUROCONTROL, and EUROCAE stimulus up to 5 times per second
ratio in the market. This system has been for the ADS-B systems as part of an air
entirely developed and manufactured by traffic control system, and can be adapted Dependent: all information relies on target.
Indra complying with the most exigent and easily to meet the increased air traffic No measurements are done in ground
recognized standards. requirements that will occur in the future. equipment.
Surveillance: provides ASTERIX data for
surveillance purposes
Broadcast: data is broadcasted by targets
without any reception confirmation.
Key benefits
System description
The Indra ADS-B ground station consist Due to the flexibility of the Indra ADS-B
on an Antenna that receives RF signals, system this can be configured from the
an ADS-B receiver and processor unit simplest ADS-B receiver with a unique omni
that receives, process and decode ADS-B antenna with a single processing unit to
information and an ADS-B processor that a fully redundant system including three
process correlates and creates ASTERIX elements sectorized antennas, redundant
reports to be sent to the final ATM system. process chain and ADS-B central processor.
The Indra ADS-B system is superior to the Indra ADS-B is based in COTS elements and
rest of systems in the market because includes BITE and CMS functionalities that
contains three independent reception detect events and stores all relevant data.
channels. In heavy load environments this As recommended on related standards,
is translated in better performances at ADS-B system CMS functionalities use
longer distances. SNMP protocol.
ADS-B Antennas