Biology is based on careful observations and experiments. Some theories are strongly supported by evidence while others are still being modified. Key biological principles include that living things are made of cells, evolve over time, and are adapted to their environments.
Biology is based on careful observations and experiments. Some theories are strongly supported by evidence while others are still being modified. Key biological principles include that living things are made of cells, evolve over time, and are adapted to their environments.
Biology is based on careful observations and experiments. Some theories are strongly supported by evidence while others are still being modified. Key biological principles include that living things are made of cells, evolve over time, and are adapted to their environments.
Biology is based on careful observations and experiments. Some theories are strongly supported by evidence while others are still being modified. Key biological principles include that living things are made of cells, evolve over time, and are adapted to their environments.
Biology is a science, and our current understanding of life is based on the results of careful observations and experiments. In biology, some ideas or theories arc BIOFILE supported by ovenvhe.lming amounts of evidence from s.uch a wide variety of Popular theories overturned sources that it seems very unlikely they will be found to be untrue in the future.They are. accepted as biological principles. Other theories are Jess strongly supported. Scientific theories often change or Many are being modifie.d or overturne.d even as you read this book. are discarded when new information is obtained. Some popular theories Some biological principles and processes arc reJcvant to the ways that almost all that have been recently modified or living organisms function. For example, living organisms arc composed of cells, overturned include: organisms have comrnon characteristics and rcquircrncnts, evolution explains the • sugar causes tooth decay (bacteria diversity of ,organjsms, and orgM.isms ore adnptcd to their c·nvironmcnts. are the real cause; they use the sugar and release acid which attacks teeth) • stress causes ulcers (the bacterium Helicobacter pylori is the cause . ) • fibre in the diet reduces the risk of colon cancer (a huge study showed no correlation).
FIGURE 1.1.1 An example of living organisms: a common wombat (Vomb.atus ursinus) mother with her young joey.
There arc usually obvious dHfcrcnccs bcnvccn a living orga.njsn, and a non-Hving object, such as a ,vombat and a rock. A wombat ('Figure 1.1.1) is able to move, cat and respond to sounds; the young animal in the picture is evidence that the wombat is able to reproduce. A tree cannot move about_, but we can observe it grow new leaves and reproduce at a certain time of the year by flo,vering and producing seeds, which germinate and de.vclop into new plants. \Ve can observe that a tree obtains materials and energy from its surroundings, since without sunlight, soil, nutrients and water a tree will ce.ase to grow. \Ve can also see when an organism is no longer living. In a tree the signs of death may be yellowing and loss of leaves, and branches that become dry and brittle. It is perhaps more difficult to tell whether or not mould on rotting fruit or vegetables is living (Figure I, 1.2). But if we carefully observe a p-Jtch of mould over a few days we can sec it grow in size and eventually produce dark spores that disperse in air currents. \Ve also apply the terms �living' and �dead' to parts of organisms, but this is not always straightfonvard. A fruit that has dropped from an apple tree encloses flGURE 1.1.2 Moulds are also living organisms. seeds, e.ach of which contains and protects a living embryonic plant. In contrast, This image shows mould (pale wey) wowing in the outer corky part of the bark of the tree consists of dead tissue, just as the outer a oompost bin on decaying fruit and vegetables. layer of your skin is dead. An organ such as a kidney that h!as been removed from a donor must be kept alive artificially if it is to be transplanted successfully into a recipient patient. [f thc organ died it could not maintain its structure and functions.