PDF Taxation 1 Notes
PDF Taxation 1 Notes
PDF Taxation 1 Notes
(SECS 22-30)
Even if you are alive or you are dead, you are still subjected to SECTION 22 OF THE NIRC (definition of terms)
certain taxes
TAXES WHEN YOU ARE ALIVE: Income Tax, VAT, Percentage Tax, (A) Person – means any individual, a trust, estate or a corporation
Excise Tax, Documentary Stamp Tax (B) Corporation – includes partnerships, no matter how created or
TAXES WHEN YOU ARE DEAD: Estate Tax, DST organizes, joint stock companies, joint accounts, associations,
insurance companies, but does NOT include General
National Taxes professional partnerships and a joint venture or consortium
- INCOME TAX: Direct tax on the right to receive income formed for the purpose of undertaking construction projects
- ESTATE TAX: Transfer mortis causa projects or engaging in coal, geothermal, and other energy
- DONOR’S TAX: Donations made inter vivos operations pursuant to an agreement under a service contract
- VAT with the government
- Percentage Tax o General Profesional Partnerships – partnerships formed
- Excise Tax bcoym pmeorsno pnrso ffeosrs iothne, n oso plaer tp
National and Local taxes are not in conflict with one another, they do not
ouf ripnocosem eo of f ewxhericchis iisn dg ertihveeidr
tax the same things and impose tax on different areas.
in engaging in any trade or business
(C) DOMESTIC – when applied to a corporation, means created or
organized in the Philippines under its laws
(D) FOREIGN – when applied to a corporation means corporation,
A: It is anything that flows in to the wealth of the taxpayer or increases
which is not domestic
the net worth of the taxpayer, other than the return capital, regardless if
the income is derived from legal or illegal sources or that the income is in
o A citizen of the Philippines who establishes to the
kind or cash
satisfaction of the commissioner the fact of his physical
presence abroad with a definite intention of residing
A: When (1) it is actually or constructively received (2) it must be
o A citizen of the Philippines who leaves the Philipines
realized (3) it must not be exempted by law
during the taxable year to reside abroad, either as an
immigrant or for employment on a permanent basis
Q: What is income tax?
o A citizen of the Philippines who works and derives
A: It is tax on the right to receive income, depends on the source of
income from abroad and whose employment thereat,
requires him to be physically present abroad most of the
time during the taxable year
A citizen who has been previously considered as non-
resident citizen and who arrives in the Philippines at any
time during the taxable year to reside permanently in the
Compensation income earner: usually selling service, and under an Philippines shall likewise be treated as a non-resident
EE-ER relationship - “sweldo” citizen for the taxable year in which he arrives in the
Self-Employed individual – selling service, no EE-ER Philippines with respect to his income derived from
relationship, usually from trade or business sources abroad until the date of arrival in the Philippines
Mixed Income Earner – there is a profession, there is an EE-ER, o The taxpayer shall submit proof to the commissioner to
there could be trade or business show his intention of leaving the Philippines to reside
permanently abroad or to return and to reside in the
KINDS OF TAXPAYERS Philippines as the case may be
(F) RESIDENT ALIEN – an individual whose residence is within the
Individual Taxpayers Philippines and who is not a citizen thereof
a. Resident Citizen (RC) (G) NONRESIDENT ALIEN – individual whose residence is not
b. Non-Resident Citizen (NRC) within the Philippines and who is not a citizen thereof
c. Resident Alien (RA) (H) RESIDENT FOREIGN CORPORATION – applies to a foreign
d. Non-Resident Alien Engaged in Trade or Business corporation engaged in trade or business within the
(NRAETB) Philippines
e. Non-Resident Alien NOT engaged in Trade or (I) NON-RESIDENT FOREIGN CORPORATION – applies to a foreign
Business (NRANETB) corporation NOT engaged in trade or business within the
Note: Estate of a deceased person not yet settled or not yet distributed Philippines
among the heirs, is considered an individual income taxpayer (J) FIDUCIARY – guardian, trustee, executor, administrator,
receiver, conservator or any person acting in any fiduciary
Trustor-Trustee relationship, with no distribution yet is deemed as an capacity for any person
individual taxpayer (K) WITHHOLDING AGENT – any person required to deduct and
withhold tax
2. Corporate Taxpayers (L) SHARES OF STOCK – includes shares of stock in a
a. Domestic Corporation CORPORATION Warrants and/or options to purchase shares
b. Resident foreign corporation of stock, as well as units of participation in a partnership
c. Non-resident foreign corporation (except general professional partnership), joint stock
corporations, joint ventures, taxable as corporations,
Partnerships – they are treated as corporate taxpayers associations, and recreation or amusement clubs, such as golf,
Two kinds of partnerships under the tax code: polo or similar clubs and mutual fund certificate
(M) SHAREHOLDER – holders of a share/s of stock, warrant/s and
i. General Professional Partnership: exercise of profession of the or options to purchase shares of stock in a corporation, as well
partners and no part of its income is derived from trade or as a holder of a unit of participation in a PAT xpn, GEN PROF
PAT in a joint stock company, as association, joint stock
business; not subject to tax caossropcoirattioions, ,a ndjo rinetc revateinotnu roers a,
ii. General Co-partnership– subject to tax, same rates as DC
o Joint venture agreements are also subject to tax mutasxeambelen t calus bsc, osurpchor ast igoonlsf, polo or
similar clubs and mutual fund certificate, or insurance
MTAC 2019
MTAC 2019
(O) INCLUDING/INCLUDES– shall not be deemed to exclude other
'ordinary loss' includes any loss from the sale or exchange of
things otherwise within the meaning of the term defined
property which is not a capital asset. Any loss from the sale or
(P) TAXABLE YEAR – the calendar year, or the fiscal year ending
exchange of property which is treated or considered, under
during the calendar year, upon the basis of which the net
other provisions of this Title, as 'ordinary loss' shall be treated
income is computed under this title
as loss from the sale or exchange of property which is not a
Taxable year – includes, in the case of a return made for a fractional
capital asset. – so yung loss or gain ng ordinary assets
part of a year under the provisions of this title or under rules and
(AA) The term "rank and file employees" shall mean all employees
regulations prescribed by the secretary of finance, upon
who are holding neither managerial nor supervisory position
recommendation of the commissioner, the period for which the
as defined under existing provisions of the Labor Code of the
return is made
Philippines, as amended.
(Q) FISCAL YEAR – means an accounting period of 12 months
(BB) The term "mutual fund company" shall mean an open-end and
ending on the last day of any month, other than December
close-end investment company as defined under the
(R) PAID OR INCCURED/PAID OR ACCRUED – shall be construed
Investment Company Act.
according to the method of accounting upon the basis of which
(CC) The term "trade, business or profession" shall not include
the net income is computed under this title pEeEr-fEoRr mrealantcieo nosfh sipervices by the taxpayer as
(S) TRADE OR BUSINESS – includes performance of functions of
the public office an employee; no (DD) The term "regional or area
headquarters" shall mean a
(T) SECURITIES – shares of stock in a corporation and rights to provisions of this Title, as 'ordinary income' shall be treated as gain
subscribe for or to receive such shares from the sale or exchange of property which is not a capital asset as
o Includes bonds, debentures. Notes, certificates or other defined in Section 39(A)(1). The term
evidence of indebtness issued by any corporation
including those issued by a government or political
subdivision thereof, with interest coupons or registers in
(U) DEALER IN SECURITIES – merchant of stocks or securities,
whether an individual partnership or corporation, with an
established place of business regularly engaged in the
purchase of securities and the resale thereof to customers that
is one who, as a merchant buys securities and re-sells them to
customers with a view to the gains and profits that may be
derived therefrom
(V) BANK – any bank defined under the General Banking Act
a. Kinds of banks: commercial, thrift, rural or
specialized government bank, development bank
banking services
(X) The term "quasi-banking activities" means borrowing funds
from twenty (20) or more personal or corporate lenders at
any one time, through the issuance, endorsement, or
acceptance of debt instruments of any kind other than
deposits for the borrower's own account, or through the
issuance of certificates of assignment or similar instruments,
with recourse, or of repurchase agreements for purposes of
relending or purchasing receivables and other similar
obligations: Provided, however, That commercial, industrial
and other non-financial companies, which borrow funds
through any of these means for the limited purpose of
financing their own needs or the needs of their agents or
dealers, shall not be considered as performing quasi-banking
(Y) The term "deposit substitutes" shall mean an alternative from
of obtaining funds from the public (the term 'public' means
borrowing from twenty (20) or more individual or corporate
lenders at any one time) other than deposits, through the
issuance, endorsement, or acceptance of debt instruments for
the borrowers own account, for the purpose of relending or
purchasing of receivables and other obligations, or financing
their own needs or the needs of their agent or dealer. These
instruments may include, but need not be limited to bankers'
acceptances, promissory notes, repurchase agreements,
including reverse repurchase agreements entered into by and
between the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) and any
authorized agent bank, certificates of assignment or
participation and similar instruments with recourse: Provided,
however, That debt instruments issued for interbank call loans
with maturity of not more than five (5) days to cover
deficiency in reserves against deposit liabilities, including
those between or among banks and quasi-banks, shall not be
considered as deposit substitute debt instruments.
(Z) The term "ordinary income" includes any gain from the sale
or exchange of property which is not a capital asset or property
1. Resident Citizen
2. Non-Resident
Citizen 3.
Resident Alien
4. Non-resident Alien NOT
engaged in t/b 5. Non-resident
alien engaged in t/b
Section 24 (A) (1) (B): An income tax is imposed on the taxable income
[TAXABLE INCOME: means the pertinent items of gross income specified
in this code, less the deductions, if any, authorized for such types of
income by this code or other special laws, ] other than income subject to
tax under subsections B,C,D of this section derived for each taxable year
from all sources within the Philippines by an individual citizen of the
Philippines who is residing outside the Philippines including overseas
contract workers including
SEC 23 (C): An individual citizen of the Philippines who is
working and deriving income from abroad as an overseas contract
SEC 23 (B): A NRC is taxable only on income derived from
sources within the Philippines
Period of time
pagdating residing
palang in pilipinas,
ditto sa the Philippines is not material,
the intention if
is clear and
manifest to reside, there is no required number of days
Sec 23 (D): An alien individual, whether a resident or not of
the Philippines is taxable only on income derived from sources
within the Philippines
the Philippines
Domestic Corporation
Resident – Foreign Corporation
Non-Resident Foreign Corporation
Income within,
FC or more of the gross income of the foreign company for the past three years was de
if 50%
classes of gross income. The remainder, if any, shall be treated in full as
taxable income from sources without the Philippines.
(D) Income From Sources Partly Within and Partly Without the
Philippines.- Items of gross income, expenses, losses and
deductions, other than those specified in Subsections (A) and Income without, if less than 50% of
(C) of this Section, shall be allocated or apportioned to sources the gross income of the FC for the past three years was derived from sources within the Philip
within or without the Philippines, under the rules and Location of property Place of use
regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Finance, upon Place of sale
recommendation of the Commissioner. Where items of gross SERVICE INCOME
Rent Income Royalty Income Gain on sale property
income are separately allocated to sources within the
Philippines, there shall be deducted (for the purpose of
of personal
computing the taxable income therefrom) the expenses, losses
and other deductions properly apportioned or allocated Gain on sale on Domestic sharesIncome within
thereto and a ratable part of other expenses, losses or other of stock
deductions which cannot definitely be allocated to some items
or classes of gross income. The remainder, if any, shall be WITHOUT?
included in full as taxable income from sources within the
A: In this case, ito ata yung hindi pa siya finished product. It needs to be
Philippines. In the case of gross income derived from sources
partly within and partly without the Philippines, the taxable produced or manufactured in a different place, and is sold in another vice
versa. Taxable lang siya in proportion
TAX ON INDIVIDUALS o Kapag naman ibang taxpayer na, exempt na yan kapag sa
ibang bansa nag preterminate etc, din a yan taxable dito
Q: WHAT ARE THE TYPES OF EARNERS? sa pilipinas kahit di pa niya tinapos yung deposit
o If there is pretermination
A: Nasa bank ng less than three years – RATE OF
Compensation income earners: Those who have an EE- TAX: 20%
ER relationship Nasa bank ng less than 4 years – 12 %
o RATE OF TAX: NIT (Net income tax) Nasa bank ng less than 5: 5%
The rate of NIT is followed as provided in o The rationale in this case, is if you lend to the
Section 24 (A) (2) (a) government hindi ka na nila itatax kaya lilibre ka sa tax
Self- Employed Individuals kapag di ka nag preterminate ng 5 taon
o If their gross sales or gross receipts and other non- (2) Cash or property dividends
operating income does not exceed (3M) RATE:10% = imposed upon the cash and/or property
The 3M is the VAT threshold as provided in dividends actually or constructively received by an individual
from a DC or
section 109 BB
o RATE OF TAX: They have an option to avail (if does not
from a jointHQs
operating stock
of company, insurance
multinational or mutual
companies, fund
or on thecompanies,
share of an
exceed 3M) either NIT (Schedular) or 8% tax on the gross
sales or gross receipts and other non-operating income in individual in the distributable net income after tax of PAT.
excess of 250,000 pesos in accordance with SEC 24 (A)
(2) (a)
o All income from compensation: NIT Rate: 15% fwt from the sale, barter, exchange or other disposition of
o All income from business or practice or t/p shares of stock in a domestic corporation except shares sold or
If does not exceed 3M: NIT/8% on the disposed on in SE.
gross sales or receipts and other non- o Not over 100,000 = 5%
operating income based on the NIT rates o On any amount in excess of 100,000 = 10%
(scheduler table) APPLICATION: If listed in the stock exchange, you bought it for
If exceed the 3M threshold: NIT
500,000 and the book value is 1 million. You sold it at 100,000
because there is a crash in the stock market
NOTE: You can only choose and avail of the type of tax you pay once a o ANONG RATE? SECTION 127 APPLIES: Kasi listed siya sa
year, if you do not choose, default NIT na talaga siya stock market, tsaka wala namna kasing donative intent
o Rate under section 127 (A) 6/10 of 1% of the gross
selling price
What if it is not listed in the SE? Binenta mo ng maayos na price?
(A) Rates on income tax on individual citizens and individual What if NOT listed in SE? Hindi mo binenta ng maayos. May donative
resident aliens of the Philippines intent. Bayad ka ng donor’s tax under section 100
o SECTION 100: When personal property is transferred for
(1) Income tax of RC: All income from WITHIN and without the less than full consideration in money/money’s worth kung
Philippines, taxable as income under A. If will fall under purely magkano nalugi mo yun ang mag impose ng donor’s tax
compensation or “others”, tsaka kapag wala sa B,C & D. So sa B, Rate: 6%
kapag yung source is foreign, dito nay an sa A. Kapag Sa C What if listed in SE and binenta mo ng maayos na price? 6/10 of
naman, kapag listed in SE, dito na din yan sa A. Kapag sale of 1% pa din
ORDINARY assets, or assets na OUTSIDE the Philippines, A na 39 (B): In the case of a taxpayer, other than a corporartion, only
din yan mahuhulog the following percentages of the gain or loss recognized upon the
(2) Income tax of NRC: All income WITHIN the Philippines lang ang sale or exchange of capital asset shall be taken into account in
taxable, if it is without. It’s no longer taxable. computing: net capital gain, net capital loss and net income
(3) Income tax of RA: All income WITHIN the Philippines lang ang o 100% if capital asset has been held for not more than 12
taxable in this case. Kapag wala din sa B,C,D dito nay an sa A months
mahuhulog o 50% if capital has been held for more than 12 months
Q: What is MCIT?
SECTION 26 Tax Liability of Members of General Professional A: Sec 27 (E) (1)” A minimum corporate income tax of two percent of the
Partnerships gross income as of the end of the taxable year, as defined herein, is
hereby imposed on a corporation taxable under this title, beginning on
A general professional partnership as such shall NOT be subject to the fourth taxable year immediately following the year in which such
income tax under this chapter corporation commenced in business operations, when the minimum
So a GPP is NOT subject to income tax
income tax is greater than the tax computed under subsection A for the
Are they exempted from liabilities? NO.
taxable year”
Ppaertsnoenrs henipg asghiianllg b ien lbiaubslien efosrs iansc Q: What is IAET?
opmaretn tearxs o inl ya igne tnheeriarl s perpoafreastsei oanadl A Improperly accumulated tax
individual capacities
How do you c ompute the distributive share of partners?
o Net income of PAT shall be computed in the same MINIMUM CORPORATE INCOME TAX
manner as a corporation
o So other partnerships are taxable The corporation is TAPSILUGAN XYZ
o Only general professional Partnerships are EXEMPT
from tax First what is GROSS INCOME?
o Each partner shall report as gross income his distributive Under Section 27 (E)(4): Gross income shall mean gross sales
When the principal place of business is OUTSIDE the Philippines, at So 8M is now your
2.7-810,000 = 1.89M
merong branch dito sa Pilipinas = RFC YAN (Resident Foreign gross income 810,000 goes to the
Corporation) government, and you
From the gross
When the principal place of business is outside the Philippines, and income, you deduct
keep the 1.89M.
there is no branch here in the Philippines pero kumikita pa din = the costs, yung mga
What is the rate kapag long-term deposit? THE RATE IS 20% FWT empleyado etc
Ang rate naman sa royalties is 10% pero wala silang literary Yung mga costs
or musical rates kasi hindi naman sila pwede maging composers mo, assuming
umabot ng 6M
8M – 6M = 2M
Sec 27 (D) (4) : Dividends received by a domestic corporation from
another domestic corporation are NOT subject to tax Yung 2M ito na yung
itatax mo for NIT
2021 2022
300,000 x 30%NIT=
The 120,000 goes to the government and the 280,000 you get to keep
So if you apply
MCIT, kasi nasa
fourth year na
from existence ng
corporation. So
dito sa fourth year,
the government
has a choice.
thereof, or they can
toanx theth ec
What if they
choose to tax on
the gross
the government income? Paano naman ang rules ng resident foreign corporation?
So 2M- 600,000 = Ganito itsura niyan:
The principal branch is in the USA, but there is a branch here in the
1.4M Philippines, only the branch here in the Philippines is TAXABLE
12M X 2% [MCIT] = o Wala silang classification regarding real property kasi
Yung 1.4 M sayo nay240,000
they cannot own real property anyway
So pipiliin ng government MCIT siyempre na 240,000 ito yung mas malaki eh.Yun Paano yung lipat and taxability ng dividends?
o Kapag DC – DC: Exempt
o Kapag DC – RFC: Exempt din
din They are also subject to MCIT, but it is only the Philippine branch
nakalagay sa which is subjected to the MCIT
Paano naman gagawin yung IAET nila?
o From the net income of the RFC if the retained earnings
What if in 2022, iba naging kwento ng income?
are NOT given away to the stockholders, it is NOT subject
to the IAET
12M is your gross income – 13.8M is your costs, sweldo =
-1.8M yung sagot, lugi ka naman sa case na ito.
But if they give the retained earnings to their
stockholders, the SH receive them as
Paano taxability ng government? Ganon pa din DIVIDENDS
o - 1.8M x 30% = 0 NIT, walang matatax yan sa NIT o So ano mangyayari? Ang ginagawa kasi ng RFC, ireremit
kasi wala naman yang kinita eh. nila sa principal branch nila yung kinita ng RFC sa
o So paano kikita gobyerno dito? principal branch sa ibang bansa
o Mag tax pa din sila ng MCIT on the gross sa 12M o What are BPR? Under section 28 A(5): Branch profit
o So 12 M x 2% = 240,000 yan ang kukunin nilang tax so remittances is any profit remitted by a branch to its head
kahit wala ng kita yung company, pwede pa din sila mag office shall be subject to tax of 15% which shall be based
MCIT. Kita or lugi, MCIT pa rin on the total profits applied or earmarked for remittance
Kailan ba nangyayari tong MCIT Na ito? It begins from the 4 th without any deduction for the tax component thereof
year (EXCEPT: Those activities which are registered with
from commencement of existence hanggang nagooperate na siya, Philippine economic zone authority)
may karapatan na gobyerno mamili kung MCIT or NIIT, pero pinipili Tax shall be paid under section 57& 58 of this
lang ang MCIT kapag mas mataas ang MCIT kaysa sa NIT code
The improperly accumulated earnings tax imposed in the Ano ba yung laman ng section 57? &
preceding section shall apply to every corporation formed or 58?
availed for the purpose of avoiding the income tax with respect to Pero yung interests, dividends, rents, royalties
o Gross income – deductions [ito na yung mga sweldo WITHHOLDING TAX 10% under section 24 (B)
ng empleyado, discounts, returns] = Net income
Surplus: amount of money or assets invested
How do you know muna that is is NON-STOCK/NON-
EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION? Tignan mo yung articles of Mcdo
incorporation, kapag may stock holders for profit
o FOR PROFIT & FOR STOCK = May board of directors
From the drawing, which is e xempted from REAL PROPERTY TAX? KFC
o Under section 28 (3) ng constitution, all Lands, May milktea pa ditto Parking lot
Buildings and improvements, actually directly and
exclusively used for charitable, religious and
educational purposes are exempt from RPT
o So lahat ng nasa drawing exempted, except si MCDO, KFC
Jollibee kasi di naman sila ADE, CRE, HENCE TAXABLE
Isa bang basis ng exemption ng NSNP is under Section 234 of the
SEC. 234. Exemptions from Real Property Tax. - The following
are exempted from payment of the real property tax:chanrobles
virtual law library
(a) Real property owned by the Republic of the Philippines or any of its
political subdivisions except when the beneficial use thereof has been
granted, for consideration or otherwise, to a taxable person;
(b) Charitable institutions, churches, parsonages or convents
appurtenant thereto, mosques, nonprofit or religious cemeteries
and all lands, buildings, and improvements actually, directly, and
exclusively used for religious, charitable or educational purposes;
(c) All machineries and equipment that are actually, directly and
exclusively used by local water districts and government-owned or -
controlled corporations engaged in the supply and distribution of
water and/or generation and transmission of electric power;
(d) All real property owned by duly registered cooperatives as
provided for under R. A. No. 6938; and
(e) Machinery and equipment used for pollution control and
environmental protection. Except as provided herein, any exemption
from payment of real property tax previously granted to, or presently
enjoyed by, all persons, whether natural or juridical, including all
government-owned or -controlled corporations are hereby withdrawn
upon the effectivity of this Code.
Home for the aged made Christmas cards, binenta nila ito. Paano naman ang rules paggdating na asa
Kumita sila ng 3 million.
o Is it income? YES.
o Is it without or within? It is income WITHIN
Is it subject to income Tax? corporation, institution, accredited non-
NO. It is not. government organization, trust or philantrophic
Why? Kasi doon siya mahuhulog sa “as organization or research
such” because the income was realized for the
principal purpose for which the organization
or corporation was made, HENCE. Exempted
Yuung home for the aged, tumanggap ng rentals amounting to
o Is it income within? YES
o Is it taxable? YES
What is the basis? Last paragraph of section
o The point is, lahat
ng kinita nila from their
property or personal
property, or any activity
for profit so long as di na
in pursuant to the
primary purpose created
is subject to income tax
o WHAT IS THE TAX DUE? NIT, 30% Yung rate na ng
domestic corporations
What about bank deposit: 3.5 M, kumita ng 2,000 sa interest. This is
income. Is it income within? Yes.
o Is it taxable? YES. It is taxable
o What is the rate? FWT. 20% It is classified at passive
income, ang rate ng DC for passive income is 20%
o Why is it taxable? Again, HINDI NAMAN ITO INCOME
CREATED, so doon sila sa last paragraph ng section 30
mahuhulog – Hence, they are taxable
Yung 500,000 na kinita sa renta tsaka yung 2,000 pesos na kinita sa
passive income kahit na gamiting para pinturahan yung home for
the aged are NOT exempt from tax
o Sabi kasi sa section 30, REGARDLESS of disposition…. So
kahit saan pa niya gamitin, basta kinita niya NOT for the
principal purpose for which it was created hindi yan
exempted from tax
o Yung renta ba may connection bay un sa principal
purpose ng home for the aged? Hindi diba? Kahit yung
interests, walang kinalaman sa principal purpose
X gave 1m for the home for the aged as a gift
o From the point of view of the home for the aged, this is
Is it taxable? WELL, It is actually a GIFT, so
it does not fall under “as such” it falls under
the realm of donations
So dito, it is income from the point of view of
the receiver but there is NO INCOME TAX
Tignan muna natin yung relevant provisions
o Under Section 32 (B)(3)
Gifts, bequests and devises: The value of
property acquired by gift, bequest, devise or
descent: provided however, that income from
such property, as well as gift, bequest, devise,
descent of income from any property, in cases
of transfers of divided interest shall be
included in gross income
o Under section 99 DONORS TAX
(A) The tax for each calendar year shall be six
percent computed on the basis of the total gifts
in excess of 250,000 pesos exempt gift made
during the calendar year
(A) Gifts made to or for the use of the
National Government of any entity created by
any of its agencies which is not conducted for
profit or to any political subdivision of the
(cBha)ritGaibftlse rienl igfiaovuosr, cuolft
ureadlu ocra tsi onciaall wanedlf/aorer
istiutuion or organization, provided, o Yung pamisa ni simbahan, kumita ng 3M
however that not more than 30% of said gifts Taxable? YES.
administration purposes
So pag sakto sa 30% exempted
pa din
Under section 87 (Donor’s Tax)
(D) All bequests, devises, legacies or transfers
to social welfare, cultural and charitable
institutions, no part of the net income of
which inures to the benefit of any individual,
provided that not more than 30% of said
bequests, devises legacies or transfers shall
be used by such institutions for
administration purposes
So ayan na lahat ng relevant provisions, ganito mo siya iaapply.
o Yung 1M na binigay ni EX, Gift yun eh. So hindi taxable
yung tumanggap ang itatax is yung NAGBIGAY. Si X.
o So X is Generally not subject to tax. However, kapag
ginamit yung more than 30% doon sa pagbayad ng
administration fees TAXABLE NA.
If it was a donation inter vivos
[donation habang buhay pa si X] the
taxability will be based on Donor’s tax
under section: 99&101
Kapag di naman ginamit yung more than
for admin fees, EXEMPT
o So what is 30% of 1M, it is 300,000. So kapag lumampas
ka sa 300,000 pesos sa administration purposes
TAXABLE NA for 6% computed based on the total gifts
in excess of 250,000 [this is applicable in donation inter
o Paano naman kapag MORTIS CAUSA donation?
Yung provisions ng ESTATE TAX NAMAN ANG
Hence, doon sa 1m, if not more than 30%
was used for admin purpose. NOT
If more than 30% of the 1m was used
for admin purposes, TAXABLE na siya
So in the foregoing, ano ang remedy ni DONOR para hindi
nalang siya magbayad ng tax? Kasi siya na nga nagbigay, siya pa
din itatax?
Religious organization
because income “as such”- again, meaning it
was made for the primary purpose for which
it was created Revenues and assets are exempted: THIS
o Yung rentals na kinita ng simbahan sa mga pinarentahan
religious, charitable institutions, it is only NIRC
Is it subject to tax? YES.
Doon naman mahuhulog sa
So halimbawa, UST is a NSNPEIT: may parking lot, may garden, may
last paragraph ng section 30, na
carpark na andoon business establishments like mcdo, etc etc
lahat ng kita from property, real or
o So, first under RPT ano lang ang exempted?
personal or any activity for profit na
LAHAT naman exempted ang HINDI lang is yung laman
was NOT from the primary purpose
ng carpark, hindi naman kasi siya ADE for educational
for which it was created is subjected
purposes, kaya kailangan pa din niya magbayad ng tax
to INCOME TAX regardless of
o If RPT & Not ADE taxable, pero if yung INCOME is ginamit
disposition na sa ADE for educational purposes, The income is THUS
o RATE? 30% NIT, DC
kais nga DC ang
Ito kasi yung ginaguarantee ng constitution
classification ng religious So medyo may conflict between section 30
organization tsaka yung constitution, so regarding this
o What about on interests? IS IT TAXABLE? siyempre constitution is the supreme law of
Yes the land, so the constitution governs
What is the rate? FWT OF 20% = yun ang Kaya ganyan na siya nireconcile: Kapag RPT
rate ng domestic corporation sa interests eh tapos ADE, taxable pero kapag ginamit yung
income na yun for ADE educational purposes,
Si father nagpabless ng kotse, aabutan mo si father sa sobrang YUN EXEMPTED na ang income!!!!!!!
daming kotse na binless niya umabot ng 150,000 pesos So halimbawa si UST kumita ng tuition fee na 30M, tapos kumita ng
o Is this income? YES rental income na 5M
o Is it taxable? YES o Yung 30M na tuition fee, exempt din under sec 30 (H)
He realized income in the exercise of pati under the constitution kasi income ito as such, again
his profession, this is a consideration hence, if meaning for the PRIMARY PURPOSE yung kinita niya for
it does not exceed 3M annually, may choice si which it was created
father kung 8% or NIT o Yung 5M na rental income, Hindi exempt under section 30
If more than 3M, default NIT na
Last paragraph pero exempt under the constitution
If X gave a gift amounting to 1m to the religious institution So under section 30, Last paragraph NIT 30%
o It is generally exempted However, in constitution it is NOT the source,
If Donation inter vivos: Exempted
it is the USE. So yung 5M na rental income
under section 101 (2) = DONOR’S TAX
ginamit siya for purposes na ADE used for
If donation mortis causa: exempted
educational purposes, WALA NA TAX. Pero
under section 87 (D) = ESTATE TAX
kapag hindi, eh di ayun taxable pa din
o When is it not exempted?
It is not exempted if more than 30% was
This is best illustrated in DLSU VS CIR
used for administration purposes
Hence, if ginamit yung more than 30% of the
gift for administration purposes, TAXABLE COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE, vs. DE LA SALLE
If Intervivos, taxable under donor’s
If mortis causa, taxable under estate
G.R. No. 196596, November 09, 2016
h exemptions subject to the limitations provided by law including restrictions on dividends and provisions for reinvestment.
y, directly, and exclusively for educational purposes shall be exempt from tax
o all revenues and assets, including land, building and DLSU's rental income is taxable regardless of how such income is
improvements, ADE used for educational purposed are derived, used or disposed of. DLSU's operations of canteens and
EXEMPTED from taxes bookstores within its campus even though exclusively serving the
WHAT DOES IT COVER? university community do not negate income tax
Internal revenue Taxes
Article XIV, Section 4 (3) of the Constitution and Section 30 (H) of the Tax
St. Luke's fails to meet the requirements under Section 30 (E) and
(G) of the NIRC to be completely tax exempt from all its income.
However, it remains a proprietary non-profit hospital under
e any of its profits to its
nt to its corporate purposes. St. Luke's, as a proprietary non-profit hospital, is entitled to the preferential tax rate of 10% on its net income from its for-profit