Managing The IA Function
Managing The IA Function
Managing The IA Function
Strategic Roles of Internal Audit
1. Assess and foster the ethical climate of the Board and the management
2. Build and maintain networking with other organization executives and
the Audit Committee
3. Educate senior management and the Board on best practices in
governance, risk management, control, and compliance
4. Organize and lead a team in mapping, analysis, and business process
5. Initiate, manage, be a change catalyst and cope with change
6. Assess the adequacy of the performance measurement system and
achievement of control objectives
7. Communicate internal audit key performance indicators to senior
management and the board regularly
8. Coordinate internal audit efforts with external auditor, regulatory
oversight bodies and other internal assurance functions
Ethics consists of moral principles and standards of conduct
It relates to the philosophy of human conduct and principles
of human morality and duty
Morality, in turn, is focused on the “right” and “wrong” of
human behavior
Ethics and Compliance Program
Role of internal audit
Becoming an ethics advocate
Evaluating the design and implementation success of its
Ø Evaluate if the elements are actually in place and if
properly operating
Relevant Standards
2110 The internal audit activity must assess and make appropriate
recommendations for improving the governance process in its
accomplishment of the following objectives:
Promoting appropriate ethics and values within the organization;
Ensuring effective organizational performance management and
Communicating risk and control information to appropriate areas of the
organization; and
Coordinating the activities of and communicating information among
the board, external and internal auditors, and management.
2110.A1 – The internal audit activity must evaluate the design, implementation,
and effectiveness of the organization’s ethics-related objectives, programs,
and activities.
2110.A2 – The internal audit activity must assess whether the information
technology governance of the organization supports the organization’s
strategies and objectives.
Operational Roles of Internal Audit
1. Review the role of the internal audit function within the risk
management framework
2. Report on the effectiveness of corporate risk management
processes to senior management and the board
3. Report on the effectiveness of the internal control and risk
management frameworks
4. Maintain effective Quality Assurance Improvement Program
5. Formulate policies and procedures for the planning, organizing,
directing, and monitoring of internal audit operations
6. Direct the administrative activities (e.g., budgeting, human
resources) of the internal audit department
7. Interview candidates for internal audit positions
Risk-Based Internal Audit Plan
Managing the Internal Audit Activity (IAA)
Add Value
Risk-based Internal Audit Plan
May include:
q A list of proposed audit engagements (and specification regarding
whether the engagements are assurance or consulting in nature)
q Rationale for selecting each proposed engagement (e.g., risk
rating, time since last audit, change in management, etc.)
q Objectives and scope of each proposed engagement
q A list of initiatives or projects that result from the internal audit
strategy but may not be directly related to an audit engagement.
Why Risk-based?
ISPPIA mandate – Standard 2010
Regulatory reasons: bank, corporations
Ø Mandate of the Code of Corporate Governance
Ø Function of the Audit Committee and Accountability and
Audit, Code of Corporate Governance SEC Memorandum
No 6 (effective 07.15.09)
Ø BSP Circular No. 499, series of 2005 – Subsec. X164.3
Qualification Standards of the Internal Auditor
Changes happening constantly – externally and internally
Broad audit universe
Limited budget
Limited manpower and fast turnover of audit manpower
Limited expertise, especially technical skills
Internal Audit Planning Process
the business
Conduct risk
Monitor IA plan
Prepare IA plan resource
Components: Components:
• Environment
ü Economic trends • Information
ü Political conditions • Stakeholders
ü Regulatory compliance • Suppliers
ü Demographic patterns • Majority customers
ü Technological advances • competitors
ü Social and cultural • Values
changes • Management
ü Ecological concerns • processes Source:
1. Understanding the business
2. Risk Assessment in IA planning
The identification and analysis (typically in terms of impact and
likelihood) of relevant risks to the achievement of an organization’s
objectives to form a basis for determining how the risks should be
Focus of Internal Audit Plan
Unacceptable current risks where management action is required.
These would be areas with minimal key controls or mitigating
factors that senior management wants audited immediately
Areas where the differential is great between the inherent risk and
residual risk
Prioritize Risks
Factors to consider:
Risk management
Materiality and
Risk appetite
Risk scoring:
• High
• Moderate
• Low
Prioritize Risks
3. Identify and select engagements
Types of Engagements
Control reviews/assurance activities – where the internal auditor
reviews the adequacy and efficiency of the control systems and
provides assurance that the controls are working and the risks
are effectively managed
Consulting activities – where the internal auditor advises
organizational management in the development of the control
systems to mitigate unacceptable current risks
ü Inquiry activities – where organizational management has an
unacceptable level of uncertainty about the controls related to
a business activity or identified risk area and the internal
auditor performs procedures to gain a better understanding of
the residual risk
Assurance Services
An objective examination of evidence for the purpose of providing
an independent assessment on governance, risk management, and
control processes for the organization.
Assurance engagements:
Consulting Services
Advisory and related client service activities, the nature and scope
of which are agreed upon with the client, are intended to add value
and improve an organization’s governance, risk management, and
control processes without the internal auditor assuming
management responsibility.
Consulting engagements:
Internal control training
Business process review
IT and systems development
4. Identify resource requirements
2030 – Resource Management
The chief audit executive must ensure that internal audit resources
are appropriate, sufficient, and effectively deployed to achieve the
approved plan.
Appropriate refers to the mix of knowledge, skills, and other
competencies needed to perform the plan.
Sufficient refers to the quantity of resources needed to
accomplish the plan.
Resources are effectively deployed when they are used in a way
that optimizes the achievement of the approved plan.
Internal Audit Resource Requirements
Employees – skills, capabilities, and technical knowledge of the
internal audit staff
External service providers, employees from other departments
within the organization, or specialized consultants (if necessary)
Technology-based audit techniques
Financial budget
Internal Audit Resource Requirements
6. Report and approve the IA plan
2020 – Communication and Approval
Internal Audit Engagement
Engagement Scope (2220)
The established scope must be sufficient to achieve the objectives of the
The scope of the engagement must include consideration of relevant systems,
records, personnel, and physical properties, including those under the control of
third parties.
If significant consulting opportunities arise during an assurance engagement, a
specific written understanding as to the objectives, scope, respective
responsibilities, and other expectations should be reached and the results of the
consulting engagement communicated in accordance with consulting standards.
In performing consulting engagements, internal auditors must ensure that the
scope of the engagement is sufficient to address the agreed-upon objectives. If
internal auditors develop reservations about the scope during the engagement,
these reservations must be discussed with the client to determine whether to
continue with the engagement.
During consulting engagements, internal auditors must address controls consistent
with the engagement’s objectives and be alert to significant control issues.
Engagement Work Program (2240)
Internal auditors must develop and document work programs that
achieve the engagement objectives.
Work programs must include the procedures for identifying, analyzing,
evaluating, and documenting information during the engagement.
The work program must be approved prior to its implementation, and
any adjustments approved promptly.
Work programs for consulting engagements may vary in form and
content depending upon the nature of the engagement.