Antidote: Calcium Gluconate or Calcium Chloride: Excessively Frequent Uterine Contractions During Pregnancy
Antidote: Calcium Gluconate or Calcium Chloride: Excessively Frequent Uterine Contractions During Pregnancy
Antidote: Calcium Gluconate or Calcium Chloride: Excessively Frequent Uterine Contractions During Pregnancy
Magnesium Sulfate – tocolytic (suppress premature labor) CNS depressant, relaxes smooth muscle, inhibits uterine activity by
suppressing contractions
- Used for:
o Preterm labor
o Anticonvulsant for pts who have eclampsia and severe preeclampsia
- Contraindication: active vaginal bleeding, dilation of cervix greater than 6cm, chorioamnionitis, greater than 34 wks
gestation, acute fetal distress
- Do not give with Nifedipine or to pts with myasthenia gravis
- D/C: if pt exhibits: pulmonary edema (chest pain, SOB, resp. distress, wheezing/crackling, productive cough)
- Adverse effects: hot flash, sweating, burning at iv site, non reactive nonstress test, reduce fetal HR
- Magnesium Sulfate toxicity:
o absence of patellar Deep tendon reflex
o Urine output less than 30mL/hr
o RR less than 12/min
o Decrease level of consciousness
o Cardiac dys
- Antidote: Calcium Gluconate or calcium chloride
Terbutaline- beta-adrenergic agonist, tocolytic, relaxes smooth mus, inhibit uterine activity
- Assess hx of cardiac disease, pregestational or gestational diabetes, preeclampsia w/ eclampsia, gest. Hypertension,
hemorrhage. – do not take terbutaline
- Monitor: chest discomfort, palpitation, tachycardia, tremors, vomiting, hypoK, hypergly, hypotension
- Notify if HR greater than 130, chest pain, MI, BP 90/60
- Administer 0.25mg SQ q4, for 24hrs
- Used for:
o Preterm labor
o Inversion of uterus- Relaxes the uterus prior to the provider’s attempt to at replacement of the uterus into the
uterine cavity and uterus reposition
▪ Maintain stabilization of hemodynamic status
▪ Avoid aggressive fundal massage
▪ Administer Oxytocic as prescribed & broad spectrum antibiotics
o Tachysystole- excessively frequent uterine contractions during pregnancy.
Indomethacin- NSAID, suppress preterm labor by blocking production of prostaglandin. Inhibits uterine contractions
- Chorioamnionitis - Methyldopa
- GBS - Nifedipine
- Premature rupture of membrane and preterm rupture - Hydralazine
of membrane - Labetalol
Postpartum Hemorrhage
Ante Post
- Augment labor and strengthen uterine contractions - Promotes uterine contractions and expels the retained
o Dystocia ( dysfunctional labor) fragments of placenta
- increasing intensity and duration of contractions. - Assess uterine tone, vag bleeding, flaccid uterus
- Oxytocin is NOT administered for hypertonic - Adverse effects: water intoxication- lightheadness,
contractions (cannot indented, even btwn n/v, headache, malaise
contractions) o Cerebral edema- seizures, coma, death
o Oxytocin can lead to hypertonic uterine - Used: postpartum hemorrhage, retained placental