Flygt Öğütücülü Pompalar
Flygt Öğütücülü Pompalar
Flygt Öğütücülü Pompalar
grinder pump
Small, competitive and made to last
Heads of up to 60 metres
Head 70
0 0.5 1.0 Flow [l/s]
50 Hz
50Hz 400V
MH 3068.175 MF 3068.175
Semi-permanent, quick Transportable version
connection suspended with hose coupling or
coupling arrangement. flange for connection to
discharge pipeline.
How Flygt pumps are made to last
Class-F quality motor
At Xylem, we only use motors that
are made to operate in submer-
sible pumps. Inside our progres- Double seal system
sing-cavity pump, you’ll find a Our unique dual-tandem, double-
squirrel cage induction motor, mechanical seal system protects
made to Class F specifications. the motor from leakage. Working
The stator windings are independently of each other, they
trickle impregnated offer extra security and prolong
with resin and rated intervals between services.
at 155°C (310°F),
allowing up to 15
starts per hour.
Well-balanced drives
Vibrations are minimized thanks
Low flow, high heads to a manufacturing process that
A Flygt progressing-cavity pump produces shaft units to the most
produces a stable flow at high exacting tolerances. A smoothly
heads. The pumping action is running drive shaft ensures high
produced by a corkscrew-shaped motor efficiency and lower energy
rotor that turns in a rubber stator. consumption. With over 100,000
As the rotor turns, water trapped units in use, the track record
in cavities between the rotor and speaks for itself.
stator “progresses” through the
Long-life bearings
Reliability is further enhanced
thanks to two-row, angular-contact
ball-bearings. They are pre-packed
Robust grinder with high temperature grease for
The grinding mechanism has a maintenance-free performance.
long and successful track-record
having been used in municipal
pumps for over 20 years. It is ex-
tremely robust and can handle a
wide range of different solids. The
grinder chops up all solid material Efficient motor cooling
into pieces so small that they pass The motor is heat-shrink fitted to
through narrow pipes with ensure full metal-to-metal contact
ease. Made of high- with the outer housing which is
chrome steel, the cooled by the surrounding liquid.
grinding mechanism Fins on the outside of the housing
is wear-resistant and also dissipate heat.
A cable made for use in water
SUBCAB has been developed by
Xylem for use in submersible
applications. Due to its low liquid
absorption rate, it retains its me-
chanical and physical properties
even after long periods of use.
Cable entry
Separate sealing and strain relief
functions reduce the risk of cable
damage from improper handling.
Easy to install
With its standardized connections,
you can use Flygt progressing-
cavity pumps in existing sumps
and in Xylem’s prefabricated Flygt
pump stations.
A competitive pump in a competitive package
To make life easier for wastewater consultants and installers, we have put together a package that
contains a pump, pumpstation and a controller. By matching components that are optimized for
domestic pump stations, we are able to offer this integrated package at a competitive price.
Access covers
A complete pump station, ready-made [mm] ø 816
in concrete or
ø 785 polyethylene
Flygt Compit is a prefabricated pump station for
pressurized sewage systems. It comes complete
on delivery, ready for immediate installation and
Made in rotomoulded polyethylene, Compit is easy
to handle. The total weight, including pump and
cover, is 80-240 kg, depending on the version.
Flexible design
Cable entry
Flygt Compit can accommodate one or two
The pump station can be installed at depths bet-
ween 1.9 and 3 metres. This is made
possible thanks to an extension shaft that
can be cut to the required length.
max 3000
min 1865
Problem-free pumping
Flygt Compit has been designed to eliminate
sediment build-up. With its bowl-shaped 140
bottom and the smooth surfaces of the
inner walls, the pump station is virtually
ø 160
Cut running and service costs level. Here you can also check the alarm-log,
A Flygt pump controller can cut the cost of power consumption, number of starts and
running and maintaining a pump station. Our pump running time. Alarms that may occur will
controllers are made exclusively for control- be registered in a number of ways: in the alarm
ling pumps – nothing else. As the world leader log, by the warning lights and via any external
in submersible pumps, we have a full range of alarm connected to the alarm output. Alarms
controllers – from the most basic units to web- can also be sent to a Flygt SCADA system or as
based surveillance systems. a text-message to a mobile phone.
Key pad
The pump maker that knows its systems The pump maker that sets the standards
Designing a pressure sewage system is simple Xylem is a world leader in designing, manufac-
in theory, but harder in practice. Having been in turing and supplying subsmersible centrifugal
the pump business for over 60 years, we have pumps. You will always be able to find the right
learned a thing or two about pump systems. product for the job thanks to our wide range of
Today, we have a team of system engineers who pumps. Whatever the head, flow or application
have the knowledge to provide qualified design – whether it’s a small grinder or a high flow Flygt
recommendations and solutions. They know N-pump – we have a product that will do the job
their theory and have had plenty of practice in efficiently and reliably.
the field. They are there to help. Call them.
279 . Flygt progressive-cavity grinder pump . 1 . Master . 1 . 20100415
1) The tissue in plants that brings water upward from the roots
2) A leading global water technology company