Assessing Rock Compressive Strength and Predicting Formation Drillability Using Sonic, Gamma & Density Logs
Assessing Rock Compressive Strength and Predicting Formation Drillability Using Sonic, Gamma & Density Logs
Assessing Rock Compressive Strength and Predicting Formation Drillability Using Sonic, Gamma & Density Logs
Formation Drillability is one of the most important aspects for planning and designing a new oil/gas well since the factors
affecting the drilling performance have complex relationships between Formation Properties, Drilling Bit Design and
Operational parameters.
In this study, Sonic, Gamma and Density digitized logs have been extensively used as Logs are the real indicator of formation
drillability and also represent one or the other physical properties of formation. Rock Compressive Strength has been
calculated based on Compressional / Shear travel time (Sonic log), Bulk density (Density log), Shale content (Gamma log)
and detailed depth wise Lithology of offset wells.
Globally Rock Compressive Strength is calculated using proprietary softwares by Bit manufacturers to decide on formation
drillabilty aspects but in the absence of any such software with ONGC, an effort has been made to evaluate formation
drillabilty using standard tables, charts, formulae based on the best Industry experience and practices. Considering this as
inputs a Computer Spread-sheet Programme has been developed in-house at Institute of Drilling Technology which computes
Rock Compressive Strength.
In view of high operating cost of Drilling Rigs, if Rate of Penetration can be enhanced by any means, it will reduce open-hole
formation exposure time & any complications associated with it and eventually significant savings in Drilling Time & Drilling
Cost can be realized. Keeping this motto in mind, Compressive Strength studies for 25 major ONGC’s Onshore development
fields have been worked out.
Based on Rock Compressive Strength, recommended Bit Selection in different fields has been implemented. Very encouraging
results are being acknowledged from fields and on an average there is an increase of 150% to 300% in ‘Formation-
Drillability’ has been reported from different ONGC fields.
There are several methods prevalent for bit selection, such Log Based Bit Selection Method
as Cost per Meter method, Dull Bit Grading method, Offset
Bit Record method, Specific Energy methods etc. Identified 5 to 6 drilled wells in identified fields.
The commonly used criteria for selecting the bit for the Recorded broad lithology, well configuration and casing
next interval is the bit type with the highest ROP or the bit policy followed in each field.
with minimum Cost per Meter. In addition, factors such as
hydraulics, formation hardness, bit design, and operational Collected Sonic, Gamma and Bulk Density logs for 17 ½”,
parameters are considered in the selection process. Due to 12 ¼” & 8 ½” phases in digitized form.
the number of variables considered, the selection process
is a trial and error procedure. In many cases, this approach Developed a computer spreadsheet programme with the
can ignore some of the important parameters affecting the help of standard empirical formulae / tables ((Fig. 4) and
entered the digitized log data in respect of selected wells.
Calculated the UCS for each 15 centimeters. Took moving LKAU Cost/Meter also came down to just 66 % as
average of 3 meters to avoid sharp ups and down and compared to its offset well as shown in Fig.9.
plotted the same against the depth. (Fig. 5)
Jabera Field (Frontier Basin) :
Drew charts between Compressive Strength and Depth for Performance comparison has been made for 17½” phase of
17½”, 12¼” & 8½“ Phases for concerned fields (Fig. 4 & 1500m section of very hard formation (Fig.10), where
5). conventional bit-selection could attain hardly 16m/bit as
against 119m/bit with Log based Bit Selection. ROP
With the help of IADC, TCR & PDC Bits classification achieved was more than 150 %, thus Cost/Meter came
charts and Bit Selection Guide for most economic Bits down to almost half.
Selection (Fig. 1), made the criteria and classified the
intervals as (Very soft, Soft & Sticky, Soft, Soft Medium, Conclusion and Recommendations
Medium, Medium Hard, Hard and Extremely Hard) for
selection of TCR and PDC bits (Fig.6). Prevailing methods of bit selection like Cost per Meter,
Dull Bit Grading, Offset Bit Record and Specific Energy
Studied the performance of previously used bits in these methods in-fact reflect the bit capability i.e. individual
fields. Noticed the attributes of such bits, their wear bit’s efficiency to drill a formation and not the formation
pattern, bit life and reasons for poor performance. drillability. Logs, not bit records are an indicator of what
a bit penetrated. Therefore, the log values support in
Recommended suitable bits for different fields based on making economical bit selections.
inputs/analysis and observations (Fig.11).
Suitable Bit Selection have been recommended to all
Techno-Economics : Results based on Log Based concerned fields for 17 ½”, 12¼” & 8½” phases. Very
Bit Selection encouraging and positive outcomes are being received
from different work centers where the recommended bits
Performance comparison has been anlysed with Log based are being trial tested. In general, following are the
Bit Selection and conventional Bit Selection and shown in recommendations based on the compressive strength
Fig. 9, 10 ,11 & 12. study:
Nomenclature 18166 “Relationships between Formation
Strength, Drilling Strength and Electric Log
PDC : Polycrystalline Diamond Compact Properties”.
TCR : Tri Cone Roller
ROP : Rate of Penetration [Meter/Hour] 11032 “Shear Wave Travel Time Determination
TD : Target Depth [Meter] Using an unconventional approach”.
UCS : Unconfined Compressive Strength [PSI]
IADC : International Association of Drilling Contractors 77217 “Cumulative Rock Strength as a
GPM : Gallons Per Minute quantitative means of Bit Selection & Emerging
C/M : Cost Per Meter PCD Cutter Technology”
DBG : Dull Bit Grading
OBR : Offset Bit Record
SE : Specific Energy
Fig. 3 : Glimpse of Computer Spread Sheet Programme to evaluate Compressive Strength of formations using Sonic, Gamma & Bulk
Density Logs
Fig.4 : Compressive Strength vs Depth Charts for 12¼” & 8½“ Phase in Periyapattnam (Cauvery Field)
Fig.5 : Compressive Strength vs Depth Charts for Assam (Laipling Gaon) & KG (Pasaralapudi) Fields
Fig. 6 : Bit Selection Guides for Roller Cone & PDC (Polycrystalline Diamond Compact) Bits
Fig. 7 : No. of Drilling Days and Drilling Cost comparison in Geleki, Assam Wells (Comparison between G-191-A & GCG with their offset
wells GKED & GKBF)
Fig. 8 : Average ROP and No. of Bits Consumption comparison in Geleki, Assam Wells (Comparison between G-191-A & GCG with their
offset wells GKED & GKBF)
Fig. 9 : No. of Drilling Days in 12¼” Phase and Drilling Cost comparison in Lakwa, Assam Well (Comparison between LKAU & its offset
well LMAA)
Meters Drilled / Bit:Frontier Basin:Jabera # 2 Drilling Cost ($/Meter) : Frontier Basin : Jabera #2
16 1553
Fig. 10 : Meterage per Bit and Drilling Cost comparison in Frontier Basin Well (Comparison between Jabera # 2 & its offset well Jabera