Monks 1991
Monks 1991
Monks 1991
50 -N
\ ^ ^ ~ ~ ~ * i
As -ao
0 » 10 10 ' 10 m
I 50
5o "
I -50
100 p 6 ]
I io ° io • io * 10 ' io to » io ' io io * io * to * to • io * io * vo- * i o - 1
- 100
Fig 2. Dose-response curves for six cell lines incubated with doxorubicin or BCNU for 1, 2, 3, or 4 days' continuous exposure.
Selection of Cell Lines and Inoculation Densities Quality Control and Reproducibility of Cell Line
Prior to inclusion of cell lines in the screening panel, their
growth and compatibility with the screening model were deter- Once a cell line has been included as part of the panel, all
mined. These determinations included comparison of the data generated from the line are stored in a database for various
linearity of the SRB-generated optical density signal with the analyses. Fig 4 shows typical examples of the control optical
cell number in the microculture assay. Fig 3 shows repre- densities measured for three cell lines in sequential experiments.
sentative linear signals from 5000-50 000 cells per well in the Within each experiment, the range of control optical densities
MALME-3M melanoma line and in the U251 and XF 498 from 40 microculture plates (mean of quadruplicate wells) is
central nervous system (CNS) tumor lines, measured 1 hour also included. Cell line SK-OV-3 (ovarian cancer) showed little
after inoculation. The correlation coefficient (r) was greater than variation of control optical density either within or between ex-
Optical Density
^ ^
3 0
2 a
0.2- 2 6 SF-539
2 «
2 2
2 0 »
! i .
o.o- * * * Q
C) 10 20 30 40 50
Cells/Well (xio- ) 5.
Fig 3. Three representative cell lines, showing linear relationship between in-
creasing cell number and optical density measured by the SRB assay. 0 =
3 0
MALME-3M, B = U251,and A = X F 4 9 8 . 2 8
2 6
2 I SNB19
periments. The data for the SF-539 (CNS tumor) line are from 2 2
2 0
two different cell inoculation densities; cultures in experiments S
1, 2, 3, and 5 were inoculated at 20 000 cells per well, and the ^ I
remainder were inoculated at 15 000 cells per well. The SNB-19
(CNS tumor) line initially showed more variation within and be- | l l < 'I., ,• i i
tween experiments than the SK-OV-3 line, but in the latter • ' • » I •
stages, the variation appeared to decrease, perhaps due to in-
creasing experience of the technicians handling the line. In
general, the variation for a cell line, within any experiment,
ranged from 0.1 to 0.4 OD units, but the interexperimental Sequential Experiments
variation occasionally exceeded 1.0 OD units.
In another analysis (data not shown), the variation in the con- Fig 4. Range of control optical densities measured for three cell lines (SK-OV-3,
trol optical density value with successive experiments was SF-539, and SNB-19) in each experiment and between sequential experiments,
ranked from the cell line with the most reproducible values to at the rate of two experiments per week.
the cell line with the least reproducible values. Examples of
human tumor cell lines with the most reproducible values are Reproducibility of Screening Assay
SK-OV-3 (OD = 0.95 ±0.15) and XF 498 (OD = 0.74 ± 0.13).
Examples of the cell lines with the least reproducible values are Fig 6 gives representative illustrations of the experimental
SF-268 (OD = 1.3 ± 0.52); NCI-H522 (OD = 0.91 ± 0.37); variation in data obtained with the three types of assay (MTT,
HOP-18 (OD = 0.82 ± 0.36); and SK-MEL-2 (OD = 0.99 ± XTT, and SRB) using a 6-day continuous incubation of mel-
0.51). phalan with the U251 CNS tumor line, which was independently
Since there was considerable variation in the resulting control grown, plated, and tested by 13 technicians. This experiment
optical density values from inoculation to inoculation with cer- was repeated for three cell lines, six agents, and two incubation
tain lines, it was important to determine whether the apparent periods. All three assays, but particularly MTT and SRB, gave
sensitivity of a cell line to a drug was significantly related to the good agreement in the dose-response profiles. Generally, the
different control optical densities. Fig 5 shows the relationship greatest variations were observed at concentrations with inter-
between optical density and ICso (/i>30) measured for mediate cytostatic activity (ie, 20%-75% T/C, rather than 100%
doxorubicin against three cell lines. The data for the KM 12 or0%-5%).
(colon tumor) line showed variation of more than 1 OD unit but Fig 7 shows examples of the experimental variation in
a consistent ICJO, with no relationship between optical density doxorubicin ICso values for sequential experiments with dif-
and ICJO. ' n o u r database on 64 cell lines, only five lines showed ferent cell lines. The IC50 values for most lines were highly con-
a significant relationship between optical density and ICso (r>.7; sistent. For example, reproducibility was good, showing only
P<.05); an example is the melanoma cell line UACC-62 (r = occasional discrepancies in the doxorubicin ICy, values for the
.77; P = .0001). A498 renal tumor line and the COLO 205 colon tumor line.
A •
al Densi
1.5- C A
1.5- 15 A A
1.0 A EB
1.0 A A 1.0
* BA A B
Q. 0.5 0.5- A 0.5 A
0.0 0.0- 0.0
1 X 10" 1 x 10' 5 1x10"* 1 x 10 7 1 X 10"
1 x 10"5 1 x 10' 1 x 10"7 1 X 10"
1 x 10"5 1 x 10"6 1 x 10"7 1 X 10"8
Doxorubicin (M)
Fig 5. Correlation between control optical density and doxorubicin \CX (M) for three cell lines (KM 12, SNB-75, and UACC-62). A = one observation, B = two ob-
servations, C = three observations, E = five observations.
1 x 1 0 * 1 x 1 0 ' 1 x 1 0 * 1 x 1 0 *1 x
has proved to be a useful approach to identify intractable lines
for elimination from the panels or to identify technical problems
Cone(M) Cone(M) leading to irreproducible results for certain lines in the screening
assay. For example, erratic performance was detected with
20 DLD-1, which was found to be due to cross-contamination of
S-100- DLD-1 with NCI-H460 in the laboratory. NCI-H460 is a cell
1 80 line identical to DLD-1 in appearance but more sensitive to
O 60
doxorubicin (mean IC^ = 5 x 10"8 M). In some instances, the
JT 40- \
source of erratic behavior of particular lines could not be
eo 20-
resolved. An example is CCRF-SB, which was dropped from
1 i 10* 1x10* 1x10* 1x10* 1x
the panel because of highly variable responsiveness.
Fig 6. Percent variation (± SD) in dose-response curve for mclphalan incubated
with U251 cells for 6 days. Cells were grown, plated, and tested by 13 tech-
nicians using the MTT, XTT, or SRB assay. Cone = concentration.
From the pilot-screen results described here, we reached a
consensus that it was feasible to operate the full screen on the
Certain lines gave somewhat less consistent IQo values. For desired scale, using the SRB assay, the selected assay
example, the data for the K-562 leukemia line suggested initial parameters, and the quality control and other operational proce-
technical handling problems resulting in poor reproducibility. dures described. During November and December of 1989, after
As the technicians gained experience with the particular lines, a series of reviews of the developmental status and the pilot-
however, the reproducibility of measurements of doxorubicin screening operations, a similar consensus was reached by
IC^ values were markedly improved. A few other lines, such as several groups, including an Ad Hoc Expert Advisory Commit-
SN12KI, showed greater variation overall in the measured ICM tee, the National Cancer Advisory Board, and the Division of
values. Cancer Treatment's Board of Scientific Counselors (12,13). In
The reproducibility of IQo values for all cell lines in the panel addition, the specific recommendation was made that the screen
was ranked. As representative examples, the cell lines showing had reached a sufficient level of refinement that it should be
the greatest consistency were A498 [mean ICjo = 8.70 x 1(T7 M, placed immediately into operational status, using the current 60-
95% confidence limits (CL) = 1.33 x 10"6 M to 5.17 x 10~7 M]\ cell line panel. We have adopted that recommendation and do
COLO 205 (mean IC^ = 5.1 x 10"7 M, 95% CL = 8.1 x 10"7 M not anticipate further additions or substitutions to the present
to 3.21 x 10"7 Af); and SK-MEL-2 (mean IC,,, = 7.56 x 10~7 M, cell line panel in the immediate future. The screening of a large
95%CL= 1.21 x XffM to 4.73 x 10"7 M). backlog of submitted compounds that have accrued at NCI