Aquaculture Reports: Dibo Liu, Sascha Behrens, Lars-Flemming Pedersen, David L. Straus, Thomas Meinelt

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Aquaculture Reports 4 (2016) 136–142

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Peracetic acid is a suitable disinfectant for recirculating

fish-microalgae integrated multi-trophic aquaculture systems
Dibo Liu a,∗ , Sascha Behrens a , Lars-Flemming Pedersen b , David L. Straus c ,
Thomas Meinelt a
Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Mueggelseedamm 301, 12587 Berlin, Germany
DTU-Aqua, National Institute of Aquatic Sciences, Section for Aquaculture, North Sea Research Centre, P.O. Box 101, DK-9850 Hirtshals, Denmark
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Harry K. Dupree—Stuttgart National Aquaculture Research Center, P.O. Box 1050, Stuttgart,
AR 72160, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) is a promising direction for the sustainable development
Received 19 April 2016 of aquaculture. Microalgae have good potential to be integrated with recirculating aquaculture sys-
Received in revised form 31 August 2016 tems because they can use the nitrogen excreted from fish and share the same optimal pH value as
Accepted 17 September 2016
in aquaculture. As a byproduct, the microalgae biomass can be used for fish feed or biofuel. How-
Available online 23 September 2016
ever, the recirculating fish-microalgae IMTA system is under constant threat from fish pathogens and
phytoplankton-lytic bacteria. Therefore, it is necessary to apply proper disinfectants as prophylaxis or
treatment which are effective against these threats, but safe to fish and microalgae. For this purpose,
Tetraselmis chuii
Peracetic acid
peracetic acid (PAA) is a valid option because it is highly effective against fish pathogens and bacteria at
Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture low concentrations and degrades spontaneously to harmless residues. In the present study, we exposed
(IMTA) systems the culture of a marine microalgae Tetraselmis chuii once per day for four days to four PAA products
with differing hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 )/PAA proportions at two concentrations (1 and 2 mg L−1 PAA).
The H2 O2 solutions at equivalent total peroxide (H2 O2 + PAA) concentrations were tested in parallel. The
results show that the growth and photosynthesis of T. chuii were not affected by three of the PAA prod-
ucts (Wofasteril® E400, Wofasteril® E250 and Applichem® 150) and equivalent H2 O2 solutions at both
concentrations. In contrast, Wofasteril® Lspez and an equivalent H2 O2 solution at both concentrations
caused irreversible culture collapse, photosynthesis dysfunction and irreversible cell damage. In con-
clusion, PAA products with low proportions of H2 O2 are optimal disinfectants for fish-microalgae IMTA
© 2016 Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is
an open access article under the CC BY license (

1. Introduction Naylor et al. (2000), many traditional aquaculture practices cause

environmental and/or biological pollution and threaten fisheries by
The growing world population has an increasing demand for the use of fish oil and/or fish meal; they suggested that only sus-
high quality proteins. Based on the estimation of Tilman and Clark tainable aquaculture could help increase the supply of fish without
(2014), the global average dietary composition of fish and other harming natural ecosystems or fisheries. One option of sustainable
seafood will increase 82% from 2009 to 2050. Increasing the world’s aquaculture is the integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) sys-
supply of fish relies mainly on increasing aquaculture production, tem.
since the catch from the fisheries industry has been declining since Many IMTA systems have been developed and tested. For
the late 20th century (Pauly and Zeller, 2016). As discussed by instance, an aquaponics system is the combination of aquaculture
and hydroponics; it uses the waste from aquaculture as the fertilizer
for hydroponics (Graber and Junge, 2009). However, hydroponics
needs lower pH than aquaculture, so the water from aquaculture
∗ Corresponding author. must be acidified and buffered. This results in higher techni-
E-mail addresses: (D. Liu), (S. Behrens), cal and management costs and a limited recycling of nutrients. (L.-F. Pedersen), (D.L. Straus), In contrast to plants, many algae species grow at the same pH (T. Meinelt).
2352-5134/© 2016 Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://
D. Liu et al. / Aquaculture Reports 4 (2016) 136–142 137

value as fish. Therefore, algae have better potential to be inte- stadt, Germany; 15% m/v PAA, 24% m/v H2 O2 ). All other chemicals
grated with aquaculture. Cahill et al. (2010) demonstrated that used were analytical grade and purchased locally.
seaweed (macroalgae) performed better at removing ammonia and
nitrite from a recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) than tradi- 2.2. Algae culture
tional biofilm filtration (i.e., nitrifying bacteria). Gilles et al. (2014)
developed an IMTA system consisting of microalgae, plankton and A Tetraselmis chuii culture of the strain SAG 8-6 was
detritivorous/zooplanktivorous fish to replace the filtration unit of obtained from the University of Göttingen (Göttingen, Germany)
a RAS; they observed that an increase of the microalgae biomass led and cultured in 100-mL Erlenmeyer flasks with F/2 medium.
to a decrease of the total ammonia nitrogen. The studies detailed The F/2 medium was prepared as described by the Cana-
above demonstrate that algae are suitable to be used in the denitri- dian Phycological Culture Center at the University of Water-
fication process of recirculating IMTA systems; as an added benefit, loo, Canada (
the algae biomass can also be harvested as a byproduct. The algae centre/cultures/culture-media/f2). The F/2 medium was sterilized
biomass, especially the microalgae biomass, can be used to produce by passing it through a Sartolab-P20® 0.2 ␮m micro-filter (Sartorius
biofuel (Lardon et al., 2009) or as a sustainable feed for shellfish, fish Lab Products & Services, Göttingen, Germany).
larvae and live prey (zooplankton) in aquaculture (Hemaiswarya Flasks containing the algae culture were placed on a GFL 3005
et al., 2011). shaker (GFL mbH, Burgwedel, Germany) in a KBW 720 incuba-
The recirculating fish-microalgae IMTA system has several inte- tor (Binder GmbH, Tuttlingen, Germany). The rotation rate of the
grated problems. Fish may become infected by various pathogens. shaker was 180 × g and the temperature in the incubator was 18 ◦ C.
Meanwhile, the microalgae are threatened by phytoplankton-lytic There were two parallel OSRAM L 18W/865 daylight fluorescent
bacteria, which can lead to reduced growth and even collapse of the lights (OSRAM GmbH, Munich, Germany) 0.5 m above the shaker,
population (Wang et al., 2013). To control fish pathogens, disinfec- providing a light intensity of 2000 to 2700 lx on the surface of the
tants can be regularly used as prophylaxis or treatment; however, shaking plate; the light cycle was controlled by a timer and set at
the use of disinfectants might harm the microalgae culture. There- 16 h light/8 h dark. Before toxicity experiments began, the stock
fore, it is important to find a disinfectant that can effectively algae culture was acclimated for 2 months under these conditions
control fish pathogens but not harm microalgae. To our knowledge, and the F/2 medium was refreshed once per week.
research has not been undertaken to find a suitable disinfectant for All work with the algae, including refreshing the medium,
a recirculating fish-microalgae IMTA system. translocation and treatments were done under sterilized condi-
Peracetic acid (PAA) has been recognized to be a sustainable tions. All materials that had contact with algae were sterilized by
disinfectant in aquaculture. It degrades completely within several autoclaving or a hot air sterilizer.
hours after application (Pedersen et al., 2009) and results in harm-
less residues (Kitis, 2004). Noteworthy, the effective concentration 2.3. Measuring PAA and H2 O2 concentrations
of PAA is less than 2 mg L−1 against various pathogens (Pedersen
et al., 2013). In contrast, another sustainable disinfectant, hydro- The DPD (N, N-diethyl-p-phenylendiamine sulfate salt) pho-
gen peroxide (H2 O2 ), needs a much higher concentration (over tometric method was used to determine PAA and H2 O2
20 mg L−1 ) to achieve successful disinfection (Schmidt et al., 2006). concentrations based on a linear relationship between concentra-
Because toxicity highly depends on the dose, PAA has higher poten- tion and absorption (Liu et al., 2015).
tial to fit in the recirculating fish-microalgae IMTA system. The aim The absorption-concentration relationship was determined by
of the present study is to test whether PAA at effective disinfection measuring the 550-nm absorption of solutions containing only
concentrations (up to 2 mg L−1 ) is toxic to the microalgae cultiva- H2 O2 in distilled water at the concentrations of 0.112, 0.224,
tion in controlled lab conditions, and thus to determine whether 0.336, 0.448, 0.56, 0.672, 0.784 and 0.896 mg L−1 on a DR3900
PAA is a suitable disinfectant for recirculating fish-microalgae IMTA spectrophotometer (Hach Lange GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany). The
systems. 550 nm absorption of 0.147 corresponded to 1.0 mg L−1 PAA or
There are many commercial PAA products available and these 0.448 mg L−1 H2 O2 , and the 550 nm absorption of 0.294 corre-
products are equilibrium-mixtures of PAA, H2 O2 and water with sponded to 2.0 mg L−1 PAA or 0.896 mg L−1 H2 O2 .
various H2 O2 /PAA proportions. If these products are applied at The DPD photometric method could not measure the H2 O2
the same PAA concentration, the difference in H2 O2 concentra- concentration in the 1 and 2 mg L−1 Lspez solutions because the
tion between the products would result in different acute toxicity absorption values were too high for the spectrophotometer to read.
values (Liu et al., 2015). Based on our past research, we hypothe- Therefore, we used an iodometric titration method to determine
size that there will be a difference in toxicity to microalgae with the H2 O2 concentrations (Greenspan and MacKellar, 1948). In short,
various commercial PAA products and we predict that products a 5-mL Lspez sample was added to 30 mL of an ice-cold 10% H2 SO4
with a lower H2 O2 /PAA proportion will be less toxic; consequently, solution in an Erlenmeyer flask. Next, 3 drops of 0.025 mol L−1 Fer-
they will be more suitable for prophylaxis/treatment in a fish- roin solution (Carl Roth, Karlsruhe, Germany) were added to the
microalgae IMTA system. mixture and titrated with 0.1 mol L−1 Ce+4 sulfate solution (Bernd
Kraft GmbH, Duisburg, Germany) until the color turned from orange
to blue. According to the method, 1 mL consumption of the Ce+4
sulfate solution corresponded to 1.701 mg H2 O2 .
2. Materials and methods
2.4. Treatment and sampling
2.1. Chemicals
A volume of 200 mL of the stock algae culture was transferred
We tested four commercial PAA products with various PAA and to a 3-L Erlenmeyer flask and combined with F/2 medium for a
H2 O2 concentrations. Three of the products were Wofasteril® PAA total volume of 1.6–1.7 L. The flask was then placed in the incu-
formulations (Kesla Pharma Wolfen GmbH, Greppin, Germany): bator at 18 ◦ C for 72 h to allow the algae to reach exponential
E400 (40% mass/volume [m/v] PAA, 12% m/v H2 O2 ), E250 (25% m/v growth phase. Next, 30 mL of the algae culture was transferred into
PAA, 30% m/v H2 O2 ), and Lspez (3% m/v PAA, 40% m/v H2 O2 ); the 51 100-mL Erlenmeyer flasks. The flasks were immediately divided
fourth product was Applichem® 150 (AppliChem GmbH, Darm- randomly into 17 groups consisting of a control treatment and 16
138 D. Liu et al. / Aquaculture Reports 4 (2016) 136–142

Fig. 1. Degradation of commercial PAA products and H2 O2 solutions at equivalent total peroxide (H2 O2 + PAA) concentrations over 3 h in F/2 medium at 18 ◦ C.
Legend: Circles (/䊉) = PAA concentrations in treatments, half-filled circle (䊉) = H2 O2 concentrations in treatments with respective PAA products, triangles (/) = H2 O2
concentrations in treatments with H2 O2 solutions at equivalent peroxide concentrations, dotted lines and hollow symbols = 1 mg L−1 PAA and respective equivalent H2 O2
solutions, solid lines and symbols = 2 mg L−1 PAA and respective equivalent H2 O2 solutions.

PAA or equivalent H2 O2 concentration treatments (n = 3). The con- The absorption method was based on the linear relationship
trol treatment was exposed to aliquots of F/2 medium, while the between cell density and absorption. First, a wavelength scan
treatments were then exposed to aliquots of the E400, E250, Lspez (400–700 nm) of the absorption of the stock T. chuii culture was
and AC150 products at PAA concentrations of 1 and 2 mg L−1 , as performed. The peak absorption was at 677 nm. The 677-nm
well as H2 O2 solutions at equivalent total peroxide concentrations absorption of T. chuii cultures with different dilution ratios were
as each product. The experiment was initiated by mixing a 15 or measured and confirmed a linear relationship between the 677 nm
30 ␮L aliquot of F/2 medium, the diluted PAA products or equivalent absorption and dilution ratios. Therefore, measuring the 677 nm
H2 O2 solutions into the respective flasks. We repeated the treat- absorption of a sample over a set period of time estimated the
ments every 24 h and retained a 2-mL sample before each exposure proportional change of the T. chuii density.
for growth and photosynthesis analyses. To equalize the light con- As a supplementary method, the cell counter was used to read
dition for each sample, the location of each Erlenmeyer flask on the cell density within a certain size range. A 100-␮L algae sample was
shaker was randomly changed four times per day during the light diluted in 9900 ␮L micro-filtered (0.45 ␮m) CASY® ton electrolyte
period. Additionally, we measured the 3 h degradation of PAA and solution (Roche Deutschland Holding GmbH, Grenzach-Wyhlen,
equivalent H2 O2 concentrations for all treatments in algae-free F/2 Germany) and immediately measured for cell density at a detec-
medium. tion range of 0–20 ␮m. The particles in the size of 7–15 ␮m were
counted as T. chuii cells. Each sample was automatically measured
three times and the final cell density was the mean of the three
2.5. Assessing the proportional change and cell density of the T. measurements.
chuii culture

The T. chuii culture was assessed by measuring the absorption 2.6. Measuring the photosynthesis of the T. chuii culture
and directly counting the cell density with a Roche Inno-
vatis/Schaerfe System CASY TTC Cell Counter & Analyzer System The maximum quantum yield was chosen as the parameter to
(Roche Deutschland Holding GmbH, Grenzach-Wyhlen, Germany). evaluate the photosynthesis of T. chuii (Zbigniew and Falkowski,
D. Liu et al. / Aquaculture Reports 4 (2016) 136–142 139

Fig. 2. Effect of the 1 and 2 mg L−1 peracetic acid (PAA) products and H2 O2 solutions at equivalent total peroxide (H2 O2 + PAA) concentrations on the estimated proportional
change of the density of the Tetraselmis chuii culture over 4 days at 18 ◦ C. Light intensity = 2000–2700 lx. The PAA treatments were repeated every 24 h. Error bars indicate
the standard error (n = 3). *: P < 0.05.
Legend: Solid square (䊏) and line = control, circles (/䊉) = treatments with respective PAA products, triangles (/) = treatments with H2 O2 solutions at equivalent peroxide
concentrations, dotted lines and hollow symbols = 1 mg L−1 PAA and respective equivalent H2 O2 solutions, solid lines and symbols = 2 mg L−1 PAA and respective equivalent
H2 O2 solutions.

1993; Roháček, 2002). An Imaging-PAM M-series chlorophyll flu- ANOVA with Dunnett T3 test was performed instead. All statisti-
orometer (Heinz Walz GmbH, Effeltrich, Germany) in a dark room cal analyses were performed with SPSS® Statistics (IBM
was used to measure the maximum quantum yield of the algae Corporation, Chicago, USA).
suspension. For the measurement, 1.6 mL of each algae sample was The relationship between time and the estimated proportional
transferred to sterile 24-well plates. The plates were placed in the change of density or cell density were fitted to a sigmoidal regres-
dark for 10 min and then slightly shaken before being aligned on sion model, respectively. The curve fitting was performed with
the measuring platform of the fluorometer with the area of interest GraphPad Prism® 7 (GraphPad Software, Inc., California, USA).
set to the center of each well. The maximum quantum yield (Fv /Fm ) Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC) method was used to detect
was automatically calculated and displayed after determination of whether the curves of the treated and untreated samples fit to the
minimal fluorescence yield (F0 ) and maximum fluorescence yield same regression model.
(Fm ). Three replicates were performed for each measurement and
the mean value calculated for statistical analyses.

3. Results
2.7. Statistics
The H2 O2 /PAA proportion of the PAA products increased in the
The estimated proportional change of density, cell density and following order: E400 → AC150 → E250 → Lspez. In the Lspez prod-
maximum quantum yield of T. chuii in the controls and treat- uct, the equivalent H2 O2 concentration was around 30 mg L−1 when
ments with PAA products and equivalent H2 O2 concentrations were the PAA concentration was 1.0 mg L−1 . The PAA degradation in the
compared via one-way ANOVA with a Dunnett’s test (two-tailed, four commercial products at both dosages was generally over 50%
␣ = 0.05) on each day. In case of heterogeneity of variance, a ranked within 3 h in algae-free F/2 medium, while H2 O2 in PAA products
140 D. Liu et al. / Aquaculture Reports 4 (2016) 136–142

degraded less than 25%. There was no visibledegradation in the to the control treatments and to the equivalent H2 O2 concentra-
flasks with 1.2 to 60 mg L−1 equivalent H2 O2 concentrations (Fig. 1). tion treatments (Figs. 2 and 3, P < 0.05). Meanwhile, their maximum
The estimated daily proportional change of the density and cell quantum yields were similar (Mean values: 0.65-0.75, P < 0.05).
density of T. chuii treated with three of the commercial PAA prod- One exception was the 2 mg L−1 treatment of the E250 product
ucts (1 and 2 mg L−1 treatments of E400, E250, AC150) was similar that showed a higher estimated proportional change of density on

Fig. 3. Effect of the 1 and 2 mg L−1 peracetic acid (PAA) products and H2 O2 solutions at equivalent total peroxide (H2 O2 + PAA) concentrations on the cell density of the
Tetraselmis chuii culture over 4 days at 18 ◦ C. Light intensity = 2000-2700 lx. The PAA treatments were repeated every 24 h. Error bars indicate the standard error (n = 3).
Legend: Solid square (䊏) and line = control, circles (/䊉) = treatments with respective PAA products, triangles (/) = treatments with H2 O2 solutions at equivalent peroxide
concentrations, dotted lines and hollow symbols = 1 mg L−1 PAA and respective equivalent H2 O2 solutions, solid lines and symbols = 2 mg L−1 PAA and respective equivalent
H2 O2 solutions.

Fig. 4. The shared sigmoidal regression curve of cell density and estimated proportional change of the density (absorption at 677 nm) of PAA/H2 O2 -treated and untreated
Tetraselmis chuii culture over 4 days at 18 ◦ C. Light intensity = 2000–2700 lx. The PAA treatments were repeated every 24 h. Error bars indicate the standard error (n = 3).
Confidence bands indicate 95% confidence interval of the true curve.
D. Liu et al. / Aquaculture Reports 4 (2016) 136–142 141

the 4th day as compared to the control treatment (Dunnett’s test, 2002). Dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP) and dimethylsul-
P = 0.013). Despite of that, the AIC method suggested that treated phide (DMS), which are generally present in marine algae, can
and untreated T.chuii culture probably shared the same regression scavenge hydroxyl radicals (Sunda et al., 2002). Apparently, the
model for cell density and estimated proportional change of den- general antioxidant system of algae enables them to actively
sity (Fig. 4). The probability was >99.99% and 99.96% for cell density degrade oxidizers and reduce exposures that may harm their cell
and estimated proportional change of density, respectively. In con- components. We suggest that the present study of T. chuii can be
trast, the 1 and 2 mg L−1 Lspez treatments and equivalent H2 O2 representative for marine microalgae. The commercial PAA prod-
concentration treatments significantly reduced the estimated pro- ucts with low H2 O2 /PAA proportion, such as E400, E250 and AC150,
portional change of density and the cell density of T. chuii; this led should be safe to apply in aquaculture systems integrated by fish
to a constant zero value of maximum quantum yield after the 1st and any marine microalgae. Moreover, algae can assimilate ammo-
application. The T. chuii cultures in Lspez and equivalent H2 O2 con- nium, nitrite and nitrate and convert them to proteins or nuclear
centration treatments lost their green pigment (i.e., chlorophyll in acids (Inokuchi et al., 2002; Mallick, 2002). In recirculating IMTA
the chloroplasts), and the individual cells lost their normal cell com- systems, algae have the potential to fulfill the nitrification function
ponents and viability. The cultures were returned to the incubator of the biofilter. Further research of applying PAA in recirculating
without further disturbance, but showed no signs of recovery. IMTA systems and observing the performance of fish, algae and the
biofilter is highly recommended.

4. Discussion 5. Conclusion

The rapid degradation of PAA and slower degradation of H2 O2 We conclude that the commercial PAA products with a low
were measured in algae-free F/2 medium and indicated that the H2 O2 /PAA proportion, such as E400, E250 and AC150 used in the
exposure duration of T. chuii culture to PAA was much shorter than present study, should be safe to use in recirculating fish-microalgae
to H2 O2 . Therefore, the toxicity of these commercial PAA products IMTA systems at PAA concentrations up to 2.0 mg L−1 . The PAA
to T. chuii should initially consist of the concurrent effects of PAA products with higher proportions of H2 O2 , such as Lspez used here,
and H2 O2 , and after the complete decay of PAA, the effect of H2 O2 are not suggested to be used in recirculating fish-microalgae IMTA
alone. Because the initial algae cultures were identical, the impact systems. Future studies should focus on applying PAA in recirculat-
of algae on the degradation of PAA and H2 O2 is comparable among ing fish-microalgae IMTA systems and observing the performance
treatments. In addition, the initial PAA concentrations of all PAA of fish, algae and the biofilter.
products were the same; consequently, the difference among treat-
ments was due to their H2 O2 concentrations. The equivalent H2 O2 Acknowledgements
concentrations treatments showed little degradation in algae-free
F/2 medium, so H2 O2 had a longer contact time and a lower concen- We thank the German Federal Environmental Foundation (Grant
tration decrease than PAA products. Consequently, the equivalent No. 30973-34) and the Schreiner Foundation for Research and
H2 O2 concentration treatments should show stronger oxidizing Education for their financial support. We thank Dr. J. Koehler
effects. Despite this, the commercial E400, E250, and AC150 prod- and Ms. D. Fiedler at the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology
ucts and equivalent H2 O2 concentration treatments showed no and Inland Fisheries for sharing their experiences with algae. We
different effects on the growth and photosynthesis of T. chuii. This thank Dr. T. Mehner and all participants in the course ‘scientific
indicated the tested concentration of E400, E250, AC150 and equiv- writing’ at Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fish-
alent H2 O2 solutions were less than or equal to the no observed eries for their advice on improving this manuscript. We thank the
effect concentration (NOEC). In contrast, the 1 and 2 mg L−1 PAA anonymous reviewers for their valuable advices to improve the
Lspez product and equivalent H2 O2 (30 and 60 mg L−1 ) led to manuscript. Mention of trade names or commercial products in
irreversible cell death, culture collapse and undetectable photo- this article is solely for the purpose of providing specific informa-
synthesis; so their tested concentrations were above the absolute tion and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the
lethal concentration (LC100 ). To fully understand the toxicity of Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, the
PAA products to T. chuii, the concentrations between NOEC and DTU Aqua, or the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The USDA is an
LC100 should be tested. Notwithstanding, the results of the present equal opportunity provider and employer.
study are adequate to support further research into the practical
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