Derida Zanr
Derida Zanr
Derida Zanr
1. Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe and Jean-Luc Nancy, L'Absolu litteraire: theorie de la
litterature du Romantisme allemand (Paris, Seuil: 1978) (Eng. The Literary Absolute:
The Theory of Literature in Gf71nan Romanticism, trans. Philip Barnard and
Cheryl Laster (New York: State University of New York Press, 1988)) [Ed.].
2. Derrida's page references are to Genette's original article, 'Genres, "Types",
Mode', Poetique, 8:32 (1977),389-421, not to the later version included in
Chapter 12 above [Ed.].
3. In this respect, the second footnote in L'Absolu litteraire, p. 271, seems
to me, let us say, a bit too equitable in its rigorous and honest prudence
[Derrida's note].
4. Compare the revised version of Genette's statement on p. 213 above [Ed.].