Astm A1058

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Designation: A1058 − 12b An American National Standard

Standard Test Methods for

Mechanical Testing of Steel Products—Metric1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation A1058; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope* 1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the
1.1 These test methods cover mechanical tests described in safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
ASTM, EN,2 ISO,3 and JIS4 standards that utilize the SI system responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
of units. The test methods in each system are not exact priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
equivalents. Each standards system (ASTM, EN, ISO, and JIS) bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
shall be used independently of the other. Combining require-
2. Referenced Documents
ments from any two or more systems may result in noncon-
formance with the purchase order. 2.1 ASTM Standards:5
A833 Practice for Indentation Hardness of Metallic Materi-
1.2 These test methods cover procedures for the mechanical
als by Comparison Hardness Testers
testing of steels, stainless steels, and related alloys. The various
A1038 Test Method for Portable Hardness Testing by the
mechanical tests herein described are used to determine prop-
Ultrasonic Contact Impedance Method
erties required in the product specifications. Variations in
E8/E8M Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Ma-
testing methods are to be avoided, and standard methods of
testing are to be followed to obtain reproducible and compa-
E10 Test Method for Brinell Hardness of Metallic Materials
rable results. In those cases in which the testing requirements
E18 Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness of Metallic Ma-
for certain products are unique or at variance with these general
procedures, the product specification testing requirements shall
E23 Test Methods for Notched Bar Impact Testing of Me-
tallic Materials
1.3 Only one of the testing procedure tracks shall be E29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to
followed: ASTM, EN, ISO, or JIS. When a test method or Determine Conformance with Specifications
practice is not available in one of the tracks then an appropriate E110 Test Method for Indentation Hardness of Metallic
test method or practice from an alternative track shall be used. Materials by Portable Hardness Testers
The respective tests are listed in the column shown in Table 1. E190 Test Method for Guided Bend Test for Ductility of
NOTE 1—The test methods in each system are not exact equivalents. Welds
1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as E290 Test Methods for Bend Testing of Material for Ductil-
standard. No other units of measurement are included in this ity
standard. 2.2 Other Documents:
1.5 Attention is directed to Practice ISO 17025 when there ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII, Divi-
may be a need for information on criteria for evaluation of sion I6
testing laboratories. ISO 148-1 Metallic Materials—Charpy Pendulum Impact
Test—Part 1: Test Method7
ISO 148-2 Metallic Materials—Charpy Pendulum Impact
Test—Part 2: Verification of Test Machines7
These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01 on ISO 2566-1 Steel—Conversion of Elongation Values—Part
Steel, Stainless Steel and Related Alloys and are the direct responsibility of
Subcommittee A01.13 on Mechanical and Chemical Testing and Processing
Methods of Steel Products and Processes.
Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2012. Published November 2012. Originally For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
approved in 2008. Last previous edition approved in 2012 as A1058 –12a. DOI: contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
10.1520/A1058-12b. Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Available from British Standards Institute (BSI), 389 Chiswick High Rd., the ASTM website.
London W4 4AL, U.K., Available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME
Available from International Organization for Standardization, 1 rue de International, Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990, USA, http://
Varembé, Case postale, CH-1211, Genève 20, Switzerland,
4 7
Available from Japanese Standards Association, 4-1-24, Akasaka, Minato-ku, These standards are also designed EN ISO: this identifies the adoption of ISO
Tokyo, 107-8440, Japan, standards by EN. “EN ISO” is part of the designation.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 1

A1058 − 12b
TABLE 1 Tests and Applicable Standards 3.5 If any test specimen fails because of mechanical reasons
Test Sections ASTM EN ISO JIS such as failure of testing equipment or improper specimen
Tension 5 to 12 E8/E8M 10002-1 6892-1 Z 2241 preparation, it may be discarded and another specimen taken.
Bend 13 E190 7438A 7438 Z 2248
Bend 13 { 10232 8491 {
4. Orientation of Test Specimens
(tube) 4.1 The terms “longitudinal test” and “transverse test” are
Hardness 14
Brinell 15 E10 6506-1A 6506-1 Z 2243 used only in material specifications for wrought products and
Rockwell 16 E18 6508-1A 6508-1 Z 2245 are not applicable to castings. When such reference is made to
Portable 17 A833 { { { a test coupon or test specimen, the following definitions apply:
A1038 4.1.1 Longitudinal Test, unless specifically defined
Impact 18 to 26 E23 148-1A 148-1 Z 2242 otherwise, signifies that the lengthwise axis of the specimen is
Keywords 27 { { { { parallel to the direction of the greatest extension of the steel
These standards are designated EN ISO; this identifies the adoption of ISO during rolling or forging. The stress applied to a longitudinal
standards by EN. “EN ISO” is part of the designation.
tension test specimen is in the direction of the greatest
extension, and the axis of the fold of a longitudinal bend test
specimen is at right angles to the direction of greatest exten-
1: Carbon and Low Alloy Steels7
ISO 2566-2 Steel—Conversion of Elongation Values—Part
4.1.2 Transverse Test, unless specifically defined otherwise,
2: Austenitic Steels7
signifies that the lengthwise axis of the specimen is at right
ISO 6506-1 Metallic Materials—Brinell Hardness Test—
angles to the direction of the greatest extension of the steel
Part 1: Test Method7
during rolling or forging. The stress applied to a transverse
ISO 6508-1 Metallic Materials—Rockwell Hardness Test—
tension test specimen is at right angles to the greatest
Part 1: Test Method (Scales A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, N,
extension, and the axis of the fold of a transverse bend test
specimen is parallel to the greatest extension.
ISO 6892-1 Metallic Materials—Tensile Testing at Ambient
Temperature7 4.2 The terms “radial test” and “tangential test” are used in
ISO 7438 Metallic Materials—Bend Test7 material specifications for some wrought circular products and
ISO 8491 Metallic Materials—Tube (in Full Section)— are not applicable to castings. When such reference is made to
Bend Test7 a test coupon or test specimen, the following definitions apply:
ISO 17025 General Requirements for the Competence of 4.2.1 Radial Test, unless specifically defined otherwise,
Testing and Calibration Laboratories7 signifies that the lengthwise axis of the specimen is perpen-
JIS B 7722 Charpy Pendulum Impact Test—Verification of dicular to the axis of the product and coincident with one of the
Testing Machines radii of a circle drawn with a point on the axis of the product
JIS Z 2201 Test Pieces for Tensile Test for Metallic Materials as a center.
JIS Z 2241 Method of Tensile Test for Metallic Materials 4.2.2 Tangential Test, unless specifically defined otherwise,
JIS Z 2242 Method of Charpy Pendulum Impact Test for signifies that the lengthwise axis of the specimen is perpen-
Metallic Materials dicular to a plane containing the axis of the product and tangent
JIS Z 2243 Brinell Hardness Test—Test Method to a circle drawn with a point on the axis of the product as a
JIS Z 2245 Rockwell Hardness Test—Test Method center.
JIS Z 2248 Method of Bend Test for Metallic Materials
3. General Precautions TENSION TEST
3.1 The ASTM track is the default track; if other than the 5. Description
ASTM track is used that track shall be reported.
5.1 The tension test related to the mechanical testing of steel
3.2 Certain methods of fabrication, such as bending, products subjects a machined or full-section specimen of the
forming, and welding, or operations involving heating, may material under examination to a measured load sufficient to
affect the properties of the material under test. Therefore, the cause rupture. The resulting properties sought are defined in
product specifications cover the stage of manufacture at which Test Methods E8/E8M, ISO 6892-1, or JIS Z 2241 as appli-
mechanical testing is to be performed. The properties shown by cable.
testing prior to fabrication may not necessarily be representa-
5.2 In general, the testing equipment and methods are given
tive of the product after it has been completely fabricated.
in Test Methods E8/E8M, ISO 6892-1 and JIS Z 2241.
3.3 Improper machining or preparation of test specimens However, there are certain exceptions to these practices; these
may give erroneous results. Care should be exercised to assure exceptions are covered in this standard.
good workmanship in machining. Improperly machined speci-
mens should be discarded and other specimens substituted. 6. Testing Apparatus and Operations
3.4 Flaws in the specimen may also affect results. If any test 6.1 Loading Systems—There are two general types of load-
specimen develops flaws, the retest provision of the applicable ing systems, mechanical (screw power) and hydraulic. These
product specification shall govern. differ chiefly in the variability of the rate of load application.

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A1058 − 12b
The older screw power machines are limited to a small number stressing does not exceed 11 MPa per second. However, the
of fixed free running crosshead speeds. Some modern screw minimum rate of stressing shall not be less than 1 MPa per
power machines, and all hydraulic machines permit stepless second.
variation throughout the range of speeds.
6.2 The tension testing machine shall be maintained in good 7. Test Specimen Parameters
operating condition, used only in the proper loading range, and 7.1 Selection—Test coupons shall be selected in accordance
calibrated periodically in accordance with the latest revision of with the applicable product specifications.
the appropriate practices. 7.2 Size and Tolerances—Test specimen dimensions and
NOTE 2—Many machines are equipped with stress-strain recorders for
autographic plotting of stress-strain curves. It should be noted that some
tolerances shall comply with the requirements of the relevant
recorders have a load measuring component entirely separate from the standards.
load indicator of the testing machine. Such recorders are calibrated 7.3 Procurement of Test Specimens—Specimens shall be
prepared from portions of the material. They are usually
6.3 Loading—It is the function of the gripping or holding machined so as to have a reduced cross section at mid-length
device of the testing machine to transmit the load from the in order to obtain uniform distribution of the stress over the
heads of the machine to the specimen under test. The essential cross section and to localize the zone of fracture. Care shall be
requirement is that the load shall be transmitted axially. This taken to remove by machining all distorted, cold-worked, or
implies that the centers of the action of the grips shall be in heat-affected areas from the edges of the section used in
alignment, insofar as practicable, with the axis of the specimen evaluating the test.
at the beginning and during the test and that bending and
7.4 Aging of Test Specimens—Unless otherwise specified, it
twisting be held to a minimum.
shall be permissible to age tension test specimens. The time-
6.4 Speed of Testing—The speed of testing shall not be temperature cycle employed must be such that the effects of
greater than that at which load and strain readings can be made previous processing will not be materially changed. It may be
accurately. In production testing, speed of testing is commonly accomplished by aging at room temperature 24 to 48 h, or in
expressed (1) in terms of free running crosshead speed (rate of shorter time at moderately elevated temperatures by boiling in
movement of the crosshead of the testing machine when not water, heating in oil or in an oven.
under load), or (2) in terms of rate of separation of the two
7.5 Measurement of Dimensions of Test Specimens—Test
heads of the testing machine under load, or (3) in terms of rate
specimens shall be measured in accordance with the require-
of stressing the specimen, or (4) in terms of rate of straining the
ments of 7.5.1 and 7.5.2 for ASTM or the appropriate para-
specimen. The following limitations on the speed of testing are
graphs of ISO 6892-1, or JIS Z 2241 as applicable.
recommended as adequate for most steel products:
7.5.1 Rectangular Tension Test—These forms of specimens
NOTE 3—Tension tests using closed-loop machines (with feedback are shown in Test Methods E8/E8M. To determine the cross-
control of rate) should not be performed using load control, as this mode sectional area, the center width dimension shall be measured to
of testing will result in acceleration of the crosshead upon yielding and
the nearest 0.15 mm for the 200-mm gauge length specimen
elevation of the measured yield strength.
and 0.025 mm for the 50-mm gauge length specimen. The
6.4.1 Any convenient speed of testing may be used up to center thickness dimension shall be measured to the nearest
one half the specified yield point or yield strength. When this 0.025 mm for both specimens.
point is reached, the free-running rate of separation of the 7.5.2 Round Tension Test Specimens—These forms of speci-
crossheads shall be adjusted so as not to exceed 0.025 mm per mens are shown in Test Methods E8/E8M. To determine the
second per 25 mm of reduced section, or the distance between cross-sectional area, the diameter shall be measured at the
the grips for test specimens not having reduced sections. This center of the gauge length to the nearest 0.025 mm.
speed shall be maintained through the yield point or yield
strength. In determining the tensile strength, the free-running 7.6 General—Test specimens shall be either substantially
rate of separation of the heads shall not exceed 13 mm per min full size or machined, as prescribed in the product specifica-
per 25 mm of reduced section, or the distance between the tions for the material being tested.
grips for test specimens not having reduced sections. In any 7.6.1 It is desirable to have the cross-sectional area of the
event, the minimum speed of testing shall not be less than 1⁄10 specimen smallest at the center of the gauge length to ensure
the specified maximum rates for determining yield point or fracture within the gauge length. This is provided for by the
yield strength and tensile strength. taper in the gauge length permitted for each of the specimens
6.4.2 It shall be permissible to set the speed of the testing described in the following sections.
machine by adjusting the free running crosshead speed to the 7.6.2 For low ductility materials it is desirable to have fillets
above specified values, inasmuch as the rate of separation of of large radius at the ends of the gauge length.
heads under load at these machine settings is less than the
specified values of free running crosshead speed. 8. Plate-Type Specimen
6.4.3 As an alternative, if the machine is equipped with a 8.1 The standard plate-type test specimen is shown in Test
device to indicate the rate of loading, the speed of the machine Methods E8/E8M, ISO 6892-1, or JIS Z 2241. This specimen
from half the specified yield point or yield strength through the is used for testing metallic materials in the form of plate,
yield point or yield strength may be adjusted so that the rate of structural and bar-size shapes, and flat material having a

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A1058 − 12b
nominal thickness of 5 mm or over. When product specifica- 12.3 Reduction of Area—Fit the ends of the fractured
tions so permit, other types of specimens may be used. specimen together and measure the mean diameter or the width
and thickness at the smallest cross section to the same accuracy
9. Sheet-Type Specimen as the original dimensions. The difference between the area
9.1 The standard sheet-type test specimen is shown in Test thus found and the area of the original cross section expressed
Methods E8/E8M, ISO 6892-1, or JIS Z 2241. This specimen as a percentage of the original area is the reduction of area.
is used for testing metallic materials in the form of sheet, plate, BEND TEST
flat wire, strip, band, and hoop ranging in nominal thickness
from 0.13 to 19 mm. When product specifications so permit, 13. Description
other types of specimens may be used, as specified in Test
13.1 The bend test is one method for evaluating ductility,
Methods E8/E8M.
but it cannot be considered as a quantitative means of predict-
ing service performance in all bending operations. The severity
10. Round Specimens
of the bend test is primarily a function of the angle of bend and
10.1 The standard diameter round test specimen as shown in inside diameter to which the specimen is bent, and of the cross
Test Methods E8/E8M, ISO 6892-1, or JIS Z 2241 is frequently section of the specimen. These conditions are varied according
used for testing metallic materials. to location and orientation of the test specimen and the
10.2 Small size specimens proportional to standard speci- chemical composition, tensile properties, hardness, type, and
mens may be used when it is necessary to test material from quality of the steel specified. Test Method E190, Test Methods
which the standard specimens cannot be prepared. When small E290, EN ISO 7438, EN 10232 (tube), ISO 7438, or ISO 8491
size specimens are used, the gauge length for measurement of (tube) and JIS Z 2248 may be consulted for methods of
elongation shall be five times the diameter of the specimen. performing the test.
10.3 The type of specimen ends outside of the gauge length 13.2 Unless otherwise specified, it shall be permissible to
shall accommodate the shape of the product tested, and shall age bend test specimens. The time-temperature cycle employed
properly fit the holders or grips of the testing machine so that must be such that the effects of previous processing will not be
axial loads are applied with a minimum of load eccentricity and materially changed. It may be accomplished by aging at room
slippage. temperature 24 to 48 h, or in shorter time at moderately
elevated temperatures by boiling in water or by heating in oil
11. Gauge Marks or in an oven.
11.1 Test specimens shall be marked in accordance with the 13.3 Bend the test specimen at room temperature to an
requirements of the relevant standards. inside diameter, as designated by the applicable product
specifications, to the extent specified. The speed of bending is
12. Determination of Tensile Properties ordinarily not an important factor.
12.1 The determination and description of the tensile prop- HARDNESS TEST
erties shall be in accordance with the requirements of the
relevant standards. 14. General
12.2 Elongation values may be converted from (i) 4d gauge 14.1 A hardness test is a means of determining resistance to
length to a 5d gauge length, or (ii) 5d gage length to a 4d gage penetration and is occasionally employed to obtain a quick
length by use of the multiplication factors shown in Table 2. If approximation of tensile strength. Table 3, Table 4, Table 5,
this conversion is used, the supplier must show the calculation and Table 6 are for the conversion of hardness measurements
on the certification. from one scale to another or to approximate tensile strength.
12.2.1 Example 1—Conversion of Carbon and low alloy These conversion values have been obtained from computer-
steel elongation derived from 4d gauge length to a 5d gauge generated curves and are presented to the nearest 0.1 point to
length elongation value: permit accurate reproduction of those curves. Since all con-
23 % × 0.916 = 21 % verted hardness values must be considered approximate,
12.2.2 Example 2—Conversion of Austenitic steel elonga- however, all converted Rockwell hardness numbers shall
tion derived from 5d gauge length to a 4d gauge length be rounded to the nearest whole number.
elongation value: 14.2 Hardness Testing:
23 % × 1.029 = 24 % 14.2.1 If the product specification permits alternative hard-
ness testing to determine conformance to a specified hardness
requirement, the conversions listed in Table 3, Table 4, Table 5,
and Table 6 shall be used.
TABLE 2 Conversion Factors for 4d and 5d Gauge Lengths (ISO
2566-1 and ISO 2566-2)
14.2.2 When recording converted hardness numbers, the
measured hardness and test scale shall be indicated in
Conversion from 4d to 5d 5d to 4d
parentheses, for example: 353 HBW (38 HRC). This means
Carbon and low alloy steels 0.916 1.093
Austenitic steels 0.972 1.029 that a hardness value of 38 was obtained using the Rockwell C
scale and converted to a Brinell hardness of 353.

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A1058 − 12b
TABLE 3 Approximate Hardness Conversion Numbers for Nonaustenitic SteelsA (Rockwell C to Other Hardness Numbers)
Rockwell Superficial Hardness
Rockwell Rockwell
Brinell Knoop 15N Scale, 30N Scale 45N Scale,
C Scale, Vickers A Scale, Approximate
Hardness, Hardness, 15-kgf 30-kgf 45-kgf
150-kgf Load, Hardness 60-kgf Load, Tensile
3000-kgf Load, 500-gf Load Load, Load, Load,
Diamond Number Diamond Strength,
10-mm Ball and Over Diamond Diamond Diamond
Penetrator Penetrator ksi (MPa)
Penetrator Penetrator Penetrator
68 940 ... 920 85.6 93.2 84.4 75.4 ...
67 900 ... 895 85.0 92.9 83.6 74.2 ...
66 865 ... 870 84.5 92.5 82.8 73.3 ...
65 832 739 846 83.9 92.2 81.9 72.0 ...
64 800 722 822 83.4 91.8 81.1 71.0 ...
63 772 706 799 82.8 91.4 80.1 69.9 ...
62 746 688 776 82.3 91.1 79.3 68.8 ...
61 720 670 754 81.8 90.7 78.4 67.7 ...
60 697 654 732 81.2 90.2 77.5 66.6 ...
59 674 634 710 80.7 89.8 76.6 65.5 351 (2420)
58 653 615 690 80.1 89.3 75.7 64.3 338 (2330)
57 633 595 670 79.6 88.9 74.8 63.2 325 (2240)
56 613 577 650 79.0 88.3 73.9 62.0 313 (2160)
55 595 560 630 78.5 87.9 73.0 60.9 301 (2070)
54 577 543 612 78.0 87.4 72.0 59.8 292 (2010)
53 560 525 594 77.4 86.9 71.2 58.6 283 (1950)
52 544 512 576 76.8 86.4 70.2 57.4 273 (1880)
51 528 496 558 76.3 85.9 69.4 56.1 264 (1820)
50 513 482 542 75.9 85.5 68.5 55.0 255 (1760)
49 498 468 526 75.2 85.0 67.6 53.8 246 (1700)
48 484 455 510 74.7 84.5 66.7 52.5 238 (1640)
47 471 442 495 74.1 83.9 65.8 51.4 229 (1580)
46 458 432 480 73.6 83.5 64.8 50.3 221 (1520)
45 446 421 466 73.1 83.0 64.0 49.0 215 (1480)
44 434 409 452 72.5 82.5 63.1 47.8 208 (1430)
43 423 400 438 72.0 82.0 62.2 46.7 201 (1390)
42 412 390 426 71.5 81.5 61.3 45.5 194 (1340)
41 402 381 414 70.9 80.9 60.4 44.3 188 (1300)
40 392 371 402 70.4 80.4 59.5 43.1 182 (1250)
39 382 362 391 69.9 79.9 58.6 41.9 177 (1220)
38 372 353 380 69.4 79.4 57.7 40.8 171 (1180)
37 363 344 370 68.9 78.8 56.8 39.6 166 (1140)
36 354 336 360 68.4 78.3 55.9 38.4 161 (1110)
35 345 327 351 67.9 77.7 55.0 37.2 156 (1080)
34 336 319 342 67.4 77.2 54.2 36.1 152 (1050)
33 327 311 334 66.8 76.6 53.3 34.9 149 (1030)
32 318 301 326 66.3 76.1 52.1 33.7 146 (1010)
31 310 294 318 65.8 75.6 51.3 32.5 141 (970)
30 302 286 311 65.3 75.0 50.4 31.3 138 (950)
29 294 279 304 64.6 74.5 49.5 30.1 135 (930)
28 286 271 297 64.3 73.9 48.6 28.9 131 (900)
27 279 264 290 63.8 73.3 47.7 27.8 128 (880)
26 272 258 284 63.3 72.8 46.8 26.7 125 (860)
25 266 253 278 62.8 72.2 45.9 25.5 123 (850)
24 260 247 272 62.4 71.6 45.0 24.3 119 (820)
23 254 243 266 62.0 71.0 44.0 23.1 117 (810)
22 248 237 261 61.5 70.5 43.2 22.0 115 (790)
21 243 231 256 61.0 69.9 42.3 20.7 112 (770)
20 238 226 251 60.5 69.4 41.5 19.6 110 (760)
This table gives the approximate interrelationships of hardness values and approximate tensile strength of steels. It is possible that steels of various compositions and
processing histories will deviate in hardness-tensile strength relationship from the data presented in this table. The data in this table should not be used for austenitic
stainless steels, but have been shown to be applicable for ferritic and martensitic stainless steels. The data in this table should not be used to establish a relationship
between hardness values and tensile strength of hard drawn wire. Where more precise conversions are required, they should be developed specially for each steel
composition, heat treatment, and part.

15. Brinell Test mum hardness may be specified by agreement. In general, no

15.1 The Brinell Test shall be carried out in accordance with hardness requirements should be applied to untreated material.
the requirements of Test Method E10, ISO 6506-1, or JIS Z 15.1.2 Brinell hardness may be required when tensile prop-
2243. erties are not specified.
15.1.1 A range of hardness can properly be specified only 15.2 Test Specimen—Brinell hardness tests are made on
for quenched and tempered or normalized and tempered prepared areas and sufficient metal must be removed from the
material. For annealed material a maximum figure only should surface to eliminate decarburized metal and other surface
be specified. For normalized material a minimum or a maxi- irregularities. The thickness of the piece tested must be such

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A1058 − 12b
TABLE 4 Approximate Hardness Conversion Numbers for Nonaustenitic SteelsA (Rockwell B to Other Hardness Numbers)
Rockwell Rockwell Superficial Hardness
Rockwell F Scale,
Brinell Rockwell
B Scale, Knoop 60-kgf Approximate
Vickers Hardness, A Scale, 15T Scale, 30T Scale, 45T Scale,
100-kgf Load Hardness, Load, Tensile
Hardness 3000-kgf Load, 60-kgf Load, 15-kgf Load, 30-kgf Load, 45-kgf Load,
500-gf Load 1⁄16-in. Strength
Number 10-mm Diamond 1⁄16-in. 1⁄16-in. 1⁄16-in.
(1.588-mm) and Over (1.588- ksi (MPa)
Ball Penetrator (1.588-mm) (1.588-mm) (1.588-mm)
Ball mm)
Ball Ball Ball Ball

100 240 240 251 61.5 ... 93.1 83.1 72.9 116 (800)
99 234 234 246 60.9 ... 92.8 82.5 71.9 114 (785)
98 228 228 241 60.2 ... 92.5 81.8 70.9 109 (750)
97 222 222 236 59.5 ... 92.1 81.1 69.9 104 (715)
96 216 216 231 58.9 ... 91.8 80.4 68.9 102 (705)
95 210 210 226 58.3 ... 91.5 79.8 67.9 100 (690)
94 205 205 221 57.6 ... 91.2 79.1 66.9 98 (675)
93 200 200 216 57.0 ... 90.8 78.4 65.9 94 (650)
92 195 195 211 56.4 ... 90.5 77.8 64.8 92 (635)
91 190 190 206 55.8 ... 90.2 77.1 63.8 90 (620)
90 185 185 201 55.2 ... 89.9 76.4 62.8 89 (615)
89 180 180 196 54.6 ... 89.5 75.8 61.8 88 (605)
88 176 176 192 54.0 ... 89.2 75.1 60.8 86 (590)
87 172 172 188 53.4 ... 88.9 74.4 59.8 84 (580)
86 169 169 184 52.8 ... 88.6 73.8 58.8 83 (570)
85 165 165 180 52.3 ... 88.2 73.1 57.8 82 (565)
84 162 162 176 51.7 ... 87.9 72.4 56.8 81 (560)
83 159 159 173 51.1 ... 87.6 71.8 55.8 80 (550)
82 156 156 170 50.6 ... 87.3 71.1 54.8 77 (530)
81 153 153 167 50.0 ... 86.9 70.4 53.8 73 (505)
80 150 150 164 49.5 ... 86.6 69.7 52.8 72 (495)
79 147 147 161 48.9 ... 86.3 69.1 51.8 70 (485)
78 144 144 158 48.4 ... 86.0 68.4 50.8 69 (475)
77 141 141 155 47.9 ... 85.6 67.7 49.8 68 (470)
76 139 139 152 47.3 ... 85.3 67.1 48.8 67 (460)
75 137 137 150 46.8 99.6 85.0 66.4 47.8 66 (455)
74 135 135 147 46.3 99.1 84.7 65.7 46.8 65 (450)
73 132 132 145 45.8 98.5 84.3 65.1 45.8 64 (440)
72 130 130 143 45.3 98.0 84.0 64.4 44.8 63 (435)
71 127 127 141 44.8 97.4 83.7 63.7 43.8 62 (425)
70 125 125 139 44.3 96.8 83.4 63.1 42.8 61 (420)
69 123 123 137 43.8 96.2 83.0 62.4 41.8 60 (415)
68 121 121 135 43.3 95.6 82.7 61.7 40.8 59 (405)
67 119 119 133 42.8 95.1 82.4 61.0 39.8 58 (400)
66 117 117 131 42.3 94.5 82.1 60.4 38.7 57 (395)
65 116 116 129 41.8 93.9 81.8 59.7 37.7 56 (385)
64 114 114 127 41.4 93.4 81.4 59.0 36.7 ...
63 112 112 125 40.9 92.8 81.1 58.4 35.7 ...
62 110 110 124 40.4 92.2 80.8 57.7 34.7 ...
61 108 108 122 40.0 91.7 80.5 57.0 33.7 ...
60 107 107 120 39.5 91.1 80.1 56.4 32.7 ...
59 106 106 118 39.0 90.5 79.8 55.7 31.7 ...
58 104 104 117 38.6 90.0 79.5 55.0 30.7 ...
57 103 103 115 38.1 89.4 79.2 54.4 29.7 ...
56 101 101 114 37.7 88.8 78.8 53.7 28.7 ...
55 100 100 112 37.2 88.2 78.5 53.0 27.7 ...
54 ... ... 111 36.8 87.7 78.2 52.4 26.7 ...
53 ... ... 110 36.3 87.1 77.9 51.7 25.7 ...
52 ... ... 109 35.9 86.5 77.5 51.0 24.7 ...
51 ... ... 108 35.5 86.0 77.2 50.3 23.7 ...
50 ... ... 107 35.0 85.4 76.9 49.7 22.7 ...
49 ... ... 106 34.6 84.8 76.6 49.0 21.7 ...
48 ... ... 105 34.1 84.3 76.2 48.3 20.7 ...
47 ... ... 104 33.7 83.7 75.9 47.7 19.7 ...
46 ... ... 103 33.3 83.1 75.6 47.0 18.7 ...
45 ... ... 102 32.9 82.6 75.3 46.3 17.7 ...
44 ... ... 101 32.4 82.0 74.9 45.7 16.7 ...
43 ... ... 100 32.0 81.4 74.6 45.0 15.7 ...
42 ... ... 99 31.6 80.8 74.3 44.3 14.7 ...
41 ... ... 98 31.2 80.3 74.0 43.7 13.6 ...
40 ... ... 97 30.7 79.7 73.6 43.0 12.6 ...
39 ... ... 96 30.3 79.1 73.3 42.3 11.6 ...
38 ... ... 95 29.9 78.6 73.0 41.6 10.6 ...
37 ... ... 94 29.5 78.0 72.7 41.0 9.6 ...
36 ... ... 93 29.1 77.4 72.3 40.3 8.6 ...
35 ... ... 92 28.7 76.9 72.0 39.6 7.6 ...
34 ... ... 91 28.2 76.3 71.7 39.0 6.6 ...
33 ... ... 90 27.8 75.7 71.4 38.3 5.6 ...

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 6

A1058 − 12b
TABLE 4 Continued
Rockwell Rockwell Superficial Hardness
Rockwell F Scale,
Brinell Rockwell
B Scale, Knoop 60-kgf Approximate
Vickers Hardness, A Scale, 15T Scale, 30T Scale, 45T Scale,
100-kgf Load Hardness, Load, Tensile
Hardness 3000-kgf Load, 60-kgf Load, 15-kgf Load, 30-kgf Load, 45-kgf Load,
500-gf Load 1⁄16-in. Strength
Number 10-mm Diamond 1⁄16-in. 1⁄16-in. 1⁄16-in.
(1.588-mm) and Over (1.588- ksi (MPa)
Ball Penetrator (1.588-mm) (1.588-mm) (1.588-mm)
Ball mm)
Ball Ball Ball Ball

32 ... ... 89 27.4 75.2 71.0 37.6 4.6 ...

31 ... ... 88 27.0 74.6 70.7 37.0 3.6 ...
30 ... ... 87 26.6 74.0 70.4 36.3 2.6 ...
This table gives the approximate interrelationships of hardness values and approximate tensile strength of steels. It is possible that steels of various compositions and
processing histories will deviate in hardness-tensile strength relationship from the data presented in this table. The data in this table should not be used for austenitic
stainless steels, but have been shown to be applicable for ferritic and martensitic stainless steels. The data in this table should not be used to establish a relationship
between hardness values and tensile strength of hard drawn wire. Where more precise conversions are required, they should be developed specially for each steel
composition, heat treatment, and part.

TABLE 5 Approximate Hardness Conversion Numbers for Austenitic Steels (Rockwell C to other Hardness Numbers)
Rockwell Superficial Hardness
Rockwell C Scale, Rockwell A Scale,
150-kgf Load, 60-kgf Load, 30N Scale, 30-kgf 45N Scale, 45-kgf
15N Scale, 15-kgf Load,
Diamond Penetrator Diamond Penetrator Load, Load,
Diamond Penetrator
Diamond Penetrator Diamond Penetrator
48 74.4 84.1 66.2 52.1
47 73.9 83.6 65.3 50.9
46 73.4 83.1 64.5 49.8
45 72.9 82.6 63.6 48.7
44 72.4 82.1 62.7 47.5
43 71.9 81.6 61.8 46.4
42 71.4 81.0 61.0 45.2
41 70.9 80.5 60.1 44.1
40 70.4 80.0 59.2 43.0
39 69.9 79.5 58.4 41.8
38 69.3 79.0 57.5 40.7
37 68.8 78.5 56.6 39.6
36 68.3 78.0 55.7 38.4
35 67.8 77.5 54.9 37.3
34 67.3 77.0 54.0 36.1
33 66.8 76.5 53.1 35.0
32 66.3 75.9 52.3 33.9
31 65.8 75.4 51.4 32.7
30 65.3 74.9 50.5 31.6
29 64.8 74.4 49.6 30.4
28 64.3 73.9 48.8 29.3
27 63.8 73.4 47.9 28.2
26 63.3 72.9 47.0 27.0
25 62.8 72.4 46.2 25.9
24 62.3 71.9 45.3 24.8
23 61.8 71.3 44.4 23.6
22 61.3 70.8 43.5 22.5
21 60.8 70.3 42.7 21.3
20 60.3 69.8 41.8 20.2

that no bulge or other marking showing the effect of the load and average to the nearest 0.05 mm. If the two diameters differ
appears on the side of the piece opposite the indentation. by more than 0.1 mm, discard the readings and make a new
15.3 Procedure:
15.3.1 It is essential that the applicable product specifica- 16. Rockwell Test
tions state clearly the position at which Brinell hardness 16.1 The Rockwell Test shall be carried out in accordance
indentations are to be made and the number of such indenta- with the requirements of Test Methods E18, ISO 6508-1, or JIS
tions required. The distance of the center of the indentation Z 2245.
from the edge of the specimen or edge of another indentation
must be at least two and one-half times the diameter of the 17. Portable Hardness Test
indentation. 17.1 Although the use of the standard, stationary Brinell or
15.3.2 Measure two diameters of the indentation at right Rockwell hardness tester is generally preferred, it is not always
angles to the nearest 0.1 mm, estimate to the nearest 0.05 mm, possible to perform the hardness test using such equipment due

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 7

A1058 − 12b
TABLE 6 Approximate Hardness Conversion Numbers for Austenitic Steels (Rockwell B to other Hardness Numbers)
Rockwell Superficial Hardness
Rockwell B Scale, Brinell Hardness, Rockwell A Scale, 15T Scale, 30T Scale, 45T Scale,
Brinell Indentation
100-kgf Load, 3000-kgf Load, 60-kgf Load, 15-kgf Load, 30-kgf Load, 45-kgf Load,
1⁄16-in. (1.588-mm)
10-mm Diamond 1⁄16-in. (1.588- 1⁄16-in. (1.588- 1⁄16-in. (1.588-
Ball Ball Penetrator mm) mm) mm)
Ball Ball Ball
100 3.79 256 61.5 91.5 80.4 70.2
99 3.85 248 60.9 91.2 79.7 69.2
98 3.91 240 60.3 90.8 79.0 68.2
97 3.96 233 59.7 90.4 78.3 67.2
96 4.02 226 59.1 90.1 77.7 66.1
95 4.08 219 58.5 89.7 77.0 65.1
94 4.14 213 58.0 89.3 76.3 64.1
93 4.20 207 57.4 88.9 75.6 63.1
92 4.24 202 56.8 88.6 74.9 62.1
91 4.30 197 56.2 88.2 74.2 61.1
90 4.35 192 55.6 87.8 73.5 60.1
89 4.40 187 55.0 87.5 72.8 59.0
88 4.45 183 54.5 87.1 72.1 58.0
87 4.51 178 53.9 86.7 71.4 57.0
86 4.55 174 53.3 86.4 70.7 56.0
85 4.60 170 52.7 86.0 70.0 55.0
84 4.65 167 52.1 85.6 69.3 54.0
83 4.70 163 51.5 85.2 68.6 52.9
82 4.74 160 50.9 84.9 67.9 51.9
81 4.79 156 50.4 84.5 67.2 50.9
80 4.84 153 49.8 84.1 66.5 49.9

to the part size or location. In this event, hardness testing using 20.2 Type and Size:
portable equipment as described in Practices A833 and A1038 20.2.1 A standard full size Charpy V-notch specimen as
or Test Method E110 shall be used. shown in Test Methods E23, ISO 148-1, or JIS Z 2242 shall be
used except as provided in the following sub-paragraphs.
CHARPY IMPACT TESTING 20.2.2 If a standard full-size specimen cannot be prepared,
18. Description the largest feasible standard subsize specimen shall be pre-
pared. The specimens shall be machined so that the specimen
18.1 The equipment, test specimen and testing procedures does not include material nearer to the surface than 0.5 mm.
shall comply with the requirements of Test Methods E23, ISO 20.2.3 Tolerances for standard subsize specimens are shown
148-1, or JIS Z 2242. in Test Methods E23, ISO 148-1, or JIS Z 2242.
19. Testing Machines 20.3 Notch Preparation—The machining of the notch is
19.1 Charpy machines used for testing steel generally have critical, as it has been demonstrated that extremely minor
capacities in the 300 to 400 J energy range. Sometimes variations in notch radius and profile, or tool marks at the
machines of lesser capacity are used; however, the capacity of bottom of the notch may result in erratic test data.
the machine should be substantially in excess of the absorbed
energy of the specimens (see Test Methods E23). The linear 21. Calibration
velocity at the point of impact should be in the range of 4.9 to 21.1 Accuracy and Sensitivity—Calibrate and adjust Charpy
5.8 m/s or in accordance with ISO 148-1, or JIS Z 2242. impact machines in accordance with the requirements of the
test methods used Test Methods E23, ISO 148-2, or JIS B
20. Sampling and Number of Specimens 7722.
20.1 Sampling:
20.1.1 Test location and orientation should be addressed by 22. Conditioning—Temperature Control
the product specifications. If not, for wrought products, the test
22.1 When a specific test temperature is required by the
location shall be the same as that for the tensile specimen and
specification or purchaser, control the temperature of the
the orientation shall be longitudinal with the notch perpendicu-
heating or cooling medium within 6 1°C because the effect of
lar to the major surface of the product being tested.
variations in temperature on Charpy test results can be very
20.1.2 Number of Specimens:
great. All specimens used for a Charpy impact test shall
be taken from a single test coupon or test location.
23. Procedure When the specification calls for a minimum aver-
age test result, three specimens shall be tested. 23.1 Individual Test Values: When the specification requires determination of a 23.1.1 Impact Energy—Record the impact energy absorbed
transition temperature, eight to twelve specimens are usually to the nearest J.
needed. 23.1.2 Fracture Appearance:

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 8

A1058 − 12b Determine the percentage of shear fracture area by Break one specimen at each of a series of tempera-
any of the methods described in Test Methods E23, ISO 148-1, tures above and below the anticipated transition temperature
or JIS Z 2242. using the procedures in Section 23. Record each test tempera- Determine the individual fracture appearance val- ture to the nearest 0.5°C.
ues to the nearest 5 % shear fracture and record the value. Plot the individual test results (J or percent shear)
23.1.3 Lateral Expansion: as the ordinate versus the corresponding test temperature as the Methods of measurement and precautions are de- abscissa and construct a best-fit curve through the plotted data
scribed in Test Methods E23. points. Measure the individual lateral expansion values to If transition temperature is specified as the tem-
the nearest 0.025 mm and record the values. perature at which a test value is achieved, determine the With the exception described as follows, any speci- temperature at which the plotted curve intersects the specified
men that does not separate into two pieces when struck by a test value by graphical interpolation (extrapolation is not
single blow may be reported as unbroken. If the specimen can permitted). Record this transition temperature to the nearest
be separated by force applied by bare hands, the specimen may 3°C. If the tabulated test results clearly indicate a transition
be considered as having been separated by the blow. temperature lower than specified, it is not necessary to plot the
data. Report the lowest test temperature for which test value
24. Interpretation of Test Result exceeds the specified value.
24.1 When the acceptance criterion of any impact test is Accept the test result if the determined transition
specified to be a minimum average value at a given temperature is equal to or lower than the specified value.
temperature, the test result shall be the average (arithmetic If the determined transition temperature is higher
mean) of the individual test values of three specimens from one than the specified value, but not more than 12°C higher than
test location. the specified value, test sufficient samples in accordance with
24.1.1 When a minimum average test result is specified: Section 25 to plot two additional curves. Accept the test results The test result is acceptable when all of the below if the temperatures determined from both additional tests are
are met: equal to or lower than the specified value.
(1) The test result equals or exceeds the specified minimum 24.3 When subsize specimens are permitted or necessary, or
average (given in the specification), both, modify the specified test requirement according to Table
(2) The individual test value for not more than one speci- 7 or test temperature according to codes such as ASME Boiler
men measures less than the specified minimum average, and and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division I Table UG-
(3) The individual test value for any specimen measures 84.2, or both. Greater energies or lower test temperatures may
not less than two-thirds of the specified minimum average. be agreed upon by purchaser and supplier. If the acceptance requirements of are not
met, perform one retest of three additional specimens from the 25. Records
same test location. Each individual test value of the retested 25.1 The test record should contain the following informa-
specimens shall be equal to or greater than the specified tion as appropriate:
minimum average value. 25.1.1 Full description of material tested (that is, specifica-
24.2 Test Specifying a Minimum Transition Temperature: tion number, grade, class or type, size, heat number).
24.2.1 Definition of Transition Temperature—For specifica- 25.1.2 Specimen orientation with respect to the material
tion purposes, the transition temperature is the temperature at axis.
which the designated material test value equals or exceeds a 25.1.3 Specimen size.
specified minimum test value. 25.1.4 Test temperature and individual test value for each
24.2.2 Determination of Transition Temperature: specimen broken, including initial tests and retests.

TABLE 7 Charpy V-Notch Test Acceptance Criteria for Various Sub-Size Specimens described by Test Methods E23
Full Size 3⁄4 Size 2⁄3 Size 1⁄2 Size 1⁄3 Size 1⁄4 Size

10 by 10 mm 10 by 7.5 mm 10 by 6.7 mm 10 by 5 mm 10 by 3.3 mm 10 by 2.5 mm

54 41 37 27 18 14
48 35 31 24 16 12
41 30 27 20 14 11
34 26 23 16 11 8
27 20 18 14 10 7
22 16 15 11 7 5
20 15 14 11 7 5
18 14 12 8 5 4
16 12 11 8 5 4
14 11 10 7 4 3
10 7 7 5 3 3

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 9

A1058 − 12b
25.1.5 Test results. 27. Keywords
25.1.6 Transition temperature and criterion for its 27.1 bend test; Brinell hardness; Charpy impact test; elon-
determination, including initial tests and retests. gation; hardness test; portable hardness; reduction of area;
26. Report Rockwell hardness; tensile strength; tension test; yield strength
26.1 The specification should designate the information to
be reported.


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Rounding A1.1.2 Recommended levels for rounding reported values

A1.1.1 An observed value or a calculated value shall be of test data are given in Table A1.1. These values are designed
rounded off in accordance with the applicable product specifi- to provide uniformity in reporting and data storage, and should
cation. In the absence of a specified procedure, the rounding- be used in all cases except where they conflict with specific
off method of Practice E29 shall be used. requirements of a product specification.
A1.1.1.1 Values shall be rounded up or rounded down as NOTE A1.1—To minimize cumulative errors, whenever possible, values
determined by the rules of Practice E29. should be carried to at least one figure beyond that of the final (rounded)
A1.1.1.2 In the special case of rounding the number “5” value during intervening calculations (such as calculation of stress from
load and area measurements) with rounding occurring as the final
when no additional numbers other than “0” follow the “5,” operation. The precision may be less than that implied by the number of
rounding shall be done in the direction of the specification significant figures.
limits if following Practice E29 would cause rejection of

TABLE A1.1 Recommended Values for Rounding Test Data

Test Quantity Test Data Range Rounded ValueA
Yield Point Up to 500 MPa, excl 1 MPa
Yield Strength 500 to 1000 MPa, excl 5 MPa
Tensile Strength 1000 MPa and above 10 MPa

Elongation 0 to 10 %, excl 0.5 %

10 % and above 1%

Reduction of Area 0 to 10 %, excl 0.5 %

10 % and above 1%

Impact Energy 0 to 325 J 1J

Brinell Hardness all values tabular valueB
Rockwell Hardness all scales 1 Rockwell Number
Round test data to the nearest integral multiple of the values in this column. If the data value is exactly midway between two rounded values, round in accordance with
Round the mean diameter of the Brinell impression to the nearest 0.05 mm and report the corresponding Brinell hardness number read from the table without further


Committee A01 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(A1058 – 12a) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Nov. 1, 2012.)

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 10

A1058 − 12b
(1) ISO and EN standards numbers updated, EN ISO designa- (2) Note “B” added to 2.2.
tion removed in 2.2, 5.1, 5.2, 7.5, 8.1, 9.1, 10.1, 15.1, 16.1,
18.1, 19.1, 20.2.1, 20.2.3, 21.1,, Table 1.

Committee A01 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(A1058 – 12) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved October 1, 2012.)

(1) Revisions have been made to 10.1, 10.2, 12.2, 13.3, and

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
( Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the ASTM website (

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