Lab Session No Objective
Lab Session No Objective
Lab Session No Objective
To demonstrate and investigate the validity of theoretical expressions for the calculation of the
force exerted by a jet on objects of various shapes.
.Equipment Required:
Technical Data:
Technical data associated with apparatus is given as follows;
Equipment Set Up:
Place the apparatus on the Hydraulic Bench. Connect the water supply from the Hydraulic
Bench to the test pipe inlet. Adjust the equipment to a level position by using adjustable supports
so that the water jet is vertical, noticing bull’s eye level.
Changing of the target plate.
Unscrew the wing nuts on the small top flange holding target plate stem.
Unscrew the target plate from the stem, screw the new target plate until it is hand tight.
Put the small top flange back on the main apparatus.
When a water jet of velocity V0 hits a target plate, its velocity will change direction to V1 as in
Assume the jet flow rate is m. kg/sec along the X (vertical axis) with V0 m/sec. After striking the
target the jet velocity becomes V1 m/sec and its direction deviate from the original direction by
angle .
Momentum of jet after hitting the target plate = m. V1 cos θ kg-m/ sec 2
= Newton
Reaction F by the target plate
F on Flat target:
= 90 degree, cos θ = 0
FF = m. V0 Newton
V0 = V1
F on hemisphere target:
FH = m. V0 [ 1−(−1 ) ]
The procedure to do the experiment is as following
1. Place a 100 gram weight on the weight support disc which will cause the rod stem to
lower itself.
2. Spin the rod to minimize the friction effect. This is zero water impact.
3. Open the Hydraulics Bench control valve to allow the jet of water to hit the target. When
the target is floating, spin the shaft to minimize the friction effect and at the same time
adjust the flow until the stem rises to its original level marked by pointer.
4. Record the volume and time of the measuring tank.
5. Repeat steps with increased weights.
6. Repeat steps for other types of target plates. The plates are designed such that heights
above nozzle are the same for all targets.
Target Plate Water Time Q Mass Flow rate Velocity at Velocity at Experimental
Vol. ṁ Nozzle target plate force
kg/s V, m/s Vo, m/s
L s L/s N