This Study Resource Was: 0business Mathematics BM - LP #05 Lecture Problems: Buying Method First Day Last Day
This Study Resource Was: 0business Mathematics BM - LP #05 Lecture Problems: Buying Method First Day Last Day
This Study Resource Was: 0business Mathematics BM - LP #05 Lecture Problems: Buying Method First Day Last Day
er as
3) A 30% discount on a desk top computer amounted to discount, cash discount, and amount paid if the date of
payment is March 5, 2018 and the cash discount is 2/10,
Php 15 000. What are the list price and the net price of
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the computer? 1/20, n/30 under Receipt of Goods Method.
Date of ROG Trade Cash Payment
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4) JB will buy a set of shoes that lists for P2,000 and has
February 20, 2018
Disct Disct
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a trade discount series of 30/20/15. Find the first step
January 20, 2018
discount, the second step discount, and the third step
January 26, 2018
if FOB-buyer?
series of 20%10% discount. Which option is more
beneficial for you?
13) On February 23, 2018, Laban Lang Co. purchased
merchandise from Suko Nah Co.. The latter offered 30%
discount if the former purchased 160 units of
7) Determine the amount of payment on January 11,
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fee is P720. Terms of payment are FOB Bulacan and tablets, 6.25% discount for minimum of 500 tablets,
2/10, n/30 cash discount. 7.50% for minimum of 750 tablets, and 8.75% discount
14) Who should pay the shipping? for minimum of 1000 tablets. How much would a buyer
pay for:
15) If the shipping fee is already included in the invoice, a. 400 tablets?
how much should Jairah pay on March 23, 2019. b. 675 tablets?
c. 4000 tablets?
16) How much is the cost per unit?
2) Omega, a local sardines company, supplies canned
17) Kriza, a grade 12 student, is earning extra income sardines to a big flea market in Central Luzon. Last April
through direct selling. She sells cosmetics to her 26, 2014, Nanay Marie, owner of various stores in the
neighbors in Cavite. She orders from her suppliers in said market, ordered 600 cans of sardines at P11.35. She
Valenzuela. Last week, she ordered products worth P received the goods on April 30, 2014. Omega issued the
3,280 prior to any discount. Yesterday, she received the invoice with the terms 2/10, EOM. Nanay Marie paid on
products and the invoice with the terms FOB Valenzuela, May 16, 2014. Did she receive cash discount? How much
18% trade discount. She also received another invoice did she pay on May 16, 2014?
amounting to P120 for the shipping. How much should
Kriza pay to her suppliers? 3) Kathy ordered 50 pairs of school shoes from Marikina
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Shoe Exchange (MSE). The shoes were priced at P480
18) Cath is putting up her rice stall in Pasig Mega per pair with the following terms: 4/10, 3/30, n/60. The
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Market. She ordered 130 sacks of pre invoice was dated December 17, 2014. Kathy sent a
mium rice at P2,450 each. She received the invoice check as payment on January 15, 2015. What was the
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dated September 30, 2014 with the terms 3/10, 1/20, amount indicated on the check?
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n/30. She partially paid P100,000 on October 8, 2014.
She again partially paid P95,000 on October 15, 2014. 4) Mitsi ordered school supplies for her small nursery
She paid the balance on October 24, 2014. What is her from Mr. Luna. Mr. Luna is a seller of school supplies
outstanding balance on October 24, 2014? (ANS: from Divisoria, 3/3/3 trade discount. Mitsi received a list
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amounting to P84,850 for his orders of rubber mats. The 2019 for a product with List Price at P80,000 with, Trade
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terms of the payment are 5/10, EOM. He paid P35,000 Discount of 15/30, and Cash discount of 1/10, n/30.
last January 25, 2015 and the remaining on February 8, a. The Date of invoice is January 2, 2019.
2015. b. The date of Invoice is January 1, 2019
19) How much did he pay on February 8, 2015? c. The date of Invoice is December 31, 2019
20) How much are the total discounts received?
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