7.0 Lonely Mountain and Lake-Town Region: The Lords of Dale

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0 Lonely Mountain and Lake-town Region

The Non-Playing Characters (NPC) listed herein created from the One Ring and MERP publications. These NPC were mentioned in
the given texts but lacked MERP statistics or in the case of One Ring, converted to MERP statistics. Also included, are NPC created
with the idea of adding flavor to the texts and assist the Game Master by creating ready made NPC.

The Lords of Dale

The below merges One Ring NPCs with MERP modules. Eoder is King of Dale. He is from the ancient House Kryn (‘Line of Glorin’
or “Rune folk”). Four other Houses make up the nobility in Dale. The Head of each House sits on the War Council. The Houses are
House Aldur (Old Folks), House Dalen (Valley folk), House Feot (Warrior folk), and House Stahn (Stone-house folk).

Name Lvl MM Hits AT/DB Shld Melee OB Miss OB Gen Sk Subt Sk Notes
Eoder 15 10 157 PL/45 N 145ba 140sp 66 30 Warrior/Barding. King of Dale and lord of House Kryn. A
th th
serious and noble king but influence by his wife. Has two marsh mastiffs, Ingwa and Houth (4 level and 5 level), Rostil -+25 steel helm that negates 20% of all head critical rolls, negates any
perception subtractions, and bestow 3 level horse mastery spell on any one horse once a day with a +25 to Riding and Animal Handling skills (added to DB). Wurmspear - +25 spear of
Dragon Slaying. +10 Battle-Axe. Talks to Birds – Eoder has the ability to talk to birds, due to House Krytheod lineage. (Laketown)

Sulwyn 10 5 46 No/15 N 20ss 5cp 28 10 Aminist/Barding. Queen of Dale. Extremely beautiful. Of

House Dale. Unbeknownst to all, in league with the Cult of the Long Night. Seeks to empower her House. Wand of Dale – is a *2PP and provides enhance use of spells, the user can cast spells
five levels above their normal and for resistant purposes are listed five levels above their norm. PP5*2. DS30, BS5. Knows Surface Ways, Organ Ways, Bone Ways, Purifications, Muscle
Ways, and Mind Subversion to 10th level. (Laketown)

Bain 14 15 155 PL/50 Y20 135sw 110bw 70 45 Warrior/Barding. Son of Eoder and Prince of Dale. Young and
good friends with Ottarr. They adventure together. Talks to Birds – Bain has the ability to talk to birds, due to lineage. +20 Sword – crafted by dwarves, it is of Troll Slaying and strikes as a
two hand sword. Shield of Eoder – magical shield that can float in water and carried 300lbs, provides additional heat protection. ((Mirkwood Campaign – The One Ring)

Girion 13 15 137 CH/60 Y 137sw 101bw 51 21 Warrior/Barding. An usurper from House Kryn. Seeks the
Crown of Dale. Son of Valdis the Vampire (see Mirkwoord entry). Has covert support from members of House Dale and Elfsigil from Mirkwood support. Talks to Birds – Girlion has the
ability to talk to birds, due to lineage. +20 Sword – this magical sword is of Slaying Men and it is evil. (Mirkwood Campaign – The One Ring)

Minuial 8 0 63 No/0 N 17da 13da 21 13 Bard/Barding. Of House Kryn. Sister to the King. Keeper of the
Book and court scribe. Associate member of the War Council. She loves to record the history of Dale. Very nice person. Talks to Birds – Minuial has the ability to talk to birds, due to lineage.
Carries Magical Key and Book of Dale which records the history of Dale. PP32, DS77, BS8. Knows Essense’s Ways, Controlling Songs, Lore, Sound Control to 10 th level and Mind Mastery
to 5th level. Knows Dale Lore 55, Diplomacy 35, Perceptions 52 and Singing 77. (Laketown)

Valya 12 0 83 No/0 N 67da 53da 41 53 Thief/Barding. Of House Kryn. Relative of Eoder from the
North. Great Aunt to Girion. Secretly supports him as King. Scheming for riches and power. A false friend of Sulwyn. Talks to Birds – Valva has the ability to talk to birds, due to lineage.
Possess a dagger +10 that she coats with poison. PP24, DS27, BS0. Knows Essense Hand, Unbarring Ways, and Spell Wall to 10 th. Knows Dale Lore 35, Seduction 25, Diplomacy 10,
Trickery 35 and Singing 37. (Laketown)

Forwen 12 5 130 PL/45 Y 129sw 110sp 59 35 Warrior/Barding. Lady of House Feot and member of the War
Council. A Shield maiden. Supports Jirfelian in her claims that Sulwyn is undermining the Kingdom. +10 Sword. (Laketown)

Elstan 12 10 130 PL/60 Y25 125sw 109bw 61 39 Warrior/Barding. Of House Feot. Son of Forwen. Dale’s Guard
Captain and Heir of House Dalen, young and unmarried, he is a sought after bachelor. +20 Sword of Feot – this sword is Dwarven Forged and strikes as a two hand sword. Glimmer Armor –
this dwarven armor protects as Plate but encumbers as Chain Mail and negates 30% of all body critical rolls, it provides +20 to DB. Visor Helm – this helm is +10 to DB and does not impair
the wearer’s vision. Aegis of Dale – this mithiril shield provides +25 to DB and confers immunity to all cold and fire attacks. (Erober Campaign – The One Ring)

Ottarr 9 15 105 PL/55 Y10 110sw 85bw 45 29 Warrior/Barding. Of House Feot. Older Cousin to Elstan. Acts
as bodyguard to the King and his family. A burly man who loves beer. He is wise. +15 Sword. +10 Bow. Glimmer Armor – this dwarven armor protects as Plate but encumbers as Chain Mail
and negates 30% of all body critical rolls, it provides +20 to DB. (Mirkwood Campaign – The One Ring)

Valcrigge 6 0 51 No/0 N 12da 0da 15 10 Conjuror/Barding, Lord of House Stahn and member of the
War Council. His family are mercantile and considered Dwarf Friend (+10 to influence rolls when dealing with dwarves). Seeing Ball – is magical ball, acts as a *3PP, depending on the skills
and power of the user it allows following powers: glances of the future, past and present, it also allows user to focus on one location and view it without sound. It requires a successful Hard
maneuverer, Used Item roll. Seers & Astrologers receive a +10 bonus to rolls. The distance is 3 miles multiply by the user’s level. It can be greater depending on the ‘skill’ of the user.
PP24(*3) DS54, BS12. Knows Detection Mastery (which can be amplified by the Seeing Ball), Protections, Calm Spirits, Spell Defense, Purifications, Direct Channelling and Lore to 10 th
level. Knows Dale Lore 20, Dwarf Lore 20, Used Items 54, and Diplomacy 48. (Laketown)

Reinald 11 0 67 No/30 N 75sw 67bw 45 30 Rogue/Barding, Of House Stahn. Old man but still haughty to
swing a sword, acts as House Stahn’s Captain. Uncle to Valcrigge. Considered Dwarf Friend (+10 to influence rolls when dealing with dwarves). Knows Dale Lore 20, Dwarf Lore 20, Dragon
Lore 20, Goblin Lore 20, Herb Lore 10, and Geography 15. (Wilderlands – The One Ring)

Rognachar 12 20 131 PL/20 N 124ba 110sp 44 35 Warrior/Barding. Lord of House Dalen and member of the War
Council. Scheming with his daughter, Sulwyn, to enrich his House. Not evil like her daughter, just self-centered. Has two dogs, Dreng and Dunn (level 3 & 4). +10 Spear and Plate Armor.
Knows. Bribery 40, Foraging 37, and Ride 84. (Laketown)

Hakon 13 15 88 No/35 N 70st 45bw 31 21 Mage/Barding. of House Dalen. Heir to House Dalen. Brother
to Sulwyn. Hakon is resentful of his sister, like his father, self centered. Tome of Power – possess runes from all Open Essence to 20th level. Kryn Staff – this staff is magical, +15 OB, provides
*2PP and can cast light once a day. Sword +10. PP22*2. DS101, BS22. Knows Spell Walls, Essence Hands, Detecting Ways, Rune Mastery, and Spelling Ways to 10 th level and Fire Law,
Ice Law, Earth Law and Water Law to 13th level. . (Erober Campaign – The One Ring)

Gunvar 9 10 97 CH/30 N 101Sw 77bw 45 32 Rogue/Barding, of House Dalen. Cousin to Hakon and Sulwyn.
He always has 10 men-at-arms nearby. He has a total of 30 in all. Very Prideful. Looks down on small folk. Works with Hakon. +5 sword. (Erober Campaign – The One Ring)

Jirfelian 7 20 68 No/25 N 68sp 25da 25 40 Mystic/Barding, Lady of House Aldur and member of the War
Council. Striking red hair, tall and elegant. Accuses of Sulwyn of being bad for Dale. Magic ring +3PP. Orb of Confusing – casts 4 th level confusing spell thrice a day. Cloak of Leaping and
Visibility – cast either spell (7 level) five times a day. PP14(+3). DS60, BS14. Knows all Mystic spell lists to 10 level and knows Brilliance, Damage resistance, Attack avoidance to 10th
th th

level as well. (Laketown)

Jofur 10 5 67 SL/25 N 68staff 40bw 28 29 Sage/Barding. Of House Aldur and younger brother to Jirfelien.
Very Traditional, hates adventures and is against Hakon’s policies. Fond of Bryni. Acts as the King’s Counselor. A friend of Minuial, he is secretly in love with her, she doesn’t know it.
Knows First Aid 55, Herb Lore 20, Poison Lore 10, Weather Watching 20, Star Gazing 20, Fishing 10. (Erober Campaign – The One Ring)

The Significant NPCs of Dale

Name Lvl MM Hits AT/DB Shld Melee OB Miss OB Gen Sk Subt Sk Notes
Gerold 15 20 160 RL/40 N 140ba 110bw 66 30 Warrior/Beorning. Mercenary Captain, friendly towards fellow
Beornings, aloof and mean to others, hate goblins. Perceptive – Gerold is perceptive and receives +10 to all perception rolls. +15 Battle Axe – the axe is magical and is of slaying orcs. Warg
Skin – Gerold wears a warg skin cloak that provides +15 to DB and to the elements, it also acts as rigid leather. Gerold commands 15-40 men of various background, he works to defeat evil.
PP15. DS25, BS0. Knows Concussion Ways, Sound/Light Ways and Beorning Ways to 5th level. (Wilderlands – The One Ring)

Brindal 6 25 69 SL/35 N 62sw 67bw 25 46 Thief/Barding. Leader of a group of thieves (2-6) in Dale.
Lighting Reactions – takes the first initial in any combat situation except if Brindal is surprised. Trickery 35, Perception 30, Underworld 15. (Lonely Mountain Region – One Ring)

Baldor 5 0 49 SL/25 N 42ss 37bw 26 16 Explorer/Barding. Once a rich merchant fallen on hard times.
Trades with the Elves of Mirkwood often. Often seeks guards to protect him and his goods. Has a young boy named Belgo. Honest man. +5 Short Sword, family heirloom. Baldor’s Talisman –
it provides +10 to DB, any weapons used by the user strike as if it has Light of the Valar and it will glow in the face of creatures of Morgoth or ancient terrors blinding them. (Lonely Mountain
Region – One Ring)

Beawyn 10 20 72 No/10 N 40sp 10sp 45 45 Seer/Barding. She is helping Jifelian in her fight against
Sulwyn. Considered crazy and lives as a hermit on the outskirts of Dale. +25 Spear of Troll-slaying. Magic Ring - *2 PP. PP20(*2), DS77, BS10. Knows all Seer’s list to 10 th level and Self
Healing, Spell Resistance and Brilliance to 10 level. (Laketown)

Vig 5 10 68 SL/15 N 65ss 55bw 30 25 Thief/Barding. Works for Lord Hakon. Acts as his eyes and
ears. He has 3-6 thieves with him. (Erober Campaign – The One Ring)

Longo 9 20 88 RL/30 N 93ss 102bow 55 34 Rogue/Hobbit. Leader of bandits. The Cursed Scabbard – this
black scabbard will slowly corrupt the owner, 10th level, and add +2 corruption/shadow points each time the owner fails a resist roll. The owner will start to become selfish, greedy and
murderous. The scabbard has a 10 level charm spell on those viewing it which upon failure the viewer will become submissive towards the owner and its greedy and murderous ways. +5
short sword and short bow. (Erober Campaign – The One Ring).

Lockmand 7 15 62 SL/20 N 60ss 50bw 30 30 Thief/Barding. A rich merchant from Lake Town. Lacks morals
and is willing to work for the darkness. He always travels with four guards (4th level) who are loyal to him. Interacts with much of the evil in Mirkwood. (Wilderlands – The One Ring).

The Lords and Significant NPC of the Dalelands

Name Lvl MM Hits AT/DB Shld Melee OB Miss OB Gen Sk Subt Sk Notes
Bryni 9 20 81 RL/35 Y10 65sw 80bw 45 25 Warrior/Barding. Of the House Aldur, Lord of Strandburg.
Young and tries to be a good lord, but shies away from the evils from the Grey Mountains. Iron Will – Bryni is mentally tough and as such resists all magical mind attacks with +25RR. +15
Sword – Ancient Dwarf forged, acts as magical, of slaying Orcs. (Lonely Mountain Region – One Ring)

Garrick 7 15 87 RL/30 Y10 105ax 90bw 55 25 Ranger/Bardning. Leader of a group of rangers called the Black
Arrow. Former guard of Dale. The Lords of Dale despise him, though he acts to protect Dale and its lands. +5 axe. +10 Great Bow – has twice the range of a normal bow. PP7, DS45, BS0.
Knows Concussion Ways and Inner Paths to 5 level (Lonely Mountain Region – One Ring).

Black Arrows 5 10 70 RL/20 N 55sw 75bw 35 25 Warrior/Barding. 14-30 men & women make up the Black

Orlmond 12 10 130 CH/30 N 125ax 99bw 43 31 Warrior/Barding. Of House Stahn, Son of Valcrigge and Heir to
House Stahn. His castle sits near the Long Marsh, the eastern side of the Dale March. Rich and prominent. Suspicious of Elves. His family are mercantile and considered Dwarf Friend (+10 to
influence rolls when dealing with dwarves). +15 Battle Axe called Smitter, it cannot be fumbled by a member of House Stahn. (Mirkwood Campiagn – The One Ring)

Lady Sara 8 10 51 No/30 N 48sp 30sp 27 13 Bard/Barding. Lady of Edric Town, Border Warden of the
North. Member of House Stahn and niece to Orlmond. Her mining village (Buhr Thusiag) far in the north is besieged. Her Small folks are talking of rebellion. Dwarf Friend (+10 to influence
rolls when dealing with dwarves). +10 spear from her husband. PP16. DS35, BS8. Knows Spell Walls, Essence Hands, Spelling Ways, Detecting Ways to 5 th level and Controlling Songs,
Sound Projection, and Lore to 10th level. (Mirkwood Campaign – The One Ring)

Osgar 9 10 101 CH/30 N 110spear 103spear 41 23 Warrior/Barding. Of House Aldur, lives in a manor 10 leagues
to the east of Dale. Visits Dale often and stays with his cousin, Jirfelian. Face badly burnt by dragon fire. +10 spear. (Erober Campaign – The One Ring)

Khuldri 6 5 77 CH/25 N 73mace 67spear 31 25 Thief/Dwarf. Was once a ‘hero’ to the folk of the Iron Hills,
now distraught after the death of his brother. Leads 4-12 other misfit dwarves in robbing good folks. Has +5 mace. (Erober Campaign – The One Ring)

Lotto Nimbletoes 3 20 48 RL/20 N 41ss 41bow 41 42 Thief/Hobbit. Fortune seeker/adventurer. +10 Lock Pick set.
Brattokh Shae – Battle banner of Hillmen, adds +20 to OB and morale to all within 100’ of the banner (OB is not added to Lotto’s stats), provides Luck to the carrier and casts mass Calm Spirit
spell to opposing forces (Lotto is not aware of the banner’s magical powers). Knows Disarm Trap 37, Pick Lock 42, Boating 23 and Gambling 15.(Laketown)

Sark 11 0 139 CH/10 Y10 115axe 120spear 49 27 Warrior/Half-Orc. Brother to Unhir of Laketown. Leads 10-30
goblins and men. Detested by Garrick and the Black Arrow Company. Sometimes hired for mercenary work by nefarious persons. Sark’s Axe –goblin forged axe strikes as a 2-handed weapon,
magical, and is +15 OB. +10 Spear. (Lonely Mountain Campaign – The One Ring)

Nathir 8 20 59 No/20 N 35ss -20da 41 38 Mage/Urban Man, Member of Long Night; Plans on kidnapping
Elves for sacrifice. Works with Dolwin the Wine Merchant. +10 Unholy Short sword. PP24 DS65, BS16, Knows all Sorcerer to 8 th lvl. (Halls of the Elven King)

Rogues 3 15 54 Sl/25 N 62ss 62lb 42 36 Thief/Rural Men, In-service with Long Night. Dolwin and
Nathir will have 4-12 rogues at their service. +5 ambush. (Halls of the Elven King)

The Lords and Significant NPC of the Waste

Name Lvl MM Hits AT/DB Shld Melee OB Miss OB Gen Sk Subt Sk Notes
Skarf 7 5 76 RL/15 N 75ba 60sp 36 20 Warrior/Barding. Lord of the Brech, a desolate outpost. Has
alliances with numerous brigands and goblins. Allows travellers to stay at his hall. +10 Battle Axe. (Erober Campaign – The One Ring)

Retainers 3 5 50 SL/20 N 50spear 40bow 25 15 Warrior/Barding. 10-25 retainers and family members serve

Skessa 15 5 264 RL/30 N 150club 90rock 40 20 Witch/Female Ettin. Not entirely evil just lonely. The two heads
argue with each other. Strength of Form – Skessa is huge for troll and is treated under as a Large Creature and all damage she does is twice the damage. Fearless – Skessa doesn’t understand
fear therefore is immune to all fear spells. Harden Skin - Ettens have harden skin that acts as rigid leather and protects against the elements, all cold and heat attacks are ½ damage. Night
Vision – Ettens can see up to 200’ in darkness. Sun light Affliction – Sunlight pains ettins and they operate at -30 in sunlight. Perception – Ettins have two heads and are more perceptive than
trolls, they receive +45 perception rolls and are Hard to ambush. PP15, BS30, DS0, Knows Nature’s Mastery, Glamours, Potion Magic, Earth Mastery, Allurement to 15 th level and Fire Law
and Earth Law to 5th level. Knows Potion Making 45, Perception 30 and Cooking 45. (Laketown)

Rugash 8 20 104 RL/25 N 56sc 71sp 46 23 Rogue/Orc. Band leader. Knows Unhir the Half-Orc and Skarf.
Scimitar, whip and spear. (Lonely Mountain Campaign – The One Ring)

Goblins 3 10 40 RL/20 Y10 55ss 45bw 35 25 Warrior/Goblins. 4-8 goblins of the Larzoguhoth.

The Lords and Significant NPC of the Celduin

Name Lvl MM Hits AT/DB Shld Melee OB Miss OB Gen Sk Subt Sk Notes
Erik 8 0 55 No/20 N 20da --- 26 10 Warrior/Barding. Master of Celduin. Old crotchety man who
thinks only for his House and family. He is always attended by his two granddaughters. (Wilderlands – The One Ring)

Elan 7 10 89 CH/30 Y10 81sw 88bw 48 40 Warrior/Barding. Captain of Celduin. One of many sons of
Erik. He only concerns himself with the betterment of his House. He can muster 20 men immediately, 50 if given more time) only for defense of the town. +10 Long Sword – it is old and is
of Dwarven Forge. (Author’s creation)

Amadisa 7 10 62 No/30 N 65staff 40bw 35 20 Animist/Barding. She acts as the local Healer. Old Charm –
Amadisa was given this charm by her grandmother, it provides +3 PP. PP7+3, DS55, BS7. Knows Barrier Law, Concussion Ways, Sound & Light Ways, Purification, Repulsions, Herb
Mastery, Blood Law, Bone Law and Muscle Law to 7 level. (Wilderlands – The One Ring)

Alduna 6 10 59 SL/30 N 60ss 45bw 36 10 Explorer/Dorwinion. Female Captain of the Foam Dancer. She
is a trader that travels up and down Running River. Has a house in Celduin. Single. Leads 4-8 sailors. Knows Sailing 35, Trading 25, Geography 35. (Lonely Mountain Region – One Ring).

Iron Hills other notable NPCs

Name Lvl MM Hits AT/DB Shld Melee OB Miss OB Gen Sk Subt Sk Notes
Niping 11 5 101 Ch/30 N 113wh 82bw 53 39 Smith/Dwarf, Head Smith of the Iron Hills. Of Durin Line. He
is prideful. Considered among the best smith in the Iron Hills. +15 smithing tools. +10 Warhammer – Ancient Dwarvern Forge. Knows Smithing 87, Caving 55, and Fletching 45.

Skirfira 6 5 67 SL/30 N 42dagger 19bw 33 31 Scholar/Female Dwarf, very non-traditional, loves to travel and
see the outside world. Dagger, Books and Herbs. Knows Caving 25, First Aid 35, Mathematics 25, Singing 25, Foraging 20, Dragon Lore 30, Dwarf Lore 45and Barding Lore 20.

Minions of Long Lake

Name Lvl MM Hits AT/DB Shld Melee OB Missile OB Notes
Gutternaw 16 20 193 PL/40 N 120HBite, 100HGrapple, 80HBash 70 Water Bolt, 40 Water Ball Young Water Drake – spawn of
Seahmutha. Lives in Laketown’s Underwharf. It has the following powers: Bright Lights – Water Drakes are afraid of bright sunlight or voracious fires. When confronted with bright lights, it
stuns. Water Bolt - Water Drakes spew out water with great destructive force. The Guttermaw has a water bolt with a range of 200’ and a water ball with a range of 70’ and radius 15’.
Strength of Form - Gutterman is treated as a Large Creature Critical. Enhanced Senses - Dragons can see perfectly well in utterly dark places, and they can sense the shapes of creatures from
the Shadow-World. They also have superb vision, hearing smell, and taste with gives them +30 to perception rolls. Dragon Blood - Dragon blood (10th level RR) is highly toxic and should be
handled with extreme care. Only a highly trained alchemist can control the toxic nature of Dragon blood to some degree. Dragon blood immediately dissolves contacted metal and organic
material in 1-10 rnds and corrodes metal and dissolves organic material in 1-20 rounds. Multiple Attacks - A dragon can attack numerous targets at the same time with each limb and tail (or
bite) getting one attack per round. Constriction - Guttternaw is strong enough to constrict their prey to death. Any grapple attack resulting in ‘C’ critical or better incurs an additional
secondary critical under Crush. Fear – a dragon is fearsome, anyone viewing one suffers a 3rd level fear spell. Possession – The Mornamir – dark jewel with the light of Valar, worth 1,000 GP.
(Erober Campaign – The One Ring)

Grundherd 7 20 160 SL/30 N 70MBite, 75LClaw, 80LBash Giant Eel – hungry, eats the town’s
garbage, lives in the underwharf. Water-breathing – Eels breathe underwater. Ambusher – Eels are supreme ambusher and gets +10 to Ambush. Slippery – Any Grapple damage is half. Dark
Vision – Eel can see perfectly in the dark. Strength of Form –the Grundherd is treated as a Large Crreature Critical. Grapple – Any claw attack resulting in a “C” critical or better on medium
or small victim incurs an additional bite attack in the same round as the attack with a +20 OB. Who knows how many Grundherd are there under Laketown. (Laketown)

Laketown other notable NPCs

Name Lvl MM Hits AT/DB Shld Melee OB Miss OB Gen Sk Subt Sk Notes
Unhir 3 0 49 SL/10 N 54sw 39da 33 34 Thief/Half Orc – petty criminal acts as guide, grotesque tattoos.
Has ties with goblins and brigands. Hangs out at the Vodagarazun. Sword acted with poison. (Laketown)

Odavacer 5 5 48 SL/25 Y10 55ma 65bw 45 43 Warrior/Barding, Innkeeper of the Vodagarazum. +10 Bow of
Orc Slaying. Knows Gambling 49, Brawling 67, Brewing 40, Cooking 57, and Singing 64. (Laketown).

Brunehaut 5 5 24 SL/5 N 23da --- 43 13 Animist/Barding, Wife of Odavacer and is the local midwife
and healer. Quite Beautiful. Runestick casts 12th level Lactation Contorl and Fertility Control twice per week. PP10, DS25, BS5. Knows Surface Ways, Blood Ways, Organ Ways,
Purifications, Bone/Muscle Ways, and Plant Mastery to 5 level. Knows Dance 38, First Aid 50, and Midwifery 48. (Laketown).

Eodoric 4 0 63 CH/30 Y5 75sw 75bw 28 10 Warrior/Barding, A Town Guard, does boat patrol around
Laketown to catch smugglers. Drinks at the Vodagarazum. Knows Sailing 32 and Perception 25. (Laketown).

Earm 5 0 59 SL/5 N 52staff 48bo 40 28 Rogue/Barding, Laketown’s garbage collector, suffers from
leprosy. Sees and knows much of what goes on in Laketown’s seedy side. Works in the underwharfs. Knows Sailing 33, Rope Mastery 48, and Undead Lore 10. (Laketown).

Dolwin 5 10 66 Rl/20 N 67ma 56scb 40 56 Wine Merchant/Dorwinion. Wine Seller and member of the
Long Night; plans on selling poison wine to Elves. Works with Nathir the Thief. +10 mace. PP10 DS40, Knows three Open Channeling to 5 th lvl. Negotiations +25, Wine Lore +15. (Halls
of the Elven King)

Thal Eolsen 3 15 38 No/20 N 25da 15da 25 33 Warrior/Barding – prominent merchant of the Eolsen family.
Handles caravans. Knows Appriasal 51, Diplomacy 31, Trickery 23, Sailing 26 and Trading 52. (Multiple Merp Modules)

Rothaar 7 10 115 CH/40 Y10 113wh 79bow 45 66 Warrior/Woodman – Works for Thal as caravan protection,
visits the Vodagarazum seeking bodyguards to employ. Wily and funny. +15 War Hammer. +10 Elvish Long Bow that fires twice the normal range without penalty. Ring of Healing – heals 3
hits per round, 1 hit of bleeding per round and mends other physical damage at 10 times the normal rate for once a day for 60 rounds. (Multiple Merp Modules)

Gael Eolsen 3 15 35 No/20 N 43sw 39bow 25 16 Warrior/Barding – young nephew of Thal, handles the family’s
shipping business, owes 3 ships in Laketown. Visits the Vodagarazum. (Author’s Creation)

Oderic Eolsen 5 10 45 SL/30 N 60sw 55bow 27 20 Warrior/Barding – Son of Thal and heir to the Eolsen family
business. Served on Laketown’s city guard. He maintains a low profile in Laketown, manages the day by day finances. Knows Appraisals 45, Organization 35, Sailing 35. (Author’s Creation)

Grimbold 6 15 167 CH/60 Y10 102flail 58bow 36 15 Warrior/Beorning – mercenary, treasure hunter. Hangs out at
Vodagarazum. Hatred of Goblins – Gimbold hates goblins and their kin and receives a +10 to OB and -10 to DB when confronting them. Hardy - Grimbold is especially tough and receives a
+10 to Poison and Disease rolls. +20 Flail. +10 Armor and shield. (Denizens of the Dark Wood)

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